Friday, October 11, 2019

Is Biden A Crook? You Decide

The information stemming from the whistleblower report and subsequent impeachment inquiry is coming out at breakneck pace. The following is a timeline of events intended to help the American people form their own judgement on these matters of vital national importance.
In the course of compiling a timeline of Hunter and Joe Biden’s Ukraine activities and the whistleblower complaint, other key parties with conflicts of interests emerged beyond the much-discussed Biden-Burisma-Ukraine connection. For this reason the timeline incorporates some significant dates reflecting these wider associations, discussed below the timeline.

2002 – Zlochevsky founds Burisma Holdings.
2003-2005 – Zlochevsky serves as chairman of Ukraine’s State Committee on Natural Resources, which oversaw allocation of gas licenses [WSJ]
2006 – Zlochevsky’s Bursima starts gas production in Ukraine.
2010-2012 – Zlochevsky serves as Ecology and Natural Resources Minister, again overseeing allocation of gas licenses; Burisma’s main subsidiaries “received all their exploration permits for fresh fields during his two stints in the top posts, excluding extensions on existing fields. Those exploration licenses were awarded without public auctions” [WSJ]; Zlochevsky’s involvement in Burisma was not revealed to the public until after he stepped down from this post. [Breitbart]
2011 – Dmitri Alperovich (Russian-born Atlantic Council Senior Fellow, son of Michael Alperovich) and George Kurtz co-found Crowdstrike
February 22, 2014 – President Yanucovych deposed by parliament, flees to Russia
Zlochevsky also flees Ukraine
February 27, 2014: U.S.-backed Yatsenuk installed as PM
March 17, 2014 – Russia invades Crimean peninsula – annexes portion of Ukraine and regains access to deep water port in Black Sea with access to Mediterranean.
Joe Biden appointed to oversee Ukraine after Russia seizes Crimea [The Hill]
Early April 2014 – UK seizes $23 million in Bursima assets on money laundering charge when Burisma attempts to move the money to Cyprus.
Early April 2014 – Devon Archer (Yale roomate and business partner to Hunter Biden) meets with Joe Biden in White House one week before Archer joins board of Burisma. [The Hill]
April 18, 2014 – Hunter Biden appointed to board of directors of Burisma. Hunter and Archer receive payments Spring 2014-Fall 2015, totaling $3.1 million over 14 months, split between the two, with Hunter receiving $83K/month. [For background on Hunter’s other business dealings, including his lucrative China dealings while his father was in office and overseeing Chinese affairs, see Jim Geraghty’s comprehensive National Review timeline.]
April 22, 2014 – Biden travels to Ukraine and offers $50 million aid to Yatsenuk’s new government
Spring 2014 – Ukraine prosecutor Shokin opens investigation into Zlochevsky/Bursima at the request of UK; WSJ reports Zlochevsky was under investigation in a Ukrainian unlawful-enrichment probe and a separate Ukrainian into alleged abuse of power, forgery and embezzlement
January 2015 – UK closes Burisma investigation when Ukraine failed to produce requested documents by deadline; Ukraine’s Burisma investigation continues.
July 13, 2015 – Crowdstrike announces major investment by Google Capital (Google was the largest corporate donor to the Clinton campaign. Google Capital is owned by Alphabet, whose CEO Eric Schmitds strongly supported the Clinton campaign.) Other investors include Warburg Pincus, whose president, Timothy Geithner, worked for the Clinton and Obama administrations. [Washington Times]
August 2015 – Joe Biden polling high for 2016 presidential election
Fall 2015 – Hunter Biden stops receiving Burisma payments
October 2015 – Biden drops out of 2016 race [allegations are that the NY Times had begun investigating the Biden-Ukraine scandal by this time]
December 7, 2015 – Wall Street Journal publishes Biden exposé, “Ukrainians See Conflict in Biden’s Anticorruption Message”
December 9, 2015 – NY Times publishes Biden exposé, “Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch”
February 2015 – Shokin returns to Ukraine prosecutor’s position
March 2016 – Just days before the Shokin firing, BlueStar Strategies rep. Sally Painter met with Ukraine embassy official in D.C. to seek a meeting with the prosecutor’s office around the time of Joe’s upcoming visit, and was told to wait until the following week. Burisma’s accounting records show payments to BlueStar. [The Hill]
March 29, 2016 – The day Shokin’s firing is announced, Burisma’s legal defense rep. John Buretta (former U.S. Assistant Attorney General under Holder) calls to ask to speak to interim prosecutor Sevruk, but was denied according to Ukraine prosecutor’s memo.
April 6, 2016 – 2 BlueStar reps.  Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano (formerly with the Clinton administration) and Burisma legal defense Buretta obtain meeting with interim Ukraine prosecutor Sevruk. They apologize “for the dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures on the activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine in regards to the investigation of criminal activities of Zlochevsky” and offer to set up DC meeting for new Ukraine prosecutor. [Ukraine prosecutor Sevruk’s memo]
New Ukraine prosecutor Lutsenko scales back Burisma investigation to tax evasion.
Summer 2016 – DNC hires Crowdstrike to investigate server breech; Crowdstrike identifies Russia as perpetrator. The DNC paid Crowdstrike more than $400,000 during 2016. [Washington Times]
November 2016 – Trump wins presidential election
January 2017 – Joe Biden visits Ukraine 10 days before Trump takes office.
January 2017 – Burisma investigation resolved in Ukraine days before Trump’s inauguration, and just after Burisma pays UAH 180 million (a few million U.S.$) back taxes [critics suggest this was a payoff to close the case]
January 2017 – Burisma signs cooperative agreement with Atlantic Council to sponsor their Eurasia Center [Kyiv Post] Crowdstrike cofounder Dmitri Alperovich is a senior fellow with Atlantic Council. The Atlantic Council is hawkish on Russia. In addition to funding from Burisma, it receives funding from the George Soros Open Society Foundation and Ukrainian billionaire who also donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, Viktor Pinchuk. [Daily Caller]
January 20, 2017 – Donald Trump inauguration
Feb. 1, 2017 – Kyiv Post publishes interview with Buretta in which he details timeline of Burisma investigation, saying Ukraine investigation began Aug. 2014 and was open for two years, and contradicting Joe Biden’s claim that the Burisma investigation was over when he demanded Ukraine prosecutor’s firing.
December 2017 – Crowdstrike issues report claiming Russia hacked Ukraine artillery app, and uses the findings to buttress its findings that Russia hacked the DNC servers. The International Institute for Strategic Studies disputes Crowdstrike’s Ukraine hack claim, however, and Crowdstrike subsequently revises and retracts part of its report according to the Voice of America.
January 2018 – Biden describes, at a Council on Foreign Relations event, his threat to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine unless prosecutor Shokin is fired
May 24, 2018 – Intelligence Community Inspector General alters Disclosure of Urgent Complaint “whistleblower” policy (but not the form) to allow second-hand information. ICIG Press Release [The form stated  “The [Intelligence Community Inspector General] cannot transmit information via the ICPWA based on an employee’s second-hand knowledge of wrongdoing,” under the bolded heading “FIRST-HAND INFORMATION REQUIRED.” The Federalist]
Summer 2018 – Ukraine begins trying to alert DOJ to possible ethics violations and pro-Clinton election meddling by Democrats in Ukraine. [The Hill]
July 23, 2018 – November 29, 2020 – Crowdstrike contracted to build and secure cloud server for Southern District of New York, where data pertaining to those in President Trump’s inner circle would reside. [Laura Loomer]
April 2019 -Hunter Biden left Burisma board [NY Times]
June 2019 – ICIG alters Disclosure of Urgent Complaint “whistleblower” form, “in response to recent press inquiries regarding the instant whistleblower complaint,” to allow second-hand information, in line with the new policy it says it adopted in May 2018, according to its Press Release
June 2019 – Crowdstrike valuation jumps to $12 billion after its IPO release, less than eight years after its founding.
July 2019 – Inspector General’s report findings on origin of Mueller investigation begin to emerge, beginning with its findings on James Comey.
August 2019 – New Disclosure of Urgent Complaint form allowing hearsay whistleblower complaints stamped “revised August 2019” – see above: May 24, 2018; June 2019.
Aug. 12, 2019- Whistleblower statement submitted to Adam Schiff and Richard Burr. [text] The New York Times recently revealed that the whistleblower had previously contacted Schiff’s office with information and was directed to the Inspector General.
Aug. 24-31, 2019: Adam Schiff staffer John Eager, visits Ukraine as a fellow with the Atlantic Council, the Burisma funded think tank which also counts Crowdstrike co-founder Dmitri as a senior fellow [Breitbart]
Sept. 4, 2019 – Shokin signs sworn witness statement detailing Biden’s role in his firing, and the ongoing status of the Burisma investigation at the time. Shokin claims he was fired for refusing to close the Burisma investigation.
Sept. 24, 2019 – Pelosi launches impeachment inquiry
Adam Schiff offers “parody” account of Trump-Ukraine phone call, notably leaving out the president’s request for an investigation into Crowdstrike in relation to pro-Clinton meddling in the 2016 election.
Sept. 25, 2019 – Trump-Ukraine phone call transcript released, revealing multiple inaccuracies in the whistleblower complaint. President Zelensky denies that he was pushed to investigate Biden or Crowdstrike by president Trump in their phone call. Media reports immediately discount any potential for a conflict of interest in Crowdstrike and mock the president for the suggestion that Crowdstrike has anything to do with the Ukraine.
As the above information reveals, however, not only is Crowdstrike’s cofounder Russian-born and therefore biased in regards to relations between Russia, Ukraine and America, but Crowdstrike has deep connections with the Democratic Party, and with the Atlantic Council, a think tank which holds a strong anti-Russia bias and is funded by Ukraine’s Burisma and Ukraine billionaire oligarch Viktor PInchuk. Crowdstrike’s own report on hacking in the Ukraine, which it used to bolster its claim that Russia hacked the DNC, was ultimately debunked.
Undoubtedly Joe Biden’s Ukraine activities should be investigated, but the whistleblower report has blown open much wider scandals involving Crowdstrike’s unique influence in American politics and the Deep State machinations to overthrow a duly elected president.
New information indicating Democratic corruption and Deep State efforts to undermine
the presidency and U.S. foreign policy is coming out on a near daily basis.
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