Saturday, August 24, 2024

America Unburdened by What Has Been

What they mean is to unburden themselves from the limits and confines of the Constitution and to burden us instead with their dream of a New Utopia right here and right now.

Every farmer, and most country people, know the insidious problem posed by rodents. The most common of these pesky rodents are, of course, mice and rats. And, because their nature is to hide and invade by night, they create a need for more devious means of eradication than mere trapping. The solution is to feed them a poison they won’t fear eating, so others will also ingest it and die.

Blood thinners are, by far, the most commonly used for this purpose. They usually require multiple feedings and do their work over a period of several days, allowing others to be comfortable with the environment and taking the bait for themselves. It all works very well, but how? Over a period of time, the blood is rendered unburdened by what it was meant to do. The platelets and other coagulants are similarly unburdened by their original purpose and the rodent dies without knowing why or what hit it.

To unburden someone or something of what “has been” is to unburden it from the lessons learned or the discoveries made that cumulatively create what we might call knowledge or wisdom. To “re-imagine” something is to reject it as it is, and find a replacement which may very well be inferior. But the current group of people who make up the Biden-Harris administration find “what has been” America, a burden. They look at the United States as a blank canvas as one may roller-paint the Mona Lisa with ceiling white and start over.

The political philosophies of Engels, Marx, and Hegel are the rat poison of a country. Call it by whatever form it takes (Marxian Socialism, Bolshevism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, etc.), because built into each iteration are the same characteristics of the blood thinners of rat poison; that is, it is palatable at first, drawing you back again and again for more, taking you out in pieces without your knowing why, or what hit you. It unburdens you from the wonderment that was created by others and leaves you to re-imagine what lies in front of you like a whitewashed Da Vinci.


The problem we have with capitalism isn’t what it is, it’s the title of what we now call it. By calling it capitalism, it is taken to be an alternative “-ism.” It is not an ism. In fact, it isn’t anything. The word, most likely traced back to about 1855 or so, is simply a word for referring to what people do to make money, and nothing more. From the Oxford English Dictionary:

The first use of the English word ‘capitalism’ can be found in William Makepeace Thackeray’s novel The Newcomes (1855, vol. 2: p. 45), where it seemed to refer to money-making activities and not an economic system.

There really isn’t a system we can reliably call capitalism. So, what is it? It is very simply the activity of people who have freely exchanged something of value to another for something of value to themselves. For example, if I have a knack for making arrows but can’t grow a stalk of corn to save my life, I might exchange my arrows for corn that someone else grew, and who is in need of reliable arrows for hunting. I may even make a bunch of arrows and keep them in storage to use as the need to trade comes up with others.

Today, we still trade things for things, or time for time, or job for job, or any combination of those and other things. We refer to it as trade or bartering. To accumulate a lot of what someone wants is a way of creating the ability to trade more and thereby have more. In most civilized societies, we accumulate money as a common exchange so we can increase the number of things for which we can barter. But, it’s still a trade of what I have for what you want, and vice versa.

Such trade is determined of value to the people in that exchange. For example, if I want you to mow my lawn for whatever reason, you may agree but you will want something in exchange. The most common, but not the only currency of exchange, is money. So, I want you to mow my lawn (time, work, output, or a job if you prefer) and I have nothing you would want from me, therefore we would agree to an amount of money which you can then use for what you do want from someone else. That is commonly called free trade; that is, you work for me mowing the lawn, and I work for you fixing toasters (or whatever I do for work) but handing you dollars as the currency. It’s called “free-trade” because we are free to determine all the elements of that exchange.


Socialism, on the other hand, is an “-ism.” It is artificially created by others to superimpose onto a culture or society rules of engagement making our “trading” not free, but regulated according to some scheme. Like the rat poison, it seems palatable at first as it is usually packaged with the wrappings and trappings of fairness and equality (or worse, equity) as determined by that scheme as interpreted by a handful of Master Minds. Some examples of those who have interpreted and played master would be most famously: Vladimir Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, and North Korea’s Kim Il-Sung.

Inherent in this system is that all must participate. You must take only according to your need as determined by these “Master Minds,” and give according to your ability, again according to them. In the U.S., powerful Democrats believe they know what your ability to give is, as well as what you need, so they want to tax (take from) you what they think is equitable, and give it to those who they think have unmet needs. If you do not participate (i.e. pay whatever level of taxation they deem fit for you) you are deprived of your liberty or possessions by being imprisoned and/or having your possessions seized. This is deemed fair, as in “you’re paying your fair share.”

This unburdens us from the lessons learned by our founders, and centuries of testing their ideas across many countries and cultures. This allows the “Master Minds” to roller paint our history with white paint and makes our country a new canvas to be painted with whatever picture they envision it to be. It unburdens them from the lessons of history and allows them to see us, not as we are or what we want to be, but as they see we can be—if coerced and cudgeled enough.

To unburden us from what has been would be to make America a world in constant renewal, a kind of “Groundhog’s Day” world that never ends. But that isn’t what they mean when they say “unburdened by what has been.” What they mean is to unburden themselves from the limits and confines of the Constitution and to burden us instead with their dream of a New Utopia right here and right now. To make us become their version of John Lennon’s Imagine:

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

You may say Im a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one.

These words are the rat poison of our world; no borders, no God, nothing to kill or die for, and the world will be as one. But whose one? Whose world would it be as one? It sounds so palatable, so fair, so equitable. But what it is is poison. It poisons your freedom to think and act as you choose to think and act. It poisons your motivation to create or do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams, whatever they may be, for to do so would be inequitable. We don’t all “start at the same place” so your dreams may put you in a different place from another, thus requiring these Master Minds to take from you, the “privileged,” the fruits of your labors, and give it to others. It unburdens you from being charitable because they have already taken from you to give to others. It deprives you of being anything more than another brick in their edifice, all theirs and designed by them. They would deprive you of the burden of deciding what to do, where to live, what to drive, what to eat, or even what to drink. All the while they get to sit atop Mt. Olympus clinking their glasses as they toast each other for the wonderment they’ve created for us, their ant farm on Earth.

What “has been” is not a burden to Americans, not real Americans. What “has been” is a gift that is renewable each and every day. A gift of freedom to fail and the freedom to succeed, for without the freedom to fail, there is no such thing as success. No. The burden is on those who wish to impose their will and vision for that which “has been” has stood the test of time and remains that light which both starkly shows the flaws of their design, and continues to make us “that shining city upon a hill.”

X22, And we Know, and more- August 24


'Joy' Time Is Over. Time for News on Substance

It's blatantly obvious that since Donald Trump was almost assassinated and Joe Biden was successfully forced out of the race, the Democratic tone-setters decided to downplay their incessant Threat to Democracy talk and switch to Joyful Warriors buzz. The volume of that theme was turned up dramatically for the Democratic convention in Chicago.

"Joy" is a better spin -- even if the Biden-Harris team hasn't exactly given us reason to be joyful about the state of the country, with higher prices for everything and a massive influx of illegal immigration swamping our spending systems to support them.

But shouldn't this election be about governing, not just "tone"? Shouldn't our media force some specifics? Watching network morning shows each day during the convention would make you feel buried in superficial "joy" chatter and "dance party" gush and celebrity razzle-dazzle.

The Harris campaign's aversion to policy specifics is a nifty match for today's television news, which avoids policy substance whenever possible. It's not in their interest to focus on how Team Biden has performed. That's why it's bizarre that they would attack Donald Trump for concentrating on "personal attacks" instead of policy talk.

As Trump accurately exclaimed at a campaign stop in North Carolina, "They always say, 'Sir, please stick to policy, don't get personal,' and yet [the Democrats are] getting personal all night long, these people. Do I still have to stick to policy?"

Trump's speeches have serious attacks on Biden-Harris policies, but they will pluck out the personal attacks as the only "news" worth mentioning.

Some of the leftist media's reaction is emotional. They hate personal attacks on Democrats, and love to characterize attacks on Harris as both racist and sexist. Call Kamala a dummy, and you're guilty of a double slur. But they feel joyful when people like Michelle Obama slash Trump and his "ugly, misogynistic, racist lies" about Kamala Harris, and Barack Obama implies Trump has a small penis. Those speeches are bizarrely spun as joyful warmaking.

The public should be cynical about all this "joyful warrior" coverage, which underlines how the news networks have used the "news" to sound more like positive advertising. Since Biden was forced out, a Media Research Center study of ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts showed their coverage of Harris was 84% positive, while Trump's was 89% negative.

Let's underline this finding: Trump's coverage remained hyper-negative in the weeks after he was shot in the ear and narrowly avoided a kill shot to the head.

"News" people should be clearing their throats and getting down to specifics. Older voters can remember when television news used to file issue-oriented reports digging into social and economic problems. ABC News had an "American Agenda" series that thrived on pushing liberal "solutions" through government action. It was biased, yet substantive. A "news" person could feel better about being "breakfast for your head" or whatever slogan you prefer.

But focus groups tell TV consultants that this is not what viewers want to watch. They live in fear that people will flip off the newscast and watch game shows instead. So they program "News Lite" and highlight the personal insults, which only deepens public cynicism about how politics is played.

The Democratic convention organizers actually shrunk their space for news networks so they could grant a wider berth to openly leftist youth "influencers," which must make the "news" people grind their teeth. They should buckle down and perform the jobs they are supposed to do. Treat the voters like they're serious citizens who aren't swayed by which party has better dance moves.

The Fakest Convention Ever?

Well, it's official. Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for president at the DNC convention in Chicago, cheered on in the United Center by thousands who couldn't stand her just a few months ago. 

President Joe Biden, who still occupies the White House when he isn’t at the beach in Delaware, was hidden away with a speech past primetime Monday night and given a patronizing send-off with chants of "We Love Joe!" Democrats and their allies in the media praised his exit from the 2024 presidential race as "courageous" and lauded his "patriotic" move to "voluntarily" give up power. 

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who helped tighten the noose around Biden to drop out while former President Barack Obama was handing out the knives used to stab him in the back, gleefully took the stage to welcome in a new era of Kamala. 

"I know that Vice President Harris is ready to take us to new heights," Pelosi said. "Politically, she is astute and strategic in winning difficult elections, quickly securing the nomination with dignity and grace and choosing Tim Walz as our vice president."

Pelosi previously implied Harris wasn't the best nominee to beat former President Donald Trump and advocated for an open primary at the convention.

Since Sunday, July 21, when Biden exited the race by posting a letter on the internet, Democrats have invoked a protectionist strategy with their new nominee. They've kept Harris away from cameras and reporters and have carefully crafted her reintroduction to the country. In Chicago, Hollywood carefully produced a wild show full of celebrities, famous musical acts, camouflage hats, a plethora of American flags and a new narrative about who Kamala Harris wants to be. 

"We're not going back! She's the future!"

Actually, she's the present, current things and the past.

After her speech Thursday night, which was short on details and long on promises, Harris was praised as a historic figure newly seared into the minds of Americans. 

"You will remember where you were. The speech tonight from the vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris really introducing herself to the nation," MSNBC's Rachel Maddow said, giving a glowing and gushing review. "You are going to remember where you were on this night. This was an inflection point in history." 

But Harris has been reintroduced to Americans before, to no avail. 

"Despite efforts by the White House to rehabilitate Vice President Kamala Harris' image, she continues to struggle winning over Americans outside of the Democratic tent, an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll shows," USA TODAY reported in March. "The national survey found 52% of registered voters disapprove of her job performance as President Joe Biden's vice president. About 36% approve of how she’s handling the role, trailing Biden's almost equally dismal 41% approval rating."

In their usual deflection and gaslighting, Democrats in the Windy City collectively pretended the past four years of the Biden-Harris administration didn’t exist. They've framed the current vice president as the new change America needs, and her friends in the media have refused to hold her accountable for negative policies implemented under her leadership. As for her vision of the future, they aren't demanding many details and Harris' backers wear blinders. 

Further, Harris' positions from her failed 2020 presidential election — which include comparing Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the KKK, abolishing private health insurance, ripping away patents with government force, using the tax dollars earned by hardworking Americans to pay for the healthcare of illegal immigrants, the banning of key energy production like fracking and much more, are to be ignored – like they never existed at all. 

On the top issue for voters, the DNC gaslighting was in full force. 

"We need to unf**k our economy," California Labor Federation President Lorena Gonzalez said during a DNC event.  

Well, Lorena, why exactly is the economy the way it is? 

For the past 16 years, Democrats have been in control for 12 — holding power in the White House, U.S. Senate and U.S. House. If things aren't working, it isn't because of a four-year Trump term between 2016-2020. In fact, during Trump's tenure, the economy was thriving and the data proves it was one of the most prosperous times for all Americans in recent history. Under Biden-Harris, wars are waging around the world and Americans are still grappling with an affordability crisis induced by progressive federal spending. 

Harris’ job in Chicago was to bring the Democratic coalition, which was falling apart under Biden, back together. She's done that. Now, she'll have to take her arguments to the campaign trail in the swing states — where she'll have to convince voters that she's the person who should fix the things she broke. 

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

There Was Something Really... Off About the DNC

On Thursday, during the DNC, a fascinating thing happened. If you watched it, it likely caught your attention too. The same party that has been lambasting America, expressing its disappointment and hatred of it, accused it of being sexist, racist, homophobic, and theocratic, and cheered as its flag burned, were suddenly waving those flags. They were even chanting USA. 

You can hear the chant here. 

Oh, sorry. That was the more honest section of the DNC chanting "death to America." 

Here's the moment I was talking about. 

This didn't escape my colleague Susie Moore, who also spoke about it in her Thursday Morning Minute

It's rather bizarre watching the same party that, for years, has extolled the virtues of the Ivy League while looking down its nose at those who don't reside in the coastal bubbles and rolling its eyes at quaint concepts like patriotism and faith and family suddenly decide that attending Yale is gross, rah-rah USA and country music is the bee's knees, children are blessings, not burdens, and camo and plaid are the height of fashion. I guess somebody somewhere decided to course-correct, and rather than attempting to marginalize half the country, the Dems are suddenly going to embrace their inner deplorable and "meet their neighbors where they are." Except the weird ones. Now I'm curious as to who made that call. 

Who indeed. 

The reversal from being the party who wants to fundamentally change the country and spit on its traditional values and put up middle fingers toward anyone who embraced patriotism to suddenly waving American flags and chanting "USA" just like these patriots do was almost jarring. I was certainly confused and borderline shocked by the sudden change. 

Watching it was off-putting, like seeing a fat bearded man dance around in makeup and lingerie. It seemed wrong and out of place. It was weird and awkward. 

After thinking about why it seemed so weird to me, I realized it reminded me of the "uncanny valley." For those unfamiliar with the term, it refers to the unsettling feeling someone gets when viewing something that looks human but isn't. For instance, you've probably experienced the uncanny valley when looking at dolls that look too human but not human enough or movies featuring CGI that attempted to really nail human look and expression but fell just short, such as "The Polar Express." 

Few people at the DNC that were waving those flags and chanting USA actually meant it. It was a facade meant to fool viewers into think the Democrat Party, which has hitherto been happy to look down and even discourage shows of overt patriotism, was actually just as patriotic and in love with the country as Republicans were. They even had Adam Kinzinger get up and say that directly during his speech. 

Too bad it's just another blatant lie, as the data shows. 

Susie is likely closest to the truth with her simple question of who instructed the DNC to suddenly do that. They were being lambasted for not having an American flag in sight during the DNC. In fact, the only ones that could be seen were being burned outside in the Chicago streets just outside the convention center where the DNC was being held. 

Which means that someone near the top made a call to make the DNC look like it actually loves this country. 

As such, you got a bunch of people trying to pretend like they're American patriots who love their country, but it's clear they aren't. These are skin-walkers posing as patriots in order to lull you into a false sense of trust. It doesn't look right. In fact, it just looks wrong to the point where you feel an odd stress looking at it. 

That's why it was just — to use the Democrat's new favorite word — weird.

Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: From Beyonce To Tim Walz’s Children

As the unofficial managers of the Kamala Harris for President campaign, the national news media are of course lying every second of every day but here are just three worth covering at the moment.


Either TMZ coordinated with the Democrat National Convention to mislead the public about Beyonce performing, or the site was played by the DNC, thus undermining TMZ’s credibility as a news source. If it’s the latter, TMZ should out the source who lied to it so that everyone, including all reporters, knows he or she is untrustworthy.

The version of events most generous to TMZ is that someone on Kamala’s campaign lied to the site that Beyonce would perform for the purpose of artificially juicing viewership for the vice president’s speech that night. That would work nicely for keeping up the charade that Kamala, long recognized as a cringe inducing screw-up, is suddenly a star only surpassed in popularity by Jesus Christ.

2. PBS’s Judy Woodruff makes up “reporting” that Donald Trump has privately encouraged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to accept a peace deal with the Muslim terrorists of Hamas.

Woodruff spread the falsehood during PBS’s coverage of the Democrat convention this week, dishonestly asserting that the purpose of tanking any potential peace negotiation would be to deny the Kamala-Biden White House a foreign policy win. She later said on social media that she based her remarks on “reports I had read,” specifically citing Axios and Reuters, though neither outlet, as terrible as they are in their own right, had reported any such thing.

3. Mass clean-up for yet another Tim Walz lie regarding how he conceived at least one of his children.

Democrats all week long have been arguing with a nonexistent Republican candidate for president who opposes in vitro fertilization. As part of the effort, Kamala’s running-mate, Tim Walz, has continued to lie about he and his wife using the procedure. They in fact did not, but rather than call it a lie or in any way “fact check” the lie, the media have excused it as a minor misstatement, just as they have done for Walz’s multiple lies about his military service.

The New York Times said Walz has “clarified” the lie. Axios said Walz “disclosed new details” that “sheds light” on the couple’s “fertility journey.” A headline on said Walz’s wife now “clarifies” that IVF was not used for her pregnancies.

That’s how the media “fact check” a Democrat. When one is caught in a lie, they’re allowed to “clarify” and “disclose new details.”

The Two Ironic Lines in Kamala's Address That Didn't Go Well for Her and Had Everyone Talking

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Kamala Harris' speech on the last night of the DNC was long on lies, talking about her family, and attacks on former President Donald Trump, but short on policy plans for the future or laying out anything that she had achieved. 

You knew it was likely to be bad when they had to pull a "bait and switch" to keep people in the seats to hear her, saying there was going to be a special guest appearing, with CNN and others suggesting it was BeyoncΓ©. But then the special guest turned out to be Harris herself. What a letdown. But you know that they don't think much of what they have to present when they have to play games and gaslight people like that. 

Bottom line? They're lying because they know what they really think/believe would never go over with the American people. 

DNC Promoted 'Special Guest,' But It Was a 'Bait and Switch' That Tells Us Just How Fake They Are

But she had a couple of lines that had a lot of people talking — just not for the reasons she would have liked. This was such a bunch of nonsense. 

On behalf of the people — except you got the nomination without one primary vote of the people. And you can't even be bothered to talk to them about the policy/plans you would have to serve them. Oh, and for three-plus years, Biden-Harris had not only failed on policy but been incredibly divisive. 

People weren't buying this, including journalist Batya Unger Sargon, who skewered it. 

Funny, too: Kamala was plagiarizing herself from 2019. It didn't work then, either. This was from 2019 for the 2020 campaign. 

But then, perhaps the unintentionally funniest line was about how she stands up against "elder abuse," as Rebeccas Downs at our sister site Townhall reported.

Isn't this the same lady who helped to cover up Joe Biden's cognitive decline, who wasn't straight with the American people about it? And they know, as Downs noted. 

It's worth reminding that the results from a poll from YouGov/Times of London just after Biden ended up dropping out of the race are particularly damning to Harris. A whopping 92 percent believe Harris was at least a little bit involved, with 68 percent saying she was involved "a great deal," 17 percent saying "somewhat," and 7 percent saying "a little." Majorities of every demographic believe Harris was at least "a little" bit involved.

Didn't they try to deceive us with Biden until it became too much to cover up, and then they installed Harris without a vote? She got pounded with tweets for this line as well on X. 

GOP group claims Kamala Harris is ineligible to be president due to Dred Scott decision

 Editor's note: This article has been updated to clarify that Dred Scott lived in Wisconsin, which was included in the portion of the Louisiana Territory that outlawed slavery.

A prominent Republican group is citing one of the most reviled Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions in American history to justify its case that Vice President Kamala Harris should be deemed ineligible to run under the U.S. Constitution.

In an official resolution, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) – a 90 year-old GOP-aligned organization that counted former President Ronald Reagan among its membership — took the position that Harris should not be allowed to hold the office of president, citing several "precedent-setting U.S. Supreme Court cases." Among the six cases the NFRA cited was the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision of 1857, which is regarded as one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of all time, if not the worst ever.

"Several states, candidates, and major political parties have ignored this fundamental Presidential qualification, including candidates Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy and Kamala Harris whose parents were not American citizens at the time of their birth," the NFRA's resolution read.

The resolution — which attorney Andrew Fleischman posted to the social media platform Bluesky — cited Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution, which pertains to only natural-born U.S. citizens being eligible to serve as president. The NFRA argued that the phrase "natural born citizen" is defined as "a person born on American soil of parents who are both citizens of the United States at the time of the child's birth."

However, as numerous Bluesky users observed, applying the NFRA's interpretation of that clause would have made multiple U.S. presidents ineligible to hold office, including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, among others. Dallas-based attorney Santiago Reich pointed out that because those presidents' parents were born on land classified as British colonies at the time, they would not meet the standard the NFRA set to define natural-born citizenship.

One of the other SCOTUS decisions the NFRA cited in its resolution was the 1939 Perkins v. Elg case, which states: "A child born here of alien parentage becomes a citizen of the United States." Reich called the NFRA "pretty f—ing bold" to cite a decision that undermines their core argument.

Other Bluesky users responding to Fleischman's post further argued that the mere existence of the 13th Amendment (the abolition of slavery), the 14th Amendment (equal protection for formerly enslaved Americans) and the 19th Amendment (universal women's suffrage) make the cases the NFRA cited in its resolution invalid.

"All of these cases except Perkins v. Elg have been abrogated or are completely unrelated," one user wrote. "Dredd[sic] Scott was overturned entirely by the 14th and its text cannot be meaningfully cited for any reason whatsoever."

The Dred Scott case concerned a slave from Missouri who then lived in the free states of Illinois — which sided with the Union in the Civil War — and Wisconsin (which was initially a part of the Louisiana Territory that did not have slavery due to the 1820 Missouri Compromise). When Dred Scott sued for his freedom, the Supreme Court denied his petition stating that he lacked the standing to sue in federal court.

In the decision, Chief Justice Roger Taney asserted that Article III of the U.S. Constitution made it impossible for the descendants of slaves to have the rights of citizenship. The Supreme Court's own website has since referred to Dred Scott v. Sandford as "a legal and practical mistake."

Democrat Pollsters Warn to Not Buy Into Harris’ Spike In the Polls

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was supposed to illuminate Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign, but pollsters are concerned that her chances of beating former President Donald Trump are bleak. 

Pollsters warn against those overly optimistic that Harris will outrun Trump, pointing to polls that showed a twice-failed Democrat nominee in the lead against Trump during the 2016 election.   

“We don’t have it,” Jen O’Malley Dillon, the chairwoman of the Harris campaign, said. “We are a polarized nation in a challenging time, and despite all the things that are happening in this country, Donald Trump still has more support than he has had at any other point. It is going to come down to every single vote.”

Democratic polling firm GBAO Strategies partner Margie Omero cautioned Democrats not to hold onto hope over Harris’ poll bump after President Joe Biden was forced out of the race.

Another pollster, John Anzalone— the lead pollster on Biden’s 2020 campaign— acknowledged that anything could happen between now and the November election and that ”every year, we’ve had different curveballs.”

The latest scandal to rock the Harris campaign suggests that Democrats are well aware that they don't yet have the win in hand. 

During the Democratic National Convention (DNC), household names were supposedly supposed to perform as Harris officially accepted her party’s nomination. 

The Huffington Post and TMZ reported that Beyonce would be performing on the final night of the DNC. MSNBC’s Katie Phang also said she heard “that @Beyonce has arrived at the United Center!”

However, the DNC ended the night without any performances, despite outlets “confirming” them.

Critics claim that Democrats ignited the rumors to entice viewers to tune into the DNC this week. 

A representative for BeyoncΓ© says the singer will not attend the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

“BeyoncΓ© was never scheduled to be there,” the Grammy-winning star’s rep tells The Hollywood Reporter. “The report of a performance is untrue.”

Here’s How the Biden-Harris Regime Completely Rewrote Reality to Dismiss Your Concerns About the Economy

Rusty Weiss reporting for RedState 

I have a question for voters considering Kamala Harris in the upcoming election: What goes through your mind when a lie so massive, with such personal ramifications, is revealed right before your eyes?

Are you mad? Are you equally as mad when your side blatantly gaslights reality as, say, when Donald Trump says something that offends you?

You would think that the lies coming from the Biden-Harris administration over the past few years, on a topic that affects you and your family on a daily basis, would be significantly more infuriating than a mean Trump.

The lies about the economy have been plentiful. While your wallet has been suffering for years under this administration, President Biden and Vice President Harris have done nothing but repeatedly lie about a fictitious recovery and, rather than address your financial hardships, simply rewritten the rules to convince you that things really aren’t as bad as they are.

The White House’s main claim to economic success has been their repeated insinuation that they “created” millions upon millions of jobs during the U.S. recovery from the pandemic.

That took a major blow, however, with the announcement that The Bureau of Labor Statistics had reviewed employment data and revised the number of jobs created downward. Significantly. By nearly a million jobs.

That’s the reality. But then, we already knew the reality was different from the administration’s repeated insistence that they had created upwards of 15 million jobs. A vast majority of those jobs were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.

Their stats also neglect to address how many people had to take on second or third jobs just to keep up with Biden-Harris inflationary levels.

So, the jobs were inflated, and the unemployment rate was deflated. But at least Kamala and Joe kept us out of a recession, right? Right?

Well, no. You may or may not recall that in 2022, the economy hit a widely accepted rule of thumb for the definition of a recession – a contraction in GDP (gross domestic product) for two straight quarters.

Did the president or vice president come out and accept that these are difficult times and vow to improve things? 

No, they actually rewrote the definition of a recession. The White House, we kid you not, published a blog post in which they suggested traditional definitions of a recession no longer apply.

It was such a blatant reversal of reality that even CNN laughed at the attempt and accused them of trying to “fake” it.

Another rewrite? That same year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that in 2023 they were changing the way they calculate the CPI (Consumer Price Index) as a means to soften inflation numbers.

This announcement meant that weighting would be calculated on an annual basis rather than biennially. The calculation is cited by economist Christophe Barraud as a reason inflation was “expected to slow” in 2023.

On that matter, how many times did Biden-Harris tell you that inflation was transitory? In reality, inflation has risen by 20.2 percent since they took office. 

Harris has denied reality and insisted time and again that “Bidenomics is working.”

The American economy was in a recession this whole time, and they simply rewrote the rules to make it not so.

While you were struggling to afford gas to get to work — where your real take-home pay was no longer stretching as far as it did under Trump — and then realized that the money you put in the tank earlier meant you couldn’t afford groceries later in the day, they found ways to tell you not to believe it.

That you were the crazy one. You felt it. It hurt. But they told you the pain wasn’t real.

That’s all Harris has going forward. Her track record as part of this administration on the economy is abysmal. A Financial Times/Michigan Ross poll shows 42 percent of respondents believe Trump’s policies would leave them better off, compared to 33 percent for Harris.

Can you imagine what those numbers would be if they didn’t cook the books for years? Are you willing to vote for four more years of these lies while your family suffers financially?