Sunday, October 13, 2019

‘Looks Like a Depreciating Stock’

Bill Maher: 
Joe Biden 'Looks Like a Depreciating Stock'

Bill Maher: Joe Biden 'Looks Like a Depreciating Stock'
Liberal HBO host Bill Maher has, surprisingly, been the voice of reason for the Democrats lately. A couple weeks ago he tore into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, for their swampy behavior in Ukraine. And he finally said what average Americans have been saying all along: Biden has very little chance of beating President Donald Trump next year, assuming he even becomes the Democrats' nominee. 

"I like Joe. He's never been my favorite. If he is the guy to beat Trump, I’m was like, let’s not kill him, because if he is the one. But I must confidence that he can beat Trump is waning," Maher said on Friday night with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). "He looks like a depreciating stock to me."

And Maher brought up another issue with Biden: he is old and white, the very thing Democrats accuse the Republican Party of being. 

"I’m not trying to get Joe out," he told Klobuchar. "We do need someone in the center who is a younger and female."

Democrats continue to defend Biden even though it's obvious that what took place in Ukraine was the definition of political corruption. Hunter was being paid $50,000 a month by a Ukrainian gas company, despite having no natural energy experience. But the real kicker is that Vice President Biden was handling international relations with Ukraine on behalf of the Obama administration. That's not coincidental.

The Democrats have focused on blaming President Trump for alerting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of the Bidens' corrupt behavior and asking for him to investigate what took place. 

The Democratic Party would be wise to listen to Maher on this one. But they'll probably just write him off as a comedian who has no idea what he's talking about. And that's a win for conservatives.