Monday, October 28, 2019

NSA Robert O’Brien -vs- A Grieving Chuck Todd

Generally speaking I wouldn’t recommend watching a Chuck Todd interview especially when he’s grieving the loss of one of his own; however, this interview with National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien provides some insight into why he was selected by President Trump for the very important position.

As to Todd’s disposition… do you remember those press briefings from Saudi Arabia during Operation Dessert Storm in 1991?  The briefings where the media would shout: “where exactly are our troops located, and when will they be moving”?  Or “can you tell us exactly how many troops are positioned near the Kuwait border, how many marines will be coming ashore; and exactly what time they will be arriving?” ….

If you remember watching that stuff; and if you remember General Schwarzkopf’s belittling responses therein; this interview with Chuck Todd will have a ring of familiarity: