Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Lawyer’s Take on Why Kamala Gives Lousy Interviews

For most people, it’s hard to put into words exactly why pols like Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the rest of these commie weirdos are so terrible at interviews. There’s just something about them that you naturally distrust, something that trips off a red flashing light that makes you say, “Hey, this weasel is trying to put one over on me.” Your instincts are correct. You are absolutely right. These weasels are trying to put one over on you. They’re just not very good at it.

As an attorney, I ask people questions for a living. Sometimes, I do face-to-face interviews. Other times, I’m doing depositions of hostile witnesses or of witnesses who don’t appear on the surface to have an axe to grind, but sometimes you find an ax in there and they are grinding it. And then, of course, you ask questions of people in court. A huge part of being a lawyer is asking questions. It’s like being a regime media journalist, except we get paid better and we aren’t ridiculous hacks slavishly degrading ourselves for the benefit of the Democrat Party. Lawyers only slavishly degrade ourselves for the benefit of the Democrat Party some of the time.

I’ve learned a few things after doing this for about 30 years and countless proceedings that might be useful for people who don’t do it every day. Now, keep in mind that those instincts that you have when you watch the pols pretend to answer questions are absolutely correct. God, in His infinite wisdom, has bestowed all upon all of us an amazing bullSchiff detector. We just naturally seem to know when someone’s trying to scam us unless they’re very skilled at it. Neither Kamala Harris nor Tim Walz is skilled at it. They are stumbling clowns. They could have gotten good at it with practice, but they never had any practice. Kamala is from California. All-Man Tim is from Minnesota. These are deep blue states. It’s not like they ever spoke to anyone back home who doesn’t think exactly like them, and they certainly don’t know anyone from the local press who isn’t eager to help them. That’s why when they get asked a question that’s not even hard, like, “What would you do that’s different from Joe Biden?” they not only blow it, but they blow it like Nagasaki times Dresden to the Guernica power.

Here’s a basic truth I’ve learned after countless interactions where I was seeking information. If somebody doesn’t answer your question, he is either an idiot or he is trying to avoid answering the question, or both. Now, some people are too stupid to answer a question. They don’t understand it because they are dumb. I’m not putting Kamala or Tim beyond that. You don’t have to be a genius to be a Democrat. You just have to check the right boxes. But most of the time, when somebody doesn’t answer a question, it’s because he doesn’t want to. There are right ways and wrong ways of doing this. When the Democrat regime media flunkies try to get JD Vance to answer the question about whether Trump won the 2020 election, and he refuses to give a yes or no answer, there is a reason for that. He wants to highlight the fact that there were huge irregularities in the 2020 election and to challenge the false underlying premise that the 2020 election was legitimate and only a crazy, bad person of evil who hates America and is an insurrectionist would ever have any doubts about the 2020 election. Note that this doesn’t apply to the 2000 election, the 2004 election, or the 2016 election when Democrats lie about them. Rejecting a leftist premise is a legitimate and smart tactic for Republicans.

What’s weird is that Harris seems to reject the premise when regime media reporters accept her premises. You ask her how many illegal aliens she thinks should be allowed in the United States every year, and she’s going to start by telling you that she was raised a poor middle-class child, and then she’s going to babble for two minutes about how we need to not be bound by the boundaries that bind us, and she’s never going to answer the question. Again, she may be stupid and not know the answer. Still, more likely, even she knows that the true answer, which is “millions of illegals,” is not going to play well with normal American people who don’t think that the whole Third World should be invited into the United States to form a new voting bloc for Democrats. 

The nice thing about trials is that you have a judge, and if the witness doesn’t answer the question, you object, move to strike the answer as nonresponsive, and ask the judge to direct the witness to answer. Most judges get annoyed with people who don’t answer questions and tell them, “Witness, answer the question.” A dumb witness will not do what the judge says. That will end in hilarity. 

While the court can force somebody to answer a question, You don’t have that ability in a media interview. The best the reporter can do, assuming it’s a unicorn reporter who cares about getting the truth and not about sucking up to the Democrats, is ask the interviewee to answer the question again, thereby highlighting the evasion for the viewers.

I like to tell people that in a deposition, there are five good answers that they can give: yes, no, I don’t know, I don’t remember, and a one-sentence direct answer. When you are being deposed, you don’t want to help the other side. You should answer as succinctly as possible. You don’t want to assist the other side. When being interviewed as a GOP politician by what you can assume is a hostile regime media journalist, you should do things a little differently. I prefer a direct answer upfront, followed by an explanation. This way, you don’t seem evasive, and you get to highlight the facts you find important. For example, “What would you do to shut the border?” Answer: “First, I will reverse all the executive orders that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris reversed. Then I will do these other things.” This shows that you actually want to answer the question. Harris, of course, would proceed to toss an enormous word salad that makes you less informed than you were before she opened her trap.

There are politicians out there who are pretty slick when it comes to avoiding answering a tough question, even on the Democrat side. You can be frustrated by them but appreciate their technique. Obama is like that. The dude is smooth, even though lately he’s become a kind of a bitchy schoolmarm who hassles black men who don’t happen to have an eight-room multimillion-dollar mansion on the beach at Martha’s Vineyard about how much they are disappointing him. Kamala is no Obama, that’s for sure, and thank goodness. Obama was hard to beat – although, considering who we put up against him, I’m not sure he ever broke a sweat. I hope Kamala keeps doing interviews because she’s terrible, and every time she opens her mouth, it makes it that much more likely that Donald Trump will win.

X22, And we Know, and more- Oct 16


FBI and the US Secret Service Plot Against Trump

A recent report shows that the assassination attempts on President Donald Trump were facilitated by unacceptable misconduct and unprofessional behavior by employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Secret Service (USSS) stemming from deep-seated politicization within these agencies.

The increasing politicization of the U.S. government and its institutions has become a pressing concern in many media. Conservative pundits have been sounding the alarm about that issue since at least 2016, when the FBI plot against Donald Trump was initially dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Now, after it became clear that the Democrat party has weaponized the Department of Justice to destroy Trump’s presidential campaign, it turned out the “conspirators” were telling nothing but truth.

New information released by Empower Oversight (EO), a respected American civil rights watchdog, proves that the FBI high ranking employees became way too supportive of the Democrat party. A September 19 letter from EO president Tristan Leavitt to Jim Jordan, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, exposes mistreatment, and even the firing of agents because of their conservative political views.

What is the letter about?

It is a real story of a certain Marcus Allen, a highly professional and decorated FBI employee, who had his security clearance suspended and was later fired because of his conservative stance and doubts about whether the bureau acted properly during the Black Lives Matter and January 6 incidents.

Who enabled the misconduct to happen?

According to the EO investigation, a dramatic change in the FBI leadership back in 2021 allowed some agents, specifically those with pro-Democrat sentiments, to experience a skyrocketing growth in their career. The letter reads that unnamed witnesses describe these agents as deeply anti-conservative. One of them, a certain Jeffrey Veltri, previously the Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) of the New Orleans field office, was later promoted to the Section Chief of Security Integrity and Investigation Section (SIIS). Another employee, Dena Perkins, serving as Assistant Section Chief of SIIS from 2018, worked together with Veltri and reportedly played a significant role in Allen’s case.

Mr. Allen’s case in detail

On September 29, 2021, Mr. Allen made protected whistleblower disclosures about the FBI’s alleged misconduct in connection with the January 6 incident; when Mr. Veltri learned about it, he launched an investigation to affect Mr. Allen’s security clearance. Witnesses claim the whole process was retaliatory to punish the employee for his political views. Moreover, the paperwork was done with severe violation of the chain of command, the Law and the U.S. Constitution.

Besides, Mr. Veltri’s investigators learned that Mr. Allen refused to take a then-mandatory COVID jab. Even though mandatory vaccination was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in late January 2022, Mr. Allen’s refusal turned into “extremist and potentially dangerous behavior” in a report on his political preferences, which is absolutely baseless and incorrect.

As ASC of SIIS, Perkins put a lot of effort to hinder transparency when investigating the FBI’s own personnel. Moreover, the Insider Threat Office initially found no threat in Allen’s activity, but sometime between November and December 2021 that report was altered and projected as a threat because of his stance on the FBI’s actions and the U.S. administration.

All these actions taken by Veltri and Perkins led to Allen’s clearance suspension. Later in 2022, Mr. Allen was fired because he was (falsely) accused of disloyalty to the United States.

The ‘Trump Questionnaire’

The Empower Oversight investigation sheds light on numerous facts of retaliation measures taken against FBI agents by mid-tier and top-tier leadership. It also contradicts testimonies made by the bureau’s director, Christopher Wray, in Congress about alleged abuse and retaliation policies based on employees’ political views. It was also disclosed that a so-called “Trump questionnaire” actually existed and was widely used to determine loyalty of personnel to the FBI, which translated to allegiance to the Democrat party. In July 2024, it was suggested in Congress that Veltri and Perkins were behind that form.

Disturbing Revelations of FBI and US Secret Service failures in Trump Assassination Attempts

Why is there so much focus on the story? This is actually a pretext to better understand the following document presented on September 23 by a ranking member of the U.S. Senate, Kentucky’s Rand Paul. The Initial Findings Report on the failures of the USSS regarding the assassination attempts on former president Donald J. Trump reveals some very shocking details.

First, before the July 13 Butler rally the USSS refused to send its sniper units to protect Trump. Second, that assassination attempt could have been prevented if the USSS had allocated additional Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) assets as was requested by the Trump team. The existing C-UAS device began operating only 40 minutes after the shooter Crooks flew his drone over the event.

And last but not the least. On July 10 the USSS Pittsburgh Office requested the FBI to report on any intelligence related to Trump and his July 13 rally in Butler, PA, but there was no response. At the same time Mr. Paul’s report says that “USSS Lead Advance Agent was told that ‘credible intelligence’ existed of a threat” but she never mentioned that in a security planning document. Given the specific kind of work of both the FBI and the USSS, it is highly likely that the bureau was aware of a heightened threat risk, but kept silent because of the pro-Democrat views of its high-ranking agents.

What Happened to the FBI Pro-Democrat Abusers?

Now let’s return to the EO investigation. One of those responsible for excess politicization in the FBI, Mr. Veltri, was promoted to Special Agent in Charge in the Miami Field Office earlier this year and now leads the FBI’s investigation into the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Fortunately, both assassination attempts failed. But the evidence gathered by the EO investigation and the U.S. Congressional Committee proves that it is politicized, and therefore the mostly unprofessional approach of both the FBI and the USSS enabled those wrongdoings to occur. Given all the facts, one can hardly be sure that the investigation led by Mr. Veltri’s team would be professional and unprejudiced.

The state of affairs in the U.S. government, built and encouraged by the Biden-Harris administration, is unacceptable. There should be no difference whether it is Trump or another president, a Republican or a Democrat. It is an American citizen, so his or her rights must be respected and the job must be done properly.

A Shift in the Race

A few days ago, there was a report that the Harris campaign is in trouble and the Trump campaign is "extremely bullish" on former President Donald Trump's chances to win the presidency. The reporter, former ABC News journalist Mark Halperin, said his account is based on "robust private polling" and talks with sources on both sides. "She's in a lot of trouble," Halperin said of Vice President Kamala Harris. "Pennsylvania is tough for her right now. ... Wisconsin and Michigan are looking worse for Harris than before. ... The conversations I'm having with Trump people and Democrats with data are extremely bullish on Trump's chances in the last 48 hours. Extremely bullish."

Not long after, Trump himself released the results of the campaign's most recent swing-state polling. It showed Trump ahead in every state, although by small margins: up by 3 points in Arizona, by 5 in Georgia, by 1 in Michigan, by 3 in Nevada, by 1 in North Carolina, by 1 in Pennsylvania and by 1 in Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, nationally, Trump appears to be rising, and Harris falling. A new NBC News poll showed Trump actually ahead of Harris by a single point, 47% to 46%, in a matchup in which fringe candidates are included in the field, and tied, 48% to 48%, in a one-on-one matchup. Compare those to the last NBC News poll, in September, which showed Harris leading Trump, 49% to 44%.

Trump has been "bolstered by Republicans coming back home to support him after last month's rough debate and a subsequent polling deficit, as well as by a favorable assessment of Trump's term as president," NBC News concluded. On the other side, the survey showed "Harris' popularity declining compared to a month ago, after she got a big summertime boost."

At the same time as Trump's rise have come reports about growing concerns inside the Harris campaign. A representative account was CNN's "Democrats grow anxious as Election Day nears," which reported that "Democrats are increasingly anxious over Harris' fate" and "there is a growing sense that her campaign is stuck in the mud." Several other reports offered variations on that theme.

Amid all this, Trump's top campaign management released a memo Sunday morning. Chris LaCivita, Susie Wiles and Tony Fabrizio argued that Harris experienced a "joy ride" of rising acceptance and support in late July after a secretive group of Democratic power brokers pushed President Joe Biden out of the race and Harris quickly replaced him. But after the joy ride, they said, nothing much has happened.

"According to our internal data, from the end of July through Labor Day, Harris largely treaded water," the trio wrote. "She made no real gains in her image or her ballot standing against President Trump." And then, after Labor Day, Harris actually slipped a bit against Trump despite spending $241 million in advertising in that period -- more than twice what Trump spent. "When you compare the state of the race on the day after Labor Day to now, what you see will be eye-opening and likely the reason many smart operatives on the other side are wringing their hands over the current state of the race," LaCivita, Wiles and Fabrizio concluded.

The bottom line, the three argued, is that despite talk about Harris' momentum at various times in the race, she really hasn't had any momentum after that period in July when everything was going her way. And now, with the election three weeks away, she's struggling.

Of course, there has been Democratic pushback, both against the party's in-house worriers, known as "bed-wetters," and against the Trump team. But the Trump memo's framing of what has happened since the big Biden-Harris switch suggests we need a closer look at what has happened in the race so far.

So here is a theory: The normal resting state of the race is for Trump to be a little ahead. But Harris has enjoyed three big bumps since becoming the Democratic candidate, and each of them has made the race trend her way before fading. The first bump, and biggest by far, was when Biden pulled out of the race. The second, and second biggest, was the Democratic convention. And the third was the Sept. 10 debate between Harris and Trump.

When Biden dropped out on July 21, Democrats were elated and Harris enjoyed the sugar high to end all sugar highs -- or the joy ride, as the Trump people say. Her standing went up in the polls, her personal favorability ratings went up, and the race, in which Trump had long led Biden, seemed to be turned upside down. All this was encouraged by celebratory media coverage, of course.

Then, just when it seemed the sugar high might finally be wearing off, came the Democratic National Convention, beginning on Aug. 19. Harris got another week of celebratory coverage, and the joy ride started back up. And then it seemed the joy ride was slowing down once again just before the debate took place on Sept. 10. The short version is that Trump had a bad debate. Harris did not have a particularly good debate, but it was better than Trump's, giving her a net benefit. The joy ride started up again.

Now, though, it is slowing down one more time. And this time, there are no scheduled events in the future -- no convention, no debates, no nothing -- which might start the Harris joy ride rolling one last time. Of course, some unforeseen thing could happen that gives Harris a new bump. But it might not. And if there is no new bump and the race is in its normal resting state on Election Day, then there is a good chance Trump will win.

All this might be wrong. Remember that. A new trend could be starting at this very moment that we don't recognize. But right now, at least, the race appears to have shifted a bit in Trump's direction, raising the possibility that without some new development to restart the joy ride, Harris could be in deepening trouble for the next three weeks.

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Jack Smith Accuses Trump of ‘Half-Hearted’ and ‘Underdeveloped’ Arguments as Prosecutor Braces for January 6 Response That Could Allege Constitutional Harm

With three weeks to go before the election, the 45th president faces an inflection point in his effort to limit public access to the flood of (ALLEGED) evidence against him.

The spotlight on Thursday and Friday will swivel to the response from President Trump’s legal team to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s immunity opus arguing that the 45th president ought to stand trial like any citizen accused of crimes. 

The end of this week has come into focus as an inflection point in the election interference case against Trump, which is gathering steam in the weeks before a presidential election that appears headed for a photographic finish. The former president calls the special counsel’s report a “monstrosity” and a “false hit job.”

Mr. Smith on Wednesday kept up the heat on the 45th president, filing a motion to Judge Tanya Chutkan arguing that one of the charges against Trump, for obstructing an official proceeding, ought to stand despite the Supreme Court having narrowed its reach last term. The law was originally drafted as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which sought to deter financial fraud.

The special counsel writes that Trump “ignores entirely that the case against him includes allegations that he and his co-conspirators sought to create and use false evidence—fraudulent electoral certificates—as a means of obstructing the certification proceeding.” The Department of Justice charged more than 250 January 6 defendants with violating this statute.

Mr. Smith accuses Trump of mounting “half-hearted,” “faulty,” and “underdeveloped” arguments that ignore the government’s accusation that he was involved in the “creation of false evidence” when he schemed to generate “fraudulent certificates, thereby obstructing the certification proceeding.” The January 6 rioters, Mr. Smith argues, did not engage in documentary obstruction.     

Now, Trump has his chance to respond. Judge Chutkan has ordered that his reply to Mr. Smith must be docketed by Thursday. She has given Trump the same extended page limit that Mr. Smith exploited to craft a 165-page document, quadruple the usual length allotted for pre-trial briefs. The special counsel used those pages to press the argument that Trump “must stand trial for his private crimes as would any other citizen.”

Taken together, Mr. Smith’s second indictment and the immunity brief amount to a double-barrelled argument for trying — and convicting — Trump for the events of January 6, 2021, and associated schemes. The latter also functions as a species of October surprise, or a closing argument in the court of public opinion. Once the Supreme Court stymied his push for a trial before the election, it appears as if the special counsel pivoted to attempting to get as much evidence unsealed as possible before the vote. 

In that effort he has found a willing partner in Judge Tanya Chutkan, who has repeatedly ruled in favor of the government in respect of how to proceed in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. United States that official presidential acts are presumptively immune. She has determined that unsealing this evidence, albeit with redactions, is not injurious to Trump’s legal rights. She denies politics plays a role in her courtroom. 

That process of unsealing will continue on Friday — unless Trump can stop it. Judge Chutkan has ruled that the appendix to Mr. Smith’s brief is to be published on Friday in partially redacted form. Trump has requested “no further disclosures” of “so-called evidence” be publicized because it has been “unlawfully cherry-picked and mischaracterized.” 

Judge Chutkan, in scheduling the appendix’s release, wrote that Trump’s “concern with the political consequences of these proceedings is not a cognizable legal prejudice.” The jurist, though, allowed Trump a window to “evaluate litigation options.” That window closes at the end of this week, when the appendix will be released if Trump cannot cajole a higher court into staying Judge Chutkan’s hand. A writ of mandamus is the most likely option.

Trump’s predicament is worsened by the case’s unusual procedural posture. Usually, pre-trial motions, like requests for dismissal, are first docketed by the defendant. The government is then offered the opportunity to respond. Judge Chutkan, though, acknowledges this case’s “unusual procedural posture,” a product of it being returned to her courtroom with a mandate to determine which of the allegations in Mr. Smith’s indictment are official and which are unofficial — and therefore bereft of immunity. 

Mr. Smith persuaded Judge Chutkan that the most expeditious way to fulfill that command was for him to file his brief first, rather than second. Trump proposed that she first adjudicate issues relating to the special counsel’s discovery obligations, which the 45th president contends are sprawling. He also argued that the release of Mr. Smith’s brief at this juncture would not only be “politically motivated,” but also impair his right to an “impartial jury.”

ABC News Argues 9/11 Overblown As It Was 'Only A Handful Of Buildings'

 U.S. — In a tense exchange with Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance, ABC news anchor Martha Raddatz argued that the tragedy of September 11th had been way overblown since it only involved a handful of buildings.

"They only hit three buildings, and you're calling this a major issue?" asked Raddatz, incredulous. "You realize I can literally count on one hand how many planes were hijacked. Stop making 9/11 out to be such a big deal."

Senator Vance vainly attempted to argue that terrorists hijacking planes and crashing them into buildings was still a serious issue, even if only a few buildings were hit. "I don't know how to put this more plainly, Martha, but 9/11 was bad," said Vance. "The number of buildings involved is really not the determinant of how serious an issue is. I can't believe I'm having to explain this."

Despite Vance's best efforts, Raddatz remained unmoved. "You're blowing a tiny little issue like 9/11 way out of proportion for nothing but cynical political gain," said Raddatz. "Classic Republican strategy, making mountains out of little molehills, like a mere TWO towers. Disgusting."

At publishing time, Raddatz had sat with her mouth agape for thirty minutes after Vance asked if January 6th was therefore not a big deal since only one building was involved.

Nobody Fights for a World Economic Forum Flag

One of the peculiar things about our stark civil divide is that Americans who are extremely unhappy with the direction of our country are more likely to wave the U.S. flag than those actually steering the country on its current course.  Consider how strange that is!  When the civil rights movement and anti-war protests reached their peak over half a century ago, hippies, peaceniks, revolutionaries, agitators, and anarchists burned the American flag whenever they got the chance.  They bought in to the revisionist narratives of Marxist historians, who taught an entire generation of young people that America is an evil, imperialist, exploitative, genocidal, fascist, slaveholding nation that can never be redeemed.  

These students, in turn, grew up to become the current custodians of the federal government.  One of Barack Obama’s first initiatives as president was to undertake an “apology tour” around the world so that he could rub salt in old wounds and provide America’s enemies with planeloads of rhetorical ammunition (and pallets of cash).  In deriding President Trump’s MAGA movement, Joe Biden has repeatedly insisted that America was never that great and never lived up to its promise.  Globalist mosquito John Kerry flies around the world to praise the virtues of one-world government and bemoan America’s stubborn constitutional safeguards for individual rights such as free speech.  Having bought in to the gospel of Howard Zinn, those who hold the reins of power in Washington, D.C. are some of the most anti-American zealots on the planet!

That contradiction has produced this odd historical moment, in which people who largely dislike America run the U.S. government and people who love America largely despise the U.S. government.  If you travel through patriotic regions of the country filled with Americans who either served in the armed forces or have family members who currently do, you will find U.S. flags flying from almost every home.  Not only is Old Glory ubiquitous in neighborhoods, cemeteries, and town halls, but also other patriotic flags — including the Gadsden and Bunker Hill flags — are draped prominently from porches, barns, storefronts, and trucks.

Once you head to a coastal city, however, not only does the sea of patriotism abruptly disappear, but also out-of-town visitors are much more likely to discover newspaper editorials arguing for perplexing things — such as the idea that it is “racist” for schoolkids to dress in Americana clothing or that it is psychologically “triggering” for unsuspecting bystanders to be “accosted” by images of the U.S. flag.  When townsfolk visit big cities, the strain of anti-Americanism is downright jolting.

There are questions that hover over the United States today, much like toxic plumes in windless skies.  Are the divisions in our country too great for the Union to overcome?  Can the federation of fifty states persevere while prominent politicians call for an end to the Electoral College (an essential constitutional check against the power of big, wealthy states) and the further diminishment of the states’ sovereign authority?  Can we talk about an “American nation” united by common principles and shared history when the foreign-born population has steadily risen to over fifty million residents today?  Are we still bound together by a love for freedom and a commitment to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, or has Marxist-socialism’s takeover of America’s educational institutions combined with a half-century of immigration from communist nations created a majority who wholly reject the structure and character of the American Republic as founded?  These are questions that weigh heavily on Americans’ minds as they increasingly see those within driving distance not as neighbors, but rather as strangers from indecipherable cultures.

Equally befuddling is the sermonizing from globetrotting internationalists such as John Kerry, Al Gore, and Bill Gates, who not only disregard the sovereign powers of the individual American states and the individual rights of American citizens, but also reject the national sovereignty of the United States.  Kerry, Gore, and Gates are just a few members of a wealthy and politically powerful cabal of quasi-stateless emissaries who demonstrate no affection for or allegiance to America or Americans.  

They show up as VIP speakers at conferences sponsored by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization, and they advocate for global policies that are harmful to citizens of the United States.  They believe in open borders and mass migration.  They believe that mandatory “vaccination” and other forced medical procedures should be performed without first obtaining a patient’s informed consent.  They believe in banning private farms and commandeering the food supply.  They believe in using the promises of income assistance, “free” health care, public housing, and other expansive welfare entitlements as bait to entice foreign nationals to undertake perilous journeys on their way to illegally entering the U.S.  

They believe that central banks and international economic bodies should strictly regulate domestic markets and that international agreements should supersede U.S. law.  They believe that human beings should be tracked and traced either through physically embedded computer chips under their skin or through “vaccination” or “carbon consumption” passports mandated for travel, commerce, and online communication.  They believe that protections for free speech (such as the First Amendment) are “dangerous” because they permit common people to challenge and reject official narratives.  They believe that the right to self-defense (and its constitutional guarantee in the Second Amendment) is “dangerous” because it prevents the State from maintaining an uncontested monopoly over coercive violence.  

They believe that corporations and governments should be permitted to spy on citizens with impunity.  They believe that humans have no moral expectation of privacy with regard to even the most intimate details of their lives.  They believe in the unilateral rule-making of bureaucrats, the absolute authority of government officials, and the tyranny of “expertise.”  They believe that private property is a luxury that should be reserved for the privileged few.  They believe in social credit scores, digital IDs, central bank digital currencies, and “nudge” units tasked with manipulating public behavior.  They believe that parents should be imprisoned for refusing to allow “transgender” enthusiasts to butcher and castrate their children.  They believe that all children belong to the State.

They believe in the reimposition of a feudal system in which a small number of global elites own everything and everyone else subsists as a serf.  They believe in gun confiscation.  They believe in censorship.  They believe in depopulation.  They believe that personal freedom must be extinguished for the “common good.”  They believe that A.I. supercomputers should be revered as gods.

In deed and creed, the people who wish to rule over us are unapologetically hostile to everything it means to be an American.  It is no wonder, then, why those who run the U.S. government wave the American flag only when they must.  To them, the Stars and Stripes hold no meaning and serve no purpose other than to cater to outmoded beliefs and antiquated sentiments.  When secure from prying ears, they might even mock Old Glory as nothing more than a dreadful relic of “white supremacy.”  

They would be wrong, of course.  I have never seen a soldier charge headfirst into battle with a World Economic Forum patch on his arm.  I have never seen a child save a tattered United Nations flag in the aftermath of a storm.  I have never seen a firefighter, police officer, or war-fighter drape a casket with flags from the World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, or the World Bank.  I have never seen a hero pray to a computer for salvation.

It seems to me that the globalists who run the U.S. government want to build a future without God, patriotism, or even countries.  Good luck finding anyone willing to fight and die for that.

Black Nationalist Gets $20 Million to Promote ‘Segregation’ in Public Schools

 Sharif El-Mekki envisions a world where ‘all black students are taught by same-race teachers.’ He is backed by the Gates Foundation, NBC Universal, Nike, and the Bezos Family Foundation.

Sharif El-Mekki is an adviser to Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro. He also supports school segregation, is a member of the Black Panther Party with family ties to Iran, and runs a nonprofit that has raked in nearly $20 million in donations from the government and nonprofits, including the Gates Foundation.

El-Mekki, a former middle and high school teacher and principal, founded the Center for Black Educator Development (CBED) in 2019, which defines its vision as “a world where. . . all black students are taught by high-quality, same-race teachers,” and where “all teachers demonstrate high levels of expertise in anti-racist mindsets.” CBED argues that employing black teachers to educate black students increases educational outcomes.

Since its founding, CBED has trained thousands of teachers across the U.S. in “education activism,” urging a “commitment to liberation education from the racism inherent in America’s institutions, including our schools.” A CBED information packet titled “The Anti-Racist Guide to Teacher Retention,” developed with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, defines education as “a political act” that “can upend white supremacy and a racist history of using education as an oppressive social force.” 

“Every lesson plan is a political document, and every classroom interaction a political statement,” the guide reads. 

El-Mekki’s nonprofit boasts more than $19.5 million in assets, boosted by funders including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which donated over $1.4 million between 2020 and 2021, and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, which gave over $1.1 million in 2022, according to public tax filings. Other backers include NBC Universal, Nike, the Bezos Family Foundation, the University of Pennsylvania School of Education, and dozens more. In 2023 alone, CBED trained more than 1,700 educators. In their most recent tax filing from 2023, El-Mekki drew a salary of $233,410 from the organization.

“He started up this organization, which on paper sounds like a really wonderful endeavor, getting more black teachers in the classroom,” said Dr. Mika Hackner, a senior research associate at the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values, which drafted a report on El-Mekki’s extremist views and activism that she shared with The Free Press. “But if you scratch beneath the surface—not even beneath the surface, it’s on their website—he’s propagating some pretty dangerous and divisive ideas.” 

El-Mekki, she added, is “bringing in segregation by a different and more socially and politically acceptable name.” 

As a child, El-Mekki attended a Black Panther–inspired “freedom school,” where black students were taught by black teachers. His parents were members of the Black Panther Party, and on his nonprofit’s website, El-Mekki is seen sporting a Black Panther t-shirt

When he was in middle school, his family relocated to Iran, a country he continues to praise to this day. Speaking on a podcast in April 2023, El-Mekki lauded the Iranian education system, stating that “Iran produces more engineers and doctors, scientists, than many other countries. To be that small, but there’s such an emphasis on education and understanding.” In that same interview, El-Mekki bashed America as “anti-black and anti-intellectual.” 

El-Mekki’s late mother, Aisha El-Mekki, was a Muslim convert who moved her family to Iran because “she wanted her children to witness a country united in its efforts to make a change,” according to a biography published by the Philly Muslim Freedom Fund in 2020. The biography describes that she “loved” how former Ayatollah Khomeini “continuously stood up to the bully without any fear” and how “he called out the oppression of America and other superpowers.” Aisha El-Mekki met with Khomeini multiple times, according to the biography.

Sharif El-Mekki, in turn, has been praised by Nation of Islam leader and black nationalist Louis Farrakhan. In 2019, Farrakhan’s publication, The Final Callprofiled El-Mekki in a piece called “Leading with Equity and Justice in Education.” The Final Call has also quoted El-Mekki multiple times, referring to him as a “master educator.” 

In just five years, Philadelphia native El-Mekki has become a major influencer in public education in Pennsylvania and beyond. In 2022, he served on the Education and Workforce Advisory Committee of Governor Josh Shapiro’s transition team, and last month, he testified in front of Congress on the need for more teachers of color. He has also penned various op-eds in national outlets, and gave a TEDTalk in January 2023 where he advocated for a “connection between activism and teaching black students superbly.” Neither El-Mekki nor Governor Shapiro’s office responded to requests for comment from The Free Press.

In addition to his big nonprofit donors, El-Mekki’s organization has secured at least $560,000 in contracts from 2022 to 2024 with the Philadelphia School District—the twentieth largest in the country—to run summer school programs that teach “a culturally responsive, affirming, and sustaining early-literacy curriculum” to “address educational inequalities and our nation’s racist history.” CBED is now expanding outside Pennsylvania, inking contracts with school districts in Fresno, California, San Antonio, Texas, and New York City.

CBED has also built an “e-learning” service used by over 900 students that is now expanding to include partnerships with over 20 universities, including University of Michigan, University of South Florida, and Vanderbilt. CBED also runs a “Teaching Academy” for high schoolers “based in Black pedagogy and historical frameworks,” helping “students make the connection between teaching and activism.” 

El-Mekki is also part of a group that developed Pennsylvania’s “culturally relevant and sustaining education framework,” which came into effect in 2022. The following year, multiple school districts sued to stop the implementation of the framework, with one superintendent calling it “indoctrination over education.” 

Hackner, of the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values, said El-Mekki’s teaching approach could be “unhealthy for a liberal democratic society, and for civil discourse” if it is adopted across the country.

“It’s instituting a really unhealthy educational framework where everything must be based upon this sort of extremist version of anti-racism,” she said. “I think it creates an inward-looking, insular world.”

Trump Has Audience Cheering During Economic Club of Chicago Interview; Kamala's Response Is Icing on Cake

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The latest effort of Vice President Kamala Harris to attack former President Donald Trump as somehow "hiding away" from the public is so silly, it's hard to believe that her campaign would run with that. Trump is all over the place, doing all kinds of interviews and far more than her. 

But she is desperate as the numbers seem to be running in Trump's direction. She's down to telling despicable lies and getting nailed on them, such as spreading the false story that Trump froze during an event and was confused, when he stopped because there were two medical emergencies. Even ABC debunked the false story and described how well Trump handled the situation. 

Trump is just killing it in multiple interviews. The "Flagrant" podcast he did, for example. was a great interview because showed his humanity and great sense of humor. 

But the interview he did on Tuesday with Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait before the Economic Club of Chicago showed off his economic chops. He just kept dropping facts on the hostile interviewer and the audience of business people loved it, judging by the reaction. 

Trump pointed out how the Republican Party was the party of common sense. 

Micklethwait tried to attack him, saying there wasn't a "peaceful transfer of power." But Trump reminded him that, in fact, it was a "peaceful transfer," as the crowd clapped in agreement. 

Micklethwait said you had a peaceful transfer of power compared to Venezuela, and the crowd booed at him when he said that. Trump reminded him he had asked for people to march "peacefully and patriotically" and that he didn't seem to have an issue with the protests of the Democrats against the election in 2016. People threatened and tried to suborn the electors. Leftists rioted in the streets when Trump was inaugurated in 2017, but that is forgotten and ignored.  

Micklethwait tried to skewer him over inflation, but Trump dropped him with how good his term was in regard to inflation, particularly compared to Biden and the audience loved it. 

He also had a throwdown with Micklethwait over the worth of tariffs that was great, and again, the audience clapped. He said all you have to do is build here, and there are no tariffs. 

Trump also noted it was going to have a massive positive effect and the audience laughed when he just dropped Micklethwait for being wrong. 

"You're trying to turn this," Micklethwaite stammered. 

Yes, he did turn it on you, and the audience thought it was great. 

He had the audience in love when he started eviscerating Gavin Newsom (or Newscum, as he called him). He also called him out over an anti-voter ID measure.  

The result? A standing ovation. 

Just to top it all off, Kamala Harris, who claims Trump is "hiding," was invited, but she refused. 

She couldn't even begin to stand up to those questions and display the knowledge that Trump has.