Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Harris and Walz: The Dark Road from Neighborliness to Totalitarianism

The Harris-Walz campaign is running on high octane socialism. Walz said recently on a White Dudes for Harris Zoom call, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” Never mind the implicit racism in an organization that self-selects based solely on pigmentation. But that sort of balkanization is a hallmark of socialist politics. 

Walz’s brand of neighborliness sounds enticing. But, so did the Serpent’s invitation to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. It’s the kind of platitude that appeals to the first level thinker and the “bleeding heart.” It’s a lie wrapped in good intentions and half truths — the purest form of evil. It’s the same kind of lie that adorned the entrance to Auschwitz, “Arbeit macht frei,” or “Work makes one free.” Too extreme a comparison? Hardly. Socialism is merely the gateway drug into the world of totalitarian Marxism. 

The utopian ideas of Karl Marx are responsible for an estimated 110 million deaths worldwide. During World War II, 80 million people died as the result of a war started by Hitler with the support of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party or NSDAP—more commonly known as the Nazi party. Hitler’s fascism and Stalin’s communism were really distinctions without much difference. Both were totalitarians who controlled every mechanism of economic production and social function. 

What liberals miss and what commissars like Harris and Walz know is that neighborliness is destroyed in the furnace of socialist utopianism. Charity is weaponized and bureaucratized out of existence and all pretenses to civility, neighborliness, and civil liberties are dropped when power is achieved. And, make no mistake, for people like Harris and Walz, power is the only objective. How do we know this? Consider how you’ve been lied to for four years. All in the name of keeping a senile, Democrat stoolie in power—Joe Biden.

Charity is at the heart of neighborliness, and charity loses all meaning when enforced by the state. 

For Democrats, socialism is merely a term of art. Though most modern Democrats may balk at full blown Stalinism, they are quite at home with the ideas of Karl Marx. And, this is no accident. Our institutions of higher learning have been co-opted by the left and its Marxian paradigm. For them, it’s a unified theory and applies not just to economics, but to every aspect of human interaction. Properly understood, Marxism is government control of every interaction, be it economic, social, domestic, or religious. 

Why do Democrats constantly attack fundamental institutions like Christianity? Because it opposes the absolute primacy of the state, which is essential to the Marxist utopian worldview. Harris and Walz are the political progeny of Barack Hussein Obama, a Marxist in the tradition of Bill Ayers, founder of the Marxian Weather Underground. Obama was a long time associate of Ayers, and has never repudiated Ayers or his subversive activities. 

No argument can be mounted against the assertion that Harris and Waltz are government interventionists. And, as legendary free market economist Ludwig von Mises said, government interventionism tends inexorably to socialism. A growing segment of American society is entirely comfortable with what are perceived to be the equitable aspects of socialist economic and political theory. 

However, socialism doesn’t deliver justice in any sphere of application—political, social, or economic. 

Socially, the notions of Marxism or socialist theory engender division and animosity. DEI is an example of the collectivist idea of equity in action. The results are always critical inefficiencies, basing hiring and promotion decisions on immutable characteristics in the name of fairness. The outcome is always the same: quotas, racism, and the erosion of work-force competency. Equity promises sameness of result, but only delivers injustice perpetrated on those who’ve achieved based on merit and capability. It’s an insidious disincentive, since it reduces the value of all labor to immutable categories like race, gender, and now the enigma of identity. 

The socialist politics of Harris and Walz bends toward totalitarianism. Just as government intervention tends inexorably towards socialism, socialism tends inexorably towards totalitarianism. A government, whose raison d’être is to ensure equitable distribution, must of necessity be one of complete centralization. Power and control become the indispensable tools of the state. Democrats, far from egalitarian, continue to centralize power in the federal government, driven by their secularist lust for control. 

If Democrats could only compel the ignorant masses into being noble, utopia could be achieved. At the heart of this notion is the perfectibility of man. A notion completely antithetical to Biblical teaching, and throughly debunked by experience. The horrors of Auschwitz are an eternal testament to the diabolical nature of man empowered to pursue utopia. 

Economically, socialism is simply the redistribution of other people’s money by the most inefficient means possible. The outcome is shared poverty and misery. Historically, there is not a single example of the successful application of socialist-Marxist economic principles. Socialist economies survive only so long as capitalist mechanisms remain to sustain the dissipation of capital. Even the vaunted Norwegian example limps along, sustained by the free market components of their economy. The American experience of free market capitalism is one of unparalleled prosperity for the most people. Of course, there are always individuals left out at the edges, and this is where true charity comes into play, funded by a prosperous people motivated by eternal principles. 

But, Harris and Walz know nothing of eternal principles or love for their fellow man. Unlike the Good Samaritan, Harris and Walz pass by the beggar on the other side of the road. Their policies will create a nation of beggars, secularized beyond compassion, with no one capable of lifting up their neighbor.       

J.D. Vance mocks press for trying to turn Kamala into Abraham Lincoln

 Vance took questions from media in front of rally goers

'If you want to be the... vice president you ought to answer their questions'

It's been 24 days since Harris launched her presidential campaign and she has still refused to sit for an interview and has not held a press conference or sat for an interview

 since becoming the de facto Democratic nominee.

At a rally in Byron Center, Michigan on Wednesday, Donald Trump's new running mate and attack dog took several hits at Harris and claimed her allies in the 'fake news' are trying to turn her into Abraham Lincoln.

And really turning up the heat onto the current VP, he accused Harris of pulling the strings behind the scenes and claimed her presidency would just extend the actions of the Biden administration.

'While we're on the topic of Kamala Harris – we've got some of our friends in the media. I just can't quite get over how dishonest the American media is about Kamala Harris – isn't that the craziest thing,' Vance said during his approximately 26-minute remarks.

'Democratic leaders all across the country – they would say things and the American media would back them up that President Biden is as sharp as he's ever been, he's as sharp as a tack. Remember that?' the Ohio senator added.

'And the American media acted for three-and-a-half years like this guy was Albert Einstein and now they want to tell us that Kamala Harris is the second coming of Abraham Lincoln,' he said. 'We don't buy it, we don't believe it.'

Vance visited the Cordes building supply store and spoke to a few hundred supporters after a quick meet and greet inside a warehouse of antique cars and memorabilia. He finished off the one-day swing with a stop at the Grand Rapids Downtown Market where he bought a branzino, shared ice cream with his wife and went to a bubble tea stand, speaking with Michigan voters along the way.

Liberals plot to redistribute immigrants into small-town Canada, documents show

An access to information request reveals a memo sent to Immigration Minister Sean Fraser, detailing the outcomes of the five-year pilot project titled the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP).


Launched in 2019, RNIP consisted mostly of newcomers already in Canada moving to rural areas, primarily to help them find jobs and support economic development. 

The eleven cities were Vernon (BC), West Kootenay (BC), Claresholm (AB), Moose Jaw (SK), Brandon (MB), Altona (MB), Thunder Bay (ON), Sault St. Marie (ON), Sudbury (ON), Timmins (ON), and North Bay (ON).

The memo, sent to Minister Fraser, asks for his input on what to do after August 2024 once the pilot project comes to an end.

“The proposed way forward for RNIP reflects the Department’s broader aim to regionalize immigration, including immigration to smaller communities,” it reads. “This would align with efforts to make the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) permanent and to grow the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).” 

Heavily redacted

A great deal of the memo is redacted, making most of the feedback on the program limited. For example, one section reads, “While RNIP has succeeded in meeting its objectives, other communities continue to be underserved by immigration (including French-speaking minority communities). Additionally, other priorities have emerged, and [REDACTED].”

The government also redacted the number of newcomers sent to the eleven cities, meaning they find the data too sensitive for the public.


The memo reports that the newcomers overwhelmingly appreciated the program despite the fact that four out of five newcomers didn’t bother to respond to the government’s request for follow up.  

Of the one in five who did respond, 87% said they planned to stay in their RNIP community. 

The memo further indicates concern that some provinces won’t like their plan. 

“The announcement would be supported by a full suite of products including a news release, key messages, Q&As, social media post, and web updates, taking into account the potential for negative reactions from provinces and territories. It is highly recommended that provinces and territories be advised prior to announcement,” it states. 

“Communities have reacted positively to annual allocations” 

The report acknowledges that it’s too early to fully understand the long-term economic impact of the program, but it states that in the short to medium term, it has filled ‘critical labour market needs.'”

“Accommodation and Food Services is the top sector with 28% of applicants, followed by Health Care and Social Assistance with 20% of applicants,” it reads. 

The report also touches on the low birth rate in these smaller, mostly conservative towns, and their “aging populations.” It also acknowledges the pilot program was “resource intensive and challenging to expand to capture more communities.”

As per the Immigration Minister’s mandate, the Liberals intend to “Ensure that immigration better supports small- and medium-size communities that require additional immigrants to enhance their economic growth and social vibrancy.” 

“This will include expanding the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot, moving forward on the Municipal Nominee Program……..” as well as “continue to implement an ambitious national strategy to support Francophone immigration across the country.” 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- August 14


The Remarkable Transformation of Kamala Harris: ‘TGINB’

Until Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee, she was one of the most unpopular high-ranking politicians in recent times; on July 21, 2024, she became the apparent savior of the Democrat party and the nation.

How can one explain this remarkable turnaround when she has consistently been on the unpopular (leftist) side of the three big issues—crime, inflation, and the border—for Americans?


When William McKay killed Riverside Deputy Sheriff Isaiah Cordero during a traffic stop, the three-strike convicted felon was not in custody because of Harris’s reduced bail rule, despite having been convicted of three previous violent crimes. Reduced (or no) bail policy along with charge reductions (from felonies to misdemeanors), and no crime at all if theft, viz., shoplifting, less than $950 — these were all elements of Harris’s pro-crime posture when she was District Attorney of San Francisco (2003-2010). Her policies turned one of the most popular travel destinations into a dangerous, crime-, garbage-, and needle-infested, homeless dominated “unlivable hellhole.”

She extended her pro-crime approach, adding defund the police, to all of California when she became that state’s Attorney General (2010-2017). Illegal immigration into the Golden State soared under her watch. Between the open border and Harris’s pro-crime attitude, gang violence in general, and particularly murders in Los Angeles, reached new highs. Out-migration from California accelerated to places less crime-ridden and lower taxes or rents.

As a senator (2017-2021), and despite being a former state prosecutor, Harris demonstrated her disdain for rule of law by aggressively supporting the arson, looting, general mayhem, and even murder by BLM/Antifa during the summer of 2020 riots. On social media, she exhorted Americans to donate bail money for the rioters.

While her law enforcement (or lack thereof) behavior gave her credibility with progressive ideologues, it did not sit well with the populace and contributed to her unpopularity.


Inflation is eating away at the purchasing power of Americans’ take-home pay, with prices of everyday goods up nearly 20 percent since Biden took office. The major contributor to inflation is federal deficit spending.

Harris’s record in the Senate is unimpressive except when it comes to spending money we don’t have. By casting her tie-breaking Senate vote, Harris approved the passage of Biden’s American Rescue Plan of 2021 and the falsely titled Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. With these two bills, Harris added $1.9 trillion and $1.2 trillion (respectively) to the national debt, exacerbating Americans’ pain at the grocery store or gas pump. 

Border/Illegal immigration

During his first week in office, President Joe Biden signed executive orders that reversed Trump’s border policies, particularly the Remain-in-Mexico measure. This opened the border to massive illegal immigration. Two months later, he put V.P. Harris in charge of the border crisis he had created, saying, “...Vice President [Harris] has agreed to lead our diplomatic efforts and our work ... to...enhance migration enforcement.” Since Harris was placed in charge, there have been more than nine million illegal crossings, resulting in huge increases in human trafficking, drug deaths (especially fentanyl), fatalities among those attempting illegal entrance, terrorists gaining admission, and South American gang violence plaguing our cities, plus the massive expenses associated with transport, housing, food, and social services for nine million-plus illegals who also need (and receive) medical care.

Americans in need are acutely aware that the billions spent on illegals are monies that won’t be spent on them. They know who to blame.

Sinner to Saint

Harris’s lack of action on illegal immigration, her voting to increase inflation, her encouragement of criminal activities, her vicious and unwarranted attackson Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, along with her close affiliation with the “Squad” prove she is a hard leftist ideologue, clearly opposed to American values and out of step with the voters. When Harris’s public demeanor, her cackling, and her meaningless word salads are added to her actions, Harris’s unpopularity prior to July 21, 2024 becomes readily understandable. How then to explain Harris’s sudden transformation, with some polls saying Harris versus Trump 2024 is a “toss-up.” The latest poll, admittedly from the hyper-partisan New York Times, puts Harris ahead of Trump in three key battleground states.

How is this possible? How did she go from sinner to saint? 

Five letters: TGINB. Thank God It’s Not Biden. Among undecideds, Independents, and especially Democrats, Biden had been finally exposed for what he is — a senile, corrupt professional politician, incompetent to lead our country, guaranteed to lose the 2024 election, and to take down-ticket Democrats with him. His performance at his debate with Trump and misnaming Harris as “Vice-President Trump” at the NATO Summit put the final nails in his political coffin.

The sense of relief that Biden is off the ticket, combined with angst over Trump’s constant vitriol, has translated into a bump in popularity for Harris. Nonetheless, she and her just-announced running mate, Tim Walz, both leftist radicals, would govern to exacerbate the three biggest woes of Americans: violent crime, an invasion of illegal entrants (including terrorists!), and prices for food, housing, and energy people can’t afford.

Maybe we should start a new hashtag, PPDESK. Please, Please, Don’t Elect Socialist Kamala!

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Why I Resigned In Protest From The House Committee Investigating Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle

Those responsible aren’t being held accountable, and the right lessons aren’t being learned. The American people deserve better.

Dear Chairman McCaul,

I wish to provide a formal explanation for my resignation from my position as a senior investigator for the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s investigation into the Biden-Harris Administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. My resignation is effective today. I am grateful for being asked to serve in this role for the past year.

I believe the Committee’s work has been important and the investigation has repeatedly uncovered evidence further solidifying the undeniable fact that the dangerous decision by President Biden — one strongly supported by Vice President Harris — to fully and rapidly pull out all U.S. troops from Afghanistan with no plan for how to deal with the inevitable fallout was a deadly disaster. The investigation has further reinforced that the Biden-Harris Administration’s cascade of bad decisions in 2021 led to the Afghan government’s collapse, the Taliban’s conquest of the country, the deaths of 13 U.S. service members at Abbey Gate, the abandonment of hundreds of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghan allies, and a rise in terrorism — and the investigation has reinforced the fact that the Biden-Harris Administration’s disaster has led to a more dangerous world.

Even as I applaud the Committee’s successes, many of which have come because of your continued leadership on this issue, I must also recognize and highlight the investigation’s faults, particularly the missed opportunities resulting from the Committee’s unwillingness or inability to pursue critical testimony and from its failure to go down key investigative avenues. I believe this has done a great disservice to the Committee’s mission statement. And I believe that the quest for truth desired by the American people, and more tragically by the Gold Star families, has been hurt by this investigative paralysis.

When I was asked to join the Committee as a senior investigator after reporting on and writing a book on the debacle in Afghanistan, I made it clear that I believed the Committee’s investigation should be sweeping in scope and should pursue every lead possible. I was told by you, Mr. Chairman, as well as by senior staff, that everyone was in agreement on this. My view, then and now, was that the Biden-Harris withdrawal from Afghanistan was a diplomatic failure, an intelligence failure, a military failure, a strategic failure, a policy failure, a planning failure, a political failure, a truth-telling failure, and a moral failure — but above all a leadership failure by President Biden. And I believe that all aspects of that failure should be investigated.

Yet my efforts to fully pursue investigative leads have been repeatedly stymied by our chief investigator and by senior staff, and, unfortunately, sometimes by indecision from you, Mr. Chairman. What I am about to lay out should not be considered comprehensive — it is merely meant to highlight a number of ways in which I believe the Committee has allowed members of the Biden-Harris Administration to avoid deserved scrutiny. I am writing this not to criticize the Committee, but to help the Committee see the flaws in its investigation so it can take advantage of the remaining months left in the 118th Congress.

While the Committee has interviewed an impressive number of State Department witnesses and has extracted devastating testimony from them, there has been a repeated refusal to ask to interview a number of key high-ranking witnesses from that Department, despite my urging. Those who have been allowed to escape such scrutiny include: Ambassador Tracey Jacobson, then the State Department Afghanistan Coordination Task Force and now the nominee to become Ambassador to Iraq; Wendy Sherman, the now-former Deputy Secretary of State; and Victoria Nuland, the now-former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. There are also a number of key State Department documents that our Committee has refused to request despite my repeated urging. All of these interviews and documents should still be requested.

My repeated and monthslong requests to pursue testimony from Russ Travers (the now-former Senior Deputy Homeland Security Advisor for the NSC who was a signer of the Hunter Biden laptop letter and played a key role in the Biden-Harris Administration’s failed handling of the SIV process) and from USAID Administrator Samantha Power have also been rejected. The Committee should still seek to bring these witnesses in.

For months, I have also repeatedly requested that the Committee pursue transcribed interviews with key military figures such as Rear Admiral Vasely, Major General Chris Donahue, Brigadier General Farrell Sullivan, TRANSCOM Commander General Stephen Lyons, and Army Major General Curtis Buzzard — but this has also not happened. I have also requested that we pursue testimony from other key U.S. military figures and U.S. service members who could also shed further light on the NEO, on U.S. interactions with the Taliban, and on the Abbey Gate bombing, but this has similarly never happened. I have compiled dozens of questions that military commanders should be asked. I have also laid out a host of documents that we should request from the Pentagon — a request similarly rejected or ignored by senior staff. All of these witnesses and documents should still be requested.

Despite your public vows as Chairman to the Abbey Gate Gold Star families, and despite our private promises to the families, the Committee has failed to properly investigate all aspects of the ISIS-K suicide bombing and of the U.S. reliance on the Taliban to provide security at HKIA during the NEO. I believe that CENTCOM’s initial investigation and supplemental review of the Abbey Gate bombing, while revealing some key facts and riveting testimony, also contained conclusions which were not fully supported by the facts or were otherwise designed to deflect blame or whitewash what had happened.

CENTCOM provided the Committee with a Member-level briefing on its supplemental Abbey Gate review in a classified space — meaning little, if any, of the info gleaned can be made public. I have repeatedly argued that the CENTCOM investigators should provide an unclassified and transcribed briefing on the Abbey Gate bombing — and that I and others be allowed to press them on a host of unresolved questions — but this request for a publicly-accessible Q&A session was never pursued by our chief investigator nor by senior staff. For many months, I have pressed our chief investigator to send CENTCOM and the Department of Defense a list of dozens of detailed questions on the NEO, the Abbey Gate bombing, the U.S. military’s reliance upon the Taliban to provide security at HKIA, intelligence on ISIS-K, and much more — but my requests have been rejected.

While writing my book and subsequently serving on this Committee, I have come to know and respect many of the Gold Star families and a number of the U.S. troops who bravely and heroically served on the ground during the NEO. As Chairman, you made promises to the Gold Star families about relentlessly pursuing answers for them, and as Committee staff we made private promises to the families echoing the same. The Committee’s investigation simply has not lived up to those promises. But it is not too late to ask the questions and bring in the witnesses that I have repeatedly suggested.

The House Armed Services Committee has failed to investigate these matters itself, and has often been slow and reluctant to assist our own Committee, but that is no excuse for inaction on our part.

Additionally, I believe that the Committee’s agreement to interview Lieutenant Colonel Brad Whited (a key military officer during the NEO in August 2021) in a classified setting with no transcription of the conversation caused instant confusion and disagreement afterward about some of what the military officer had even said. Without a record of the exchange, the contents of his testimony may never be fully known, and the classified setting also limits what can be shared publicly.

I have also advocated for months that our Committee team up with other Committees on joint letters related to the debacle in Afghanistan. I proposed a joint letter with House Oversight related to who was evacuated during the NEO, vetting procedures, and other topics; a joint letter with House Judiciary on the FBI’s purported investigation into the Abbey Gate bombing and into the Abbey Gate bomber; and a joint letter with House Intel to request the U.S. intelligence products from 2021 which assessed the sustainability of the Afghan government, the likelihood of a Taliban takeover, and a host of other subjects. All of my proposals here were ignored or rejected by our chief investigator. Nevertheless, the Committee should still pursue these.

I believe the Committee has also erred in its approach to some of the State Department witnesses that we did bring in — including repeatedly not including key questions that I proposed for these witnesses (while almost always failing to provide any explanation for why these questions were cut) and failing to properly follow-up on holding these witnesses accountable.

After conducting a transcribed interview with Ambassador Ross Wilson, the final U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, I strongly believed that Wilson should be brought in for a full public hearing, given the multitude of failures he was responsible for after being retained in his position by President Biden. Initially, there was agreement within the Committee to bring him in for a hearing, but then senior staff reversed themselves. Eventually, I was told by our chief investigator that bringing in Ross Wilson would make us look like bullies. I could not disagree more; Ambassador Wilson had more than earned his time in the hot seat in front of Congress, and a public accounting is not bullying. The Committee can and should still bring him in for a hearing.

After conducting a transcribed interview with Zalmay Khalilzad, the former Special Representative for Afghan Reconciliation, it became clearer than ever to me how dishonest Khalilzad continued to be about the nature of the Taliban and about his actions as a negotiator in Doha. But in the lead up to the follow-on public hearing, our chief investigator briefed congressional staff that Khalilzad had been the most honest of all the witnesses we had interviewed up until then — a statement I found as alarming as it was untrue. Unfortunately, this gave the strong (and wrong) impression to congressional staff that Khalilzad was a friendly witness, a misleading view likely passed along to their Members. This is not the reality regarding Khalilzad. All evidence indicates that Zal is in it for Zal. For the title of the Khalilzad hearing, I suggested ideas such as “Trusting the Taliban” or “The Disaster in Doha” with the goal of highlighting Khalilzad’s role in the debacle. Instead, the Committee went with “Behind the Scenes: How the Biden Administration Failed to Enforce the Doha Agreement.” As I explained at the time, this hearing name would set the wrong tone for questioning, falsely suggesting that Khalilzad bore little responsibility for the catastrophe. It also alarmingly cast the deeply flawed Doha Agreement in a favorable light, rather than using the opportunity to rightly critique the Biden-Harris Administration’s bizarre decision to not only retain the architect of that bad deal but to also double down and put him in charge of ever more high-stakes diplomacy with the Taliban — a decision which ended with the Taliban in charge of Afghanistan. It is true the Biden-Harris Administration utterly failed to enforce even the meager provisions of the Doha deal, even as the Taliban violated each provision, but the hearing with Khalilzad should have been much broader in scope.

The Committee’s framing, in my view, treated Khalilzad gently, when instead the goal should have been to highlight Khalilzad’s mendacity and to hammer the Biden-Harris Administration for keeping him in his diplomatic perch despite his obvious failings in dealing with the Taliban. I believe this made the hearing far less effective than it should have been.

Additionally, an anecdote from moments after the hearing illustrates what I see as the flawed direction of the Committee’s investigation. Just after Khalilzad finished testifying, our chief investigator went up to him on the floor of the hearing room and asked for (and received) a smiling selfie with him in full view of the press and the public — with veterans of the war in Afghanistan and Gold Star families still in the hearing room audience. Given what I and a multitude of others believe to be Khalilzad’s significant role in the end of the Afghan republic, I found such a move to be highly inappropriate and potentially harmful to the optics surrounding our investigation.

After the hearing, I repeatedly urged our chief investigator to send Khalilzad a specific QFR related to a false claim he had made that the Taliban had cooperated with the United States fully during the evacuation — a claim contradicted by a host of evidence, including General McKenzie himself publicly admitting that the U.S. military repeatedly asked the Taliban to search or raid ISIS-K locations during the NEO, with the Taliban sometimes refusing to do so. I believe this QFR was never sent. Despite months passing, the Committee should still send Khalilzad the QFR that I suggested. And I can only urge the Committee to ensure its final report reflects the clear evidence showing Khalilzad’s destructive failures in 2020 and 2021.

As I expressed repeatedly throughout the process, I also have serious problems with the way that the eventual public hearing with General Milley and General McKenzie was handled. From the start, I made it clear that these men held a large amount of knowledge and information that only they were privy to. I advocated for bringing them both in for individual transcribed interviews and then holding separate public hearings with them. Instead, after pushback from the generals, you as Chairman made an initial agreement that would have allowed the men to appear together and only in a classified space — meaning that, if that plan had been realized, little to none of what they would tell the Committee could ever have been made public. After pushback from the Gold Star families (and from me), you wisely relented and the Committee eventually held a joint public hearing with the two men. But the lack of individual transcribed interviews or even individual public hearings meant that what we were able to get out of the hearing was limited by time constraints.

Other self-inflicted problems with the Milley-McKenzie hearing soon arose, especially with further special accommodations we made for the generals. The hearing was initially announced with one of the hearing titles I had proposed and that you as Chairman had signed off on: “A ‘Strategic Failure’: Biden’s Withdrawal, America’s Generals, and the Taliban Takeover.” But, in a stunning accommodation for witnesses and an adjustment that is without precedent as far as I know, the Committee agreed to change the hearing title after General Milley reached out to complain that the title would cast some blame on him for the debacle. Although U.S. military commanders absolutely offered more accurate assessments of the risks of a full withdrawal in 2021 than those presented by incompetent State Department officials or the NSC, the top military brass is not blameless for what ultimately transpired. But following General Milley’s complaints, the Committee agreed to modify a hearing title which had already been announced, changing it to “An Assessment of the Biden Administration’s Withdrawal from Afghanistan by America’s Generals” — wording that clearly signaled the generals bore little to no responsibility for the disaster that unfolded.

Additionally, the Committee allowed the generals to break the Committee’s typical practice of having witnesses submit written testimony prior to the hearing. General Milley did not end up submitting his written testimony until many days after the hearing, and as far as I can tell, General McKenzie never ended up submitting any written testimony at all (despite releasing a book months later which included multiple chapters on Afghanistan).

One further anecdote from the Milley-McKenzie saga is illustrative of the way this investigation has unfortunately been run. General Milley offered to speak with Gold Star family members in person in a side room just before the public hearing, and General McKenzie said he was willing to do so as well. The Committee initially agreed we would have at least one staff member in the room during this conversation between the generals and the families, something the generals were fine with and the families desired. The families then articulated they wanted me specifically in the room with them during their talk with the generals. It was at that point that my superiors suddenly decided that we would not allow any of our staff in the room after all, denying the Committee a chance to support the Gold Star families and listen to their discussion with Milley and McKenzie.

For the hearing, I proposed a host of questions to be presented to Members as suggestions to pose to General Milley and General McKenzie, but many of them were cut by our chief investigator. Months ago, immediately after the hearing, I proposed sending a long series of QFRs to General Milley and General McKenzie, so that we could do our due diligence and still try to get as many answers as possible about the withdrawal and the NEO. Despite my repeated insistence that we send these QFRs to the generals, it never happened. Even though months have lapsed since the hearing, the Committee should still send General Milley and General McKenzie those QFRs. And I again simply urge the Committee to hold the generals accountable for their own significant mistakes, and to document their failings in the Committee’s final report.

Finally, I have argued repeatedly that Vice President Kamala Harris should be held accountable for her role in the debacle in Afghanistan, especially now that she is the Democratic nominee for President of the United States and could soon be making national security decisions and directing foreign policy for our entire nation. Thus far, despite my urging, the Committee has taken zero steps to do so, and I have received pushback from my superiors related to taking action on this.

The record is clear that Vice President Harris says she was involved in President Biden’s disastrous decision-making in 2021, including bragging that she was the last person in the room when President Biden made his foolish Go-to-Zero decision. Despite this, my proposal to question White House press secretary Jen Psaki on the issue of Harris’s involvement was rejected when our chief investigator did not include my related proposed questions in our question outline when we brought Psaki in last month. (Notably, Psaki was the first fact witness brought before our Committee since Harris assumed the mantle of Democratic presidential nominee.) I will also note that my proposed questions related to Psaki’s knowledge about President Biden’s lack of mental fitness for the job were also cut at the insistence of a senior communications staffer.

My other proposals that would attempt to hold Harris accountable, which have been repeatedly submitted to my superiors on the Committee, have been straightforward:

  • As the Chairman, you should put out a press release criticizing her for her role in the fiasco. I urged this immediately upon Biden’s announcement that he would not be running for reelection and have urged it repeatedly since then, but for reasons unknown this hasn’t happened.
  • As Chairman, you should lead a House resolution condemning her for her role.
  • The Committee should send the Vice President a lengthy list of probing questions pressing her on her role in the decision-making process related to Afghanistan throughout 2021.
  • The Committee should request transcribed interviews with her top advisers at the time, including: Nancy Eileen McEldowney, Harris’s national security adviser at the time; Philip Gordon, Harris’s deputy national security adviser at the time and now her national security adviser; Hartina “Tina” Flournoy, Harris’s chief of staff at the time; Michael Fuchs, Harris’s deputy chief of staff at the time; Symone Sanders-Townsend, Harris’s chief spokesperson and senior advisor at the time; Ashley Etienne, Harris’s communications director at the time; and Sabrina Singh, Harris’s deputy press secretary at the time and now deputy Pentagon press secretary.

The Committee’s failure to quickly begin holding Vice President Harris accountable for the part she played is befuddling and is more troubling than just being plain bad politics — this is about accountability for the person who desires to be our next Commander-in-Chief even after she, along with President Biden, played a key role in America’s embarrassing retreat and defeat in a twenty-year war. If she is elected, she might be newly emboldened by the belief that her poor decisions and failed actions are without consequences. The disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal is likely to be only a harbinger of the more reckless foreign policy that is to come under a potential Harris-Walz Administration if this matter is not vigorously pursued immediately. Harris simply cannot be allowed to skate on this — and yet, so far, she is indeed skating.

I repeat my thanks at the opportunity to work on this investigation for the Committee, and I offer my compliments to you and the Committee for the efforts that have been undertaken to expose the malfeasance of President Biden’s handling of the withdrawal and evacuation from Afghanistan. Nonetheless, I must also repeat my disappointment with the Committee’s failure to properly and fully hold the Biden-Harris Administration accountable for its failures in 2021 and for the fallout which followed.

I will continue to advocate for answers and accountability because I believe we owe it to the Abbey Gate families, to all Gold Star families, to all the U.S. service members who fought and died over the course of the two-decade war, and to the American public. I fear that America has not learned the lessons from its defeat in the two-decade war in Afghanistan — and I worry that the lack of lessons-learned puts our country in a precarious position in this era of renewed Great Power competition. It was my hope that the Committee’s investigation would aid in the learning of these critical lessons — and that hope remains.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Jerry Dunleavy

Senior Investigator – House Foreign Affairs Committee

August 9, 2024

Did You Hear What Trump Told Putin?

Katie Pavlich reporting for Townhall 

During a lengthy conversation on X Monday night with Elon Musk, former President Donald Trump spoke about a number of critical issues facing the country and the world. 

One of the topics discussed was Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion into Ukraine. Trump explained how Ukraine was the "apple of his eye," referring to Putin, but always warned him against an invasion. In fact, Trump said he told the leader of the Kremlin there would be consequences for doing so -- consequences Putin didn't want to know about.

Just one year after President Joe Biden assumed office, Putin invaded Ukraine. Despite U.S. efforts to bolster the Ukrainians since 2022, there has been little progress on the front line. 

It remains unclear what the position of Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now the 2024 Democratic nominee for president, is on the issue. Harris claims a number of policy positions on a variety of issues will be released next week during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Currently, her campaign website remains void of those details.

The Ignominy Of Master Sergeant Timothy Walz

The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of controversy regarding the military service record of Democrat vice presidential candidate Tim Walz. My X account has seen the most traffic it has ever known as I have discussed this issue at length, and I thought it would be a good idea now to take a deep breath and kind of recap where we are at in this controversy. I know for sure that the veteran community is fired up over this issue, but I sense that many from the non-veteran community do not know what to think given the competing arguments from both sides of the political aisle.

I would like to share my own personal experiences and thoughts as a retired Army colonel and veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan. What I hope for civilians to understand is this: The issue is not the number of years Walz served, or when he submitted his retirement paperwork, or what his final rank was, or even — just as a stand-alone proposition — whether he ever went to combat. No, the issue is the unique and special position of trust he held when he decided to walk away from his soldiers, his unit, and his nation. I’ll explain.

But first, some facts. There are all sorts of facts and disinformation flying around on this matter, so I want to highlight the most basic and most important facts, ones that not even the most rabid Democrat can dispute:

  1. Walz served for 24 years in the Minnesota Army National Guard, retiring at the rank of master sergeant (an “E-8” in the Army).
  2. In the spring of 2005, Walz was serving as the command sergeant major (an “E-9”) of the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, a Minnesota Army National Guard battalion that is part of the 34th Infantry Division.
  3. Also in the spring of 2005, Walz and his battalion received a warning order that the battalion would be deploying to Iraq. (We know this because Walz’s own congressional campaign told us at the time.)
  4. Knowing that his unit was deploying, Walz nevertheless chose to retire from the National Guard in May of 2005 to pursue his congressional campaign.
  5. Serving members of the National Guard and the Reserve routinely also serve in Congress, and always have. Tulsi Gabbard is an excellent recent example. Walz did not necessarily need to retire to run for Congress. However, an Iraq deployment he might have instead chosen to participate in would, in fact, have prevented him from campaigning.
  6. Walz’s retirement meant he did not fulfill a contractual service commitment he willingly entered into when the Army selected him to attend the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. As a result, the Army reduced his official retirement rank from E-9 to E-8.

These are facts. Now let’s explain what was so egregious in what Walz did.

So Walz retired when he was allowed to and ran for Congress instead — what’s the big deal, right? Well, had Walz been some slug E-8 holding down some clerical job in the 34th Infantry Division Headquarters, counting his days until retirement, and had he opted to take a lawful retirement rather than go to Iraq, no one would care. But that’s not what happened. Walz was a COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR (“CSM”), and that makes all the difference in the world.

A CSM is the senior NCO in an Army battalion. He is the battalion commander’s most trusted adviser. He is the standard-setter for every other NCO and junior enlisted soldier in that battalion. All eyes are on him. He is as close to a god on Earth as a soldier could ever be. The rank and position of a CSM are exceptionally hard to attain — very few NCOs ever make it.

More importantly, taking on the duties of a CSM is a sacred trust. The 500-plus soldiers in your battalion are trusting you to train them and hold them to a standard where they can fight, win, and survive in combat. Those soldiers put their faith, trust, and lives in your hands. I’ll say it again: This is a sacred trust.

I’ll now be blunt. In the spring of 2005, Walz walked away from that sacred trust by abandoning his post when he learned of an upcoming Iraq deployment. He was a coward. He was a quitter. He placed his own self-interest over that of his soldiers. He was an NCO Courtney Massengale (if you know, you know).

It is at this point that I would like to share a relevant personal anecdote to explain what it means when a CSM walks away on the eve of combat. When I was a battalion commander, just a few weeks before we were about to deploy to Afghanistan — and after we had done our intensive Joint Readiness Training Center rotation with the team we were taking to the fight — my CSM was relieved by the division commanding general because the CSM did something particularly stupid involving a junior enlisted soldier and got caught.

I cannot describe how disruptive that was. It was like having the beating heart ripped out of my battalion. We overcame it, but it was tough — and it upset the entire NCO chain as we had to elevate multiple NCOs in the chain of responsibility to new positions they had not trained in, all because of our CSM being relieved. That disruption could have resulted in deaths in combat (thankfully it did not). If you are an Army battalion commander, NO ONE is more important than your CSM. So yeah — I understand the impact of Walz’s cowardice better than almost all of the other people on this planet.

Someone asked me in good faith whether or not Walz simply left one kind of service for a higher level of service in Congress. I thought long and hard about an appropriate analogy as an answer to that question and finally came up with one: What Walz did is the moral equivalent of a mother dropping off her five preteen children at an orphanage in the dead of night so she could run for Congress. Yes, it’s that bad.

Walz’s ignominy was more than just abandoning his troops; it also reflects some sort of personal deficit in his character and makeup. For almost every professional soldier I have ever known, the idea of not going to war with his or her unit is a hateful thing.

Please let me tell you another story to illustrate. One of the things that the Army makes a battalion do when it deploys to war is to leave back in the USA a “Rear Detachment.” It’s a very small group of soldiers who cover important administrative and logistical matters back home. The Rear Detachment is also the hub of the civilian spouse-led “Family Readiness Group,” keeping spouses and kids informed and — Heaven forbid — helping families if one of your soldiers is killed or wounded.

There are different schools of thought as to whom a battalion commander should leave in charge of that Rear Detachment. Some battalion commanders leave their worst lieutenant or captain behind. When my battalion went to Afghanistan, I chose to leave my very best first lieutenant behind. The job is just that important.

When I called this lieutenant into my office to tell him that he was being left behind to command the Rear Detachment, this stoic, hard-core, physical-training-stud, Jumpmaster, Ranger-qualified, combat-medic lieutenant broke down and boo-hoo cried, tears and all. He begged me not to leave him behind. Being left behind while the rest of the battalion and his company deployed was sheer heartbreak to him. 

He ended up doing the Rear Detachment commander job extremely well, but I’m not sure he ever forgave me. Most military leaders are like that. They will extend retirement dates. They will hide injuries. They will cancel a permanent change of station move or a desirable military school. Hell, many will even get divorced rather than not deploy to war. They will do any and all of those things to avoid not deploying with their unit.

True military leaders are like that: The most dishonorable thing imaginable is to not go to war with your comrades. But not Tim Walz. He was a battalion command sergeant major — the most senior and important NCO in a battalion — and he bailed, ran, and hid rather than deploy with his soldiers to Iraq and do his duty.

So right about now I can hear my midwit Democrat pals shouting, “WHAT ABOUT CADET BONESPURS, HMMMMM!?!?” To which I easily say: Trump did not serve. Neither did Clinton. Nor Obama. Nor Biden. Nor Harris. But cutting and running in the face of the enemy and abandoning the troops you were sworn to lead AS THEIR SENIOR NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER is 1,000 times worse than never serving at all.

Incredibly, it gets worse. Not only did Walz abandon his sacred duty to his soldiers to pursue a self-serving political goal, he then went and bragged politically about the honorable leadership as a CSM that he never provided. He took credit for a rank he never fulfilled, he lied about his service in war, and he cynically did all of this for no other reason than personal gain. This is despicable stolen valor and reflects this man’s lack of honor, integrity, and good character.

If Master Sergeant (Ret.) Walz could not be trusted to fulfill the duties he had to his soldiers, his unit, and his nation in 2005, how can he be trusted to be vice president in 2025? Tim Walz is not qualified to be a municipal dogcatcher, let alone vice president of the United States of America.

Walz’s egregious behavior boils the blood of veterans who left a part of their soul in Mosul or Fallujah or Kandahar or Ramadi or Khowst — or any of the other cities or open spaces where their friends died. Veterans and non-veterans alike, please vote accordingly. Keep the heat on, please.

If all it does is cause 10,000 veterans to turn out in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin who might not have done so otherwise, we win. This is a vital issue — make Walz and the Democrats pay for their perfidy.