Sunday, July 14, 2024

Joe Biden’s Hospice Presidency

Joe Biden’s presidency is in hospice care. If you’ve ever known anyone who’s gone into hospice care, you know the end can come at any moment. Sometimes, it’s a matter of hours; sometimes, Jimmy Carter spent more time in Hospice than anyone thought possible. The only certainty is that the end is coming, and that’s the case for Biden’s presidency.

There are several ways Biden’s regime can end. He can bow out now, caving to pressure and suffering the humiliation of being tossed out by his party because everyone believed he’d suffer a humiliating loss and take down the entire party with him. He can be tossed out by the party at the convention because they think he’ll take down everything they’ve worked for. He can win the election and have the humiliation of the 25 Amendment being invoked by his own Cabinet because he’s simply not capable of doing the job. Or he can just lose to Donald Trump while Republicans sweep the House and Senate. 

None of these options are desirable for Democrats, but all are spectacularly awful for Joe Biden. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, honestly.

There is no pulling up from this nose dive for Joe, no matter what happens in the rest of the year. Even if he manages to survive and win in November, his own party has spent the last three weeks telling everyone his brain is too far gone for him to serve for the next four years. If he wins, they have to make a move on him, if only to save themselves. 

Well, at least half the party does. The other half is sticking with him. Not because they like him but because they now control him.

The extremist left wing of the party has been the most loyal to Joe. Bernie Sanders, the AOC, and the Congressional Black Caucus are sticking with their man. You have to wonder what the Biden family has offered in return for blind loyalty, but you can rest assured it would be horrible for the country. 

The appeal of the Bernie, AOC, and CBC wing of the left isn’t those people personally. None of them mean anything, really. Sure, they get media attention, but all are wildly ineffective as legislators – Bernie and AOC are worthless, and the CBC’s legislative accomplishments are…yeah. 

What they do offer is their Brownshirt fascists: BLM/ANTIFA, who are merged now like the AFL/CIO. Democrats now have a standing army of violent goons willing to destroy cities and economies at the drop of a hat. Just tell them someone is a Zionist, and they’ll grab the bricks and facemasks. 

The rest of the Democratic Party knows they can be sent after them, if necessary, and BernAOCBC are the Comandantes of this army. That’s their value, it’s their only value, and they’ve given it to Joe Biden…so far.

The thing about left-wing radicals is they’re only as loyal as their options. Come up with a better deal and these mercenaries will happily switch sides. It’s a freedom that comes with knowing you’ll never get your way voluntarily, so while you wait for your opening to act violently, you take any paycheck you can get your hands on. 

You wouldn’t think these people could be swung around like that, especially when Biden has, so far, sort of supported Israel, but that assumes these people are principled. They are not. At least not in what they are vocal about. They talk a good game about hating Israel, etc., but they really hate the United States. Their “concern” for Hamas and their enablers is convenient, allowing them to keep their brick-throwing arms in shape, but they’d drop it faster than Leo DiCaprio drops a girlfriend for turning 26 if they could do damage to the USA. 

Essentially, Biden is holding on to his position through the prospect of mutually assured destruction, either way they go. Get rid of him, upset the radical left. Keep him, and you risk losing the billionaire donor class. It’s the proletariat vs the oligarchs. 

No matter what happens, some faction is going to be upset. That leaves everyone in limbo, everyone standing around the plug, afraid to pull it, waiting for nature to take its course. It has all the helplessness of hospice care while greedy family members try to position themselves better in the will. But no one knows what will happen, and the President may linger indefinitely. However, this all does ultimately unfold; I hope it’s a slow process that damages everyone involved. Is that cruel on my part? Probably. I just don’t care; they deserve it.

X22, And we Know, and more- July 14


WATCH: George Stephanopoulos Blames Trump and Trump Supporters’ “Violent Rhetoric” for Shooting

 George Stephanopoulos on Sunday reacted to the news that President Trump was shot in a failed assassination attempt, ignoring the divisiveness and violent rhetoric from the left and claiming, “President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well.” 

Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz, in the clip below, discussed the attempted assassination with Stephanopoulos and said that no matter what, “you are going to hear conspiracy theories going forward.” Just like we did after the JFK assassination, right?

They couldn’t take Trump out with lawfare and criminal charges, and now Trump has been shot two days before the RNC convention, where he will accept the Republican Party Nomination for President of the United States. It’s oddly suspicious that the leading presidential candidate was almost murdered last night in front of tens of thousands of supporters and millions watching at home as he faces off against Joe Biden, a man who can’t string a sentence together and has weaponized the government against political opponents and dissidents since day one in office.

Here’s a clip of Democrat media personalities, celebrities, and politicians fear-mongering, calling for violence, and even calling for Trump’s assassination over the years:


Of course, if random Trump supporters or Republican politicians said this about Biden, we would expect the media to drop all coverage of Biden’s troubles and run this story wall-to-wall to rescue his campaign. But it’s always different when Democrats make vile statements.

Here’s another clip of Joe Biden, in his blood-red-themed 2022 dictator-style speech, warning about the dangers of “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans,” who he said are a “clear and present danger” and enemies of the state. The clip is set alongside Democrats rioting and assaulting people they disagree with:

Why should we believe the Democrats didn’t play a role in this or at least inspire it with their violent rhetoric?

The left always blames Donald Trump’s so-called “violent rhetoric,” but we haven’t seen any attempted assassination of a top Democrat.

Still, Raddatz and Stephanopoulos told their audience that Trump and his supporters are responsible, citing several statements Trump has made and the left misrepresented. Of course, they continued lying about what Trump said, including his comments about a “bloodbath,” which was hyperbole to represent what Biden’s policies will do to our country. It’s also true in a literal sense when applied to what is happening as a result of the murderers and rapists that Democrats are allowing to kill innocent Americans.

Raddatz further ranted about January 6, which will likely be brought up even more now as the truth about violent Democrats is brought to the forefront. Donald Trump Jr., early this morning, called everyone still talking about January 6 “full of sh*t!!!!”

Watch below:

Raddatz: Also George we have to point out, no matter who the shooter, what the shooter’s motives were, no matter who the shooter is, you are going to hear conspiracy theories going forward.

Stephanopoulos: No question about that. But as you point out, those statements from JD Vance and Vivek Ramaswamy, of course, President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well.

Raddatz: Well, absolutely, George. We were just looking back this morning at some of the things that former President Trump has said. He warned last March of potential death and destruction if he were charged by the Manhattan District Attorney, our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful. Trump, in January, warned of bedlam in the country if the criminal charges against him succeeded. And of course, in March, he said, If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole, that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country that will be the least of it. He said he was partly joking and that that was taken out of context, but those are indeed his words, and you have heard it from supporters as well. And supporters are certainly, in some parts angry. And let’s remember January 6. In so many ways for the campaign, January 6 will probably be in the background after yesterday’s event. This is a very difficult time for this campaign. I’m sure this week in Milwaukee that President Trump will highlight this, and President Biden is going to have to figure out how to go forward with his campaign and what exactly they say.

It’s the End of the World As the Democrats Know It: And No, They Aren’t Feeling Fine (Part I)

posted by Adam Turner at RedState 

In the two plus weeks since Joe Biden fell in the Orchestra Pit on national television at the Atlanta Presidential debate, all hell has broken loose in the Democrat Party.  

Post-debate, a large and growing number of Democrat public officials have decided that it is time for Joe to go, (so far) totaling 19 House Members, 1 (New York) Lt. Governor, and 1 U.S. Senator.  The left-wing MSM has written numerous editorials and op-ed pieces calling for Biden’s ouster as the nominee and/or resignation as President.  The Democrat leadership has remained increasingly vague about whom they want to lead to the Democrat ticket.  And former President Barack Obama’s advisors have increasingly talked down Biden’s chances, and Obama himself may have had a hand in actor/director George Clooney’s column in which Clooney begged Joe to go.

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, who has not asked Biden to step down, has, in particular, been clanging the electoral alarm:

I'm sure President Biden has a different view of his prospects in this election than I do, but we should be having a discussion about that…The White House, in the time since that disastrous debate, I think, has done nothing to really demonstrate that they have a plan to win this election, that they have a convincing plan to win in the battleground states where we have to win in order to win the election.  And they need to do that.

Meanwhile, the few strong Democrat Biden backers, including his family and personal hangers-on, are still making excuses or trying to explain away Biden’s horrible performance during the debate.  

None of this is good news for Joe Biden or the Democrat Party.  

So, let’s again look at the 2024 Presidential election fundamentals, and what they portend for the future:

  • The RealClearPolitics national average now gives a 2.9% edge to Donald Trump.  Trump is also leading by 4.1% in the average of the battleground state polls.  Both of these averages are slightly down from Trump’s high point of a few days ago (as a result of two polls that are slightly suspicious).  New states, including Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Virginia, that are usually safe Democrat, are now becoming battleground states.  Heavily Democrat New York is also closer than expected.

  • Donald Trump has had an edge in the national polling average since September of 2023.  In 2016 and 2020, Trump was consistently down in the polling average, often by a lot, to both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.  And in those prior races, his support in the polls was consistently underestimated.  So far, Trump has even polled better against Joe Biden than Ronald Reagan did against Jimmy Carter in the 1980 cycle.  

  • Biden’s RealClearPolitics national job approval rating is still averaging roughly 40%, which is unchanged from what it was before the debate.  This number is similar, or even lower, to the approval ratings of former Presidents George H. W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald Ford in the last year of their presidencies.  All three men lost their re-election campaigns.  It is also lower than was Donald Trump’s in 2020.  

  • Donald Trump’s retrospective job approval ratings as President are far higher than are Joe Biden’s:

More registered voters believe former President Donald Trump would do a better job than President Joe Biden tackling two of the top issues of the 2024 campaign, the economy and immigration, according to an exclusive poll by USA TODAY/Suffolk University taken after Biden's disastrous debate with Trump.  The poll also found voters view Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, more capable of handling national security issues and dealing with China.  

Biden received higher marks than Trump on just two of six key issues surveyed: handling race relations and health care.  Perhaps most troubling for Biden: 51% of respondents said they now approve of Trump's job performance when he was president from 2017 to 2021, compared to 41% who said they approve of Biden's current job performance.

  • Joe Biden’s five major problems continue to follow him and drag him down, especially his obvious advancing senility (which can only get worse) that has driven so many prominent members of his own party to call for him to step down.  Also, the economy is slowing down; a new criminal attack from illegal aliens seems to happen every other week; the war in Gaza continues and may spread to Lebanon, with anti-Semite Democrats continuing to riot in the U.S.; and Biden’s corruption continues to be exposed. 

  • Joe Biden is foolishly duplicating Jimmy Carter’s strategy of running for re-election largely by demonizing his opponent, which famously did not work in 1980.  That year, Carter attracted severe criticism for the vehemence of his attacks on Reagan, which led even the MSM, and Barbara Walters, to criticize his “meanness issue.”  Carter was not satisfied to criticize Reagan’s record; he also began suggesting that Reagan was both a “racist” and a “warmonger” and that if he took office “Americans might be separated, black from white, Jew from Christian...”   Carter insisted that the 1980 election “will help to decide what kind of world we live in” and “whether we have war or peace.” (Presidential Campaigns, Paul F. Boller, Jr., Revised Edition)

  • There have been three significant public events for Joe Biden since the debate – his interview with pretend-journalist-and-Democrat partisan hack George Stephanopoulos; his speech at a NATO event; and his press conference after the NATO event.  The main takeaways from these are that Joe Biden cannot act in a non-senile manner, and that he continues to say things that are particularly embarrassing.  

To be continued…

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Former Fire Chief Identified As Trump Sniper Victim


The man killed at Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally has been identified as 50-year-old Corey Comperatore.

His daughter, Allyson Comperatore, explained in a now deleted social media post that “yesterday time stopped” when the shooting occurred. She called her father a “real-life superhero” and explained that he “quickly threw” her and her mother to the ground and “shielded my body from the bullet that came at [them].”

“He loved his family. He truly loved us enough to take a real bullet for us,” she wrote on Facebook. “He lost a selfless, loving, husband, father, brother, uncle, son, and friend. And I will never stop thinking about him and mourning over him until the day that I die too. July 13th will forever be a day the changed my life. I will never be the same person I was less than 24 hours ago.”

Corey Comperatore is survived by his wife and two daughters.

The Trump campaign has created a GoFundMe page, raising money for the shooting victims. As of Sunday morning, it has raised more than $1.4 million.

The assassination attempt against 45th President Trump left the president wounded and two spectators injured in addition to killing Comperatore.

The shooter has been identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. According to reports, he used an AR-15 rifle during the attack.

Bill Maher Piles On – Joe Biden Must Leave

For those who still think a possibility exists of Joe Biden taking the nomination from the 2024 Democrat Convention, just stop.  There is no way for Joe Biden to be the nominee with this scale of democrats pushing him out.

President Trump doesn’t have to spend a dime. There is so much anti-Biden publicity from within his own party, no further criticism is needed.  The donors are blasting Biden, Hollywood is blasting Biden, the delegates to the convention and party officials are blasting him; the list is very long.  Biden is toast.

It is important to remember, however, that what we are witnessing is not some random sequence of events as an outcome of a debate; this is a well-coordinated, organized and top-down constructed removal operation that was long in the planning {SEE HERE}.  Joe Biden was always going to be removed and replaced at the DNC convention in Chicago.  Do not be distracted from this fundamental baseline, this was the plan.

The latest voice to join the chorus of those isolating, ridiculing and marginalizing the figurehead of their party, is Bill Maher.  WATCH:

I don’t know the specifics of how they are going to do it, but Biden will not be the nominee at the conclusion of the convention.  The floor is open for his replacement, who will then select a VP running mate.   That’s what is most likely to happen.  That’s what we said in 2022 and 2023, and remains the greatest likelihood today.

A new nominee should, and will, select their VP running mate.  That is how they dispatch Kamala. It’s not complicated.

Democrats Started Trying To Strip Trump’s Secret Service Protection Just Months Before Shooting

Thompson previously expressed intentions to terminate Trump’s Secret Service protection if received a felony conviction.

Former President Donald Trump was wounded in an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday months after House Democrats proposed legislation to remove his Secret Service protection.

Democrat Bennie Thompson, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act (HR 8081) on April 19. Democrat Reps. Yvette D. Clarke, Troy A. Carter Sr., Frederica Wilson, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, Barbara Lee, and Steve Cohen co-sponsored the bill.

“Former President Donald J. Trump’s unprecedented 91 felony charges in Federal and State courts across the country have created a new exigency that Congress must address to ensure Secret Service protection does not interfere with the criminal judicial process and the administration of justice,” Thompson wrote in a fact sheet regarding the act. “The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State felony.”

Thompson tweeted a response following the assassination attempt on Saturday evening, writing he was “glad the former President is safe” and “grateful for law enforcement’s fast response.” The U.S. Secret Service rushed Trump off of the stage immediately after shooting and killing the alleged shooter.

Thompson, however, had previously expressed intentions to terminate Trump’s Secret Service protection if a felony conviction resulted in a prison sentence. Thompson called Trump’s then-pending felony conviction a “regrettable” and “unthought-of scenario” and wanted to ensure he received no “special treatment” if imprisoned. 

Thompson did not immediately respond to the Federalist’s request for comment regarding how he views his DISGRACE Act in light of Saturday’s assassination attempt against former President Trump.

The bill was referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary and is awaiting further action. Trump received 34 felony convictions following a lawfare trial in May. Sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 18 and could include prison time. 

A “source familiar with Trump’s security detail” previously told The Federalist that Trump’s “detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.” 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has also repeatedly denied Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Secret Service protection.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas claimed security was “not warranted at this time” in his rejection of Kennedy’s request. Kennedy’s attorney, Aaron Siri, managing partner of national law group Siri and Glimstad, wrote a letter to Mayorkas on March 29 calling these “repeated denials” of protection and explanation from the DHS “politically motivated.”

“Your disregard for the safety of Mr. Kennedy and others in his environment is contemptible.” Siri wrote in the letter.

Assassin Identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20-Year-Old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania

According to the New York Post, the assassin who tried to kill President Donald J Trump was Thomas Matthew Crooks, age 20 from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

The FBI Pittsburg field office is in charge of the investigation.  However, as with all high-profile domestic terror attacks, shootings and killings that directly impact the “peace and tranquility” we can expect the DOJ-CRS to take over the information pipeline.

The FBI is officially calling the shooting an “attempted assassination attempt.  The motive is undetermined.

(New York Post) – The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.

Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh. Sources said Crooks was was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds. (read more)

Attempted assassination on Trump: Potential consequences for presidential election

 On July 13, the United States experienced another political earthquake. During an election rally, there was an assassination attempt on US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Attempted assassination on Trump: Potential consequences for presidential election (

There is currently little information about the perpetrator of the assassination attempt to determine his motives or possible connections. It is known that he is 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

Amid the fierce struggle between Republicans and Democrats, and the division and polarization of American society, such an incident is not a surprise. Some experts in the US warned months ago that this kind of event was possible, simply based on social dynamics.

A poll by the University of Virginia Center for Politics in October 2023 showed that 52% of Biden supporters said Republicans pose a threat to America’s way of life, while 47% of Trump supporters said the same about Democrats.

Among Biden supporters, 41% believed that violence is justified to "prevent Republicans from achieving their goals." Similarly, 38% of Trump supporters are willing to resort to violence to stop the Democrats.

The situation has certainly not improved since the fall. In fact, it has been heating up.

In March of this year, the film "Civil War" made a lot of buzz in the US. In the plot, after a political crisis, some states declare their independence and march their troops to Washington.

Considering the US has a "tradition" of political leader assassinations, from Lincoln to Kennedy, the situation remains alarming.

Trump: martyr or charlatan?

During the assassination attempt, Trump acted with remarkable composure, signaling to the rally participants with an upraised hand, symbolizing victory. His team will likely use the incident to portray him as a leader who perseveres toward victory despite threats to his life.

“This undoubtedly adds an emotional impulse to consolidate his electorate. Similarly, albeit in a different form, the court rulings against Trump had a paradoxical effect. And here, certainly, sympathy and consolidation of his electorate come into play,” said Volodymyr Fesenko, a political scientist and chairman of the board of the Center for Applied Political Studies PENTA, in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

Notably, the assassination attempt occurred just days before the Republican Party convention, which begins on Monday, July 15. Trump is expected to be officially nominated as the presidential candidate at the convention.

“The president (Trump, as this title is for life in the US - ed.), assuming he is up for attending, and I assume he will be, will be greeted as a kind of martyr of this event and I think it could be angrier or could be more somber. But it’s certainly not going to be the same,” noted David Axelrod, a Democratic Party political strategist and CNN commentator.

However, Volodymyr Fesenko believes that the assassination attempt will not affect the ratings or the balance of power.

“This is unlikely to sway the undecided voters, who will determine the outcome of the election. However, the degree of consolidation among Trump supporters could be significant,” emphasized the political scientist.

On the other hand, conspiracy theories about a staged attack are expected, particularly from those who inherently oppose Trump.

“This is also a political technology. If you want to influence the election, you can simulate an assassination attempt, demonstrate that your leader is under threat, needs protection and that enemies want to destroy him. This can be a tool of the election campaign. Therefore, this version will definitely be present,” said Volodymyr Fesenko.

Biden and Democrats' reaction

The assassination attempt on Trump poses additional risks for Biden and his team. This ranges from explaining the failure of the Secret Service (the federal agency responsible for protecting current and former presidents) to countering the consolidation of Trump’s voters. Answers to these challenges are still being developed. For now, Biden has condemned the attempt on his opponent's life.

However, the main problem for the Democratic Party lies elsewhere.

"They (the Democrats) need to decide who will run in the election. That is the key issue. The assassination attempt, if it had happened closer to the election, might have influenced the outcome to some extent. But now, with a few months still to go and nothing happening to Trump, its impact is limited," summarizes Volodymyr Fesenko.

In any case, the assassination attempt has escalated the political confrontation in the US to a new level. The primary concern now is to prevent the emergence of imitators of the Pennsylvania shooter.