Friday, August 9, 2024

Kamala Harris and the Civilizational Jihad of Democratic Street Thuggery

On Jan. 21, 2017, hundreds of thousands of feminists wearing pink "pussyhats" protested the prior day's presidential inauguration of Donald Trump by rampaging throughout Washington, D.C. The "Women's March on Washington," an extension of the riots and protests that shook the capital on Inauguration Day itself, was not strictly a peaceful affair. Hundreds of anarchists in total were arrested over the multiday period, typically on rioting or vandalism charges. The "pussyhat"-clad feminist rioters thus constituted the first Trump-era manifestation of destructive Democratic shock troops. Call it Democratic Street Thuggery 1.0.

That particularly virulent strain of radical feminism reached a crescendo during the #MeToo societal struggle session of 2017-2018, culminating in the infamous Christine Blasey Ford-led attempt to derail Brett Kavanaugh's U.S. Supreme Court nomination in Sept. 2018. Arguably the single leading misandrist crusader during that sordid affair, peddling the ludicrous "believe all women" smear from her senatorial dais and casually throwing out five millennia of "innocent until proven guilty" civilizational norms in the process, was none other than dimwitted California Sen. Kamala Harris.

Alas, Joe Biden -- or what little remained, even back then, of Joe Biden -- was so awestruck by Harris' vile interrogation of Kavanaugh and her own hilariously unimpressive 2020 presidential campaign that he tapped her to be his running mate. Cackling Kamala's grand contribution to the Biden campaign was to dutifully launder her own swarthy complexion to "empathize" with left-wing America during our next great struggle session, the Antifa-Black Lives Matter "racial reckoning" that followed the May 2020 death of St. George Floyd our Martyr. Such "empathy" included Kamala's unctuous rhetorical support for the rioters, as well as her posting to social media a link to support bail for those rare BLM rioters who were actually arrested. The Antifa-BLM rioters, who caused up to $2 billion in property damage during that infamous Summer of Love, constituted Democratic Street Thuggery 2.0.

No politician in recent memory has parlayed such little talent into such stratospheric success as Harris. The cackler-in-chief "failed upward" yet again into the vice presidency -- and now, following last month's bloodless coup of Biden, into the Democratic presidential nomination itself. And this Tuesday, in announcing her running mate, Kamala ostentatiously passed on her clearly superior option, popular Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, for the insipid prairie socialist Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. As the home-state governor of St. George Floyd our Martyr, Walz was the original arsonist of the Summer of Love nationwide fire. There was no greater fanner of the flames of Democratic Street Thuggery 2.0 than Walz.

Choosing Walz over Shapiro is curious for many reasons, but the peculiar context in which it all went down adds to the intrigue. Kamala made her announcement in Philadelphia, Shapiro's hometown. It came a few days after the mayor of Philadelphia -- or, more accurately, the mayor's hapless social media intern -- inadvertently posted a polished video in support of a Harris-Shapiro ticket. The implication seemed clear enough: The pick was going to be Shapiro. But then, following a weekend of keffiyeh-clad radicals running wild in Philadelphia, waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags and decrying "Genocide Josh," the Keystone State governor was suddenly tossed aside. Kamala caved to the "death to America!"- and "death to Israel!"-chanting jihadists who constitute Democratic Street Thuggery 3.0.

Harris, intellectually challenged and an empty vessel for Democrats to project their basest desires, is the unique politician to find herself at the tripartite Venn diagram of all three Democratic Street Thuggery movements. The overlap of "believe all women"-style destructive feminism, antifa-BLM "racial reckoning" anarchy and Hamas/Hezbollah flag-flying civilizational jihad is embodied in one person: Kamala Harris. She is the perfect totem of the modern Democratic Party, which exalts intersectional victimhood and will whip its shock troops into a violent frenzy to get what it wants. The modern Democratic Party is a less political vehicle and more Mafia -- right down to the Omerta code of silence surrounding Biden's physical and mental decline.

Many European countries have indulged the fiction that jihadist outfits Hamas and Hezbollah -- the actual Middle Eastern terrorist organizations, not their useful idiot American supporters -- can somehow be divided between "political" and "militant" wings. This is, of course, a lie -- it is a distinction without a difference. Similarly, the notion that the Democratic Party can be distinguished between its elite "political wing" and shock troop "militant wing" is also a lie. The elites and the shock troops are one and the same. And Harris and Walz are at the epicenter of it all.

On Oct. 30, 2020, this column argued that the then-impending election "pit(s) against each other a fundamentally Americanist vision of governance and a fundamental insurrectionist vision of anarchic mayhem." It was true then. And it's even truer of our election cycle today.

Americans Must Reject Kamala Harris’s Cave to the Darker Parts of the Democratic Party

 A party that is so broken that it would reject a vice presidential candidate who could substantially increase its chances of winning the election because of his religion deserves to lose decisively.

One politician stole the show in Philadelphia this week when Kamala Harris rolled out the 2024 Democrat vice presidential candidate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. 

It wasn’t Harris, Walz, or Philadelphia Major Cherelle Parker, or the other little-known speakers. The politician who brought the house down was the man who unexpectedly was not chosen to be Harris’s VP: Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Shapiro gave a rousing speech that was inaudible at times due to a “thunderous applause” that illustrated “Pennsylvania Democrats’ love for the first-term governor.” Given that Pennsylvania may decide the 2024 presidential race and Minnesota appears firmly in the Democratic column, how could Harris pass over Shapiro and choose Walz?

The Harris campaign said the decision was because Harris and Walz have good chemistry. The campaign also claimed Walz was chosen to help Harris, a California liberal, pick up votes in the Midwest. There were also press reports that Shapiro was not chosen because he was too ambitious and might have overshadowed Harris.

There may be some truth in these explanations. But make no mistake: the main reason Harris did not select Shapiro is because anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas progressives pressured her not to choose the Pennsylvania governor since he is a pro-Israel Jew.

Progressives have denounced Shapiro as “genocide Josh” for his support of Israel in its war against Hamas and for criticizing U.S. universities for failing to protect Jewish students during violent pro-Hamas protests that broke out on many campuses last spring.

This included Shapiro’s condemnation of then-University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill’s testimony before Congress, in which she described determining whether speech calling for the genocide of Jews violated the university’s rules of conduct as “a context-dependent decision.” Shapiro called her statement “shameful and unacceptable.”

To his credit, Florida Democratic Congressman Jared Moskowitz expressed his disgust with the progressive campaign against Shapiro in an August 1 tweet:

CNN commentator Van Jones made a similar comment on August 6, saying that Harris caved in to the “darker parts” of the Democratic Party when selecting her running mate. Jones also said he believed that elements of anti-Semitism have been “marbled in” to the Democratic Party.

Although some have accused Harris of giving in to Israel-hatred and anti-Semitism in her party when she didn’t choose Shapiro, this decision also reflected her own pro-Hamas, anti-Israel views. This is why Middle East expert Caroline Glick has called Harris “the most outspokenly anti-Israel member of the administration.”

Even the Biden White House regards Harris’s anti-Israel views as a problem. These views reportedly led the National Security Council last March to water down harsh remarks about Israel and the humanitarian situation in Gaza in a speech that Harris planned to deliver. The vice president’s office denied this report.

Harris’s anti-Israel bias was clear when Prime Minister Netanyahu visited Washington last month. Harris failed to meet Netanyahu when his plane landed outside Washington and skipped his speech to a joint session of Congress. Although Harris agreed to meet privately with Netanyahu, the Israeli leader reportedly was irritated by her on-camera statement after the meeting, which he believed would harm negotiations over a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, according to an Axios report.

Harris spurned Shapiro for Governor Tim Walz, one of the most far-left governors in the United States. Walz’s positions on Israel and the Israel-Gaza War are generally nuanced and similar to Biden’s. Harris probably assumed the Hamas wing of her party would accept Walz to deny the VP post to Shapiro and because of his progressive positions. Walz’s praise for Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, whom the Republican Jewish Coalition once called “the most vicious anti-Israel and anti-Semitic Member of Congress,” probably helped endear him to the Democratic Party’s far left.

So desperate was Harris to appease progressives by picking Walz that she reportedly ignored reports that he avoided a tour of military service in Iraq and misrepresented his military career before Harris chose him. This issue has become a growing scandal and forced the Harris campaign to quietly revise Watz’s biography on the campaign website.

Because of the corrupt process that led to the un-democratic selection of Kamala Harris to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential candidate, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman recently endorsed Donald Trump and called for Harris to be overwhelmingly defeated for the good of the party. Ackman said in an August 6 tweet:

Ackman is right. There are many reasons for the Harris/Walz ticket to be defeated. But I believe the most important thing is that a political party that is so broken that it would reject a vice presidential candidate who could substantially increase its chances of winning a presidential election because of his religion deserves to lose decisively.

Therefore, when going to the polls or casting their mail-in ballots for president this fall, the American people must vote to repudiate the dangerous increase in anti-Israel, pro-Hamas, and anti-Semitic sentiments in the Democratic Party and the far-left radicals like Kamala Harris who are promoting them.

X22, And we Know, and more- August 9


A Reality Check for American Voters

This election season, the Democrats have again descended into a quagmire of duplicity, lies, mindless name-calling, and one-upmanship.  In response, the Republicans, including the Trump campaign, are predictably and foolishly initiating their own campaigns of name-calling and one-upmanship.  In the meantime, the vast majority of Americans remain on the sidelines, watching the food fight.

As a result, far too many fail to understand the threat the Democrat party, controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction, poses to the country.  In order to win in November, Donald Trump, his campaign surrogates, Republican candidates, and Republican party activists must single-mindedly focus on the issues and America’s bleak future if the Democrats win the upcoming election.

The United States will never recover if the Democrat party controls the White House, the Senate, and the House for another four years.  The institutions of government will be irretrievably in the hands of the Marxists/socialists.

Over the past thirty years, the federal Judiciary has increasingly assumed the role of being the last line of defense in upholding the Constitution and the rights of every American.  Once Barack Obama assumed the presidency, he and the party, per the Marxist blueprint, have been singularly focused on radicalizing the federal Judiciary.

That single-minded determination has culminated in Obama and his minion, Joe Biden, appointing numerous radical left-wing judges during their twelve years in office.  The unabashed lawfare directed at Donald Trump and the January 6 protesters is a manifestation of their increasing success.

There are 667 District Court judges in 94 districts who resolve disputes and conduct trials.  Fifty-four percent of the current serving judges were appointed by Obama and Biden.  Based on historical averages, if the Democrats retain the presidency and the Senate, they will appoint upwards of 160–170 judges over the next four years, bringing the total number to 84% of all District Court judge appointed by the Obama/Marxist-controlled Democrat party.

The only check on the District Court judges are the Circuit Courts of Appeal and ultimately the Supreme Court.  Currently, 50% of serving Circuit Court judges were appointed by Obama/Biden.  Historically, a president during his term will appoint 30–35 Circuit Court judges; thus, by 2029, the Marxists will have appointed 74% of all Circuit Court judges.

The two oldest Supreme Court justices, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, will be 80 and 78 years old, respectively, by 2028, opening up the distinct possibility of the Democrats appointing multiple replacements.  In that case, the Supreme Court will also make a dramatic turn to the radical left.

Consequently, there will be no recourse for the American citizenry.  No one who opposes the Democrat party regime will receive equitable treatment in the courts, and virtually no action by the administration or the “swamp” will ultimately be declared illegal or unconstitutional.  The Democrat party will have free rein to govern.

The Democrats, in alliance with a transformed Judiciary, will embed government censorship under the guise of controlling disinformation or threats to the nation.  The Second Amendment will come under renewed attack and will be dramatically altered.  Religious freedom and assembly will be progressively restricted, as will the right of parents to raise their children as they see fit.

Racial, tribal, and cultural animosity will increasingly engulf the nation as Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity combined with radical environmentalism will become the underpinning of laws, regulations, and executive orders that will be immune from any challenges as they will be upheld by a compliant Judiciary.

Since Biden’s inauguration, over 10 million illegal aliens have descended upon the United States.

Added to the 22+ million illegals already in the country, 10% of the American population are here illegally, voting and absorbing untold billions of dollars in benefits and welfare while depriving American citizens of jobs and wealth creation.

This process will continue unabated during the next Democrat administration as upwards of at least another 12+ million will be granted unrestricted access.  By 2029, there could be as many as 45–50 million illegal aliens in the United States.

Over the next four years, the Democrats will pass a mass amnesty bill.  Within this bill will be an accelerated path to citizenship.  A dependable Democrat voting bloc will be created as the nation begins to fracture and balkanize.

Since the ascendancy of the Biden administration, the American populace has been blindsided by the impact of ever-rising inflation.  That trend will not only continue, but accelerate if the Obama/Marxist-controlled Democrat party remains in power.

This massive decline in the purchasing value of the dollar has been caused by excessive government spending, which created massive annual deficits, which in turn precipitated de facto money-printing by the Federal Reserve and earth-shattering levels of national indebtedness.

In 2008, the total national debt since the founding of the country was $10.0 trillion.  Since 2008, $25.2 trillion has been added to the national debt, which now totals $35.20 trillion.  Of the $25.0 trillion added since 2008, $18.0 trillion (or 72%) has been accumulated during the Obama/Biden presidencies.

If the Democrats continue in power, by 2034, per the Congressional Budget Office, the national debt will increase by least $21 trillion to $56 trillion.  Interest payments alone will approach $2.5 trillion, or 92% of current income tax receipts.

These same Democrats are also proposing massive tax hikes on wealth, wealth creation, investments, capital, and income.  These tax increases combined with escalating government control of the economy and out-of-control spending will result in real annual economic growth being nearly nonexistent.

With this overall scenario, America’s ability to sell its debt at any reasonable interest rate to international investors will be curtailed, as the United States will have become a grossly irresponsible debtor nation.  Consequently, the Federal Reserve will have to continually buy the government’s debt, thereby effectively printing money and fomenting unending and accelerating inflation.

The United States will have descended into a downward spiral that can only end in insolvency, chaos, and collapse.

Lastly, the Democrats will do whatever it takes to pass a bill previously introduced and passed by the House in 2021.  This bill effectively nationalizes all elections, codifies mass mail-in voting, legalizes ballot-harvesting, embeds same-day registration, and makes permanent no requirement for identification or proof of citizenship to vote — thus assuring Democrat one-party dominance in future elections.

I am not alone in my concern for the future of this magnificent country.  There are many of us who either survived a war initiated by the proponents of Nazism or communism or lived under the thumb of Marxist-inspired dictatorships, warning our fellow citizens about the abyss that lies over the horizon.

The Democrat party is the ideological successor to those despots in the twentieth century whose single-minded quest for power deprived untold millions of life and liberty in countries around the globe.

The American Marxists will be on the cusp of transforming the United States into a one-party socialist oligarchy if they win in 2024.  All Republican candidates, including Donald Trump, and their surrogates must focus on this reality and not name-calling and one-upmanship.  Leave that to the indoctrinated candidates and supporters of the Democrat party.

The State Is Not Your Friend!

Right now, the United Kingdom is barreling toward totalitarianism.  After a second-generation immigrant reportedly murdered several children in a vicious stabbing attack last week, native Brits took to the streets to denounce their country’s criminally dangerous open borders.  If these outraged citizens had been members of Antifa, the press would have compassionately framed their actions as “mostly peaceful protests” deserving of praise.  Instead, because the public’s fury is directed toward one of globalism’s sacred cows — mass migration — angry parents have been condemned for fomenting “violent riots.”  Protecting children from serial killers and sexual predators, it seems, is not “politically correct.”  Of course, anyone familiar with the Rotherham grooming scandal already knew that

The problem, according to the ruling Establishment, is not that open border immigration policies have led to marked increases in violent crime and cultural hostility, but rather that ordinary citizens have begun to express their displeasure.  Commie Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has announced a two-pronged solution for combatting public dissent: (1) increased social media censorship and (2) widespread implementation of facial recognition technology to beef up the U.K.’s already robust mass surveillance.  

This exercise in raw tyranny follows Big Brother’s favorite playbook.  First, the government creates a problem that harms ordinary citizens.  Next, authorities pretend that no problem actually exists.  Eventually, citizens are forced to take matters into their own hands.  Finally, the government uses public outrage as an excuse to expand its own powers.

As in America, there is overwhelming public support in the U.K. for secure borders and controlled immigration.  Just as in the United States, both sides of the U.K.’s political Uniparty have ignored citizens’ wishes and instead flooded the country with illegal aliens who cannot easily assimilate into Western society.  After violent crime and community conflicts predictably rose, U.K. authorities were more willing to ban knives than to admit that they had put the public in serious danger.  And now that regular Brits are pushing back against the government’s criminal enterprise, the Marxist prime minister has chosen to use the crisis as a pretext for increasing mass surveillance and banning free speech.  Somewhere on a whiteboard in a Deep State dungeon, this blueprint for erecting a new world order dystopia has long been planned out.  Government officials have the blood of innocents on their hands.

Such ruling-class treachery is nothing new.  Similar blueprints for erasing freedoms and expanding government power abound.  For instance, there is the classic welfare state gambit: (1) move blue-collar jobs overseas, (2) tax and regulate citizens into poverty, (3) buy the votes of impoverished citizens desperate for handouts, and (4) keep the public dependent upon the government’s continued “generosity.”

There is the central bank funny money gambit: (1) give a small cabal of filthy rich bankers the power to print money as they see fit, (2) fund extravagant government programs with loans from the money-printing bankers, (3) artificially inflate the value of Wall Street assets while devaluing the meager savings of the working poor, (4) prop up unnatural economic bubbles with government interventions, (5) transfer all real property from the poorest to the wealthiest, (6) leave the majority of citizens in the precarious position of borrowing all their lives from rapacious creditors, (7) wait for the economy to crash like a house of cards, and (8) force all the desperate peasants into a system with central bank digital currencies that supervises their transactions in real time.  

There is the global apocalypse gambit: (1) indoctrinate citizens with the false message that hydrocarbon energy is killing the planet, (2) heavily regulate all market activity for the public’s safety, (3) tax citizens for using unapproved energies, (4) launder windfall profits to “green energy” cronies, and (5) strictly monitor all citizens’ carbon footprint from cradle to grave.  

There is the WWIII gambit: (1) promise Russia that NATO’s military alliance has no intention of expanding toward its borders, (2) spend the next three decades expanding NATO’s military alliance right up to Russia’s borders, (3) blame any Russian response on its secret desire to conquer Europe, (4) provide the European Commission with an excuse to erase national borders and build a pan-European military, and (5) give Western nations an opportunity to send able-bodied young men off to battle before they can turn their attention to matters closer to home.  

Finally, there is the global health emergency gambit: (1) invest tax dollars in dangerous biological weapons programs that experiment with deadly pathogens, (2) wait until one of those pathogens escapes and kills millions of people, (3) isolate citizens in their homes while seizing control over markets and communications, (4) mandate the use of experimental “vaccines” (providing windfall profits to pharmaceutical pirates), and (5) institute medical passports in order to track and trace citizens for life.  

Cause a problem, exploit a problem, and leave citizens worse off than they would have otherwise been had the government never gotten involved — lather, rinse, repeat!

At some point, Westerners must accept that their governments are only gentler versions of the one-party dictatorships that rule over citizens in places such as China, North Korea, Venezuela, and Iran.  If you’re a persecuted member of Germany’s conservative AfD political party, an incarcerated J6 protester still awaiting trial in D.C., or an online meme-maker convicted of “hate speech” in the U.K., the West’s rhetorical cheerleading for “democracy” over “authoritarianism” represents a distinction without much difference.  Tyranny feels just as oppressive no matter which government places its boot on your neck.

This sometimes comes as a shock to anyone who has been indoctrinated to worship government as a force for good, but here’s the unvarnished truth: the State is not your friend!  Big Brother does not care about your safety or security.  Espionage agencies do not care if their shadowy schemes lead to your untimely death.  Central bank gangsters do not care if you lose all your savings in one of their financial bubbles.  Pharmaceutical companies making money hand over fist do not care if you get injured from one of their experimental “vaccines.”  (Their government friends gave them legal immunity, after all!)  Defense industry executives selling weapons to both sides of every conflict do not care if you end up as collateral damage.  Politicians who are eager to replace their own citizens with foreign nationals do not care if you are the next casualty of illegal immigration.  Governments care about only two things: (1) what you can give them today, and (2) what you can give them tomorrow.  Monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy, democracy — the form of government does not matter.  In every political organization, the unquenchable thirst for wealth and power remains the same.

Once a person frees himself from the delusion that the government is here to help, it’s much easier to make sense of its otherwise inexplicable behavior.  Think of the State as a ruthless conqueror interested only in taking everything you own.  From the State’s perspective, you would ideally keep your mouth shut as it rummages through your things, considers whether your children would make good slaves, and decides whether to let you and your loved ones continue breathing.  Should the government spare your life, however, there will be strings attached.  You will do as it says.  You will keep only what it doesn’t take as tax.  You will obey its chosen “experts.”  In other words, in exchange for your life, you will worship the State.

Through this lens, the West’s descent into totalitarianism makes perfect sense.  Our governments do not care about free speech, free markets, self-government, or world peace.  Why would they?  Such lofty ideals only detract from their power and authority.  On the other hand, censorship, regulation, bureaucracy, and constant war provide the State everything it needs to rule in perpetuity.  With friends like that, who needs enemies?

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Corporate Media Claim There’s No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortion But Cry When It Is Paused

 Contrary to the media’s claims, tens of thousands of babies lose their lives to late-term abortion each and every year.

Despite their propensity for supporting ballot measures and bills that would codify killing babies until birth, abortion activists have long insisted that there is no such thing as late-term abortion. That propaganda went out the window this week, however, when the New York Times published a story mourning that the “Manhattan Planned Parenthood Will Stop Offering Abortions After 20 Weeks.”

New York allows abortion through all nine months of gestation as long as a medical provider decides the baby is “not viable” or deems a woman’s “life, physical health, or mental health” at risk. Planned Parenthood’s Manhattan facility, however, will pause ending the lives of unborn children well into and beyond the second trimester of pregnancy because the abortion giant’s cost cuts and closures across the Empire State mean it can “no longer afford the ‘deep sedation’ required” to execute late-term abortions.

The NYT, which likely recognizes how unpopular butchering babies beyond 15 weeks is among Americans, tried to reassure readers that abortions beyond the halfway mark of pregnancy are rare, making up “less than 2 percent” of the New York Planned Parenthood’s facilities. The author also claimed that “abortions after that point are usually performed because the fetus has a fatal condition that could not be detected sooner or because the mother’s life is in danger.”

Yet, the article is clearly designed to gin up sympathy and an extra $13 million in taxpayer funding for New York Planned Parenthoods and the “30,000 abortion visits” those facilities complete annually. Buried deep in the story is also the admission that the Manhattan facility was doing everything it could including looking into in-house deep sedation as to “offer abortions after 20 weeks” again in the future.

The NYT willingness to admit that late-term abortions actually do occur strongly contrasts the corporate media’s track on record on second and third-trimester abortions.

For years, abortion activists and their allies in the press have claimed that “There’s no such thing as a ‘late-term abortion.’”

“It’s actually a completely made-up phrase that has no basis in medicine. It’s pure anti-abortion propaganda, intended to confuse people about when abortion happens,” the abortion giant and its activist arm insist.

Corporate media, which are all too willing to advance Democrats’ abortion extremism, issue fake fact checks asserting late-term abortion “doesn’t exist” and is not a “real thing.” They also dogged former President Donald Trump for daring to disclose the truth that Democrats want to “take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth” during presidential debates.

The NYT specifically has several articles in its archives asserting the term “late-term abortion” is merely “a phrase used by abortion opponents to refer to abortions performed after about 21 weeks of pregnancy,” and not an accurate medical definition.

This talking point, which comes straight from Planned Parenthood’s website and social media accounts, is a lie.

Not only do medical publications agree that abortions beyond a certain point in pregnancy — usually 20 weeks — can be accurately classified as “late-term,” but abortion facilities all across the U.S. also advertise dismemberment beyond the halfway mark in pregnancy as such.

When media including the NYT finally admit that abortions far along in pregnancy do occur, they couch their concessions by claiming that killing babies in the second and third trimesters is rare.

While it’s true that current records show less than 1 percent of abortions are executed after 21 weeks gestation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest abortion findings do not include reporting from all 50 states. In fact, four abortion-friendly states, California, Maryland, New Hampshire, and New Jersey, refused to hand over their abortion numbers, rates, and ratios to the CDC for compilation.

The latest national late-term abortion data the CDC published is from 2021, which means it also doesn’t account for the wave of radical ballot measures in dozens of states hoping to constitutionally enshrine carve-outs for women to obtain elective abortions through birth as long as a doctor claims their physical, mental, financial, or emotional situation puts their health at risk.

Late-term abortions are not only not rare, but they are often not “medically necessary” as the press routinely claim. One 2013 study concluded that “data suggests that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” Another 2019 study agreed that “most late-term abortions are elective, done on healthy women with healthy fetuses, and for the same reasons given by women experiencing first trimester abortions.”

majority of Americans believe ending life in the womb in and beyond the second trimester as the Manhattan Planned Parenthood and so many other abortion facilities have been doing for years should be “generally illegal,” which is likely why the abortion advocates running the country and the media repeatedly insist that late-term abortion doesn’t exist.

This lie is easily refuted not only by data showing tens of thousands of babies lose their lives to late-term abortion each and every year, but also by corporate media’s favorable reporting on abortion facilities that execute babies up until birth.