Saturday, July 13, 2024

Enough of the ‘Trump-Proofing’ NATO Talk

Donald Trump will have a lot of work to do to reestablish American leadership and responsible security alliances if he wins the 2024 election.

Two issues dominated this week’s NATO summit in Washington, hosted by President Biden: the war in Ukraine and Donald Trump’s likely reelection. NATO members badly misplayed both issues.

The summit went off course at the start when President Biden insisted in his opening address that Ukraine can “prevail” in the war with Russia if it receives the arms it needs. Biden claimed Ukraine “can and will stop Putin.” The president announced that the U.S. would send Ukraine five new strategic air defense systems and F-16 fighters. Biden first made this promise in May 2023, but the jets never arrived.

In his speech, Biden was again in denial about the state of the war. Ukraine had a chance to push back Russian troops and recover its territory in the spring and summer of 2022. However, the United States and other NATO members limited their military aid to Ukraine in 2022 out of fear of escalating the conflict. As a result, Ukraine’s arsenal ran low by October 2022, which gave Russian forces a chance to regroup and heavily fortify their lines. Ukraine never regained a strategic advantage in the war, and the conflict became a stalemate by late 2022.

As a result, many experts on the right and left assessed, starting in 2023, that the conflict had become a long-term war of attrition that Ukraine would eventually lose at great cost. Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass and Georgetown University Professor Charles Kupchan argued in an April 2023 Foreign Affairs article that the West needed a new strategy to get from the battlefield to the negotiating table in the Ukraine War because “the most likely outcome of the conflict is not a complete Ukrainian victory but a bloody stalemate.” Their recommendation was for the Biden administration to prioritize ending the Ukraine war by pressing for a cease-fire and peace talks

Donald Trump has long realized this and has pledged to end the war in 24 hours if he’s elected president again. With the growing chance that Trump will win the 2024 election, Russian and Ukrainian leaders are taking Trump’s promise seriously.

Unfortunately, President Biden, Ukrainian President Zelinsky, and Ukraine’s supporters refuse to consider any peace settlement that does not require Russia to give back all Ukrainian territory it has seized. These leaders will not consider a cease-fire without this commitment. Instead, they continue to insist that with more and better weapons, Ukraine will defeat Russia and expel Russian forces from Ukrainian territory.  This is a pipedream.

At this week’s NATO summit, Biden and NATO heads of state continued to follow this approach. Neither Biden’s opening speech nor the communiqué approved at the summit mentioned negotiating an end to the Ukraine war. The terms “cease-fire,” “negotiations,” and “peace talks” did not appear once in Biden’s speech or the communique.

Instead, NATO members pledged greater amounts of military aid for Ukraine and tried to “Trump-proof” this aid so it could not be easily cancelled by Donald Trump if he does become president next January. This included moving major elements of military aid to non-U.S. NATO officials and away from U.S. command. NATO members also agreed to a pledge of long-term security assistance for Ukraine.

In addition, NATO members pledged their support for an “irreversible path” for Ukraine’s NATO membership. This pledge will make it harder to negotiate a cease-fire or peace agreement with Russia and contradicts calls by several experts that the issue of Ukraine’s NATO membership be put off for 10 to 25 years to bring about a sustainable cease-fire agreement.

In response to Mr. Trump’s criticism of NATO and members who do not meet their commitments on defense spending, there reportedly was talk at the summit of members increasing their defense spending and NATO adopting new defense strategies that do not rely on the United States.  If true, these are positive steps by NATO members to shore up the alliance because of a possible second Trump presidency.

Overall, however, there was an air of defiance at the 2024 NATO summit to the prospect of Donald Trump returning to the presidency. NATO leaders spent an inordinate amount of time coming up with ways to “Trump-proof” the alliance and its support for Ukraine but did nothing to promote a cease-fire or peace talks for the Ukraine war. This reflected how NATO heads of state are still—at least for now—liberal globalists who categorically reject Trump’s America First approach to U.S. and global security, even though European and global security were considerably more secure and stable during the Trump presidency because of this approach.

The talk of “Trump-proofing” NATO at the Washington summit also represents NATO members trying to politicize the alliance to tie the hands of a potential U.S. president they dislike. This was very foolish, given President Trump’s criticism of the alliance and members who refuse to pay their fair share of defending Europe. It also means Donald Trump will have a lot of work to do to reestablish American leadership and responsible security alliances if he wins the 2024 election.

Marx and the Democrats

Below is a list of quotes from Karl Marx.  I’ll make some comments because that’s what commentators do. However, most Americans need to read the statements below. Keep a sharp eye out for the following: how much of today’s Democratic Party do you see in these quotes?

From Karl Marx:

The first three are very similar and obviously current Democratic Party strategy:

1.  “Keep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.”

2.  “Take away a nation’s heritage, and they are more easily persuaded.”

3.  “If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded.”

There is nothing more frustrating to me as a historian than to see the butchery the Left is making of American and Western Civilization’s history.  If you read a Leftist, you will conclude that our Founding Fathers, Christopher Columbus, the British Empire, colonialism, etc. were the greatest crimes in history.  There is no attempt to understand anything in its historical context.  Never.  That is Marxism—cutting people off from their history.

Marx on education:

4.  “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.”

Groom.  Let the government educate our children.  If you put education financing into the government's hands, guess where education will go?  It will follow the government wherever the latter wishes to lead it.  The government obviously has a vested interest in perpetuating its own power and tyranny, so anything about “limited government” will either be ignored, downplayed, or attacked.  So, we grow up with a bunch of mind-controlled robots who think the government is the greatest invention since welfare.  Tailor-made for today’s Democratic Party.

Marx on religion:

5.  “Communism begins where atheism begins.”

6.  “My object is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.”

7.  “The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.”

8.  “Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

All Leftist, Marxist governments hate religion, of course, because they cannot tolerate people having a higher allegiance to something other than the government itself.  It was one motivation behind Adolf Hitler’s hatred of the Jews—he feared they would be more loyal to Zionism than to him.  The same was true in the Soviet Union and is true today in China.  Religion must be subservient to the state if it is to exist at all.  It is belittled, derided, and attacked as viciously and from as many directions as possible.

Witness the recent onslaught against Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker for his comments about the family.  The Democrats went full-ape about it.  They hate Christianity.  March 31 was “Trans Visibility Day” FIRST and Easter was the second (if at all).  The Democrats are right in line with Marx in his views on religion.

The last quote above (number 8) is also pure Democratic Party moral doctrine—no absolutes.  Pure communism would, as Marx said, abolish religion, but pure communism has never truly existed anywhere.  So, controlling religion, destroying its foundations, and upsetting its historical truths and moral authority have proven sufficient so far.  The Democrats are masters at it, of course.

Marx on socialism, etc.

9.  “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.”

There is no peace until everybody is a socialist.  Or dead, I might add.

10.  “A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of Communism.”

Right out of the Communist Manifesto.  All Americans have swallowed this one, except those of us who want to return to the limited government of the 1789 Constitution and finance the government by uniform, non-protective tariffs (read Article 1, Section 8, clause 1 of the Constitution).

11.  “As socialism grows, religion will disappear.  Its disappearance must be done by social development, in which education must play a part.”

Here, Marx ties socialism, the abolition of religion, and education all into one statement.  As government and socialism have grown in America, religious influence has declined.  That’s not coincidental; it is deliberate.  Socialism, i.e., communism, is the purpose of it all:  the “golden age” of property-less equality.  Religion would only hinder that.

12.  “Democracy is the road to socialism.”  

Let Vladimir Lenin interpret that:  “The dictatorship of the proletariat, the period of transition to communism, will create...democracy for the people...communism alone is capable of providing really complete democracy.”  And, historically, it is not in the least bit coincidental that, as America has increasingly democratized in the last 100 years, the country has moved farther and farther left towards socialism/communism.  Democracy’s goal is not freedom; it’s equality, and that can only be achieved by totalitarian force.  That is a truth our Founding Fathers understood very well and is the main reason they did not establish a democracy.  “Democracy is the most vile form of government” (James Madison).  “Democracy is the right of the people to choose their own tyrant” (Madison again).

13.  “The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.”

You’ve got to hand it to Marx—he understood capitalists.  Who, in the last 30 years, has turned Communist China into a great economic power if not Western capitalists?

And this final, honest jewel:

14.  “We have no compassion, and we ask for no compassion from you.  When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.”

How much “compassion” are the Democrats showing Donald Trump?  How much compassion do you expect them to show you if you ever get in their way?  And they make no “excuses” for their current “terror.”  True justice is compassionate because it protects the innocent from barbarians.  We’ll have to practice justice on the Leftist thugs, like we did on Hitler and Japan, to protect our freedom.

Marx. Democrats. Do you see any difference?

Rally coverage, And we Know, and more- July 13


Lefty NPCs Will Be the Death of Us All

There is a political cartoon that shows a gray, genderless non-player character asking a real man, “Who radicalized you?”  The man leans forward and whispers to the lefty NPC, “You did.”  It is a brilliantly succinct depiction of our historical moment.

Right now the NPC news media is pretending that it just discovered Joe Biden’s raging dementia when his brain crashed during the president-ish debate.  Literally right up to the beginning of that June 27 public revealing of the emperor’s neurological nakedness, the most respected, well-paid, and credentialed reporters in the land were lampooning conservatives who questioned Slow-Joe’s mental faculties and labeling authenticated videos of his dimwittedness, “cheap fakes.”  

The day after Biden’s debate debacle, the same lefty NPC pundits were so “shocked” by Dementia Joe’s rambling performance that they immediately called for the anti-democratic Democrat Party to find his replacement.  Savvy conservatives had been predicting this scenario for years.  Why should Democrat Party bosses risk an open primary that might see the elevation of someone not under their complete control when they can just as easily ignore the will of primary voters, anoint Decrepit Joe, and swap him out with their handpicked successor during August’s nominating convention?

Whether the Biden Crime Family will permit this “swap” is another question.  If a sternly-worded letter delivered to congressional Dim-Dems on Monday means anything, Jill, Hunter, Ashley, and the other freeloading members of the Biden Clan have no intention of losing their quid-pro-quo meal ticket asleep in the White House.  Perhaps this means that the Dem-controlled Deep State will start acknowledging Biden’s half-century of political graft and unseemly interactions with women and children in an effort to bring him down more forcefully.  Or perhaps the NPC lefties now calling for his resignation will magically revert to their prior programming and begin praising Dodo Joe-Joe as the smartest, most energetic, most capable leader they have ever known.  The next few days will tell.

However the NPC Brigade decide to spin Joe’s future, their lies look desperate.  MS-DNC’s Lawrence O’Donnell wants Biden’s staff on stage at the next debate to help him answer questions and even answer questions themselves.  I know Zoomers are bringing their parents to job interviews these days, but that doesn’t mean would-be presidents should follow suit.  Big boys who want big jobs shouldn’t have to borrow other people’s brains.  

Likewise, the Huff and Puff Post is calling for “Weekend at Joe Biden’s” campaign team to release AI-manipulated videos that falsely portray the president-in-name-only as more nimble, youthful, artful, and intelligent than he actually is.  Amazing!  For years, the NPC media has dishonestly claimed that every real Dementia Joe video is fake; now the NPC media wants to make fake videos and call them real.  When unethical “journalists” justify outright fraud in pursuit of Democrat “victory,” it’s no wonder why a majority of Americans remain convinced that mail-in-ballot fraud handed Biden the White House in 2020.  As proto-trillionaire Elon Musk continues to warn Americans these days, our NPC rulers “want to cheat.”  Actually, they have to cheat; otherwise, it’s game over for the non-player characters.

For those keeping score at home, the NPC Squad’s batting average is buried in a deep grave underneath an already deep basement.  Let’s review a few of their biggest whiffs over the past few years.  First, imagine one of those grey, genderless NPC faces scowling at you.  Now listen to their lies:  

“COVID came from a wet market.”  Uh, nope.  “We must protect grandparents by closing schools.”  Doh!  “Closing small businesses will save them.”  Derp.  “Stand six feet apart, or you’ll probably die.”  Wait a second.  “Put this mask on; better yet, take three.”  That doesn’t make any sense.  “Shoot up with this experimental gene therapy; it’s safe.”  Are you sure?  “Yeah, once injected, you won’t get COVID.”  We still got COVID.  “What we meant was, you won’t transmit COVID.”  We still gave it to everybody.  “But you would have been a lot sicker without it.”  How do you know…?  “Just trust us, okay; we’re experts.”  

Why is Joe Biden threatening our jobs if we choose to use ivermectin?  “Because he’s a genius who wants to keep America safe.”  You mean that guy who just read, “Now YOU take YOUR seat,” from his notecards before introducing his wife as the president?  “He has a stutter.”  Does it make him forget who he is?  “He’s just jet-lagged.”  After vacationing at Camp David for a week?  “He has a cold.”  You mean, like COVID?  Isn’t that impossible?  “Fine, you’re right, Joe Biden’s brain is mush, and we must immediately replace him with Hillary.”  Whoa now, NPC, let’s not jump to conclusions here.  It’s probably just a stutter.  We believe you.  

Oh, the NPC factory is a terribly depressing place.  Can you imagine what it’s like to possess such a minuscule mind that you have to outsource your critical thinking skills to a third party?  You don’t have to imagine!  That’s why we have Rob Reiner — so that we can check in on his brain-dead Tweets!  After telling us for years that Joe Biden is the most intelligent president the United States has ever had, he now wants Addled Joe to drop out of the race before it’s too late.  What changed?  Too many Americans saw the real Joe Biden malfunctioning on TV!  Now NPC Reiner insists, “It’s time to stop f------ around.  If the Convicted Felon wins, we lose our Democracy.  Joe Biden has effectively served US with honor, decency, and dignity.  It’s time for Joe Biden to step down.”  Meathead has a potty mouth, but he speaks really good NPC! 

Luckily, rocker Cherie Currie dropped this “cherry bomb” on NPC Reiner: 

Are you smoking somethin’?  Decency?  Cocaine found in the White House.  Gay porn taped in the Capital.  Topless Transgenders with their naked breasts on the WH lawn.  Unprecedented Illegal immigration leading to human and child trafficking with over 100,000 missing minors.  Fentanyl killing more Americans than ever in history.  Record homelessness.  Record crime.  Poverty heading to a Great Depression.  There hasn’t been decency in 3 1/2 years.

Oof, the Queen of Noise doesn’t pull her punches when Messin’ with the NPC Boys!  Rock on!  Unfortunately, Cherie Currie is too much of an independent thinker for the NPC Crowd to understand.  To speak NPC, you must communicate like a person who believes she is brilliant even after a botched lobotomy.  Whoopi Goldberg (née Caryn Elaine Johnson) knows how.  She says she’d vote for Biden even if he “pooped his pants.”  Can’t argue with that logic.  When you’d rather go with the guy who soils himself on live television than recognize that Incontinent Joe isn’t president of anything other than the stinky town of Poopyville, then you’re admitting that your brain’s software runs on an old buggy bootleg copy of standard NPC.  On the bright side, should Whoopi get her way, other world leaders might insist that the U.S. pursue a more isolationist foreign policy, if only to give President Poopy-Pants the space those with noses need.

As radio host and political prognosticator Larry O’Connor points out, Biden’s White House handlers actually “make him cue cards with pictures of his podium so he knows where to walk and where to stand.  And he still screws that up.”  Americans don’t necessarily need a Mensa member to represent their interests, but it would be nice if their president had an IQ higher than a wooden table.

At least we have Vice President Harris.  When that lady talks about the “significance of the passage of time,” she sounds like a savant!

Uff da.  At this rate, lefty NPCs will surely be the death of us all.

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President Biden Met With Hispanic Lawmakers - It Was a Complete Dumpster Fire

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

On Friday, President Joe Biden met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. The proceedings did not go the way he would have wanted, with at least one lawmaker directly calling for him to drop out of the race.

The Zoom meeting reportedly got off to a rocky start and limited questions lawmakers could ask.

For starters, Biden showed up an hour late to the Zoom call, according to a source familiar with the meeting, and it didn’t get much better from there.

Organizers of the Zoom meeting had said only two members were allowed to ask questions — Reps. Sylvia Garcia and Lou Correa — but Biden opened the floor up to more questions, the source familiar with the call told NOTUS. At least the president tried to open up the meeting to more questions.

During the meeting, the president discussed a variety of issues with the lawmakers. A source told Axios that several questions asked by representatives were “pre-selected” but that Biden offered to field other questions after the session.

Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA) spoke up at one point, telling Biden that the time had come for another candidate to lead the party. He later reiterated this point publicly in a written statement.

Making this statement is not easy. I have deep respect for President Biden’s five plus decades of public service and incredible appreciation for the work we’ve done together these last three and a half years. But I believe the time has come for President Biden to pass the torch.

We must prevail against the incalculable threat Donald Trump poses to the American institutions of freedom and democracy. Donald Trump actively seeks a bleak authoritarianism and the overthrow of the values which have guided us towards justice and prosperity for nearly two and a half centuries.

Biden responded by trying to address concerns about his age and cognitive abilities.

“That’s — that was great when you were feeling good, Biden, are you OK now? That’s what’s underlying,” Biden said, according to the partial transcript. “That’s what people are worried about. ‘I’ve got a grandfather who’s 85 years old, and he can’t walk.’ It’s a legitimate concern for people, but that’s why I think it’s important I gotta get out and show people everything from how well I move to how much I know and that I’m still in good charge.”

Sorry, Democrats, There Is No Coming Back From This

Ranking Member of House Intel Committee, Other Dems Deliver Blows to Biden As They Tell Him to Step Aside

Several other lawmakers wished to ask questions but were reportedly shut down.

Several swing-district members — including Reps. Gabe Vasquez (D-NM) and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) — used the raise hand function but had it "repeatedly" lowered, the same source said.

However, some of the lawmakers took a more favorable tone toward the president. Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA) told Axios that he was “More than grateful that President Biden took time to talk to our caucus” and that the president “spoke frankly to us.”

The Origin of the “Most Modern” Censorship Complex

Ring of Truth (in part): At one time, merchants and other people using coins were very happy if a coin, when dropped on, say, a counter, had the proper metallic ring, of ringing sound, indicating that the metal was the right kind, not a base metal. If something has the ring of truth, then it sounds true. Not much of a guarantee, but there it is.

In this lengthy discussion (prompted to save time) there is a segment which holds good value.  Mike Benz is discussing Ukraine and whether or not the current USA position should be pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia.  Benz delivers a strong and compelling outline about how the modern censorship process was created from the 2014 Ukraine operation.

As we battle against the Great Reset with an even Greater Awakening, the value in knowing the details of our current state is large.  At the 01:14:43 point of the interview, Benz rings the truth bell hard for around 10 minutes.  Prompted, WATCH:

Mike Benz compelling outline is bolstered by the reality of the Biden administration’s approach toward Russia and is factually the baseline for why I have always called this conflict World War Reddit.

Go back to February 24, 2022, when Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh emphasized how U.S. foreign policy would be driven by who could “tell a better story.”

Within this narrative construction Daleep Singh sounds like the senior head of a Google Human Resources operation telling the department heads how they need to convey their feelings in order to hire the talent for continued growth in the industry.  This is a direct quote:

Feb 24, 2022 – …”Ultimately, the goal of our sanctions is to make this a strategic failure for Russia; and let’s define a little bit of what that means. Strategic success in the 21st century is not about a physical land grab of territory; that’s what Putin has done.  In this century, strategic power is increasingly measured and exercised by economic strength, by technological sophistication and your story – who you are, what your values are; can you attract ideas and talent and goodwill? And on each of those measures, this will be a failure for Russia.” (link)

Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh boils down geopolitical power to a cultural issue of social likeability.  To push this approach toward foreign policy NATO said the messaging needed to change from “tanks to tweets.”

Let this sink in.

Realize that what Singh was saying in 2022 is directly in alignment with what Mike Benz outlines as the intelligence confrontation that came from 2014.  Controlling action that is against the interests of the Deep State is driven by controlling information. Defeating a referendum of the people is done by controlling the information, messaging and discussion therein.   This is the censorship shift that now leads our foreign policy.

People said I was nuts at the time, when I presented that Daleep Singh example of the insanity of cognitive disconnect that exists in the Biden Administration (Western NATO Alliance) worldview.

There’s no way U.S. strategic geopolitical policy would be dumbed down to such a TikTok level, I was told. You are interpreting the policy language too literally they said.

I warned about the potential of this insufferable, Tik Tok (socially inspired), foreign policy outlook to be dangerous.

The majority of the strategic geopolitical world doesn’t operate on these western constructs of ‘feelings’ and sensitive values. The majority of the world is a construct of individual nations looking out for their self-interest. It is cold, brutal and calculated assembly prone to influence based on strength, not expressive feelings and emotions intended to influence values.

Now, look at the NATO message, through the communication prism coming from the U.S. State Dept and CIA.  This information control operation is essentially a pantomime, a script, complete with timed air raid sirens, lighting and optical illusions.

We are closer to expanded war than people realize. Not because an unsufferable NATO alliance is manipulating events in Ukraine under the auspices of World War Reddit, but rather because that same collective alliance is filled with weakness.

A NATO alliance strategy based on fiction, women defense ministers, fictitious images, wokeism as a military priority, diversity, equity, feelings and a worldview that is transparently silly.

As Mike Tyson said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”


Producer: Victoria NulandDirectorAnthony BlinkenScreenplayJake Sullivan

There’s No Need To Denounce Trump Before Expressing Even The Slightest Support

You don’t need to preface any support for Trump with a ritual malediction. 
He’s the perfect tool for getting the next job done.

When Donald Trump descended upon the crowd in Trump Tower in 2015 to announce his presidential bid, it was a moment that changed the nature of politics in the United States. A populist businessman, beloved for his reality TV antics, initially continued what he was best known for — entertaining people. Then he started gaining momentum in the primary and became what every politician with an R after his name becomes, the latest incarnation of Hitler.

Beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 only galvanized this obvious truth, one that continues today at vanity publication The New Republic, multiple other outlets, and on the internet in general. That Trump already served four years as president without launching whatever his gold-adorned version of Kristallnacht would have been is ignored, as is the fact that neither Trump nor his allies or boosters are the ones going on about “Zionism” at present. Regardless, democracy is at stake, etc., etc.

It’s not just the media and the left (to repeat myself) who became increasingly agitated with Trump in his first run, though. Many on the right were also horrified by Trump’s rise. It wasn’t just that he hadn’t always seemed like much of a conservative. There were also the boorish insults, the affairs, the wives, and myriad other ways Trump was unlike any other recent candidate. As someone who was totally put off by Trump’s style, I know this personally, though my biggest fear was that he would do the normal Republican thing and move left upon being elected.

For those who didn’t become “conservative” commentators for lefty channels and publications, it became de rigueur to preface any support for Trump with a ritual malediction, a few words or a phrase indicating that while one was about to praise him, he still knew Trump was a bad man who might eventually become a Hitler or maybe just a Mussolini. Perhaps the impulse was simply to remind people that one was aware of Trump’s failings while reminding the readers or listeners that everyone knows he’s a bad man while also a useful tool.

He’s not a tool in the derogatory sense, but in the literal one. I am not offering a ritual malediction here. Rather, he’s an instrument for accomplishing certain goals, like getting some justices on the Supreme Court. This is what all politicians should be, but television combined with a weird culture in which we actually look up to these people rather than looking down on them has convinced too many that politicians are actually good people rather than a necessary evil. (Ronald Reagan had it right with his quip about the second-oldest profession, though members of the oldest may balk at the comparison these days because they at least still work for their, umm, constituents.)

You know what one does not do when getting out a socket wrench or mallet? One does not rhapsodize about the wrench’s failings or the ways the mallet offends his sensibilities. He simply uses it without compunction and moves on with his day, free from the compulsion to apologize.

Heading into November, Trump supporters and voters need to feel the same way about the man as they would about the wrench or the mallet. There is no need to denounce him before saying that he was right about the border. You can support the new RNC platform, which draws heavily from his instincts, without first announcing that you are personally offended by him and those instincts.

This isn’t to say it’s time to start launching verbal salvos at your friends and family, whether in person or in the punch-to-the-mouth free zone of social media. The malign influence of social media and its ability to make us all a little crazier — as it’s largely populated by crazy people — is part of how we got here. (Please like and share this piece, though.) It is, however, to say that supporting a politician, even one as unique as Donald J. Trump, shouldn’t be a mark of shame. Looking up to politicians and treating them as role models is the real mark of shame.

This will be difficult over the coming months, especially as the Democrats contend with the fact that their contender should be eating bowls of ice cream and watching “Matlock” reruns at home instead of pretending to run the government. Their vitriol against Trump and his supporters will only get more vicious, especially since Biden really seems to prefer eating bowls of ice cream and watching “Matlock” reruns from the comfort of Camp David or the White House rather than from the comfort of one of the homes his thankless public service afforded him.

Don’t let them put you on defense. We’re all sinners, but our candidate of choice isn’t on the list of questions St. Peter will be reading from should we arrive at the pearly gates, any more than will be our choice to buy a Ryobi drill rather than a DeWalt. You can explain your preference if you so desire, but just as you wouldn’t feel compelled to denounce the Ryobi while getting out your debit card, don’t feel compelled to denounce Trump before heading to the ballot box. He’s just a man and a politician, and not even that unique of one. 

The Biden White House Is Living In an 'Alternate Universe'

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

The Biden White House is about to go down as one of the worst presidencies in U.S. history after shocking revelations continue to pile up regarding the geriatric president. 

We all know President Joe Biden’s cognitive health has been on the decline for some time, despite Democrats ignoring it until four months before the election. However, we weren’t exactly aware of what was happening behind closed doors— and it makes you wonder who is actually running the country because it sure as Hell is not Biden. 

According to several sources, Biden has not held a full cabinet meeting since October 2, 2023— nine months ago.

It is important to note that his last cabinet meeting was before Hamas terrorists attacked Israel-- something that should have required an immediate necessary meeting. 

However, when Biden conducted cabinet meetings, they were staged with pre-written questions and answers. 

Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro said he had never heard of such an orchestrated cabinet meeting where attendees were spoon-fed answers to questions provided by the White House. 

The entire display is kind of an act. One of the sources told cnn, they would come and say, Hey, the president's gonna call on you 25 minutes in and ask this question, what are the bullet points you'll respond with? By the way, this just demonstrates everyone in the cabinet has been lying. They've all been lying. They're like in the meetings, Joe Biden is so sharp and he's really with it. They scripted the cabinet meetings. That's unthinkable. Have you ever had a meeting at your company that was prescripted, like full scale prescripted, where you and your aide, the people work at your company, you tell them like 25 minutes in, I need you to ask this question. I'm gonna answer you such and such. That has never once happened at our company. In fact, there are no functioning companies. It works like that. I've never even heard of a cabinet meeting working like that at the White House. It's even worse than that. A second source who echoed that same description said, when Biden attends cabinet meetings, they're not freewheeling and pretty well orchestrated. The meetings themselves are infrequent with one cabinet secretary telling CNN they're uncertain of Biden's condition because they so rarely see him. Via the Ben Shapiro Show. 

This is not the first time it’s been revealed that Biden’s presidency is staged. 

During Thursday night’s press conference on the final day of a NATO summit, Biden told the press that his staff gave him a "list" of reporters he is allowed to call on. 

“That's how bad things are, and it gets even worse than that,” Shapiro continued, pointing out that reporters are often given a list of pre-approved questions by the White House that they are allowed to ask the president during interviews. 

Chris Whipple, who spent two years following Biden for an upcoming biography about him, declared that the White House is completely scripted. 

He confirmed, “The White House is controlling the narrative,” speculating that the administration is hiding something. 

Before the CNN report was released, I would have argued that Democrats are suddenly calling on Biden to exit the race because they've come to the realization that he can’t beat former President Trump. 

However, it seems that the White House has hidden the severity of Biden’s ailing health from even the entire Democratic Party. 

First Lady Jill Biden’s former press secretary, Michael LaRosa, claimed that the White House is living in an “alternate universe.” 

“There are two different versions of reality in my party right now,” he wrote on X. “The below is an alternate universe that MOST of us Dems are NOT actually living in. Being coherent in his FIRST ‘big boy press conference’ of 2024 is not exactly the bar most of us are looking for.... but clearly it's the bar for Biden set by his own staff ... and that is pretty ‘f---ing’ terrifying."