Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fight! Fight! Fight!

We had an iconic moment in history, a demonstration of courage and resolve in the face of evil.  It brought unity to the right in so many ways.  It’s a forever moment.  

Barely a month later, doubt and second-guessing is creeping into the psyche of many on the center-right.  

Reason number one is the left sowing seeds of doubt with their psyops machine.  The Democrat/media/tech complex is working overtime.  For example: J.D. Vance is the wrong choice.  We’re weird.  Kamala is Supergirl and Wonder Woman, but wait, there’s more!  Kamala was never border czar.  Crime is down because we say so.  Democrats are wonderfully cool.  What immigration crisis?  Trump is so bad, the assassination never really happened.   We’re going to lose anyway.  

Those are just a few of the narratives they are implanting in the nation’s psyche.  None of them true.  Some are so obviously false as to be laughable. Yet they persist. It’s part of their plan to sow division, tempting us to disbelieve our own eyes, ears, or memories.  The effect of their persistence is manifold, but the one thing they want more than anything is to weaken our resolve. Confuse. Obfuscate. Demoralize. Take away our will to fight.

The second reason is personal.  Let’s admit it.  Some days it’s hard not to get caught in this negative vortex.  For all of us.  We need to successfully cope with their very real psyops machine. The machine is effective.  They will do this all the way to the election and beyond.  They are using the demonic Saul Alinsky’s first rule:  Make us think they are more powerful than they are. 

This is a serious game, with the intent to inflict serious psychological damage.  Even those who know their game can be sucked in.  The fiery darts their machine sends out are powerful.  Seeing them convince so many that forcing tampons into boys’ bathrooms is intelligent or normal should give us pause.  Seeing them convince many on their side that the border issue was caused by Trump tells us they believe their power to form narrative is God-like.

We need to fight this.  First, to maintain our sanity.  Second, to begin to take back our nation in this election, with the hope of ridding ourselves of the toxic people who make this negative psyops machine work.

To those supporting our MAGA movement:  This really is the most important election of our lives.  Our cherished way of life will go onto the ash heap of history if we lose.  To win, we need to outwork, outfox, and beat the left’s ability to cheat.  A tall order.  A long fight.

Our fight begins with a willingness to unify behind our excellent candidate.  We must gain the edge needed to win.   One of those things we all must do is pull in the same direction.   

But we need to remember one particular human weakness.  We can all have a bent towards negativity at times.   A.A. Milne’s character Eeyore and C.S. Lewis’s Puddleglum poke fun at that.  Of all things we need to curb, it is this tendency to go negative on our movement and/or our candidate.  The left is incredibly disciplined at unifying their troops.  It's something we need right now.

There are those NeverTrumpers that we cannot reach, such as David French, who are part of the psyops machine of the left.  They help psyops groups like Republicans for Kamala, pretending Trump is so bad that they as former Republicans must vote to install permanent leftist power over us all. These we can ignore, or time to time write against.  They are leftist agitprop and nothing more.

There is another extreme on our side, nicknamed “doomers” by many fine commentators.  These are people on our side, but no matter what good news we have, no matter how much we are winning a particular battle, they simply give in to losing.  Many excuses, but all leading to the same thing.  The willingness to call down defeat through discouraging us all who are in the battle.  Quoting Eeyore, “If it’s a nice morning, which I doubt.”  Some of these doomers are beyond that, and it’s toxic.

Moses sent 12 spies to scope out the land they were told to conquer.  Ten of them who came back were basically doomers:  “We can’t defeat these people, there are too many, they are like giants, their cities are fortified, the land itself will swallow us up.”  So devastating, these negative reports caused the Israelites to cry and yearn for the good old days when they were slaves.

Two spies disagreed.  They saw the way to victory, spoke it, and acted in ways that would make them win.  Their lesson should be our lesson.  Victory is in sight.  We have right on our side, and if we do the work necessary, we will win.   The tide is with us.

The Democrats are pretending they will win with a new face, one who isn’t burdened with a rotten record, or with unpopular positions they have taken for years.   Weak and provable lies.

They pretend Kamala is winning in new polling.  Crap Polling that has been skewed.  Rasmussen says things have NOT changed one bit; Trump is still in the winning position.  Sorry, doomers.

Kamala is pretending she can now cure inflation and a down-trending economy.  The very things her administration caused.

She is pretending she will close the border, something she didn’t do for almost 1,500 straight days.

She is pretending she is O.K. with fracking and will make energy prices fall, the same energy prices her administration made higher.

These are not winning positions for people who have disavowed and run against all those ideas they have clearly held.  

This is a weak hand.

We need to unify and stop our own negativity vortex.   Doing this will help us reach undecideds, or others on our side, to have them unify with us, to not lose heart.  I have a friend, Ruth, who drove this home to me quietly during the early stages of COVID.  She simply said, “God did not give us a spirit of fear.”   Great advice for us.  Working on this during these next months leading up to the election is paramount.  Understand that leftists are not Gods, not infallible, and not masters of the universe.  They are not all powerful. That scene in the Wizard of Oz, when the dog Toto rips the curtain away:  “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”  That is where we are right now.   The machine is being exposed.  They are losing.

Heading into the Democrat convention, we are about to have tons of manure shoveled on our head posing as manna from heaven.  The tongue bath of all tongue baths about the Wonder Woman named Kamala and all her superhero friends.  Don’t buy it.  It’s nonsense.  If we work hard and smart, this nightmare will come to an end.

Instead, lift up your heads, pick up your weary legs to stride towards a great election victory.  Do your part however you can, and do not lose heart.  Vote.  Donate.  Speak the truth.  Poll watch.  Persuade.  Get people to the polls, bank their votes, appeal to Heaven for a chance to begin again.  

It will be worth it.

After Democrats Praise Walz As ‘America’s Dad,’ DNC Van Literally Neuters Men

 It’s an the odd juxtaposition: celebrating Walz as a father figure at the exact same time Democrats are pushing to make sure fewer men ever become fathers.

Instantly after Kamala Harris announced Tim Walz as her running mate two weeks ago, corporate media began, in unison, labeling him “America’s dad.”


“‘This is America’s dad’: Walz electrifies with introductory speech backed by powerful resume,” blared an MSNBC headline earlier this month. “‘Midwestern Nice’ and ‘Fun Dad’ posts abound after Tim Walz is named VP pick,” reported the hard-hitting and publicly funded NPR (which at this point is basically Teen Vogue for Birkenstock Boomers).

“Is Tim Walz ‘America’s Dad’? Women on TikTok See Father Figure in VP Pick,” wrote Monica Sager in Newsweek last week. “How the internet cast Tim Walz as America’s Midwestern dad,” crooned the not-softball-at-all Washington Post when his pick was announced. “The Political Appeal of the Aggressively Normal Dad,” cooed The New York Times. “Tim Walz’s “big dad energy” wins hearts across the internet,” advertised Axios. “Dad is on the ballot,” headlined The Atlantic, formerly known as an outlet for deeper takes on current affairs.

On Friday, Rolling Stone made sure we were informed that “Tim Walz Joins TikTok With a Signature Dad Joke.” Thanks, Third Estate. Super-deep reporting there on the guy who could be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The Americans who start voting in one month, especially, are indebted for your incisive work informing them what to expect from this addition to the Democrat ticket.

At this point we’re used to media outlets boosted by government censors acting as obvious propaganda machines. Matt Orfalea and Tom Elliott are among the many who constantly illustrate that in catchy videos. Here are some recent illustrations of a years-long phenomenon.

TV flacks all repeating the exact same words in unison across outlets is by now routine, likely amped by the AI and algorithms selecting everything you see on a screen. What’s different in this specific story, however, is the odd juxtaposition of lefties celebrating Walz as a father and father figure exactly as Democrats expand their efforts to make sure fewer and fewer men ever become fathers.

A highly visible demonstration of this is the “free abortion and vasectomies” truck frequenting — perhaps in a back alley? — the Democratic National Convention this week in Chicago. “Vasectomies are reportedly in high demand and there’s already a waiting list” for truck appointments, the New York Post reported Saturday. Abortion and vasectomies, as well as other forms of birth control, all prevent fathers from ever seeing the light in their own children’s eyes or feeling the flutter of a little heart and feet inside the mother of their child.

After the Supreme Court allowed states to determine their abortion laws in overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022, corporate outlets reported increases in vasectomies, especially among younger men and even in blue states where abortion laws were largely unchanged. Nearly half of Americans younger than 50 who are childless recently told Pew Research they don’t ever want children, a historically unpredecented attitude obviously driven by decades of the left’s anti-child propaganda.

So it’s extremely disorienting, if not completely unbelievable and a little terrifying, to hear the same Democrats pushing sterility cheer on Walz as a “fun dad” and “everyone’s Midwestern dad.” Walz’s fatherhood is something their efforts will make sure fewer and fewer Americans ever experience.

Some of the eerie comments leftist outlets record reveal the real play here: to hollow out the reality of fatherhood — which requires, you know, physically making a baby and then parenting that child with all your might for that child’s entire life — while using this hollowed-out, primal archetype as a big-government skinsuit. The Independent’s U.S. edition quoted women on social media describing Walz’s “dad vibes” as replacing their very own flesh-and-blood fathers: “Young liberal voters love Tim Walz. He’s a reminder of the dad they lost to partisan division.”

The article, and another like it from The New Republic titled “Tim Walz Is the Perfect Antidote to the Brainwashed Fox News Dads,” quotes young women gushing over Walz for reminding them of their dads, while maintaining leftist views like them. These young women tell the world on social media how rotten their own dads are for watching Fox News and voting for Donald Trump, and how they wish their dads were cool — meaning, Democrats — like some total stranger running for vice president.

Imagine the sheer hubris, not to mention the deep psychological denial, involved in repeatedly shaming your own father for his personal beliefs before the whole world while believing that you are the completely righteous and fully justified person in this relationship. The woman featured in The New Republic not only made a documentary about her dad enjoying Fox News, but installed a child lock on his TV so he could only watch leftist cable news until he relented and watched MSNBC and CNN! Excuse me, who is the deranged person here?

Furthermore, it’s impossible to really celebrate fatherhood without also celebrating the authority that comes with it. Fathers aren’t awesome for the soft things Democrats accented in relation to Walz, like making bad jokes and checking your tire pressure. They are awesome because of the unique things that male biology brings to the table in contrast to women’s unique offerings: their physical and emotional strength, their protective instincts, their primal urges to protect and provide.

Democrats call these aspects of masculinity toxic. As Matt Taibbi pointed out, the left only calls men manly in a positive sense when those men are acting like women:

Recapping: as a white heterosexual who served in the military, coached football and hunts, Walz might “not seem like the epitome of positive masculinity”! But since he’s also comfortable showing “more traditionally feminine traits” and “letting women take center stage,” Walz might represent a net-positive new archetype.

What’s more emasculating than, well, sterilizing your man parts? That’s the core definition of emasculating! Clearly, Democrats aren’t interested in fathers. What they want is to replace fathers with government while obscuring that’s what’s going on. They are working to detach people from their own families and attach the feelings that belong to family instead to government, a process the Independent and New Republic articles illustrate is well underway. 

Democrats are both saying that Walz being a father is a good thing that should create warm feelings for him and that fatherhood is icky, disgusting, troublesome, and toxic. The evidence for which one of these they really believe in and which is a big, fat propaganda operation is right there amid the cut male genitals inside that DNC sterilization van and at Planned Parenthood gender clinics all across the country.

MI speech coverage, On the Fringe, and more- August 20


It’s All About the Revolution: Ten Techniques Marxists Have Deployed to Gain Influence

For an ideology born in a library to an loathsome scholar, Marxism has never shied from world conquest.  Its earliest proponents, Marx and Engels included, were committed to inciting revolution in all countries.  And Lenin, a man of praxis and internationalism, believed that besides revolution and warfare, the way to defeat capitalism was through propaganda.

To that end, the Left in America has engaged in cultural warfare – a whole of society” revolution to destroy Western civilization.  Critical Theory, wokeism, DEI, and ideas about gender fluidity – these are all distortions of reality deployed to change our system of values, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences.  Leftists believe that by doing so, they will cause existing social structures to crumble.  They think anarchic socialism will then become viable, emerging from the chaos of a society without order and values.

The following ten are among the techniques of influence the Left uses regularly.  The list is by no means exhaustive, nor without a degree of overlap.  Some methods are as old as time, but some are unique to Marxists.  Awareness of them could help thwart the Lefts malign intentions.

Manipulation of language:  In his essay Politics and the English Language,’ as well as in the novel 1984, George Orwell described how communist dictatorships have used language for controlling people by manipulating perception. 

Examples abound in America today.  Abortion supporters are described as pro-choice,” sanitizing the extinguishing of a life.  Illegal border-crossers are called undocumented migrants,” absolving them of criminal intent.  New sets of pronouns, laughable concepts such as sex assigned at birth,” and dangerous euphemisms like gender affirming care” disrupt reality while pretending to preserve human dignity.

Convenient labelling is also used against those who question the Left.  Hate speech,” “white supremacist,” “right wing extremist,” “Islamophobe,” and similar terms are freely used to condemn skeptics and cancel them.

Rewriting history: “The first battlefield is to rewrite history.  Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded,” Marx wrote.  Its a chillingly true observation, and explains why Leftists lay so much stress on presenting history so that it molds public opinion in their favor.

The Left wants Americans to believe that this great country and its heritage are defined by two great evils – racism and slavery.  That is why they proclaim that America was founded when the first slaves arrived in 1619, not when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.  The Biden administration backs this blasphemy, aimed at destroying a traditionally sanguine, forward-looking culture by inducing guilt and self-loathing. 

Gaslighting: This psychological maneuver uses cognitive dissonance to sow doubt and guilt, and makes people question their memories, perceptions, judgment, and reality.  When President Biden was repeatedly described a few months earlier as sharp as a tack,” and on top of his game,” those who suspected his fitness for office were bound to feel they had been cruel and judgmental.  His dementia became obvious, however, during the presidential debate in June.

Gaslighting was also used to hide the truth about Hunter Biden and the evidence of corruption that turned up on his laptop.  The whole affair was described as Russian disinformation.”

DARVO (or, Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender): This is a technique typical of cultural Marxists.  When parents objected to drag queen story hours in schools, Leftists responded by saying drag queen hour only engages” children in meaningful activity (denial).  They described protesters as bigots perpetrating LGBTQ hatred (attack).  They also claimed they felt threatened by the transphobia, which could turn violent (reversing victim and offender).  Similarly, parents who opposed pornography in school libraries were accused of censorship and LGBTQ-phobia.

Identity politics:  This involves claiming power or entitlement based on race, ethnicity, sex, or sexual identification, and is usually accompanied by loud assertions of victimhood.  Merit, effort, innovation, grit, individualism – virtues that transform lives and cultures – are negated as undesirable bourgeoisie, “white,” or capitalist traits. Intersectionality, a posited cousin of identity, has invaded the evaluation process for public and private institutions, job candidates, academic performance, and so on.  Based on the notion that a person may be marginalized or victimized by any aspect of his or her identity or experience, intersectionality demands compensation through relaxed standards.

Identity politics is also used to coerce support.  In the last election, black supporters of Trump were told they aint black” if they arent voting for Biden.

Disinformation and obfuscation: This may take the form of outright institutional lying, a norm in the erstwhile U.S.S.R.  It has become a prominent feature of American institutions.  After the assassination attempt on Trump, missteps in planning, communication, staffing, and reconnaissance were covered up with lies.  Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle claimed that the building used by the shooter wasnt secured because it had a dangerous sloped roof,” which the shooter could nevertheless scale and repeatedly fire from.  Witnesses saw the shooter and asked law enforcers to act, but agents later claimed they werent able to eliminate the threat in time.

Oppressor vs. Oppressed: This technique is used to seek revenge by inducing guilt for an alleged privileged status.  Its commonly used against whites and Western capitalist countries, but not limited to them, as the propaganda against Israel shows.  The Jewish nation is maligned as a genocidal oppressor” indiscriminately killing innocents in Gaza – never mind that the Islamic terrorist group Hamas massacred more than 1,200 Israeli civilians and took more than 200 people hostage.

Entryism: This is a classic Leninist strategy of gaining control over organizations, especially centrist or non-hardline leftist political groups, by gradually infiltrating them and lying low until the crucial takeover.  Such a takeover, of the Labor Party in Britain, is well-described in Frederick ForsythThe Fourth Protocol, a meticulously researched thriller praised for verisimilitude.  An example closer to home is the Leftist takeover of humanities departments at American universities, once famous for their classical liberal education.

Entryism is also deployed by pressuring or shaming organizations and businesses for not employing people of certain groups – say blacks, or Hispanics, or transgenders.  The aim is to eventually transform these organizations to foster Leftist policies.

Degrowth: By pushing goals such as sustainability,” “ESG,” net-zero emissions, and so on under the guise of saving the planet,” Marxists aim to contract Western economies.  Meanwhile, China continues to pollute and grow.  Eventually, standards of living will deteriorate in the West, populations will decline, and the potential for communism to take root will accelerate.

Playing the victim: To garner support, the Left has always created victim groups it claims to fight for.  It demeans individuals by making them believe that they are not responsible for their actions or lack of action.  For example, low math scores of black students are blamed on systemic racism, not on lack of parental involvement, bad teaching, or lack of motivation.

In summing up, it might be worth pointing out that if cultural Marxist ideology seems muddled with contradictions, it is by design – to sow confusion and division, making it easier to gain influence and control.  An example of such a contradiction is the putative ideal of feminism: advancing equality for women in all spheres of society.  But if Marxists care about women, why would they put them in harms way by forcing them to share bathrooms with biological men posing (or identifying”) as women?  Why would they revile women who object to the intrusion as transphobic”? 

The truth is that the endgame is not about the issue – womens rights, saving the planet, protecting transgenders/people of color, or whatever.  Its about fundamentally transforming American society and preparing the soil for communism.  Its all about the revolution.

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Campaign Manager Brian Fallon Monitoring and Recording Kamala Harris

In this picture, a screengrab from a recent media question, you will notice Brian Fallon on screen right, using his cell phone to record the Q&A in case the principal, Harris, says something stupid and the campaign needs to clean it up.

The recording of media questions and answers is not that uncommon, and it is often done to protect the campaign in the event the media tries to distort the statement. However, in this example what is noteworthy is that Brian Fallon is doing it. The copying is not usually done by the campaign manager, it is usually a staff task assigned to someone else.

When contrast against the lack of accessibility and media pressers, Fallon being involved at this level indicates the extreme sensitivity and fear within the Harris campaign. Quite simply, the campaign is very concerned about what Harris might say and how that might create an issue for the construct that has been manufactured around her.


The Harris campaign is one massive astroturfing operation where nothing is organic or real.

Supporters are paid, influencers are recruited, the optics are carefully scripted and managed. Nothing in the orbit of Kamala Harris or Tim Walz is authentic or unscripted. Essentially, this is the evolution of another pretense flowing forward towards Obama’s 4th term in office.

The policies advocated are from the extreme left of the party apparatus. Everything at the DNC Convention in Chicago is an outcome of a plan that always included the intention of removing Joe Biden. Joe and Jill Biden will be leaving Chicago as soon as he says goodbye to the audience.

CHICAGO – […] The president, who is spending a few hours resting and preparing for his remarks at the Waldorf Astoria, is scheduled to immediately depart Chicago late Monday evening and head to California for a week of vacation. (more)

The Left Has Sunk Way Further Than It Thinks, and These Things at the DNC Prove It

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

In my last VIP, I touched on something that struck me about the DNC, and I want to expand on it here. 

There was a lot of anti-life on display there. I don't just mean abortion, either. There seemed to be a focus on what could easily be considered as a yearning for destruction. As I wrote, there are people protesting against Israel, with some saying there should be a "ceasefire" but simultaneously wearing the clothing and carrying the banners of terrorists who are bent on the complete annihilation of an entire race of people. 

Then, of course, you have a parade of people dressed up as abortion pills. You have an entire IUD blow-up statue. You have mobile units providing pharmaceutical abortions or even vasectomies. 

(The Uncivilized World Is Ready to Spill Out of Chicago)

This isn't just anti-life, it's anti-humanity. They are declaring that they actually have such a distaste for humanity that they're willing to celebrate the cessation of propagation or even the murder of the unborn. When you peel back the "human rights" or "reproductive healthcare" paint they cover this with, the DNC takes on a much more sinister aura. 

And it's from here that I can get a good look at the real theme behind the DNC this year. It's a theme that I can't help but wonder if they're fully aware of. 

They are advocating for the death and destruction of all things that keep humanity in stability, prosperity, and continuance. Even when they advocate for a war to stop and a ceasefire to be brought about, they're only doing it for one war, the war in Israel, and not the war in Ukraine. Why would they want a war to stop that's actively destroying terrorists in the Middle East and making the world a safer place as a result? 

Because many of them are fully in support of the destruction of civilizing influences, and keeping alive the players that will make that happen is a good thing in their eyes. 

It's tragic that so many people were seduced by one reason or another into believing that the destruction of humanity and its true civilizing influences, such as Judeo-Christian beliefs and a Constitution that keeps our nation from devolving into nightmarish authoritarianism, are awful and need to be destroyed. That humanity is not worth giving it the best shot to thrive that it can. 

But this is the state of the Democrat Party, and I would argue, the state of the left. You can see the hatred of humanity reflected in their childish behavior, the mutilation of their own bodies, and the willingness to harm children either through the act of abortion or through transgenderism. They consider these things to be holy and untouchable. They put a lot of time, effort, money, and manpower into making sure these things are constantly ongoing and well-funded. 

Indeed, they've become religions unto themselves, and one that stands as the antithesis to the will of God. 

One of the most incredible ways I ever saw abortion described is that, when you analyze it from the perspective of religion, which the left has clearly made abortion into, you'll notice that it is the "demonic parody of the Eucharist." It even uses a bastardized version of Christ's words from the first communion, which is "this is my body." The pro-abortion crowd couches their killing of children in the womb in the exact same way or with the phrasing or "my body, my choice." Where Christ said he was breaking his body so that you might live, the abortion crowd says we're breaking the body of the innocent so we might live. 

This video below explains it so well that I could never look at abortion differently again. 

If it feels like the DNC has a demonic tone to it, then you're not far off the mark. The Democrat politicians that get up on stage are going to couch things in terms that make it sound like they're advocating for all things good, but they're putting window dressing on an absolute disdain for you, the human race, and all things good.