Sunday, September 29, 2024

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time. 

INSANE: Watch As Fran Lebowitz Tells Bill Maher She Wants Joe Biden... to Dissolve SCOTUS

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

There are a few unshakable rules in political discourse - only a few, but there are some that never seem to be broken. One of these rules is that it is always the left, never the right, that calls for trashing the Constitution when they don't get their way. This is a fundamental law of the universe, which shall henceforth be known as "Clark's Law of Leftists Destroying the Village to Save It."

(I do need to compile a list of all of these laws I've been documenting.)

The latest example? As our sister site Twitchy informs us, leftist lunatic Fran Lebowitz, on Bill Maher's HBO show, "Real Time," has called for President Biden to - get this - dissolve the Supreme Court. Amy Curtis writes:

But now that Donald Trump has appointed three conservative SCOTUS Justices, tilting the balance of the court rightward, it's the worst thing ever. They want to pack it, reform it, impose arbitrary ethics on the conservative members.

Except for Fran Lebowitz. That doesn't go far enough for her. She wants Biden to unilaterally dissolve SCOTUS because ORANGE MAN BAD.

This is an idea that is not only unconstitutional, but it's also well to the left of crazy. But that's not stopping Lebowitz, and even the liberal Maher isn't having it:

If Fran Lebowitz has ever read the Constitution - doubtful - she must have seen it as a list of suggestions, not the highest law in the land. But in that, among her fellow leftists, she has plenty of company.

Here's one of the better assessments of Fran Lebowitz in the X replies:

Bill Maher was quick to reply to Lebowitz on the show:

Bill Maher found this comment so crazy that he replied, "Come on."

But Fran responded that Biden's "the king" and can do whatever he wants.

Sorry, Fran. That's not how it works.

True. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. We should also remember, that it's the left that is always talking about dialing back the tone in our political discourse - right before they start threatening to kill people:

New: DOJ Indicts Alaska Man for Allegedly Threatening to Murder Six SCOTUS Justices, Details Are Chilling

Let’s Look at What Dems Were Saying About SCOTUS Before an Alaska Man Threatened to Kill Six Justices

Fortunately, there's no reason we should take anything Fran Lebowitz says seriously. Bill Maher certainly doesn't. Anyone claiming that the Supreme Court is a "rubber stamp for Trump" hasn't been paying attention to the Court's rulings on any number of things since Trump was still president, although it's perishingly certain that the only decision Lebowitz can name is the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization ruling that revoked Roe v. Wade and sent the matter of abortion back to the states, where it belongs.

As for Lebowitz, I'll offer her this challenge, the same one I offer to whiners who complain about the Second Amendment: 

Fran, go ahead and propose a constitutional amendment to remove the Supreme Court. Pitch it to whoever your Congressional representative is. See how far you get. Because that's what you'll have to do, and I would remind you that even if you get Congress to go along - doubtful - you will have to gain the ratification of 38 of the 50 states. 

Good luck with that.

After Staging Event for Kamala Harris, Primanti Brothers a PA Based Restuarant Chain, Blocks JD Vance from Entering

♦ The Primanti Brothers restaurant chain is apparently owned and operated by hardcore left-wing activists.  [Details on Restaurant Here]

About a month ago, it was reported in the Daily Mail the restaurant chain kicked out all of the regular dining patrons so they could stage actors as a campaign event for Kamals Harris in the Pittsburgh area.

The Harris campaign bussed in the press pool and a group of campaign supporters, essentially actors, to stage a photo shoot meet and greet and manufacture the appearance of support for Kamals Harris.

The August event was presented as “ordinary diners,” but was in fact a group of Harris campaign workers.  Essentially this was typical astroturf sold as organic or authentic campaigning; it wasn’t.  Everything around Kamala Harris is fake, manufactured and astroturf performance.

Staff at the restaurant told patrons they would have to leave at 4:00pm due to a ‘private event’ which turned out to be a campaign stop for Kamala Harris.

♦ In a remarkable contrast, today the same restaurant chain blocked republican VP nominee JD Vance from entering the building and campaigning.

A video taken by a diner within Primanti Brothers was posted on Twitter and quickly went viral.  Apparently, most of the people inside the establishment immediately cancelled their orders as soon as they realized what was happening,

The barred JD Vance was undeterred and remained outside the building to thank people as they left.  The video shows JD Vance telling those who were outraged that he paid for cancelled meals, left a tip and reminded the operator of the restaurant of the “no tax on tips” pledge from the campaign.

Don’t worry about trying to contact Primati Brothers restaurant chain, based on their non-response from the original story of the August event, the owners/operators will just remain silent and wait for the controversy to end.

It’s a private business, and they really don’t care what MAGA patrons have to say about the way they operate it.

Angel Moms Tell Kamala to Stop 'Pretending' She Cares About the Border

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Unless you’re a Hollywood celebrity or a Democrat megadonor, forget about hearing from Vice President Kamala Harris. On Friday, Angel Moms spoke against Harris, saying they feel she has abandoned them. 

During a former President Donald Trump campaign press call, Angel mothers, Patty Morin, Alexis Nungaray, and Anne Fundner, went scorched Earth on Harris as she was visiting the southern border for the first time since June 2021, despite being named the Biden Administration’s “border czar.” 

The mother’s children were all killed either by illegal immigrants or poisoned by fentanyl, thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s reckless border policies. However, the vice president has not reached out to any of them. 

“I would tell her, put all the border protections back into place that she and President [Joe] Biden had stopped in those first hundred days,” Morin said. “Put those border protections back into place and start deporting the folks that are here in our country.”

Morin’s daughter was raped, bludgeoned, and strangled to death last year by an MS-13 gang member who was illegally residing in the U.S. 

“I would tell her, put all the border protections back into place that her and President [Joe] Biden had stopped in those first hundred days,” Morin said. “Put those border protections back into place and start deporting the folks that are here in our country.”

She called on the government to start deporting every single illegal alien, citing concerns that millions of illegal immigrants in the country have crossed the border undetected. 

“We don’t even know where they are,” she said. “It’s going to be chaos for years and years to come.”

Meanwhile, Nungaray wanted to know if it would take Harris losing a loved one to actually do something about the crisis at the border instead of staging a photo op nearly four years after taking office. 

“Would she only do that if it was someone that mattered to her because in our eyes, it seems like we don’t matter, and she’s shown that this entire campaign,” she said. 

Nungaray’s 12-year-old daughter was killed in June by an illegal Venezuelan national. She was reportedly lured under a bridge in Texas, where she was then abused and strangled to death. Her body was found in a nearby creek the next day. 

The Angel mom exposed Harris’ sudden emergence into the spotlight as the vice president abruptly decided she “cares” about securing the border. 

“She came out of nowhere within the last 30-40 days trying to make some type of effort, which really is no effort at all. It’s very sad, it’s very disgraceful, it’s very inhumane,” she added. 

Fundner echoed similar remarks, saying Harris’ newfound focus on the border is “all for campaigning reasons.”

“I would say that she is late coming to the table on this. At any point, she can do something,” Fundner said. “She can reinstate Remain in Mexico, which is an incredible Trump policy, and she can end catch and release. She can bring back, as I mentioned earlier, all the border policies, but she doesn’t.”

The Angel mom, whose 15-year-old son died after accidentally ingesting fentanyl in 2022, criticized Harris for going to the border and pretending she suddenly cared. 

Earlier, I reported on Harris’ trip to the southern border, in which her campaign said the vice president would focus on stopping the influx flow of fentanyl into the U.S. 

More than 30 tons of fentanyl have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since the Biden-Harris Administration took office. In 2021, just after the Biden-Harris Administration’s immigration policies took effect, 90 percent of 80,000 opioid-related deaths involved fentanyl. 

Border Czar Finally Visits President Trump Border Wall for First Time

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement data shows that amid the illegal aliens Biden and Harris have let into the country, among those not in ICE detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges.

Within those numbers, 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 56,533 with drug convictions and 13,099 convicted of homicide. An additional 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,811 have sexual assault convictions.  There are an additional 1,845 with pending homicide charges, 42,915 with assault charges, 3,266 with burglary charges and 4,250 with assault charges. {LINK}

That’s the context for the most transparently political game of policy reversal in modern history.  After years of advocating for open borders, pushing policies that have led to tens of millions of illegal aliens, and denouncing efforts to keep the border secure, Kamala Harris has the nerve to travel to the southern border and pretend she cares about border security.

US Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris visits the border town of Douglas, AZ Friday while apparently wearing a $62,000 Tiffany & Co. necklace. [VIDEO LINK

New York Post – […] It was her first visit to the beleaguered southern border since a 2021 visit to El Paso, Texas, four months after President Biden named her border czar.

She called out her rival, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for “fanning the flames of fear and division” over immigration, while Trump slammed Harris as “totally incompetent” after news broke of federal data released the same day showing more than 15,000 illegal immigrants currently living in the US are convicted or accused of homicide. (more)

As remarkable as it sounds, the Kamala Harris hypocrisy on the border issue was even too much for CNN.

Border Patrol Union Blasts Kamala for Her Cosplaying Visit to the Border

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

On Friday, Kamala Harris finally made time to go to the border. That she waited until the final days of a presidential campaign wasn't lost on many, including the agents doing their best to bring order to the chaos.

In a staged scene, Harris walked around in high-heeled boots, touring the border wall she once called a "racist vanity project." During a speech, she then proclaimed that only she would take the border seriously and had a plan to fix the ongoing crisis there. Left unsaid was that 13,000 murderers and 425,000 convicted criminals had been released into the interior by her administration. 

Here's a bit of what Harris' visit looked like. Compare it to her past statements in which she called the border crisis pure fiction.

There's a high level of shame one must cease to possess to do what Harris did here. This is the same woman who disgustingly accused CBP agents of whipping illegal immigrants on the border. That turned out to be a salacious smear completely void of reality. She never once apologized. Harris has also repeatedly suggested funding for ICE should be cut or eliminated. For her to go to the border a month before Election Day and cosplay as if she cares is everything wrong with American politics. 

Do you know who knows that? The rank and file of the Border Patrol. They put out a blistering critique of Harris' visit. 

Kamala Harris has been in office for four years. She was given the specific task of addressing the root causes of illegal immigration to stem the flow. She failed miserably in that role. No one should believe a word she says about taking the problem seriously. That those who make up the Customs and Border Protection are coming out against her in such a pointed fashion speaks volumes. 

If Harris wins the election in November, the crisis she helped create will only be exacerbated. She will push for amnesty, which represents a giant flashing sign telling more illegal immigrants to come, and she will do nothing substantive to increase enforcement. American voters must be smart enough to recognize that.

Kamala Announces Construction Of 'Murderers Only' Express Lane At Southern Border

Babylon Bee๐Ÿ

Article Image

CALEXICO, CA — Border Czarina Suprรฉmรจ Kamala Harris has just announced that she will be implementing a new national security measure at the southern border checkpoints: a Murderers-Only Express Lane just for illegal immigrants who have been convicted of killing two or more people.

Sources within Kamala's administration say that the measure is meant to help reduce processing times at the border by not making murderers wait quite as long in line.

"We're really just hoping to provide an equitable entrance for these Democrat vot — I mean, honored guests of the United States," said Gayle Quimble, aide to Harris. "The new Murderers-Only lane will hopefully allow us to sort out the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. There are getting to be so many murderers, it's just clogging up the system."

Kamala Harris commented briefly on the situation, saying that she had no connection to the situation and that the country can't take four more years of this.

"When I am in office, from day one I will holistically be undoing the holistic mistakes of the current administration," said the Vice President of the current administration. "Holistically speaking, I have never been the Border Czar holistically, in a holistic sense, but I will solve the Border in a very quick yet holistic way. Holistic."

At publishing time, Kamala had also instructed border patrol agents to add lanes for Venezuelan gangs as it was getting too busy to process them all.