Thursday, October 24, 2019

Impeachment Backfiring: GOP Polling Memo Shows Public Turning Against Democrat Efforts to Oust Trump

Internal polling by the Republicans shows that people, even Democrats, are being turned off by the Democrats’ bogus attempts to impeach this president. The polling shows that 54% of voters are against the impeachment inquiry, while only 34% in favor of it. Just wait till they find out they’ve been hoodwinked by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

Remember what happened to Rachel Maddow’s ratings once they found out she was lying to her viewers. She sank quicker than the Titanic. Overall, the support for the impeachment inquiry dropped 5% in one week, and more surprisingly, support among Democrats dropped by 10 points.

The Democrats are doing everything in total secrecy, and it’s my guess that no one trusts them, even with Adam Schiff leaking selective bits and pieces. The media, as always, is doing their part to try to convince voters the idea is popular, but the voters no longer believe Democrat polling. If it were reliable, we would be talking about President Hillary. The NYT gave her a 92% chance of winning on election day. How did that work out for them?

“The RNC is tracking support for impeachment on a weekly basis using our sophisticated, battle-tested voter score program,” the memo says.

The internal polling data showing impeachment failing comes towards the end of the broader page-and-a-half memo, which explains why the public polling is so different from what the RNC is finding. These unreliable public surveys range from a recent Gallup survey to a recent Fox News poll and others that somehow suggest impeachment support is on the rise since Democrats moved forward with it a month ago, when in fact it is not.

“Over the past month, many news outlets have published polls regarding the impeachment inquiry with highly inconsistent and inaccurate methodologies that lead to inaccurate top line results,” the memo opens. “This memo seeks to breakdown the methodology in recently released polls and provide insight in what to watch out for in these releases, especially when compared to the RNC’s proven internal polling. We took a look at three common issues with recent public polling.”

Under the memo’s first subheading, “Flawed Sampling Methodology,” the RNC memo explains that both the Gallup and the Fox News polls were incorrect because they used methods that do not produce accurate results.