Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Left

This is the Left

Inviting the barbarians in.

“If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within.” —James Madison 

“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” –Will Durant

Will Durant and James Madison were both excellent historians who understood historical trends. What they said has occurred repeatedly in the past. Barbarians overran Rome, but it wasn’t until Rome had decayed from within. Read Daniel chapter 5 about what was going on in the highest echelons of the Babylonian Empire the very night it succumbed to Persia. Internal decay usually precedes external oblivion. It’s history.

And it is happening in America. Of course, the Left is deliberately trying to destroy American greatness, and is having great success in doing so. I don’t believe the leaders of Rome, who were largely responsible for the internal rot that led to the empire’s collapse, were intentionally trying to destroy their nation. America might be unique in history in having an oligarchical elite class that hates the country and is bent on forcing it into what they want it to be. If Kamala Harris is elected President this year, they will be just that much farther down their road to success.

But such can only happen if the people themselves have become weak, soft, and pleasure-oriented. America became wealthy, and like every other country in history that rose from poverty to wealth, wanted to enjoy it. When that happens, a nation loses the diligence and hard work that initially built it into a great power. An effeminate society will never be able to stand up against manly, hungrier mouths.

The American Left is actually inviting the barbarians in. Inviting destruction. They think they will be able to control it. They can only do so by force, and they might eventually find out they can’t.

As I have noted in countless articles—and the Left in America continues to prove me right—today’s Leftists have absolutely no conscience, they will do anything—anything—to gain power. They have demonstrated that repeatedly, all over the world, the past 100 years. The hundreds of millions of dead bodies are undeniable evidence. They are godless, they are evil, they will stop at nothing to get what they want.

The Left does not believe in democratic compromise (it never has), they want all power, they want total control, they want you to submit. They demand that you UNCONDITIONALLY obey them. They will allow you the freedoms they want you to have. And if you don’t acquiesce, they will do whatever necessary to make you do so. And if you still refuse, they will torture or kill you. The history of the last 100 years in the world is conclusive proof of that. Why study history if we can’t learn from it?

American Leftists try to tell us they are different, that the Democratic Party won’t do what the Left in the Soviet Union, China, etc. have done. They are lying. Leftism, Marxism, socialism, atheism—this is one great, big international movement; it is not just restricted to non-United States locations. Leftists in America have the same amoral code as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Castro, the Kims and every other socialist thug who has plagued the planet the past century. We can expect the exact same things from the Democratic Party in America. And we are seeing it, clearly, throughout the country.

And like Hitler and Stalin, it’s not especially for what you’ve done. You’ve never harmed those people. You’ve left them alone and want them to leave you alone. All you ask is freedom.

But, that’s not what the Left wants for you. They don’t want you to have any freedom, except the freedoms THEY will allow you to have. I lived that for ten years in China, I know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s not what you’ve done, it’s what you believe, it’s what you are. A patriotic, God-fearing American who believes in freedom. They can’t abide that. You aren’t one of them. And if you don’t intend to become one of them, then you had better keep your mouth shut, or they will shut it for you.

Today, Donald Trump is envisioned as the greatest threat to Leftism in the world, so the Leftist leadership is trying to find some “useful idiot” to eliminate him—which is what the two would-be assassins tried to do. Or the Left will, of course, do whatever they can get away with to win the election. This is a war, folks, nothing short of it, and the Left is in it to win. And we’d better be, too, or we’ll lose our freedoms. Or our lives. Probably both.

Again, all you need to do is look at what the Left has wrought throughout the world since the communist revolution in Russia began in 1917.  Every country where their ideology gained ascendency lost its freedoms; “allowed” freedom is not freedom at all, it is slavery. Even slave owners “allowed” their slaves to do some things (eat, sleep, procreate). But when the people wanted more than the Leftist dictators wanted them to have—freedom of religion, private use of land, raising their children as they desired, the right to choose their own government leaders, the right of self-protection—when the people wanted those things, and pushed too hard for them, then they either spent time in the gulag or ended up in a grave. You obey. That is the only choice the Left gives you.

And it is exactly what the Democratic Party is trying to impose upon America today. It is a country self-destructing, as Durant and Madison warned. It’s just so incredibly sad that too many people can’t, or refuse, to see it. Either that, or they agree with it.

They’ll agree with it until they want a freedom the Left doesn’t want them to have. Then it will be their turn to be shot.

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time. 

You'd Better Stock Up Right Now Because This Imminent Biden-Harris Disaster Is Going to Hurt

Teri Christoph reporting for RedState 

If you thought the Biden-Harris administration was criminally inept at handling the crisis at the southern border, wait until you see how badly they're going to mess up the supply chain. It's not being talked about a lot, but there is a port strike looming that's going to upend the supply chain and send prices soaring. We'll likely be seeing the kinds of shortages and bare grocery shelves that we saw back in the days of the pandemic.

Next Tuesday, it is expected that members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) will walk off the job at 36 port locations along the East and Gulf coasts, forcing shippers to divert to the West Coast. Those diversions would add significantly to the costs involved in getting food and other consumables delivered across the country.

The pending strike could result in shortages of consumer and industrial goods, meaning prices will skyrocket and cripple an already dismal economy. It's being reported that this could also halt the delivery of "parts needed by US factories could disrupt those plants’ operations and even lead to temporary layoffs."

If this strike goes forward, American families are going to be hit hard. Again.

Here's an overview of goods that might be hard to find as of next week:

Port Wilmington, in Delaware, describes itself as the the nation’s leading banana port, bringing in a large share of America’s favorite fruit. According to the American Farm Bureau, 1.2 million metric tons of bananas come in through the ports that could go on strike next week, representing over a fifth of the nation’s bananas.

Nearly 90% of imported cherries, 82% of hot peppers and 80% of imported chocolate all come through containers offloaded at those ports, according to the Farm Bureau. It said the situation is just as significant for beverages, with 80% of imported beer, wine, whiskey and scotch and 60% of rum arriving at East and Gulf coast ports. Spirits are the top import at the Port of New York and New Jersey, according to the authority that runs it.

A beer shortage is not going to go over well with sports fans across the country.

Republicans have for weeks been calling on the Biden administration to take action to avert a strike, but it's been crickets so far from the White House. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) appeared on Fox Business earlier Friday to lament the lack of action being taken by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, telling host Maria Bartiromo that the impact of the strike "will be devastating." Malliotakis noted the political importance of the matter, stating, "A month before the election, you'd think this administration would be more engaged in trying to prevent what could be devastating for communities across America."

The United States Maritime Alliance (UAMX), which represents all major shipping lines along with terminal operators and port authorities, has reportedly:

offered upwards of 40% in wage increases over the six-year contract, a person with knowledge of negotiations said. The ILA is reportedly asking for raises of $5 an hour, per year, which would be an immediate 12.8% pay hike on the current top pay of $39 an hour. Repeating that $5 an hour increase each year would result in raises totaling 77% during the life of the contract.

To which the ILA responded:

“My ILA members are not going to accept these insulting offers that are a joke considering the work my ILA longshore workers perform, and the billion dollar profits the companies make off the backs of their labor,” said Harold Daggett, the ILA’s international president and chief negotiator, in a statement.

Retailers are panicking at the thought of another crippled supply chain and are urging Biden to take action by using powers granted to him under the Taft-Hartley Act , which he is apparently loath to do. According to one administration official, “We’ve never invoked Taft-Hartley to break a strike and are not considering doing so now."

NY Judges Scrutinize ‘Troubling’ $450 Million Penalty In Trump Fraud Case: ‘No One Lost Any Money’

A New York appellate court is raising questions regarding the penalty and the justification under which AG Letitia James brought the case.

Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron ordered in February former President Donald Trump to pay an approximate $450 million penalty in a civil fraud case in which there were no victims. Now, a New York appellate court is raising questions regarding the “troubling” penalty and Attorney General Letitia James’ justification for bringing the case in the first place.

James accused Trump of inflating his personal wealth to get better loan terms. Trump, for example, valued his Mar-a-Lago estate at between $427 million and $612 million, Forbes reported. Engoron, however, cited a one-off local Palm Beach County appraiser who valued the property as low as $18 million. Some experts have reportedly valued the sprawling property in the hundreds of millions.

As my colleague Mark Hemingway explained earlier this year, “Trump took out loans over several years, as real estate moguls are wont to do. For him to get approved for those loans, the banks did their own due diligence about Trump’s finances and ability to pay back the loans and decided to give them to him. Trump paid back the loans, and everyone made money.”

Enogoron ultimately ordered Trump to pay $354 million plus an additional $100 million in interest. Trump posted a $175 million bond in April and appealed the ruling.

Trump’s team argued on Thursday before the New York Appellate Division, First Judicial Department that the case was a “clear-cut violation of the statute of limitations,” and that the statute used to bring charges against the former president ultimately did not justify the action taken.

Throughout the hearing, some of the justices appeared receptive to Trump’s team’s claims regarding the case.

Justice LlinΓ©t Rosado questioned how the penalty was calculated. Justice Peter Moulton also asked Vale about the “troubling” penalty.

“The immense penalty in this case is troubling,” Moulton said. “How do you tether the amount that was assessed by the Supreme Court to the harm that was caused here where parties left these transactions happy … ?”

Vale acknowledged the penalty was large but argued “it’s a large number,” in part, “because there was a lot of fraud and illegality.”

Justice David Friedman earlier in the hearing asked Vale whether James had brought any other cases under the same law and circumstances as she brought charges against Trump. He also later contended to Vale that the cited precedence “hardly seems [to] justif[y] bringing an action to protect Deutsche Bank against President Trump, which is what you have here.”

“You’ve got two really sophisticated parties in which no one lost any money, and that was the point of my initial question,” he continued, before claiming “every case” cited as justification instead involved “damage to consumers, damage to the marketplace, [or] a scheme to get unsophisticated consumers to take out home loans.”

Vale argued state statute does not require this, and that “the statute is written broadly because the legislature wants the Attorney General to go in and stop fraud and illegality.”

Moulton jumped in, eventually saying Vale “must address” the underlying question of “mission creep as [the law James used to prosecute Trump] morphed into something that it was not meant to do.”

“[T]here has to be some limitation in what the attorney general can do in interfering in these private transactions … where people don’t claim harm,” he said, asking: “So what is the limiting principle?” (Notably, James campaigned on using lawfare to target Trump, calling him an “illegitimate president.”)

“[T]here are still limits. It is not falsity in the wind,” Vale said. “It has to be related and relevant to the business at hand, and it does have to have a capacity or tendency to deceive.”

Vale continued arguing that the Trump case “does have harm to the public and to the markets.”

But it’s a case that even former Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo argued should have never been brought in the first place.

“The Attorney General’s case in New York, frankly, should have never been brought and if his name was not Donald Trump, and he if he wasn’t running for president, I’m the former AG in New York, I’m telling you that case would have never been brought, and that’s what is offensive to people,” Cuomo said during a June appearance on “Real Time with Bill Maher: Overtime.”

CNN political commentator Jonah Goldberg made a similar statement in January, saying the “prosecution was a mistake.”

“I think it’s very political,” Goldberg said. “Someone campaigned on an election to do this. It’s an elected judge. It was part of sort of the party machinery.”

“It Takes Two to Tango” – President Trump Meets with Ukrainian President Zelensky in New York

Yesterday morning in New York, President Trump met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During part of their brief remarks (video below) President Trump noted in his estimation there could be a quick resolution to the conflict with Russia, saying, “I have a good relationship with President Putin,” to which Zelenskyy interrupted, “I hope we have more good relation.”  In the artful and honest way of a man positioning for peace, President Trump noted, “it takes two to tango.”

The professional democrats and the professional republicans, essentially the UniParty in Washington DC, do not want the conflict to end.  The money laundering process created by the Ukraine conflict with Russia provides affluence for a host of domestic and foreign political interests.

Zelenskyy was created as a figurehead for Ukraine by western interests, the U.S. State Department and foreign policy establishment.  A change in administration stops the dynamic DC supports.

The only group who can end the conflict is the group who doesn’t benefit from it, that’s the American people.  The only person who can end the conflict is the voice representing the group that wants it to end, that’s President Trump.

Quietly Unnoticed – British Prime Minister Had Dinner with President Trump for Two Hours, But Never Met with Kamala Harris

This is an interesting and curiously unmentioned diplomatic contrast.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer had a two-hour dinner with President Donald Trump after the U.K leader delivered a speech to the United Nations in New York.  However, intentionally unnoticed by U.S. media, the Prime Minister immediately left the U.S. following the lengthy meeting with President Trump, and never met with Kamala Harris.

The extensive discussion and dinner took place in New York, apparently at Trump Tower.  There is an aspect of typical British worry woven throughout British media reporting on the meeting because U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy, also attended the meeting.  Lammy once called President Trump a “woman-hating, neo-Nazi sympathizing sociopath.”

Undoubtably, when the priority of the dinner is overlaid with the U.K position on Ukraine; keep in mind a meeting with Zelenskyy followed the next morning; PM Starmer appears a little worried.  There is a massive amount of geopolitical embarrassment possible right around the corner when, not if, President Trump wins – and the position of the British govt toward Ukraine leaves them dancing alone when the music stops.

CONTEXT: Chairman Xi is big geopolitically, driven mostly by his economic position.  President Putin has become bigger geopolitically as a result of his smart post-sanction moves, in combination with his increasing economic position.  Heck, even Mohammed Bin Salmon (Saudi Arabia) and Narendra Modi (India) are now big in a world of stupidly applied Bidenomics. However, when you consider the dynamic of actually using economic leverage as THE truest aspect of geopolitical power, President Trump is GODZILLA.

Starmer and the rest, eh, lol. πŸ˜‚  Prime Minister Keir Starmer meeting with President Trump is what might be called, ‘risk mitigation‘.  And people were wondering why Ric Grenell was present beside Donald Trump for the past few days.  lolol…  {{¹Hint}}

BBC, UK – Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has met up with Donald Trump for the first time.

He had a two-hour dinner with the former US President at his New York base – Trump Tower.

The pair were joined by Foreign Secretary David Lammy for the meeting.

The Prime Minister said it was “good” he had the opportunity to meet the Republican presidential candidate and that it was “really to establish a relationship between” the two of them.

A UK government source said that Keir Starmer had “welcomed” the opportunity to meet the former president.

It added that the pair had “discussed the longstanding friendship between the UK and the US and the importance of continuing to develop the strong and enduring partnership between our two countries.” (link)


….. Why would Ric Grenell be in the key meetings with foreign leadership?


Hey, lol… I just notice the obvious!

As Tigger would say, “TTFN!”

Democrats Summon Best Bounty Hunters In The Galaxy To Hunt Down Trump

Babylon Bee🐝

Article Image

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In what some political analysts described as a sign of desperation as the presidential election draws near, Democrats summoned the best bounty hunters in the galaxy to hunt down Donald Trump.

Sources said after previous attempts to take out Trump had failed, prominent Democrats held a top-secret meeting in the nation's capital last week and agreed to send word to the farthest reaches of the galaxy to bring in professionals.

"It's time to bring in the big guns," Senator Chuck Schumer said in a Capitol Hill press conference announcing the bounty hunters' arrival. "We haven't gotten the results we wanted, but we determined that we were relying on amateurs. These bounty hunters standing here with me are the very best the galaxy has to offer. It's time to deal with this Donald Trump problem once and for all."

Schumer was joined by several infamous and feared bounty hunters, including Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, and IG-88. Early reports indicated that each bounty hunter would be provided with full insider information regarding Donald Trump's whereabouts and itinerary, which was standard procedure employed with the previous would-be assassins.

"This will be an easy job," Fett said in a brief comment. "I'm used to hunting down opponents of evil empires. I'll take care of Trump and be back at Mos Eisley by dinner."

"You are free to use any methods necessary," Schumer explained. "We don't even need him alive, so disintegrations are totally fine."

At publishing time, Fett was overheard asking reporters if there were any carbon-freezing facilities near Mar-a-Lago.