Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Wrecking Ball

Despite his best efforts, Adam’s impeachment wrecking ball isn’t taking out the Trump Presidency; but it just might take out the Democrat House majority.

Say, remember when the media and the Democrats thought those public impeachment hearings were going to totally get the American people to hop on board Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Train?

Yeah.  That worked out GREAT!

Public support for impeachment is dropping faster than Katie Hill’s clothes.

In fact, House Democrats who managed to flip traditional Republican House seats last year are starting to get a little nervous about supporting impeachment.

Suddenly they remembered that they have to try and get reelected in less than a year.  And Adam Schiff’s Impeachment train is looking more like a wrecking ball.

But Adam’s impeachment wrecking ball hasn’t made a dent in the Trump Presidency.

Instead, it’s heading directly at the Democrat House majority.

Show of hands.

How many knew this would happen?

Why do you think so many on the right have been daring the Democrats to run their neck into this noose?

Impeachment was never going to be the Big Win Adam and Nancy thought it would be.
Of course it certainly didn’t help them that the public hearings offered nothing in the way of “impeachable” offenses.  Their conga line of “witnesses” who witnessed nothing only succeeded in reminding voters that Washington bureaucrats are smug, entitled know-it-alls who think they, and not the President, should be in charge.

And that ain’t a good thing to remind voters of heading into an election year.

Sure, Adam tried to turn chicken shit into chicken salad when he offered up a star turn in his closing statement — squeezing out a sad little tear over all the crimes he’s sure Donald Trump committed even though none of his “witnesses” could name any.
But it was too late to save the Democrats from Adam’s wrecking ball.

Never doubt me when I say that the Left will always push too hard and too far.  Adam Schiff’s impeachment wrecking ball is proof of what I call Operation Backfire.

And we all knew this was coming.

We all knew that once the Democrats caved to the demands of their ResistanceLOL base and went forward with Impeachment, it was going to blow up in their faces like an Acme Bomb.

Wile E Coyote explosion

And it’s all thanks to Adam Schiff.

He thought he aimed this Impeachment Wrecking Ball at Donald Trump.  But instead it is careening toward every single vulnerable Democrat in the House.

And I’m guessing those vulnerable Democrats are starting to regret their vote to let this wrecking ball loose.