Wednesday, October 2, 2024

FEMA’s DEI Crippled Hurricane Helene Response

FEMA’s DEI Crippled Hurricane Helene Response

FEMA’s ‘Goal 1’ wasn’t disaster management, but ‘equity’.

“I don’t know that anybody could be fully prepared for the amount of flooding and landslides that they are experiencing right now,” FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell protested to CBS News.

The ravages of Hurricane Helene had left parts of Asheville, North Carolina underwater, but it wasn’t just the homes and roads that were underwater, but FEMA’s botched response..

Criswell, who had been appointed to head FEMA by the Biden-Harris administration as a reward for coordinating New York City’s horrendously botched response to the pandemic, posed in a starched FEMA blouse and gold necklace on a morning show even as private volunteers were once again having to step in because the Federal Emergency Management Agency had failed.

FEMA was unprepared for the flooding because under Criswell, a DEI hire whose resume included being “the first woman commissioner of New York City Emergency Management”, the agency had shifted from disaster management to DEI disasters.

Goal 1 of FEMA’s Strategic Plan was to “instill equity as a foundation of emergency management”. FEMA’s Objective 1.1 was also not disaster management, it’s to “cultivate a FEMA that prioritizes and harnesses a diverse workforce”. FEMA’s leadership was required to make its priority “integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion in delivering the agency’s mission.”

Leading the way in implementing FEMA’s new ideological disaster management was Vice President Kamala Harris who claimed that she had started one of the “first environmental justice units of any DA’s office” when she helped turn San Francisco into a crime zone, and claimed that it’s “communities of color that are most impacted by” weather and natural disasters.

Kamala then argued that “we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity” so that minorities would be first in line for aid regardless of who has the greater need.

FEMA kicked off hurricane season in 2022 with a preparedness campaign contending that black people were more vulnerable to hurricanes because, according to FEMA Deputy Administrator Erik Hooks, “black communities are on the frontlines of climate change.”

Hooks, another Biden-Harris nominee, had been appointed deputy administrator despite only five years of experience in emergency management, in order to “infuse equity across our agency” described the campaign prioritizing black people for natural disasters as reaffirming “our commitment to equity”. But FEMA’s commitment to equity was getting people killed.

“Black and African American communities often suffer disproportionate impacts from disasters. This is something that we must work to change and that starts with how we prepare,” FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell argued.

A few weeks later, Hurricane Ian became the third most expensive weather disaster and claimed over 150 lives. Most of the dead were white senior citizens. Elderly people living near the coast were the ones actually most at risk. FEMA had sacrificed their lives for equity.

Instead of atoning for the lives lost, Administrator Criswell doubled down by signing an agreement with the NAACP, a Biden-Harris administration ally, and assured illegal aliens that they could apply for taxpayer-funded aid. FEMA directed millions to creating “equitable” fire departments and tried to make sure too many white people weren’t applying for disaster aid.

During the devastating fires in Hawaii last year, FEMA was busy running DEI training which falsely claimed white supremacy is “ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S” as part of ‘Goal 1’ and its mandate to make “equity a foundation of emergency management.

The introduction to FEMA’s Building Alliances for Equitable Resilience by Chauncia Willis, a former wellness and diversity coach, urges disaster officials to reach out to “LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, Black Lives Matter chapters”.

The DEI bureaucracy at FEMA had fundamentally tainted its risk calculations. As Freedom Center Investigates revealed in a 2022 investigation, the agency’s National Risk Index had baked in a “social vulnerability” component based on the percentage of minority groups.

A town that is 40% black, 33% Hispanic and 12% Asian is calculated by FEMA as being more at risk than a town that is made up of 23% Italian-Americans, 44% Irish, 9% Jews and 18% Swedish-Americans. Two towns with the same risk level, but different racial numbers will put the minority town ahead of the non-minority one when it comes to aid to prepare for a disaster.

Asheville, North Carolina, which has an 84% white population and only 4.5% black population, was doomed to be considered lower risk than similar black or minority areas because of the systemically racist algorithms being employed by federal bureaucrats at FEMA.

Administrator Criswell told the media that FEMA couldn’t have been prepared for the historic flooding in North Carolina, but the area has a history of floods going back two centuries. The Great Flood of 1916 had killed 80 people and flooded the area with more rain than ever before. Had FEMA studied the history of floods, instead of the history of race, it might have been ready.

But the Biden-Harris administration had illegally mandated racial discrimination across every federal agency with its ‘equity’ executive orders.

The dead in North Carolina are just more of the victims of the systemic racism of equity.

FEMA’s failures in Hurricane Helene were not an accident. They were the inevitable outcome of prioritizing ideology over mission, quotas over merit, and race over need. A DEI leadership dedicated to enacting DEI has ineptly presided over another natural disaster. From East Palestine to Ashevillle, the Biden-Harris administration has allowed innocent people to suffer and die because the racist ideology of equity values some lives less depending on their race.

The foundation of disaster management can either be racial equity or disaster response.

FEMA Administrator Criswell, Deputy Administrator Hooks, and FEMA’s DEI bureaucracy have demonstrated that it cannot be both because there’s no room for DEI when people are dying.

Moderators Slammed for ‘Awful,’ ‘Obvious,’ ‘Craptastic’ Bias in VP Debate

Political pundits ripped CBS News anchors Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan for biased moderating during the vice presidential debate.

“Margaret Brennan just lied again about the ILLEGAL MIGRANTS let into our Country by Lyin’ Kamala Harris, and then she cut off JD’s mic to stop him from correcting her!” former President Donald Trump posted on Truth Social.

The debate moderators appeared to consistently show bias against vice presidential nominee Senator JD Vance (R-OH) by fact-checking him, cutting off his mic, and asking questions framed unfairly. They did not appear to use the same tactics on vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (D).

The bias does not come as a surprise. CBS News gave the Harris-Walz ticket 85 percent positive coverage from July 21 to September 27, the Media Research Center found Monday, while the Trump-Vance ticket received 81 percent negative coverage.

Nine X users below slammed and exposed the moderators, with some suggesting their bias was worse than the ABC News presidential debate, in which some Democrats admitted the moderators were biased toward Vice President Kamala Harris.

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former RNC War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebΓΈ or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time. 

OP-ED: Attempts to criminalize “residential school denialism” continue

 Today is Canada’s “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” a statutory holiday in many parts of the country.

A growing cohort of informed Canadians will see this day as one of countless federal government virtue signaling-cum-propaganda efforts meant to obscure, deny, or hide the truth about our country’s interaction with its indigenous people, notably, the role played in this interaction by the Indian Residential Schools a noble albeit flawed and occasionally harmful effort to help Canada’s first settlers adapt to the challenges of a rapidly modernizing country, an effort the historical record shows indigenous people and their leaders strongly embraced.

Today is also four short days after a reprehensible motion by Leah Gazan, the NDP Member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre, presented in a private member’s bill, criminalizing residential school “denialism” — defined as “downplaying, denying or condoning the harms of residential schools in Canada.”

Her bill rides on the back of a Liberal government amendment to its 2022 budget implementation bill that added a criminal provision against making public statements that promote antisemitism “by condoning, denying or downplaying the Holocaust.”

In short, Gazan sees Canada’s generally benevolent treatment of children attending the indigenous boarding schools where not a single verified murder of students took place as equivalent to the Nazi murder of six million Jews before and during the Second World War.

As of last November, the federal Justice Department said it was not aware of any charges or prosecutions having been laid under that offence. British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, and Alberta all said they had no charges or cases on record, so the constitutionality of the law has not been tested.

Gazan confirmed in an interview last Thursday she drew inspiration from the existing provision — which has yet to see any charges or prosecutions — saying she wants to see the “genocide” of residential schools given the same status.

Gazan is of mixed descent. Her mother was a Chinese and Lakota woman and her father was a Jewish Holocaust survivor. She said the history of genocide on one side of her family “is never up for debate.”

Her words say she also wants no debate on the charge of an indigneous genocide that never occurred.

“That is not true for Indigenous People of Canada,” she said on Thursday.

“I cannot think of anything more violent to survivors and their family members and community to constantly have their history with genocide up for debate. If this country is serious about reconciling it has to come to terms with some of our history and take the actions necessary to protect those that are most impacted by it.”

If passed, Gazan’s private member’s bill would make it an offence to willfully promote hatred against indigenous people “by condoning, denying, justifying or downplaying the harm caused by the residential school system in Canada.”

In her speech to the House of Commons after tabling it, she said, “All parliamentarians must stand firm against all forms of damaging hate speech, including the denial of the tragedy of the residential schools in Canada.”

If they were all still alive, most of the 150,000 children voluntarily sent to the residential schools from loving homes undamaged by orphanhood or systemic child abuse or neglect would vigorously challenge her assertions.

Though the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, which was established to investigate the residential school system, heard from thousands of former students who testified to experiencing physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse, as well as malnutrition, it failed to interrogate these claims or determine whether they arrived at the schools already badly damaged by their troubled home experience on impoverished Indian reserves.

Last fall, Gazan also tabled a motion that called on Members of Parliament to recognize the residential school system as a genocide, which received unanimous consent from Parliament.

On Thursday, she told the National Post that she respects free speech but that “all rights have limitations.”

“There’s a difference between freedom of speech and hate speech,” Gazan said, adding the abuses perpetrated on Indigenous children are irrefutable.

What she refuses to acknowledge is that only a handful of these reported abuses have been proven in a court of law or that they are overwhelmed by stories of a happy and rewarding school life, as carefully revealed here, here, here, here, and here.

Chantalle Aubertin, a spokeswoman for Justice Minister Arif Virani said, “We must not ignore the lasting impact these schools had on Indigenous peoples — an intergenerational trauma that continues to be deeply felt today. The denial of the atrocities that occurred remains painful for survivors, their families, and communities.”

Whatever “intergeneration trauma that continues to be felt today” is a product of the incomplete integration into the larger Canadian society of indigenous people despite following 500 years of contact with Western civilization. In particular, the Indian Residential Schools failed to do so because no more than one-third of indigenous children attended for an average of 4.5 years. Nearly all but orphans returned home on weekends if their homes were nearby or for long Christmas and summer holidays where they continued to internalize and practice their traditional ways of life.

Conservative MP Jamie Schmale said in a statement last Thursday that his party would “closely examine” the bill.

“The residential school system is a dark chapter of our nation’s history. In 2008, the Canadian government under Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered an apology finally acknowledging the horrors of the residential school system,” Schmale said.

The true horror is that one-third of indigenous children attended no school at all during the period the residential schools were operating under government control and funding, 1883-1996.

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Cindy Woodhouse posted on X that she supports the bill.

“Each political party should be in support of this bill,” she added.

Despite a lack of evidence, attempts to criminalize “residential school denialism” continue.

Private member bills are rarely approved. Hopefully, this groundless bill will fail to pass as well.

HOT TAKES: Democrats, Media Seethe As Republicans Cheer After Vance Dominates Vice Presidential Debate

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

I don't know what the viewership numbers were on the vice presidential debate between Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, but if they're not high they should have been because that was one of the best debates I've ever watched in my time as a political junkie (which goes back a looong time).

Vance, as RedState previously reported, wiped the floor not just with Walz but also the CBS News debate moderators, who did what they weren't supposed to do at least twice in "fact-checking" Vance, only to have him refuse to be silenced by fact-checking them right back.

WATCH: JD Vance Just Flattens Smug 'Fact Checking' CBS News Mods in Epic Fashion on Springfield Topic

There is no question here who won the debate, with pollsters and even some in the media saying in so many words that Vance was the victor:

Meanwhile, on the conservative side of things:

And perhaps the best one of all:

But with who?

After what happened in July, I wouldn't put it past them.

On the other hand, the struggle is real at this difficult time for Democrats:

But as we've seen over the last three and a half years, sometimes the POTUS is not actually the POTUS, which is precisely why this debate was so important. 

As I've said before, if there's anything Joe Biden's presidency has shown us beyond a shadow of a doubt is that vice presidential picks very much matter and can be very consequential on down the line - and sometimes much sooner than anticipated, as has been the case with Harris.

In any event, hats off to JD Vance, who if nothing else made vice presidential debates great again with his stellar performance on the debate stage.

Did You Notice That a Huge Kamala-Biden 2024 Narrative Got Obliterated Today

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

What’s the main argument you hear from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or any surrogate: it was chaos under Donald Trump? That’s one of the go-to lines that has been shouted incessantly, yet no one cares. Kamala Harris isn’t pulling away, and she’s projected to be the worst-performing Democrat ever among union and working-class voters. The economic message isn’t resonating, likely because voters aren’t stupid; her domestic plan is a carbon copy of Joe Biden’s. Kamala is the incumbent. She cannot run away from it. But we’re engulfed in a mess right now, and the Kamala-Joe duo is asleep at the switch. 

Actually, that’s not fair; they’re aware but just don’t care. This administration is also incapable of doing anything right. We’re dealing with a massive longshoreman strike, the first in decades, a torpid response to Hurricane Helene, and the largest ballistic missile strike against Israel ever launched by Iran. The chaos that Democrats claim will return if Trump wins the 2024 election is here, folks. And Joe and Kamala don’t know what to do—just watch her response to Iran’s attack on Israel. 

She’s reading the lines, but does she understand what’s happening? Joe was in the situation room during his crisis, so I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that meeting.

Ballistic missiles weren’t being fired at Israel. The Abraham Accords established a framework for more Arab nations to normalize relations with the Jewish State. Inflation wasn’t inexcusably high. Wages were up, the economy was booming, workers were getting bonuses, overseas money was repatriated, unemployment was at record lows, and consumer and small business confidence reached historic highs—what chaos are Democrats talking about? 

Meanwhile, flood-ravaged victims could be without electricity or water access for weeks. and what about the dock workers? Who is in charge? Is someone talking to somebody?

Whatever the case, the ‘Trump is chaos’ narrative, which was never true, was incinerated in real-time today.