Sunday, September 29, 2019

Attorney General Bill Barr Visits Italy on “Official Business”? –

Remember That Audio-Tape 

Deposition by Joseph Mifsud?

First, the context… On Thursday night Carl Bernstein saidWilliam Barr is preparing to deliver “evidence of a deep state conspiracy.”  Bernstein’s statement followed on the heels of Chairman Jerry Nadler proclaiming: “The President dragged the Attorney General into this mess,” [Nadler wrote on Twitter after the transcript was released]. “At a minimum, AG Barr must recuse himself until we get to the bottom of this matter.”

Then on Friday during an interview on MSNBC Morning Joe, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said AG William Barr had “gone rogue” in his efforts to protect 
President Trump.

Amid the newly visible sense of urgency toward a Trump impeachment effort by all of the  aforementioned soft-coup participants (and more), it certainly does seem like AG Bill Barr is at the forefront of their current concern.  Then there’s this…

on Friday, George Papadopoulos shared via his twitter account: “AG Barr has been on official travel in Italy for the past two days.” Referencing a possibility the Attorney General was in Italy for an interview with the mysterious Maltese professor/Western intelligence asset at the center of 2016’s ‘spygate’, Joseph Mifsud.   

Sound interesting?….  Well, if AG Bill Barr is indeed in Italy, and it certainly seems he is, then perhaps it’s worth re-visiting an explosive story from August that was overlooked amid a whirlwind of fast-moving political events.

According to an interview on August 18th, John Solomon reported the lawyer for Joseph Mifsud admitted his client was a western intelligence asset who was part of a CIA  intelligence “operation” against candidate Donald Trump in March 2016.
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Not only was the attorney admitting Mifsud was a western asset used by the CIA against Trump, but the lawyer also told Solomon about an audio-taped deposition that Joseph Mifsud gave prior to going into hiding after Trump won the 2016 Presidential election.
From the description it sounds like Mifsud anticipated his assisted suicide and he recorded a deposition as leverage against his unwanted demise. WATCH: 

What Solomon describes in that interview would certainly explain why AG Bill Barr would want to personally interview Joseph Mifsud.  It would be difficult to think of a more serious allegation, an allegation that would clearly show evidence of a concerted plot against a presidential candidate, than the one described in that interview.

If all of these allegations are accurate, AG Barr would certainly be justified in personally taking action on this issue.

Additionally, in general alignment with the timing and serious issue therein, a few weeks prior to the Solomon claim there was a rather odd article that surfaced in the Washington Post about Joseph Mifsud.  The article had all the earmarks of a purposeful CIA leak, June 30th, 2019 .

In the synergy between the U.S. intelligence apparatus and their media agents, the CIA, DOJ and State Department have specific outlets assigned to public relations.

A long-tracked pattern reflects the DOJ and FBI leak their PR needs to the New York Times. The preferred outlet for the U.S. State Department is CNN; and the Washington Post generally comes out first with leaks in defense of the CIA agenda.  This pattern has been remarkably consistent for years.

So here we are in late June 2019, AG Barr has tasked U.S. Attorney John Durham with the responsibility of reviewing the origins of “Crossfire Hurricane”, and suddenly The Washington Post, seemingly out of nowhere, pushes an article intended to diffuse the issues around western intelligence asset Joseph Mifsud.

As we noted in July, we can reasonably assume something was happening in the background that had officials in the CIA worried about exposure and their image. From the WaPo introduction we can see what part of “spygate” the CIA is concerned about:
(Wa Po) […] The Maltese-born academic has not surfaced publicly since that October 2017 interview, days after Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about details of their interactions. Among them, Papadopoulos told investigators, was an April 2016 meeting in which Mifsud alerted him that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.”
The conversation between Mifsud and Papadopoulos, eventually relayed by an Australian diplomat to U.S. government officials, was cited by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III as the event that set in motion the FBI probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
With Attorney General William P. Barr’s review of the counterintelligence investigation underway,the origins of the inquiry itself are now in the spotlight — and with them, the role of Mifsud, a little-known figure. (more)
The entire WaPo article is fraught with highly manipulated narrative engineering intended to cloud the fact that clear evidence exists that Professor Mifsud’s engagement with George Papadopoulos was directed by some entity other than Mr. Mifsud.

If he walks like a counterintelligence agent; acts like a counterintelligence agent; sounds like a counterintelligence agent; hangs out with other counterintelligence agents; has admitted to engagements on behalf of intelligence agencies; trained U.S. FBI agents in conducting counterintelligence operations and generally has a history of counterintelligence agent behavior, well, he ain’t just a Maltese professor.

Why was the Washington Post trying to get out-front of Joseph Mifsud all of a sudden?

Perhaps it is because someone in the background (Barr via Durham) was peeking at the connective tissue between John Brennan’s instructions in 2015 and 2016; and John Brennan’s “electronic communication” (EC) to the FBI in July 2016 that kicked off the counterintelligence operation against candidate Trump known as Crossfire Hurricane.
Additionally, there is clearly some recording of Papadopoulos and/or transcript of Papadopoulos engaging with CIA and FBI assets (spies) that Trey Gowdy has claimed to be “very exculpatory” toward any claim that Papadopoulos was doing anything wrong. Those transcripts may be another part of the intelligence evidence covered by AG Barr’s declassification authority.

Remember also, back in May, 2019, Devin Nunes told AG Barr something was going on:
(Via Fox News) “He is the first person that we know of on earth that supposedly knows something about the Russians having Hillary’s emails,” Nunes, R-Calif., said on “Fox News @ Night.”
“He has since denied that but (Special Counsel Robert) Mueller in his report claimed that Mifsud – or insinuated that Mifsud – was some sort of Russian asset. We know that this is not the case. In fact, we know that he was in the U.S. Capitol… just steps away from an intelligence committee.”
[…] Nunes, a ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News that the has sent letters this month to the CIA, FBI, NSA and the State Department asking for documents tied to Mifsud. He said all of the agencies except one – the FBI – have cooperated with his request.
He then made the leap, “The FBI is not cooperating, per usual, which means they’ve got something to hide.”
“It is impossible that Mifsud is a Russian asset,” Nunes added. “He is a former diplomat with the Malta government. He lived in Italy. He worked and taught FBI, trained FBI officials, and worked with FBI officials.” (read more – w/ video)
Is getting to the bottom of this possibly why AG Bill Barr is in Italy?