Friday, August 23, 2024

Trump and Vance Explain How They Will Handle a ‘World on Fire’ at North Carolina Rally

Trump and Vance’s speeches at Asheboro contrast Trump’s strong mastery of the global threats facing this nation and Harris’s profound national security inexperience and incompetence.

During a huge rally in Asheboro, North Carolina on Wednesday, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance gave compelling speeches on the urgency of returning to Trump’s approach to U.S. national security to reverse the Biden/Harris administration’s disastrous foreign policy.

My AFPI colleague General Keith Kellogg and I were honored to attend the Trump/Vance national security speeches. (Kellogg also delivered a solid national security speech to warm up the crowd.) The Asheboro event was the first outdoor Trump rally since last month’s assassination attempt against the former president in Butler, PA. This rally had the high-security measures that should have been in place at the Butler rally.

The Trump/Vance presentations were especially significant because Vice President Harris and her campaign refuses to explain how a Harris administration would address growing global instability. There also has been an absence of any serious discussion of national security at this week’s Democratic National Convention.

An August 22 Wall Street Journal editorial raised concerns about this, noting that “Foreign policy is where the Vice President’s unknowns are most troubling… Yet Ms. Harris hasn’t explained her security views on much of anything… She hasn’t explained to the public what her core principles are, or even who she relies on for foreign policy advice.”

Trump and Vance did not pull their punches on the dire state of global security caused by the Biden/Harris administration or hold back on their policy solutions.

Trump said, “The world is on fire and Kamala and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III,” noting the global conflicts and tensions that have occurred over the last three and a half years, including the war in Ukraine, increased threats from Iran, a surge in provocations against Taiwan from China, and increased tensions with North Korea.

Trump said the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan ordered by Biden was a “catastrophe” and noted that Harris bears responsibility for this decision because she “was the last person in the room with Biden when the two of them decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan.” Trump condemned the Biden administration for leaving behind billions of dollars worth of U.S. weapons and military equipment and for abandoning the Bagram Airbase, which he says is now being operated by China.

The former president said the Biden/Harris Afghanistan catastrophe severely undermined global security and made it “open season on America and our allies.”  He said he would have handled a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan more responsibly and without any U.S. troops losing their lives.  If he wins the presidency, Trump said he will ask for the resignation of “every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster.”

The Biden/Harris policy failures on Iran were also a focus of the Trump and Vance speeches. Trump said that Iran was broke because of his policies but is $250 billion richer today because of the Biden/Vance administration ignoring the threat from Iran. Trump said the administration’s failed Iran policy enabled its support of terrorism, including the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7, 2023. Trump also faulted the Biden/Harris administration’s offer to exchange Iranian prisoners for Americans held hostage in Iran, plus a $6 billion payment to Iran. Trump said deals like this encourage more hostage-taking and noted that his administration freed dozens of hostages without paying anything to the nations that were holding them.

Trump spoke at length about the war in Ukraine, attributing it to the weak leadership of Biden and Harris. He said Russian President Putin respected him and Russia would never have invaded Ukraine if he was president. Trump indicated that stopping the Ukraine War would be one of his priorities as president and he hopes to end the war as president-elect before he is inaugurated.

His willingness to talk to the heads of state of America’s enemies is an important element of his approach to national security, telling the North Carolina crowd, “It’s good to get along with these countries…I talked this world out of a lot of wars with telephone calls. I don’t have to send in the troops.”

Trump added that he rebuilt the U.S. military and restored weapons and ammunition arsenals.  He criticized the Biden/Harris administration for depleting these arsenals to send vital American weapons to Ukraine.

The surge in illegal immigrants coming across America’s southern border was a major theme of the Trump and Vance speeches. Vance condemned Vice President Harris for failing to protect the U.S. southern border as Biden’s “border czar” because she wants to give illegal aliens the right to vote. Trump stressed that this is allowing criminals and terrorists to enter the U.S. and that we will not have a country if Harris is elected because she will do nothing to secure the border.

The overall theme of the Trump and Vance speeches was the urgent need to reestablish American strength and deterrence, which has deteriorated due to the weak foreign policy of the Biden/Harris administration. Trump said in his speech,

Four years ago, our country was strong and respected like never before. Our allies admired us, our enemies feared us, because everyone knew that. As an American President, I was all about putting America first. That’s true. Under my leadership, we rebuilt the United States military, created Space Force, and we made our allies pay their fair share and their fair dues.

Trump emphasized that his national security policies kept U.S. troops out of new wars and brought about a period of peace that was squandered due to President Biden’s incompetence and poor leadership. Trump promised to remedy this situation if reelected saying, “Starting the moment I lift my hand from the Bible after taking the Oval Office, I will move to restore America to maximum power and restore the world to peace.”

Overall, the Trump and Vance speeches on national security at the Asheboro rally did not say anything new. They repeated statements Trump has made many times before about how he views the world and his approach to U.S. national security. However, these speeches were still important because they set a contrast between Trump’s strong mastery of the global threats facing this nation and how to deal with them and Harris’s profound national security inexperience and incompetence.

With speeches like this, Trump and Vance are forcing American voters to choose who they want as their next president to defend our national security and deal with autocratic leaders like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Ali Hosseini Khamenei, and others—and to recognize that Trump is clearly the best choice.

X22, And we Know, and more- August 23


Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim

The more I see of Tim Walz, the more I realize he’s just a fatter, whiter version of Kamala.  They both laugh at inappropriate times.  They both say weird things.  They both yearn for a communist America.  They’re both on the wrong side of the IQ bell curve.  If we lived in a society that encouraged talented people to run for political office, Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim would not be known.  Because our political system excels at promoting mediocre minds attached to lost souls, the Democrat Party gives us a babbling baboon and a cackling hyena for veep and president.

I thought Tweedle-Kam had a monopoly on obnoxious laughing, but I was wrong.  Every time a camera pans over to Tweedle-Tim, his head is thrown back in a chortling fit.  Every subject seems so funny.  Food and fuel costs are a nightmare, Tim.  Ha-ha-ha!  Foreign nationals are killing Americans on neighborhood streets.  Tee-hee-hee!  You misrepresented your military rank and service record.  Hey now, that’s not funny!  You’re right, coward.  None of it is funny at all.

It’s increasingly clear that the Tweedle-twins laugh because they have nothing significant to say.  Or, rather, anything significant they might say, they can’t admit until after the election.  As Nancy Pelosi would tell us, you have to vote the Tweedle-twins into office before you can find out how they plan to screw over America.  Nobody wants to vote for open borders and mass amnesty for foreigners.  Nobody wants to vote for more spending and inflation.  Nobody wants to vote for social credit scores and expanded government regulation.  Because the Tweedle-twins can’t say what they want, they must laugh during all the awkward silence.  It’s just weird.

But Democrats are the party of weird.  For them, moms and dads are boring.  Families are bad.  White people are evil.  And individual liberty is repulsive.  They are the party of she-hesxirspoly-whatevers, and subjective truths.  They don’t have time to think about sound money or global peace because they’re too busy fighting linguistic battles against hetero-cis-normativityunconscious biassystemic racism, and the dreaded patriarchy.  They are very serious when they tell you that “men” get pregnant and that “women” pee standing up.  They want you to know that Jews can’t be trusted, except the ones who give money to their campaigns.  They want you to know that war is nothing but slaughter for profit, except the one in Ukraine.  They want you to know that too many criminals are behind bars and that too many political foes are still free.  They want you to know that this country is such an awful place that we simply can’t keep foreigners from breaking in.  They want you to know that only Democrats can save fundamentally transforming it into communist China.  Like a heroin addict seeking a quick fix, Democrats inject weird right into their vegan veins.

Dim-Dems keep celebrating Tweedle-Tim as “America’s dad.”  Every time I hear it, I throw up a little in my mouth.  What kind of dads do Dim-Dems have?  Dads go off to war when necessary, protect their families daily, and regularly convey strength.  Tweedle-Tim ran from battle and let the Twin Cities burn on his watch.  He prances around like a glam girl and is nuttier than a fruitcake.  When he was a high school teacher, he volunteered to help students with conflicted feelings about their sexual identities.  Maybe all that was on the up-and-up, but when prominent Democrats brag about “Coach Walz” being a “sexual advisor” for adolescents, I find it hard not to picture him wearing an oversized furry costume and begging kids to call him, “Timmy Bear.”  (My apologies for putting that weirdness in your brains.)  Timmy Bear as “America’s dad” makes about as much sense as RuPaul being “America’s mother.”   

No wonder Kamala drinks.  But keep that to yourselves because it’s a secret.  The corporate presstitutes do their best to hide Tweedle-Tipsy from the public, and the social media censors punish those who notice.  Apparently we’re not allowed to talk about the fact that whenever Kam-Kam chats with reporters (not often), she sounds like she’s one chug away from breaking out in a bout of drunken karaoke.  

I remember...I remember...this one was beautiful, know what I’m talking about...Britney Spears, go,’s like when you do something that you didn’t even know you could do until you did it, and you’re like, I did that, didn’t vote for Kamala...I mean me for president...It’s wonderful, right?  

Guys (and gals with penises), she’s not drunk.  She just has a very serious stutter.  Oh, Kamala (I hope you pronounced her name correctly in your mind just now!) has something more to say:  Stuttering is a very serious condition, Joe Biden, he’s the best, right...he has a stutter, and I can’t ever understand anything he says...I must have caught it from him...ha ha...Kamala!...Right?

Right, whatever you say, Kamala!  To be sure, the White House has been home to plenty of drunks over the years.  But has it ever been home to a half-Indian, half-Jamaican with a fake southern accent who pretends to be from the ‘hood while drinking?  (Hillary, put your hand down.)  I don’t think so!  Now that’s diversity!

I have no knack for political correctness.  The very idea of some invisible government hobgoblin sitting in judgment of my speech offends me.  So I will give it to you straight: the Democrat Party is a dangerous collection of loonies and degenerates who will eventually overdose on raw political power.  Outside the United Center in Chicago this week, all manner of freaks have shown up to variously celebrate or condemn Tweedle-Kam’s coronation.  There are Jew-haters who wish death to Israel.  There are women (I think; after all, what’s a woman?) dressed up as birth control pills.  There are global warming fearmongers who openly wish for government authorities to depopulate the planet.  There are pedophile-apologists who push all kinds of perversions as perfectly healthy.  There are idiot agitators, moronic race hustlers, and imbecilic Antifa gangsters who all want to wage war on the police.  Planned Parenthood has a mobile van set up in case any expectant mothers would like to kill their babies.  And whether all these violent crackpots are for or against Kamala Harris today, they will all vote for her and support her communist policies tomorrow (and vote more than once in Democrat-controlled precincts).  

Inside the United Center where Dim-Dem elites are protected from the riffraff outside, a similar insanity has prevailed.  Harpy Hillary Clinton bragged about Democrats’ use of the criminal justice system to imprison political opponents.  Outgoing puppet Biden repeated the same outrageous lies about President Trump, while angrily denouncing his voters as racists, insurrectionists, and rubes (talk about the Democrat pot calling the MAGA kettle black!).  In one particularly obscene instance of Democrat psychopathy, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear decided to bash JD Vance’s pro-life convictions by wishing for his wife to be raped and impregnated by her rapist.  (Real classy, Andy.)  In terms of their madness and propensity for violence, there is little to differentiate the kooks setting things on fire outside the arena from the kooks setting rhetorical fires inside.  They’re all communists.  It’s just that the ones paid to pimp the party to American normals try not to use the “c” word while onstage.  

No wonder Tweedle-Kam and Tweedle-Tim visit gas stations and sandwich shops to pretend that they’re like everyone else.  Normal doesn’t come naturally to them.  So they laugh...loudly.

No One Is Buying It

No one is buying what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party are selling these days.

Earlier this week, on the opening night of the demonic confab in Chicago that Democrats call their national convention, the outgoing commander-in-chief explicitly denied that he was "angry at all those people" who said he should "step down" following his catastrophic faceplant at the June presidential debate. There is not a single soul who actually believes this. For weeks following the debate, while the corporate media and Democrat elites circled like piranhas, the White House defiantly stood its ground and insisted it wasn't going anywhere. Biden eventually caved, but it beggars belief that he is not angry at those very Democrats who shivved him in the back and then forced him to read his own political eulogy -- a screeching, bitter rant -- on national television. No one is buying it, Joe.

On the second night of their satanic summit, Democrats heard from dyed-in-the-wool communist Bernie Sanders. Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War and flew a literal hammer-and-sickle communist flag in his old mayoral office, is a leading kingmaker in today's Democratic Party. At one point during his speech, Sanders intoned: "I want you all to remember where we were three and a half years ago." Do Democrats really want to compare the actual track records of Donald Trump and Biden? Before COVID-19 hampered Trump's final year in office, Russia didn't invade Ukraine, Hamas didn't massacre Israelis, the economy didn't enter a formal recession, inflation didn't reach a four-decade high, millions of unvetted illegal aliens didn't flood into the country, and America was a net-exporter of energy. No one is buying this one either, commie.

Later on Tuesday, conventioneers heard from the two supreme titans who truly control today's radical Democratic Party: Barack and Michelle Obama. Barack and Michelle tried to gin up artificial enthusiasm for Harris by recapturing the good ol' days 2008-era magic of "hope" and "yes we can!" No sentient human being could plausibly nod along to a comparison between Barack Obama and Harris. Shared far-left politics and general swarthiness aside, the talented orator Obama does not in any way resemble the dimwitted California cackler-in-chief, who is less popular than venereal disease and was only installed as Democrats' presidential nominee following Uncle Joe's bloodless coup due to a forced hand and lack of any other viable option.

In his speech, Obama also referenced how tapping his "friend" Biden as his 2008 running mate was one of his "best" decisions. Really, how stupid do they think we are? Obama, although he didn't have the courage to publicly call for it, was -- along with Nancy Pelosi -- a leading plotter of Biden's fateful July coup. Indeed, Biden himself didn't even stick around for Obama's harangue; he had already jetted off for sunny California. Harris also skipped town for Milwaukee the night of Obama's primetime Chicago speech, apparently in order to not risk offending Biden. As Fox News senior White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich reported based on a close source, the "Obamas are still not on the White House good side." Nor should they be! No one is buying this ridiculous pretense of a grand Democratic Party kumbaya.

Finally, large swaths of the Democrats' diabolical Windy City conclave were dedicated to celebrating the legacy of Biden, a purported "patriot" and "good man" who put "country above party" by "selflessly" bowing out of the presidential race. This entire narrative is a lie. Biden was not "selfless" or "noble" in gently "bowing out" -- he was ruthlessly coup'd by his partisan peers. Democrats, unlike Republicans, believe in nothing so much as they believe in doing whatever it takes to win.  There was nothing whatsoever voluntary or selfless about this -- just one party doing whatever it felt it had to do to maximize its chances of victory against an opponent it has falsely lambasted as a unique threat to "our democracy."

As for the notion that Biden is a "good man" -- this too is a lie. Indeed, it has been one of the biggest, most frequently repeated lies of my entire life. Biden is not a good man. Let's ask Mary Ellen Bork whether Biden, who teamed up with Mary Jo Kopechne murderer Ted Kennedy to so brutally savage her late husband Robert's Supreme Court nomination that "bork" entered the English lexicon as a verb, is a "good man." We might also ask Clarence Thomas whether Biden, who did more than anyone else to spread Anita Hill's slanderous lies, is a "good man." Also: Can any father in America actually look at Hunter Biden and conclude that Joe was a good father?

If nothing else, no one is buying that.

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Kamala Harris Is A Race Hoaxer

The California Democrat consistently exploits an obsession with identity politics to depict opponents as virulently racist.

President Joe Biden announced four years ago that then-Sen. Kamala Harris was put on the ticket because she’s a black woman. So naturally, the first female vice president now running to accomplish what Hillary Clinton couldn’t in 2016 is eager to capitalize on the stardom that comes with being a “first.”

While Democrats court minority voters with segregated outreach sessions at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago this week, former President Donald Trump is on a swing-state tour campaigning through the most competitive battleground regions of the Midwest. On Tuesday, the Republican nominee made a stop in the Detroit suburb of Howell, Michigan, a city in a reliably red county surrounded by blue votes that Republicans obviously hope to flip in November.

Trump’s event on “crime and safety,” however, according to the Harris campaign, isn’t just a “dog whistle” from the Republican, but a “bullhorn.”

Alyssa Bradley, the Harris campaign’s Michigan communications director, condemned Trump for “choosing to rally in a town that was historically known as ‘the KKK capital of Michigan.’” Trump was asked about the charge of white supremacy related to the presence of area extremists at the tail end of Tuesday’s event. The former president responded by asking the reporter a question of his own.

“Who was here in 2021?” Trump said.

“Joe Biden,” she answered.

“Thank you,” Trump responded before walking off.

The slanderous attack from the Harris campaign was characteristic of the California Democrat exploiting an obsession with identity politics to depict opponents as virulently racist. In 2021 she was quick to pile on against border agents wrongly accused of whipping Haitian migrants in Texas and never apologized. Trump, meanwhile, is a consistent target of Harris’ frequent allegations of racism. Harris told The Root in 2019 that as a leader, “You call racism what it is.” When asked if she thought Trump was a racist, she responded, “I do. Yes. Yes.” But what about her boss?

Even President Biden was on the receiving end of Harris’ racism charges on the 2019 debate stage when she trashed him over his previous opposition to bussing to integrate schools. “I do not believe you are a racist,” Harris told him, but she didn’t have to. She made her point by calling him a segregationist in prime time.

Trump doubled his share of the black vote from 6 percent to 12 percent in the last election. Before Biden dropped out, polls suggested the former Republican president was on track to do the same this November. One poll showed Trump on track to claim as much as 30 percent, representing a political earthquake for the Democrats’ coalition. Of course, Republicans are also wondering when black voters will wake up to the racist messaging from leftists that Democrats are entitled to their support because they put a black Beyoncé fan on the ticket.

In July, Republicans featured model and television personality Amber Rose at their nominating convention. Rose described her evolution from someone who believed whatever the Democrats and the media told her about Trump to someone who actually met his supporters and realized everything portrayed about the former president was just slander.

“I believed the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist,” she said, before embarking on her own “research” to discover Trump and his supporters “don’t care if you’re black, white, gay, or straight.”

“It’s all love,” she said. “And that’s when it hit me: These are my people. This is where I belong. … I never felt more free and more love for my country than I do now.”

Rose’s speech presented an optimistic message of race in America that stands in stark contrast to the Democrats who exploit racial grievance politics to claim irredeemable racism still saturates the country and requires political patronage from far-left politicians for minorities to climb the socioeconomic ladder. CNN’s Van Jones characterized Rose’s speech as “the most dangerous speech for the Democratic coalition.”

“That is a young woman of color. She is describing the experience a lot of people have, feeling that maybe, if you’re around too many liberals, you might get criticized too much or you might not be able to speak your mind, and she spoke to it really well,” Jones said. “And she’s way more famous than any of us up here — I’m going to tell you that — way more famous. And so, to the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition, that was a bunker buster right there.”

Trump’s inroads with black voters also explain why Democrats have been so offended by the former president highlighting the reality of immigration taking black and Hispanic jobs in the June debate with President Joe Biden.

“They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs,” Trump said, obviously referencing the 10 million migrants who’ve crossed the border under Biden’s tenure and are now threatening the jobs of incumbent workers in low-wage employment, a disproportionate number of whom are black and Hispanics, which leftists are often the first to point out.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama mocked the remark in her address to the DNC Tuesday night.

“I want to know — who’s going to tell him, who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?” Obama said.

Trump has also received flak throughout the summer for comments he made at a conference for the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) in Chicago, when, in typical Trump fashion, he suggested Harris was not actually black.

“I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black,” Trump said. “So, I don’t know, is she Indian or is she black?”

The vice president’s father is Jamaican, and her mother is Indian. Both are immigrants, and neither are from Africa. To most Americans, the heritage of her parents offers distinction without a difference. But to some African Americans and activists in the Democrat Party, her biracial identity does matter. The Washington Post reported in 2019 on left-wing influencers who explained her lineage as the reason why Harris never picked up momentum with black voters in the presidential primary.

“You don’t voluntarily immigrate into a community that is supposedly segregated, and then claim the struggles of people who have been here chained to chattel slavery for multiple generations,” one activist named Antonio Moore said on his radio show. “Kamala Harris does not have a black agenda.”

“Moore is a leader of a tiny but outspoken movement called American Descendants of Slavery, or ADOS, which has been rattling Democratic strategists and enraging some liberal black leaders by calling for a reimagining of black identity that replaces skin color with historical lineage as the defining characteristic,” the Post reported. “Descendants of American slaves, they say, should not be seen as part of broader groups like ‘people of color’ or ‘minorities,’ because their historical situation is completely different.”

Trump’s remarks at the NABJ were a mere comment on Harris’ authenticity while she capitalizes on her identity to secure black voters as part of the Democrats’ primary coalition in November. While woke leftists already pledged to Harris will be the most vocal with their outrage over Trump’s references to Harris’ race, the viral moment also cast a light on the exploitation of her affiliation with a constituency that might otherwise question her authenticity, particularly in Detroit, a city which is 77 percent black.

Harris Won't Tell Voters Her Policy Positions, so the Trump Campaign Has Stepped in to Help

The Trump campaign on Friday unveiled a new website taking aim at Vice President Kamala Harris’s dangerous border policies.

“Kamala Harris is complicit in fueling an invasion,” reads the website, “Instead of protecting Americans, she is prioritizing illegal aliens.”

The site features data on the border crisis, including a new Department of Homeland Security report showing tens of thousands of smuggled migrant children are missing. 

It also reminds voters that the illegal immigration crisis has gotten so bad under Harris as the border czar that every state is now a border state.

“History will remember the Harris-Biden administration for destruction, chaos, and failure. Lives of everyday Americans have been shattered as a direct result of Border Czar Kamala Harris’s open-border policies — and she doesn’t care. These are our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends who are being attacked by people who should never have been in our country in the first place,” the site says. “We have to stand up and stop Kamala Harris before she destroys our nation. The cost of doing nothing is measured in the lives lost to the fentanyl and crime wave washing across America.”

Thirteen states are highlighted on the page informing visitors about the ways in which the illegal immigration crisis has affected residents.

“President Trump will not stop highlighting Kamala Harris’ failed immigration record on behalf of the Angel Moms and grieving Americans who have senselessly lost loved ones due to Kamala’s border bloodbath,” campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. “If Kamala is given four more years to enact her pro-illegal immigration, open border agenda, America will cease to exist.”

The border website comes on the heels of the Trump campaign unveiling another website informing voters about Harris's policies given the Democratic presidential nominee has failed to do so thus far. 


As the DNC Lied, Kamala Harris' Odds to Win the Presidency Died According to Betting Site

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. 

This quote by Mark Twain... or Abraham Lincoln — it's still unclear as to who said it — is not advice that Democrats thought to take, because the more they opened their mouths during the DNC, the more people seemed to sour on them.

While it was always inevitable that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would suffer what I call the "Disney dip" or what others are calling the "sugar high," it would appear the DNC sped the collapse. 

According to the website Polymath, the largest website that deals with betting on everything, including presidential elections, as the DNC went on, gamblers began to put more stock into Trump winning and Harris losing. In fact, before the DNC, Harris was favored to win at 54 percent and Trump only at 44 percent. By the end of the third night, Trump was favored at 53 percent and Harris was at 46 percent. 

Again, this was all likely to even out at some point, but the DNC is meant to hype up candidates and reinforce them to the people, yet for some reason, the DNC just left a bad taste in too many mouths. 

Of course, none of that should be surprising. Harris is currently in the White House and is promising to solve problems that she could start solving right now. Moreover, there was a lot of talk about the border last night and how Harris has been fantastic on it when anyone with two brain cells to rub together can know that was a massive lie. 

Moreover, for all the "joy" and "unity" there was at the DNC, there sure was a lot of backstabbing, lying, and weirdness overall. As Becky Noble reported, there were 30 delegates who were "uncommitted" to Harris as a protest over Palestine.

One thing that haunts the Democrat Party is that they've been in charge for over a decade, and yet they have no answer as to why the country is in bad shape except to blame Trump who was only in charge for four of the last 16 years. This fact was brought up by CNN's Scott Jennings, who stunned his fellow CNN panelists into silence over the fact and noted that with all the time Democrats have to speak, no one is accounting for this. 

(CNN Contributor Scott Jennings Silences CNN Panel After Giving Them a Much Needed Reality Check)

Rest assured, even if the Democrats are avoiding asking themselves the question, the American people aren't. They probably ask it every time they receive a bill, fill up at the pump, and check out at the grocery aisle. 

If I was a betting man, I'd put my money on Trump too, as the DNC showed America that they aren't a serious party and Kamala Harris is far from being a serious candidate.