Friday, October 25, 2019

Senator Lindsey Graham Introduces Resolution Condemning Pelosi/Schiff “Star-Chamber” Impeachment Fiasco

Senator Lindsey Graham held a press conference to introduce a Senate Resolution condemning the House of Representatives’ closed-door impeachment investigation. 

There are currently 46 Republican Senators supporting the Graham-McConnell resolution: 1.Graham 2.McConnell 3.Grassley 4.Thune 5.Blunt 6.Shelby 7.Inhofe 8.Roberts 9.Crapo 10.Cornyn 11.Burr 12.Barrasso 13.Wicker 14.Risch 15.Boozman 16.Moran 17.Toomey 18.Rubio 19.Paul 20.Hoeven 21.Lee 22.Johnson 23.Scott (SC) 24.Fischer 25.Cruz 26.Capito 27.Cassidy 28.Lankford 29.Cotton 30.Daines 31.Perdue 32.Ernst 33.Tillis 34.Rounds 35.Sasse 36.Young 37.Kennedy 38.Hyde-Smith 39.Blackburn 40.Cramer 41.McSally 42.Braun 43.Hawley 44.Scott (FL) 45.Portman and 46.Sullivan.
While the resolution [Text Available Here] is easily blocked by any democrat senator; what is important is to get senators on-the-record. This is an indicator of who will vote to impeach the President should articles ever reach the Senate.
There are 53 Republican Senators and 47 Democrats.  If your senator is not on the list supporting the Graham-McConnell resolution, it might be a good idea to STAND and demand to know why?