Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Art of Smearing

The woke libs are at it again: trying to neutralize the Supreme Court, and especially Justice Thomas, because they realize that they may not have the power to change its composition for years.

What must really rankle is that they created this “problem” themselves. It was the libs in the Senate who, when they were in the majority, outvoted Republicans in order to do away with the filibuster so they could confirm a few judges to the federal appeals courts. When the Republicans got back in the majority, they did the same to the filibuster for Supreme Court Justices, which meant Democrats were no longer able to block President Trump’s nominees to the Supreme Court. And so he put three conservatives into those lifetime positions. Ha! Sauce for the goose and all that.

Back in 2022, this column reported on the ongoing Democrat attack on the Supreme Court. That attack continues. President Biden recently announced formally in an op-ed in the Washington Post a plan to make fundamental changes to the Supreme Court, primarily imposing term limits for the justices and establishing an enforceable ethics code. (That’s not going to happen; it would take a constitutional amendment.)

Whether the impetus came from the administration or from congressional Democrats who have been waging war on the Court is not known. But the war has been very public and should remind Republicans how Democrats operate and encourage them to think of how to fight fire with fire. Republicans should start their own war. That war doesn’t have to be symmetrical.

As this column noted in 2022, the late M. Stanton Evans described the left’s drill for dealing with certain issues: (a) create a scare about some “menace”; (b) reference “studies” or “science” or “experts” that laymen can’t possibly understand or check; (c) get your guys to hammer the issue relentlessly; and finally, when the public “understands” the problem and “knows” it has to be dealt with, (d) move to do whatever was desired to begin with.

That’s what the left libs have been doing with the Supreme Court, which has included, most publicly, waging war on Clarence Thomas. Recently, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) filed articles of impeachment against both Justices Thomas and Alito. And Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) have asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to open a federal investigation into Justice Thomas’s actions. But the leader of the pack seems to be Senator Whitehouse. Why he is so interested is anyone’s guess.

The attacks have gone on for several years and have culminated in Biden’s proposal, which isn’t going anywhere (of course!). But it isn’t designed to. Rather, it’s a campaign ploy to take attention off Kamala Harris’s dreadful record.

Because Sen. Whitehouse seems to be the point man for this operation, he should be the focus of conservatives’ attention. They should attack him mercilessly.

In July, the Washington Examiner ran a piece questioning Whitehouse’s purchase of shares of Goldman Sachs—$15,000 worth of shares! This column can now also reveal the senator has as much as $250,000 in shares and also Goldman Sachs mutual funds—and (stop the presses) his wife also owns shares in Goldman. Tricky? Perhaps flagrantly dishonest.

This is the stuff of scandal! (It is also the stuff of a very ordinary financial report the senator is supposed to file annually—but never mind that.)

Where does Whitehouse live? What’s that house worth? Does he have a summer house? This column knows (as, er, does anyone else who has access to the Social Register) that he has a house in Newport, Rhode Island, where the ultra-swells live.

But wait! There’s more! Are you sitting down? Whitehouse belongs to a club there that has very few blacks! This column covered that scandal here.

Ah ha! We have a beginning. We have a menace: (1) a rich, (2) white guy (3) beating up on a black man—who just happens to be a Supreme Court Justice. And not just any white man beating up on a black man, but (4) a rich perpetrator who belongs to a club that excludes blacks. If that isn’t a scandal, what is?

Somewhere, there’s bound to be a study indicating that people who belong to segregated clubs don’t like blacks. We need to find it.

This is beginning to look like curtains for Sen. Whitehouse.

But it’s only a beginning. It must be hammered monthly into shape.

In 2018, the website Energy Depth reported that “in 1999, when he was the state’s attorney general, Whitehouse pursued a public nuisance claim against paint companies in the Ocean State. The case bounced around multiple courtrooms, but on July 1, 2008—almost ten years ago exactly—the Rhode Island Supreme Court overturned a lower court’s ruling and dismissed the case, asserting the state [i.e., Whitehouse] had stretched “the law of public nuisance beyond reasonable bounds.”

That’s it! We need to know what investments Whitehouse made in the paint companies. Was he buying? Selling? Shorting? Can we possibly know without an investigation? A public hearing? What did Whitehouse know about paint, and when did he know it?

Where did his children go to college? One went to Brown—BROWN!—wow! And one went to Yale—YALE!! Double wow! How did they get in? Two children in Ivy League colleges. C’mon. What are the odds? People have gone to jail for engaging in what is essentially bribery in order to get their children into good colleges.

What did Whitehouse do to get them in? What strings did he pull? Demand to see their transcripts. (That, of course, is an outrageous request—which is just the point.)

As can plainly be seen, there’s enough material here for a few senators to get up monthly and rail against Whitehouse’s behavior. Rail against a different “outrageous action” each time.

Monthly. That means every month explaining what happened and asking how it could possibly have happened without some high-level skullduggery.

Then come the calls for an investigation. And then for Whitehouse’s resignation.

That’s the way the Democrats do it. Republicans have to be even more effective. And if they are, maybe, just maybe, the Democrats will stop playing that game. But they need to lose a few rounds first.

As Whitehouse’s public career now starts to draw to a close, we can feel a bit sorry for this fallen man, remembering that none of us is perfect. We are all human.

Soon it will be: exit Whitehouse, a sadder but wiser man. Maybe he can get a job teaching con law in a community college in Appalachia, where news of his scandalous behavior may be slow to arrive. Sad when you think of it. He had such promise, even though he also went to Yale . . .

The Supreme Court will be saved. And Justice Thomas can relax.

Rally coverage, On the Fringe, and more- August 3rd


The Democrats’ Obsession with Race

It is obvious now that Kamala Harris is going to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for President this year.  Democrats have invested so much of their history into race that they cannot turn their backs on her.  “Kamalamania” is currently wide, but how deep?   James Carville and other Democrats have said she's going to get slaughtered.  I don't know if she will or not because I can’t predict the future.  But there are many Democrats who are concerned.  She has problems, and they know it.  They must completely remake her, and they are trying.

Thus, the propaganda machine is working overtime to persuade Americans that she is qualified and should be elected president.  They have to do that because they cannot escape from her for two reasons—her race and gender.  DEI has the Democrats trapped.  

Race has been an obsession for the Democratic Party their entire history, and it still is.   And it has indeed been politically successful for them.  They don’t really care anything about blacks as people today any more than they did back in the days of slavery.  Blacks were a tool for Democratic Southerners to make money, and now blacks are a tool for Democrat politicians to gain political power.  Blacks have always been a tool for Democrats, and that’s such a sad thing, part of the evil that is the Democratic Party.

Thus, historically, and it is just as true today, the Democratic Party has used and abused blacks for their own advantage. And that’s true of Kamala Harris.

I don't oppose Harris because of the color of her skin.  I oppose her because of her far left-wing, anti-American policies.  I don't believe she's a good person, but, in the main, it’s what she thinks that gains my disapprobation.  If she felt the way I do, if she were a conservative, pro-American Christian who believed in a limited government, virtuous Republic, I would support her politically 100 percent.   Her skin color is utterly irrelevant.

And in one sense, that’s true for Democrats, too.  They back her because of her Leftist beliefs, but the key point is that obsession with race is one of their cardinal doctrines.  They don’t care about blacks, though they hope her race will win them votes.  If they were genuinely concerned about black advancement, they would celebrate the success of black conservatives, too.  They would rejoice over Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, and other black conservatives who have succeeded because of their merit and hard work.  But Democrats hate Clarence Thomas and successful black conservatives because such blacks expose the fallacy of Democratic Party ideology.  

The Democrats propagandize that America is a systemically white racist country, white supremacist and that the whole system has been rigged to favor white people and disadvantage people of color.  Since racism is systemic and inherent in the American ethos, black people cannot succeed without affirmative action, DEI, and the Democratic Party.  And black people like Clarence Thomas, who HAVE succeeded on their own merits, prove the lie and fallacy of that Leftist ideological belief.  Blacks don’t really need Democrats; Thomas, Scott, Ben Carson, and millions of other achieving blacks prove that.  And thus disprove Democratic Party dogma. 

That's incredibly important.  Democrats have made a living; they have gained political power—all through their history, from slavery until today—on the lie that black people cannot succeed without them.  Clarence Thomas disproves that.  So, they hate Clarence Thomas.

I am extremely happy that people like Kamala Harris can succeed in America.  If she got where she is because of her ability and merit, then I would applaud that endlessly.  But, frankly, by her own words, she's a walking contradiction.  As a Democrat, she believes in the systemic racism of America.   But now, she wants to convince America that she is where she is because of her merit and “qualifications.”  Which is it, Kamala?  Is America “systemically racist” where blacks like you can’t succeed on their own, or did YOU succeed by your ability, thus giving the lie to your own Democratic Party propaganda?  

I genuinely wish Kamala was where she was on merit, but her own party declared it’s not true.  She was a DEI appointment, and Joe Biden said, "I’m going to appoint a black woman as Vice-President.”  He plainly announced he would select someone based on color and gender; if Kamala were indeed the most qualified person, why didn’t Biden just say that?  By the admission of the President of the United States, Harris didn’t become Vice-President because she earned it; she got there because of DEI.  And now, she wants to convince us that she deserves to be President because of her own abilities.  

Many black people in America have succeeded because of their individual competence.  They’ve actually been doing it for a long time.  Kamala Harris just isn’t one of them, thank you, Willie Brown and Joe Biden.  

The truth is, it’s the Democrat Party who is, and always has been, racist, who believes in the inferiority of blacks.  I believe in America.  I believe in ALL Americans: white, black, brown, yellow, red, green, purple—I don’t care what their skin looks like.  I believe in equal opportunity for every CITIZEN of the United States.  But the Democratic Party intends to keep as many people of color as possible enslaved to the government and lie to them that they can’t make it in America on their own, all the while NOW exalting a Presidential candidate who they claim made it to the top by merit.  

Blacks used to be slaves of Democratic Party Southern slaveowners for financial reasons.  Now, they are slaves of Democratic Party tyrants for political reasons.

I don’t oppose Kamala Harris because of the color of her skin.  I oppose her because her far-left, godless, Marxist policies will continue to enslave black people and will indeed hurt all Americans of every race.  

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This Week In Lawfare Land: ‘Get Trump’ Cases In Limbo

Here’s the latest information you need to know about each prosecution Democrats are waging against the Republican presidential candidate.

From New York to Florida, prosecutors going after President Trump must be getting frustrated. Several months ago, their prospects for landing charges in multiple cases before the November general election seemed bright. Now, however, only Alvin Bragg has been able to conclude his trial against the former president, and even that jury verdict seems likely to fall in light of the Supreme Court’s decision in its case regarding presidential immunity.

Here’s the latest information you need to know about each case.

Read our previous installments here.

Manhattan, New York: Prosecution by DA Alvin Bragg for NDA Payment

How we got here: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg — who “campaigned as the best candidate to go after the former president” — charged former President Donald Trump with 34 felony charges for alleged falsification of business records relating to a nondisclosure agreement paid by Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen to pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels.

This criminal trial concluded on May 30, with the jury returning a guilty verdict that Trump is expected to appeal. The conviction does not affect President Trump’s ability to run for president, though it may present complications with his ability to run a modern presidential campaign.

President Trump’s sentencing, originally scheduled to occur just a few days before the start of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, was delayed until at least Sept. 18 so that parties could brief the court regarding the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity. Based on those briefs, Judge Merchan could vacate the verdict against the president.

Latest developments: No new updates.

Fulton County, Georgia: Prosecution by DA Fani Willis for Questioning Election Results

How we got here: The Georgia state criminal case is helmed by District Attorney Fani Willis, who charged Trump with 13 felony counts, including racketeering charges, related to his alleged attempt to challenge the 2020 election results in Georgia. This case is currently stalled while the Georgia Court of Appeals hears an appeal on whether Willis should be disqualified from the case.

Latest developments: No new updates in this case, which is unlikely to move before the November election.

Southern District of Florida: Prosecution by Biden DOJ for Handling of Classified Documents

How we got here: In this federal criminal case, Special Counsel Jack Smith and federal prosecutors with Biden’s Justice Department charged former President Trump in June 2023 with 40 federal charges related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago residence. 

On July 15, Judge Cannon dismissed the entire case because the appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith violated the Constitution. Specifically, the appointment was unconstitutional due to improper funding, insufficient appointment procedures by the president and senate, and a lack of statutory authority to bring the case. 

Latest developments: Special Counsel Jack Smith appealed Judge Cannon’s decision to dismiss the case. The appeal is now before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, and the Special Counsel’s opening brief is due Aug. 27. 

Washington, D.C.:  Prosecution by Biden DOJ for Jan. 6 Speech

How we got here: In this federal criminal case, Special Counsel Jack Smith charged former President Trump with four counts of conspiracy and obstruction related to his actions on Jan. 6, 2021. President Trump’s lawyers have argued that immunity extends to actions taken by a president while acting in his official capacity and that, in any event, the First Amendment protects his right to raise legitimate questions about a questionable election process. The issue reached the Supreme Court. 

On July 1, the Supreme Court issued a major decision in Trump v. United States and determined that a former president is entitled “to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution” for “actions within [the President’s] conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.” These would be actions such as presidential pardons, vetoes of legislation, naming and managing agency officials, and recognizing foreign governments. Further, for anything else a president does that is within the “outer perimeter of the president’s official responsibilities,” there is still a presumption of immunity from criminal prosecution. The scope of what falls within this “outer perimeter” will be determined by a lower court, but presumptively anything done by a president when acting in that capacity, rather than a strictly campaign capacity, could well carry with it immunity.

Two of the four counts, based on “obstructing an official proceeding,” must rationally fall after the Supreme Court’s decision in Fischer v. United States. In that case, the Supreme Court held that prosecutors’ attempts to use the “obstructing an official proceeding” charge found in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act — a law about corporate accounting and recordkeeping — was an improper overreach in the context of an official proceeding of Congress. 

Given that this case was brought by Jack Smith — whose appointment Judge Cannon ruled unconstitutional — this case may also be dismissed on similar grounds.

Latest developments: No new updates. 

New York: Lawsuit by A.G. Letitia James for Inflating Net Worth

How we got here: Democrat Attorney General Letitia James — who campaigned on going after Trump — sued former President Trump alleging that he misled banks, insurers, and others about his net worth to obtain loans, although none of the parties involved claimed to have been injured. Following a no-jury trial, Judge Arthur Engoron issued a decision in February ordering Trump to pay a $454 million penalty. Trump has appealed this decision and posted a required $175 million appeal bond

Latest developments: As expected, President Trump appealed the civil fraud judgment last week. The appeal spanned 95 pages and categorized the case as an “unauthorized, unprecedented power-grab” by Attorney General Letitia James. 

January 6 Case Has Been Sent Back to Judge Chutkan

Rebecca Downs reporting for Townhall 

One of the criminal cases against former and potentially future President Donald Trump, specifically to do with January 6, has been remanded back to the lower courts. 

On Friday afternoon, Julie Kelly shared a document showing that the decision has been sent back.

"On consideration whereof, it is ordered and adjudged by this Court that the judgment of the above court is vacated with costs, and the cases is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for further proceedings consistent with the opinion of this Court," the order read in part.

The order also allowed Trump to recover $3,232.80.

Susie Moore, at our sister site of RedState also shared a copy of the order in her write-up, emphasizing the good news about Trump having some more money in his pocket now.

The U.S. Supreme Court handed down their Trump v. United States decision on July 1, which found that presidents enjoy immunity when acting in their official capacity. 

report from CBS News offers an explainer on what could come next:

Washington — U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan has once again taken control over the 2020 election-related prosecution against former President Donald Trump and could soon lay out how the case will move forward in the coming weeks. 


Chutkan is now expected to interpret and apply the Supreme Court's ruling. She will have to decide which alleged conduct described in special counsel Jack Smith's indictment of the former president is "official" in nature and which could be the subject of criminal prosecution. 


In applying that legal test, the high court ruled the charges against Trump could not be tied to conduct related to his official role as president, like allegations that he worked with Justice Department officials in a plot to investigate the election results, which he believed were rife with fraud. Other alleged conduct contained in charging documents — including Trump's interactions with then-Vice President Mike Pence ahead of the Jan. 6 Electoral College certification by Congress — is a closer call, according to the Supreme Court's decision. As a result, Chutkan will have to presume that Trump is immune from charges tied to that conduct, too, but the Justice Department will have an opportunity to rebut that presumption in future proceedings. 

Chutkan's work is likely to be most consumed in determining whether the rest of Trump's alleged actions — namely that he worked to organize false slates of electors, communicated with outside attorneys to execute that plan and urged his supporters to descend on Washington on Jan. 6 — fall within the scope of official or unofficial acts. 


While Trump did not ultimately receive the full immunity from prosecution he initially sought in Chutkan's courtroom, his legal team successfully delayed the criminal proceedings from going forward for more than eight months. 

Chutkan is now faced with overseeing the case in the run-up to the 2024 election, though it's highly unlikely a trial will take place before Election Day on Nov. 5.

This latest move is trending over X, and those rooting against Trump seem to be particularly hopeful that Chutkan can still bring something forward before the November 5 election.

A headline from POLITICO framed the matter as one where "Trump’s stalled election-subversion prosecution revs back to life," with the subheadline noting that "Former president’s opponents seek 'mini-trial' to call attention to his role in Jan. 6 unrest."

As that report further mentioned:

The action carries the prospect of reviving action in the gravest of the four criminal cases against Trump — and it comes at a time when others have stalled. Special counsel Jack Smith charged the former president in August 2023 with four counts, alleging a sweeping conspiracy to disenfranchise millions of voters and pressure government officials to overturn the legitimate 2020 election results.

There appears to be no real prospect of a trial in the Jan. 6-focused case before the November election, but some Trump critics have been eagerly awaiting the ministerial action from the high court, hoping that it results in a series of swift decisions from Chutkan that could again put Trump on the defensive. Some have urged the judge to consider holding a hearing to assess the effect of the high court’s immunity ruling on the evidence Smith intends to present. That proceeding could feature witness testimony from key figures in the case.

Trump opponents hope this “mini-trial” would showcase Trump’s ties to the violence that unfolded on Jan. 6, 2021 and remind voters of the most chaotic day of Trump’s presidency, even if it doesn’t carry the same stakes as a jury trial.

When it comes to Trump's other cases, Special Counsel Jack Smith's classified documents case was dismissed by Judge Aileen Cannon last month, not long after the Trump v. United States decision was handed down. Justice Clarence Thomas opened the door to such a dismissal with his concurring opinion, as Katie highlighted at the time. Smith has appealed the dismissal.                 

Fulton County Fani Willis' case to do with the Georgia election results has also been placed on hold. A court date has not been set until a month after the election when it comes to whether or not to kick Willis off of that case. 

Trump was found "guilty" of 34 felony counts on May 30 in a heavily criticized hush money "trial" in New York City. He was able to delay his sentencing from July 11 to September 18. Such a conviction is almost certain to be overturned on appeal. More concerning information still continues to come out about Judge Juan Merchan and the connections that his adult daughter, Loren Merchan, has to Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Harris Team Just Gave a Sure-Fire Reason to Not Vote for Her With Unhinged Reaction to July Jobs Report

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

One of the main issues for the election is the economy. 

It's already been bad under Biden-Harris. It got worse on Friday as the stock market tanked and a bad July jobs report came in, as we reported. 

Hiring slowed to 114,000 jobs last month, the government report said, missing expectations. The unemployment rate rose to 4.3 percent—its highest level in nearly three years, when the economy was still clawing its way back from the pandemic. That was also worse than expectations. 

Now, that raises big concerns about a slowing economy, which my colleague Ward Clark noted. 

Economist John Lonski said on Fox Business that it is starting to look like a recession is coming into view:

"I'm beginning to smell a recession coming into view," Lonski said. "This jump by the unemployment rate, my goodness, 4.3 percent, this is up sharply from not long ago."

Even CNN had to admit the jobs report was "surprisingly weak" and "going in the wrong direction." 

 CNN reporter Matt Egan said, "This jobs report was weak -- surprisingly weak, and it is amplifying these concerns about the economy that have started to emerge":

So, what excuse did the Harris team have?  

You won't believe how unhinged their response was to this. Or maybe you will, given how so much of what they say isn't based on any kind of reality. The response to this question alone should be disqualifying because it's such a bunch of horse hockey. 

According to Harris' spokesperson, guess who's somehow responsible for their bad jobs report? 

"Donald Trump failed Americans as president, costing our economy millions of jobs, and bringing us to the brink of recession," Harris for President spokesperson James Singer said in a statement. 

"Now, he’s promising even more damage with a Project 2025 agenda that will decimate the middle class and increase taxes on working families, while ripping away health care, raising prescription drug costs, and cutting Social Security and Medicare — all while making his billionaire donors richer." 

Someone want to explain how the Biden-Harris disaster has anything to do with Trump, almost a full term after he was in office? What does that say about their refusal to take accountability for their own failures? And what does Project 2025 (which isn't in effect) have to do with anything--when it has nothing to do with Trump and nothing to do with the Biden-Harris bad economy? Do they really think Americans are going to buy all this bilge? 

Singer added: "We’ve made significant progress, but Vice President Harris knows there’s more work to do to lower costs for families." 

Singer said Harris "will make building up the middle class the defining goal of her presidency, taking on greedy corporations that are price gouging consumers, banning hidden fees, and capping unfair rent increases and drug costs."

So, she's going to say and do the same things that they've already been doing that helped get us into this mess to begin with, blaming everyone else but themselves for the problems. 

Ultimately, it always comes down to the economy and Harris just gave a sure-fire reason why you should not vote for her, when she refuses to take responsibility for the administration's own actions. 

Democrats’ Weakness On Israel Is Prolonging War In The Middle East

The pain and suffering of the last many months could have been avoided if Israel had been fully supported from the beginning.

Two recent speeches by high-profile politicians about the ongoing Israel-Hamas war capture their opposite approaches and goals, and two high-profile assassinations this week show exactly how Israel intends to keep fighting it.    

On July 24, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the American people and their representatives in government from the hallowed plenum in Congress, laying out in stark terms Israel’s aims for this war. He described in harrowing detail the events of Oct. 7, 2023, when thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered more than 1,200 Israelis, breaching the ceasefire agreement with Israel already in effect and launching the current war.

Netanyahu explained how all violence and terrorism in the Middle East are orchestrated by the terrorist state of Iran, which funds its proxies to keep Israel and her Western allies, particularly the United States, in a constant state of fear and unsettlement. As American terror sympathizers chanted anti-American slogans and burned Old Glory just across the street from the Capitol, Netanyahu thanked the American people and asked the world for its continued support as Israel defeats this existential threat once and for all.  

After she met with Netanyahu, presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a speech in front of the White House that laid out her position vis a vis Israel’s war on Hamas. After a cursory nod to Israel’s right to defend itself (apparently a controversial thing to say these days), Harris launched an extraordinary attack on our leading ally, in a desperate bid to gain the support of the left wing of the Democrat Party. 

She blamed Israel for the “human suffering in Gaza” while repeating misleading and debunked claims from the United Nations about the deaths of children and widespread “food insecurity.” Conspicuously absent from Harris’ critique was any mention of Hamas’ role in perpetuating Palestinian suffering, choosing to focus solely on Israel alone as the exclusive cause of pain and suffering during this conflict. She omitted any reference to Hamas’ notorious strategy of embedding operatives within civilian areas while using innocent people as human shields to provoke and exploit Israeli defensive actions. Furthermore, Harris suggested that Israel was responsible for the impasse in ceasefire and hostage negotiations, neglecting to acknowledge that their counterpart in these discussions is a terrorist organization with a well-documented history of prioritizing survival over peace, even when they are the instigators of the violence.

While Netanyahu explained why a threat from an Iranian terror proxy like Hamas needs to be comprehensively crushed and defeated, Harris’ bothsidesism and calls for deescalation from both the righteous and reprehensible sides of the conflict only serve the interests of Hamas. The folly of Harris’ approach became clear just two days later.

On Saturday, a missile fired by Hezbollah, the Iranian-funded terror organization that essentially runs Lebanon, hit the Israeli-Druze town of Majdal Shams and killed 12 children and severely injured 15 more while they were playing soccer.

Since Oct. 7, empowered by Hamas’ actions and egged on by their Iranian masters, Hezbollah has peppered Israel with rocket attacks from across the border into Israel’s north, causing approximately 60,000 Israeli citizens to flee their homes. Israel has been reluctant to respond decisively, until now.

Why? Because the United States is strongly discouraging Israel, instead calling for diplomacy between all parties to hash all the issues out. 

But what they don’t seem to understand is that diplomacy by itself is not a solution but a tool to reach outcomes. If the outcome of “diplomacy” with terror organizations is their continued existence, leaving hostages still in captivity, and leaving Israelis unable to return home, that is not a win for any rational person. 

With a misguided foreign policy that seeks an exclusively diplomatic approach with people who have no interest in peace, the current administration (which has shown support for Israel) is coddling and emboldening Iran and its terror proxies in an ill-conceived strategy that hurts U.S. interests in the region and globally. 

With Iran confident that the United States would restrain Israel, their proxies continue attacking Israel and compromising its entire infrastructure and way of life. For an administration that desperately wants the war to end, even if only for political reasons, its slow-walking and overly cautious approach has harmed the war effort and only prolonged the international crisis. 

Yet, in the past week, Israel finally unshackled itself and began taking aim at the heads of the snakes that have tormented it for decades, sending a message that the gloves were off. 

On Tuesday, Israel launched a targeted airstrike into the heart of Beirut and eliminated Fuad Shukr, Hezbollah’s most senior military commander. Shukr, a founding leader of the terror militia and a close associate of “Secretary-General” Hasan Nasrallah, was responsible for countless terror operations and civilian deaths. The United States had a $5 million bounty on his head, holding him responsible for the 1983 Beirut barracks bombings, when 241 American servicemen were killed. 

Arguably the more shocking news broke on Tuesday evening, when Iranian state media announced that Hamas boss Ismail Haniyeh had been assassinated in Tehran. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied responsibility. Despite the wish casting of pro-terror apologists in the media who have labeled Haniyeh a statesman and peace negotiator, Haniyeh was a terror monster who presided over the destruction of Gaza from his luxurious digs in Qatar. Directly responsible for signing off on terror attacks that took thousands of lives, Haniyeh thought he would be spared if he fashioned himself as some sort of untouchable moderate statesman and framed as such by a complicit press, regardless of his less-than-savory activities.

For months, it looked like he was right. Until he went too far. 

Meanwhile, in Gaza, thanks to a comprehensive strategy to stop the flow of weapons from Sinai, the probable assassination of Hamas Military Wing Leader Mohammed Deif, as well as dismantling the Hamas terrorist infrastructure in Rafa and elsewhere, Hamas has responded with … zero rockets because Israel has removed Hamas’ ability to harm it. This wasn’t achieved by a shaky diplomatic “solution,” where Hamas could bide their time to commit another Oct. 7, but by Israel’s comprehensive war effort to snuff out any chance they have of doing it again. Now, Israel is removing the obstacles to peace from the battlefield and hoping to close this chapter of history and begin writing a new one.  

The pain and suffering of the last many months could have been avoided if Israel had been supported from the beginning to rid the world of genocidal terror organizations that seek to wipe it and the United States off the map. Israel is fighting and winning the battle against its enemies and the enemies of America. All they ask for is our support from thousands of miles away. Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis could still be alive if all the pressure placed on Israel were correctly directed at Hamas and their leaders to surrender, return the hostages, demilitarize Gaza, and rebuild a peaceful society that would coexist and even flourish next to Israel. Twelve innocent Israeli-Druze children might still be alive if, months ago, Israel had been empowered to rout Iran’s proxy terror group, Hezbollah. The fact that Israel is being criticized for eliminating mass murderers shows a deep moral rot in society. 

When our leaders are wavering in their confidence in the morality of our positions, all elements of deterrence are lost. Empty calls for appeasement resonate with no one. Not with our enemies that sense weakness and not with the allies that need our support. It’s time the United States backed Israel to end Iran’s war on the West so we can turn the page on this awful chapter and rebuild together, in peace and security. 

Secret Service Director Reveals What Exactly Happened on the Day Trump Was Shot

Crooks Was Neutralized 15 Seconds After First Shot 

Agents Unaware of Crooks’ Firearm Until Shots Were Fired

The U.S. Secret Service held a critical news briefing on Friday to address its “colossal security failure” at the Butler, Pennsylvania Trump rally, in light of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. revealed the detailed timeline and critical moments that transpired on the day Trump was shot.

Rowe admitted that Secret Service personnel were unaware that Thomas Crooks had a firearm during former President Trump’s speech until gunshots rang out.

“At 6:00 PM, former President Trump took the stage to begin remarks. And based on what I know right now, neither the Secret Service counter-sniper teams nor members of the former President’s Security Detail had any knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the AGR building with a firearm. It is my understanding that personnel were not aware the assailant had a firearms until they heard gunshots,” said Rowe.


According to Rowe, at 6:11 PM ET, Thomas Crooks fired three shots at Trump from a distance. Rowe stated that it took just 15.5 seconds for a countersniper to neutralize Crooks after he fired.

Rowe said, “At 6:11 PM, the assailant’s first volley of three shots was fired, and within three seconds, the former President’s detail rushed the stage and covered former President Trump, shielding him with their own bodies. The fourth through eighth shots took place over the next several seconds. Fifteen and a half seconds after the assailant’s first shot, a Secret Service counter-sniper fired a single round that neutralized the assailant.”


Fox News on Wednesday obtained video from James Copenhaver, one of the victims wounded by Democrat donor Thomas Crooks, that shows the shooter moving across the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building minutes before the would-assassin tried to gun down Trump.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, the AGR building is where Crooks set up shop to carry out his assassination attempt. The Secret Service inexplicable left the area unguarded despite it being within 150 yards of Trump, an easy shot for a halfway decent shooter.

The Copenhaver video shows the person on the roof of the building and can be seen running from the 1:00 second mark to roughly the 3:00 second mark.


When asked if any personnel had been terminated in connection with the incident, Rowe responded that not a single person has been fired for the attempt on President Trump’s life.