Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris: A San Francisco Radical

Vice President Kamala Harris likely will be the Democrats’ nominee for president, and that means Team Trump needs a new playbook. Based on her record, one thing is clear – on issue after issue, she’s a San Francisco radical, committed to an ideological agenda that sacrifices the values and concerns of middle America to her image of “what can be, unburdened by what has been.”

For instance, she’s been a supporter of open borders for more than a decade. As California’s attorney general, she opposed the Obama administration’s“Secure Communities” program, and issued a bulletin directing her state’s sheriffs to ignore ICE detainers. As a U.S. senator from California, she cosponsored the Dream Act, to provide amnesty for illegal aliens. And as a candidate for president in 2019, she supported free healthcare for illegal aliens, as if the magnet pulling immigrants north wasn’t strong enough already. 

As vice president, Harris’ attitude toward illegal immigration has been even worse. Joe Biden tapped Harris to lead the U.S. response to challenges at the southwest border – to serve, in other words, as Biden’s border czar. Thereafter, illegal immigration exploded: According to official figures from Customs and Border Protection, 9.9 million illegal aliens have crossed into the United States since the Biden-Harris administration took office, yet she never bothered to speak with the Border Patrol Chief – neither the current chief, Jason Owens, nor his predecessor, Raul Ortiz. 

It's not just illegal immigration, it’s the economy, too. Harris pushed hard for the passage of the Biden-Harris administration’s major spending packages, the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” – virtually all of which was financed by borrowed money, and which even liberal finance experts warned would be inflationary – and she cast the deciding vote for the deceptively-named “Inflation Reduction Act,” the projected costs of which have risen to more than $1 trillion. These bills helped spur the worst inflation in 40 years. Since the onset of the Biden-Harris inflation, prices are up an astonishing 20.1 percent. Real wages haven’t kept pace, and Americans of all backgrounds are paying the price for the Biden-Harris administration’s policies.

Evidence that she’s a San Francisco radical abounds in the positions she took on a wide range of issues when she first ran for president back in 2019.

For instance, the nonpartisan GovTrack website ranked her “most liberal compared to All Senators” – that’s right, more liberal even than Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren – in the year she launched her presidential campaign. Continued GovTrack: Harris “joined bipartisan bills the least often compared to Senate Democrats.” (Interestingly, the website apparently removed the page naming Harris “most liberal” sometime after it became clear Harris was the likely Democrat nominee.) 

In April of 2019, Harris signed on as a cosponsor of Sanders’ “Medicare for All” health insurance proposal, which would have eliminated the health care plans of the roughly 200 million Americans who have private health insurance coverage. 

She’s such a strong proponent of destructive limits on American energy production that she insisted she would destroy one of the foundations of the Senate – the filibuster – in pursuit of her radical “green” agenda. She also said she would ban fracking and offshore drilling.

She’s all for threatening to use the coercive power of the state to silence political opponents. Who can forget her demands, as California’s attorney general, for donor lists from the conservative Americans for Prosperity Foundation – the kind of information that had, in previous cases, been illegally leaked, to better allow for harassment of conservative donors?

As a district attorney, attorney general, and U.S. senator, Harris has long championed radical change in the criminal justice arena. Running for president, she called for an end to what she called the “unjust and broken” cash bail system, saying it “disproportionately harms people from low-income communities and communities of color.” And in the wake of the summer 2020 riots, she supported the “Minnesota Freedom Fund,” a bail fund that assisted violent criminals who wanted out of prison. “If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” she posted to Twitter (now X). That bail fund used some of its funds to bail out George Howard, who, out on bail, shot and killed another man. 

Perhaps nothing better demonstrates Harris’ San Francisco radical views than an action she took in early 2004, just four months after being sworn in as San Francisco’s district attorney, when a gang member gunned down undercover police officer Isaac Espinoza. Rather than seek the death penalty for the murder of a peace officer, as California law allowed, she declined to charge the perpetrator with a capital offense – and then failed to inform the victim’s widow of her decision before announcing it at a press conference. California’s senior U.S. senator at the time, Dianne Feinstein, giving a eulogy for the fallen officer, blasted Harris’ decision, asserting, “This is not only the definition of tragedy, it’s the special circumstance called for by the death penalty law.” The San Francisco Police Officers Association never endorsed Harris after that. 

Kamala Harris supports open borders; taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal aliens; amnesty; more government spending; higher taxes; and a one-size-fits-all government healthcare program for everyone. She opposes donor confidentiality; the death penalty, even for cop killers; and fracking, offshore drilling, and fossil fuels in general.

If that’s not a San Francisco radical, I don’t know what is.

I Told You So

 I tried to warn everyone that Trump was doing an Iran-Contra trick upon the conservative base by using half the base to undermine the other half. Just like I kept telling everyone that Trump just loves the telling the truth, hidden behind his heaping piles of hype and lies.  Now today the reality of that sets in just how deviously nefarious he has been.  It even will get worse than that as after all these months of trying to figure out exactly what was behind how Oct 7th came into being, I've finally put the puzzle pieces together and it's going to be heart breaking the amount of deception involved.  Of course it's just my opinion, an opinion based on nearly ten months of closely watching what has been unfolding since with words spoken by the main culprits that makes it more than just an opinion and an eye opener for coffee table discussions across the globe.  There again, as what I am going to say now, you firmly have to believe you've already been had and we are looking at two administrations, the current and former, working cohesively hand in hand to get to the reality of the remarks made by Trump at a Turning Point Action conservative event held in Florida.  

In that address to the group Trump told them that 2024 will be the last election they'll ever have to vote in again.  That, after that, the system will be so rigged, no one will have to bother voting for anyone again.  Which leads conclusively to what I've been saying for the last few weeks.  The illegal immigrant argument that they are voting in our elections is just the distraction for the real fraud, and the real fraud is why you can't find the fraud because it appears legit.  

"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Christians on Friday that if they vote for him this November, "in four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote."

See the reality now?  If you don't you are in a whole world of delusion far more than most have even been up until now.  Not only did he tell the crowd they'll no longer have to worry about voting again, but in a May address to the National Rifle Association, he, like I mentioned, just loves to tell the truth, and the truth is, he's been running things behind the scenes of the current administration.  

"In May, speaking at a National Rifle Association gathering, Trump quipped about serving more than two terms as president.

He referred to the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, the only president to serve more than two terms. The two-term limit was added after Roosevelt's presidency.

"You know, FDR, 16 years - almost 16 years - he was four terms. I don't know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?" Trump asked the NRA crowd."

Trump has a sinister streak a mile wide.  He loves telling people the truth, up to and including he wasn't coming back after 2020.  People just don't hear the truth spoken because it's hidden behind the hype of lies.  He further makes a mockery out of the crowd by telling him how much he loves them.

"He added: "I love you Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote," Trump said.

He's never been a Christian his entire life.  Remember that big, beautiful Easter day, not the one spoken of but the one where Don Jr came out and said on Easter that Trump doesn't have to attend church anymore because he's not president.  The way he phrases it isn't that he sincerely believes that Christians will far outweigh the number of ballots not voted that they'll vote for you since you will no longer have to be bothered, there's no guarantee to the fact they'll have more voters to vote in place for those who didn't vote than democrats.  Kelly Ann Conway did the best at explaining that, or why.  The American First Institute, the one they have the Heritage Foundation running cover for, who have had republicans and democrats alike going in and out of back doors in NYC, are doing so in preparation to set up in advance the next administration.  Kelly Ann said that one of the biggest problems when a new administration comes into place, there's too much in-fighting between democrats and republicans that waste too much time getting agreed upon policy agenda into place.  Moving forward they have come together to agree upon what the next administration will look like, who will be involved in that administration, and who will be agreed upon positions that need vetting.  What Trump said to the Turning Point crowd is essentially you won't have to waste your time anymore voting because we'll have done come together and decided on your behalf who the next president will be.  It will all be about America first, not Americans, and you will no longer have a voice in determining the direction the country will go, or who will take the country in that direction.

The Gateway Pundit and others were right nearly four years ago when they found what would be former, or you could say, what should have been former, Trump administration officials holding secret committee meetings in Virginia.  The part people really need to get at this point isn't that it just the Trump administration helping govern the current administration, the former Obama administration has been found doing the same thing. A huge part of that is recognizing that they've decided to stop fighting among themselves and work in cooperation with each other toward common goals.  Those commons goals will not be of much benefit to the average Americans but to set in place policy to enrich themselves even further.  That includes putting people in electric vehicles and selling them out of their energy.  Americans will have no further choice in the matter as they've taken control, they've fixed the system against you.  

They've achieved their illegal legal looking extensive, most inclusive voter fraud operation in history by placing hot topic issues on ballots, like aligning into position a supreme court that would throw out Roe vs Wade, leaving it up to states to decide so states continue to put it on ballots to keep the voter drive going, getting people who'd otherwise not vote to vote to see who is still alive and kicking and get a fresh up to date signature, people who never registered to vote to register,  issues like legalizing marijuana, government and non-government funding of voter drives.  Even so desperate as to pay three individuals to stand in a secretary of state parking like, as I highlighted in a comment the other day, to ask people if they were registered to vote.  The whole thing isn't so you can all try and outvote the other side, it's all done so they can outvote the side who has won if it isn't who they have chosen, and it looks legitimately done now using the votes of the people who didn't bother voting so they can override whoever the majority have voted for if they so decide. 

It was never about conservatives, liberals, gays, transgender, those were just issues to distract people, keep fighting among themselves, anger people to register, to vote, to push the pendulum to enable them to establish a legitimate looking voter fraud operation.    

Like Michael Moore said, once people realize Trump wasn't going to do a damn thing for them, it'll be too late.   

Rally coverage, And we Know, and more- July 27


No Matter How Often Leftism Fails, True Believers Never Face The Consequences

Perhaps the most significant factor contributing to the Soviet Union’s collapse was a resolute commitment to the infallibility of socialist ideology, coupled with its continued application long after its obvious failure. The failure to learn history and, by extension, internalize the lessons from this dark period is what enables our modern-day Marxists (whom we refer to as “leftists” or “progressives”) to believe that they can somehow avoid the consequences of the policies they promote.

Modern political history shows that these same people almost always avoid any personal liability for the destruction that they’ve wrought. In the Soviet countries, this mindset prevailed until the collapse of that abominable regime in 1991, but not before oppressing, enslaving, and murdering millions.

Unfortunately, this worldview persists even today. Adherence to ideological purity is valued above empirical evidence and objective truth, and is particularly prevalent among miseducated Western leftists who “identify as secular,” whereas those of us who believe in G-d are labeled “superstitious.” These are the archetypical “godless commies.” By traditional standards, they display appalling behavior. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, who had experience with this, once said, “If there is no G-d, everything is permitted.”

These ideologues consider their worldview incontrovertible, making them intolerant of opposing viewpoints, which they consider “lies.” As we witnessed after the June 27 debate, opposing viewpoints are also regarded as inherently sinister. The debate moderators, CNN’s Jake Tapper (“Fake Yapper”) and Dana Bash (the ex-wife of former Obama CIA Chief of Staff and DoD Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash), are two such godless commies, with their own histories of intolerance while feigning virtue.

Such cadres concentrate (and flourish) in institutions such as academia, government, non-profit/activist organizations, think tanks (producing few original ideas), and political and other organizations where ideological purity has replaced merit as the basis for career advancement. Here, ideas need not be empirically proven to receive perpetual funding. This explains how Democrats often “fail upward,” also known as “The Peter Principle” (people rise to the level of their incompetence). Biden, Harris, Blinken, and Jake Sullivan are prime examples.

Thomas Sowell said that “the most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work.” Yet we still find ourselves struggling with ideologues promoting impracticable ideas/policies provably tested over decades as destructive and morally evil. Unlimited empirical evidence and a well-documented 74-year Soviet period resulting in misery, deprivation, and failure don’t dissuade them. Millions remain yoked to this ideology. It’s simultaneously perplexing while perversely impressive, speaking to the religious nature of the ideology and the effectiveness of the indoctrination.

They hubristically believe that men and the governments they create can somehow bypass, bend, or suspend the laws of nature, avoiding failure. Men can become women and control the weather. It’s as if they believe in a magical black hole that can be perfectly timed and exploited by Marxist demigods so capable that they can identify the precise moments in a time continuum enabling them to successfully implement policies that have failed repeatedly and miserably whenever they’ve previously been attempted.

If that isn’t bizarre enough, there is the self-delusion that their intentions are uniquely virtuous and their self-anointed “experts” (whose status never requires validation) uniquely capable.

When these policies, judged on merit (outcome, not intention), inevitably fail, the ideologues will hypocritically claim success or shamelessly place blame on others for not letting them “go far enough” or “implement it correctly.”

Ultimately, when they realize that the immutable natural laws they have attempted to bypass apply even to them, and they become trapped by the consequences of their actions, they invariably demand more government intervention and additional resources (their favorite), or, they just leave the mess they created for others to sort out. All the while, they insist that their intentions were good and their “hearts were in the right place.”

This occurs when actions have no consequences. Thomas Sowell again: “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

As we’ve seen, elections have consequences, but so should actions, particularly for those entrusted with power. Those promoting a collectivist, immoral, anti-human, anti-religion ideology, ignoring the laws of nature, giving money to terrorists and drug cartels, encouraging rioting, bailing criminals out rather than prosecuting them, and calling parents protesting sexual deviance “domestic terrorists” are trying to overthrow the system. Where I come from, we call that TREASON, which has serious consequences.

Progressive’s adamantine commitment to their ideology’s infallibility is what enables them to believe that they can avoid their policies’ consequences. It is a Soviet mindset, replacing religion, that prevailed in the Eastern bloc until it began to collapse in 1989, and that’s been perpetuated in underdeveloped places in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. In the Muslim world, it fused with Islam in Algeria, Egypt, and Iraq. This is an integral part of what makes (and keeps) such places underdeveloped.

Break free, as Czechia, Hungary, Chile, the UAE, and Taiwan did, and you might find your country developing. Become consumed by it, and your country will likely be destroyed (e.g., Argentina, Greece, Portugal, South Africa, and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe).

Although leftism has not claimed even one success (even many Israeli kibbutzim have failed, proving that such social experiments flop even on a small scale), this creepy ideology retains its staying power. Empirical evidence is irrelevant.

Ultimately, leftism is a faith, allowing its proponents to believe there must be loopholes in the laws of human nature and causality that apply to a progressive society, allowing its members to “have their cake and eat it, too.” Their well-documented history of misery, deprivation, and abject failure is no bar to their promoting an anti-human, anti-freedom ideology in the belief that somehow, once implemented, they will magically be spared its consequences.

The most vexing aspect of this manifestly self-destructive behavior is the false perception that progressive intentions are somehow more virtuous. When their policies—which must inevitably be judged on their merits (outcomes, not intentions)—consistently fail, progressives will either hypocritically claim success or shamelessly place blame on rivals for “not letting you go far enough.”

Ultimately—and this is something progressives willfully refuse to acknowledge—when the immutable natural laws you refuse to consider still make themselves known, you become trapped by the consequences of your actions. People who are not cultists will look at their failures and learn from them. The left’s cultists never learn, though. They just double down on their failures, even as the American experience collapses in ruins around them.

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The 𝐖𝟑𝐏 𝓓𝓐𝓘𝓛𝓨 𝓗𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓻, 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓬, 𝓐𝓻𝓽, 𝓞𝓟𝓔𝓝 𝓣𝓗𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓 

Here’s a place to share cartoons, jokes, music, art, nature, 
man-made wonders, and whatever else you can think of. 

No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Understand How Your Social Media Voice Becomes the Enemy in 2024, and the Connection to Kamala “BRAT” Harris

I’m going to just drop some analysis and research material quickly because the previously sparse pixels are rapidly collating into a visible picture.

Many people are well aware of that the Dept of Homeland Security, (DHS – part of the domestic Intelligence Community structure), previously triggered a myriad of activities and actions to control the online speech of Americans.

Factually, despite the previous understandings about Big Tech deplatforming, demonetization, shadow banning and censorship, it took the Twitter-File revelations to put actual context to what the FBI, DHS, CISA and various domestic intelligence communities were doing.

Immediately everyone saw how Big Tech via Twitter, Google, Instagram, Facebook, etc were using every resource to control information sharing and shut down speech.  In the bigger picture this can be looked at as an effort to control online communication.

Controlling online communication is not only about the content of the voice (under the guise of dis-mis-malinformation), but also about controlling the visibility of the scale of voices who agree.  Ultimately, it’s like an ideologically like-minded crowd in a stadium, if you can stop them at the entry points the stadium looks sparse as the crowd is forcibly turned away.  You don’t know that your opinion is held by tens of millions of people who think exactly the same way you do.

This is why I have continually pointed out that WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY, they just control the platforms that give us the online impression of size.

There is a difference between ‘the real world’, and the ‘online world’.  Tens-of-thousands of attendees to numerous and frequent Donald Trump rallies are a visual demonstration of scale, while dozens or hundreds attended the same for Joe Biden.  There are other examples like random site-specific polls (non-media influenced), spontaneous assemblies, boat parades, etc.  In every ‘real world’ example, the ordinary American electorate visibly dominate the scope of support.

However, part of voting fraud is presenting the optic of support for the candidate who benefits from fraudulent ballot collection.  The extra ballots must be believable, or there can be a problem.  It is within this “online dynamic” that control, censorship and every mechanism within the arsenal of social media big tech is deployed.  This is a critical aspect to truly understand.

In the years leading up to this 2024 election, we have watched closely as every pathway for online voices has been shaped, changed and in some cases eliminated.  One example is very close to home here at CTH, where Google has said -directly- the content within the comment section is the justification for their demonetization.  If The Conservative Treehouse does not shut down comments, Google Ads (controlling 75% of all online revenue) will NOT be permitted.  ¹The goal is to shut down the conversation.

Let that sink in for a moment if you didn’t already.  It’s not the content of the website that generates the censorship, it is the CONVERSATION in the comment section that Google is concerned about.  Take that example as an empirical datapoint and then extend it.  Now you understand why the comment sections in various platforms have been removed, and even worse the 3rd-party software plug in (like Disquis) is heavily controlled and moderated.

What big tech has been doing is funneling everyone into the social media platforms in order to have their online conversations about current events, news etc.  If you espouse an opinion that may be popular yet is against the interests of those who are controlling the political space, your content is removed (Ex. Facebook, Insta, etc.), and/or your ability to speak is removed.

If they can funnel everyone into a place where conversation is controlled, then people cannot grasp the scale of the like-minded assembly.  That’s the feature of their control.

The need for control is a reaction to fear, and what the IC (big tech) fear most is that online we repeat what historically was seen in the Polish Solidarity Movement.  When millions of people took to the streets to see Pope John Paul II, they suddenly realized they were the majority, and the representatives of government were the minority.  In only a few months thereafter, everything changed.

Remember, this online speech and assembly control through social media and Big Tech was the impetus for the Dept of State strategy during the Arab Spring.  Fast forward 15 years later and every mechanism of the domestic IC through social media is being deployed to see a message of alignment for Kamala Harris.  You are watching it play out right now, in real time.

The bottom line is this…. Understand how the domestic IC is operating to control the gates to the stadium, then think like an insurgent and keep communicating to the majority.  We are in an abusive relationship with government; there is absolutely no doubt of the parallel.  The abuser doesn’t want the abused to visit her/his family, because that might generate a dangerous awakening, a realization, within her/him.

From my perspective, this is the core issue in this 2024 election.  If we can highlight the smallness of the Harris/Kelly support network, then James Clyburn will have a really tough time trying to convince people that 81 million voted for Kamala like Biden.  The enemy we face will use every online tool in their arsenal to make sure the majority do not realize they are in the majority. REMEMBER THIS!

Think about what you see, hear and view through this prism of clarity.  Everything around you is being controlled to manufacture an outcome that is totally disconnected from reality.   When you understand this, you understand the importance of being loud and proud. You understand you must ignore the control mechanisms, setting your fears aside and stating openly what you believe.  In short, quit pretending.


Kamala Harris was the border Czar, Donald Trump was shot in the ear with a bullet, Joe Biden has dementia, Derek Chauvin didn’t murder George Floyd, Donald Trump didn’t collude with Russia, Brett Kavanaugh wasn’t a gang rapist, Jussie Smollett isn’t the victim of a hate crime, Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t Russian disinformation, COVID didn’t originate in a wet market, Joe Biden didn’t get 81 million legal votes, J6 wasn’t an insurrection, mRNA vaccines don’t stop the spread, Putin didn’t blow up Nord Stream Pipeline, and men can’t get pregnant.

Does the 2024 Big Tech goal give us a different perspective on why TikTok is considered a “threat to democracy?”

Remember, violence supported by the IC is considered speech, (see Antifa). Meanwhile, speech that is against the interests of the IC is considered violence.

More to follow.

Trump Rally – Charlotte, North Carolina, 7/24/24

¹I told them to f**k off.

Another AVOIDABLE catastrophe strikes Alberta at Jasper National Park


The devastating wildfires ripping through one of Canada’s and the world’s most pristine landscapes were entirely avoidable if Parks Canada appropriately managed Jasper National Park.

Many on the left will be quick to blame this wildfire on climate change, but the facts say otherwise.

Jasper was allowed to densify for years and the federal government refused to address the growing pine beetle infestation throughout the park, which kills trees and creates a tinderbox within the forest.

Watch the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.

Biden's Defense Dept Poised to Strip the Medal of Honor From 20 US Soldiers

streiff reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden's Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has convened a special panel empowered to revoke Medals of Honor awarded to 20 US cavalrymen. The panel is looking at the Medals of Honor awarded for the Battle of Wounded Knee, where some 350 hostile Dakota men, women, and children were killed in a confused and one-sided fight. Austin's charge is to review records of the event, investigate “each awardee’s individual actions,” and “consider the context of the overall engagement.”

“It’s never too late to do what’s right,” an unnamed senior defense official said in a statement Wednesday. “And that’s what is intended by the review that the secretary directed, which is to ensure that we go back and review each of these medals in a rigorous and individualized manner.”

The engagement occurred during the last gasps of the Indian Wars that began shortly after English settlers arrived in Jamestown and dragged on until the early 20th Century. The wars were bloody and filled with atrocities committed by both sides, but ultimately, the superior culture carried the day. The operation took place in the context of the Ghost Dance movement among the Plains Indians. The 7th Cavalry intercepted a band of Indians traveling between two reservations in South Dakota. The mission was to disarm them as they were suppressing the Ghost Dance. A lot of modern apologists claim the movement, which had as its goal the mystical elimination of White people, was totally benign. I think that is a damned comfortable opinion to have 130 years after the fact. The battle took place a mere 14 years after the Battle of the Little Bighorn. The last battle between the US Army and Indians was still 30 years in the future. The homesteading families upset by the Ghost Dance had every reason to be afraid and expect the worst. They and their neighbors had been brutalized during the extended war with the Dakota and had no reason to think the Ghost Dance was some quaint ethnic custom. Quite honestly, had the Ghost Dance not been suppressed there is no guarantee that another war would not have erupted. 

Twenty Medals of Honor were awarded for bravery at Wounded Knee.

The Medal of Honor, at that time, was the only decoration for valor, and the criteria were very different from those today. 

Revoking an award of the Medal of Honor is not unprecedented. In fact, there have been 911 instances. Of that number, 864 belonged to members of the 27th Maine Volunteer Infantry who were awarded the Medal of Honor for extending their expired enlistments to fight at Gettysburg. President Abraham Lincoln authorized those medals. People often refer to the award as the Congressional Medal of Honor, but Congress has no role in awarding the medal; it gets that name because it is awarded "in the name of the United States Congress."

Congress started down this road by apologizing in 1990. The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act required the Department of Defense to examine the medals.

Rep. Kaialiʻi Kahele, D-Hawaii, was the legislation’s primary sponsor, though other members of Congress, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Reuben Gallego, D-Ariz., have pushed for similar legislation in the past. Kahele is a Native Hawaiian.

Dubbed the “Remove the Stain Act,” the legislation’s advocates, which include more than a dozen Native American tribes and groups, say it’s a long-overdue step to right a historical wrong.

“As Congress continues to consider the FY23 NDAA, the most important defense legislative vehicle that is debated each year, we must remind ourselves of the uncomfortable truth that this land – the United States – was taken from indigenous peoples,” said Kahele in a press release. “Although we can never undo the irreparable damage inflicted on indigenous peoples, we can do our best to respect their lands, empower our communities and acknowledge the truth behind our shared history.”

No matter what this Potemkin board organized by Austin finds, the facts remain that the 7th Cavalry was operating under legal orders, and the men awarded the Medal of Honor met the criteria of the time. There is no wrong to be righted here. This is simply a political act by the losers to count coup on the winners. Austin's order to “consider the context of the overall engagement" is just a way to open the door to relitigating the Indian Wars by the "stolen land" nutters.

Don't think this is the end of it.

As we have experienced over the last decade, there is an active attempt by the anti-American left, abetted by a bunch of weakling suck-ups in Congress and State Houses, to erase our history and replace it with a narrative that divides Americans and is designed to create different classes of thought. It started with banishing all vestiges of the military history of the Civil War from our military. National Guard units in the South were stripped of battle streamers, reflecting their participation in the politically incorrect side of the Civil War. Statues were torn down. Military installations were renamed. This exercise in stupidity marks the beginning of an effort to do the same to participation by the US Army in the Indian Wars. 

When these 20 medals are revoked, and they will be revoked, there will be other boards covered to examine other Medals of Honor. Battle streamers will be stripped from regimental flags. Forts named for military figures of that era, like Fort Carson, will be renamed.

In his first speech after accepting the GOP nomination for president, former President Donald Trump made this pledge:

He needs to take it one step further. He needs to reverse any decision, stripping 20 deceased cavalrymen of a medal for bravery, and he needs to send anyone involved in this process into retirement.