Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Exit Stage Left

Events may have overtaken Biden's now widely known cognitive issues.  What you can readily take away from past assassination attempts is the empathy factor.  None of the major networks (except Fox) regularly carry Trump rallies.  This is likely to change after the near assassination of President Trump.  Merely the optics of Trump, wounded but defiant, standing beneath an American flag and railing against a lone gunman, already dead but who thought he would rid the planet of Trump, is a harbinger of a November win.

By that act, Thomas Matthew Crooks will be recorded by history in one of several ways: misguided, crazy, a true believer, or perhaps even as a dedicated soldier of the progressive Left. 

Through a series of finally disclosed major gaffes by President Biden, plus the assassination attempt on Trump, the progressive multi-decade plot to overthrow America is unraveling at warp speed.  The progressives’ ability to defy gravity has always depended on four seemingly impossible concurrent scenarios:

  1. Requiring Republican politicians never to figure out how to govern effectively, in or out of power, thereby keeping their members in a perpetual state of crisis.
  2. It required the progressives (Marxists), to capture and hold the Democratic party, supplanting traditional moderate Democrats and frightening their members by the threat of withholding campaign cash if they strayed from the party line or were disloyal.
  3. It required a boogieman in the form of Trump, who was as clear as a bell when he said he wanted to drain the Swamp and start over from scratch.  Couple that idea with the Dems’ ferocious attacks on conservatives.  Throw in Trump's always freewheeling persona, and there was no better strawman for the Dems to coalesce against portraying him as a modern-day Hitler.
  4. Finally, the Dems needed an enforcement mechanism to trot out against the general populace on demand.  The progressive fascination with pushing race, gender identity, anti-Americanism, and equity caused millions of fair-minded Americans to tuck their heads in like turtles and not take to the street in protest.

What happened to that strategy?

Call it God's finger on the narrative if you like, the best-laid plans of man, simple greed, or the fact, as Abraham Lincoln once said: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." Whatever it was, the press, donors, and other politicians (many afraid of losing their jobs and power) realized the jig was up.  Now water is topping the bulkheads, she's going down by the head, and the rats are making their leap.  It can't be stopped now, with the survivors picking which lifeboats they think they have the best chance of surviving this ordeal.  Because they were in charge for so long, all the lifeboats are leaking and missing provisions. Suddenly, sinners are finding God again; ask James Carville.

Biden's exit has already happened.  As far back as Inauguration Day, Biden was in decline and was being stage-managed by a cabal of leftists and power seekers.  The most profound takeaway is not the gathering storm of those switching sides and calling for his departure; no, it's the stink of adrenaline one gets when one knows their time is up and there's nothing they can do about it.

With the wounding of Trump and his majestic defiance, the fact is that millions of undecided voters are now going to see two competing images of who the President will be in 2025.  Image one, a largely disconnected and profoundly weak and frail-looking individual, vs. an energetic, high-energy Trump who has now convinced even previous nonbelievers that there is no comparison, at least physically and mentally, to his opponent.  The image of a frail, dithering President Biden is permanently etched in our minds.  Another image of Trump, what Americans will rightly see as the Right Stuff, will be broadcast constantly in what amounts to a Rorschach Test of competency, strength, and leadership ability.

Only the hardiest leftists with terminal cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome will cling to Biden as their candidate.  I believe we are on the cusp of a historic Electoral College victory.  A Trump victory (including keeping the House and winning the Senate) will herald the likelihood of Trump rolling out a full slate of mutually reinforcing presidential executive orders in concert with a legislative agenda that cements his efforts.  The number of new federal judges he will submit for Senate confirmation should not be ignored.  This is the single most crucial legacy Trump could leave us with, thereby cementing, in law, fundamental changes he has promised the American people he would make in draining the Swamp and snipping the power of the elites.

The first Trump term was successful but marred by Trump's unfamiliarity with how government works, COVID, his divisive style of management and communication, and his party's undermining him in the House and Senate.  It will be different this time around; if nothing else, Trump is a quick learner.

By divine providence, we may now be able to visualize the keys to our redemption delivered to us by a failed Biden and a would-be assassin.  If this were a book, nobody would believe it.   

Trudeau gives NATO speech to empty room


The Prime Minister is getting mocked online after social media users learned his final speech at the NATO summit in Washington was given to an empty room. 


Trudeau gives NATO speech to empty room 

Trudeau stood alongside Defence Minister Bill Blair, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Melanie Joly, in front of what appears to be forty empty chairs.

“Another empty room for Trudeau,” said social media user, Juan Pablo, perhaps recalling when the CBC claimed that Justin Trudeau received a standing ovation for his speech in the EU, but didn’t mention that over nine-tenths of the parliament left before he began.

A few reporters did end up asking Trudeau questions following his speech, meaning at least some people were in the room — likely those who had to be there.

But the discovery that virtually no one showed up to listen to what he had to say is aligned with the narrative that Canada is not taken seriously by NATO member countries and their respective delegations that attended the three-day summit in Washington, D.C. 

The federal Liberals have faced criticism regarding their failure to spend 2% of their GDP towards national defence, as agreed by NATO member countries. According to the NATO estimate, Canada is near the bottom of the list of the 32 member countries, with military spending amounting to 1.37 percent of its GDP.

During the summit, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson scolded the Trudeau Liberals for what he said was a “shameful” lack of spending. As bad as it was, it wasn’t as embarrassing as what Alaskan US Senator, Dan Sullivan, said last year, when he called Canada’s defence spending “feeble” and said that Canada should be “put at the kids table.” 

The Prime Minister said on Thursday that he has a plan to get to 2%, but not until 2032, when it’s likely that he’ll be far removed from the Canadian political landscape.

On Friday, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre mocked Trudeau, calling him a world-class embarrassment. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- July 16 (RNC Night 2)


It’s the End of the World As the Democrats Know It: And No, They Aren’t Feeling Fine (Part II)

posted by Adam Turner at RedState 

The 2024 Presidential election fundamentals — and what they portend for the future — continued:

  • The three factors that could change the 2024 election’s trajectory that I mentioned before seem even less likely to be helpful to Biden than they were before. These factors are – major outside event(s); Republican screw-up(s); or Biden’s campaign rights itself – i.e., the campaign more effectively uses its assets:

    • A major outside event (literally) just happened – the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. This is likely to provide a polling boost for Trump, as it did for Ronald Reagan back in 1981. The most likely major outside events that could still occur are that an illegal alien, perhaps a foreign terrorist, kills or wounds a great number of U.S. civilians at home, or that another foreign war erupts that drags the U.S. in. Neither of these events is likely to rebound to Joe Biden’s polling favor. So, once again, although a major outside event(s) could still (theoretically) save Biden, it isn’t likely to do so.

    • There have been no major Republican screw-ups (so far). In fact, the only major campaign screw-up was when Joe Biden challenged Donald Trump to debates, and the first debate showcased Biden’s senility. And Trump has clearly been avoiding interrupting Biden in the aftermath of his big mistake.

    • Some of Biden’s assets have been lost or shown to be not very helpful: A) One of Biden’s advantages, his monetary edge, has totally disappeared, post-debate. Worse yet, now Democrat funders are actually holding back monies from the Biden campaign to protest him continuing to campaign for the presidency. B) Before the monetary advantage disappeared, the Biden groups handily outspent the Trump forces. Biden attack ads often focused on abortion and the idea that Trump is the devil – a Hitler, an insurrectionist, an authoritarian, etc. None of these ads seemed to have helped Biden in the polling. C) The lawfare cases remaining against Trump are not going to come to a head before the election, and it is probable that it is too late to manufacture new cases. Further, if Trump is sentenced to prison or otherwise punished for his New York convictions, the penalty for this joke of a case will only further inflame swing voters against Biden.   

  • Among the significant events to come are the Republican National Convention, where Trump will be promoted, and there will probably be Democrats rioting on the streets; the Democrat National Convention, where Biden will be promoted, but everyone will be focused on whether Biden does/says something senile again (he will), and there will definitely be rioting on the streets by Democrats; and the second debate, where Biden may do better, but he will not do well enough to quiet any concerns about his senility.

  • To win in November of 2024, Joe Biden will need to carry the national popular vote by at least 3 percent, and he will have to carry all of the normal Democrat-leaning states plus a majority of the battleground states.  

  • As I have said before, the 2024 election is most similar to the elections of 1968 and 1980. In both of those earlier elections, the sitting Democrat president was in deep trouble. The economy was in bad shape. The world was in chaos because of the president’s foreign policies. Crime and violence were rampant on America’s streets. The Democrat Party was bitterly divided, with the left wing of the party strongly protesting the incumbent president. A prominent third-party candidate was running, making a stand in the ideological middle of the two major party candidates. And both times, the sitting Democrat president was humiliated, and the Republican nominee won the presidential election. And in 1980, when the sitting Democrat president ran for re-election, he lost by a large margin.

  • If the Democrats are able to remove Joe Biden or persuade him to step down, Vice President Kamala Harris is the most likely Democrat nominee. As a half-African American, half-Indian American woman, the Democrats will face incredible pressure from their DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity) loving base to elevate Harris. Also, they may have problems transferring campaign funds or putting in a new name on the ballots if they attempt to substitute any other candidate. But Kamala Harris, while not senile, is also more unpopular than Biden, presumably because Biden’s announcement that he chose her because she was diverse marks her as an affirmative action-like hire and because she has done nothing to impress her detractors since then, as vice president. Indeed, there are reports that she is a toxic boss who refuses to put in the hard work to become a good candidate; she is unable to manage her staff; and she frequently embarrasses herself with word salads and inappropriate laughter.   

See also: It’s the End of the World As the Democrats Know It:
And No, They Aren’t Feeling Fine (Part I)

Based on these fundamentals, I can understand why the Democrats are so concerned. Time is ticking, yet things are largely getting worse for them. And there are seemingly no easy solutions to their problems. 

At this point, the Democrats are perilously close to reaching the Bill Murray end of the world stage of complete chaos, which he famously claimed involved: “Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” But unlike in that movie, there is no Bill Murray around to save the day.  

Maybe the Democrats should see if Bill Murray wants to run for president?

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American Discourse Has So Deteriorated That People Actively Cheer for Your Death

posted by Brandon Morse at RedState 

"No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA." 

This is a common chant from radical leftists. You can hear it right now in Milwaukee as protesters march on the RNC as I write this, hilariously carrying Palestinian flags as they do. I never credited the radical left with an abundance of intelligence, but I don't have to convince you of that. 

The radical left is an issue, to be sure, but they aren't the most pressing issue. For all intents and purposes, they should be a fringe group, but I'm increasingly seeing that radicalism has infected much of the population to the point where normal people harbor radical leftist ideals within them. These ideals have infected enough people that these leftists feel like saying the most awful things is perfectly permissible. 

As Matt Funicello wrote on Monday, the popular leftist streamer Steven Bonnell, more popularly known as Destiny, went out of his way to mock Corey Comperatore, a retired firefighter and father who died shielding his family from the bullets meant for Trump. In Bonnell's mind, Comperatore got what he deserved for supporting an "insurrectionist," and added that if you're a conservative who got blown away at a Trump rally, he's making fun of you the next day.  

As Funicello wrote, "Bonnell's take is by far one of the more disgusting and tasteless takes on the events of the past Saturday," but the issue is that this take from Bonnell isn't an uncommon one. Logging on to X, you can see a myriad of like-minded people stating that yes, indeed, conservatives deserve to die alongside Trump. 

That death should visit their enemies is even being echoed openly in leftist circles. I reported not long ago after the SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity that that left started openly suggested that Biden utilize the military to kill off everyone from Trump and his supporter to the Supreme Court. 

Just recently, the band "Tenacious D," which stars actor and comedian Jack Black, openly wished on stage that the shooter hadn't missed Trump. 


Believe me, I can understand wanting some figures in today's world to die because they're evil, horrific people. I'm not going to sit here and say that violence isn't a viable option in some regards. The issue is that the modern leftist attack machine has people so convinced that Donald Trump, his supporters, Republicans, conservatives, white male Christians, etc. are so evil that when something actually does happen it's either worth celebrating or not a big deal. 

After the Nashville shooting, for instance, I watched as Americans celebrated the death of white Christian children. I watched as the media placed the blameon the people of Tennessee for not having more leftist values. 

The corporate media, the Democrat Party, and their activist groups have really done a number on the minds of Americans, and on the Western population in general. It has them at a point where they truly see their fellow Americans worthy of gruesome ends because they back a certain candidate or disagree with a certain issue or agenda item of the left's. 

It was only a few years ago where actress Gina Carano warned about this very thing. In a post she would go on to be fired from Disney for, she warned that back during Nazi Germany, the SS rounded up Jewish people so easily because their own neighbors would turn them in after having been convinced by years wroth of propaganda that they were, in fact, evil and the root of all the nation's problems. 

We're not that far from there. The proof is in just how willing Americans are to cheer on and advocate for the death of people who disagree with them. 

The media needs to be held accountable. The left needs to be held accountable. 

None of this acceptable, and so long as this continues, we can expect more assassination attempts, and not just on Republican leaders. That next bullet could have your name written on it. 

There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex

You can’t incessantly use rhetoric designed to incite violence and then call for calm when violence inevitably erupts.

The blood on former President Donald Trump’s face was barely dry before calls to “take down the temperature” and “unite” began rolling in from Democrats and their courtesans in the press.

President Biden issued a statement after the assassination attempt Saturday evening calling for unity, as did Vice President Kamala Harris and scores of other Democrats. Even the clueless and cowardly Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson got in on the unity wave, saying, “We’ve got to turn the rhetoric down, we’ve got to turn the temperature down in this country.”

Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. There can be no unity with people and institutions who have spent years whipping the left into a violent frenzy over Trump. This goes for Democrats and the corporate media alike.

President Biden has spent the last few years declaring over and over that Trump is a “threat to democracy.” Some are outraged about Biden’s recent call with donors when he said it’s “time to put Trump in the bullseye,” but far worse rhetoric from Biden has been commonplace for years. Biden’s infamous Red Wedding speech in Philadelphia, where he declared Trump and MAGA Republics were a threat to democracy, was nearly two years ago. He has maintained that dangerous rhetoric ever since, repeating some version of it nearly every week. On June 28, the president posted on X that Trump is “a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”

It’s not just Biden of course. Democrats and the media have encouraged political violence against Trump for years, with a constant stream of overheated rhetoric designed to provoke riots, terrorist attacks, and assassinations. Now that it has led to an actual assassination attempt against Trump, they say they want to cool the rhetoric and call for national unity. I don’t think so. You don’t smack someone in the face with a hammer and then insist everyone needs to calm down.

The corporate media especially has long pushed what Mollie Hemingway back in December called assassination prep: nonstop comparisons of Trump to Hitler, incessant warnings that if Trump isn’t stopped it will mean the end of democracy in America, and mantra-like repetition that a Trump victory in November means the gulags for every leftist identity group. It would sound cartoonish if it weren’t true.

The June issue of The New Republic is explicitly devoted to comparing Trump to Hitler, one of the greatest mass murderers in human history. It’s full of essays about how grim life will be under Dictator Trump. The editors justified this by saying, “Today, we at The New Republic think we can spend this election year in one of two ways. We can spend it debating whether Trump meets the nine or 17 points that define fascism. Or we can spend it saying, ‘He’s damn close enough, and we’d better fight.’”

The Atlantic recently titled an entire issue “If Trump Wins,” featuring dozens of articles outlining all the ways Trump will destroy America if he wins a second term. Top of the list is a piece by David Frum on autocracy under Trump, followed by pieces on misogyny, corruption, extremism, and so on. (Frum, not to be outdone by himself, posted an insane rant Sunday morning blaming Trump for his own attempted assassination, declaring that “the gunman and Trump, at their opposite ends of a bullet’s trajectory, are nonetheless joined together as common enemies of law and democracy.”)

This kind of assassination prep has been going on for years. The Russia-collusion hoax was designed in part to paint Trump as the agent of a malign foreign power working to undermine our country. Trump, we were told, was the enemy of the American people and had to be stopped. They never let go of that narrative, and now it’s back in a slightly different form: Trump has to be stopped because this time, he’ll do all the horrible things he didn’t get a chance to last time, plus he’ll be out for revenge.

Democrats are unbothered by this sort of rhetoric. They engage in it so often it has become routine. At a rally last Thursday, Vice President Harris warned that Trump would be a dictator, weaponize the Justice Department against his political opponents, and destroy the Constitution. On Friday, Biden said, “Americans want a president, not a dictator,” and, “I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Trump is a threat to this nation.”

The purpose of such talk was to prepare the ground for an attempt on Trump’s life, and it worked. After all, if you believe a second Trump term will usher in a fascist dictatorship, a reincarnation of Hitler, then surely it’s morally justified, arguably even your duty, to do whatever it takes to stop him.

But it’s not just assassination prep rhetoric. Consider a bill recently proposed by the former head of the Jan. 6 Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., to strip Trump of Secret Service protection. To most people, that looks like a deliberate attempt to make it as likely as possible that something like Saturday’s attack on Trump’s life would happen — and succeed.

That’s why Democrat calls for unity and calm ring hollow now. They don’t want unity and calm, they want violence. They wanted it in 2020 and they want it today. It doesn’t matter what they say now that violence has come. It matters what they said in the lead-up to it.

After the assassination attempt, Biden feigned outrage, saying, “The idea that there’s political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of.” No, it’s not. Democrats are constantly hinting at it and tacitly encouraging it if they aren’t calling for it outright.

So no, there will be no unity and no toning down of anything until Democrats and the media renounce their past violent rhetoric and stop encouraging the worst, most unstable elements in the country to carry out political terrorism.

Until then, the rest of us will understand what Democrats and the media have made clear: They are our enemies, they wish us real harm, and they are prepared to plunge the nation into violence and civil strife before they relinquish power. There’s no unity to be had with such people.

I’m Not Interested In Unifying With Leftists Right Now

I get that President Donald Trump is rewriting his speech to focus on unity, and I don’t blame him. Having had a gun pointed at me once, I know it can impact you. I can only imagine how coming within millimeters of being murdered will do the same, even more so. How he reacts is up to him and understandable. I’m not really interested in “unity” right now. 

As others reconcile, I have some things I want to say before I entertain the idea of coming together with people responsible for the murder of a father and firefighter and the wounding of others. 

The Democrats speaking loudest about “unity” are the people with the most blood on their hands from Saturday. They did this, they inspired this. I’ve been saying for years that there is only one outcome to the rhetoric the left was using against Trump and Republicans in general and that is murder. 

If you hear from people you trust that “worse than Hitler” will wipe out all freedoms in this country if he wins the election, and you believe it, you’re left with the idea that someone SHOULD do something to prevent it. If no one else does, and you’re unstable (as too many on the left are), you will believe YOU must act. Then you get what happened Saturday. 

I’ve been predicting it for years. I’m not a soothsayer, many people have been predicting it. Hell, Stevie Wonder could’ve seen this coming. The people pretending to be “shocked” by it are the ones most responsible for the tone that inspired it. 

You know how I know? They’re the ones “both-sides-ing” the attempted assassination. After cheering and raising bail money for their BLM/ANTIFA Brownshirts perma-riot goon squad in the Pacific Northwest, and barely belching out a tweet of disagreement of their anti-Semitism this year on college campuses across the country, we’re supposed to now believe that those who created the phrase “mostly peaceful” to cover up the destruction they cheered are now interested in condemning political violence? Spare me. 

They fear people noticing the blood on their hands, both the fresh stuff and the dried clumps under their fingernails from the past decade. 

Why the hell would I unify with that? 

Joe Biden gives a political address from the Oval Office and I’m supposed to get all teary-eyed about coming together as a country with people desperately trying to memory hole that they’ve been publicly rooting for this since Trump’s escalator ride in 2015? The people who said George W. Bush was Hitler, that John McCain was Hitler, that Mitt Romney was Hitler, that Donald Trump was Hitler, and even Ron DeSantis was Hitler are now pretending to be interested in toning down political rhetoric because one of their followers believed them, and I’m supposed to unify with that? 

Do their followers not notice that they’re calling for unity with people they’ve accused, up until about 6:15 Saturday afternoon, of trying to destroy the country? People they say are working to bring about the “end of democracy,” imprison dissenters, round up media personalities for execution, and steal all the nation’s wealth so they can give it to their friends while doing the bidding of Russia? That seems odd, doesn’t it? 

Shouldn’t they be upset too? Who would call for the unity with “worse than Hitler”?

Of course, they were lying the whole time. Will the audiences of MSNBC and CNN notice? Will they care? Some people want to be lied to, they need it because the truth – reality itself – is too hard to take. 

Reality is not a friend to the Democrats and they know it. There’s a reason Monday’s edition of Morning Joe was canceled and it had nothing to do with “breaking news.” As CNN reported, “the decision was made to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s stable of two dozen-plus guests might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole.”

They knew the gang wouldn’t be able to control themselves; that they couldn’t shift on a dime to not calling all Republicans Nazis or lamenting the shooter’s poor aim, that it was better to forego all the advertising dollars and scrap the show rather than try to get highly paid adults to control themselves. Their goal is to cover up what they were, so being it more would be counter-productive.

Of course, any adjustments will be temporary, lasting just long enough to get past the point of people noticing. Then all will return to its normal, hateful selves. You know it, I know it, and even they know it. Why in the hell would I ever unify with that? 

They Don’t Want ‘Unity,’ They Want A Reset. Don’t Give It To Them.

Predictable as ever, Democrats and their reliable partners in the news media have escalated political conflict to the point of violence and now that the once unspeakable has happened they’re insisting on a do-over. No thanks!

Naturally, they don’t just come out and say that’s what they want. They instead dress it up in calls for “unity” and declare it a time to “cool it down.”

President Biden, who has spent the past three years calling Donald Trump the imminent death to America, said Sunday at the White House, “We cannot — we must not go down this road in America. We’ve traveled it before throughout our history. Violence has never been the answer. …” Then he helped smear the blame for the weekend’s attempted assassination of Trump. “There is no place in America for this kind of violence or for any violence ever. Period,” he said. “No exceptions. We can’t allow this violence to be normalized.”

Fine timing. You could cover the entire solar system with pages from newspapers, magazines, and cable news transcripts that contain the words “Trump” and “Hitler” in the same sentence. If cars operated on accusing Trump of being a racist dictator-in-waiting, you could flip to any TV show featuring a House Democrat and drive for a year without stopping (three years if it’s on Biden’s favorite, “Morning Joe”).

That’s against a backdrop of two impeachments (the trial for the second took place while Trump wasn’t even in office), attempts to remove his name from the ballot, attempts to zero out his bank account through lawfare, and attempts to lock him in prison.

But now that they’ve shoved us all within a fraction of an inch of civil war they’d like everyone to just calm down for a minute.

I understand why the Trump campaign and its congressional allies would put out their own conciliatory statements, but that should in no way be mistaken for letting bygones be bygones. We don’t all share the blame in what Democrats have done and what the media encouraged.

They would like that, wouldn’t they? In fact, it would really help if Trump could just go ahead and apologize.

That’s not a joke. Mike Allen at Axios literally suggested it as a way for the former president to “unify” the nation. “Imagine he gave a [convention] speech featuring something he rarely shows: humility,” he wrote Monday. “Imagine him telling the nation that he has been too rough, too loose, too combative with his language — and now realizes words can have consequences, and promises to tone it down and bring new voices into the White House if he wins.”

You were nearly shot in the head? My goodness, what did you do to make him pull the trigger? It might help if you wrote him an apology note.

None of these people want “unity.” They want a reset.

Their electoral chances are in free fall, their lawfare campaign against a former president was kneecapped by the Supreme Court, and they instigated a failed assassination. To remind voters about all of it, over and over, would surely hurt the guilty parties involved.

I’d insist on a mulligan, too.

Here’s an idea: Democrats forfeit the election and abandon their political prosecutions. Then we’ll talk.

KJP Warns Biden Won't Change His Rhetoric, as Biden Won't Even Admit He's Engaging in It

Rebecca Downs reporting for Townhall 

Former and potentially future President Donald Trump was nearly assassinated on Saturday at his rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania. President Joe Biden made brief remarks that Saturday and on Sunday, but if you were expecting to be inspired or have a sense of hope from the president, you were likely disappointed. Further, Monday's White House press briefing and the interview that Biden gave to NBC News' Lester Holt, which aired during Day 1 of the RNC in Milwaukee, sends what seems to be a clear message about whether or not Biden will turn down the rhetoric.

Throughout Monday's briefing, Jean-Pierre took many questions about Biden's rhetoric and how we got to the point of seeing Trump nearly assassinated. As the briefing went on, and she faced multiple questions, she even became impatient. 

This included a question from a reporter who fittingly asked, "so then, given the language from the leader of the free world, how--does the president or the administration bear any responsibility for the environment that we’re in?”

"What I will say is--and this is just a re--re--repetition of what I’m saying here. We have to lower the temperature. You heard that from the president," Jean-Pierre said, with impatience in her voice. "There’s no--no place in America for violence. It is important that we are really clear about that. We do not know--we do not have the answers to what happened on Saturday. What we know is a former president was shot. That is not something that should be accepted here, right? That is something that we have to condemn. That’s what we know. There are a lot of questions that are still out there. There are a lot of questions that are still out there, but we have to lower the temperature," she continued to remind.

The reporter then went for a follow-up when it comes to Jean-Pierre insisting that "we have to lower the temperature."

"The president from the Oval Office said we have to low —the president from the Oval Office said we have to lower the temperature, but he never said it starts with me," he pointed out.

With her rambling response, Jean-Pierre pretty much proved his point. "When it comes to political rhetoric out there--when it comes to being mindful of how we are moving forward with our politics here, it takes all of us to lower that temperature, and I think that’s important--that’s important to note, right," Jean-Pierre wondered. It is important to note, but probably not for the reasons Jean-Pierre is hoping for, given that she's saying it's not so much on the president, but has to be left to the rest of us. 

"And I think that’s what the American people want to see. They wanted to hear what the president said in the Oval yesterday. They wanted to hear what the president said on Saturday, right? It is important to speak to the moment that we’re in and say we got to condemn this type of violence. We do," she continued. "Now, there are a lot of open questions here. We don’t have answers to those open questions. The independent investigation will be thorough. That’s what the president wants to see. We want to get to the bottom of it because there are questions that the American people should know as to what happened, what led to that awful, awful night in Saturday--on Saturday," Jean-Pierre then offered, pretty much just rambling at that point. 

Jean-Pierre also spent considerable time saying a whole lot of nothing about Biden's tactics, including what won't change. 

Another reporter had also pointed out how Biden last week in Michigan called Trump a "threat to this nation," and asked, "should we expect that he will not be calling out Trump with that kind of rhetoric going forward?"

"So, what I will say is that it is important, right--we believe it's important to continue to forcefully speak against any type of political violence," Jean-Pierre began, not answering the question. 

She went on to spend a considerable amount of time still not actually saying very much at all. "That is what the president believes, and we do not want to politicize this moment. Politicizing this moment is unacceptable. We believe, and the president believes--you heard from him in very clear--in a very clear statement last night about the importance of uniting this country, the importance of continuing to do so, and that we cannot tear America apart to score political points. We cannot do that. And so, we don't want to politicize this moment. We want to unite. We want to continue to focus on that, and that's what the president's going to focus on," she offered.

It took a follow-up question for Jean-Pierre to finally offer some semblance of an answer. "So, will his messaging change this week," the reporter pressed.

"His messaging is going to be really clear. He's going to continue to engage with the American people," Jean-Pierre said about Biden, despite how Biden is often not very clear. If he's been "clear" on anything, it's how much Biden and his fellow Democrats regard Trump to be a supposed threat to democracy.

There were plenty more exchanges throughout Monday's briefing, but you get the idea as to how we don't have much to hope for when it comes to Biden lowering the temperature.

Biden himself showed us he's in denial about any role he himself may play. During that interview with Holt, he was asked if he's "taken a step back and done a little searching on things that you may have said that could incite people who are not balanced?"

It was a particularly fair question, but Biden had to make it about his opponent, suggesting he actually has not done "soul searching."

"Well, I--I don’t think-- look, how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says? Do you just not say anything ’cause it may incite somebody? Look, I--I--I--I have not engaged in that rhetoric," Biden said, not only sounding weak as he stumbled through his words, but like someone just looking to make excuses. 

"Now, my--my--my opponent has engaged in that rhetoric. Talks about there’d be a 'bloodbath' if he loses," Biden went on to say, taking Trump's remarks from an Ohio rally in March completely out of context. The full context of such remarks makes it abundantly clear that Trump was talking about an economic bloodbath if he loses. 

As he listed more examples, Holt pressed him that "this doesn’t sound like you’re turning down the heat, though," only for Biden to cut him off to insist otherwise so he could screech some more about how Trump is supposedly a threat to democracy. 

"Oh, no, no, no, no. Look, what I’m turning down--we have to stop the whole notion that there are certain things that are contrary to our--our democracy that we’re for," Biden insisted, as he rambled on with more examples, including about "MAGA Republicans."

Despite how Holt asked the question in three different ways, Biden still stuck to his original response, even doubling down that he's not at all the problem, Trump is.