Tuesday, October 1, 2019

America Wake Up We Need a Bastille Day!

Democrats rush for Impeachment!
I heard a Democrat say on MSNBC that, "Impeachment has noting to do with criminal activity, it is a political process and should be used to remove Trump because he is unqualified to be President" 
Rather says it all does it not?
For over two years we had the Russian Collusion Investigation which turned out to be a contrived coup by the entrenched bureaucracy in Washington DC to remove an elected President who did not believe in the status quo of the Washington elite.
America has a serious problem, we have a class of people who actually believe they are special and more deserving to lead this nation. Why?
Simple, they  went to all the best schools, they congregate in all the right circles, they are woke, they  feel social responsibility more than most.
History is replete in showing "Power Corrupts, Absolutely!"
Let's look at one of these elites:
Peter Strozk -graduate of Georgetown University, his daddy was a life long employee of the Corps of Engineers. Strozk spent his entire career in Government services. He has never held a real job where he might have to produce a product or contribute to society. He was a paper pusher in the FBI writing theories about Government Intelligence. 
What  is Strozk known for?
Sending text messages to his paramour whom he was cheating on his wife with, telling her, "God the American people are stupid" and "I am in a Wal Mart and I can smell the Trump supporters"
See,Peter Strozk was a Hillary Clinton supporter, he knew her election would help keep the entrenched bureaucracy safe, fat dumb and happy.
Are our Politicians and Political leaders elites? I simply don't see it.
Democrat Hank Johnson of Georgia, in Congress for 12 years, during a Congressional hearing he questions a Military officer about overcrowding on the island of Guam, why? he actually says "he is afraid over population will cause the island to over turn" 
Our Politicians authorize a secret fund of taxpayer dollars to settle Sex Abuse and Race Discrimination claims against Politicians by their own employees. To date this fund has paid out $17.2 million dollars in taxpayer funds. Not one politician has resigned or been fired for their actions.
Finally, I'll close on NAFTA!
Business leaders decided they could increase profits and stock values by moving their manufacturing facilities out of the United States to countries who would provide near slave labor. What did they do? Bribed Politicians to negotiate NAFTA and boom 90% of America's manufacturing facilities move out of America. Millions end up losing their jobs.
When NAFTA was passed 74% of the American work force held no higher education than a high school degree.
Did Politicians consider the impacts on say, a 50 year old man who worked in that factory for 30 years, who had a wife, two kids, a mortgage, car loan and a reasonably decent life from his factory job?  
Nope the elites in the entrenched bureaucracy said, that's life these people should have gotten college educations and better jobs.
Face it folks, Impeachment is a political process, the entrenched bureaucracy, the Deep State, the Elites are fighting to protect their way of life in leading the poor unwashed masses.
It is time for an American Bastille day.