Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Vendée

We are trapped in a Vendée of the spirit. Those in authority—culturally, economically, and politically—want us dead, along with everyone and everything we hold dear.

After the Reign of Terror began during the French Revolution, the tactics of the Parisian mob spread throughout the country. The homes of the nobility were destroyed, churches looted and put to the torch and a nightmare of murderous rage descended on the clergy and aristocracy at the hand of the Sans-Culottes. Using the façade of legal process from so-called Committees of Public Safety, tens of thousands of “Enemies of the People” were arrested and executed. (Many were dispatched by the use of the guillotine, a device specifically invented for this purpose.) Resistance was fitful and quickly crushed. Only a few places in France were able to hold out against the Terror.

One was an area of Brittany called the Vendée. Considered to be one of the poorest and most backward parts of France, the locals cherished their king and queen and their Roman Catholic faith. (Think of them as “bitterly clinging” to their monarchy and their religion.)

When the Revolutionary Government murdered the French royal family and took away their parish priests, the peasantry in the Vendée launched a fierce and determined armed rebellion against it. Turning to the local nobility for leaders with actual military experience under the Ancien Regime, they sustained an insurgent army for years against the government in Paris. Even though they ultimately lost militarily, the people of the Vendée finally won the restoration of their Roman Catholic faith and a degree of autonomy thanks to their determined resistance. They also left a lasting inspiration to working-class counter-revolutionaries fighting left-wing terror and repression. Think of the Carlists’ role in Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War. Think of the Nicaraguan contras’ defeat of the Sandinistas in 1990. Think of the two hundred Vietnamese-Americans carrying forty-foot-long banners based on the South Vietnamese flag outside the Capitol on January 6.

We are very close to our own left-wing totalitarian regime in the U.S. night now, with almost every aspect of life affected by WOKE ideology. At least in revolutionary France, there were places of refuge like the Vendée. Here there are no safe places from identity politics and its necessary corollary; white, liberal guilt.

The Democrat Pary’s constituencies already endorse its intellectuals’ aim not to convince the rest of society but to subdue it . . . They reason that America’s social-political order is founded on racism, patriarchy, genocidal imperialism, as well a economic exploitation . . . The revolution is all about the oppressed classes uniting to inflict upon the oppressors the retribution that each of the oppressed yearns for.

– Angelo Codevilla, Claremont Review of Books, Fall, 2016.

Consider the stifling conformity of thought and public discourse in furtherance of that worldview throughout our country today.

Our local newspaper reads like a Democratic Party newsletter. Within a mile of my home are three mainline Protestant Churches, with permanent signs using Gay Pride/Rainbow Coalition colors and Woke slogans like “Fight Racism” and calls for “Equity,” “Inclusion,” and “Social Justice.” There are also signs for special events like “Solidarity with Palestine” and “BLM” rallies. (These are all churches whose ministers used to lecture us about how scary the “Radical Religious Right” was because it mixed politics and religion.)

I’ve written about how all the institutions in our community that shape opinion have gone over to the left. We know that our schools and colleges have become P.C. Corporations and not-for-profits have followed suit. Federal and state bureaucracies have also succumbed. Even local ones have too, e.g. my county government now has its own D.E.I. office.

One of the most disheartening surrenders is by public libraries, which have become centers for leftist agitprop.

Everyone has heard about drag queen story hours for children but consider a partial list of other “Signature Events” hosted by the Kansas City, Missouri, Public Library:

  • “Boys and Oil – Growing up gay in a fractured land.” Author Taylor Broby discusses his book, recounting the uneasiness of his upbringing, the beauty of the North Dakota prairie, and the toll taken by the extraction of coal and oil on both the land and its people. Now an environmentalist, he uses the destruction of large swaths of the West as a metaphor for the distress of his youth.” 7-28-22
  • “Ban These Books? Let’s Talk!” A panel discussion by four local librarians, speaking out against the idea that sexually explicit materials should not be accessed by children. 9-22-22
  • “Confidence Man: Donald Trump and the Breaking of America,” by NYT reporter Maggie Haberman, 11-2-22
  • “The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black In America” “Add up the economic costs of ani-black bias in the U.S. over nearly 250 years. . . . Author Shawn Rochester puts the total at $70 trillion.” 3-30-23
  • “An Ordinary Wonder” – Buki Papillon’s acclaimed debut novel revolves around an intersex Nigerian teenager whose sex at birth is unclear.” 4-12-23
  • “A Rabid Sense of Hope,” “The artists discuss the relationship between decoration and genuine beauty, an appreciation of the queer population as survivalists who find joy and even humor in the struggle” 6-3-23
  • “Ordinary Equality: The Fearless Woman and Queer People Who Shaped the U.S. Constitution.” 8-24-23
  • “Gun Country: Gun Capitalism, Culture, and Control in Cold War America,” 1-18-24
  • “Eikonagraphia Ridicule: Kansas City artist Chico Sierra subverts traditional religious imagery with humanist, non-religious symbols.” 5-1-24

These are only a few of the items on the Cultural Marxist Smorgasbord that are offered up constantly by an institution that I used to support generously. Nowadays, however, the message to me as a straight, white, cis-gendered male is that my beliefs can not only be disregarded but I can be made to feel responsible for all the suffering and injustice in the world.

We are trapped in a Vendée of the spirit. Those in authority—culturally, economically, and politically—want us dead, along with everyone and everything we hold dear.

Compromise is impossible with people who want to kill you. Discussion is impossible with those who deny objective reality when it does not align with their political beliefs. I worry about the future of the country. Are we like the doomed counter-revolutionaries of the Vendée of two hundred years ago? 

And we Know, On the Fringe, and more- August 21


Beware of the Black Swans

We’ve got about 75 more days left until the election, and who knows what the hell will happen that will change everything? If the last 25 years have been any indication, something will happen, and it’s going to be weird. We only have black swans anymore. We need to be looking for the white swan among the black flock. 

What can happen? Well, there’s the Democratic National Convention. It’s going on as I write this and we might see total chaos. The Democrats, on the streets, inside the arena, and aboard the abortion/castration RV, could show America their true colors and turn off the voters. Perhaps Harris will do a confident, capable teleprompter speech and be hailed as the new Cicero. Or she might completely botch it and be hailed as the new Cicero. Even if she doesn’t screw it up by tossing one of her word salads, her problem may be that what she says is clear as a bell. After all, she’s pushing all sorts of commie schemes, from price controls to giving first-time home buyers an extra $25,000 for their down payments. That’s great…for those of us who already own real estate. 

What’s probably going to happen at the convention? Not much. Look, this was always going to be close, and the polls are tightening after slightly going in her favor following the departure of Crusty McCrustalot. Most likely, people will start paying attention and realize that she’s an idiot, and maybe a drunk, and that she and her deployment-dodging moron of a partner are terrible. Brat Summer is going to end around Labor Day.

Another big event could be the September 10 debate. I don’t know if this death match in the Octagon is going to happen. I kind of doubt she attends it, much less any of the others. My guess is she’s probably going to call Trump a “convicted felon” and refuse to share a stage. Normal people won’t buy it, though the regime media will call her stunning and brave. But let’s assume she does do the debate. She could be confident and capable – again, the regime media is going to tell us she was amazing. But there’s a substantial chance that she’s going to be terrible. How do I know? Because she always screws up when she talks extemporaneously. Every single time. She’s an idiot. That’s a real problem for the Democrats. Now, Trump could have an off night and screw up. Again, the media is going to insist that he screws up regardless, but that won’t matter if he hasn’t. People are hip to the okey-doke. But what if he really does screw up? That could be a real problem. I don’t think it’s likely, but it’s within the realm of statistical possibility.

Then, a few days later, that judge whose daughter worked for Kamala Harris and got a whole ton of money from Trump’s political opponent is going to sentence him. This totally unbiased jurist is definitely going to sentence Trump to prison. I doubt he will actually lock up the man on a major ticket for the presidency, but who knows? I think he just wants to give his party – he donated to the Democrats – the talking point that Trump is facing prison. Well, let’s put aside that Kamala Harris seems to like real felons. I’m not sure a sentence from a kangaroo court is going to do much except to remobilize a bunch of Republicans who got mobilized the last time this clown weighed in. Likely, Judge Conflicto will sentence Trump to a year in prison because it’s not like Trump robbed or raped anybody. If he had, he would just get probation in NYC. The sentence will be suspended pending the inevitably successful appeal of this ridiculous sham conviction, and no one will care. 

So, what else could happen? Well, Joe Biden could check out, either voluntarily or involuntarily. There’s talk that Kamala Harris would love to be the first female president, even if it’s for a couple of months, because then she would have the trappings of incumbency to assist her. She would also have an excuse for not going out campaigning because she’s “working for the American people” and all that crap. This is unlikely to happen. It was hard enough for Joe Biden to give up running for reelection. Don’t think you’re going to pry the very real Doctor Biden out of the Oval Office without her fingernails gouging trenches into the floor as she’s dragged away. It just isn’t going to happen. Well, at least not voluntarily. The dude is hella old, and the actuarial tables are cruel. Who knows? He could choke on an ice cream cone or perish in a terrible rocking chair accident.

There could be some horrifying new revelation about the candidates. The revelation well on Trump is pretty much dry, but Kamala has skeletons, especially considering her romantically entrepreneurial reputation and taste for Chardonnay. And what about Walz? Putting aside his stolen valor blue falconry, his driving while sloshed, and his Chi Com canoodling, just look at the guy. Yikes – he screams “creepazoid.” Who knows what else will come out about him? It just takes one person from his past to come forward – ask Brett Kavanaugh.

Another potential black swan event is pretty scary, and I wrote about it in my recent bestselling novel, The Attack. Biden and his Border Czar Harris invited millions and millions of Third World peasants into our country. Among them, besides the rapists, drug dealers, thieves, bums, and general scumbags, are actual terrorists. As my book predicts, there could be a massive terrorist attack here in the United States before the election. In normal times, we would rally around the president. But in normal times, we would have a president. This alleged president is not conscious enough to be rallied around. A horrible terrorist attack could throw the election to Donald Trump in a landslide.

There are other possible swans of color out there. The economy could completely crash. We’re already seeing indications that the economy is a mess that even Paul Krugman can’t deny no matter how hard he tries. The question is whether it will get messy enough within the next 80 days for people to radically change their votes. But if you were around in 2008 when McCain was running against Obama, and I was, we suddenly had an earth-shattering Wall Street crisis right in the middle of September. It went poorly for the party in power. A giant financial crisis will not wait until it’s advantageous to the Democrats. It could happen anytime. And I think if the people are asked whether they want to put their economic future in the hands of businessman Donald Trump or that cackling, communist moron, they’re going to want the Orange Man badly.

Ukraine could be defeated if its current offense collapses and the Russians attack on all fronts, threatening the Zelensky regime. China could grab Taiwan, and I’ve always wondered why he hasn’t just done that. Of course, if Walz is elected, he might actually support the CCP invasion. The Iranians could get their nuclear weapon, and a Mideast war might break out regardless. 

There’s also another potential threat – some other idiot could take a shot at Donald Trump and, this time, not miss.

Yeah, there are a bunch of black swans out there, and you know at least one or two of them is going to come home to roost. There will be an October Surprise, but after 25 years of black swans, we should not be surprised.

PAY ATTENTION: Democrats Just Revealed How They Will Steal the 2024 Election — In Three Easy Steps

Pay Attention.

In 2020 President Trump won more votes than any sitting president in US history.

Trump increased his vote totals by 12 million votes in 2020 over his first presidential victory in 2016.

Trump won 16 of 17 bellwether counties and allegedly lost the election. Something that had never happened in 36 years.

Trump won the bellwether states, Ohio, Florida, and Iowa handily, something EVERY winning candidate has accomplished since 1960.

Biden won the fewest number of counties in the 2020 election by any alleged “winner” in history – winning only 16% of all US counties.

In this same election, President Trump improved in EVERY category.

  • President Trump won more Hispanic votes.
  • President Trump won more female votes.
  • Trump won more black votes.
  • President Trump won more gay votes.
  • President Trump won more immigrant votes.

But somehow, Democrat Joe Biden, who did not campaign, hid in his basement, and could barely string together two coherent sentences, supposedly won 81 million votes!?!

We know Democrats used several means to score illegal votes in several states in the 2020 election.

We witnessed them counting ballots behind closed doors, bringing in endless piles of surprise ballots days after the election, locking Republicans out of the counting rooms, pulling boxes of ballots out from under tables when all the observers were sent home, driving in vanloads of ballots in the early hours of the morning after Joe Biden fell far behind, stuffing stacks of ballots into unsupervised ballot drop boxes.

So, how did Joe do it? How did Democrats steal the 2020 election for Joe Biden?

Step 1: In October 2021, we finally learned how Joe Biden pulled off his ‘miraculous’ win.

Huffington Post reported that it was “low-income white voters” who gave Joe Biden the win.

This was a preposterous lie on its face since everyone knows Trump owned the working-class voters like no other president in the last 100 years!

But it did give us a clue of where they found their manufactured votes.


Via The Huffington Post.

High turnout among low-income voters in the 2020 election — especially in battleground states — helped deliver victories for Joe Biden and Democrats in the Senate and House, concluded the study, “Waking the Sleeping Giant,” by the Poor People’s Campaign. The organization, an advocate for low-income Americans, launched a nonpartisan voter registration drive ahead of the 2020 vote across 16 states…

…But the 2020 elections saw the highest voter turnout in U.S.history, including among poor and low-income voters, noted the study.

Of the 168 million Americans who voted last year, 59 million of them— 35% of the total — had an estimated annual household income of less than $50,000, classifying them as “poor” or low-income, the analysis found.


Where the margin of Biden’s victory was a squeaker-thin 3% or less, low-income Americans accounted for 34% to 45% of the voting population (Arizona 39.96%), Georgia (37.84%), Michigan (37.81%), Nevada (35.78%), North Carolina (43.67%), Pennsylvania (34.12%) and Wisconsin (39.80%), according to the study.

The low-income voters included large numbers of white Americans as well as people of color.

The figures “challenge … the media-driven narrative that … white low-income voters are the de facto base of the Republican Party and delivered Donald Trump into the White House” in 2016, wrote study author Shailly Gupta Barnes.


Read the rest of this nonsense here.

So if this was true, then wouldn’t you expect that the Democrats and their mainstream media hacks would bend over backwards to praise and prop up lower-income white voters?  Instead, Joe Biden and Democrats have completely ignored the suffering rural voters and working-class voters across the country for decades now.

So why change something that is working for them?


Why do you think the radical America-hating party picked serial liar and weirdo Tim Walz for their vice-presidential candidate this year?

Tim Walz may be a complete lunatic and radical leftist, but he comes from rural Minnesota. That was enough.

Democrats are already playing John Mellencamp’s “Small Town” at their rallies.  Does anyone honestly believe Democrats give a rat’s ass about small towns?


Ask the people from Palestine, Ohio, or  Maui, Hawaii, how they feel about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris after their life-changing tragedies.

Democrats don’t care about rural white voters.

But Democrats are planning to steal enough rural votes again to win the swing states – and pretend it is because the people love weird Tim Walz and their far left policies.

Step 2: Democrats understand they must produce an enormous amount of fraudulent votes to steal the election from Trump this year.

President Trump increased his second run for president by 12 million votes!  This year, he may increase that by another 12 million.

President Trump is polling better with whites, Hispanics, and blacks.  President Trump is winning at least 20 percent of the black male vote and could reach 50 percent by Election Day.

Democrats abandoned the black community AGAIN this year, and black voters are catching on. Democrats have catered to illegal aliens to replace their black voter base. That is clear.

And, Democrats understand they must top at least 85 million votes to win the election in 2024.

So what do Democrats do?

They fabricate momentum. On Tuesday, Democrats filled the United Center in Chicago and the Fiserv Arena in Milwaukee.  This was quite a feat for a party that is running the most unpopular vice president in history and crazy Stolen Valor liar, Tim Walz as their candidates.


Democrats will manufacture excitement and turnout at their rallies to explain their sudden surge of votes in November.

Watch and see.

Step 3: Manufacture millions of new ghost voters.

Democrats have dozens, if not hundreds, of what they call “Get out the vote” groups operating in every state in the union today.

The Democratic Party, including the DSCC and Biden Campaign, spent tens of millions on these groups during the 2020 election and will spend hundreds of millions on them again in 2024.


Why is that?

In 2023, The Gateway Pundit broke the news on the GBI Strategies group that was operating in Michigan and numerous other states.

According to a Michigan police report, GBI Strategies was operating in Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida.

On August 8, 2023, the Gateway Pundit revealed a major fraudulent voter registration operation that had been under investigation for almost three years in Michigan, spanning several cities across the state.

Although the investigation involved lead investigators working for Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and at least one analyst working for Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the true depth of the investigation and the shocking details uncovered by the MI State Police and Muskegon Police Department were hidden from the public.


Thanks to the work by Patty McMurray, Phil O’Halloran, and Braden Giacobazzi, and others, we were able to report that Empower Michigan, staffed by GBI Strategies, shares the same address as the Democrat Party Headquarters in Lansing, Michigan.

During our investigations, we learned that GBI Strategies was saving the “good forms (registrations)” and loading them into a computer before they were delivered to the clerk’s offices. Why was that? Could it be so they could share these ghost registrations with leftist groups during the election?

Why did GBI Strategies or Empower Michigan need to download the information contained on the voter registration forms they collected?


You can read more about this criminal group here.

No one was ever arrested for the thousands of fraudulent ballots turned in to clerks in Michigan. The investigation was turned over to the FBI, where it went to die. Of course.

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit reported on a second far-left fraudulent voter registration manufacturing group.


TGP's Jim Hoft joined host Natalie Winters on The War Room to discuss the ongoing Gateway Pundit investigation of the Democrat Party’s massive fraudulent ballot registration scandal.

The Gateway Pundit's Patty McMurray reported on a different Democrat-funded voter registration group that is accused of turning in hundreds of suspected fraudulent voter registrations - this time in Ohio!


Officials discovered that a group called Black Fork Strategies, which operates across the state of Ohio, is being investigated by the Ohio Secretary of State over another alleged fraudulent voter registration campaign. The Hamilton County Board of Elections has turned over several suspicious voter registration applications to the Ohio Secretary of State’s Public Integrity Division.

Hamilton County Director of Elections Sherry Poland recently held up an inch-wide stack of suspected fraudulent registrations turned in by Black Fork Strategies that appear to have all of the same handwriting.

Hamilton County Director of Elections Sherry Poland holds up almost an inch-wide stack of likely fraudulent voter registrations turned in by Black Fork Strategies in her area of Ohio.
You can read more about this here.

The Gateway Pundit is currently investigating numerous far-left voter registration groups operating around the country.

Democrats found an easy way to manufacture votes - fake registrations and mailboxes.

If this is not stopped, America may never have a free and fair election again.

We hope and pray the Republican Party is paying attention. Please share this with your Republican representatives or Attorney General.

We believe we have enough information to launch a serious investigation into these criminal organizations.

Please pass this on before it's too late.

PAY ATTENTION: Democrats Just Revealed How They Will Steal the 2024 Election — In Three Easy Steps | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

  by Jim Hoft Aug. 21, 2024 8:00 am

🎭 𝐖𝟑𝐏 𝓓𝓐𝓘𝓛𝓨 𝓗𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓻, 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓬, 𝓐𝓻𝓽, 𝓞𝓟𝓔𝓝 𝓣𝓗𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓

Welcome to 

The 𝐖𝟑𝐏 𝓓𝓐𝓘𝓛𝓨 𝓗𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓻, 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓬, 𝓐𝓻𝓽, 𝓞𝓟𝓔𝓝 𝓣𝓗𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓 

Here’s a place to share cartoons, jokes, music, art, nature, 
man-made wonders, and whatever else you can think of. 

No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Democrats Are More Committed To Destroying America Than Republicans Are To Saving It

This week’s Democrat National Convention (DNC) offers a clarifying moment in modern U.S. politics — and not for the reason people may think.

After just one day, Democrats have produced enough crazy to fill a swimming pool ten times over. From offering free abortions and vasectomies to attendees, to bragging about using lawfare to target their political opponents, the list of left-wing extremism coming out of the convention is getting longer by the second.

And what, you may ask, are Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans doing this week to counter-message this insanity?

Virtually nothing.

While Democrats espouse their radicalism to the country, Republicans couldn’t even be bothered to stay in Washington, D.C. Most representatives are currently back in their districts as part of Congress’s annual “August recess” and won’t return to town until Sept. 9.

If Johnson and GOP leadership actually cared about providing a contrasting vision from that produced by Democrats, they’d put their majority to good use. This means spending the August recess holding daily congressional hearings that underscore the severity of the ongoing border invasion and making the case to the American public on why government funding should be withheld next month unless the Biden-Harris administration fixes the crisis.

But Republicans aren’t doing any of that.

When they’re not issuing performative outrage tweets about what Democrats are saying at the DNC, they’re rushing to the nearest Fox News camera to warn viewers about how dangerous the modern left has become.

“Vote Republican to save America!” says the House GOP that’s funded a myriad of Democrat priorities since winning the majority nearly two years ago.

The stark reality is that Johnson and most Republicans don’t give a damn about their voters or the Democrat-made crises wrecking the country and fear no repercussions for abetting Democrats’ extremism. And they have little reason to.

Despite their professed dissatisfaction with Congress, most Republican electors often don’t bother showing up to vote in GOP primaries. In many cases, majorities of the same constituencies who claim to disapprove of their congressional leaders vote to re-elect those same people — oftentimes with the encouragement of Donald Trump.

So, where does this leave us?

If Republicans know their voters are unlikely to punish them for their failures, they have no incentive to abide by their wishes and fight Democrats on the issues that matter, when they matter. Similarly, Democrats have no incentive to moderate their positions on any given subject. They know that Republicans are not a legitimate political opposition and will acquiesce on whatever major policy battle arises.

Even if they lose an election here or there, Democrats recognize that Republicans lack the willpower to overturn tyrannical policies implemented during their time in power, and that voters will put them in charge once the electoral pendulum swings back in their favor. They also have the added bonus of a hyper-politicized federal bureaucracy that advances leftist causes even when a Democrat isn’t in the White House.

What we’re seeing at the DNC this week is an open acknowledgment of this paradigm. Democrats realize they can expose the most unhinged elements of their worldview to the American populace, and vapid Republicans will produce no long-term consequences for it. Their willingness to play the long game has allowed them to push America further away from the constitutional framework created by the Founders into an increasingly unrecognizable dystopia.

There’s only one political force playing to win in America, and it sure as heck isn’t the Republican Party.

The 2024 Odds Look to Be Shifting Once Again

Wednesday marks one month since President Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race and announced the ending of his reelection bid in a letter shared to his X account. He endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement in a separate post not long after. Since then, Harris has enjoyed some momentum that comes with any honeymoon period. Even if that period may be continuing with the DNC this week, polls and forecasts show the state of the race may already be shifting.

As of Tuesday night, Harris has a lead of +1.5 over former and potentially future President Donald Trump, according to averages from RealClearPolling. If she has momentum though, that's not quite where Harris wants to be, especially when her lead is within the margin of error.

With Biden still in the race, it was common to see Trump holding a lead in the polls, forecasts, and predictions, though it still looked to be a close and competitive election. We then saw a shift in favor of Harris. Now, we may be seeing a shift back in the other direction, if this holds, especially since Trump and Harris are tied at 49 percent each when it comes to new forecasts released on Monday.

One forecast shows Harris narrowly winning Wisconsin, 51-49 percent, while having a healthy win in Michigan, 57-43 percent. Trump has better odds of winning in other swing states, though: Pennsylvania and Nevada by 52-48 percent; Arizona by 55-45 percent; Georgia by 64-36 percent; and North Carolina by 67-33 percent. 

Trump would just barely win the Electoral College with the required 270 votes in a very narrow race with Harris winning 268 votes. 

Those chances for Trump are a lot lower than they were just days before.

Before Tuesday, Trump and Harris looked to be at best tied. Then, news came in that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who was a Democratic primary challenger to Biden turned Independent, might drop out and endorse Trump. Those comments came from Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.'s own running mate. 

As of Tuesday evening, Polymarket has it at a 76 percent chance that RFK Jr drops out before November, with those numbers hovering in the 70s throughout the day. At one point, the chances were slightly higher at 78 percent, though they were also at 73 percent hours earlier. 

Trump has also told CNN that he'd "certainly... be open to" putting RFK Jr. in his administration. 

"I like him, and I respect him," Trump said in an interview with Kristen Holmes during a campaign stop in Michigan. "He’s a brilliant guy. He’s a very smart guy. I’ve known him for a very long time," he also said. "I didn’t know he was thinking about getting out, but if he is thinking about getting out, certainly I’d be open to it."

Polymarket thus also has Trump's chances improving against Harris, with a mention of RFK Jr. potentially dropping out. He went from tying with to even leading Harris on Tuesday.

He's hovered at 50 or 51 percent, while Harris has gone down to 48 percent. 

Bringing this back to Harris, any lead for her is not so much that she is the superior candidate to Trump. If she was, her lead would likely be much higher. She has been slow to announce any policy proposals, and those ideas which haven't been copied from Trump or his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), have been criticized. Even the mainstream media, like CNN and the Washington Post, have taken issue with Harris' policy proposals. 

Harris has also ignored the media, refusing to grant interviews or hold press conferences. It doesn't mean that she ought to be allowed to get away with not explaining herself, though as Guy has covered, campaign surrogates doexpect the media to do the explaining for the Harris-Walz ticket. 

That Harris is the sitting vice president is another key detail, considering how much she may like to distance herself from the Biden-Harris administration. 

When it comes to that supposed momentum we saw for Harris, we saw an influx of polls released that not only showed her leading Trump, but also dubious polls claiming she led him on issues where he has had otherwise strong leads, like the economy.

In previewing his own Cygnal poll released late last week, which shows Harris only narrowly leading Trump at the national level — again a place where she doesn't want to be as it's just not good enough — there were plenty of polls to be wary of. As we covered with last week's VIP:

When it comes to another perspective of why there is reason to be skeptical of such a poll, Cygnal's Brent Buchanan made it the focus of his Monday email of daily takes, as he pointed out how "the wildly wrong polls are starting to creep into this election."

Citing a headline about the poll from the Financial Review, Buchanan said it was "Just wrong."

"In a poll we have coming out this week, Trump holds trust on economy/jobs 49-44 and on inflation/cost of living 49-42. If Harris actually held trust on these issues, she’d be up by 6-7 points, and she’ll never be there," he offered, teasing the release of a Cygnal poll. 

In a statement for Townhall, Buchanan doubled down even further, including why it is that Harris looks to be leading in so many polls. "Look at how many polls coming out are from Democrat-leaning outfits," he pointed out. "It's 2-3x than before the Democrats swapped out their elected nominee for Kamala Harris. There's definitely a concerted push to make it look like Kamala has taken a lead. On the crap poll showing Harris ahead on economic trust, we know for a fact that's wrong," he added, reiterating the findings from Cygnal's upcoming poll. 

Mike Miller also highlighted at our sister site RedState that Vance told Shannon Bream during his "Fox News Sunday" appearance that polls released in 2016 and 2020 were meant to depress Republican turnout. 

"Consistently, what you’ve seen in 2016 and 2020 is that the media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters. I’m telling you, every single person who’s watching this, the Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot. We’re going to win this race. We just have to run through the finish line," he offered. 

We still have over two months until Election Day, and these forecasts sure can change quickly. Stay tuned!