Sunday, July 28, 2024

Democrats Bait and Switch Their Own Voters

“Bait and switch” is a form of consumer fraud in which the seller offers a superior item at an attractive price but then withdraws that item and tries to get the buyer to purchase an inferior item at possibly a higher price.  “A ‘bait and switch’ is ... a violation of the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.”  The Democrat party just perpetrated this fraud on its own voters when, after baiting them with an offer of Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate, they sabotaged his candidacy, forced him to withdraw, and substituted Kamala Harris (AKA “Mike Nifong in a Pantsuit”) instead.  The Democrats did not allow their registered voters any opportunity to play a role in this selection process.

Here are the facts, and I encourage registered Democrats to verify this for themselves before they decide how to vote in November.

  1. Joe Biden won all 56 primary contests and 3,905 delegates.  His opponent won no contests and only four delegates.  Kamala Harris did not even compete in the primaries.
  2. After Biden’s debate with Donald Trump, the Democrat party’s power brokers, including Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, and actor George Clooney, openly sabotaged his candidacy to force him to withdraw.  Mother Jones, hardly a right-leaning source, reports, “‘Nancy [Pelosi] made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,’ said one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity to speak candidly.  ‘She gave them [the Biden camp] three weeks of the easy way.  It was about to be the hard way.’”  It sounds as though Pelosi made Biden an offer he could not refuse; whether she could have gotten a horse’s head past the U.S. Secret Service into Biden’s bed is admittedly open to question.
  3. The Democrat party brokers, with no input or consent from the 14,465,519 Democrats who voted for Biden, then selected Kamala Harris as their nominee.  This is, from where I sit, an outright bait and switch.

Although Biden then endorsed Harris for president, we need to remember what he along with Tulsi Gabbard said about her during the 2020 Democrat primaries.  It is vital for Republicans to circulate this video on social media as widely as possible between now and the election to remind Democrats that they have been bait-and-switched.  We must also encourage people to search on “Kamala Harris” and “exculpate” themselves to find her history of suppressing exculpatory evidence. 


She was also in a situation where she had a police department when she was there that was in fact was abusing people’s rights, and the fact was that she in fact was told by her own people, her own staff, that he should do something about and disclose to defense attorneys like me, that you in fact have been — the police officer did something that did not give you information that would exculpate your client.  She didn’t do that.  She never did it.  And so, what happened?  Along came a federal judge and said enough, enough, and he freed 1,000 of these people.  If you doubt me, Google, “1,000 prisoners freed, Kamala Harris.”

The above was not entirely accurate, as 1,000 cases were thrown out, but not all of those involved were in prison.  The fact that 1,000 cases were thrown out speaks for itself, though.  Hundreds of innocent people probably had to defend themselves against junk criminal charges, while hundreds of those who were actually guilty had to be let off, because Harris failed to follow the Brady Rule.

Tulsi Gabbard added how the criminal justice system affects non-white people disproportionately.  She pointed out that Harris jailed more than 1,500 people for marijuana and then laughed when she admitted to using it herself.  She added that Harris blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row, although it turned out that the man was actually guilty.  Nonetheless, had the DNA testing been performed as requested, this would have been determined a lot sooner.  Gabbard also contends that Harris kept people in prison for use as cheap prison labor.

Kamala Harris cannot write these statements off as “Republican smears” because President Biden, who somehow forgot Kamala’s history when he made her his running mate and then endorsed her candidacy for president, is a Democrat.  Gabbard was a Democrat in 2020 but later left the party due to anti-police and anti-religion rhetoric.  “Gabbard additionally accused the party of ‘stoking anti-white racism,’ being contemptuous toward religion and police and driving the country closer to nuclear war.”

An opinion piece in the left-leaning New York Times adds, “Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.”

To this, Gabbard added recently on X, “Kamala Harris is completely unqualified to be commander-in-chief, whose responsibility is to keep our country safe and secure.  She not only couldn’t protect our border — she didn’t even want to.  And repeated [sic] lied claiming, ‘our border is secure!’”

This is not the only thing Harris has lied about, noting that she libeled an identifiable police officer with a false accusation of murder (as did Elizabeth Warren).  Michael Brown was shot justifiably when he assaulted a law enforcement professional and tried to take his sidearm, thus putting the officer in reasonable fear for his life.  The officer’s name is known, and both Harris and Warren levied a false public accusation of murder against him in writing, which is libel.  As Harris and Warren are both attorneys, they should know that a false public accusation of a felony is libel or slander per se, depending on whether the accusation is written or spoken.

This is nonetheless the person who will almost certainly be the Democrats’ nominee for president this November, even though she did not get any votes (unless written in) in the primary and did not get any delegates.  She is the nominee only because her party baited Democrats with Joe Biden and, once he won the nomination, sabotaged and undercut him to force him to withdraw.  Then they switched in Kamala Harris without the consent of a single registered rank-and-file Democrat voter.

That is called bait and switch.  It’s unlawful if done with products or services, and the swing voters who will decide the election are well within their rights to conclude that Obama, Pelosi, and Co. have swindled them royally.

X22, And we Know, and more- July 28


No, Joe, Democracy is Not 'The Essence of Who We Are'

“Democracy is the essence of who we are.”—Joe Biden. 

Biden recently made the remark above in a 38-second Twitter clip that had to be edited eight times to make him appear lucid.  Biden, of course, knows little or nothing of true American history.  Sadly, most of his fellow countrymen don’t either, a fact the Left ruthlessly exploits.  He is dead wrong in the statement above, at least historically and in more ways than one.  Let me elucidate.  

1.  America is a republic, not a democracy.  

In his 38-second clip, Biden implied that our Constitution created a democracy, which it certainly did not.  It established a republic with very limited power in the federal government.  The last thing our Founders wanted was a democracy.  James Madison, the main author of the Constitution, wrote:  “Democracy is the most vile form of government.”  And “the purpose of the Constitution is to restrict the majority's [democracy’s] ability to harm a minority.”  Contrary to establishing a democracy, Madison said our Constitution was designed specifically to protect against it!  But I doubt very seriously that Joe Biden knows this.  Or would he care if he did?  

2.  Biden’s statement is wrong because the misnamed Democratic Party not only doesn’t believe in a republic, they don’t believe in democracy, either.  Well, in one sense, they do, as I shall explain below.  The Democratic Party is trying to create a totalitarian government where all power is centralized in their hands.  In a democracy (Greek, “rule by the people”) and in a republic (Latin, “things of the people”), the government’s power comes from the people and thus is (supposed to be) limited by what the people allow it to do.  “To secure these [natural, God-given] rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” Jefferson wrote in America’s Declaration of Independence.  In a republic (and a democracy), the people choose their own rulers.  In a totalitarian system, the government chooses the leaders.  Given his own actions, Biden’s statement above is laughable.

Biden and his political party have been using the power of government for the last eight years, and especially the past several months, via his Justice Department to try to deprive half of the American people of their “democratic” right to vote for the candidate of their choice.  Biden and the Democrats have applied the force of government to attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the next President.  That isn’t democracy.  It’s tyranny, the exercise of government power to allow the “Party,” not the people, to decide who will serve like Nazism.   Every time a member of the Democratic Party says the word “democracy,” they are being hypocritical, for such is the last thing they have been truly practicing.

In a democracy, all citizens (theoretically) are to be equal under the law (as in a republic).  That doesn’t mean everybody has the same rights.  We don’t, never have, and never will give babies the right to vote.  But their natural rights (of which voting is not one) are protected unless (per the Left) they are still in the womb.  According to Democrats, the right to life doesn’t exist until you are born, not when you start living at conception.  However, equality under the law is supposed to be a cardinal doctrine of people-controlled societies, governments “of, by, and for” the people.  It’s totalitarian governments that give special privileges—such as DEI—to certain favored classes.  DEI and the Deep State are the American nomenklatura—government-created groups who have special privileges because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or where they work (or whom they vote for).  Don’t call that “democratic” equality under the law.  You could call it “tyranny,” and our Founding Fathers no doubt would. 

Things like DEI are the main reason our Founders did NOT establish a democracy.  The problem, as they saw it, was that, in a democracy, the “people” don’t rule; only the majority does.  50%+1 equals a democratic majority.  Thus, if 50%+1 of the people decide to deny 50%-1 of their rights, then that’s democracy.  It may not be fair, just, or right, but it’s certainly not undemocratic.  It’s also happened in America many times and is happening right now under Joe Biden and his DEI and DOJ.  If he can just get the votes, he can do whatever he wants.  So, yeah, in one sense, democracy IS the “essence of who we are.”  Its tyrannical nature has certainly become the essence of what the Democratic Party has become.

Folks, the Left doesn’t care HOW it obtains totalitarian power.  If they can do it by “democratic” means (as Hitler did in 1933), well and good.  And if they can convince 50%+1 of the American people to throw Donald Trump in jail...well, that’s democracy.  Or what our Founders called the “tyranny of democracy.”

James Madison:  “Democracy is the right of the people to choose their own tyrant.”  

America was supposed to be a limited government, virtuous republic, not a democracy.  A republic where the federal government (and “democracy”) are limited by a Constitution that specifically defines the powers that can be exercised, a federal government of checks and balances so that no branch of government can gain too much control, a federal government with frequent elections so that tyrants can be removed before they destroy the country, a republic where the vast majority of the governmental power was to reside in the hands of the states (read the 10th Amendment), and if one of those states tyrannically exercised ITS powers, you have 49 others to choose from.  But if the federal government becomes tyrannical, where do you flee?  (Thailand?)  Our Founders knew exactly what they were doing, and establishing democracy as “the essence of who we are” was definitely NOT what they did.  

And their wisdom is abundantly evident in the tyrannical, “democratic” reign of Joe Biden. 

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Two New Swing State Polls Show the Serious Trouble Kamala Is In

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Democrats pulled a switcheroo with Joe Biden, knowing they were going to go down to defeat with him, after his disastrous debate made it impossible to hide his cognitive decline anymore. 

Democrats are trying to whip up excitement over Kamala Harris. But are they going to be in any better position with Harris? 

People were pointing to a Reuters poll that had Harris up by two percentage points. But that also had Democrats oversampled: 

Then if you look at the recent, Real Clear Politics national polls, Trump is still up 1.7 percent in the average: 

As CNN's data analyst Harry Enten explained, this is a big difference from 2020 and spells trouble in the Electoral College, if this holds. Biden was up in 2020 by four points in the national vote and barely made it in the official count in the Electoral College. Now, the RCP polling has Trump up 1.7, a more than five-point difference. 

Wow, what does that mean for the Electoral College and the math? 

With the light pink "leans" of Georgia and North Carolina, Trump has 251 to Harris' 226. The tans are the toss-ups/battleground states -- Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. 

If you look at the math, Republicans only need 19, Democrats need 44, assuming the map holds. 

Democrats still have fewer ways than Republicans to 270. Democrats have three possible winning combinations. They absolutely have to have Pennsylvania. Republicans have five, and all they need to do is win Pennsylvania, if they hold onto the "leans" in Georgia and North Carolina. Hence, why Pennsylvania is so important. 

How is Trump doing in the battleground states now? Bottom line? It doesn't look good for Harris at this point, with the latest report. Trump is ahead or tied except in one state in a new nine-state survey by Redfield and Wilton: 

While Harris leads Trump in Minnesota 44% to 41% (with Robert Kennedy Jr. at 6%), and the two are tied in Wisconsin at 44% each (with 5% to Kennedy), the other numbers go the former president’s way.

In Arizona, Trump is up 46 to 43 percent with Kennedy at 4 percent. They toss in Florida (which I don't even think is a battleground state this year, although historically it has been). Trump is over Harris, 47 to 39 percent with Kennedy at 5 percent. Trump is up five points in Georgia, 4 to 42 percent, with Kennedy at 3 percent. In Michigan, Trump is ahead 44 to 41, with Kennedy at 7 percent. Nevada is at 45 to 43 percent, still for Trump, with Kennedy taking 5 percent. Trump is also ahead in North Carolina at 46 to 43 percent, with Kennedy at 4 percent. In the essential state of Pennsylvania, Trump is up by four points, 46 to 42, with 5 percent for Kenned:. 

Emerson College polling conducted July 22 and 23 shows Trump with marginal leads in Arizona (+5), Georgia (+2), Michigan (+1) and Pennsylvania (+2).

And just like in the Redfield and Wilton survey, Emerson has the two candidates in a dead heat in Wisconsin.

Arizona: Trump 49%, Harris 44%

Georgia: Trump 48%, Harris 46% 

Michigan: Trump 46%, Harris 45% 

Pennsylvania: Trump 48%, Harris 46% 

Wisconsin: Trump 47%, Harris 47%

Here's what the map would look like there, if that bore out: 

While the Democrats may be trying to create a groundswell over Harris, right now that's more smoke and mirrors than anything else. This is before she even faces any real attacks/ads against her for all her issues; this is in the "honeymoon bloom" period." She may get another bounce after their convention -- assuming she is picked and/or the protests against the Democrats don't completely throw the convention into chaos. 

The point is despite all the machinations, the Democrats are still down with Kamala. Going forward, she isn't going to fare well when it comes to the issues that people care about and how she covered up Biden's cognitive decline, as the GOP pounds those points home. 

So, Kamala Harris Is the Worst Boss Ever

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Apparently, Vice President Kamala Harris is hard to work for… shocker. 

MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend, ex-senior advisor and chief spokesperson for Harris, suggested she had a bad experience working for the VP amid mounting criticism. 

After President Joe Biden was forced out of the 2024 race, Harris, who has earned a reputation as an alleged “soul-destroying” workplace “bully,” greeted her new staff but was met with concerns. 

Sanders-Townsend explained that her experience working for Harris—after only ever working for men—might make the VP the last woman she works for. 

“She was always aware of the criticism of her, right?" Sanders-Townsend said. "When I worked there, we didn't hide it from her. But it did not deter her. It was something, though, that I think any candidate, any candidate, any person in power needs to be aware of."

“Because when you're not aware, the last thing you want is your candidate, your principal, the vice president of the United States of America to be out there and someone says something and they're like ‘Well, what’s that all about?' ‘Well, ma’am, we discussed that this morning at 10 a.m.,” she continued. 

During her tenure as vice president, only four of the initial 71 staff members hired by Harris during her first year in office are still working for her— equating to a 92 percent staff turnover rate. 

A 2021 Politico report pointed out that Harris often “refuses to take responsibility for delicate issues and blames staffers for the negative results that ensue.”

“People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses, and it’s an abusive environment,” a person with close ties to Harris’ office said. “It’s not a healthy environment, and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like sh*t.” 

According to the book Amateur Hour, when Harris worked as California's Attorney General, she was reportedly known for maintaining a “toxic” workplace. 

The book described Harris as being a boss from Hell, pointing to students who worked for the VP as interns who would report back to their professor feeling as if they "weren't valued.” 

In a 2019 resignation letter, Harris's then-State Operations Director Kelly Mehlenbacher said she had “never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly.” 

In addition, Gil Duran, a former Harris aide during her time as an AG, blamed the now-VP for her office's struggles. 

“What is the common denominator through all this?” He said. “It’s her.” 

Blacks Loudly Declare Their Lack of Support for a Kamala Harris Presidency

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell reporting for RedState  

Despite the tremendous psyop by the Democrat Party and the legacy media to shove Vice President and anointed Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris through without debate or question, not everyone is on board. Surprisingly, certain aspects of the Black community are tacitly refusing to play along, even as the media gaslights and attempts to memory hole Harris' past and present record.

#BlackTwitter, a still powerful remnant on the X social media platform, has been particularly vocal about the media power brokers and Harris' insistence that she is Black. Not only do they not consider her to be Black, they also drag Harris for her record of public service. In over 30 years of being in public office, Harris has done absolutely nothing for the Black community:  

There is much resentment—more than the Democrat Party or the legacy media cares to acknowledge. It goes back to 2019, when Kamala Harris mounted her first campaign for president

During a February appearance on “The Breakfast Club” radio show, hosts DJ Envy and Charlamagne Tha God asked Harris about that.

Harris pushed back. “I’m black, and I’m proud of being black. I was born black. I will die black,” she said. “I’m not going to make excuses for anybody because they don’t understand.”

She went on to criticize those who question her racial identity.

“I think they don’t understand who black people are,” Harris said. “I’m not going to spend my time trying to educate people about who black people are.”

Harris' father is Jamaican and Irish. Her mother was Tamil Brahmin Indian, a high caste that is considered India's elite. Harris was born in Oakland and spent her formative years in Berkeley. Even today, Berkeley would never be considered a bastion of Blackness; but it is a hotbed for communism and Marxist philosophy. Then, Harris' mother moved her and her sister Meena to Montreal, which in the late '70s and early '80s, was probably more homogenous than it is today. Media personality and political analyst Kira Davis, who like Harris is biracial and spent her formative years in Canada, gave me some insight on this. Davis said, and I quote, "Montreal is where communists train their children." 

Davis also gave insight into the type of education that Harris probably received in Montreal, and it has little to do with Black culture.

Montreal is the most liberal of cities in the most liberal of provinces. When you're educated in Montreal, you're educated to hate your country as a colonizer and Western devil.  

This is where Harris spent her teenage years before returning to the States to attend Howard University, a historically Black college and obviously, a strategic choice to further cultivate this Black image that she wants everyone to swallow as whole cloth. So, it seems that like the gender cult, "I feel it, therefore it is," it seems that merely declaring yourself "Black" is the only requirement to be it. If that's the case, then Rachel Dolezal (now Nkechi Amare Diallo) and Shaun King are owed an apology

Kamala Harris is not their type of "Black," no matter how much the legacy media, the Democrat Party, and certain aspects of the Black community wish to make her so. What's more, schisms are being deepened, particularly among those who are American descendants of slaves (ADOS). This portion of the Black community is huge on getting the United States to further acknowledge the sin of slavery by paying financial reparations. The interesting thing is that Harris, who has advocated for policies that unequivocally give money to illegal aliens, and allow criminals to sanitize and skirt their records, and other social justice causes, is not really down with giving Blacks reparations.


This interview was considered instrumental in tanking that first presidential run. Harris exited the race in 2020, before the Iowa caucuses, with less than one percent of the voting public supporting her.

The other issue that Blacks have with Harris is not just that she defends her past as a prosecutor, but that the people who she claimed to champion were the people whom she seemed to target. Kamala Harris kept her prosecutorial record high on the backs of Black men. When she was San Francisco District Attorney (2004 to 2010), and then California Attorney General (2010-2017) at least 1,560 people were jailed for marijuana-related offenses; most of those offenders were Black men: 

As California's AG, Harris headed the legal battle to keep prisoners locked up so that they could fight wildfires. Despite a federal ruling to deal with prison overcrowding, Harris' AG staff attorneys argued that releasing low-level offenders would deplete the workforce that helped to combat wildfires. Harris later claimed that her staff attorneys did it without her knowledge, yet she was the "Top Cop." A stunning lack of accountability.

One local writer who examined her years as San Franciso District Attorney said of Harris: "In the decade since Harris had first been elected DA, she had built a reputation as a careful politician with an eye on the next office." It was when Harris had her eye on being attorney general that the 2007 murder of Seu Kuka by Jamal Truelove came into the SF DA's office. [Editor's note: Several sources give the name's spelling as "Truelove," while others use "Trulove." We have preserved the spellings as-is.]

After a jury convicted Jamal Trulove, then 25, of first degree murder in February 2010, then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris praised the “brave witness who stepped forward from the crowd.” Harris was then running for attorney general of California and in her campaign bragged about her high conviction rates as the San Francisco DA. Harris echoed what her deputy prosecutor Linda Allen said repeatedly to the jury: Priscilla Lualemaga, the only eyewitness to testify at trial about the July 2007 homicide of Seu Kuka, did so at great risk of retaliation. “She’ll never get her life back,” Allen said, adding that Lualemaga testified knowing that “maybe [she’ll] get killed over being a witness because she saw someone else kill someone.”  

The wrongful conviction of Jamal Truelove is the most glaring example of Harris' unchecked ambition and failure to practice what she preached.

There was also no physical or forensic evidence that inculpated Trulove, and no other witnesses said he was the shooter. Trulove insisted from the beginning that he was innocent.

The case’s glaring flaws didn’t matter: in October 2010, Trulove, then a young father, aspiring actor, and hip-hop performer who had appeared on the VH1 reality television show “I Love New York 2,” was sentenced to 50 years to life.

In 2014, the California Court of Appeal overturned his conviction. Truelove was retried the next year, but he was acquitted. In 2018, Truelove was awarded $13.1 million for wrongful conviction and imprisonment.


That VICE interview was in 2019. In 2021, Truelove did another podcast, and pretty much admitted that because he didn't want to be a right-wing symbol and was blackballed by Hollywood, that he caved on his criticisms of Harris and vocally expressed support for Harris becoming Joe Biden's VP.

WARNING: Strong language.

So, to be clear: Trulove received $13.1 million from the City of San Francisco because of Harris' failures. Because of this negative experience with the criminal justice system, Truelove still spouts the social justice nonsense, but openly admits that he has no love for the Democrat ticket and wants to stay clear of politics. He just wants an acting career. A career that was essentially ruined by Harris and her desire to climb the political ladder. 

The K-Hive, the Divine 9, and the cadre of identity politics Blackfaces in the Democrat Party want this to be forgotten; but Black men (and some women) have not forgotten.

Judge Joe Brown, who is no saint himself, but has had a solid career as an attorney, judge, and media personality, is particularly vociferous in his criticism of Kamala Harris. Brown was around during Harris' rapid career rise in California, and has been very verbose about her questionable qualifications, her fraudulent record, and her corrupt practices. In a 2019 podcast interview, Brown had this to say:

Her record is not good. She has had ample opportunities approaching 50 years of age, to do a lot for Black people. She took none of those opportunities to do anything to advance Black causes. She is an opportunist, she is chameleon, and that is not a good thing.

If you're going on 50 and you've done nothing to help Black folks at this point in your life, you're not going to. 

Recently, Brown has had some more "colorful" stories about Harris which are more fit for TMZ than RedState. Suffice to say, he has no love lost for Harris or her manipulation of the Black community.

But the lesser known, but equally terrible actions that Harris took against the family of jazz singer and civil rights activist Nina Simone cements that, as far as Black people are concerned, Harris is not one of them. As Zora Neale Hurston said“All my skinfolk ain't kinfolk.” 

Nina Simone's daughter, Lisa Simone Kelly, claims that then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris took away her family's rights and bullied Simone Kelly in court:  

Lisa Simone Kelly was made administrator of Simone's estate and a charitable trust she had established after the singer's death in 2003.

Court documents show she lost control after she was accused of "breaching her fiduciary duty" to both the estate and the trust.


[Granddaughter] RΓ©Anna Simone Kelly added that Harris rubbed salt in her family's wounds by having John Legend perform "Feeling Good" on the night of her inauguration as vice president.

Nina Simone is a cultural touchstone for many Blacks, particularly in terms of her civil rights advocacy. So this deliberate dissolution and co-opting of her legacy has not set well with many in the Black community.

The same #BlackTwitter tribe that has been swatting at the flies at the Harris' barbeque, is also taking to X to declare that they are not voting for Harris as president:

I am a True Black American woman whose family have been here for centuries. I WILL NOT BE VOTING FOR @VP Kamala Harris, she’s Indian who cosplay Black culture. 

Stop playing in our faces. #notangiblesnovote #stopillegalimmigration #CloseTheBorder #ReparationsNow #saveourkids 

Other Black thought leaders—not the ones that appear on MSNBC, Grio, and The Root—but the ones who actually live outside of the coastal bubble among regular people, are letting it be known that the cultural cosplay is particularly egregious. Influencers like Tariq Nasheed are mocking Harris over this:

Harris is scraping the bottom of the barrel of buffoonery, as this ridiculous blather about washing collard greens in a bathtub attests. This evokes the Hillary Clinton claims that she kept hot sauce in her purse:

Anton Daniels, entrepreneur and host of the "Millionaire Morning Show," lights into a caller who has decided that because Kamala Harris is a Black woman, she deserves her vote.


Watch Anton Daniels schools this woman on a Zoom call for wanting to vote for Kamala Harris ONLY because she’s black.

 TRUTH :  “Do you not see how that’s a bad idea?  … We are in 3 proxy wars with some of the most powerful Leaders of the world.  She failed at the border… estimation of 15 to 20 million people illegally into this country.  That is literally overtaking and bankrupting Chicago… Oakland is going out of business… California $65 Billion deficit.  New York is literally cutting trash… Free healthcare, free hotels… they’re literally taking over your schools, your taxpayers dollars is going to funding the migrant crisis, she’s supposed to be in charge of this.  We have a failing economy… She has no policy, no record to stand on.  One of the biggest thing she did in her career is lock up more black men than ever before, but we sit here and vote her in office on identity politics… We did that during the Obama Administration and he didn’t do anything for black people…" 

FACTS, as the young people would say. Tim Black, host of the "Calling Out" podcast, is also not riding the identity politics wave. What I absolutely love about this commentary is that he brings to light a fact that politicians don't want to recognize or acknowledge: There are many facets to the Black community, and one part may use the other part, but they may not necessarily like you or want to be around you. REAL TALK (WARNING: LANGUAGE):

This Presidential election will reveal some tough truths within the Black Community. We're already seeing some of these revelations unfold.

Some Black elites are excited about Kamala Harris because they feel proud to see someone like her running. Others aren't interested because they don't see how her election will improve their lives. 

Let me say this: We don't need another Obama. We need our first Black FDR, and Biden wasn't that. 

Let’s keep the conversation going. Here's a clip that explains my point with fewer words. 

I love us.

Podcaster Melanie Brown also confirms that Blacks, and particularly Black men, are not signing on to this nonsense. Anton McDaniel augments much of Brown's commentary, but she has some precise things to say about the mentality that exists among the Black elite that just because you are a Black person, you are supposed to back Kamala Harris' presidential candidacy. 

Brown predicts a great migration, and affirms what I have seen: Kamala Harris does not have the Black vote locked up, and this anointing and lack of examination of who she is and her record is going to have the opposite effect of pushing Black voters away.