Saturday, October 26, 2019

Schiff For Brains - Former Glee Club Member

Adam Bennett Schiff - An example of what happens when a little boy grows up knowing he is a pathetic example of manhood and all other males see him as prey.

No doubt all of us knew an Adam Schiff in high school. He was that small framed little guy who wanted to be the equipment manager, joined the AV Club or Glee Club, had a best friend who was a rather masculine girl.

All of us probably pulled his kind out of a locker when some bully shoved him in one.

A Schiff For Brains fellow probably excels at education because it earns him recognition and adulation from Academia.

What has Schiff For Brains accomplished?

Schiff For Brains began working as a prosecutor in the Los Angeles branch of the U.S. Attorney's Office. While an assistant U.S. Attorney, he gained attention by prosecuting a case against Richard Miller, a former FBI agent convicted of "passing secret documents to the Soviet Union in exchange for a promised $65,000 in gold and cash."[4] The first trial resulted in a hung jury; the second trial resulted in a conviction that was overturned on appeal.[5] Miller was convicted in a third trial.[6]

Schiff For Brains handled the 1st trial, seems the Jury thought Schiff For Brains never proved his case! By the 3rd trial he was never convicted!

So it seems Schiff For Brains has always been involved in fabricating evidence to convict someone. Wonder why it took 3 trials for this guy?

By the way, who was Richard Miller? The FBI had 20 years of evaluation of Miller while with the bureau, his personnel file was  filled with doubts about his job performance. His superiors had repeatedly admonished him to control his ballooning weight. And in 1982, a psychologist examined Miller and told the FBI that he was emotionally unstable and should be nurtured along in some harmless post until retirement.

Schiff For Brains could not even get a quota pick Government slug convicted and sent to prison!

Schiff For Brains has spent 30 years in State and Federal Government Service, he has never held a job outside Government. He is a typical Bureaucrat unable to actually accomplish anything of import!

In Schiff For Brains nearly 30 years in State and Federal Government ha has accomplished:

1. A Failed prosecution of a potential traitor from the FBI. That failed.
2. Passed state legislation for the Blue Line Light Rail. That failed.
3. Pass state legislation to create a Noise Complaint System for helicopters in Los Angeles. That was successful, see he can create bureaucracy.

Yes in nearly 30 years, Schiff For Brain has actually accomplished nothing!  Anyone surprised?

Now, Schiff ForBrains knew President Trump was guilty, in fact he claimed on over 200 occasions he had seen evidence of guilt! But when 
pressed what did Schiff For Brains do?

Schiff For Brains came under fire when he demurred when asked if he would accept it if the Special Counsel's investigation concluded that Donald Trump did not collude with Russia, saying that he has great confidence in Mueller but that "there may be, for example, evidence of collusion or conspiracy that is clear and convincing, but not proof beyond a reasonable doubt," as is needed for a criminal conviction.[53]

So, after failing at the 3 year Russian Collusion Delusion, Schiff For Brains has been selected by Tide Pod Nancy to head up the Impeachment Inquiry. 

What is their strategy? Ukrainian Collusion! Does this smell and sound familiar?