Sunday, September 8, 2024

This Is Why Democrats Won’t Let Harris Or Walz Do Any Real Interviews

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz can’t avoid the debates without looking like they’re deliberately avoiding them – which means Kamala will be there Tuesday – but they can avoid being asked any serious questions, and they will. You’d think that would be political suicide, and it certainly won’t help them in the election. Still, the old saying about being silent and leaving people to think you might be an idiot or opening your mouth and confirming their suspicions is doubly true with this ticket. 

The heavy lifting the Democratic Party media did in 2020 was unprecedented, but it’s also nothing compared to what will be needed this year. Not because Donald Trump is so wildly popular, neither ticket has a majority favorability rating, but because Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are uniquely awful candidates and, honestly, people.

There’s a reason they speak in platitudes and fortune cookie slogans, and it’s not because they are desperate to find new ways to convey to voters their policy ideas. They are the equivalent of used car salesmen who are just shy of their boat payment in commissions this month, and they see you walk on their lot. You’re the mark.

The limited interviews they’ve given thus far have been devoid of substance or follow-ups, the two things that make interviews have any value whatsoever. CNN simply plowed through topics, limited by time to the point of worthlessness, which was the purpose of making it so short.

Kamala interviewed with someone called “Angel Baby,” which I doubt is the name on the birth certificate. The middle-aged Spanish language radio host in Arizona was tough enough to make CNN’s Dana Bash a grand inquisitor. To say it was worth less than zero would be an insult to the book.

Then there is Tim Walz. The stolen valor college mascot who dances around a stage like a coked-out Muppet seems incapable of having a serious conversation. More importantly, the unvetted Fraudie Murphy not only can’t act like a normal human being for a few consecutive seconds, he can’t string together a coherent thought. 

Part of it is that Kamala Harris has, at one point in the last 4 years, been on every side of all the issues. It must be hard to keep up and articulate a vision for someone how has none, but listening to Walz talk makes you realize he wants to hide him own opinions too.

He gave an interview to an NPR station in central Michigan in which he said exactly nothing. At least nothing coherent. 

To show what kind of pandering, lying frauds Democrats are, Walz kept claiming he and Harris would do things to lower property taxes. The federal government has no say over property taxes, but he claimed that building more houses and more federal spending on education would lower them, and just their general state of the economy in their fantasy land would too. 

Never, in all of property tax history, have any of those things happened, but Timmy just casually dropped that they would throughout the interview. It being conducted by a public radio station meant there was exactly zero engagement or asks for clarity. The “journalist” had their list of 6 questions on 6 different topics and literally nothing said was going to prevent him from asking all 6. It really was one of the most awful examples of an interview I’ve ever heard, check it out, it’s only 8 minutes long.

On each topic, Walz used a lot of words to say nothing. Listening to it and you might be confused into thinking he has some idea of what he’s saying, but when you read it you realize he’s simply that kid writing every buzzword he can think of in answer to an essay question hoping to get at least partial credit. 

Here’s his answer on the idea that a Harris/Walz administration could build 3 million houses -  2055 per day – over 4 years. See if anything he says in there makes sense.

Walz said:

“Yeah. And I think when we talk about this one, and I know this for a fact that that my home, my first home I bought, the only home I bought, was using the GI Bill. And what the GI Bill does on that was is it gives don't have to have a down payment on it. And what we know is that housing is foundational to everything. It's foundational to a family stability, it's foundational school achievement and we know that it’s the path to generational wealth, and we know that the supplies are too short right now.”

“We know that it's a little too difficult to build in some areas and those are things that of course state and local regulations are going to have to work with. But this idea of giving a tax credit on the front end, the same thing with like small businesses, you start people out with this, it gives them the foundation to get in. That foundation allows them to build on it, and what we end up seeing is we see wealthier communities with more money invested back into them. We see a broader tax base, which means lower property taxes for everybody. And so that dream of owning a home. We can do this. What we don't need is, we don't need large venture capitalists buying up large stocks of homes and then jacking the prices up on them. That is not what we need and that's what we've seen in many areas.”

“So, I think this plan gets more at that ability to get people in, and look, folks will pay their own way. You're still going to have to pay your mortgage. You're still going to have to make your way, but that coupled with an opportunity economy with a middle class is making a living wage, making a housing wage, has healthcare, and now has a home. We see all kinds of positive things happen when we do that.”

Forget the lies; assume it’s all true. Does it make sense? Does it sound like someone who knows what they’re talking about?

The Left-Wing Industrial Complex can’t allow these people near anyone who might know what they’re talking about or demand a coherent answer. They can only appeal to dumb people who are ready to believe the idea that there is some quick and easy fix for every problem. Still, these Democrats – who are currently in power and could implement them right now – will only clearly articulate them if they win in November. Otherwise, they’ll take their “solutions” to the grave. 

Let’s send them to their political grave so they can take their ideas with them. That way, we don’t have to suffer through the horror of what would inevitably be a deeper hole than we’re already in as Kamala cackles and Tim flails around while insisting we can dig our way out of it if we just dig harder. 

Debate: Questions Kamala Harris Must Be Asked

 Next week’s debate may well provide the singular opportunity to press Harris on key questions that she must answer to prove herself worthy of the highest office in the land.

After six weeks of completely hiding from the media, Kamala Harris finally appeared, with the safety valve of her running mate, in a pre-recorded, brief, and totally friendly interview with Dana Bash of CNN.

Bash did not press on the most urgent issues, nor did she follow up when Harris either obfuscated or simply refused to answer. As such, Harris still escapes the scrutiny of any real interview, even though she has applied for the most difficult and important job in the world.

Moreover, if anything, the burden of proof should be far higher for Harris given that she was elevated to nominee status by the backroom machinations of powerbrokers, rather than citizens voting.

In fact, Harris has never earned a single caucus or primary vote for president, neither in 2020, nor in 2024. Given that she came out of the Democratic Party apparatus that dominates California, in point of fact Harris has not faced serious scrutiny in her entire political career, ever.

She wants to claim all the advantages of incumbency without any of the attendant blame for her record as a sitting vice president and co-manager of the Biden agenda, especially on immigration and on inflation. Unfortunately, the corporate press seems more than willing to grant her this posture of “all the benefits/none of the costs,” in large part because leading media mavens clearly feel guilt for having deposed Biden so unceremoniously.

As part of that media fawning protection over Harris, she faces little blowback for ignoring journalists. Given this strange circumstance, next week’s debate may well provide the singular opportunity to press Harris on key questions that she simply must answer to prove herself worthy of the highest office in the land.

If ABC News wants to find a professional conscience on behalf of the profession of journalism, then these queries really should flow from the moderators, Linsey Davis and David Muir. But if ABC forgoes that ethical obligation, then President Trump should enter the debate hall ready to validly confront Harris on the following key dozen questions:

  1. When did you know about Joe Biden’s cognitive issues and were you always truthful with the American people about his condition?
  2. It has been reported that Biden was threatened with use of the 25th Amendment as leverage to get him to drop out. Can you speak to that issue and defend why you belong on the ballot even though no primary voters chose you?
  3. You have publicly boasted about Bidenomics, but Americans hate the economy. Can you describe Bidenomics and whether you still own it?
  4. President Trump did a highly confrontational town hall on CNN as a candidate this cycle. Will you do a similar town hall with someone like Laura Ingraham?
  5. Why do you affect accents in front of different audiences and what does it say about your authenticity?
  6. On fracking, CNN states that you never did change your own personal opinion in 2020, so can you explain when and why you did change to become pro-fracking?
  7. You’ve repeatedly backed race-based reparations. Can you explain why Hispanic, Asian, and white Americans today should pay their black neighbors for racial injustices committed before they were ever even born?
  8. Can you state whether or not your home state of California is a model for America?
  9. How can you assure the American people that millions of migrants who poured into America will not receive amnesty and citizenship?
  10. What would you say to the parents of Laken Riley?
  11. Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal – you said you were the last person in the room and that you’re comfortable with the decision. Is that still the case?
  12. Housing affordability has never been worse in America by some metrics, and not since the 2006 Housing bubble, according to Goldman Sachs. Why shouldn’t Americans blame you for this crisis?
This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 8


Trump Outlines '9 Steps' He'll Use to 'Drain The Swamp'


Former President Donald Trump, speaking at a rally at the Central Wisconsin Airport in Mosinee, Wisconsin, railed against Vice President Kamala Harris while outlining his "nine steps" to "drain the swamp" in Washington, D.C. 

"Our country is a failing nation right now," Trump told supporters. "It's a laughingstock all over the world. Over the past four years, our country has seen the sickness and corruption of the Washington swamp exposed like never before."

First, Trump said he will end what he calls the weaponization of government and the abuse of law enforcement against political opponents. 

"Under Comrade Kamala [Harris], Christians and pro-life activists are rotting in prison for the crime of praying in public," Trump said during his rally, which aired live on Right Side Broadcasting and simulcast on the RSBN online streaming platform. "We will completely overhaul Kamala's corrupt Department of Injustice and turn the DOJ back into the best law enforcement agency on the planet."

He added that under his presidency, the Department of Justice will focus on "taking down bloodthirsty cartels, transnational gangs, and radical Islamic terrorists" rather than focusing on persecuting Republicans such as himself. 

Second, Trump said that he will bring back free speech in America.

"Fake news is a threat to this country," Trump said. "Some are good, but most of them are absolutely terrible human beings. They are the police force for bad. They are very dishonest. When you're a politician and happen to be a Republican, they write just the opposite of what the facts are."

He added that as president, he will "sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech — and we will fire every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime."

The third step will to "expel the warmongers" and to "carry out a much-needed cleanup of the military-industrial complex," said Trump. 

"We have these people who want to go to war all the time," said Trump. "You know why? Missiles are $2 million apiece ... I had no wars. Remember Crooked Hillary [Clinton] used to say, 'Look at him; he's going to cause wars.' No, my personality stopped wars."

The fourth step, he said, will be to curtail the power of federal bureaucrats. 

He added that at the suggestion of tech billionaire Elon Musk, he will create a Government Efficiency Commission to conduct a financial and performance audit of the full federal government. 

Trump promised as his fifth step, his administration will "drain the government education swamp and stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America's youth."

This includes eliminating the federal Department of Education and sending control of schools back to the states. 

For the sixth step, Trump said his administration will not tolerate equity policies "that punish Americans based on race or gender."

"America will return to the merit principle, which has just been approved by the Supreme Court. And hard work will get you there."

As the seventh step, Trump said his administration will work with former independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take on corruption at the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, "and other institutions that are dominated by corporate power and China."

"We will establish a panel of top experts to investigate what is causing the decades long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including auto-immune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and more," he added. 

The eighth step will be to ask Congress to pass sweeping reforms preventing foreign influence-peddling "like we have seen with the Biden crime family." 

And as the ninth and final step, Trump said he will support modifying the 25th Amendment "to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States, it is grounds for impeachment and removal from office," said Trump. 

He said that would be because of what happened this past summer with Biden dropping out of the race after questions arose about his capabilities following the first presidential debate of the season. 

"If he didn't go to that debate, he'd still be running," said Trump. 

Do you think Kamela Harris is going try poaching these great plans from President Trump? Do you think Kamela and her handlers can come up with anything but plans to censor internet speech and what they deem as (disinformation/wrongspeak) and many of the crazy ideas that is being foisted upon normal people? What sensible Ideas do you think Ms. Harris has come up with and Tampons in boy's bathrooms doesn't count?

This Small Ohio Town Is Being Overrun By illegal Haitian Immigrants

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Every state is a border state under the Biden-Harris Administration—even a small town in Ohio with a population of just 56,000.

Springfield, Ohio, is making headlines after it was reported that illegal immigrants— specifically Haitian immigrants, are overrunning the small town.  Springfield City Commission officials say an estimated 4,000 to 7,000 Haitians have arrived in recent years.

During a City Commission meeting last year, community members warned of an invasion of Haitians and the crime they would bring— and they weren’t wrong. 

This week, a Springfield resident told the mayor that she "can't take it anymore,” explaining that Haitian immigrants are squatting on her front lawn and harassing her and her husband daily.  

The thousands of Haitian immigrants in Springfield are on Temporary Protected Status, with more than 20,000 Haitians resettling there under the Biden-Harris Administration. 

The town’s population has increased 33 percent since Biden took office. In comparison, Springfield’s population decreased 1.7 percent between 2010 and 2020. 

The influx of people settling in the Ohio town, in addition to the Biden-Harris admin’s inflationary economic policies, has residents competing for housing with illegal immigrants at sky-high prices. 

Several community members describe their town as a “sanctuary city” as the leaders continue to allow illegal immigrants in. 

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The 𝐖𝟑𝐏 𝓓𝓐𝓘𝓛𝓨 𝓗𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓻, 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓬, 𝓐𝓻𝓽, 𝓞𝓟𝓔𝓝 𝓣𝓗𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓 

Here’s a place to share cartoons, jokes, music, art, nature, 
man-made wonders, and whatever else you can think of. 

No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

YouTube Uses DOJ Allegations To Justify Axing Tenet Media’s Channel Without Due Process

The widely used video platform YouTube removed Tenet Media and related channels from its services on Thursday after the Justice Department accused the company of partaking in a secret Russian influence operation.

The revelation comes days after the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the seizure of nearly three dozen internet domains it alleged were used in “Russian government-directed foreign malign influence campaigns colloquially referred to as ‘Doppelganger,’ in violation of U.S. money laundering and criminal trademark laws.” According to Fox News, the unsealed indictment alleged a pair of Russian state media staffers had been covertly funding a Tennessee-based, American content creation company identified in reports as Tenet Media” and other shell companies with the goal of spreading what the DOJ classified as “Russian government propaganda.”

The indictment contended that Tenet Media “published nearly 2,000 videos to social media platforms such as X and YouTube, and failed to inform viewers it was financed by the Kremlin,” the report reads.

Right-wing influencers such as Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, and Benny Johnson are among those affiliated with the company. Many of these figures have since denied knowledge of the company’s alleged ties to Russia and proclaimed to be “victims” of Moscow’s purported influence operation.

While litigation on the matter remains ongoing, YouTube seemingly viewed the existence of the DOJ’s allegations and presser as providing sufficient justification for unilaterally taking down Tenet Media’s channel. The Google-owned company also removed the channel of Tenet Media founder Lauren Chen and other affiliated accounts, according to Forbes.

Users who click on the link to Tenet Media’s YouTube channel are greeted with a blank screen and caption that reads, “This channel was removed because it violated our Community Guidelines.”

In a statement to Forbes, a YouTube representative said the Big Tech company axed the channels “as part of [its] ongoing efforts to combat coordinated influence operations” and that it was done after “careful review.” The Google-owned video service reportedly claimed it is continuing its investigation into the matter.

Regardless of what revelations are ultimately confirmed regarding Tenet’s alleged ties to Russia, YouTube has never needed a valid reason to censor content produced by non-leftists.

This was especially apparent during the Covid outbreak. The company announced in fall 2021 that videos of individuals questioning the government’s stance on the Covid shots would be removed from the web service. The announcement came months after the Biden-Harris administration publicly pressured social media outlets to crack down on those it claimed were purveyors of Covid “misinformation.”

As Susan Harris previously wrote in these pages, YouTube has faced accusations in recent years of censoring content “related to the Jan. 6 Committee and Covid vaccines, to climate change and public appearances by former President Donald Trump (presumably because he continues to question the results of the 2020 election.”

Vivek Ramaswamy Warns About What Might Happen If Trump Beats Harris in Debate

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The debate between former President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is fast approaching. 

Harris is now in debate camp, and the word is that some of her strategy sessions weren't going well and had "careened sideways." As we noted, she was having fits about the debate rules and trying to blame Trump for rules Biden had previously pushed. 

Given that she got busted turning pages of what sounded like notes or a script during a recent radio interview, you have to think things are looking pretty sketchy in a debate where she's not supposed to have notes. Unless she gets the questions ahead of time, she may have a tough time. 

NEW: Hold on - Is Kamala Trying to Change Debate Rules AGAIN, Even As She's Struggling in Debate Prep

Kamala Univision Radio Interview Has People Laughing at a Very Funny Moment That Shows Her Weakness

Yes, Kamala Harris Is, in Fact, Screwed by the Debate Rules

People remember that Joe Biden imploded in the first debate. But Trump also did very well under the same rules that are going to be employed on Tuesday. If he has the same kind of performance, he's going to be in a good position, especially if Harris is hampered by her own issues and glitches out while speaking extemporaneously. 

Whatever she does, even if she falls off the stage, I fully expect most of the liberal media to say how she triumphed and how Trump "lied"--or paint something he says as wrong/bad/racist. We're constantly seeing the media do that with things like the "fine people" and "bloodbath" hoaxes. 

But former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has issued a warning. He anticipates that Trump will "run circles around" Harris. But that isn't the only thing here. Prepare for "strange things" to happen before November, he warns, if Harris "tanks."

 "They’ve already sued him, prosecuted him, tried to kick him off the ballot, and swapped out his opponent. All of it could be just a preview of what’s to come," he said on Fox's "Hannity" show Friday night: 

Not to mention there was also an assassination attempt in which Trump was shot. 

Sean Hannity asked Ramaswamy if he was talking about another candidate switch out. Ramaswamy didn't think that was likely, saying "But I do think we have a machine that we're up against that has already demonstrated that it is going to go to great measures to defeat Donald Trump." 

Ramaswamy noted how the Dems negotiated for a really early first debate and once they saw Biden underperform, they swapped him out. "I think we have to learn from those lessons, that they're still going to have many more tricks up their sleeves." 

He did not outline any of the "tricks" that he thinks might be pulled. But there is one obvious move they haven't played yet. If Kamala tanks badly, they may pull something big out, assuming they can. That's making Biden resign and giving her the Oval Office before November, so she can have the title going into the election. 

That could give her a bump in the polls, although it could also put her more on the hook for any bad decisions. They're running out of time on that option, and I don't think that Biden [or more accurately, Jill] wants to give up the time he has left in office. That's why he hasn't already done it. They could try to move on the 25th Amendment, claiming he's "gotten worse," but the clock is ticking down on that too.

Bottom line, the folks in power don't want to release control and we need to be ready for anything. They've already thrown out a lot and failed.

The Bureau withdraws Majcher story pursuant to investigation

 The Bureau withdrew a story about William Majcher published in September 2024 after it became evident that I had been the target of a sophisticated and persistent undercover operation since March 2024. 

This operation appears to have been aimed at identifying my confidential sources related to PRC reports and feeding engineered information designed to introduce disinformation into The Bureau’s reporting regarding the ongoing Majcher foreign interference case.

In hindsight, I believe these actions align with those of well-motivated, incentivized actors with a clear agenda.

Consequently, I have promptly shared evidence of suspected infiltration from these sophisticated operations with the appropriate law enforcement and government authorities. As the founder of The Bureau, I am treating this incident as a formal complaint regarding the targeting of Canadian journalists for potential foreign interference.

I am currently consulting with legal and media protection advocates and will provide further comments as the investigation progresses.

As founder, I must emphasize that this incident appears to be the continuation of a pattern of serious and persistent threats against my reporting, which first emerged in 2020 after I published an in-depth story on China's United Front Work Department operations in Canada.

In the months that followed, I learned from CSIS and other experts that United Front groups in Vancouver—later connected to the RCMP's investigations into "Chinese police stations"—held a press conference aimed at discrediting my work and reputation.

A colleague shared photographs showing that a notorious PRC-connected organized crime suspect I had previously reported on, was parked outside this press conference. It was also brought to my attention that an individual linked to the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver and suspected organized crime and Chinese state actors targeted in RCMP and CSIS investigations, had reportedly made a threat against me outside this gathering.

All of this followed a related United Front effort to sponsor a community-funded lawsuit against my reporting.

As I outlined in my book Wilful Blindness (published in May 2021), my reporting and reputation have been persistently attacked in an organized manner by individuals confirmed to be involved in PRC threat networks in Canada. This includes groups tied to the United Front Work Department, the CCP foreign interference arm that has been implicated in political influence and interference investigations by both the FBI in the United States and CSIS in Canada.

Further incidents of concern include an official threat briefing I received from CSIS following the publication of my book. During this meeting, a CSIS officer warned me that PRC actors in Canada are dangerous. 

They informed me that CSIS investigations had determined that CCP agents had been tasked with investigating my professional networks and my background, identifying my reporting sources, and determining whether I had any affiliations with groups that Beijing classifies as the “Five Poisons.” They were also assessing whether my reporting posed a threat to the Chinese Communist Party.

In June 2023, shortly after I was summoned to testify in Parliament regarding my knowledge of PRC threats to Canadian politicians (, two officers from an RCMP national security unit visited my home. They informed me that they had obtained a judicial authorization, known as a legal "duty to warn," notifying me of a credible threat to my safety related to my reporting on PRC matters.

It is believed the threat networks involved are associated with foreign actors, engaged in transnational repression activities, and employing Canadian proxies.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support with the launch of The Bureau, a new investigative platform probing matters including transnational repression and the growing threat this presents to private and public citizens in democratic nations.

For more on the threat see this FBI statement.