Friday, October 18, 2024

It’s Trump’s Race To Lose And He Still Can

There is a lot of confidence on the right right not about the election. Confidence is good, confidence is helpful. But confidence can also be destructive if it is allowed to lead to complacency. As the 2024 race comes to a close, former President Donald Trump the home stretch where you want to be – it’s always better to be ahead than behind – but he has to resist the urge to celebrate early, coast or in any way spike the football on the 5-yard-line. It’s Donald Trump’s race to lose, and he could still lose it.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, gets more attention on social media, clicks on websites or general traffic than anything Donald Trump related. Doesn’t matter if it’s a conservative or liberal website, pro-Trump or anti-Trump post – if it is Trump related it will do well. 

That’s why you’re about to see a million headlines, each dumber than the last, in the closing days of the election. This could be the last chance for a while, as rage fades either through victory or defeat, for these outlets to cash in on the Trump phenomenon. 

“Trump is winning” or “Trump is going to win and here’s why” headlines are like printing money, as are ones screaming, “Trump’s latest gaffe will be his undoing” or “Trump just made the biggest mistake of the campaign.” We’ve seen both, we’ll see even more.

It doesn’t matter if you read them or not, just know you’re helping perpetuate the problem by clicking on it. 

None of that matters, however, as long as the candidate does not start to believe the hype.

Drug dealers have a saying, “Never get high on your own supply.” Donald Trump would do himself a lot of good to not harp on any feelings he has about his campaign leading and fight like he’s 10 points down. Never let up until they beg for mercy, and don’t stop after they do that either.

The temptation to expand the board will be great, and Trump will be tempted to hold campaign events in states he will never win, like California and New York. I get the desire, but to indulge it would be stupid.

There are only a handful of states that will decide this race. Win them and win the election. Donald Trump should not set foot in any other state between now and November 5th for anything other than fundraisers, period. Anything else is a waste of time and resource, i.e.: money.

It was funny that Trump did events in New York City, and I hope he raised some money off them. But what he didn’t do was win any votes. He’s not going to win New York, city or state. Nor is he going to win New Jersey or Connecticut. If any of those states were up for grabs, this race would be so far gone as to make the whole thing a joke.

But it’s not a joke, it’s a close race. That may sound insane to you, as Kamala Harris is a singularly bad candidate with some of the worst ideas any human being has ever half-articulated, but reality is no based on your belief in it. 

Donald Trump needs to focus on winning 270 electoral votes and nothing else. Don’t get goaded into whining about crowd size or calling Harris a moron, simply talk about how much groceries cost now compared to what groceries cost when he was President. Talk about what gas costs now compared to what gas cost when he was President, etc., etc. You name the issue, the comparison writes itself.

Over-confidence breeds contentment, which leads to people deciding to stay home and not vote because “It’s late, and Trump has this in the bag anyway.” That’s the enemy right now as much as the Democrats are.

Pundits and columnists making declarative statements are just as destructive. They don’t have any clue what the future holds of they’d be multiple lottery winners. What they do is if they declare the race to be won already, and then Trump wins it, they can pat themselves on the back for saying so early. If they declare the race to be won already and Trump loses, well, they can write a column explaining why it went wrong (had they only listened to me!!!) or ignore it completely. 

There is no punishment in punditry for being wildly wrong, nor is there a professional downside to lying or discouraging voting through lies. There is no price to be paid by these people for any of it, and more. Everyone else gets punished because the better candidate lost.

Don’t listen to the used car salesmen, fight like you’re behind until you’ve got so much that they can’t cheat to win. And fight smart in places that matter. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you win by 1 or 1 million, the W is all that counts. Every move between now and November 5th needs to be with that and nothing else in mind.

It’s Trump’s race to lose, let’s do all we can to help make sure he doesn’t. 

X22, And we know, and more- Oct 18


The Collapse of Kamala Harris

On July 26, in the aftermath of the Democratic Party's ruthless midsummer coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, this column predicted that the elevation of dimwitted cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris to the party's presidential slot would "spectacularly backfire." More specifically, I wrote: "Practically, the path to winning 270 Electoral College votes still runs through the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. It is frankly bizarre for Democrats to swap out the man who talks ceaselessly about his hardscrabble Scranton upbringing for a Californian who boasts the most left-wing voting record of any presidential nominee in modern history."

I'm feeling pretty good these days about that prognosis.

Harris recently campaigned in Erie, Pennsylvania -- a crucial regional hub in this election cycle's most important battleground state. Conspicuously absent from that snoozefest was incumbent Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.). Harris tried to pass off the snub as a nothingburger, suggesting that Casey was doing the more important work of knocking on doors and getting out the vote. This doesn't pass the laugh test. Facing a spirited challenge from Republican hopeful Dave McCormick, Casey has clearly concluded that Harris' immense Bay Area lefty baggage -- her history of endorsing the Green New Deal, a national fracking ban and crippling electric vehicle mandates -- is an electoral albatross around his neck.

It's tough to blame Casey. Other vulnerable Senate Democratic incumbents, such as Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), reached the same conclusion a while ago. Such a conclusion makes a great deal of sense: A recent Marist national general election poll, for instance, shows Trump up a whopping 10 points on Harris with registered independents. If that margin ends up being anywhere near accurate, it is extraordinarily difficult to see a scenario in which Trump loses.

Harris has recently been engaging in what the psychology profession calls "projection," ludicrously criticizing Donald Trump for avoiding the media when it was actually Harris who infamously avoided a single one-on-one sit-down interview for weeks on end following the Biden coup. In reality, Trump recently sat down for two interviews with Time magazine, whose owner is a vocal Harris donor. Harris declined a Time interview, nonetheless. Prior to this week's desperate, last-second change of course, which saw her sit down with Fox News' Bret Baier, Harris had only deigned to sit down with the most obsequious media imaginable.

One can only wonder how bad the Harris-Walz internal polling must be to impel her to ditch the far-left "Call Her Daddy" podcast and the friendly ladies of "The View" for the considerably more mainstream Baier. Desperate times sure call for desperate measures. Democrats routinely blast Republicans as misogynistic, but their own chronic misandry is so bad that Kamala is apparently considering a sit-down with podcast king Joe Rogan, whose own brand of woke-skeptical irreverence sharply clashes with Harris' identity politics obsessions and overt race-based pandering. The tables sure have turned. Will the last person hanging around Harris-Walz campaign headquarters please turn off the lights?

Snark aside, this race isn't over yet. But the Harris-Walz camp cannot possibly be feeling too good right now, either.

Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for their predicament. Throughout this interminable campaign season, they have studiously avoided substantive discussion of the four issues that Americans consistently tell pollsters are most important to them this cycle: the economy, inflation, immigration and crime. Instead, they have repeatedly attempted to shift the electoral terrain back to the few issues that poll in their favor: namely, abortion and the Jan. 6 jamboree at the Capitol. In this, they have completely failed. The American people still care above all about the same four basic quality-of-life issues that they have cared the most about for years now. It is Democrats' own fault that they are so woefully out of touch with the voters' sentiments on those issues and that the Biden-Harris administration's track record polls as poorly as it does.

Perhaps, if the Harris-Walz ticket does go down in flames, Democrats will pause and take a long, hard look in the mirror. Perhaps they will recognize that promising late-term abortion is a peculiar way to pander to women, that pledging mass amnesty for illegal aliens is a counterproductive way to pander to Hispanics, and that dangling marijuana legalization is an outright offensive way to pander to Blacks. Perhaps. But if history is any indication, they probably won't.

Jack Smith drops nearly 2,000 new pages of evidence (Allegations - Nothing Proved) in Trump election subversion case


Special counsel Jack Smith on Friday dropped a massive new file of evidence against Donald Trump with nearly 2,000 pages related to the former president's alleged crimes related to the 2020 presidential election.

The new filing, which was heavily redacted, drew immediate interest and crashed the PACER system that's used to post and access court filings online.

The evidence was authorized for release by Judge Tanya Chutkan over the objections of Trump's lawyers.

Smith on Saturday submitted a filing to Judge Tanya Chutkan asking for permission to send an oversized brief in the case, which involves allegations that the former president unlawfully attempted to interfere with the election he lost to President Joe Biden in 2020.

The expected brief will deal with immunity issues stemming from the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that found limited immunity for Trump in certain cases.

MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin flagged the new filing over the weekend, saying, "Steel yourself."

"In a new filing, the Special Counsel tells Judge Tanya Chutkan its opening immunity brief will be roughly 180 pages with roughly half devoted to a 'detailed factual proffer' and plenty of sensitive material warranting redactions," the attorney added. "The defense opposes the Special Counsel’s request to file such an oversized brief and has asked to have until Tuesday at 5 pm to submit a written opposition."

yle Cheney, senior legal affairs reporter for Politico, also reported on the upcoming brief, saying, "Jack Smith signals his brief on presidential immunity, due Thursday, will come in at 180 pages."

Legal analyst Allison Gill, better known as Mueller, She Wrote, added that "Jack Smith asks for permission to exceed the page limit for his immunity brief. It will be 180 pages, and as expected, they intend to file a substantial part of it UNDER SEAL."

Former prosecutor Barb McQuade said, "Not a surprise that Jack Smith’s brief in immunity case is lengthy. He plans to lay out the mountain of evidence against Trump."

Former acting Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, who was indicted alongside Trump in the election subversion case in Georgia, responded to Rubin's note:

"See, the JournoLawfare people like Rubin are already building anticipation for Jack Smith’s smear attack on Trump coming out on Thursday," he wrote.

Jack Smith drops nearly 2,000 new pages of evidence in Trump election subversion case (

The Democrat Party’s Testosterone Deficiency

It appears that the slow-witted political operatives behind this season’s production of “Harris/Walz: Lights, Camera, Cackle” have finally figured out that they have a serious “man problem” — as in no man with a modicum of testosterone running through his veins would dare be caught bearing the brand of the “trans”-hyping, willy-chopping, child-sniffing Democrat party.  Congratulations, pals and gals (and xals) — glad you’re waking up to the reality that you’ve created an ideological movement that caters chiefly to Kens who dress up as Barbie, advocates for legalizing pedophilia, and a lot of people who would very much like to speak with the manager. 

Silver-tongued political pundit Scott Jennings made this point last weekend on CNN: “Working-class men, whether black, Hispanic, or white, consistently do not believe the Democratic Party and specifically Kamala Harris are going to do a thing for them.”  That’s right: men of every color understand that Democrats are out to get them!  In response to Jennings’s reasonable observation, his lefty co-panelists twisted themselves into all manner of incredulous gasps and how dare you, sir! hysterics.  Their faux outrage was unintentionally hilarious.  What, us?  We don’t hate men!  How could anybody cast such ghastly aspersions at the party of “inclusion”!?  

The Democrat Party whines about everything.  It is the whiniest whiny party that has ever existed.  But there is nothing that more quickly drives its members toward the zenith of ear-splitting, screeching whininess than the thought of heterosexual men having independent opinions.  Unless you’re a friend of the Village People or traded in your “man card” for one of those pink stocking caps long ago (here’s looking at you, Mark Hamill!), they’ve got nothing but hate for those with a Y-chromosome (except for the she-he fakes who body-slam female athletes on playing fields).  

Democrats don’t want to hear from men.  They don’t want to see them explaining things on television.  They don’t want to understand their problems or concerns.  And they certainly don’t want them to exercise any economic or political power.  As far as leftists are concerned, the days of men being the family’s breadwinner and strong protector are over.

Not only do Democrats want to figuratively (and quite often literally) neuter boys and men, but they also are invested in building a future in which manhood is understood as some kind of deadly disease.  No academic discipline has been spared from the left’s insatiable misandry.  Using the language of anthropology and sociology, Democrats have invented “mansplaining” and “manspreading” to shame men for ordinary behaviors.  Using the language of medicine and psychology, Democrats have invented “toxic masculinity” so they can diagnose men as “dangerous” to society.  Using the language of political science, Democrats have invented the dreaded “patriarchy” so they can discredit any kind of government with male leaders.  

Through junk science and overt propaganda, the Democrat party is constructing a world in which masculinity is viewed as abnormal and men are viewed with contempt.  Through language and policy, leftists justify blanket discrimination against men unless they first apologize for their “privilege” and subdue their biological instincts.  As far as Democrats are concerned, men who refuse to be re-engineered into something that they are not deserve to be jobless, disrespected, shamed, and even reviled.  The most masculine “offenders” deserve nothing less than involuntary commitment in the closest psych ward until they can be reprogrammed into something less threatening to the Democrat party.  Think General Mark Milley telling Congress, “I want to understand white rage.”  To that, I say: Thank you for your service, ma’am.  

After decades of being told that they are what’s wrong with the world, a lot of men have finally had enough.  They are tired of being portrayed in commercials as clueless and in movies as the enemy of all women.  They are tired of having their leadership abilities disparaged as inherently “sexist.”  They are tired of being branded “intolerant” for believing that merit, hard work, and professionalism deserve higher consideration than modern fetishes for “gender identity,” “queerness,” and made-up pronouns.  They are tired of being simultaneously criticized for holding doors open for women and leaving doors closed for women to open themselves.  They are tired of having every instance of innocent flirtation and every example of gentlemanly chivalry demonized as some kind of “violence” against the opposite sex. 

They are tired of being told that they have no right to protect their unborn babies from termination.  They are tired of being told that they have no right to protect their daughters from physically stronger boys playing in their sports.  They are tired of being told that they cannot protect their children from mastectomies and chemical castration just because some kook pushing today’s “trans” fad says fantasy must be made permanent reality.  They are tired of being labeled “domestic terrorists” for wanting to safeguard their families from murderers and rapists who illegally enter the United States.  Men are done being scapegoated for serious problems manufactured by Democrats, charlatans, corporate opportunists, and an increasingly tyrannical federal government.

Seeing the collapse of male support for their party, Democrats are panicking, but they have no idea how to rectify their electoral problem.  Panderer Harris is promising to legalize weed and hand out “free” money to black entrepreneurs, but her gestures reek of cynical desperation.  Hello, racist-as-all-get-out Democrat party, black men have higher aspirations than selling drugs for a living!  On the other hand, at least Kween Kamala is no longer interested in keeping black men in prison well past their release dates just so California can maintain its source of cheap labor.  When you think about it, Kamala Harris might be one of the only Californians alive today who arguably does owe black Americans some form of reparations! 

Barack Obama is trying desperately to corral black men back onto the Democrat plantation, but the old Obama magic just isn’t working as it once did.  Why?  Because Barack has chosen to embrace his inner schoolmarm and scold black men for not mindlessly lining up behind Kamala as instructed.  That’s the exact kind of condescending attitude that men of all races are tired of seeing!  Instead of embracing the basketball-playing, cigarette-smoking, “cool” persona that Obama projected on his way to the White House, he has slipped on his mom jeans and decided to give black American males a spanking for daring to think differently. 

It’s a perfect example of how out of touch Obama has become.  Telling men what to do works only with the weaker sort.  Disciplining young men, in particular, for their natural rebelliousness tends to supercharge their rebellious streak.  Who can blame Barack for forgetting what a man is, though?  Democrats have denied the biological differences between the sexes for so long that they no longer understand the basics.  Hint for remedial learners: Men can’t get pregnant just because you bowdlerize biology textbooks to advance unscientific absurdities.

So it looks as if Kamala will have to portray her husband, Doug Emhoff, and her running mate, Tim Walz, as über-masculine figures in a last-ditch effort to lure back all the men jumping from the Democrats’ sinking electoral ship.  Emhoff has been credibly accused of slapping a former girlfriend around, and Walz is known as “Tampon Tim” because of his insistence on furnishing boys’ locker rooms in Minnesota with feminine hygiene products.  Neither exudes masculinity.  And the Walzing Tampon prances across stage as if he’s reliving his favorite moments from a Britney Spears concert.  Smart parents would keep their daughters away from Doug and their sons safe from Tim’s wandering jazz hands.  Depending on either to win back men proves that the Democrat party has a serious testosterone deficiency.

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This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Sinwar’s Death Will Hasten the End of the War

 The Hamas leader started this fight. Now Israel can finish it.

On May 14, 2018, the Hamas government in Gaza tried to engineer a breach of the Israeli border at multiple points under the cover of mass protests known as the “March of Return.” The event was heavily covered by the world press. One of the most striking figures caught on camera at the border was a man screaming in Arabic at followers to cross the border and “tear out the hearts” of Israelis.


Most reporters either ignored this call for violence, or decided it was some kind of colorful metaphor. The man was Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas commander who’d become the terror group’s new Gaza chief the previous year—and who was killed by Israeli soldiers on Wednesday, in the rubble of Gaza, just over a year into the war he started. 


That day in May 2018 was my first concrete memory of Sinwar: I remember thinking he seemed maniacal even for the commander of a terror group. When thousands of Palestinian civilians and fighters answering his call proceeded to storm the fence, Israeli soldiers guarding the border held them back, killing 60; Hamas claimed 50 as their members, Islamic Jihad another three, but as usual, Israel was still condemned for using disproportionate force. The border held. 


Five and a half years later, on October 7, 2023, we Israelis weren’t so lucky. At dawn that day, Sinwar’s plan to invade Israel and trigger a regional war caught the Israel Defense Forces off guard. Following Sinwar’s orders, Hamas terrorists killed more than 1,200 people that day. Israelis, Palestinians, and many others in the region and beyond are now living with the consequences of the attack.


Sinwar was the man responsible more than any other for this war, but his death in a booby-trapped house in Rafah—he was reportedly found with a rifle, ammo, cash, a pack of Mentos, prayer beads, and a passport under someone else’s name—doesn’t mean it’s over. He’ll quickly be replaced as Hamas’s leader, probably by his brother and accomplice Mohammed. The organization is in tatters but hasn’t collapsed. His death, however, does bring the end of the fighting closer in Gaza. 


Watch drone footage released by the IDF that shows Yahya Sinwar moments before he was killed.

Does not copy... go to story link

Following the assassination of Sinwar’s counterpart from Hezbollah—the shrewder and more prominent Hassan Nasrallah—less than three weeks ago, it’s clear that Israel has successfully brought the war to a turning point. 


For me, this moment evokes another from almost exactly 51 years ago, on October 15, 1973. That’s when the Israeli army, after ten days of catastrophe and retreat following a surprise attack by Egypt and Syria in the Yom Kippur War, regrouped and carried out a daring strike across the Suez Canal, changing the course of events. The crossing of the canal didn’t mean the war was won yet. But it was the moment Israel regained the initiative. 


Will Israel seize this moment? It now has a chance to begin to orchestrate the end of the Gaza operation after a year of bloodshed; to allow the people of Gaza to start rebuilding what Sinwar, his henchmen, and their deluded supporters have destroyed; and to return the 100 hostages still held by Hamas, dozens of whom are thought to be alive. 

The killing of Sinwar shows that Israel’s patience in prosecuting this war—despite the high price in the lives of our soldiers, and the constant fear of civilians under rocket fire from a half-dozen enemies—is yielding results. And so, it must be said, is Israel’s attitude toward the often hysterical and misguided advice of its allies, who have repeatedly sought to force a ceasefire that would leave Hamas and Hezbollah on their feet. We’ve heard repeatedly, from Western officials who have never fought wars, that military force is counterproductive and that Hamas is an “idea” that can’t be defeated. It was just this spring, amid a broad international pressure campaign to keep the Israeli army out of Rafah, that Vice President Kamala Harris said a major incursion into Rafah would be a “huge mistake.” 


Rafah is not only the lifeline of Hamas weapons from Egypt, and the city where Israeli soldiers uncovered the bodies of six hostages in a dank tunnel at the end of August. (According to reports Thursday in the Israeli press, the six, including the American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, may have served as Sinwar’s personal human shields before they were murdered.) It’s also the city where the elusive Sinwar himself was just found. 


It may indeed be impossible to defeat ideas. But the tank crewmen who just settled Israel’s account with this terrorist mastermind have illustrated why it’s sometimes necessary to kill the monsters who act on them.

This Is How Many Million Illegal Aliens Would Be Imported Into the U.S. Under Kamala

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

The United States border has seen nothing compared to what it will endure if Vice President Kamala Harris is elected. 

A report by pro-migration advocates found that if Harris continues President Joe Biden’s open border policies, nearly four million illegal immigrants could be imported by 2025, totaling 12.3 million illegal immigrants during her four years. The report predicted the “net immigration to be significantly higher under a Harris administration than a second Trump administration.” 

Our Harris, low scenario involves roughly the same net immigration flows as our Trump, high scenario. In the first two years of the Trump, low scenario, in which we anticipate the most acute departure from recent policy, we expect the United States to see net outmigration—that is, the extraordinary case of more people leaving the country than entering. For example, in our Harris, high scenario net migration is 3.7 million in 2025, whereas in the Trump, low scenario net migration is negative 740 thousand. To be sure, immigration flows could be outside the range of our four scenarios. For example, former President Trump has called for immediate mass deportations more than 10 times what we incorporated in our Trump, low scenario.

The report also found that a 2025 influx of illegal aliens under a Harris Administration would result in one immigrant per every American born. As a result, the U.S. population would grow by 15 million during her four years in office. 

As for the economy, a Harris presidency would result in devastating consequences for the U.S. 

Ultimately, we project a gap in 2025 GDP growth between the Trump, low and Harris, high scenarios of roughly half a percentage point from differences in immigration policy (meaning that GDP in 2025 would be lower in the Trump immigration scenario than in the Harris scenario by around $130 billion). Beyond 2025, the economy under the Trump, low scenario would continue to be notably smaller than the economy under the other scenarios. The consequences of a more extreme mass deportation policy would be economically disruptive in unpredictable ways. 

Trump and Harris offer vastly different visions for immigration policy that would significantly affect Americans. 

Despite Harris promising to spend $40 billion to help American families buy a home and help the real estate industry build three million new homes, the influx of 12.3 million illegal aliens would likely fill up those homes. 

On the contrary, a second Trump Administration would secure the border, ensuring no more illegal immigrants could enter the U.S. He has also vowed to deport the mass number of aliens, freeing up housing for American citizens. 

Colluding MPs, Delayed Warrant, Internal Tensions: Key Takeaways of the Foreign Interference Inquiry

 The latest phase of public hearings at the Foreign Interference Commission concluded this week, leaving several stones unturned about specific issues such as a delayed surveillance warrant and around broader issues such as what actually constitutes foreign interference.

Tensions within the federal government were on display during the hearings, as diplomats and top officials pushed back against Canada’s spy agency on what can be considered a threat to national security.

Top officials also questioned the conclusions of lawmakers serving as national security watchdogs, who previously raised the alarm about some of their colleagues’ collusion with foreign states.

The clash of views was topped off by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau testifying on the last hearing day, Oct. 16, as the commission wrapped up this phase, which focused on Ottawa’s capacity to counter foreign interference.

Trudeau commented on the tensions and controversies and on a wide range of national security matters.

“I am fully aware and indeed regularly apprised of tension between—of constructive, creative tension, of disagreements of perspective—between diplomats and spies, or between our Global Affairs Canada and CSIS,” Trudeau said when being questioned by Gib van Ert, counsel for Tory MP Michael Chong.

Van Ert sought to find out during the hearings why senior decision-makers were never apprised of Beijing’s efforts to collect information on Chong and his family in China, even though the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) had sent a note and reports to relevant departments and officials.

CSIS wanted to alert Chong about what it saw as a threat involving a Chinese spy service. Meanwhile, Trudeau and his officials, such as two of his former national security and intelligence advisers (NSIA), have expressed the view that collecting information on foreign legislators is a normal diplomatic practice.
Van Ert said the lack of consensus around what is foreign interference in Ottawa is not a “healthy debate,” as it impacted his client MP Chong, and that someone should have asked the prime minister to provide guidance on the matter. “But no one ever did that, and so you were left in the dark,” van Ert said to Trudeau.

Foreign Collusion of Lawmakers

The public inquiry also displayed tensions between top officials and MPs and senators around what constitutes foreign interference and who in Parliament could be involved.
The 11 MPs and senators who sit on the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) released a bombshell report in June concluding that some lawmakers and party candidates have been “semi-witting or witting participants in the efforts of foreign states to interfere in our politics.” The report is based on approximately 4,000 documents from various organizations including CSIS.

Top security officials told the inquiry they disagreed with aspects of the report, including its conclusion about some lawmakers being wittingly involved in foreign interference.

“The information we have, and that you have as well—and that was used by NSICOP—does not allow me to come to the conclusion there are traitors in Parliament,” NSIA Nathalie Drouin told Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue on Oct. 9.

“I’ve seen inappropriate behaviours, I saw lack of judgment, I saw individuals I would maybe trust less,” said Drouin. “But I haven’t seen any MP in our Parliament who did espionage, sabotage, or really put Canada’s security at risk.”

Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who has pushed back on calls to release the names of lawmakers allegedly involved in foreign collusion after NSICOP released its report, echoed Drouin’s perspective when he testified on Oct. 15.

“I share the view shared by other senior public servants here, that people serve in Parliament honourably,” he said. “Some may have lacked judgment in certain contexts, but I think we need to be careful not to also continue to fuel an impression that has been grossly exaggerated since this report of NSICOP was made public.”

Following the testimonies of the two top security officials, Drouin and LeBlanc, that downplayed the NSICOP report and the potential for lawmakers to be involved in foreign interference, Trudeau testified he knew the names of implicated Conservatives.

“I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians, and/or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged or at high risk of, or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference,” he said.

The prime minister made the remark while being asked by a commission counsel to discuss how he reacts when provided information about foreign interference involving opposition parties.

During subsequent cross-examination, Trudeau was asked by the Conservative Party’s lawyer whether he also knew the names of any Liberal parliamentarians or candidates “at risk of being compromised” by foreign interference.

“Yes. And for other parties as well, because I have access to large amounts of information,” answered Trudeau, who added he had not mentioned it earlier because the last round of public hearings at the commission had focused on issues within the Liberal Party.

Stalled Memos and Reports

The large amounts of information the prime minister has access to, and what has actually been provided to him, was a key focus of the inquiry in the latest phase as it evaluated the flow of information within government.

Trudeau confirmed that three memos from 2019, 2020, and 2022 suggesting unclassified briefings be provided to parliamentarians on the threat of foreign interference had never reached him. The initiative to provide briefings eventually happened in June 2024, after a string of intelligence leaks in the media and the launch of the public inquiry.

“Should this have happened earlier? And are you troubled that it didn’t?” asked commission counsel Shantona Chaudhury.

“These decision points didn’t get to me, but I made it very clear throughout conversations that I would have approved of or encouraged briefings of parliamentarians,” said Trudeau.

“Nobody—neither CSIS through their minister to me, or directly to the Clerk [of the Privy Council], or to the NSIA—flagged that this was something that was of importance to them that was stalled, and therefore, as you pointed out, they were not acted on in my office.”

The prime minister was also asked about comprehensive reports on Beijing interference produced by CSIS and the Privy Council Office (PCO) that never reached him, with the NSIA at the time deciding the prime minister didn’t need to see them.

Trudeau said he trusted the NSIA’s judgment on the matter and that he had not learned anything new from the reports after subsequently reading them.

“None of them significantly altered, or altered at all my perception of China’s behaviour, China’s focus, China’s engagement, influence, and in some cases, interference in Canada, to any significant degree,” he said.
Former CSIS director David Vigneault told the inquiry on Sept. 27 his agency’s report contained “exquisite intelligence” on Beijing interference and that he expected it would have been briefed to the prime minister.

Delayed Warrant

Trudeau was also asked a question about a controversial surveillance warrant application which had been delayed in the spring of 2021, but counsel for the attorney general raised an objection on national security grounds.

The warrant filed by CSIS has been discussed at length during the proceedings as the commission sought to understand why it took 54 days for then-Public Safety Minister Bill Blair to approve it.

CSIS sent the warrant application to public safety sometime in March 2021. Four days later it was approved by then-deputy minister Rob Stewart, who subsequently sent it to the minister’s office. Blair’s then-chief of staff Zita Astravas did not present the warrant to Blair for signature for 50 days.

Blair, Stewart, and Astravas testified to the inquiry and neither could fully explain the delay. It usually takes between four to 10 days for the minister to approve a warrant, which is then sent to a Federal Court judge for review. The commission heard that Blair had approved two separate warrants during the same time period.
CSIS officials told the inquiry the delay was unusual and had left operational staff “very frustrated.” One unidentified CSIS official expressed a concern the warrant was in “danger” of not being approved after the agency had met with Astravas, according to an internal email summarized by the commission.
The subject of the warrant has not been disclosed in the latest round of public hearings at the commission due to national security considerations, but past intelligence leaks and related comments by Blair to the inquiry in April identify the subject as current Markham deputy mayor and former Ontario Liberal cabinet minister Michael Chan.

Previous media coverage based on intelligence leaks suggested Chan was a subject of CSIS interest because of his links to Chinese officials. He has not returned requests for comment.

Chan previously told The Globe and Mail that CSIS has “never discussed their concerns with me but continues to unjustifiably harass, intimidate, threaten, and frighten my friends and acquaintances.”

The Foreign Interference Commission is required to submit its final report before the end of the year.