Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Democrats: Dogmatic Geniuses or Dogs Chasing Cars?

In February, I predicted that it can’t be Biden on the Democrat ticket in November, while also suggesting that Democrats were already aware of that fact, and that they were likely already scheming to replace him this summer.

Betting markets are finally agreeing with my prediction about Biden being replaced on the ticket, but I’m now wondering if I haven’t given Democrats far too much credit in assuming that their political wargames, or even that anything more than hushed musings at cocktail parties, actually included this bombshell scenario or its potential fallout.  The presidential debate and its aftermath have certainly raised questions.

I have no reason to doubt the truthfulness of famed pollster Nate Silver, for example, as he’s sounded the alarm repeatedly after Biden’s disastrous debate performance.  Though admittedly partisan, he “still believes in empiricism and probabilistic thinking,” he says, and in light of recent polls and the evidence his eyes witnessed at the debate, he conceded a “new reality: Trump is probably going to become president again.”

He wasn’t alone.  Van JonesCenk UygurJoe Scarborough, and even Joy Reidall expressed similar shock at Biden’s epic calamity on the debate stage, each effectively calling for a potential replacement on the presidential ticket.

Admittedly, Biden’s debate performance was even worse than most conservatives would have imagined.  But “empiricism and probabilistic thinking” had already reasonably suggested that Biden was a catastrophe back in February, when only four-in-five Americans believed Biden to be too old to run for president, and he was already in a head-to-head deficit in polling by double-digits in each of the top issues among voters, including on his mental and physical health, the economy and inflation, border security, and on violence and crime.

One could forgive my error in presuming that Democrats had thoughtfully considered the possibility of a Biden replacement and having created a contingency plan.  After all, to have not done so is nothing short of stupidity, and, Scarborough and Reid excepted, I hadn’t thought any of these others to be stupid people.

Yet, they appear to have been blindsided by all this.  How is that possible?

Dogs Chasing Cars?

One explanation, which seems to me the likeliest, is that Democrats weren’t prepared for the spotlight to ever be moved away from Trump.  His convictions in a sham trial, which was orchestrated by a former honcho in the federal Department of Justice who took an unprecedented demotion to a local prosecutor’s office that just happened to align with a prosecution against former president Trump, among other sham political indictments at the federal level, were meant to captivate the public.  This yielded countless successive “Get Trump!” news cycles that led to tunnel vision for guys like Nate Silver, who didn’t manage to peer outside of his polling spreadsheets long enough to actually see and hear what other Americans were witnessing in Biden’s obvious physical frailty and cognitive decline, I guess.

After months of chasing stories about Trump’s alleged criminality that have only yielded positive gains in his polling, the leftist media are now scrambling as to how, and with whom, Biden should be replaced.  These calls for replacement among leading Democrats have increased over the past week, and we can expect that this trend will continue in the coming days.

Democrats being in disarray with no plan as to how to proceed seems to be the going narrative at the moment.  That may be true, of course.  But Nate Silver presents a reason as to why the Biden replacement is all but assured — the story of Biden’s obvious impairment and his potential replacement is both journalistically important and makes for highly compelling reading.  That makes it pure gold for the media, and therefore its spread is unavoidable.

One of the reasons that he believes the story is compelling is that “there’s an element of palace intrigue: who really holds the trump cards within the Democratic Party?”

That’s a great point, and I’ll admit that my curiosity is piqued by that mystery.  Whoever does hold the trump cards in the Democrat party obviously does not include the wonks crunching polling numbers at Silver’s 538, or the talking heads at mainstream media networks who appear to be woefully in the dark about how any of this could have possibly happened to the Democrat party’s incumbent.

Dogmatic Geniuses?

We are left with two possibilities.

Either every player on the political left is incredibly stupid, having been utterly incapable of seeing the necessity of a Biden replacement that has been painfully obvious for arguably years now, or there are some holders of “trump cards” in the Democrat party who have predicted this and have a game plan to manage it.

Having paid modest attention these past years, however, it remains exceedingly difficult for me to imagine that an unprecedentedly early debate, with an unprecedented amount of preparation for the incumbent, and with that incumbent’s campaign having determined each and every guideline of the debate without objection by the challenging candidate, could have yielded such extraordinary failure without prior knowledge of that failure being the likeliest outcome.

Perhaps Joe Scarborough and Cenk Uygur and Nate Silver were aghast, and much more surprised than you, at the frail, imbecilic president presented to a mass audience of Americans on that debate stage.  Now, imagine being on the president’s staff and having witnessed the, oh, let’s generously say 20 dry runs of the debate with all the expected (perhaps scripted?) questions over a six-day period.

Can anyone who watched that debate imagine that more than one or two of those dry runs went differently than what we saw on stage?  There was at the very least a 90-percent chance that the debate would go precisely as it went, and that the people putting Biden on stage knew that.  The left-wing media may very well have been in the dark because they’re either distracted or stupid, but anyone else, whether closely watching those dry-run debates, holding “trump cards” in Democrat decision-making, or simply having paid attention to Biden’s decline these past years, would understand that Biden was presented as a lamb to slaughter on that night.

It seems difficult to imagine that Biden wouldn’t lose to Trump in 2024.  That hasn’t been a secret for some time, and the poll margins have shifted in such a way that no amount of voter fraud would even be convincing at this point.  For example, in Pennsylvania, Trump now holds a 4.5% lead over Biden in the Real Clear Politics average.  In 2020 at this same period of the election cycle, Biden held a 6.5% lead.  That’s an 11-point swing in a state that was decided by 1.2% in 2020, even with election law changes which granted explicit advantages to Biden in that election.

Of course, contrary to my earlier suggestion that Democrats were actively game planning for this moment since early this year, the most likely scenario is that Democrats just failed to prepare for it.  It’s also incredibly unlikely that any Democrat players holding “trump cards” would have willingly assassinated the media’s credibility so ruthlessly.  And since that now appears to be the likeliest of circumstances, and since there’s seemingly no ace-in-the-hole to replace Biden, perhaps Nate Silver has the best strategy for the Democratic Party’s future — find a way to cast Dementia Joe aside while anointing Cacklin’ Kamala in 2024, who will proceed to flame out and “clear the field” for a Democrat reset in 2028.

That is the first Democrat idea about the 2024 election that makes any sense to me.  But one thing is clear.  Whether it was by design or as a reaction, the knives are certainly out for Joe Biden.  And all I can think, given that it appears that few on the left, if any, actually imagined this scenario, is…

Dig in, Joe.

X22, And we Know, and more- July 10


Worst of All Worlds . . . For Democrats

The left can't figure out how to make Biden win again or whom to embrace as an alternative.

The time for a political party to deal with a decrepit, elderly figurehead is not after the primaries, in which he won millions of votes and is presumptively guaranteed to be the party’s nominee. The recent attempts to replace President Biden as the Democrats’ candidate, coupled with his steadfast refusal to withdraw, put him and his party in a terrible position.

Not only was he obviously suffering from some form of cognitive impairment during his early debate with Trump, but now large numbers of senior Democrats and media figures have admitted this, demanded his resignation, and otherwise expressed a lack of confidence. This is, of course, a desperate attempt to win after internal polling shows he had fallen even further behind, because it was already obvious to most people that Biden wasn’t “all there.”

To some extent, the conspiracy of silence and Biden’s occasional moments of lucidity permitted these concerns to be denied and deflected until now. But this kind of careful stage management can only go so far. He is who he is, and his avoidance of some core parts of the job—meeting with regular people, press conferences, and the use of his brain—has been enabled to the fullest extent possible.

If Biden were to cooperate in these efforts and refuse the nomination, it would beg the question of whether he maintains sufficient fitness for office. After all, his term is not done until January 2025. Such a departure would also lead to an open question of whom to replace him with.

Kamala Harris has obvious problems; not least, she has never won a single state previously as a primary candidate. She is notoriously awkward, devoid of charisma, and kind of dumb. She got the job because she met Biden’s minimum standards to be a vice president, not least his demand that the person be a woman and a minority.

The bigger problem with the recent rebellion against Biden’s candidacy is Biden himself. Nothing about his rise was organic. He has been around a long time and has always been a blowhard, dishonest, kind of rude person, and all of this was capped off by an astronomical ego. He has problems today because he was installed in 2020 with the blessing and machinations of the highest Democratic Party leadership, likely with Barack Obama pulling most of the strings.

Thus, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg all pulled out of the race before Super Tuesday in 2020. And the COVID hysteria permitted Biden’s shortcomings—his lack of energy and inability to think and speak clearly—to be largely hidden from the public. He campaigned from the basement, with television ads and news media complicity doing most of the heavy lifting.

In addition, the 2020 general election was rather notoriously “fortified.” We do not know the exact manner and extent to which various changes affected the outcome in 2020, but we do know there was an unprecedented use of hard-to-verify mailed ballots, late-night stoppages of vote counts, and lots of people paid by anti-Trump partisans involved in the vote counting process.

In other words, Biden and his presidency have always been fragile because Biden’s 2020 election does not reflect the normal democratic process and the stratagems that artificially inflated his support created a corresponding reduction in his long-term popularity.

Perhaps, having installed Biden, the Democratic Party’s leadership and big donors figured Biden would do as he was told. But like so many people placed into jobs because of nepotism, affirmative action, and other anti-competitive tricks, he has quickly assumed a strong sense of personal entitlement. It does not get more powerful than President of the United States, where a cast of thousands makes life as orderly, pleasant, and reflective of one’s wishes as possible. Already blessed with a huge ego, Biden’s ego could only grow in office.

Plus, his wife clearly is very comfortable with the trappings of money and power that her husband’s office provides. We should not forget that Biden is the central node in a sprawling and complicated family-wide scheme of grifting, influence peddling, and self-enrichment. These are people who like money, pomp, and power. It is no surprise that his failson Hunter Biden assumed a big role as an advisor and leads the effort to persuade his dad to remain in office and continue his reelection campaign.

Even if there were some ideal candidate waiting in the wings, the optics of changing horses this late in the race and the logistical challenges of ballot access may not be easily surmountable. Biden, if nothing else, has name recognition and did win (sorta) at least one national election, which is more than could be said for Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsome, or others whose names have been bandied about.

It is, honestly, a beautiful thing to behold. One faction of the Democratic Party tried to create insurmountable pressure on Biden to drop out, citing his manifest cognitive issues, which were on display in the televised debate with Trump. The early debate itself was a risk that Biden undertook to give his failing campaign shock therapy.

In the course of the post-debate discussions about Biden’s competence, internal polls leaked, which showed the extent of the damage. Then heavy hitters like Obama and Bill Clinton weighed in and said everyone should chill out and stick with Biden. Biden himself said he was going nowhere. Then everyone rather unpersuasively began to shift gears and suggest Biden merely had a “bad night.”

A disunified Democratic Party played a clever game in 2020, and now that game is backfiring. They were able to rig things one time and pull an incompetent and incapable candidate over the finish line, but now the guy they installed won’t leave. They can’t figure out how to make him win again or whom to embrace as an alternative, even as the party is unified in its loathing of Donald Trump.

The party that makes a fetish of democracy is now going to be beaten democratically because its antidemocratic tricks failed to account for their figurehead not cooperating and the people themselves being disgusted with his performance.

Maybe If They Call Us 'Racist' Again We Will Shut Up and Obey

It would almost be funny, if it wasn’t so pathetic, that they’re really falling back on the whole “racist” thing again with regard to Kamala Harris. She’s a joke, and we’re telling it, which apparently makes us the Klan, except the KKK was all Democrats. For example, Judd Legum, a ridiculous leftist mediocrity who exists on X for some reason, recently commented on a New York Post article calling Kamala Harris potentially the first DEI president, tweeting, “So I guess now we are using ‘DEI’ as a replacement for racial slurs.” Except Biden literally picked the cackling veepette because she is a woman-identifying person of color. Joe Biden said so. It was his part of the deal with Congressman James Clyburn to get the influential legislator’s support to win the South Carolina primary and thereby the Democrat nomination. They didn’t hide it. They did it in public. They were proud of it. They bragged about it.

You’re just not supposed to notice these things, except when you are supposed to notice them. Seeing the objective truth is bad unless it’s helpful to the leftist agenda, in which case it is good. See how that works? We need a memo about when we can notice things that are obvious and true. You don’t want to misnotice or else you’re a racist. 

Actually, they’re going to call you a “racist” no matter what, except none of us care about being called “racist” anymore. It’s really quite remarkable how that word has gone from a rhetorical H-bomb to a sad fizzle in the last few years. It’s no surprise why, except to dumb Democrats who still fall back on it like it’s going to get us to shut up. If they taught kids fables in schools anymore, as opposed to filling the curriculum with their bizarre and perverted sexual agendas, everybody would know about the boy who cried wolf. If you keep saying something and it’s never true, people begin to understand that what you’re saying is never true and they don’t take you seriously. There was a time when being called ‘racist’ actually meant something. If somebody called you a ‘racist,’ that was a pretty serious indictment, and normal people would take a look at themselves and their behavior and see if maybe it was true. After all, actually being racist, in the true sense of the term, is a bad thing. Judging people brd on skin color is wrong. No decent person wanted to be a bigot.

But that’s not what the word “racist" means in the ruling class usage anymore. The word “racist” is simply an all-purpose bludgeon designed to prevent normal people from talking about something that their ruling class-aligned opponents don’t want them to talk about. It’s designed to silence us by putting important topics beyond the pale of acceptable discussion. And it used to work. For example, a lot of Republicans used to be terrified of talking about the hordes of Third World peasants pouring across our borders because they didn’t want to be called “racists.” The ruling class simply didn’t want this to be the subject of discussion. Our own alleged representatives would not talk about it and more hordes of Third World peasants poured across our border. That was the ruling class’s goal: importing a new population to replace the native one. And it worked.

But we normal people noticed there was a problem. We noticed that massive illegal immigration was (is) bringing crime and poverty and a massive cultural/demographic change that we hadn’t been asked to agree to into our country—so much for Our Democracy. And we got mad, not least of all because our representatives studiously ignored our cries for help because they were too afraid of being called names to act. 

But one politician figured out that he could harness the populist unrest that the ruling class had suppressed through the power of epithets. It was Donald Trump, and if you wonder why they hate him so much, it’s partially because he is totally immune to their rhetorical ball-gagging. He just doesn’t care what they say. And he declared his independence from the official approved narrative when he famously came down the escalator in 2015 and pointed out that a significant number of illegal aliens are criminal scumbags and parasitical losers. Remember the scandal that ignited? The establishment was so used to being able to silence people with the threat of being called “racist” that it freaked out when it unleashed that tactic on Donald Trump when he told the truth and he just didn’t care. 

Trump was like the rest of us – remember that Donald Trump harnessed an existing energy but did not create it. We don’t care anymore what they say. We know that they are liars, and we know that they are going to lie about us one way or the other. Might as well be slandered while fighting back instead of while cowering in submission.

What’s funny is that the regime media lackeys, institutional bigwigs, and politicians of the ruling class think their name-calling strategy is still going to work in 2024. Think again. It didn’t work on Donald Trump, and it doesn’t work on the rest of us. We won’t stop noticing objective reality because they don’t like it and threaten to give our observations a nasty label. And they don’t help themselves by openly supporting what is indisputably actual racist conduct against the white majority in hiring, politically, and culturally. You’ve seen all those frigid middle-aged wine women swooning over goofy charlatans like Ibram X. Kendi – not his real name – and similar grifters who support active discrimination against people of pallor. They support racism and unashamedly and hilariously attempt to redefine the term so it only applies to their enemies and never to themselves. They are not “anti-racist.” They are pro-racist against those they perceive as their enemies. And their enemies aren’t limited to people who are actually white. Remember the “white Hispanic” thing when George Zimmerman shot that criminal? You can be a black white person too. They made Clarence Thomas a dishonorary white person, though his black lived experience was more challenging and harsher than the lives of the affluent minority scammers who present themselves as representatives of their races ever were. The brilliant and fearless Justice Thomas grew up under Democrat Jim Crow segregation while these buffoons are whining because someone micro-aggressed them by looking at them wrong.

It’s ridiculous, and we know it’s ridiculous, and we’re going to say it’s ridiculous. They are going to keep calling us “racist,” and we don’t care. Not caring is important. Caring what they say and what they think gives them an advantage that they ruthlessly exploit. They certainly don’t care what we think or say. They want to prevent us from saying anything. So, laugh at them. Mock them. Speak the truth – Kamala Harris is a babbling half-wit picked solely because of where her granddad lived. But most of all, fight them by supporting candidates who aren’t going to be gagged by the fear that people who hate them are going to say mean things about them.

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Trump, The Baconator

 Like I've said before, if you go over the things that Trump says, there's always a hidden real truth among all the hype. People just get so caught up in the hype they don't hear the truth.  At a recent rally in Florida, he came right out and told people the truth.   

“We don’t eat bacon anymore,” Trump said.

It was why we don't eat bacon anymore that was the lie, along with that a few hundred people who attended amounted to forty-five thousand people.

"Biden, he insisted, had raised the price of bacon four-fold."

If we slice that four-fold down the middle, two-folds for each side, it will prove that Biden's inflation wasn't the only bacon eliminator in American's diets.  Slicing it down the middle is pretty generous considering that at the time of Trump's signed trade agreements, China was suffering from a severe swine flu outbreak and the demand for pork by the time he got around to signing that agreement, saw historic levels of pork leaving the country to China.  

"China could increase U.S. pork imports to the highest ever this year as part of its commitment to bolster purchases of American farm goods to resolve the trade war between the countries, according to sources familiar with the situation.

China may buy as much as 300,000 metric tons of pork in 2019, the sources said. That amount would be about 80% more than the 166,000 tons it bought from the United States in 2017, before the trade war started. One source said the Asian nation could order 200,000 tons in the first half of the year alone.

The final volume will depend on the progress of African swine fever in China, according to one source. The disease, which is fatal to pigs and is proving hard to contain in China, has been devastating its hog production since it was first reported there in August. It already has slashed the sow-breeding herd in the world’s No. 1 pork market by 15%"

That ended up being true, throughout 2020 China's imports of pork from the United States grew by one billion dollars.  That, coupled with the US-Japan trade agreement signed October 7, 2019, followed with Japan importing one hundred million more of US pork. That led to a total of 2.3 billion of imports by China, 1.6 billion of imports by Japan, coupled with an increase by Mexico of 1.2 billion raised the total of pork exports out of the country to a historic level in 2020 of 7.7 billion.  The historic level was outmatched in 2021 with a total of 8.1 billion of pork out of the country, bolstered along the same path of countries who Trump made trade agreements.  

It wasn't just pork, beef exports to China rose 386% after Trump's trade agreement, potato exports to Japan increased 76% after the US Japan trade agreement.  Chicken exports grew   six hundred percent.  Anyone could see the stunning rise of a twelve-ounce package of bacon, that rose one hundred percent in price, and beef and chicken prices that'd send one into sticker shock if you just looked at the price, but most are being misled to believe it's just due to inflation exclusively.  When you globalize the food chain, you have to compete with the global community for your food.  Which brings us to another stunning rise in prices, pet food products.  

Chicken paws, which in this country are sold for the main part in the US to pet food manufacturers are a high demand product in China for human consumption.  Before the trade agreements farmers were getting 22.3 million a year off selling chicken paws to pet food manufacturers who ground it up for pet products.  After the trade agreement, exports of chicken paws to China grew to sales of 461 million.  Rise in demand equals a rise in higher prices.  Manufacturers have to try and outbid the highest bidder.  If another country is rich enough, those are the countries where you'll see larger volume of domestic products being exported to.  

A common old adage that the truth is in the pudding, would be to ask yourself, what other food products outside some mentioned above have risen over one hundred percent of their prices since the onslaught of inflation?  There simply isn't any.  The only other products you've seen rise so dramatically in price are all the one's you've seen Trump meddling in with his trade agreements.  

Prices are starting to moderate somewhat when it comes to meat prices, but again, it isn't exclusive of a sign inflation is coming down, so don't let yourself be fooled over claims such as that.  Prices are moderating a bit because demand has subsided in China and other countries whose pork and chicken industries were decimated by swine and bird flu.  As their pork and chicken industries recovery, prices will come down as demand is reduced, but it, due to Trump's trade agreements, won't go down to the prices that once was because you will continue to compete on the global market for your food, even inflation coming down won't reduce that.

Priorities: DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison Dunked for What He's Doing As the Dem Party Falls Apart

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

To say that Democrats are in full-scale disarray would be the understatement of the year as fissures widen, with some diehards in both the "Biden should stay!" and "Biden should go!" camps hardening their stances and digging in (though a few appear to be waffling) the closer we get to the Democratic National Convention.

As we've previously reported, the DNC will take place from August 19th through August 22nd in Mayor Brandon Johnson's Chicago, where things promise to be quite lively as woke "mostly peaceful" protesters take to the streets and test the patience of the Windy City's finest while nomination proceedings inside the United Center threaten to be even livelier.

Also overshadowing the convention will be the anticipated debut of a tell-all book by Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden's second youngest child, Navy Joan Roberts, who the Biden family has treated abhorrently. The book is set to be released on day two of DNC festivities.

But with just a few short weeks to go before the DNC gets cranked up and with panicked Democrats, especially those in key swing Congressional districts, fretting over what the future holds, it would appear that the Party's chairman, Jaime Harrison, has other more pressing priorities to handle.

Those priorities include... battling Twitter/X randos:

...and posting cringe Wonder Woman memes about Joe Biden's press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre - who has not had a good week like at all (and it's only Tuesday):

There was also this, which I'm sure someone at the DNC was really proud of and thought was a good use of funds:

With tactics like these, it just brings to mind Donald Trump's (mostly) muted approach so far to the rampant Democrat infighting in the aftermath of Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance in late June, essentially watching as they turn on each other and eat each other alive while he reaps the rewards, as seen in numerous post-debate polls.

All of that said, it should also be pointed out that Harrison, a failed South Carolina Senate nominee, was part of a DNC call two days after the infamous debate, where according to some members he "gaslit" the callers. Further, according to the AP, "The chat function was disabled and there were no questions allowed."

Hey, on one hand, I don't blame Harrison for wanting to pretend like the debate and the fallout didn't happen. But the elephant in the room has roared to life, and unfortunately for Harrison, Biden, and the DNC, it's not going to go away anytime soon.

Representative in Charge of 2024 Democrat Precinct Ballot Counting Says “We’re Riding With Biden”

By now everyone knows the national role of James Clyburn.  The South Carolina representative is in charge of regional, key-state, ballot counting in 2024 as he was in 2020. {GO DEEP} This makes James Clyburn a very important Democrat leader to pay attention to.

At the conclusion of today’s meeting of Democrat representatives, James Clyburn five times assured the DNC is, “Ridin’ With Biden.”  WATCH:

Clyburn is focused on ballot counting operations within Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Virginia and Nevada.  As we follow the AME network, there appear to be approximately 12 cities and municipal regions (key urban areas) where Clyburn’s personnel within specific voting precincts will receive ballots from DNC harvesting operations and lead the ballot counting initiatives.

Clyburn’s main focus of concern this year has been that young black voters and harvesters will not hold the same enthusiasm in 2024 as they did in 2020.  Clyburn has been communicating to the constituency of those key states how they need to focus on controlling the exodus of young black voters who are willing to support Donald Trump.

January 2024 – “Clyburn is worried the BLM segment of the process, the younger group, does not hold the enthusiasm needed to fulfill their role.” { LINK } An NBC article highlights South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn as one of the central players in the game of Biden. As the article notes, Clyburn heads into the AME Church network, worried that young black voters might not support the game.

June 2024 – “Black parents should be responsible for convincing Black youth to vote for Biden.” {LINK} Clyburn, now the Biden campaign’s 2024 co-chair, believes that younger Black voters have fallen prey to “misinformation and disinformation,” citing the increasing credulity with which voters are taking Donald Trump’s claims that he’s done more for Black people than anyone. [Source]

It appears the strongest issue Clyburn is facing this time is the support of the ballot harvesters, not the precinct ballot scanner teams.

The metric of decision making has some uncomfortable aspects that are not being discussed.   There are four scenarios likely shaping the landscape of the decision to replace Joe Biden that James Clyburn is having to navigate and deal with.  One of the scenarios is very ominous and will require support from President Barack Obama, which at this point is not guaranteed.

The four scenarios include two with Biden replaced, and two without.  They are essentially:

♦ 1. Replace Biden – Win/Cheat, however with a new candidate the ballot scanning can look legit.

♦ 2. Replace Biden – Lose/Accept Defeat. Seemingly not an option for the Deep State.

♦ 3. Don’t Replace Biden – Lose/Accept Defeat. Again, seemingly not an option for the Deep State.

♦ 4. Don’t Replace Biden – Win/Cheat, however, on such a scale of massive fraud that the American people will see it clearly. Chaos erupts.

The current status amid media headlines is a 2024 debate around option #1 and option #4.  This is the problem.

Riding with Biden,” Sounds a lot like option #4.  This puts a lot of pressure on the ballot harvest operations, precinct ballot scanning operation, media support network and ultimately DOJ, FBI, DHS and the federal law enforcement apparatus.

Barack Obama can only support option #4, if he has great distance from it.  However, sticking with Biden will require Barack Obama to put himself on the very tip of the spear in the effort to support the plausibility of the outcomes.

I’m not sure Obama would be willing to do it because retaining Joe Biden as the candidate means the harvesting and scanning operation would be exceptionally challenging to hide.  Despite his ideological intransigence, Barack Obama has an ego that could lend itself more toward option #3.

Keep watching.

Option #4 could look like this:

Or, it could look like this:

Option #4 presents the worst-case scenario.