Friday, August 30, 2019

Indiana Antifa Confronted and Scatter

WATCH: ANTIFA Disperse Like Cowards 
After Ticked Off Father Confronts Them for Blocking Traffic
Brad Clapper stood up to ANTIFA in the streets of 
Bloomington, IN.

When ANTIFA terrorists were blocking the roads of Bloomington, IN this weekend, 41-year-old father Brad Clapper said enough is enough and confronted the gang of masked cowards.
“Take the mask off,” Clapper said to one domestic terrorist as he attempted to remove their mask.
“Get off the f**king street! Get on the f**king sidewalk!” he shouted toward the anti-American group of communist agitators who immediately complied while yelling insults as they cowered.
The confrontation can be seen here:

But Clapper was just defending his family against a marauding gang of thugs who have been known to commit acts of terrorist violence against soft targets like journalist Andy Ngo of Quillette.

He had to make his stand to protect his beloved children. “I got little kids, and you’re scaring them to death,” Clapper said to the terror group. “Maybe I’m naïve, I just never felt like it was going to lead to anybody getting killed or sent to the hospital,” Clapper told reporters.

 ANTIFA has had a sustained presence in Bloomington to disrupt the farmers market because of Schooner Creek Farm’s participation there. They hope to terrorize the farmers from being able to make a living because of their opposition to their political views.

 Perhaps they will be a little more reticent in the future, now that an ordinary individual with a spine has taken a decisive stand against their terror tactics.