Thursday, August 29, 2019

The deepest hatred of ...

Source: Canada Free Press 

The most influential Trump-haters don't swim in the D.C. Swamp. They own it

The deepest hatred of Donald Trump is silently invisible


 By —— Bio and Archives--August 28, 2019

The deepest hatred of Trump is based on fear of the changes he makes, and threatens to make. Not just in America, but geopolitically across the industrialized world. To them, he’s an existential threat of the first order.
That half of American’s voters who supported Trump in 2016 hear the harsh voices of critics, watch and read the diatribes of the Trump-despising media, and witness the semi-hysterical rants of the Democratic Party. As the decibel level of rage from the Left increases.

The deepest Trump-hatred is silent and unspoken in public

And the Trump-half wonders: What drives my relatives, friends, co-workers, neighbors to hate the current President of the United States with a wrath not seen since that aimed at Abraham Lincoln?
The deepest Trump-hatred is silent and unspoken in public. It is not on display with the vitriol of a partisan pol. Its proponents do not write editorials, nor show up as Democratic Strategists on cable TV.
The deepest hatred doesn’t emanate from the D.C. Deep State. It doesn’t screech with the voice of a Swamp creature.
It is, instead, a whispered utterance among those who own and control the Swamp, but don’t live or work there.
This hatred did not originate with the hoaxers of the Trump-Russia Collusion diversion. Not even from the Obama White House conspirators, nor from the senior levels of the “intelligence community” whose lifers ran the scam to remove Trump.
The deepest hatred of “The Donald” is not from within homes where citizens espouse a code of Victorian civility that deems Trump shameless. For the Victorians, it’s his style that offends them. To them he’s a crude, male chauvinist, an unashamed tweeter of personal insults, a callous name-caller of others. He’s, well…un-Presidential, they say.

Brennan, Comey, Clappers, and those down the intel food chain are stage actors in the drama

The announced hatred from the crown jewel of the Left’s main media is now: Trump’s a Racist.
The New York Times and it’s 1619 Project is a carnival sideshow where the clowns pretend to be academic journalists. But even it’s not the deepest source of hatred.  It’s just the leading mouthpiece that feeds anti-Trump memes to the already convinced with each successive narrative in the Resist campaign that began soon after the election, but was contemplated long before as an “insurance” plan just in case he won. 
As for the long and growing list of collusion hoax perpetrators, in and out of government—they’re on the playbill for the cast of useful idiots in the Resist production. 
The behind-the-scenes Producers are not mentioned in the credits.
If getting to the bottom of the hoax is the current Department of Justice goal—and there’s little evidence so far that it is—Brennan, Comey, Clappers, and those down the intel food chain are stage actors in the drama.  The enablers will remain unnamed. 
We’ll note the absence of the enablers if/when only a few among the cast of hoax perpetrators—most of them government lawyers—escape any adjudicated consequence for breaking laws, even those against the black-robed FISA judges.

The deepest level of hatred for Donald Trump lives outside the Swamp

That outcome will not surprise us. 
We’ve grown to accustomed to there being no accountability by high officials who pervert their federal government employment status. We don’t like it, but what can we do? 
When the dust settles, the breathless media announcements of bombshell developments, startling revelations, and shocking discoveries will be replaced with a new distraction served up by a news media grown unacquainted with the meaning of “news”.
At the end of this movie, the unanswered questions will outnumber the answered.  The invisible, unnamed Producers will give cover to most of their useful idiots, sacrificing only a handful of lower-echelon, supporting-cast members on the altar of partial justice. 
Because, the Swamp takes care of its own.  For an example of that, we need look no further than FBI Director Wray who differs from Comey only in being several inches shorter and in spending more effort grooming his hair. We wait to see whether AG Barr is another Jeff Sessions, but heavier.
The deepest level of hatred for Donald Trump lives outside the Swamp.  He is wealthy; so are they.  But they don’t think anything alike. That makes him a threat to them.
Unlike him, they are immune from investigation. Unknown to the overwhelming majority.  Protected by private security, where they live behind walls of concrete and lawyers.     
The closest that pedestrians can get to them is to stand behind the barricades where their praetorian guard occasionally convene in well-publicized gatherings like Davos and 
. These public events are not for the puppet-masters themselves, but for their senior puppets. 
A former U.S. President once slipped and used the phrase “the new world order”.  It was widely accepted with a collective shoulder shrug.  Few cited it as evidence of a global conspiracy. Isn’t that odd?
Jeffery Epstein goes toes up and those who suggest that the public explanation of his death is specious are, overnight, labeled as conspiracy theorists.
We should question all conspiracy theories with the same critical thinking we should use to examine the motives of those who immediately discount odd events as such.
JFK was shot by a lone assassin and James Earl Ray was unassisted in his assassination of MLK.
The predicate for U.S. involvement in S. Vietnam was a N. Vietnamese attack on American warships in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Trump is the primary enemy of a global alignment of the elite rich and powerful

When pro-U.S. General Lon Nol ousted Prince Norodom Sihanouk as leader of Cambodia 49 years ago, he resisted the 1970 planned incursion into Cambodia by U.S. and S. Vietnamese forces. His change of mind was not influenced by the sinking of his favorite yacht in an inland lake by two Huey helicopters. 
On March 27, 1999, an F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter jet was shot down while returning from bombing a target near Belgrade. On May 7, 1999, the U.S. accidentally bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade killing three Chinese journalists (What’s a Chinese journalist?) working late at night in the top floor of the building below a roof littered with multiple antennae. President Clinton apologized for the incident explaining that the target was misidentified because the USAF had been navigating by an out-of-date Michelin roadmap. (Yep, that’s what he said.)
The suggestion that Trump is the primary enemy of a global alignment of the elite rich and powerful, and that they represent the deepest level of hatred for him, will provoke a skeptical response by some.  But major historical events are not always what they seem, nor align with how they’re sold.   
Meanwhile, the most influential Trump-haters don’t swim in the D.C. Swamp. They own it.

Lee Cary -- Bio and Archives |
Since November 2007, Lee Cary has written hundreds of articles for several websites including the American Thinker, and Breitbart’s Big Journalism and Big Government (as “Archy Cary”).  His work has been quoted on national television (Sean Hannity) and on nationally syndicated radio (Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin).  He is quoted in Jerome Corsi’s book “The Obama Nation,” in Mark Levin’s “Liberty and Tyranny.”  His pieces have posted on the Drudge Report and on the website Real Clear Politics.  Cary holds a B.S. in Economics from Northern Illinois University, and a Masters and a Doctorate in Theology from the Methodist seminary at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.  He served in Vietnam with the U.S. Army in Military Intelligence. Cary lives in Texas.