Friday, October 25, 2019

Adam Schiff Lines-Up Depositions from Current and Former NSC Staff who Disagree with Trump Foreign Policy to Prove Merit of Impeachment

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is now calling current and former White House National Security Council (NSC) staff to appear before his committee to provide evidence for impeachment.  The purpose of the requests is to gather testimony from all those who disagree with President Trump’s foreign policy.

The arc of the current impeachment plan is to remove President Trump from office because he is not permitting the Bush, Clinton-Clinton, Bush-Bush, Obama-Obama foreign policy to continue.   All career bureaucrats who have advised and constructed U.S. foreign policy for maximum influence & financial gain are now fuel for impeachment.

(Via AP) Closed-door interviews are tentatively scheduled with Charles Kupperman, a deputy to national security adviser John Bolton, and Tim Morrison, NSC’s current Russia and Europe director. Kupperman and Bolton have both left the White House.
The four people spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss the confidential schedule. (read more)
It would not be surprising for articles of impeachment to be framed around President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Treaty, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and elimination of the Iran nuclear weapons agreement.

For Pelosi, Schiff, Democrats and the UniParty republicans to be any more transparent in their agenda they would need to change the impeachment verbiage to “official swamp industry advocacy committee”, and register as lobbyists for the world under FARA.