Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sessions Came Out of Retirement to Drop This Bombshell

Jeff Sessions Came Out of Retirement to Drop This Bombshell About Impeaching Trump

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was a controversial figure in the Trump administration.

The President fired Sessions after the 2018 midterms after Sessions caved into Barack Obama’s Deep State and recused himself from the Russian investigations.

And now Jeff Sessions came out of retirement to drop this bombshell about impeaching Trump.

Some political pundits thought Sessions would be one of the former administration officials with knives out for the President.

The President routinely berated Sessions on social media for allowing the Mueller investigation to spiral out of control and for not more aggressively prosecuting the saboteurs and traitors within the Deep State trying to stage a coup.

Sessions was the first Senator to endorse Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign and Sessions’ appearance at a 2015 rally in Mobile, Alabama that drew over 20,000 supporters was an early sign that Trump’s campaign was built to last.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions emerged from his political exile to deliver remarks at the Madison County, AL Republican Party’s Freedom Celebration gala.

Sessions stunned attendees by revealing he’s still loyal to Donald Trump and supports the President in the face of the Democrat Party coup.

The former Attorney General told the crowd he still stands in the President’s corner because Donald Trump is “relentlessly and actually honoring the promises he made to the American people.

That’s why I still do support him,” Sessions continued.

As the President heads into his re-election campaign that is running smack dab into an impeachment coup, Sessions outlined his support for the “Make America Great Again” agenda that powered Trump to victory in 2016.

Sessions declared President Trump was right to confront China and renegotiate trade deals that benefited foreign countries at the expense of American workers.

“But if we’re going to be victors in a good trade policy, the world needs to be buying a whole lot more of our products because we’ve got the best farm products, the cheapest farm products and we can supply the highest quality. I think that we are in a good position. We’ve just got to stand,” Sessions told the crowd.

Sessions made his name in the Senate as the foremost opponent of open borders and amnesty.

Trump’s strong stand on the border and an America First immigration policy drew Sessions to Trump.

In his remarks Sessions doubled down on his support for the President’s policies to make the immigration system benefit Americans as opposed to illegal aliens.

“We’ve got people out there – many of them are basically open borders people,” Sessions exclaimed. “Yes, you get a little GDP boost if you add a number of people to the United States.”

“The president said I’m going to end it,” Sessions added. “I agree with you, American people. We’re going to stop it if you elect me. He’s done everything he possibly can. I was there trying to help him get this done. It’s going to get better.”

Sessions’ remarks came at a crucial point in the Trump Presidency.

Establishment Republicans in the Senate will look for any hint of cracks in the President’s base of support to give them cover to participate in the coup to remove Donald Trump.

Sessions’ speech makes it clear that Trump’s base is just as solidly behind the President as it was on Election Day 2016.

Great American Daily will keep you up to date on any new developments in this ongoing story.
Author: Great American Daily Staff