Sunday, October 13, 2024

JD Vance Takes a Tire Iron to Harris' 'Disastrous Afghan Withdrawal'

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

There was a special focus by GOP vice presidential nominee, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) at a campaign event in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on Saturday; since it was held at a manufacturing company that supplies the U.S. military. He brought up not only the shoddy way the Biden-Harris administration's Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has treated vets in the wake of the porous Southern border crisis, but that the botched U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan remains a shameful and telling legacy of the sitting vice president's ongoing negligence.

Vance spoke to supporters "at JWF Industries, which supplies "Department of Defense prime contractors with reliable, on-time fabrications and sub-assemblies,' according to its site".

He made a connection between the strength of the American industrial workforce and how our nation aided the Allied powers to win World War II:

Vance also addressed the VA seeming to work harder at housing and helping illegal aliens than our brave veterans, some of whom are left to their own devices, and homeless, on America's streets:

He also spoke about the housing initiative former President Donald Trump introduced recently, which would help more Americans gain the American Dream of home ownership, instead of the federal government giving more handouts to sway Democrat voters.

Trump Promises Policies to Help Families Keep More Cash in Their Pockets, Buy a Home in Tucson Speech

When speaking about Afghanistan, Vance reminded everyone that despite the fact that Americans were killed in the debacle, no one in the senior leadership of the DoD has yet been held accountable:

The way he went about it was akin to someone taking a tire iron to a set of dilapidated whitewalls on the side of the road. He said: 

Go back to the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. You know, it's so sad because these are young people in the prime of their life...And of course, 13 of them lost their lives.

I've talked to a lot of the families, the moms and the dads, the sisters, of these beautiful, young Americans, and do you know what they'll tell you?


What they're angry about is the lack of accountability that happened afterwards. I had to fact check this because I couldn't believe it.

How many in the Department of Defense bureaucracy, senior leadership, how many got fired after that disastrous withdrawal?


Sen. Vance didn't just speak about the military or building new homes, though. Vance had a message for all Americans about the meaning of the American Dream, which draws legal immigrants from all over the world, and our country's future--including the promise to provide the fertile soil for "kids to dream" their biggest dreams:

It's positive messages like this from Republicans in this cycle that explain why polls seem to be moving Team Trump's way. Stay tuned!

President Trump Proposes Tax Credit for Home Generators

President Trump has proposed that homes in critical areas be granted tax credits for the installation of emergency generators.  It is a smart plan given the nature of crisis events that have unfolded in recent years.

Factually, it would not be difficult to repurpose much of the “Green New Deal” spending legislation to permit such a credit.  There are millions of Americans who could benefit.  Sounds good in both principle and practice.

Made in America generators!  Watch how fast the private sector industries would start scrambling to make USA built generators.

The Thrill Is Gone: Barack Obama's Scolding of Black Men Torched by Prominent African Americans

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Former president Barack Obama, the man who salvaged Joe Biden from the ash heap of political history (an unfortunate move which in turn sadly revived Kamala Harris’ DOA career), continued with his unifying ways Thursday by shaming black men who don't think that Harris is a great choice for commander-in-chief.

It reminded me of Joe’s infamous line, if you don’t vote for me, then “you ain’t black.” Obama:

And you're coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, I've got a problem with that.

Because part of it makes me think -- and I'm speaking to men directly -- part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren't feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you're coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that…

That's not acceptable. 

He sounds like a mob boss.

Just disgusting, divisive rhetoric from the man who said in his first acceptance speech, “We have never been a collection of red states and blue states; we are, and always will be, the United States of America.”

Unless you disagree with him, of course.

Turns Out Those Obama Remarks Got Worse—He Even Insults Black Men Who Are on the Fence About Kamala

Scott Jennings Cooks Obama for Chastising Men Over Harris, Reveals Big Issue for Democrats

I’ve always hated the left’s use of the word “community.” The “black community,” the “LGBTQ community.” As if, just because people have one thing in common, they all have the same viewpoints on everything. Is there a “white community?” A “heterosexual community?”

Sure enough, it turns out that plenty of blacks were capable of their own thoughts and found the former president’s remarks to be belittling and deeply obnoxious. Former football great and one-time Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker was less than impressed, calling it a step backward:

We need unity brother, not division!

Well said.

Meanwhile, as a RedState man, I’m obviously not a Bernie Sanders fan, but his former campaign co-chair and former Democratic Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner nevertheless had it right when she asked, "Why are Black men being belittled?"

She absolutely nukes Obama’s race-baiting narrative and stuns the CNN hosts in the process:

"Now, a lot of love for former President Obama, but for him to single out Black men is wrong, and some of the Black men that I have talked to have their reasons why they want to vote a different way, and even if some of us may not like that, we have to respect it," she said.

Turner explained further, "So unless President Barack Obama is gonna go out and lecture every other group of men from other identity groups, my message for Democrats is don’t bring it here to Black men who, by and large, don’t vote much differently from Black women."

The reactions from the CNN crew are some of the most priceless I've ever seen. Truth is being spoken to them, and they absolutely cannot handle it.

These are just two examples, but there are plenty more out there of people who were deeply insulted by being told they had to vote a certain way just because of their skin color. (As of this writing, a search on the social media platform X for "Obama" turns up an untold number—but an unquestionably large number —of black people angrily teeing off on "hopey-changey" Barack's comments.)

Obama has been one of the smoothest politicians in the land since his meteoric rise from obscurity in the mid-2000s, but there was always a darker presence lurking underneath his big Hollywood grin.

He showed it loud and clear with this belittling speech, and he lost a lot of his luster in the process. Kamala Harris is 100 percent correct: we need “a new way forward,” but that way should not include race-baiting, the failures of Obama-style progressivism, or the constant attempts by leading Democrats to divide the nation.

Man Pretending To Be Straight Pretends To Hunt

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MINNEAPOLIS, MN — A man who pretends to be straight went out into a meadow today to pretend like he was hunting.

"It's just so relaxing to sit here and think about what it might be like if I was straigh -- er, if I was hunting," said Walz. "Ope! Got to calm down these jazz hands before I try pointing the ol' gun thingy around."

Walz then picked up a shotgun, carelessly twirling it like a baton. "Ah, takes me back to my days as a flag twirler," said Walz. "Look at me out here, a real hunter going hunting. I do love the neon orange! Do the bullets go in the big brown part on the back?"

After surveying every angle of the gun in search of where to load shotgun shells, noted firearms expert Tim Walz dropped a couple in the barrel. "My time handling weapons of war has served me well once again," said Walz proudly. "Yes sir, nothing like a pheasant hunt. Is that what we're hunting? Hey boys, how about we each sing our favorite song from RENT while we wait?"

At publishing time, Walz had reportedly performed the lead number "76 Trombones" from Music Man using the shotgun as a pretend trombone.

French Police Arrest Afghan Linked To US Attack Suspect


French Police Arrest Afghan Linked To US Attack Suspect

French police have arrested a 22-year-old Afghan linked to a countryman in the US suspected of planning an election day attack there, anti-terrorism prosecutors said Saturday.    

A 22-year-old Afghan was indicted and imprisoned in France on Saturday, accused of supporting the ideology of the Islamic State (IS) and of having "fomented" a "plan for violent action" in a football stadium or a shopping center.

His arrest, which took place Tuesday in Haute-Garonne, has "links" with the arrest of an Afghan living in the United States and charged Wednesday with planning an attack on the day of the U.S. elections, the national anti-terrorist prosecutor's office (PNAT) said, confirming a source close to the case questioned by AFP.

This 27-year-old Afghan, living in the southern U.S. state of Oklahoma, was in contact on the Telegram messaging service with a person identified by the FBI as an IS recruiter, according to American judicial authorities. 

According to the source close to the case, during their investigations, the American authorities transmitted information to the French authorities, triggering the opening of an investigation in Paris and leading to three arrests.

On Tuesday morning in the southwest of France, three men, aged 20 to 31, two of whom are brothers, were arrested in Toulouse and Fronton by investigators from the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI), supported by the RAID, the police intervention unit, as part of a preliminary investigation opened on September 27 for "terrorist criminal association with a view to preparing one or more crimes against persons."

"The investigations carried out have highlighted the existence of a plan for violent action targeting people in a football stadium or a shopping center fomented by one of them, aged 22, of Afghan nationality and holder of a resident card, several elements of which also establish radicalization and adherence to the ideology of the Islamic State," the PNAT told AFP on Saturday.

His lawyer, Emanuel de Dinechin, did not wish to comment at this stage. 

In accordance with the PNAT requisitions, he was charged with terrorist criminal association by an investigating judge, then placed in provisional detention.

According to a source close to the case, this young man comes from the Tajik community in Afghanistan and his project, which he reportedly spoke about on Telegram, remained rather vague and unfinished.

According to another source close to the investigation, he has been living in France for around three years.

The other two men were released after their police custody.  


The last arrests for a plan for violent action in France date back to the end of July.

Two young men, aged 18 and originally from Gironde in the southwest, were indicted on July 27, suspected of having created a group on social networks "intended to recruit" people "motivated (to) perpetrate a violent action" during the Paris Olympic Games.

Three attacks were foiled during the Olympic period, according to the authorities. In addition to the two young people from Gironde, one of the plans targeted establishments, including bars, around the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium in Saint-Etienne (southeast), and the other came from a group that had planned attacks against institutions and representatives of Israel in Paris. Five people have been charged, including a minor teenager, in these cases. 

The "jihadist threat represents 80% of the procedures" initiated by the PNAT, anti-terrorism prosecutor Olivier Christen recalled in mid-September. "In the first half of 2024, there were approximately three times more procedures" of this type than in the same period in 2023, he added.

According to him, this increase is explained by the "geopolitical context," but also by "the reconfiguration, particularly in Afghanistan" of the Islamic State group.

In September, two attacks by the Islamic State in Khorasan (IS-K) group, the regional branch of IS in Afghanistan, killed around 20 people in that country.

The deadliest attack by ISIS left 145 dead in March at a concert hall in Moscow