Friday, September 13, 2024

Democracy Truly Does Die in Darkness

In February, 2017, the Washington Post adopted its now infamous mission statement: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Was it a coincidence that one of the nation’s most influential newspapers — the paper that broke the Watergate scandal and brought down Richard Nixon’s presidency — decided that its role was to save democracy just one month after President Trump was inaugurated?

According to then-editor of the WaPo, Martin Barron, writing in his book Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos, and the Washington Post, this was not an attack on Trump and his presidency but rather, was motivated by owner Jeff Bezos because, “[w]e have such high standards that we’re outraged when those standards are not met.” Unfortunately, Barron does not elaborate as to what those standards are; but with Harris’s basement campaign being portrayed as the second coming of the messiah (that would be Obama, not Jesus), it seems clear that saving democracy by shining a light on the truth was not one of them. Rather, pulling the wool over the eyes of Americans held captive by mainstream and social media companies was the true mission of the WaPo and its cohorts in an ideological conspiracy of epic proportions.

Our nation’s newspapers are purveyors of an ideology that is in fact dangerous to democracy and the survival of the United States. Network and cable news stations are part of the same conspiracy to destroy Donald Trump and the Republican Party, ensure power remains in the hands of Democrats and their constituencies including Democrat socialists, BLM, Islamists, Greenies, Planned Parenthood, teachers’ unions, and other progressive organizations and institutions that were all drawn together under a red-green alliance by Barack Obama. After all, he promised the American people just prior to winning his first term that, “[w]e are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

The transformational process instituted by the world’s greatest community organizer would have never been possible without a compliant media. But the media bias actually began with the creation of Bush Derangement Syndrome. Media-induced BDS resulted in the election of the dangerously leftist community organizer seeking to change the world. Eight years later, despite the efforts of the media, the country elected the one person the left simply could not abide — the completely unacceptable Donald Trump. That’s when so-called journalists, pundits, and Democrat operatives, who learned well from the Obama/Alinsky playbook which helped turn the media into a Fifth Column seeking to destroy the Republican Party, were truly unleashed.

The Resistance Movement was touted as a force to save democracy — it was the beginning of the much more insidious disease known as Trump Derangement Syndrome that seemingly climaxed last year with a prime-time speech by Biden claiming that the “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” He was projecting of course.

All of the demonization, including the historically unprecedented, politically-motivated civil and criminal proceedings that led to the assassination attempt on Trump’s life, should have been a wake-up call about which party actually poses a danger to the country and its political opponents. Instead, it continues with Trump, MAGA Republicans, and anyone who doesn’t vote — let alone think — like a liberal (the deplorables who cling to guns and religion) in the crosshairs. The media sycophants who elatedly and obediently join the choir make it difficult for Americans to learn the truth. The fact checkers are MIA (look at the ABC-moderated debate). Investigative journalists have disappeared into an ideological vacuum that has seemingly sucked away the brains of so many.

For the past eight years we’ve been living with this propaganda nonstop. The media dove right into the Russia Collusion hoax (which they’re desperately trying to reinvigorate once again). Incurious “journalists,” reporting the lies non-stop day-after-day, month-after-month, year-after-year, nonetheless were awarded Pulitzers for doing so.

Trump’s four years were mired by the media lying about his comments on the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville (no, he did not call them fine people although as recently as Tuesday night, ABC allowed Harris to perpetuate the lie), claiming he suggested ingesting bleach to cure Covid (while suppressing any narrative that contradicted the dictates of Herr Fauci including the advice of esteemed medical professionals who signed The Great Barrington Declaration), and so many other “fake news” stories about the man they were united to destroy.

Elon Musk recently posted on X, “propaganda isn’t just about creating fake news. It’s also about hiding real news.” And the media did just that. They hid numerous truths about Biden family corruption and of course, Hunter’s laptop which they disingenuously claimed was a “Russian disinformation campaign.” The gaslighting continued throughout Biden’s term lest Americans learn of his health issues, question his disastrous policies, or turn to Republicans to save the country from the true threats to democracy (which Tulsi Gabbard does a terrific job of describing in this video).

We were told ad nauseam that claims of Biden’s mental decline, incidents of which were recorded on video, were deep fakes and cheap fakes. We were expected to ignore our lyin’ eyes and put our faith in Biden officials, including Harris, who continuously promised us there was no one more mentally and physically fit than the sufferer of dementia who struggled to read his teleprompter, let alone find his way off stage.

Those same people who gaslighted us about Biden’s mental acuity are now doing so about the cackling, incompetent purveyor of word salads as they present a completely new image of Harris based on lies. The media are telling us to trust them as they completely remake Harris and Walz as moderate, sensible leaders despite extensive records that indicate they are the most extreme, progressive (socialist, if not communist-leaning) public officials to ever run for high office while they hide such records in their reporting on this critically important election.

Harris makes John Kerry look like amateur hour on the flip-flop gymnastics of her extreme policy positions. Communist China-loving Walz is a serial liar seemingly far worse than Biden or Harris, if possible. The media is MIA. They also are not holding Harris accountable for her complicity in the Biden mental decline cover-up let alone all of the economic, domestic, and foreign policy disasters of her administration.

Media bias has morphed into downright communist-style propaganda. Democrats are so desperate to remain in power that they’re partnering with the media, to indoctrinate the electorate to believe that the same woman who they’ve been calling the worst vice president in the history of America is now not only qualified to hold the highest office in the land, but has been all along.

From lies about inflation (no it was not 9% when Biden entered office), the border (yes, Harris was the border czar who left it wide open for over three years while gang-members, criminals, terrorists, and fentanyl flooded in), crime rates (horrifically high in blue state cities), threats to free speech (it’s the Biden/Harris administration working arm-in-arm with social media companies to suppress the truth and perpetuate fantasies), energy (Harris favors banning fracking and wishes to implement an E.V. mandate), and so on, the media is aiding and abetting the remaking of an otherwise incompetent and wholly unremarkable and unlikeable woman into the savior of the day. One NYT columnist even admitted that it sounds “silly” to remain neutral with Trump running.

There’s a great meme: “The same people who spent the last three years telling you Biden was sharp and in charge are now telling you Harris is competent and the best person to be president.” Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.

Matti Friedman, a real, left-of-center, journalist recently wrote of his time working for the Associated Press, “The practice of journalism…was being replaced by a kind of aggressive activism that left little room for dissent. The new goal was not to describe reality, but to usher readers to the correct political conclusion.” He added, “You may think that a news story is meant to serve readers, by conveying reality. I thought so. What I found, however, was that the story was more often meant to serve the ideological allies of the people in the press.” And he concluded that his analysis,

explains why a true story about a laptop belonging to the president’s son was dismissed as false: This would help the wrong people…It explains why a story about an opposition candidate colluding with Russia was reported as fact – the story wasn’t true, but it helped the right people. It explains why President Biden’s cognitive decline, a story of obvious importance to people of any political affiliation, was avoided until it became impossible to ignore. 

Something has to change or democracy truly will die in darkness. And the dark age that will inevitably ensue will, if history is any indicator, be a very treacherous and dangerous age for civilized man. Without a functioning independent media, we’re headed to totalitarianism, but it’s not Trump’s creation. His supporters recognize that he’s the one person standing between the real end of democracy and an America that once again resembles the country founded almost 250 years ago.

When asked whether the U.S. was designed as a monarchy or a republic, Benjamin Franklin famously replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Thanks to today’s Democrat party and its co-conspirators in the media, the job of keeping our republic is becoming more and more difficult to ensure.

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 13


The End of Dollar Dominance?

After Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States restricted access to SWIFT, the national banking system, leaving Russia without the ability to trade using dollars or euros.

In August, Russia announced that it will begin making financial transactions using cryptocurrency, Fox Business News reported.  The Duma passed the cryptocurrency bill at the end of July.

At the same time, Russia has dramatically increased its gold purchases, The Jerusalem Post reports.  Russia went from purchasing 1.12 billion rubles per day to 8.2 billion rubles per day.

Russia and China have been looking for ways to continue to trade between the two countries without having to rely on the dollar or the Western banking system.  The two countries have been able to use gold to circumvent sanctions and continue to trade with each other.

“The Russian government has been encouraging Russian citizens to buy gold because the dollar is considered volatile,” the Financial Times reports.

“There is a lot of effort by Russia and China to make the dollar [less influential] — to stop it from being the petrodollar,” Berhard Dahdah, commodities analyst at Natixis told the Financial Times.

There are several countries that have already made trade deals in their own local currencies.  Initially, this business was minor but seems to be increasing.  This is also a trend to watch in terms of global currency and de-dollarization.

Use of local currencies, the development of blockchain technology, and the dramatic increase in gold purchases are all trends that signal a potential change in the financing of global trade.

“Suddenly in the past two years the central banks all around the world are suddenly buying tons and tons of gold,” says a Think School commentator in a video.

India, China, Poland, Singapore, and the Czech Republic all have bought gold.  Buying gold has become a worldwide trend that intensified after Russia invaded Ukraine.

The use of gold allows Russia and China to trade without the dollar, but the system is complicated.  It requires Russia to hire couriers to bring documents to Chinese bankers.  The use of blockchain technology would greatly simplify this process.

If the BRICS can create a currency or payment program backed by gold or other commodities, they will have a system that is more stable and reliable that the current U.S. system, where the dollar is backed by little more than faith in the American economic system.

“I believe the BRICS plan on using some digital currency using block chain technology which is backed by gold or other commodities,” Bandaru says.  “If Russia is able to come up with a digital currency that allows transactions with local currencies and backed by gold, it will be a whole new ball game for the entire world.”

Dollar dominance is largely rooted in confidence of the strength of the U.S. economy.  Without the backing of gold, other nations have remained committed to the dollar as long as they perceive the American economy as stable.

Without a gold standard, confidence in the dollar is dependent upon the U.S. dollar maintaining a consistent valuation.  With the U.S.’s excessive debt and printing of money, the world’s perception has changed.

The U.S. has been on a “spending spree” since the initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Heritage Foundation reported at the end of 2023.  The country seems to be spending wantonly and hoping that money-printing will keep the economy afloat.

“This reckless and politically opportunistic spending spree has left the U.S. with a weakened economy, an inflation crisis, and a looming debt crisis,” David Ditch and Richard Stern write for The Heritage Foundation.

“Further, these reckless actions — such as adding more to the federal debt in a 27-month span than was added in the first two centuries of the country’s history — exacerbated already mountainous long-term federal obligations and propelled the country close to a debt crisis.”

The value of foreign money invested in dollars also goes down as the printing of money continues.  Inflation affects foreign investment, reducing foreign nations’ interest in relying on the American system.  A country can feel safe using gold as a method of exchange because the value is certain.

The BRICS summit in October is expected to reveal a future plan for BRICS currency, Lena Petrova, finance and geopolitical commentator, says in a video.  If a new system is developed, it will quickly reduce dependence on the U.S. dollar.

There is an existing settlement system that is an alternative to SWIFT.  This piece of the puzzle may expedite a change to an alternative currency.  This system was created in Russia over ten years ago, so this is not new.  Russia has been planning on reducing dollar dependence for quite some time, Petrovasays.

Some countries have already launched basic blockchain solutions, and at the upcoming BRICS meeting, the discussion of a standalone mutual payment system is a top priority.  What is also concerning is that approximately 150 countries have shown interest in joining the BRICS, thus giving the blockchain solution legitimacy.

“Slowly, but surely, there are quite substantial developments with regards to a BRICS payment system,” Petrova says.  “It remains to be seen what exactly the upcoming summit will reveal, what it will bring, whether or not an alternative system is fully launched.”

The world view of the U.S. dollar may be changing more quickly than American leaders realize.  As America continues to spend and increase debt, confidence will erode around the world.

“People usually turned to dollars and euros during times of trouble,” write Anastasia Stognei and Leslie Hook for the Financial Times.  “But that has all changed,”

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Economic Security is National Security – Kamala Harris Does Not Understand This Concept

Economic security is the foundation of national security.  When government takes action that destabilizes our economy, every element of national security is put at risk.  We are experiencing that problem right now as we suffer through Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ intentionally flawed energy policy that is diminishing the U.S. economy.

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.”

~ Niccolo Machiavelli

Never has that Machiavelli quote been more apropos than when considering the MAGA movement and the rise of Donald Trump.

Thankfully, we are now in an era when the largest coalition of American voters have awakened to the reality that, to quote the former president: “Economic Security is National Security.”

As we live through the economic mess of a Biden administration hell bent on eroding the middle class, there are numerous pundits contemplating 2024 and the shift President Trump represents; consider this group the lukewarm defenders Machiavelli noted.

At the same time professional Republicans, Democrats, the DC coalition (writ large) and corporate media are apoplectic about increasing groups of voters now supporting President Donald Trump.  This group consists of those affluent Wall Street agents and politicians set on retaining the profits derived from decades of institutional objectives.

Institutional Democrats hate Trump, and institutional Republicans are lukewarm, at best, in defending Trump.  Both wings of the DC UniParty fear Trump.  Extreme efforts at control are always a reaction to fear.  I make my case not on supposition, but on empirical reference points that most should understand.

Everything is about the economics of the thing.

If you accept that at its core, the phrase “economic security is national security” is true – meaning the lives of the American citizen, person, worker, individual or family are best when their economic position is secure – then any potential leader for our nation must be able to initiate policies that directly touch the economics of a person’s life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  As a result, economic security and economic policy must be the fulcrum of their platform.

Look around and ask yourself this question: “What separates Donald J. Trump from field of republican candidates in every election since 2016?”   An honest top-line answer would be immigration (border control), and his views on American economic policy.

In essence, what sets Donald Trump apart from all other candidates is his view on the U.S. economy, and that was the driving factor behind ‘Make America Great Again’, MAGA.

Now, look at every other candidate for political office. Is there another person in your political memory who comes forward from the place where economic security is national security?

Put aside all other issues and shiny things that may change from moment to moment as the political winds swirl and settle and ask yourself that question.  Who can deliver economic prosperity, if not the central person who lives, eats, sleeps and thinks about U.S. economic security from every angle at every second of every hour of every day.  That’s Donald J. Trump.

President Trump knows the extremely consequential sequence of BIG things that lead to a structurally strong American economic foundation.

We don’t have to guess at whether Trump can deliver on that policy sequence, we have reference points.

♦ Donald Trump knew that independent U.S. energy policy was a condition for a strong U.S. economy. In 2016 he also knew there would be negative consequences to allies and partners if the U.S. energy policy was independent.

Candidate and President Trump knew that OPEC nations in general would be negatively impacted, and he knew that Saudi Arabia specifically would be weakened geopolitically.   That is why the very first foreign trip by Donald Trump was to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States that make up the majority of OPEC.

Look at what President Trump did on that trip.

First, he assured Saudi Arabia that the United States would stand with the Gulf Cooperation Council and Mid-East nations as it pertained to their security.  Trump knew making the largest energy consuming nation independent from foreign oil would be adverse to the economic stability of the Mid-East, and as an outcome, could open a door to destabilization from extremist or ideological groups therein.

Take away top-line economic revenue from Saudi et al, and the leaders of those oil economies have a more difficult time remaining stable and controlling unrest and extremism.  Generations of Arab citizens know nothing other than the trickle down benefits of oil exports.  President Trump knew this, and he approached our need for energy independence by first assuring the Arab states of his commitment to their stability and safety.

President Trump delivered to those states a list of approved arms and defense agreements during that trip.  In essence, what he was doing was putting the promise of security into actual delivery of tools to retain that security.  Actions speak louder than words.  President Trump also promised to work diligently on peace in the region; a real substantive and genuine peace that would provide security in the big picture.

Over the course of the next few years, Trump delivered on that set of promises with the Abraham Accords.   Yes, economic security as national security applies to our allies as well as ourselves.  Again, actions speak louder than words.

With the U.S. energy independence program in place, President Trump then moved in sequence to the next big thing.

♦ Donald Trump moved to face the challenge of China.   A major shift in U.S. policy that is likely considered the biggest geopolitical shift in the last 75 years.  Trump strategically began with Trade Authority 302 national security Steel and Aluminum tariffs at 25% and 10% not only toward China but targeted globally.

The entire multinational system was stunned at the bold step with tariffs.   But remember, before Trump went to Saudi Arabia, he held a meeting with Chairman Xi Jinping in Mar-a-Lago.  The global trade world was shocked by the tariff announcement, but I’ll bet you a doughnut Chairman Xi was not.

That February 2017 meeting, only one month after his inauguration, was President Trump graciously informing Chairman Xi, in the polite manner that respectful business people do, that a new era in the U.S-China relationship was about to begin.  New trade agreements, new terms and conditions were to be expected in the future.  The tariff announcement hit Wall Street hard, but not Beijing – who knew it was likely.

U.S. financial pundits proclaimed the sky was surely falling.  These tariffs would cause prices to skyrocket, the global order of all things around trade was under attack by Trump.  They waxed and shouted about supply chains being complicated and intertwined amid the modern manufacturing era that was too complex for President Trump to understand with such a heavy handed tariff hammer.

Do you remember all of that doomsday punditry?

Do you remember how cars were going to cost thousands more, and beer kegs would forever be lost because the orange man had just triggered steel and aluminum tariffs?

Did any of that happen?  No. Of course it didn’t.

Actually, the opposite was true, and no one could even fathom it.  Communist China first responded by subsidizing all of their industries targeted by the tariffs with free energy and raw materials, etc.  China triggered an immediate reaction to lower their own prices to offset tariffs.  Beijing did not want the heavy industries and factories to start back up again in the U.S, so they reacted with measures to negate the tariff impact.

China’s economy started to feel the pressure and panda was not happy.  Eventually, as the tariffs expanded beyond Steel and Aluminum to other specific segments and categories, China devalued their currency to lower costs even further for U.S. importers.  The net result was something no one could have imagined.

With lower prices, and increased dollar strength, we began importing all Chinese products at cheaper rates than before the tariffs were triggered.  Yes, we began importing deflation.  No one saw that coming…. but Trump did.

While all that initial U.S-China trade shock was taking place, Donald Trump took his next foreign trip to… wait for it…. Southeast Asia.

Just like in the example of the trip to Saudi Arabia, economically minded Trump told partners and leaders in the export producing countries of Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and ASEAN nations to prepare for additional business and new trade agreements with the U.S., as factories inside China might start to decouple.

Look at how they responded, they did exactly what Trump said would be in their best interests.

To seriously gather the focus of this SE Asia group, President Trump started direct talks with North Korea and Chairman Kim Jong-un for peace and regional stability.

It is easy to forget just how stunning this was at the time, but generations of people in Asia were jaw-agape at the U.S. President confronting China, engaging with North Korea, and opening his arms to new trade deals with ASEAN partners.

On the world stage of geopolitics and global trade, any one of these moves would be a monumental legacy initiative all by itself.  But together, simultaneously, you can see how the entire continent physically stopped midstride and stood staring at this, this man, this American President, who was just about to step across the Demilitarized Zone in North Korea and shake hands with Chairman Kim…. and, wait for it…. they are smiling.

√ Energy security triggered and friends in Mid-East supported.

√ Mid-East peace initiatives triggered.

√ A return of heavy industry and manufacturing security triggered.

√ A confrontation of Chinese economic influence triggered.

√ Stability between South Korea and North Korea, triggered.

√ New trade deals and economic partnerships with Japan and South Korea, triggered.

And then, as if that was not enough… just as multinational investment groups started realizing they needed to change their outlooks and drop the decades’ long view of the U.S. as a “service driven economy”… just as they realized they needed to start investing domestically inside the United States for their own growth and financial security… as if all that wasn’t enough… President Trump kicks off an entirely new trade deal and renegotiated standard for all North American trade via NAFTA.

We don’t have to guess at whether Donald Trump can put together a program to ensure Economic Security is National Security.

We don’t have to guess at whether Donald Trump can deliver on economic policy.

We don’t have guess if Trump’s policy platform, proposals and initiatives would be successful.  We have the experience of it.  We have the results of it.  We have felt the success of it.

We also don’t need to guess at who is the best candidate to lead Making America Great Again, we already know who that is.

There is no other politician who could possibly achieve what Donald John Trump has achieved, or who could even fathom contemplating how to achieve a quarter of what President Trump previously achieved.

Look at the sum total of it.  There’s so much more that could be outlined to what Donald Trump achieved and/or could yet still achieve, it’s not even a close question.

And that my friends is exactly why Donald Trump is under relentless attack from both wings of the UniParty in DC.

It is clear the Wall Street multinationals and World Economic Forum corporations are trying to position Harris as an alternative to another Trump term.  Look carefully at the current advocates for Harris and you will note every one of those voices are attached to big government spending, military contractors, favorable Wall Street politics and multinational corporate advocacy.

Look at what Donald J. Trump was able to achieve while he was under constant political attack.  Just imagine what Trump 2.0 could deliver.

The DC beneficiaries of corporatism are absolutely petrified of President Trump’s economic security.

There are trillions at stake…


Like Her Campaign, Kamala’s 2024 Platform Is Largely About Nothing

Harris is running a ‘vibes’ campaign that focuses more on her personality than on her (very radical) policies.

It would have been so embarrassing if former President Donald Trump called out Vice President Kamala Harris during the debate for having no agenda on her website. 

The vapid vice president has been widely criticized for running an elusive campaign devoid of any specific agenda since July when she slipped into the last leg of the race for which she was not a primary candidate. But she could not skate on the “thank God Joe’s not running” enthusiasm forever.  

It probably was not a coincidence that Harris released her agenda for the first time mere days before the big debate with Trump. It prevented Trump from saying she had no agenda on her website. Instead, he had a chance to search through the lengthy paragraphs and try to find the few specifics she offers amid all the fluff.

In places where Harris’ platform does include any specifics, she seems to have copied her agenda from others, like a cheating student looking at his neighbor’s test paper.

For example, her previous agendas never mentioned “eliminat[ing] taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers,” but after Trump announced this summer he would end taxes on tips, now it appears in her platform.

On Monday, The New Republic released a report detailing how the launch of Harris’ platform agenda page likely reveals an “embarrassing copy-paste” job, as the headline indicates.

“Shortly after Kamala Harris released her policy agenda on Sunday evening, users on X spotted something in the metadata: Much of the language appears to have been lifted from Joe Biden’s campaign website,” the report reads, noting how one user “pointed out” how “language urging voters to reelect Joe Biden” was “visible when links to the campaign site were shared, and in the website’s description on Google searches.”

“All of this creates the impression that at least some of the Harris campaign’s policy language was copied and pasted from Biden’s documents,” the report continues.

Like Biden, Harris’ agenda is strongly anti-business, with several promises to keep businesses from charging more than her administration says they should with socialist price control measures. In addition to controlling pharmaceutical costs, Harris aims to “outlaw new forms of price fixing by corporate landlords” to control what they can charge for housing rent. And she will call for the “first-ever federal ban on corporate price gouging on food and groceries,” which puts the government, not the marketplace, in charge of costs — just like Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro did. His policies have not gone well for Venezuelans who have previously turned to killing zoo animals and pets and digging through dumped garbage out of desperation for food.

Under the Harris plan, the spending also shifts to warp speed, with promises of up to $25,000 for first-time homebuyers for a down payment. The Harris ticket also pledges to expand the Child Tax Credit to give a “$6,000 tax cut to families with newborn children.”

Harris promises to ensure “families can afford high-quality child care,” her agenda says, but does not describe how that will work. It certainly will involve government spending.

As noted by the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs in a hearing earlier this year, it is not “greedy businesses,” but government regulations and “out-of-control” government spending that are to blame for inflation.

Comparing Agendas

But how does her current agenda stack up against the ghost of Kamala Past?

Harris issued agendas when she ran for U.S. Senate in 2016, and in her brief, failed campaign for president in 2020. The specifics in her previous platforms show what a radical she has always been. But now, in her agenda as in the debate, Harris is running a “vibes” campaign that focuses more on her personality than on her (very radical) policies.

Second Amendment

During the debate, Harris said she won’t take anyone’s gun. That is not what her past agendas indicate.

In 2016, the Harris for Senate agenda called for an “assault weapons” ban, and she planned to “support efforts” prohibiting “people on a no-fly list from being allowed to purchase semi-automatic weapons.”

In her platform for her very brief presidential run in 2020, Harris promised that, if “Congress fail[ed] to send comprehensive gun safety legislation to Kamala’s desk within her first 100 days as president … she [would] take executive action,” including “mandat[ing] the most comprehensive federal background checks in history, revoke[ing] the licenses of gun manufacturers that break the law,” and “ban[ning] the importation of AR-15 style assault weapons.”

Her 2024 “New way forward” platform agenda does not, in fact, offer anything “new,” as she only continues to promise a ban on “assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.” According to the platform, she would require universal background checks and support red flag laws in which government officials effectively decide if someone is too dangerous to have a gun, but these vague claims are buried under two paragraphs worth of resume which, in part, touts her previous efforts to undermine the Second Amendment.  


In 2016, Harris’ platform praised her challenges against “Big Oil,” and stated how she “believe[d] in fighting climate change by investing in clean energy, improved energy efficiency of our homes and buildings, smart grid upgrades, and public transportation,” claiming that “Combating Climate Change Is Good For Our Economy.”

In 2020, she said she would “take on big oil companies.” She supported the Green New Deal and claimed “tackl[ing] the climate crisis” and “build[ing] a clean economy” through such a deal meant “accelerating the spread of electric vehicles, solar panels, and wind turbines” and “making bold investments in innovative technologies to build a carbon free future.”

In 2024, Harris offers no actionable plan. She reflects back to past work, taking credit for winning “tens of millions in settlements against Big Oil” and holding “polluters accountable.”

The Harris platform goes on to say the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” is “lowering household energy costs,” but the truth is, consumers have seen costs rise sharply. Her current agenda cryptically promises to “unite Americans to tackle the climate crisis as she … advances environmental justice, protects public lands and public health, increases resilience to climate disasters, lowers household energy costs, creates millions of new jobs,” and, like most humans, supports the “freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water.”


In 2016, Harris called for public education to be “more equitable.” “Success in school shouldn’t be decided by where students live, the color of their skin, their immigration status, or their parents’ income,” her agenda said. She promoted the elimination of tuition at community colleges to make the first two years toward a bachelor’s degree free. Her plan also proposed “refinancing options” for students and parents trying to pay off hefty college loans.

In 2020, she promised to “provide relief from crushing debt today, and ensure tomorrow’s students can attend college debt-free.” And she promised a $13,500 raise for public school teachers.

Her 2024 agenda once again does not provide such specifics. It only describes what the Biden/Harris administration has done in the past while she promises to “continue working to end the unreasonable burden of student loan debt and fight to make higher education more affordable.”