Friday, August 30, 2024

Kamalita Perón

Who wants to turn America into Argentina? This lady.

The elements of an economic plan presented by Kamala Harris consist of price controls, higher taxes, greater government spending, interventions, regulations, and subsidies paid for by printing a currency devalued by high inflation.  These elements constitute “21st-century socialism.”  The Kamala Harris–Tim Walz economic plan is the most radical socialist economic plan ever announced by the Democrats.

It was Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana who said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  Why cite him?  Because Harris and Walz don’t seem to be able to remember the past, much less learn from it.  They want to take the U.S. back 75 years to replay the economic disaster that was Argentina.

A brief history lesson: Argentina prospered under (classical) liberal economic policies in the early 20th century.  The country became the world’s seventh wealthiest nation in 1908.  It enjoyed a high per-capita income, higher than many European countries and its Latin American neighbors.  The military took control of the country in 1930 through a coup d’état.  This marked the end of Argentina’s economic rise.

Argentina had another a military coup in 1943.  This period of dictatorships and intermittent elections is known for its corruption and political fraud.  Juan Perón was a young army officer who, between 1939 and 1941, was a military attaché in Italy, where he was exposed to Mussolini’s fascist corporate ideas that would later influence him.  He was involved in the 1943 coup d’état.  That’s when Argentina’s economic downfall accelerated.

Perón introduced many reforms in Argentina, such as women’s suffrage, industrialization, and a welfare system.  His ideas, methods, actions, and legacy became a political force called Peronism.  However, a significant portion of the funding of his economic reforms and social programs was concealed from the Argentine people.  The economy suffered under him, and he was deposed by a military coup in 1955 and exiled.

The Peronists returned to power in 1973.  This period was marked by conflict between political factions and much economic instability.  The Peronists were removed from power by a military coup in 1976.  The military reign was characterized by a “Dirty War,” a brutal campaign of internal repression by the state.

Although it’s doubtful that the U.S. will endure a military or political coup d’état, that’s what Kamala Harris and the Democrats say will occur if she doesn’t win.  But what Harris is economically and politically proposing is so similar to Argentina under Perón that it’s scary.

Kamala Harris proposes reducing inflation by spending and printing more money, reducing competition, and attacking businesses.  It has never worked and never will because it’s upside-down economics, like what Perón tried.  The only thing that can make prices rise constantly is the destruction of the purchasing power of the currency, which comes from massive government spending and printing currency.

Perón expanded the power of unions, spent lavishly on welfare schemes, and waged class warfare against the rich.  He practiced cronyism and paid off his supporters with tax money.  Perón’s expanded government appeared affordable.  But it set in motion economic consequences that were unsustainable.  It wasn’t long before the debts, deficits, and paper money, along with higher personal and corporate taxes, drove the peso down and the economy with it.  Spending is what Harris is proposing, or with Biden, is doing today.

Argentina was once one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but no longer.

Socialism was what Perón was promoting.  He viewed fascist corporatism as a favorable method of social organization by which socially harmonious class participation would lead to a “fair” distribution of national output.  Though it didn’t “mature” into the form of the Hitler’s or Mussolini’s or Chávez’s socialism, it was nationalist, populist, interventionist, demagogic, and authoritarian.  This is what could happen to the U.S. if socialist Harris, who is to the left of avowed socialist Bernie Sanders, is elected.  Kamala Harris’s economic ideas are failed socialist panderings.

Perón’s socialist political-economic theories organized society into associations of persons with a common economic interest, subordinated to the state.  Under this philosophy, workers, employers, professionals, and other classes were organized into state-controlled unions in each field of economic activity.  These unions could then negotiate collective bargaining agreements for workers and employers in their fields.  Since all unions would be subordinated to the state, a ministry of corporations would necessarily arbitrate all disputes, no doubt in the state’s favor, as with Democrat-appointed judges.

More ominous than his economic policies was Perón’s assaults on civil liberties.  He (with wife Eva) always said that whatever they did was “for the people,” especially the poor descamisados (shirtless ones).  In their biography Evita: The Real Life of Eva Perón, Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarro quote an opposition attorney who described Juan Perón’s ruling style this way: “He is subtle, devious, charming.  He does not come out into the open and crack skulls. ... He does his work silently and cynically.  You see, there is so little we can put our hands on these days — everything he does is in the name of ‘democracy’ and ‘social betterment’ — and yet we sense the smell of evil in the air, and the thin edge on which we walk.”  Sound familiar?

What can we expect from Kamala Harris if she’s elected?  More of what Joe Biden began.  Socialists love “infrastructure” spending, and Juan Perón didn’t disappoint in this regard.  His administration made massive “investments” in public housing, hospitals, schools, dams, roads, and the electric grid.  In spite of the waste and corruption that came with the spending, many Argentinians still credit him with the “modernizations.”  But to civil and economic libertarians, improvements in Argentine life could have been accomplished better and cheaper and without the heavy hand of authoritarianism.  Infrastructure spending is what Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of.

As the Democrats say, “Democracy is on the ballot.”  Will Kamala Harris, if she wins, view victory as a mandate to “protect” democracy?

There is a leader at the center of all socialist systems.  He can reach political power through a coup d’état, as did Perón, or through a democratic election.  Once in power, the leader could replace the multi-party democratic system with a one-party system and govern by fiat, by decrees (such as regulations and mandates) issued by the leader and approved by a one-party parliament that has the physical power to execute nationalistic social and economic policies.

A closing point: Socialists always claims to be “for the people” as they heap enormous amounts of money and political power on their supporters — as with the “Green New Deal.”  Further, socialists ridicule faith in God because, for many, it isn’t a welcome place for the oppressed.  However, oppressors such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ceausescu, and the Kims of North Korea expected their subjects to fawn over them.  Add Kamala Harris to that list.  Her proposal to end “price-gouging” certainly oppresses food corporation CEOs.

EPOCH TIMES - Survey Results Report: Public Opinion on Foreign Collusion Accusations in Canadian Government

Thank you for participating in our survey on the Canadian government’s foreign collusion allegations. With over 3,000 Canadians sharing their perspectives so far, we’ve aggregated their responses to provide a comprehensive snapshot of their opinions. Here’s what we found:

Should Ottawa make public the names of parliamentarians accused of foreign collusion?

The overwhelming majority of respondents believe that transparency is essential when it comes to accusations of foreign collusion involving parliamentarians.

The demand for public disclosure underscores the public's desire for openness and accountability within the government. This strong consensus reflects an urgent need for measures that ensure the integrity of parliamentary processes.

Should MPs accused of foreign collusion be suspended during the investigation?

A significant majority of respondents support the suspension of MPs during investigations of foreign collusion, indicating a widespread belief in the necessity of impartial and thorough inquiries.

The public's strong endorsement for suspensions during investigations highlights the importance of maintaining public trust while ensuring that due process is observed.

If proven, what should be the consequences for MPs who have colluded with foreign governments?

The survey revealed diverse opinions on the appropriate consequences for MPs found guilty of colluding with foreign governments, with legal and punitive measures being the most favored.

The strong preference for severe legal consequences and public disclosure reflects a collective demand for justice and transparency in handling cases of foreign collusion.

Do you believe that foreign interference is a significant threat to the integrity of Canada's democracy?

The survey results show an overwhelming consensus regarding the threat posed by foreign interference to Canada's democratic integrity.

The high level of concern about foreign interference underscores the public's awareness of and sensitivity to external threats to national sovereignty and democratic processes.

How would you rate Ottawa's handling of foreign interference so far?

Public opinion on Ottawa's handling of foreign interference reveals significant dissatisfaction and calls for improvement.

The widespread dissatisfaction with current measures suggests a critical need for more effective strategies and actions to address foreign interference.

How confident are you that Ottawa can prevent foreign interference in the next election?

Confidence in Ottawa's ability to prevent foreign interference in future elections is notably low, indicating a substantial trust deficit.

The lack of confidence highlights the urgent need for robust measures and reassurances from the government to restore public trust and ensure electoral integrity.


The survey results clearly demonstrate the public's deep concern about foreign interference and the need for decisive actions to safeguard Canada's democracy. The overwhelming support for transparency, accountability, and stringent consequences for those found guilty of collusion underscores a collective call for integrity and vigilance in our political processes.

X22, And we Know, and more- August 30


Jack Smith, Lawfare Hit Man

The modern Democratic Party operates like a Mafia family. Like the Mob, Democrats have a specific organizational hierarchy. There are the grand bosses who sit atop the entire food chain, such as the Obamas and the Clintons. There are trusted consiglieres, such as Attorney General Merrick Garland and outside super-lawyer Marc Elias. There are caporegimes, such as Govs. Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul. Heck, there was even a yearslong omerta vow of silence surrounding President Joe Biden's obvious physical and mental decline.

And then, as in any organized crime outfit, there are the street-level foot soldiers -- the hit men. The role of the foot soldier is to dutifully execute the orders of his principals. Often, the foot soldier's assigned tasks are less than reputable -- intimidation, extortion, racketeering and, yes, knocking off those rivals who pose a viable threat to the family's territory or prestige.

In the year 2024, so-called special counsel Jack Smith -- yes, only so-called, as both Justice Clarence Thomas and Judge Aileen Cannon recently concluded -- is the foot soldier par excellence for the Democratic Party and the Democrat-lawfare complex that now serves as the party's tip of the electoral spear.

No one should have been under any preexisting illusions that Smith was a noble lawman dedicated to upholding a neutral rule of law. Smith, after all, charged a former president of the United States with violating the Espionage Act -- the controversial World War I-era statute normally reserved for such extreme cases as those of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden. After this week, however, the jig is truly up: Smith's naked politicking and electioneering have been exposed for all to see.

But let's first take a step back. Earlier this summer, Smith was rebuked by the courts in at least three distinct ways.

First, in Fischer v. United States, a 6-3 Supreme Court majority held that a provision of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act pertaining to obstructing an "official proceeding," found at 18 U.S.C. 1512, could not be used to charge participants in the Jan. 6 jamboree at the U.S. Capitol. Rather, that provision of Sarbox had to do with corporate fraud and impairment of physical documents -- not with such constitutional events as the formal counting of Electoral College votes in Congress.

Second, in Trump v. United States, a slightly altered 6-3 Supreme Court composition emphatically rejected Smith's argument that a former president enjoys no immunity from criminal prosecution following his presidency. Rather, the court ruled, the president enjoys absolute immunity from prosecution for all plenary constitutional acts taken while in office, and a rebuttable presumption of immunity from prosecution for all "official" acts taken more broadly.

Third, Justice Thomas' concurring opinion in Trump v. United States suggested, and Judge Cannon of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida ruled, that Smith is not a legitimate U.S. Department of Justice special counsel because Congress has not properly established his office "by law." Judge Cannon's ruling thus tossed Smith's Espionage Act case against former President Donald Trump, entailing a much-publicized classified document dispute at Mar-a-Lago. Smith is now appealing Cannon's dismissal.

The combined effect of these rapid-fire developments should have sent an unmistakable message to Smith: Abort your mission. This is doubly true given the impending November election, for which a certain criminal defendant will appear at the very top of the ballot. After all, the DOJ's own internal Justice Manual stipulates that "federal prosecutors ... may never make a decision regarding an investigation or prosecution, or select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges, for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party."

Come again?

Any reasonable prosecutor -- or so-called prosecutor -- would have conceded defeat and dropped the lawfare madness. Instead, in his superseding indictment filed this week in Washington, D.C., Smith doubled down  in every possible way.

Smith only made cosmetic changes to his original charging document, removing certain factual allegations that clearly involve a president's plenary constitutional conduct but retaining other alleged acts that still fall under the broader scope of "official" presidential conduct. Astonishingly, Smith left in both his counts against Trump that invoke the very Sarbox provision the Supreme Court just held in Fischer cannot be invoked for Jan. 6-related prosecutions -- including Smith's anti-Trump case in Washington. And perhaps most offensive, the dimwitted Smith simply hasn't gotten the memo: Like a spurned lover, he still thinks he's a real "special counsel." But he isn't.

Speaking as a lawyer myself: Smith is not very good at this whole law thing. He really ought to consider another profession. I hear the U.S. Secret Service is hiring.

The American people can definitively send Smith -- and the rest of the Democrat lawfare complex -- packing this November.

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Remember Biden's Disastrous Gaza Pier? Well...

Katie Pavlich reporting for Townhall 

A new Inspector General report shows President Joe Biden was warned that building a "humanitarian pier" in the Gaza Strip would fail as a result of rough seas and other logistical issues. Biden ignored the warnings and for the sake of virtue signaling, demanded the $230 million taxpayer funded pier be built anyway. 

"Discussions about establishing a pier to deliver humanitarian assistance to Gaza took place before President Biden’s announcement at the State of the Union on March 7. According to a senior BHA [Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance] official, interagency discussions had considered options for commercial and DoD-supported piers to establish a maritime corridor into Gaza. At the time, BHA advocated for transporting aid through land routes and did not pursue planning a maritime route because of the logistical and technical challenges it would present," the report states. 

Making matters worse, Gazans didn't want the pier -- a warning issued before construction -- and Biden demanded the project move forward. 

"Security concerns also significantly impacted the distribution of humanitarian assistance delivered through JLOTS [Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore]. Before its launch, WFP [World Food Program] highlighted in its USAID [United States Agency for International Development] award documentation that lack of community buy-in among Palestinians for the maritime corridor could result in significant safety and security risks and compromise its operations," the report states. 

The pier quickly broke apart and the little aid that was distributed from the floating disaster was stolen by Hamas and other Islamic terrorists. 

"Due to structural damage caused by rough weather and high seas, the pier operated for only 20 days and was decommissioned on July 17. Additionally, security and access challenges plagued aid distributions once on shore. As a result, USAID fell short of its goal of supplying aid to 500,000 or more Palestinians each month for 3 months and instead delivered enough aid to feed 450,000 for 1 month," the report states. 

Members of Congress are demanding to know more about why the construction of the pier was pushed through. 

"Biden and Harris CHOSE to put our troops in direct danger and waste millions of YOUR taxpayer dollars on the Gaza Pier stunt," veteran and Republican Congressman Michael Waltz said on X. "All just to try to appease the progressive Left and score a talking point for a State of the Union address."

‘Joy’ Rhetoric Is An Orwellian Attempt To Hide Democrats’ Hatred

The Democrat machine has not yet come out openly to declare that ‘hate is love,’ but they might as well. Because getting people to hate each other is the goal.

“Joy” is now Democrats’ official campaign strategy. Of course, joy in the true sense resonates with people who are starving for it. But we ought to ask about the deeper purpose of the Harris-Walz presidential campaign adopting “joy” as messaging. Even The New York Times recently offered skepticism, stating “joy is not a political strategy.” No, it’s not.

But I’ll go out on a limb, and say there’s a weird trick going on here. Consider thinking of Vice President Kamala Harris’s “joy schtick” as analogous to the joystick used in aircraft and video games. The joystick is all about imposing control, dictating movements and direction. Likewise, the psychological operation behind the Democrats’ joy schtick is about controlling or “nudging” the direction of an electorate that’s profoundly miserable because of the insane amounts of inflation, crime, and social turmoil cultivated under the Democrats’ watch.

As with all such “joy” campaigns in the history of modern totalitarianism, they end up tacitly stating that “misery is joy.” It’s like being beckoned into a sado-masochistic relationship in which inflicting and receiving pain is supposed to be pleasurable. Enthusiasm becomes mandatory.

Not only is a “joy” campaign meant to distract attention from the track record of tyrants, but with media control it imposes an Orwellian anti-definition, similar to the novel 1984’s delusional slogan “freedom is slavery.” Or like the passage in Isaiah 5:20 about those who would call light darkness and darkness light, those who would call good evil and evil good.

The formula always seems to be two parts deflection, five parts hypnosis, and ten parts deception. The Democrat machine has not yet come out openly to declare that “hate is love,” but they might as well. Because getting people to hate one another (joyfully!) seems essential to their social engineering program.

‘They Hate Me Because I Won’t Hate Someone Else’

Sadly, the Democrat Party has been vigorously sowing hostilities along with misery. Hence, Kamala Harris’s “mean girl script” that calls political opponents “weird.” The idea is to implicitly tell people whom they must ridicule and hate in order to survive socially.

To divide and conquer is an old script, probably the oldest in human history. It’s also patently juvenile. But people are now beginning to notice. Popular talk show host Bill Maher got a dose of it when told that he must cease and desist his association with Elon Musk or else be cancelled. “They hate me because I won’t hate someone else,” he explained:

The intentional stoking of hatred is most obvious in today’s replay of old Nazi propaganda to get everyone to “hate the Jews” or else be shunned by society. The result is that Jewish people everywhere, especially college youth, are losing friends because of blind obedience to that Hamas-written script. An Oxford student explained it’s “as if ending a friendship with a Jew is a way of supporting the Palestinians.”

Decent people should shudder at this turn of events. And if you’re a decent person on the “other side,” such as a Palestinian man who decried the October 7, 2023 massacre, you can even find your life in danger.

Cultivating Hate Is Now an Open Globalist Psy-Op

This creepy development is just one indicator of how elites try to dictate who may speak to whom and who may associate with whom. Break their rules and they’ll sic the media on you to condemn you to social death. Author Walter Kirn recently pointed out that we are undergoing “behavioral mass-psych experiments at scale.”

Indeed. In 2008, influential “behavioral economists” Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler published their prescription to “nudge” the electorate into mass compliance by using peer pressure. Their book was a turning point. Now there are “nudge units” at the highest levels of government focused on using social pressure and propaganda to induce compliance. Thankfully, more people are now paying attention to this process.

For example, a recent study of twins concluded that shifts in political ideology are more often the result of environmental factors such as peer influences than anything else. Owen Gregorian nicely summed up that study.

Hence, if people fear losing their most important relationships over a difference of opinion, they tend to shift their ideology rather than face the isolation that comes with standing on principle. This formula is especially effective with young unmarried women.

If we don’t try harder to understand and resist this process, it can lead to bad stuff.

Blind Obedience to Social Influence Can Lead to Death

The suicide bomber is perhaps the most glaring example of the lengths to which some people will go to gain social favor and avoid social isolation. The bomber has been constantly conditioned to view “Islamic jihad” as the best path to respect from peers or family. It’s rooted in a propaganda campaign of hate that censors any other views.

Consider journalist Pierre Rehov’s interviews with failed jihadists who explain their reasons for wanting to blow themselves up to kill Jews. “I wanted to become a martyr.” Another said he’d be “certain to be beloved. . . . If I had died, my mother would have considered it a blessing.” One mother in the video announced, “To be the parents of a martyr, that is the biggest reward. It’s a big honor for the family.”

Obviously, this is a perversion of a natural human desire to be a hero. When you believe even your own mother would hope for your death, what else is left? And when no other alternatives are permitted, then what should we expect?

Americans are proving to be just as prone to the cultivation of hatred. Consider all of the hostilities our elites successfully bred among us during the Covid era. When President Biden referred to Covid as a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” all the forces of government, media, and the corporate world characterized uninjected people as disease vectors responsible for murdering others. Many lost their livelihoods. Many were estranged from their families and friends.

As governor of Minnesota, vice presidential candidate Tim Walz even set up a snitch line so Minnesotans could report neighbors who were not compliant with his orders against gathering with friends at home. In such dystopias, you aren’t supposed to have any relationships the elites don’t authorize. Social trust erodes. Where does that leave us?

The Whole World Is Becoming An Insufferable Middle School

Let me offer a personal memory to illustrate how far we’ve gone in this process. As a 13-year-old, I was about to depart the prison then known as junior high school for parole in summer vacation. After boarding my school bus to depart, I watched through the window as several queen-bee girls cried and hugged each other, mascara-streaked and affecting great sadness that the school year was over.

I observed that scene with curiosity and aversion. They were such a nasty and cruel gaggle who enjoyed getting nice people shunned by calling them “weird” and worse. Good riddance.

What a relief to escape that hellhole of constant insults and humiliations those girls seemed so sad to leave behind. Such cruelties even drove one of our classmates to a grisly suicide. His death was shocking news swept under the rug by teachers and students alike.

Back then I was grateful to know there was a real world beyond the sewers of groupthink in junior high: a merit-based world where civility is expected, and people are taught to resist groupthink. That civilized world seems to be vanishing.

Today a mob of mean girl elites — like Harris, Walz, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and many more — are replacing it with a global junior high from which there is no escape. They seem to practice the politics of the “joy” that sadists feel when they inflict pain on people while teaching them to hate others.


 ONE: Ratio’d | Brampton international student protest gets heated

International students at Ace Acumen college, a so-called college affiliated with St. Clair College in Brampton, are protesting outside the college over their failing grades. They allege that the college has intentionally failed the students and are discriminating against them.

When Harrison Faulkner showed up to report on this protest, none of the students would talk with True North and shouted us down as “racist media.” The so-called college, which some accuse of being a diploma mill, is also silent on the matter.

Watch the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner in comments


International students protesting after receiving failing grades at University

International students who failed their school programs are protesting for “fair results” after being accused of cheating in an online course.

As study permits are about to expire, international students from Algoma University in Brampton protest over failed grades.

Protesters chanted and held signs that said, “Education is not for sale” and “Fix your system, don’t blame us” outside of Algoma University’s Brampton campus Wednesday morning.

Protesters distributed pamphlets outlining the concerns of the protest.

“Hundreds of international students at Algoma University are facing unfair academic penalties that threaten their education, visa status and future opportunities. Despite paying high tuition, students received minimal and contradictory guidelines from their professors,” the note said. 

“Unclear and conflicting instructions during exams led to unfair penalties. Contradictory statements from the professor have caused confusion and distress.”

They demanded “immediate and fair” reassessment of their work, “transparent resolution” to all of their appeals to have the grades reexamined and “accountability for the professor’s contradictory instructions and unfair penalties.”

An international student who said hours after the interview that she wanted her name excluded from the story for safety reasons spoke to True North on behalf of the protesters.

She said most of the protesters, around 55, at Algoma University took a graduate certificate in business management and were accused of cheating in an online finance and accounting course exam, resulting in a failing grade. She said the accusation was unfair and given without evidence.

“More than 50 students have failed without any clear and legitimate reason. We have been asking the university questions, but there has been no response,” the protest representative said. 

The university told True North in an email that university officials have met with the students protesting their grades in the finance and accounting course and pointed to the 91.9% pass rate in the institutions’ domestic courses and its international student rate of 91.4% to reflect the university’s “commitment to excellence in learning.”

“While we provide all students with a range of resources to support their success, it is up to them to do the work and pass their exams,” it said.

The protester said the professor put a trick question in the non-proctored online exam to catch potential cheaters.

“Upon highlighting the text of the question, we (the students) are getting another question popped up. And we thought it’s a technical glitch causing the question to not show up,” she said. “We answered the hidden question, which the professor hid to accuse us of cheating. We did not know that it was just a trap or it was not to be answered.”

The protester said the test was in an LMS bright space. This software advertises various ways a professor could enable the program to detect cheating. However, True North could not confirm which method was used with a member of Algoma’s business and economics faculty.

She said that none of the protesters thought to ask the professor if the question was supposed to be answered because they did not expect to be tricked on their final exam. The protesters demand that the one question that marked them as cheating be discounted.

“If you want to accuse us that we have cheated, you just leave that one question, but at least give us the marks for the 89 questions,” she said. “We need a passing grade for this particular course.”

According to the protest representative, students were directed to a two-part appeal process, which they were told could take three months. By then, they would have overstayed their allotted time in Canada.

“Algoma University is guiding students who have failed the course through the formal processes available to all students under existing Senate-approved policies and procedures,” the university said. “Additionally, the University is continuing to meet with each student one-on-one to support them with the next steps available to them.”

According to the anonymous protester, the formal process includes meeting with the dean and professor as well. However, she said the professor had declined to meet students, saying his decision was final. She said students are also being told to re-register, though the protester noted that a single course would cost each student $3,500.

Some of the protesters at Algoma were failing other courses, too. According to the representative, around 40 protesters are failing what she thinks is a marketing course. Around 15 people from Algoma’s Sault Ste Marie campus who attended also demanded passing grades.

IMO: Its about getting to stay in Canada... They'll only be eligible for welfare because they don't know the subject material and get no diploma or degree