Monday, September 30, 2019

Rudy Giuliani makes the rounds on the Sunday talk shows 👀


Sunday Talks: 

Rudy Giuliani -vs- Maria Bartiromo

President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Ukraine issues, corruption and Joe Biden.  Ultimately, in the background of the Ukraine issue, Giuliani’s points highlight how Senate Republicans are intentionally sandbagging the issues because they too are culpable in the Ukraine origin. 


Holy Cats – CBS Margaret Brennan Embarrassed Herself During Meltdown Debate With Rudy Giuliani Over Ukraine

During a Face The Nation segment today, host Margaret Brennan was trying to refute Rudy Giuliani’s evidence about corruption in Ukraine.  Unfortunately for Brennan, the truth has no agenda.

Margaret Brennan kept interrupting Giuliani and saying CBS had spoken to the Ukraine prosecutor.  Giuliani asked “which one?” Brennan ignored.  Giuliani persisted: “which one?”… “which one?”… which led to Brennan saying “the current one” as she cued-up a pre-planned video segment of a BBC interview with Sergy Lutsenko. [Notice CBS intentionally didn’t put up a chyron during the video snippet] Giuliani started laughing because Lutsenko was the corrupt prosecutor Joe Biden demanded to be installed.

As soon as Giuliani mentioned who Lutsenko was – Brennan was completely eviscerated
and she immediately knew it…. The blood drains from her face as she recognizes her

credibility was melting away live on camera. She re-positions as the angry resistance, and tries (and fails) to keep the narrative afloat.  Priceless: 


He Continues – Rudy Giuliani Wrecks ABC’s Narrative Engineer George Stephanopoulos

Remember, in the deep & factional political weeds George Stephanopoulos is ‘team Cinton’.  Team Obama are exposed in the Biden-Ukraine pay-to-play scandal.  The aspect that exposes Team Clinton is the FBI false construct of the vast Russian conspiracy with Crowdstrike, DNC server hacking and the Ukraine dirt-digging participation for 2016.
As a result, Stephanopoulos is more concerned with defending Team Clinton (DNC hack via Crowstrike) than defending Team Obama (Joe Biden selling influence).

Giuliani knows the factional nuance; and as a result he immediately side-steps the part of the Ukraine narrative that Stephanopoulos is prepared to defend (Clinton).  Instead, Giuliani goes to the part of the Ukraine narrative that surrounds Team Obama (via Biden), where Stephanopoulos is less invested.  Smart move.

Rudy Giuliani, having avoided the Clinton trap, then rips the legs out from under the Biden-Ukraine defense and beats Stephanopoulos over the head with the truth hammer.