Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Hildabeast Keeps Getting Smaller

It is sad when we as human beings cannot put our petty emotions aside long enough to honor someone at their funeral.
Elijah Cummings is supposed to be an Icon of the Civil Rights era, a man who fought beside the likes of Martin Luther King for civil rights for Blacks in America.
His funeral should be a time of reflection of his efforts to live up to that status. One should expect to hear people of all sides eulogize him for his accomplishments of furthering the greatest aspects of humanity.
Maybe most people did that, I don’t know, did not watch the spectacle on television but I did read the headlines the next day. What did I see?
Clinton repeatedly compared Rep. Cummings to the prophet Elijah in the Bible, including how the two figures "stood against the corrupt leadership of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel."
The Liberal Media was abuzz about how Hillary took a veiled shot at President Trump.
How typical, a bitter old woman, a two time loser for a run for President, a woman who for over 30 years allowed her husband to humiliate her over his constant tomcatting, had the audacity to take a political swipe at a sitting President.
For what?
To prove how cool she was, how intelligent she is, or to prove how petty and pathetic she is?
What do we know about her accomplishments and actions for these fifty years?
1.     Graduated from Wellesley College BS Political Science 1969
2.     While attending Yale she supported the Black Panthers 1972
3.     Graduated from Yale Juris Doctor Degree 1973
4.     Failed the Washington D.C. bar exam 1973, blamed her professor for failing the exam.
5.     Clerked on the Nixon Impeachment 1974, terminated from the effort for her actions.
6.     Married Bill Clinton 1975, even though she had doubts about his fidelity
7.     Taught Law at University Arkansas 1975-1976
8.     1st Female Law Partner of Rose Law Firm 1977, even though she never met the pre-requisites of partnership.
9.     1st Lady of Arkansas 1979-1981 and 1983-1992, embroiled in scandals throughout her time in Arkansas.
10.  1st Lady of United States 1993-2001, embroiled in scandals throughout her time in the White House.
11.  Twice elected U.S. Senator, NY 2000-2006, served only one term.
12.  Lost a run for President 2008, lost to a politically unknown candidate.
13.  Secretary of State, Obama Administration 2009-2013, embroiled in scandal throughout her tenure.
14.  Lost a run for President 2016, lost to a political neophyte.
Since she lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump, Hillary has listed no less that twenty five reasons for her loss. Not one of them is her own poor performance or lack of connection to the general voter.
Sadly, what we see in Hillary Clinton is a bitter old woman, insecure in her own accomplishments and obviously scared to death she will slide into history as such.
To have a Media and Liberal segment of society to crow about how clever and bold such immature and obviously pathetic actions are, speaks volumes of these segments of our society.