Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Rumors, Whispers and Gut Feelings

Let’s get right to it – there are some rumors of rumors about Tim Walz floating around out there. What are these rumors? That there is something disqualifying that the Trump campaign knows about but is still vetting. What is this revelation? I have no idea, and I’ve dug into the rumor to find out. I’ve reached out to my many contacts. Now, all my best stories are that I can’t tell anyone because I treat everybody who tells me anything in confidence as within attorney-client privilege, so you’re not going to get my very best stories. But I can tell you what I have found here. I found nothing. Nobody can tell me if this is true, much less what the rumored thermonuclear information is.

I tried. I talked to the biggest political gossips I know and asked, “Hey, what’s supposedly going on with Tim Walz? Do you know? Because everybody seems to be talking about it.” And every one of them has said, “I’ve heard that people are talking about something, but I have no idea what it is or even if it is real.”

So, what does this mean? It means that if there is something out there, people are keeping it under a very close hold. That’s unusual because conservatism, in general, leaks like a sieve. There are no secrets, not for long. I’m thinking if there really were a burning fuse out there, I probably would have gotten some indication of what it is.

Where does that leave us? Possibility One is that there is no hidden weirdness about the fake command sergeant major, the fake combat vet, and the fake head coach. I’m willing to believe that there is no there there just because I haven’t seen any evidence – evidence is anything that proves or tends to prove a fact – to the contrary. I look at that freaky weirdo and think to myself that he’s got the burden of proof of showing me that he doesn’t have some weird, dark, disqualifying secret beyond the weird, dark, disqualifying secrets that we already have found out.

Now, we come to the question of what we should do about these rumors. Do we talk about the rumors of rumors? I guess I’m doing that. I’m also making clear that I have no evidence that there’s anything there. I have a gut feeling that there’s probably something bad we don’t know about yet, but that’s not evidence. 

So, should we use it to pummel our political opponent anyway, since that seems to be the New Rule?

And I am all for using the New Rules against an enemy that revoked the Old Rules, but that doesn’t mean employing the New Rules when it will boomerang on us. There’s a practical aspect, and there’s a moral aspect here. The practical aspect is that you don’t want to falsely accuse somebody of something because you’re going to look like an idiot when you don’t come up with the evidence. Everybody saw how ABC News was totally in the tank for Kamala Harris during the debate, and it is entirely within the realm of possibility – because the regime media has done it before - that she was handed the questions in advance. She was certainly treated to a soothing foot rub rather than a brutal brball bat beating like Trump was by the immoderate moderators. But soon after, some Internet rando announced that he had an affidavit from a source within ABC News that would blow the whistle on the conspiracy that right now we only suspect. Then someone released an affidavit that was half-redacted. Where is the accuser, because the old anonymous thing doesn’t work for us? Nowhere to be found. We rubbed our hands together, waiting to see what would be released to confirm our suspicions, and to date we have a big nothing. 

But, of course, as a practical matter, lying about people and falsely accusing them can certainly be effective for hurting your opponent. The disgusting Harry Reed, who once got his butt kicked by a brd exercise machine, famously accused Mitt Romney of not paying any taxes. He knew it was a lie, and when caught on it, he laughed and said, “Well, it worked, didn’t it?” Yeah, it worked, and lying is a key tool of Democrats - something enabled by a regime media that goes along with it instead of calling it out.

Donald Trump is the King of Being Lied About. Remember Russiagate, Ukraine phone calls, suckers & losers, very fine people, and a host of other lies? How about that Hunter Biden laptop? The other side knows their lies are lies. It just doesn’t care. The practical risks that we Republicans face if we were to choose to lie are eliminated when Democrats choose to lie by the fact that leftist supporters and the regime media don’t care when the left lies. Our side would wet itself if we got caught in a lie; National Review and the rest of the fussycons would go 24/7 about it. Someone on our side can’t resist the chance to wag their soft, girlish fingers at us for being mean. No pearl would go unclutched. But even us brd conservatives would disapprove. It’s just not going to work for us. The Democrats don’t have that problem. They would just move on to the next lie. The current one is that Trump brought on the second leftist attempt to murder him by speaking out about unapproved truths.

And then there’s the moral aspect. Right off the top, we’re not supposed to lie about other people because God told us not to. Exodus 20:16 is very clear: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” So, that kind of ends the discussion right there. We can’t make up stuff about the other side. This election is important, but our souls are more so. But luckily, the Democrats are so freaking appalling that we don’t have to make things up. We can tell the truth about them and normal people will be repelled.

So, as a practical and a moral question, we should not be making up stuff about people. We also don’t need to pretend the lack of evidence is the same as the lack of secrets. The fact is that Walz’s sketchy bio raises a lot of questions and a lot of gut-level suspicions. I’m always going to be wary of a grown man who decides to involve himself with a club related to teenage sexuality. The Democrats are the party of Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Harvey Weinstein. Don’t tell me I am supposed to reject the possibility of some potential scandal somehow out there, though we currently have no evidence of it. We just have, as the Harris/Walz campaign is famous for, a vibe.

And this insanity about going to China 30+ times definitely trips the red flashing lights. You don’t go to China with a security clearance – and you’re not a senior noncommissioned officer without a security clearance – and not be a target. If this guy’s going back and forth about three dozen times, the bad guys are going to take notice, and Walz seems pretty enamored of the Red Chinese. Was he ever approached? Was he ever recruited? Did he ever report back to our counterintelligence people? I wonder how this guy got a top-secret clearance or even a security clearance. I know what they did to give me mine, especially because my wife was born in Cuba. I’ve had less invasive colonoscopies, and properly so. This guy is going to be one heartbeat from the presidency if he wins, and I’d like to know if he’s literally the Manchurian candidate. 

There are a whole bunch of other things it could be if there is something. There could be financial shenanigans. There could be scandals within his governorship of Minnesota, which is a hellhole. Maybe he’s taking bribes. Maybe there’s something fishy going on with those Somali thieves who were ripping off tens of millions of dollars from the government under his regime. Who knows? I think he’s dirty, but I couldn’t convict him of it in court. But then again, I don’t have to. I’m within my rights to not vote for him just because I look at him and think, “That guy is bad news.”

Maybe something big is lurking out there, and maybe there isn’t. Right now, what we do know about him – from his stolen valor to his casual dishonesty to his disgusting and disgraceful policies regarding mutilating children and killing the unborn – is already massively disqualifying. Anything else is just pounding the rubble.

Now, we cannot and should not wait for some September or October Surprise to make this guy into Thomas Eagleton II. We can’t simply bide our time and wait for the truth that may or may not exist to come out. We must work our behinds off to get every patriot’s vote into the ballot box and counted. But let’s keep digging anyway and see what we come up with because my gut tells me there’s more to this slimeball’s story than we’ve already heard about. I just don’t know what it is. Not yet.

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 18


Why Ukraine Will Lose the Battle with Russia

Ukraine does not want to win the latest battle with Russia (the “war” started in 2014), because this battle is too profitable for the Ukrainian elite.  A real war with Russia (with real mobilization of personnel and industry) would cost the Ukrainian elite dearly (less American/EU aid money to steal).  A real war would also require the kleptocratic Ukrainian government to give the Ukrainian peasantry a bit of freedom, similar to FDR pausing his “New Deal” to fight Hitler, Lenin’s “New Economic Policy”, or Putin’s current focus on mobilization instead of ransacking the Russian private sector.

I’ve spent a good part of the past two years in Ukraine (I speak fluent Russian and understand Ukrainian).  I recently watched two Ukrainian blogger videos that really sum up perfectly the real war in Ukraine.  In one video (use Google translate for English subtitles) Viktor Halasiuk professes his admiration for the Ukrainian deep state (the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians share his views). In another video Pavlo Sebastyanovich (the closest thing to a Ramaswamy/Milei Ukrainian of whom I know) refutes Viktor’s claims. (To understand the utterly corrupt kleptocratic socialist Ukrainian state, simply watch Pavlo’s channel regularly).  You won’t find such honest content about Ukraine in English.

The Vast Majority of Ukrainians Are Diehard Socialists

Viktor considers the views of a small minority of (truly patriotic) Ukrainians (he talks about Pavlo without naming him) who want to fire 80% of the massive Ukrainian government bureaucracy, as mistaken, infantile, and dangerous. Viktor uses Georgia (the country) and Japan as examples of why Pavlo’s ideas are crazy.

Viktor says the success of Georgia was doubtful under Saakashvilli, who fired (Ramaswamy-style) 50% of government workers.  Pavlo says Georgia made immense gains (Pavlo is telling the truth).  Georgia is a landlocked country with Russia occupying two of its provinces (a situation similar to that of Ukraine).  Even the imperial Japanese understood what the Soviets were, ending Japan’s WW2 savagery when the threat of Soviet occupation neared.  As for Japan, Viktor makes the case that (post-WW2) Japan made massive gains in productivity because of a strong (handed) government with a lot of government industrial experts (I guess SpaceX is so successful because of government bureaucrats who know best how to build rockets).  The role of Japan’s pre-WW2 successful industrialization and post-WW2 American occupation are downplayed.  For Viktor the idea of just firing government workers is a “trap, illusion, myth”, an example of primitive inertial thinking, of “infantilism”.

Viktor claims that the problem is not the size, but the performance of government (the solution being, of course, more money to improve their performance).  He mocks businessmen who think they can run a country as having a kindergarten mentality, yet he is proud of his work in parliamentwhere he says he rammed through 30 industrial laws that “created” $10 billion in new “investment” (investment, not kickbacks and bribes).  He says he never once tried to tell a factory director how to run his own business.  His job was to make doing business easy and more efficient (it was the private sector’s job to execute).  Viktor suggests that Ukrainian business has not given enough money (he never mentions anything about wartime bribes) to support economic research, think tanks, Ukrainian authors, and stipends for Ukrainian students.  He says he has never found a successful country with a weak government and strong business (strong business does not mean a successful country?).  He says success requires the synchronized efforts and interests of government, society, and business (isn’t the government’s only interest the good of business and the people?).  I think Mussolini had a good name for such a system.

In my experience, over 90% of Ukrainians would agree with the outlandish lies in Viktor’s video (they know none of it’s true).  One reason is because so many have unrepentant communists in the family tree (even the American conservative hero Matt Walsh recently said that Tim Walz’s brother should have kept quiet about Tim because family comes first, just like Vito and Michael said in The Godfather).  The idea of drastically reducing the state (even in wartime) will always be met by these people with mockery.

Ukraine Has Become Part of the Globalist Threat to America  

An amazingly polished Ukrainian PR campaign (undoubtedly financed by some big-time globalists) convinced Western nations to become active participants in a war with a nuclear power.  The end goal has probably always been the globalist elite buying up Ukraine (and in their wildest dreams Russia) on the cheap, which would make Ukraine’s elite fabulously wealthy. (Zelensky also previously announced a “patronage program” with BlackRock’s help, which would see “investors” taking ownership over Ukraine’s reconstruction.”) A key aspect of the PR campaign has been Zelensky’s constant spiel about “The war against Ukraine is a war against morality.  And the defense of Ukraine is, above all, the defense of morality”.  A very Western, woke way to talk about war.

Globalists are using similar tricks to plunge America into chaos.  20–30 million border criminals who operate (like the Ukrainians) by the laws of the jungle have been magically transformed into morally righteous “undocumented migrants”.  They (like the Ukrainians) know that they owe everything to the Democrat party and the human trafficking network of the unelected bureaucratic state.

MAGA America is the diametrical opposite of Putin’s Russia (I spent years in Russia), but has become, like Russia, a target for not selling out to the globalists (this is why Trump has been marked for elimination).  The result is that Russia, the enemy of our enemy, is now our ally.  Putin may be evil, but he is a very capable leader (not an incoherent senile puppet like Biden) who has no myths about the West or war.  He has mobilized Russia for a real (long-term) war against Ukraine for the survival of the Moscow leech state (for similar reasons American/EU governments have mobilized against their own uncooperative fly-over territories).  Moscow (like Washington/EU) survives by sucking the life blood of a massive empire and will (quite possibly) go nuclear if required to protect that empire.

Kyiv will likewise continue its decades-long war against its own fly-over territory that has utterly decimated Ukraine.  The small army of armed Ukrainian government workers (serving in the police, tax collection, customs, etc.) are all excluded from military service, so they will be at 100% readiness after the battle with Russia is over.  The peasants who escaped military service (by paying a bribe or going into hiding) will all be back to as good as new after the war.  That includes all the pro-war Ukrainian men I know personally who, without exception, demand total victory (but insist that others do the dying).  They all hate the peacenik Trump.  The valiant Ukrainian front-line fighters that survive, the best of Ukraine, will be quickly forgotten, condemned to a meager existence ($55/month pensions for war vets).

After the battle with Russia is lost and the West stops making welfare payments, the Ukrainian kleptocrats could very well turn to Moscow.  Which may not be all bad, since Russia could within a decade become a stabilizing force against a failing socialist/Islamic Western Europe.  My Ukrainian friends will all blame Ukraine’s loss on America (especially the Trump half) and the EU.

P.S. The day before I submitted this article to AT was another day, another Trump assassination attempt, and a new Pavlo video about how military units are asking Biden to send money for drones directly to them (bypassing the corruption of Kyiv).  Sad.  They still haven’t figured out that the most corrupt U.S. administration in history never gave a crap about them.

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Tim Walz Thinks Your Kids Belong To The Public School System

Walz’s governorship has always been about putting teachers unions and radical political ideologies over parents’ rights and students’ well-being. 

Democrats are leaning hard into the “schoolteacher” and “coach” personas for Tim Walz to paint their vice presidential candidate and the Minnesota governor as more relatable and less radical than he really is.

“I was a schoolteacher for a lot of years,” said the folksy Tim Walz in a speech last week at a Human Rights Campaign dinner, touting his time as a “social studies teacher and high school football coach.” Yet in the next breath, he praised LGBT “allyship” and declared, “We must be the country that leads on “gay and transgender rights.”

They used the same strategy during Walz’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last month. Former students showed up to watch, teachers union officials played up that part of his resume on the convention floor, and Walz himself spoke about it in his speech to a crowd holding signs that said, “Coach Walz.”

Democrats and their media lapdogs are spinning away, but American voters should not be duped by the routine. As a former educator and the current superintendent of the Oklahoma State Department of Education, I can tell you that I have encountered many educators like Walz throughout my career. Every parent in the country should be on high alert if this man gets anywhere close to the vice presidency. He is as anti-parent as they come.  

Just look at his record. Walz’s governorship has, of course, always been about putting teachers unions and radical political ideologies over parents’ rights and students’ well-being. 

He supports taking children away from parents who refuse to transition them while they’re still minors. He supported a law that did that. The bill in question made Minnesota a “sanctuary” for child “sex changes” (so called) — i.e., a place for children to run away to and seek hormone treatments and surgeries. It blocked Minnesota courts and officials from complying with any removal requests, extraditions, arrests, or subpoenas that would get in the way of the procedures.

And it’s so extreme that even the corporate media tried to run cover for him, but to no avail. Facts are very stubborn things, and the fact is that Walz supports keeping your teenager from you under the force of law if you don’t agree to help your teen “transition” before he is even old enough to vote. That’s not just bad policy; it’s evil. 

And while he was letting Minneapolis burn without National Guard backup in 2020, Walz was also doing the teachers unions’ bidding and locking down schools, setting kids back years in their education. 

What was the result of all this union pleasing and catering to special interests? Disastrous test scores. According to a New York Post analysis, reading and math scores fell dramatically under Walz, while student truancy skyrocketed

Meanwhile, instead of making sure that Minnesota’s students were proficient in things like reading and math or simply showing up to school, Walz’s department of education was implementing a curriculum better fitted for a progressive political activist than a student. He promoted adding ethnic studies (code for critical race theory) requirements to K-12 education. He proudly supported and signed legislation to prevent parents and local school boards from removing pornographic materials from school libraries.

Naturally, he also has a noted history of fighting school choice programs; those, after all, would have empowered parents to opt their kids out of his radical indoctrination agenda. He appointed the members of the teacher licensing board that recently mandated that teachers embrace and propagate radical gender ideology.

The common thread behind all of this is simple: Tim Walz is the kind of educator who thinks that your children actually belong to the local school district. In his case, “anti-parent” isn’t just an adjective; it’s a noun.

Anti-parents like him believe they should be the final deciders in what your children learn, how they learn it, and what they’re supposed to think about it. They believe that the only say you should have as a parent is what to pack for their lunches — if even that. Because anti-parents — whether teachers, union bosses, or politicians — don’t think you’re qualified to make those decisions. 

In Oklahoma, we’ve taken the exact opposite approach, and both our students and our schools are reaping the benefits. We are showing up to work every day with the conviction that we work for parents and we answer to parents. 

We’ve overseen the implementation of a sweeping school choice scholarship program, as well as a vibrant network of innovative charter schools around the state. We believe that schools should be focused on education, not indoctrination, so we rooted out things like critical race theory and pornographic materials in schools and doubled down on reading and math. Instead of catering to unions, we attract top talent through merit pay and signing bonuses. 

We have implemented new leadership in our two largest school districts — Tulsa and Oklahoma City — and they are now working with us rather than against us to implement these new approaches. Within one year of these changes, more than one dozen schools have been removed from a list of failing schools. This is just the beginning of improvements we will realize.

This is the kind of freedom-focused, parent-driven system that we can replicate on a national scale, but we won’t do it with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz making the decisions. We need Donald Trump and J.D. Vance to take education freedom nationwide.

In this election, parents have a choice: they can choose to be in the driver’s seat of their children’s education, or they can be shoved in the trunk. That’s not an exaggeration by any means, and Walz’s record proves it. 

Hillary Clinton Goes Wild With Disturbing Comments on Trump and Free Speech, JD Vance Responds

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Three things are certain in life. Death, taxes, and Hillary Clinton cashing in on the grift until she takes her last breath. In an election year, that means a new book and media tour to grease the twice-failed presidential candidate's palms. It also means she's going to say things to try to get attention and receive ravenous applause from the chattering class.

Appearing on MSNBC on Monday, Clinton didn't disappoint. When asked about so-called misinformation, a favorite left-wing bogeyman, the former Secretary of State suggested Americans should be jailed for exercising their right to free speech.

CLINTON: (Speaking of the Russians) boosting Trump back in 2016, but I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly, or even in some cases, criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrent...

I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Democrats have been going in this direction for the better part of a decade. With the explosion of Donald Trump on the political scene came an obsession with "misinformation" and "disinformation." Who gets to decide what that is? If you're asking a Democrat, the answer is them, and it doesn't matter if their track record of curating truthful information is awful (see the COVID pandemic, among many examples). 

Even still, calling for Americans to be criminally charged for saying things Hillary Clinton doesn't like is a new level of authoritarianism being espoused. These people believe they have a right to quash free speech to "save democracy," and that's a very dangerous viewpoint to hold. There are no limits to the amount of tyranny that can be cooked up by someone who wraps that tyranny in faux righteousness. There was a time in American history when Clinton would have been shunned for her comments.

With that out in the open, it was no surprise when she then shifted to once again claiming Donald Trump is an existential threat to not only the United States but the world. 

CLINTON: I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. You know, the late, great journalist Harry Evans, you know, one time said that, you know, "Journalists should try to achieve objectivity, and by that," he said, "I mean, they should cover the object." 

Well, the object, in this case, is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world, and stick with it!

Keep in mind that Clinton is saying all that just a day after the second assassination attempt on Trump. She might as well be winking and nodding at the lunatics in her base to try again. After all, if Trump truly is a "danger to our country and the world," then that opens the door for all kinds of violence under the guise of "protecting democracy." A real news network would have pushed back and asked what lengths Clinton is suggesting people go to. Instead, she's allowed to spew her bile uninterrupted. 

JD Vance offered a rebuttal to Clinton's rantings, saying she's calling for both censorship and violence. 

That's a fair response, especially given the press spent all weekend lambasting Vance as supposedly inciting "bomb threats" in Springfield, OH. That turned out to be a hoax, but if rhetoric matters, then it should matter regarding everyone. That includes political lightweights like Clinton who can't accept that they lost an election to Donald Trump. 

In the end, that's what this is really about. Clinton will go down in history as the person who lost to the bogeyman. Her hubris and lust for power helped send Trump to the White House, and she's never going to live that down.

Trump Assassination Attempts Mark Next Stage Of America’s March Towards Banana Republic

If there’s ever any wonder who won the last presidential debates, just look at who keeps getting shot at after them.

Censorship, political prosecutions, and assassinations are common features of a third-world banana republic where the term “democracy” is used by incumbent regimes as merely a buzzword to cloak authoritarianism. If there’s ever any wonder who won the last two presidential debates run by moderators from state media, just look at who keeps getting shot at after them.

Darren Beattie, a former speechwriter in the Trump White House, characterized the “grim new reality of our ‘democracy'” as one where “we can tell whether Trump won a debate by whether an assassination attempt follows shortly thereafter.”

On Sunday, former President Donald Trump survived a second attempt on his life just days following another primetime forum against his far-left opponent. While Trump was out golfing at one of his West Palm Beach resorts, a gunman line up a scoped “AK-47-style rifle” within just 300 to 500 yards of the Republican presidential nominee. After hiding for 12 hours, the suspect was prevented from firing at Trump only because of a Secret Service agent who engaged the rifleman first.

According to Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Trump still does not have full Secret Service protection because he is out of office.

“At this level that he is at right now, he’s not the sitting president. If he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded. But because he’s not, security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible,” Bradshaw told reporters Sunday. “I would imagine that the next time he comes to a golf course, there’ll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter. But the Secret Service did exactly what they should have done.”

The latest revelation about Trump’s security detail coupled with the myriad failures earlier this year legitimately calls into question the agency’s commitment to Trump’s safety. In the months running up to the July 13 attack in Butler, Pennsylvania, the Trump campaign had been denied multiple requests to beef up security by the incumbent administration, leaving the regime-declared Public Enemy No. 1 vulnerable to an assassination attempt. The gunman had meanwhile been allowed to scope out the Pennsylvania rally grounds hours in advance with a reconnaissance drone just 200 yards from the event site, and even reportedly hid the gun either in or nearby the building where he would fire eight rounds.

The timeline of the assassination plot foiled last weekend eerily resembles the same sequence of events that unfolded this summer. Trump narrowly survived a would-be assassin’s bullet in Butler just two weeks after a CNN debate with President Joe Biden, who failed so badly at reassuring voters of his mental capacity to serve as commander-in-chief that he stepped down from the race.

Trump would go on to survive his second attempted assassination after a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, who failed to show skeptical voters how she might govern after months of major policy reversals with scant explanations

America started the last presidential election with a censorship regime in Silicon Valley colluding with Deep State operatives who sought to undermine the entire Trump presidency.

The Democrats ushered in this year’s race with a cascade of criminal litigation to place their chief political opponent under a courtroom siege. Trump faced nearly 100 federal and local charges across four cases brought by political prosecutors determined to jail the Democrats’ most prominent threat against four more years in power.

The slew of indictments introduced the first stage of America’s descent into a banana republic. The multiple assassination attempts that followed marked the near completion of that transformation. Heaven forbid Trump land behind bars, or worse, in a casket.

'We Are Living in an Age of Rage': 26 Million Americans Think Violence Is Justified to Stop Trump

Within twenty-four hours of the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton railed Monday about "how dangerous Trump is," calling her arch-enemy a "danger to our country and the world." 

In other words, the same type of incendiary left-wing rhetoric that led to both attempts on Trump's life.

So how bad is it? 

As I wrote on Monday, even ABC's "The View" co-host Sunny Hostin condemned the number of Americans who believe force and violence are justified to stop Trump from returning to the White House.

I was just reading this morning, a recent University of Chicago poll examines support for political violence in the United States. And there is more support for violence today against Trump and others. Against Trump, 10 percent of American adults think it’s okay, and 26 million adults who support violence to prevent Trump from regaining the presidency — more than 30,000 of those own guns and almost 80 percent have access to internet organizational tools. That’s despicable, what do we do?

What "we" do, Sunny, is stop the left's extreme rhetoric against Donald Trump before he gets killed.

The shocking June 24 survey referenced by Hostin showed that those 26 million people agree that “the use of force is justified to prevent Donald Trump from being president.” And at least a third of them own firearms. Bottom line: a significant minority of Americans are radically opposed to Trump returning to power and they are politically active, with the capacity for violence.

On Tuesday, George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley weighed in on the staggering number of Trump-haters who believe the former president should be stopped by any means necessary, in addition to what he terms "the age of rage" now threatening America.

[The] poll ... offers a chilling account of the growing radicalism in America, particularly after the second foiled assassination attempt of former president Donald Trump, the poll found that 26 million Americans believe “the use of force” is justified to keep Trump from regaining the presidency.

As discussed in my book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” we have seen an increasing level of rage rhetoric in our political system. For some, violent language can become violent action. There is a normalization that can occur as extreme actions become more acceptable to more and more citizens.

We are living in an age of rage. It permeates every aspect of our society and politics. Rage is liberating, even addictive. It allows us to say and do things that we would ordinarily avoid, even denounce in others. Rage is often found at the farthest extreme of reason. For those who agree with the underlying message, it is righteous and passionate. For those who disagree, it is dangerous and destabilizing.

"Dangerous and destabilizing." If that doesn't explain the political environment in which a former president of the United States survives two assassination attempts over the course of just 64 days, what does?

And where does Turley place the blame for rage rhetoric?

This one's a no-brainer.

With the unrelenting claims of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and others that democracy is about to die in America, some now feel a license to commit criminal acts in the name of “saving democracy.”

It is the ultimate form of self-delusion that one saves democracy by committing political violence against those with whom you disagree.

We have seen this radicalism spread in past years from higher education into society at large.

Years ago, many of us were shocked by the conduct of University of Missouri communications professor Melissa Click who directed a mob against a student journalist covering a Black Lives Matter event. Yet, Click was hired by Gonzaga University. Since that time, we have seen a steady stream of professors joining students in shouting down, committing property damage, participating in riots, verbally attacking students, or even taking violent action in protests.

It is now common to hear inflammatory language from professors advocating “detonating white people,” denouncing police, calling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservatives, calling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters and other outrageous statements.

Turl('') posted to X on Sunday, in the immediate aftermath of the second assassination attempt, demanding supporters "stop" the "extreme MAGA Republicans."

Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025. We must stop them.

Trump has repeatedly denied involvement with Project 25.

The Bottom Line

It's a folly to believe that the rage rhetoric of the Democrat Party and its lapdog media will cool down, let alone stop. In the meantime, Donald Trump faces unprecedented danger as former president — even if courageously so.

Constitutional conservative, noted loather of hypocrisy, whataboutism, irrational bias, and ultracrepidarianism. Oh, and an insufferable pizza snob — Chicago-style, thin crust — of course.