Monday, October 28, 2019

Great Start to the Week

Good Morning Monday - What a great start to the week!

DETROIT (AP) — Former U.S. Rep. John Conyers, one of the longest-serving members of Congress whose resolutely liberal stance on civil rights made him a political institution in Washington and back home in Detroit despite several scandals, has died. He was 90.

While Washington D.C. is busing mourning the death of another long term Black Hand Puppet of the Rich White Liberal Oligarchy another one of their Black Hand Puppets drops over dead!

So, let's see what Monday's headlines are:

  • President Trump announces the killing of the top two ISIS leaders.
  • Media elites moan about how mean President Trump was to the august Islamic Scholar "Bagganutz"
  • Washington National Fans Boo President Trump!
  • Houston Crushes Nationals 7-1!
  • TidePod Nancy demands briefing on "Bagganutz"
  • Semen Repository Katies Hill will resign from Congress.
Meanwhile: President Trump laughs and keeps on winning! The Hildabeast screams, "What about Me?" and "Schiff For Brains" runs looking for a camera so he can claim he has evidence Trump is guilty.

Damn, if this is just Monday, what else will President Trump do to drive this poor deluded Liberals and their Democrat politicians into fill blown TDS meltdown?