Monday, September 30, 2019

Righteously Angered – Mark Levin 👀

Righteously Angered – Mark Levin Discusses The Sneaky Construct of Pelosi’s Impeachment Plan

Thankfully word is getting out; people are starting to recognize the construct behind House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s highly political impeachment plan.  [CTH will have more on the plan details soon because key democrats are leaving distinct fingerprints.]

In the first four minutes of this interview Mark Levin outlines how Speaker Pelosi is throwing out customs, traditions, processes and protocols within the House impeachment scheme. This is not a flaw of their plan, this is a key feature.  As CTH has outlined, a concerted group of like-minded ideologues – that also consists of Lawfare allies,  are following a plan developed soon after, if not before, the 2018 mid-term election.

Additionally, Mr. Levin accurately calls-out Fox reporter Ed Henry for promoting the false narrative, containing Democrat talking points, about the Trump-Ukraine phone call.  President Trump also tweeted this full broadcast from this morning. Quite a segment: