Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Kamala Has Peaked

My record on predictions is mixed – I am at a disadvantage because I grew up in an America that was not a freak show of communist insanity, so I default to forecasting normal outcomes instead of the weird ones we now get all the time. But here goes: I think Kamala has peaked. The polls we see this week are a lagging indicator; in the coming weeks, we will see her numbers decline, then she will settle into second place all the way up to the election, where Trump will win by an unfraudable margin.

I could be wrong. Anyone on a major ticket can win even though the odds are stacked against him, her, or xim. But that’s how I read it right now. Obviously, it does not mean we slack off; instead, we need to work even harder. Overconfidence leads to losing – “Nah, I’m not going to campaign in Wisconsin with all those deplorables!” 

My prediction is subject to revision, but that’s the current vibe I’m feeling. Now Trump is brat, not Kamala. 

What makes me think so? After all, the polls have tightened. Yeah, but they were always going to be tight. Trump’s numbers got juiced just like Joe did before his debate after it became undeniable that Biden was a senile, desiccated husk, not just a stuttering goober. The Dem leaners who would never vote for Trump but who could not vote for a zombie came back when Kamala couped Daddyshowers out of the picture and managed to read a couple sentences off a teleprompter. But if you look at the polls, Trump’s numbers did not fall. He did not lose voters. He actually gained a little over where he had been. The leaners are coming home to both sides.

Starting now, I expect that Kamala, after her star-studded re-debut, will begin to wear on people. You can hype things for a while, but she’s got to maintain it for 100 days. It won’t happen. Sure, the regime media will do its part to pretend that America has found a new sweetheart, but you cannot keep up that level of excitement forever. We’re hitting the “four hours, see your doctor” mark.

Right about now, people are starting to sober up and realize, “Wait, the world is falling apart and we nominated Kamala?” And by “we,” they mean Democrat powerbrokers. The fact is that she’s not great. Every time she opens her mouth, it’s like the first time she has ever talked. She babbles nonsense. She uses words like Chris Christie does the lambada. 

Here’s how bad she is – last weekend, we found out that RFK killed a bear and dumped it in Central Park to frame an unknown bicyclist. Yes, you read that right. And what did we find out about Kamala? That her grody husband was tapping the help like Arnold Schwarzenegger. We always knew he had a beef with Dobbs, but we didn’t expect it to be personal. Yuck. How bad do you have to be when your home life is worse than a Kennedy’s?

And then there’s her amazing remarkable glorious leadership toward a bright future that is bright and in front of us, where the future lies ahead. She’s been smart enough not to let herself get caught tossing too many of her famous word salads lately, but you can only hide for so long. The stock market was crashing. By the time you read this, World War III might be starting. Just last week, we found out someone “accidentally” gave a couple hundred million to Iran, that Putin got his wishes granted in a lame hostage deal, and that somebody gave the 9/11 scumbags a get-out-of-lethal injection-free card. Some Americans – mostly the ones who don’t use “brat” as an unironic adjective – would like to know what the would-be president thinks about all this. And particularly now, in the absence of a current president. 

You can even feel the regime media getting antsy. Every day she fails to talk to the press, they look worse. They look like patsies. Just wait until Trump starts mocking them for being afraid to call her out. The regime media hates Republicans, but it really hates looking foolish. Joe Biden and his crypt-keepers made it look foolish by hiding his senility, and the regime media turned on him when it got embarrassed. All we need is one major outlet to start pushing her to talk, and the whole brment campaign strategy collapses. We know she’ll screw up; she does too, which is why she will never ever debate (watch Trump agree to her ABC ambush at the last minute and her to reject it).

Until then, she will be hiding out, popping up once a week to give a written speech off a teleprompter to a friendly sorority and not even an amusing sorority like the Omega Mus. She even messes that up. She chose to give an Atlanta speech in a bizarre Southern/black patois; perhaps she learned it at her rich kid’s high school near Montreal. Last week was harsh for her on the authenticity front. Donald Trump can smell an enemy’s vulnerability, and her phoniness is a huge one. The regime media got all huffy – “How dare you question her race!?!” What the hell does that even mean? The intended audience got the message, though – she’s fake, a flip-flopper, a phony. There was that hilarious CNN visit to a black barbershop – apparently, regime media types can only find urban black people at barbershops and rural whites at diners – where the black men “questioned her race.” They got labeled “low information” voters, but it looks like they had all the information they needed about Kamala. And if you look at the polls, Trump is nearly 20% among blacks. Democrats cannot win if that happens.

Sure, she will try to pump up her rookie numbers with some astroturfed happenings in the coming weeks. She’ll pick some pinko white male as her running mate and may do so by time you read this. You know Kamala, who is terrified of her own stupidity and ineptitude, is white-knuckling that selection. Will it be Josh Shapiro? He’s her smart play, except for the whole Jewish thing – it turns out about half her party, the progressive half she identifies with, wants to kill all the Jews. That’s awkward. Then there’s Mark Kelly, the Arizona gun-grabber, or Tim Walz, the Minnesota mob enabler and gun-grabber. Are you ready for Kellymania or Walzmania? Both these guys give off the vibe of your annoying neighbor whose wife complains to the HOA because you have the wrong color roses.

What about her convention bounce? Hey, holding the Democratic National Convention in Chicago with a candidate who did not win the primaries and with an energized, violent, communist wing of the party ready to rumble should totally work out this time. Two is the charm!

These events are supposed to be her campaign highlights. Highlights? They aren’t even lights. And all the time, Trump will be there, reminding people of when America was respected, of when America did not cater to illegals, perverts, and criminals, and when Americans did not have to cash in their shrinking 401(k)s to buy groceries. 

No, Kamala’s got problems, big ones, and she’s got nowhere to go but down. Who is the person right now looking at her and thinking, “The heck with Trump, peace and prosperity – if George Clooney is in, so am I”? No one. This is her peak. This is her high water mark. This is as brat as Kamala is ever going to get.

Ultra-Liberal Kamala Harris: Anti-Black, Anti-American, Anti-You

Hammering away at Harris’s extreme liberalism 
is the key to victory for Trump.

How black is Kamala Harris? Not nearly as black as she is liberal. And don’t let her giggles fool you. Underneath that mindless exterior lies a wasteland of liberal stupidity. Harris will make sentient Americans long for the old days of Slow Joe.

Biden was bad, but Harris will teach Americans how terrible government can be when it’s hardcore left. Her administration will be a liberal nightmare made real. It will be like nothing most Americans have ever contemplated.

Can Trump remember to say that at every rally?

Recently, Trump has been banging away on the idea that Harris really isn’t black. That’s fun, and there’s lots to it. But it’s not where the gold is.

The truth is, Harris really isn’t anything at all unless it will work to her advantage, the way pretending to be a feather Indian worked for Senator Elizabeth Warren—until she filmed herself saying, “I think I’ll, um, get me a beer.”

The Democrat Party is trying to make a scandal out of Trump’s claim that Harris is hardly black. But the record is there, and it’s worth spending a little time to make sure blacks in America understand that she’s a fraud. She’d sell them out as fast as the Democrat party sold out Old Joe.

Trump isn’t the first person to point out that Harris really isn’t black. In 2016, Business Insider wrote, “The victory of 51-year-old Harris makes her the first Indian-American senator.”

In 2020, Jamelle Bouie, a columnist for the New York Times wrote, “Harris, whose mother emigrated from India and whose father emigrated from Jamaica, is a woman of Tamil and African ancestry who identifies as Black.” Okaaaaay, but suppose she identified as a Martian? Would that make her a Martian?

In 2020, a CNN piece, “How Harris’ Indian Roots Shaped Her Political Views” said this: “A lasting impression on Senator Harris is from her mother as well as her maternal grandfather, who [sic] she used to visit very often in India. Those were her roots that she keeps talking about so proudly.”

And in another 2020 CNN piece, “What Kamala Harris’ Indian Roots Reveal about the US,” CNN wrote: “By 2018, there were nearly 2.7 million Indian immigrants living in the US. And now, Gopalan’s daughter, Sen. Kamala Harris, is the first Indian American on a major party’s presidential ticket.”

Whatever Harris is, the real point is that her policies are anti-black, which means they are typical liberal policies. The Democrats’ liberalism is bad for everyone, blacks included. That’s what Trump needs to hammer home to all Americans, blacks as well as whites, Hispanics, Asians . . . everybody.

But Trump also needs to harp on Harris’s incompetence. Harris’s most egregious failure, in recent memory, was as “border czar.” She has tried to run away from the title (and the assignment), and the media is trying their corrupt best to help her. That would be the same media that lied and lied for years and years about President Biden’s competence—and lied and lied and covered up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Trust the media as you would trust Venezuelan strongman Maduro to count votes honestly.

Kamala Harris, as Joe Biden’s surrogate, let millions of illegals into the country. It may be eight million. It may be eleven million. No one is quite sure, since the numbers are so large.

Does that really matter? The answer is that it matters to some people, and it matters to those people a lot. The effects of all those illegals are felt primarily by the people in the country least able to adjust to those effects. Who are those people? And what are the effects?

Illegal immigrant children get to go to U.S. public schools under the 1982 Supreme Court’s ruling in Plyler vs. Doe (ripe for overruling). Public schools are already, for the most part, dreadful. (They are dreadful because they are run by the teachers’ unions that own the Democrat party chalk, black board, and eraser.) Managing an influx of millions of illegal children, many of whom speak no English, will make the schools worse—always assuming that’s possible. Which students will suffer the most? Blacks, of course. They depend on public schools more than any other group.

The illegals will also tend to take low-paying jobs, which are precisely the jobs that the least educated people in our country need. Who are the least educated people in our country, according to test scores? The blacks. Why? Some will say because they have lower IQs and are therefore less educatable. Or perhaps it’s because they are the victims of teachers’ unions’ policies.

Why are Democrats so supportive and solicitous of strangers whose presence here will be inimical to American citizens—home-grown people whom politicians should care deeply about and on whom the country has spent trillions to help climb the ladder of, if not success, at least of survivability? What’s going on here?

Who are the people we should want to receive particular care from politicians? Surely lower-income blacks and other struggling citizens, not recently arrived illegal immigrants.

Whatever Harris really is, her administration would be bad for blacks and for a lot of other people as well. Her policies would make her the most anti-black politician we’ve had since Democrats gave up Jim Crow, perhaps since Joe Biden stopped voting with Southern Democrat segregationists.

But the key point for all Republicans, and especially Trump, to remember is this: keep your eye on the ball, which in this case is Harris’s crazy ultra-liberalism.

And here’s why it’s key: in late July of 1988, after the Democratic National Convention, Michael Dukakis surged to a 17-point lead over George H. W. Bush, according to Gallup polling. Following the Democrat convention, Bush described Dukakis as the “liberal governor of Massachusetts,” including the charge that he was soft on crime. Willie Horton, a convicted murderer, assaulted and raped a woman while on a weekend “furlough” from a Massachusetts prison.

Bush also attacked Dukakis as being insufficiently patriotic. (Dukakis had vetoed a bill requiring Massachusetts teachers to lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance.)

Bush kept hammering Dukakis on his liberalism and by August, Dukakis’s lead had dropped to 7 points, and by September, Bush led 49–41 percent. In the end, Bush won the election with 53.4 percent of the vote, compared to Dukakis’s 45.6 percent.

That’s the blueprint for Trump. Beating up on Harris for not being black is only a small part, and it may even be a waste of precious time because of the blowback it will produce from Trump’s enemies.

Hammering away at Harris’s extreme liberalism is the key to victory for Trump. He may need help remembering that.

The Media Drops the C-Word to Describe Tim Walz. Yes, It's Offensive.

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

Kamala Harris has selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who infamously stuffed boys’ school bathrooms with tampons, as her running mate. Tampon Tim is feisty and will ensure he never outshines Kamala Harris, which was the only concern for the vice president. She passed over the choice most thought she’d go with, Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro because the rising Keystone Democrat is pro-Israel and Jewish. 

Now, we’re going to be subjected to another wave of gaslighting from the media about how Tampon Tim is a folksy moderate, a classic centrist (yes, the media is dropping the c-word) when he’s anything but—the man is an unhinged radical who established a COVID regime one would think would only be retained in the fictional writings of George Orwell and Oceania. Tim sporting a shotgun and wearing an orange vest doesn’t mean he’s folksy. Yet, that’s how dumb Democrats think you are (via Newsbusters):

Before getting into the absurd garbage that journalists are peddling today, let’s first dispel with the notion that Walz is, or ever was, a “moderate.” It’s already well established that he’s governed Minnesota as a hard-line leftist: he allowed the BLM riots in 2020 to run rampant through the Twin Cities; he supports hormone treatments and sex change operations for children; and during a particularly draconian COVID-19 lockdown, he established a hotline that encouraged Minnesotans to snitch on their neighbors for gathering outdoors. 

But even most (though not all) corporate journalists are not dishonest enough to claim that he’s been a centrist Governor. Instead, the preferred talking point is that, while he trended more progressive during his stint as Minnesota’s Chief Executive, he spent 12 years in Congress as a solid moderate. 


On Tuesday morning, MSNBC contributor and former Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill (whose lifetime ACU rating was 12%) lambasted those who would dare describe Walz as a leftist: “The idea that Time Walz is some lefty is just not true in reality. He got elected in a district that was very moderate… He is definitely somebody who is absolutely more moderate than people are giving him credit for right now.” 

Later that morning, MSNBC contributor and former Florida Dem Carlos Curbelo spent several minutes wildly gaslighting the audience of MSNBC’s José Díaz-Balart Reports: “It’s the same formula as 2020 for Democrats, but inverted. Now the progressive candidate is at the top of the ticket, and the more centrist, deal-making candidate is the Vice Presidential nominee.” 

Hillyard repeated the claim that Walz was a “centrist” several times during that segment. 

Against all odds ABC chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl somehow managed to outdo even the two former members of Congress on MSNBC’s payroll. Over the course of just a few minutes, wove the term “moderate” into his analysis so often that one wonders whether he was being paid per utterance: 

He does have a record in Congress as a very moderate Democrat representing a very moderate to conservative district in Minnesota…

He had a pretty moderate record…

He was viewed as a moderate…

He will appeal, have a more personal connection to some of those moderate voters…

He has a proven ability to do well with rural, moderate, even conservative voters.

No, Walz has never done well with rural conservatives—is everyone taking hits of Hunter Biden’s crack pipe? 

Independent reporter Michael Shellenberger also cited Walz’s snitch line during COVID as evidence to shred this “centrist” narrative being manufactured around the leftist tendencies of Mr. Walz, who also supports the genital mutilation of prepubescent teens. 

The media reaction is what you’d expect.

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Is Harris/Walz a Throwaway Ticket?

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

This has already been a weird election cycle, and no, I'm not talking about anything JD Vance said about cat ladies. It's the Democrats that are behaving strangely, even for them - and given that they have been maintaining a Weekend at Bernie's presidency for almost four years, keeping befuddled old Joe Biden in place, insisting he was "sharp as a tack" and "on his game" until they couldn't hide the fact any longer that His Dessicatedness has lost it. So now they have anointed Joe's life insurance policy, Kamala Harris, Queen of the Word Salad. And as RedState informed you, she has picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her VP.

Monday, I wrote an article evaluating Kamala Harris's possible Veep picks. Regarding Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, in particular, I wrote:

Governor Tim Walz: It won't be Walz. He's from a reliably blue state and has all the charisma of a lemon peel; he brings literally nothing to the campaign.

I stand by that statement - especially the lemon peel part. So why did Kamala Harris pick the pale, pasty-white, far-left Governor of Minnesota, a state that was sure to go to the Democrats in the Electoral College in any case? And why did Eric "Fast and Furious" Holder, who was in charge of vetting candidates for her, recommend this guy?

He brings nothing to the table. He has no moderate chops to balance Kamala's commie-progressive stances. Minnesota, as noted, was an Electoral College win for the Dems in any case, barring Trump somehow turning in a 1972 Nixon-style 49-state landslide - that is the last time Minnesota's Electoral College votes went to a Republican. And then there's the lemon peel bit. 

The choice is a little baffling. The only choice that might have been worse would be Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, whose incompetence both as Mayor of South Bend, Indiana and in his current role is legendary.

So, why?

"My fears about Harris are that she is incredibly bad at public speaking, and that she reliably makes bad political decisions. So far, she has done nothing to allay either fear. I’m not saying she can’t win, but I wish she gave me more confidence," Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle wrote. 

Professor and podcaster Damon Linker reacted, "Rather than pick the very popular governor of a neck-and-neck must-win purple state, Harris chose a dime-a-dozen blue-state governor who gives feels to progressives. That's about what I'd have expected from her a month ago."

Author Matt Lewis declared it wasn’t a "bad pick for Kamala" but feels Walz will do little to appeal to anti-Trump conservatives. 

"If you were a Never Trump conservative who was hoping to rationalize a vote for the Dem ticket (a short-term alliance), it just got harder," Lewis wrote.

Walz is, like Harris, a radical leftist. He doesn't bring a swing state to the table. There are blemishes all over his record. Here at RedState, we've been covering all the reasons this was a bad choice - unless you're Donald Trump and JD Vance, in which case this is a superb choice, a superlative choice. There are doubtless some glasses (and cans of Diet Coke) being hoisted at Trump campaign headquarters this morning.

'Most Left-Wing Ticket': No Mercy Shown in Republican Reactions to Kamala Harris Picking Tim Walz

The Press Rush to Put Lipstick on the Pig, but the Tim Walz Pick Is a Disaster for Democrats

There is one possible explanation.

In 1996, it was generally accepted that Democrat Bill Clinton was going to coast to a reelection victory. He did. The GOP, perhaps (as has always been my suspicion), nominated good old Bob Dole. Dole was one of the senior party members, a WW2 hero, and had been gunning for the top spot for some time - but who, in a party with fresh memories of Ronald Reagan, didn't blow up many skirts. So the party nominated him, took the L, and came back stronger in 2000.

Could the Democrats be doing this now? Could the Harris/Walz ticket be a sacrificial lamb? Will the Dems punt on the 2024 election and hope to find a better candidate to face JD Vance in 2028? Granted they could hardly find a worse one, and the selection of Walz doesn't help her odds any.

Was that choice deliberate? Have the Dems just torpedoed Kamala Harris? Bear in mind that Eric Holder, who was in charge of vetting VP candidates, is an Obama creature; make of that what you will. Furthermore, it's doubtful Kamala Harris has any idea of the fleet of buses she's about to be tossed under if this is indeed what's happening.

I may be reading too much into this. But this is one possible explanation for why Kamala Harris and her people made such a bafflingly bad choice.

A Tale of Two Veterans: What the Service of Walz and Vance Tells Us About the Men

streiff reporting for RedState 

The entry of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz into the presidential race as Kamala Harris's vice president marks the first time in 20 years that either party has a former enlisted man on the ballot. From what we've seen today, the Democrats will make a big deal about his service. In particular, they will harp on him being the "highest-ranking enlisted soldier ever to serve in Congress." You can tell the email went out.

Walz's veteran status is supposed to give Kamala a connection to veterans. The "highest-ranking enlisted soldier" line is to give him the common touch.

While I don't necessarily think military service qualifies anyone for anything — Frederick the Great is supposed to have said, "I had an ass that followed me on a dozen campaigns and at the end he was still an ass" — I do think that the character of service can tell us a great deal about the man.

Let's look at JD Vance first. He was the product of a difficult childhood. He enlisted in the US Marine Corps in 2003 at age 18. He served four years as a journalist, including a deployment to Iraq. His motive for joining was that he believed, as did millions of us, that ridding Iraq of Saddam Hussein would make the world a better place.

Tim Walz was the son of a school administrator and stay-at-home mom. He had the advantages of a stable and somewhat privileged upbringing. According to Wikipedia,

With his father's encouragement, Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard when he turned 17.[10][13] His father had served in the Korean War and paid for his education degree with the G.I. Bill,[13] and wanted his son to have the same opportunity.[13]

Walz served 24 years in the Army National Guard, retiring at the rank of master sergeant. Many posts on social media claim that he was a command sergeant major, the highest enlisted rank, but that is not true for all the reasons my colleague Matt Funicello spells out in UPDATED: MN Gov. Tim Walz Accused of Cowardice and Embellishment of Army Service Record by Former Peers. Oops. I guess that was a spoiler alert.

It is at the very beginning that their careers diverge.

Vance enlisted in the USMC, knowing that decision would land him in combat. Fates intervened, and he was not destined to become an 0311, a shooter on the pointy end of the spear. Not everyone is called to greatness. During his time in Iraq, he did accompany units when they went "outside the wire." Vance's former comrades still speak highly of him, even those who disagree with his politics.

Walz's career was similar to that of many other young men in rural areas across the nation before the invasion of Iraq. Enlisting in the Guard was a tradition in some communities. The "one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer" training schedule was sold as a car payment by recruiters. Completing training made you eligible for VA benefits, including the zero-money-down home loan program. You drilled with friends and neighbors and made a lot of great business and professional contacts. Summer training was not necessarily high-pressure. One Guard battalion that I'm personally familiar with used weekend training to go deer hunting. None of this is to say some Guard units were not rock-solid. My division was partnered with 47th Infantry Division, the division to which Walz was assigned. I had men from that division attached to my company on several deployments. They were solid and capable and provided endless amusement on land navigation because their maps (Minnesota and North Dakota) had a 10-meter contour interval, and ours (California's Coastal Range) had 50-meter contour intervals. Of course, the Iraq War upset that decades-old pattern and Guard units were regularly called up for combat deployments.

Walz's moment of truth came when his unit was ordered to deploy to Iraq. As Matt Funicello details, Walz had his enlistment cut short by asking for an early retirement. In the process, he violated his pledge to complete a training course and was administratively reduced to one rank. 

Where Vance was the ultimate volunteer, choosing a service he knew would result in deployment to Iraq, Walz approached his enlistment to get benefits and improve his chances for professional advancement. When Vance was ordered to Iraq, he went. When Walz, the senior noncommissioned officer in his battalion, was ordered to Iraq, he quit and left his men high and dry.

Don't be misled. Not all veterans are the same, and not all military experience is equal.

Here Are the Damning Tim Walz Comments the GOP Should Run on a Loop

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The VP selection process was a mess. 

I guess that would stand to reason, given it was allegedly at the behest of Kamala Harris. 

But you had wild leaks, people jockeying for position, Democrats finking on other Democrats, and all kinds of machinations behind the scenes. You also had Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who you might think would be the logical pick for a couple of reasons: he could help the race in Pennsylvania -- which Harris has to win to have any chance -- and he is more moderate, so that could help Harris seem more moderate. But the left didn't want him for that reason and because he was pro-Israel. So there was also a wide stink of antisemitism from the people undercutting him as well. 

So the question was: which was more important to the people deciding things behind the scenes? Making some people in Michigan and the left happy or making what was probably the better political choice, even though it might have been bad in terms of holding onto the left? 

Since you now know they picked Walz, you know which way they went, which is interesting. They decided to keep the left happy, as the Biden-Harris team has done on every decision right down the line. The longer-term investment in putting leftists everywhere won out. 

But there's so much dirt on Walz and his politics that will not go over well with Americans; did anyone making the choice bother to look? 

Eric Holder was supposedly in charge of the vetting, which would also be a big tell that they would go left. Did he just ignore all the bad things, or was it just more important to pick someone so left? 

The RNC didn't ignore the dirt, they have things up already and this is just a small immediate sample. 

Remember how Hillary Clinton used "deplorables" and basically did herself in with it? Democrats just don't seem to get Middle America. 

Let's hear Walz describe rural and red areas as "mostly rocks and cows." 

Nice way to dismiss the folks in the red states. That ticked off rural voters in Minnesota and now everyone in those red areas can hear what Democrats like him really think. And Kamala is endorsing that by picking him. 

Oh, but let's hear some more about those bad policies. Minnesota House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth (R) called Kamala Harris and Tim Walz "the most extreme ticket in recent presidential history." She took Walz apart. 

Gov. Walz likes to tout his legislative achievements from the past two years of one-party Democratic control, but voters need to know the real story. The last two years featured some of the most extreme and irresponsible policies we’ve ever seen in our state: $10 billion dollars in tax increases, an unsustainable and unaffordable 40 percent increase in state spending, New fees on your online orders, massive cost increases for your Uber and Lyft rides, expensive and extreme energy mandates that will drive up the electric bills for you and your family, and even a gas tax increase that goes up automatically every single year!

She also pointed out among other things that Walz signed a bill "to give illegal immigrants free tuition, drivers licenses, and even health benefits, making Minnesota a magnet for illegal immigration" and let the BLM riots in 2020 get out of control, that resulted in all kinds of injuries, even deaths, and millions in damages before he was "forced to respond." 

More comments/visuals to include in the loop.

Kamala has failed to secure the border or listen when to what her new running mate said he would invest in to fight the border wall: 

One of the worst I've seen so far, although, admittedly, it's a tough call there are so many, was this one. 

"One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness," Walz declared.

Oh, my. There's a big difference between socialism and "neighborliness." You know that if he's trying to sell them as the same, he's got big problems. The Democrats are now trying to sell him as a "centrist." If you play this over and over, I think most Americans will understand.