Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Coming Coup

The January 6 Capitol breach has been called an attempted coup; it was not a coup, but a coup by the extreme left is possible in the future.  Before I make my case, a few points should be made about January 6.  David Harsany pointed out in the New York Post that the J6 protestors had no plan; a study at Harvard showed that most Jan 6 protestors did not believe they were overruling democracy, but preserving it:

The documents show that Trump and his allies convinced an unquantifiable number of Americans that representative democracy in the United States was not only in decline, but in imminent, existential danger… This belief translated into a widespread fear of democratic and societal breakdown, which, in turn, motivated hundreds of Americans to travel to DC from far corners of the country in what they were convinced was the nation’s most desperate hour.

The first question to ask if speculating on an hypothetical leftist coup is this: Are there a substantial number of people in the United States who would like to see an anti-American revolution?

It’s hard to quantify, but there’s certainly a sizable population, made evident by the noise they make.

During the Antifa riots, apart from the violence, there were chants: “No border, no wall, no USA at all.”

During the recent pro-Hamas demonstrations on campuses and elsewhere, anti-American views were overt: For instance, students at the University of Michigan participating in the protests were given pamphlets titled “10 anarchist theses on Palestine solidarity in the United States,” which included a page that stated, “Freedom for Palestine means Death to America.” The slogan “Death to America” was chanted in nearby Dearborn, Michigan, during a rally on the last Friday of Ramadan.

A former Muslim, Sana Ebrahimi warned that many Muslims coming into the West do not share our values, and “they do not play around.”

The red-green alliance of leftists and Islamists makes some kind of sense:

[T]he two movements are building a Common Front against the United States and its allies. … Both radical Leftists and Islamists have utilized the master frame of anti-globalization/anti-capitalism and the master frame of anti-colonialism/anti-imperialism to elicit support from the widest possible range of people.

(See also here.)

But surely there are not enough armed opponents of the U.S. within the U.S. to mount a coup?

There may be.  Gordon Chang has been warning of the makings of a Chinese army in the U.S. (in 2023, more than 30,000 military-aged individuals from China have entered) and says this:

These were Chinese migrants, who had come into the U.S., they were here for less than three weeks, and what were they doing? They were taking target practice with semi-automatic rifles. Now if you’re a migrant coming into the U.S. with just a backpack, you’re probably thinking about, ‘I need a place to live, I need to eat,’ maybe get a job. You don’t think about sharpening your skills to kill Americans.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd also expressed concern and pointed out that “We know that the Chinese have huge gangs here in the United States, and they control certain parts of our country.”

China is just one hostile country that has taken advantage of the open border.  We have Cubans and Venezuelans coming in as well.  Not to mention ISIS sympathizers.

Home-grown extremists have been a part of U.S. history, including the bombing of Wall Street in 1920.  The blast killed 40 people immediately, and seriously injured another 143.  In the 1960s, there were radicals who engaged in bombing campaigns across the U.S. and according to undercover agentLarry Grathwohl, they had plans to eliminate as many as 25 million Americans if they came to power.

One could speculate how a coup would work.  Could, for example, revolutionaries destroy infrastructure, such as our electric system, or sabotage enough military defenses to help an invading army?  That’s certainly a question worth pondering.

A final question is: Why did our government open the borders?  In the first hours of Biden’s presidency, he acted to halt construction of Trump’s border wall.  Later he issued an executive order ending the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” program.

The most moderate explanation that I’ve heard was that he wanted more Democrat voters.  In support of this explanation, in a 2024 interview, Kari Lake told Maria Bartiromo that “in every state around the country, you’re seeing Democrats fight tooth and nail any piece of legislation which will prevent illegals from voting.”

If this is true, then the dangers to national security that come with the flood of illegals might be minimized in the minds of the people who have opened our borders.  There are, of course, more radical possible explanations.

Whatever the motives of our leaders, a power-grab by people who do not believe in democracy is increasingly becoming a possibility.

X22, Red Pill News, and more- July 6


The Hint of a Trump Landslide Appears

Voters have had a look inside the Potemkin Presidency, and it is clear that many did not like what they saw.  Most were shocked by Joe Biden’s performance and his apparent mental decline.  Many were also angry at the White House staff and the news media for hiding Joe’s situation from the public.

The latest national post-debate polls show a definite movement in Trump’s favor.  The five-way presidential election polling average at Real Clear Politics has Trump up by +4.2 points, even though one-third of the polls were taken before the debate.  The three-way polling average at 538, which includes Robert Kennedy Jr.,  has Trump up over Biden by +2.3 points.  

In a two-way matchup between Trump and Biden, both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal polls have Trump ahead by +6. The two-way split at the national level no longer matters since it appears RFK Jr. may be able to get on the ballot in most of the fifty states.

Biden’s debate performance and the general impression that he is too old to run for President may lead to consequences few have foreseen.  It is now within the realm of possibility that Donald Trump could win reelection in a landslide.

The real news comes from the battleground states.  According to 538, Trump is now up by +5.7 in Arizona, +7 in Georgia, +2.5 in Michigan, +4.5 in Nevada, +8 in North Carolina, +2.4 in Pennsylvania, and +1.7 in Wisconsin.  Unfortunately, no actual post-debate polls are available to confirm this, but 538 uses statistical averaging based on changes in the national popular vote to come up with these numbers.

I would love to tell you what the RCP battleground polls show, except there is not a single post-debate poll available in their averages. Their pre-debate averages have Trump in the lead by +5.6 in Arizona, +4 in Georgia, +1.2 in Michigan, +2.8 in Nevada, +6.7 in North Carolina, +3 in Pennsylvania, and tied in Wisconsin.  I expect these states to shift toward Trump by +1 to +2 points as soon as more recent polls appear.

If you are wondering, Florida at Trump +10 and Iowa at Trump +18 were never battleground states for the 2024 election.

Most of you know the presidential race is about state electoral votes, not the popular vote.  Before the debate, it looked like Trump had to win one of three battleground states: Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania, to win the election.  The post-debate landscape is much different.

In the post-debate world, more states are battleground states.  According to the RCP electoral map, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Minnesota were toss-ups pre-debate, with Biden ahead by 2 to 3 points in all three.  Maine and New Mexico are listed as Leans Biden, and New Jersey is a Likely Biden state.  The only available post-debate poll here is from Virginia, where Biden and Trump are tied.

538 shows a slightly different story.  The same Virginia poll is a tie.  But a post-debate poll from New Hampshire has Trump up by +2.  No new survey is available in Minnesota, but 538’s statistical averaging has Biden up by only +1.  In Maine, the most recent poll from April had Trump up by +1 in a 5-way race.

The big surprise is New Jersey.  In the most recent pre-debate poll in the Garden State, Trump is up by +1.  In a post-debate poll from the GOP United 2024 Pac, Trump and Biden are tied in a 5-way race.  Even Biden’s internal polling shows Trump ahead by +1.

It gets worse for Biden.  According to Puck News, which supposedly received some leaked internal post-debate Democrat polling data, things are not looking good.  Biden’s post-debate vote share declined by 0.8 points nationally.  At the same time, 69% of voters are concerned about his age, and 52% of Biden voters want him to get out of the race.  According to the Democrat poll, Joe is trailing in Michigan and Pennsylvania by roughly 7 points each and by 0.5 points in New Mexico.

New Mexico was not considered a battleground state until this surfaced.  The RCP election map still has it listed as Leans Biden, and their most recent poll from March has Joe up by +7.  Although 538 had a Republican-funded survey showing Biden up by just +1, the latest independent poll had him up by +7. 

So, where does that leave us?  The Democrats can probably write off Georgia and North Carolina as battleground states, and maybe Arizona and Nevada.  The new battleground states are Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, and Virginia, all considered Biden territory.  Trump is no longer forced to win one of the three battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania.  If he wins just one of the other six, he is President.  If Trump wins them all, that would be 360 electoral votes to 174 for Biden.

The most interesting takeaway from The Democrat post-debate report is their internal polling shows that in a two-way race between Trump and other Democrats, only Gretchen Whitmer and Pete Buttigieg can win enough battleground states to get elected.  Unfortunately for them, it is not a two-way race.

I doubt Biden’s popularity, or that of Democrats, will recover before the election.  His age and mental abilities are not going to improve.  Grocery and fuel prices are unlikely to get much better.  Mass illegal immigration and all the problems that go with it are not going away.  Worse, the FBI is worried there could be a terrorist attack inside the country before the election.  If that happens, even deep blue states could turn red.

As I have written many times, I don’t think any poll is close to 100% accurate.  There are too many variables.  Even the polling averages are usually wrong.  However, I believe the polls can give us some idea of what the voters are thinking and if there is a trend in some direction.  Right now, the trend shows that Trump is up and Biden down.  

Is a Trump landslide coming?  Although the election is still four months away and anything is possible, it is starting to look as though it might happen.

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Ukraine To Join NATO By 2034 After War Is Over


OAN’s Danielle Lund
11:15 AM PT –Saturday, July 6, 2024

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is preparing to help Ukraine join the military alliance, calling on allies to send more aid to help defend it against Russia.

During a press conference in Brussels on Friday, the outgoing secretary general spoke of his wish to see Ukraine join as an ally and urged for more military aid to be sent to the country.

Ukraine currently receives 99% of its military support from NATO allies.

“All the work we are doing together is making Ukraine stronger, more interoperable and better prepared than ever to join our alliance,” Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General said.

The member nations must reach a consensus to allow Ukraine to join, something both Germany and the U.S. refuse until the conflict between Russia is over.  

Trump Calls Biden Out: New Debate, No Moderators, No Holds Barred

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

Ever since the first presidential debate of 2024, the question in the minds of everyone who watches politics is "How much longer does Joe Biden have?" Legions are now calling for him to surrender his candidacy, if not to resign outright. With every passing day, he grows more befuddled. The tensions of supposedly being president - we are forced to wonder how much of the job he is actually doing - along with the campaign, in which he is playing an ineffective defense against the rising Tide of Trump, seems to be aggravating his mental decline.

Now, Donald Trump is looking to stomp on the gas by challenging the president to a new debate, with no moderators or rules.

Former President Trump on Thursday challenged President Biden to another debate, this time with no moderators. 

In a Truth Social post, Trump requested a "no holds barred" and "all on" discussion with Biden about the future of the country. 

"Let Joe explain why he wants Open Borders, with millions of people, and many violent criminals from parts unknown, pouring into our once great Nation, or why he wants Men Playing in Women’s Sports, or demand ALL ELECTRIC VEHICLES within five years, or why he allowed INFLATION TO RUN RAMPANT, destroying the people of our Country, and so much more. It would also, under great pressure, prove his 'competence,' or lack thereof. Likewise it would be yet another test for me. What a great evening it would be, just the two of us, one on one, in a good, old fashioned Debate, the way they used to be. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!!!" 

This is a typically Trumpian challenge, and while the Biden people will never allow this to happen, Trump has everything to gain by this and nothing to lose.

Donald Trump, you may note, is basically proposing a free-for-all. No moderators, no off-limits topics, no sacred cows, no rules, no boundaries, no nothing, no kidding. It would be interesting to see a return to the style of the Lincoln-Douglas debates - a formal debate on a chosen topic, with no questions from moderators but just the two candidates with assigned speaking times and set times for rebuttals. But that doesn't seem to be what former President Trump is proposing.

Such a debate format seems aimed at two primary goals for the Trump campaign: To force President Biden to act on his own, without support, without softballing by biased moderators, and without any limits to the length of replies. That would be a disaster for the president, as he is increasingly unable to read from his giant teleprompter without embarrassing screwups.

It's the second Trump goal that would make this fun to watch: This debate format seems purposely designed to make Joe Biden lose his temper and descend into a ranting, incoherent wreck, a state that he has approached more than once already. Joe Biden has always been known for being prickly and short-tempered; his mental deterioration, as is often the case, seems to be making him more prone to fits of anger. And on a debate stage, with Trump doing what Trump does best - getting under Biden's skin, needling him, prodding him with sharp accusations over not only his record as president but his family's financial dealings? 

I can't think of anything more likely to set Biden off.

This won't happen, of course. Whoever is pulling Joe Biden's strings, and that is very likely (let's say this quietly) Jill Biden, would never let befuddled old Joe anywhere near such an event. But watch for Trump to keep needling him over it, and to use the refusal as another data point for Biden's manifestly obvious unfitness to serve. This is, once again, Trump being Trump - and nobody does that better than the man himself.

The Four Words Some Dem Senators Reportedly Plan to Say to Biden Soon

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

Joe Biden is the dog in the house on fire, saying, “This is fine.” That’s why so many members of his party are worried about November. Rightly so because the forces that want him gone are many and powerful, but the president seems confident that he can withstand the pressure, even as the fundraising well begins to dry up. Top donors are withholding cash until he drops out. The panic has not subsided following Joe Biden’s atrocious June 27 debate. And now, Democratic Senators are supposedly going to take a page out of A&E’s Intervention and hold one for the leader of their party. It's the four words a lot of Democrats want to say to Biden: "This is an intervention"  (via WaPo):

Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) is attempting to assemble a group of Democratic senators to ask President Biden to exit the presidential race, according to two people with direct knowledge of the effort.

Warner is telling Democratic senators that Biden can no longer remain in the election in the wake of his faltering debate performance, according to the people familiar with private conversations who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak freely. Warner has told others that he is deeply concerned that Biden is not able to run a campaign that could beat former president Donald Trump. 


Biden told reporters he had spoken with at least 20 members of Congress and that they’re all telling him “to stay in the race.” When asked about Warner’s concerns, Biden said he was the “only” one pushing for him to step aside. “No one else is calling on me to do that,” he said. 


As chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Warner is viewed as a serious voice privately advocating for the president to step aside. He represents a state that Democrats must win in November to maintain their hold on the White House. 

There’s a growing consensus among Senate Democrats that the situation with Biden at the top of the ticket is untenable, and senators are trying to determine the best way to relay that message to an insulated president. Some senators don’t think Biden has people around him who are giving him an accurate picture of the fallout, according to one Democratic senator and a senior Democratic aide. 

Biden remains resolute that he can win despite getting creamed in the post-debate polls. Three-fourths of the country thinks this man is too old, and nothing that happened tonight quieted those concerns. Reporters think he looks 40 percent dead, which was an observation at the recent White House Correspondents Dinner. Biden forgot the names of longtime friends and had to be instructed by Jill on what to say to another donor at a fundraiser. 

The man will have good days and bad days, but one thing is clear: Biden is losing this election right now, and his June 27 debate isn’t vanishing into the ether. He looks old and tired and supposedly is wrapped in a “cocoon” by his aides so tight that he’s lost all independence. 

If you’re a Democrat who has seen more of this man behind the scenes, you probably agree with Warner’s assessment.

Oh, look, now House Democrats want to talk about Joe; I doubt it's about how 'well' he's doing:

What Trump Should Do Now...Is Nothing

Donald Trump has absolutely devastated the Democrat Party. 

No, wait...that's not entirely correct. 

The Democrat Party has absolutely devastated the Democrat Party in its attempts to get Donald Trump. As I wrote on Thursday, the Democrat Party's obsession with Trump forced it to hyper-fixate on the man to the point where its platform could be summarized as being the "party of not-Trump." It spent millions of dollars (mostly yours) to wage endless lawfare against him and crafted policies specifically because it would either undo Trump's previous work or upset his followers. 

Then the debate happened, and it resulted in such a momentum shift that the Democrats are still trying to pick themselves up from it. Trump walked away looking like the only person in the room with a clue, while Joe Biden — and the Democrats, in general — looked like absolute fools, so filled to the brim with incompetency that trusting them with a lemonade stand in a quiet neighborhood looked far beyond their capability. 

The Democrats are bleeding out in terms of financial support and voters, and all Trump had to do was little to nothing to accomplish it. 

Sure, he showed up to the debate. Sure, he performed well. But before that, the Democrats were doing all of Trump's campaigning for him. The New York trial, while awful to endure at the time, ended up being one of the greatest gifts for Trump ever. The moment that guilty verdict came in and the Democrats started calling him a "convicted felon," Trump became more popular than ever. The millions of dollars that came rolling into his campaign coffers were proof. 

But now, Trump is challenging Biden to another debate. As my friend Ward Clark wrote on Friday, Trump wants Biden in the ring for a second round, but this time, no moderators, no rules, no safeties. A fight to the (political) death. 

Naturally, Biden's campaign won't accept his challenge. Even if Biden was cogent and cognitively sharp, a Democrat stands to gain nothing from having a debate where some aspect of it can't be controlled. I'm sure Democrats watched the Gavin Newsom/Ron DeSantis debate and learned a valuable lesson there. 

No, what Trump should do at this point is, as I implied in the title, nothing. 

From where I'm sitting, the Democrats are flopping around in a panic like a freshly caught fish on a boat. The amount of infighting happening is so intense that it's spilling over into the media, which can't seem to get a narrative straight. They look horrible right now, and all Trump has to do is take Napoleon's advice. 

"Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake." 

Here's what Trump should do. Sit back, play golf, spend time with family, and enjoy some semblance of peace because he's about to be elected president, and he's going to be really, really busy during this second term. When and if anything big comes up, such as Biden being replaced, then he can act. Until that time, focus on choosing a VP and what color the drapes are going to be in the Oval Office. 

Most of whatever comes up can easily be handled by the people, who have done an excellent job of collapsing the left's narratives left and right. Trump has hardly had to lift a finger, and sometimes his not acting is the best. It looks a lot better when the people rise up to slap down the left anyway. It further reinforces the idea among the populace that he's one of us. In an election where the Democrats are looking like out-of-touch elitists, this look is worth its weight in gold.

Look at it like a blowout football game. When your team is so far ahead that there's no chance of the other team catching up, you take your star QB out. You don't risk him injuring himself after one unfortunate move or play that goes badly.  

So Trump should kick his feet up and ride the momentum he has into the White House. Unless something incredibly drastic happens, I'm not entirely sure how the Democrats can recover from this wreck they found themselves in. Anything is possible, and there are still some months to go, but as it stands...the Democrats are cooked.

Why These Deep-Blue Democrats Feel Betrayed by Joe Biden

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Longtime Democrats are expressing frustration and dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden as he faces mounting pressure to drop out of the 2024 race. 

After Biden’s not-so-shocking debate performance, some Democrats are surprised to find that the 81-year-old’s cognitive health might not be up as up to par as they thought. 

A Los Angeles Times report pointed out that even in the “most Biden-loving” parts of the Democrat state, people are concerned that the president doesn’t have what it takes to win the election against former President Donald Trump. 

Many residents of the liberal city told the outlet that after watching the debate, the country would be in trouble if Biden stayed in the race. 

“Biden needs to go sit down, have his medication and take a nap. His time is up,” a Biden voter said. “I’ve never seen something so crazy in my life. We are in trouble … That debate was a joke.”

Another die-hard Democrat said they think it’s time to place bets on Trump, questioning how the country could have faith in Biden when he can’t even talk most of the time. 

In 2020, 71 percent of Los Angeles residents supported Biden. Ninety-four percent of people supported the president in other areas of the deep-blue city, such as Inglewood. In comparison, Trump won only 26 percent of the area that election year. 

Another L.A. resident told the outlet she was “embarrassed” by Biden, adding that he “needs to step down and think about the country.”

The 81-year-old president has reportedly been discussing his future political career with family members and close allies. 

As several Democrats urge Biden to step aside, First Lady Jill Biden and his convicted felon son Hunter Biden want him to stay in the race. 

“Biden, he’s just at that age where it’s time to retire because he was lost! I was embarrassed for him. It hurt me because I voted for him,” another L.A. resident said. 

Another resident was displeased by Biden’s abortion stance after he failed to communicate his plans for restoring access to the procedure in the country during the debate. She blamed Biden for the nationwide limitations against abortion nationwide and accused him of being against women’s rights. 

A recent New York Times/Siena College poll released this week found that Trump has a six-point lead among likely voters compared to Biden post-debate. Meanwhile, a JL Partners poll showed that 70 percent of Independent voters want Biden to drop out of the 2024 race, while only 32 percent of Democrats disagree. Biden’s debate performance worked in former President Donald Trump’s favor, with 44 percent of independents planning to vote for Trump— up four points after the debate.

Invoking The 25th Amendment Is Constitutional — And Democrats’ Best Hope

Neither spin nor conspiracy theories can alter what the world saw during the debate: Biden’s mental incapacity.

The Democrats’ public struggle session over what to do with the problem of Joe Biden must end. They know, we know, and, most terrifyingly, America’s enemies know that our commander-in-chief is mentally incompetent. As such, the answer is clear, and the Constitution provides it: Joe Biden must be removed from office and the vice president sworn in as president.

The only (proper) question for Biden and his party is whether the removal will be voluntary, under Section 3 of the 25th Amendment, or forced, under Section 4. Will Biden transmit “his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” to Congress? Or will the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet inform Congress of President Biden’s incapacity and remove him from office?

A day or two to decide is reasonable. A week stretches the bounds. But we are now at the point where the inaction by Vice President Kamala Harris and Biden’s Cabinet constitutes a violation of their oath of office. They solemnly swore they would “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution and that they would “faithfully discharge the duties of the office.” That oath mandates they provide Congress “their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office…”

There is no wiggle room. No “wait and see” if the president can convince the public he is fit for office, whether by choreographed appearances or edited prime-time interviews. Neither spin nor conspiracy theories can alter what the world saw during the debate: Biden’s mental incapacity.

Whether caused by age, dementia, or Alzheimer’s matters not. The president of the United States cannot discharge his duties if he lacks lucidity for even a fraction of the day. The commander-in-chief must be able to command the executive branch 24-7.

Any counter is political and constitutionally unsound.

Yes, Biden has a horde of helpers who can — and likely have — made decisions on his behalf. But our Constitution established a “unitary executive,” with the president individually and solely vested with the authority to command the executive branch. And the Constitution dictates what happens when that individual, here Biden, is unable to discharge his duties.

Removing Biden from office is politically fraught, however, because he is also the Democrat’s presidential candidate. In fact, some Democrats seem concerned only about removing Biden from the ballot and not the presidency, oblivious to the paradox they are promoting: that Joe Biden isn’t competent to run for reelection but is competent to run the country.

With only four months until the general election, Democrats have no good option — but they do have one constitutional one. Ironically, the constitutional option is likely also the best choice, politically speaking. 

By promptly removing Biden from office, Democrats can enter their convention with a sitting president, Kamala Harris, to replace Biden on the ballot. They can then spend the next month and a half focused on a new candidate instead of debating whether to replace Biden at the convention — while attempting to avoid another public display of incapacity.

Replacing Biden at the convention would also prove devastating to Democrats’ “saving Democracy” cry because it would disregard the party’s primary voters without justification. Democrats could also work to quietly quash any in-fighting over Harris’ selection during that time, while rallying party faithful to the ticket by promising an attractive vice-presidential candidate.

This approach would also be the worst option for Republicans. While a President Harris might seem a less formidable opponent, now that the populace knows Biden is incompetent, he would be the easiest Democrat to defeat come November, mentally and policy-wise. That might prompt some congressional Republicans to remain silent, rather than demand Vice President Harris and Biden’s Cabinet deliver a declaration of incapacity. But they too took an oath to “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution and “faithfully discharge the duties of the office.”

So while the schadenfreude Republicans are currently enjoying is understandable — given that just two weeks ago the press accused those highlighting Joe Biden’s incompetence as peddling a “cheap fake” — our country and Constitution must come first.

Of course, that doesn’t mean Republicans would be without grounds to attack a presidential candidate Harris. Beyond her bungling of everything she touched as vice president, Harris would be forced to defend her delay in seeking Biden’s removal from office — for while the public at large only recently saw Biden’s incompetence, The Federalist and others have been highlighting it for years. And as Biden’s vice president, Harris clearly knew he lacked the capacity to serve as commander-in-chief long ago. Yet she, like the other members of the administration, only acted once they realized they could no longer hide the truth from voters.

Harris’ continued defense of Biden will only cement this reality in voters’ minds, as will her ongoing inaction as she waits out Biden and his family’s efforts to rehabilitate the president’s image. The Democrat Party will likewise find itself tarred for years by its efforts to prop up Joe Biden.

That doesn’t mean they won’t win the 2024 presidential election though. And Republicans would be foolish to think the Democrat’s current implosion will prevent party loyalists and activists from getting ballots into the box — even if they don’t yet know the candidate for whom they will be collecting votes.

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Israeli Envoy: West Faces 'Radical Muslim Occupation'

 Ofir Akunis was solidly entrenched in the Knesset, serving in his 15th year as a lawmaker. The popular Likud figure — formerly a party spokesman and adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu— had held a number of ministerial roles over the last nine years, and was minister of science and technology in the current government.

So, why exactly would the 50-year-old (now 51), not exactly known for an active role in the Diaspora, accept Netanyahu's offer to become the consul general to New York in a post-Oct. 7 world?

"It's a very good question. I think that we are living in challenging times. I think that it's not less important to be here these days and represent the State of Israel and the Jewish people from New York," Akunis told JNS in his office on Manhattan's Second Ave.

"I think that a political leader should do more things in his career. And I think that this is the right place to be these days. Especially these days," he said.

While Akunis generally hews close to Netanyahu in principle, he has carved out his own path, and while he rarely contradicts Netanyahu, he has avoided being sycophantic.

Netanyahu has been known to shuffle off political rivals and annoyances to diplomatic posts, but that doesn't appear to be the case with Akunis. The position of consul general had been open since Asaf Zamir, appointed by the previous government, resigned in March 2023 to protest the advancement of judicial reform by Netanyahu.

Netanyahu floated firebrand Social Equality Minister May Golan for the post in April 2023, but backlash from the more left-wing American Jewish community quickly put that idea to bed. The consulate had been served by a series of acting consuls general until Akunis's arrival.

While Akunis may lack diplomatic bona fides, his appointment was largely viewed as one of a professional, technocratic hand coming on to steady a ship that's been rocking since Hamas' massacre.

"I think that the very main issue here is the attacks on the Israeli and Jewish students in the universities and among the campuses. This is unacceptable," Akunis said of his top priority since taking over in May.

His very first meeting, he told JNS, concerned the attacks on Jews and Israelis at Columbia and NYU.

"This is urgent, because we are a few weeks before the new year on the campuses, and I'm calling from here to the American people and to the American leaders to do whatever they can to stop" the violent antisemitic protests that took place in the spring.

"If someone wants to protest against the State of Israel or against the Jewish communities, he can do it," Akunis said, but not by waving Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS flags, as was seen at a number of campus protests.

"To scream and shout, 'Oct. 7 was only the beginning,' this is unacceptable," he said. "This is not freedom of speech. It's freedom of hate."

Akunis went so far as to say last week that New York City was in danger of falling under "radical Muslim occupation," similar to European cities that have succumbed to violent Islamist riots and so-called no-go zones that are essentially off-limits to non-Muslims.

"I think that radical Islam, influenced by Tehran and the Axis of Evil, is a huge problem, not only to the State of Israel, not only to the Jewish communities. It's the Axis of Evil versus the Western world," Akunis told JNS.

"How do I know it? I can hear from here, from this office — the screaming of 'Death to America, to Israel, glory to Palestine.' So it's not about us anymore," said Akunis, describing protests that have taken place outside the consulate.

He warned again of "a lot of neighborhoods" around Europe under "radical Muslim occupation," citing London, Paris, Brussels, and MalmΓΆ as examples.

"I didn't know that such a thing would happen here in the United States," Akunis said. "We can see it in the streets. It's not my imagination."

It is critical that Americans understand that the issue has gone far beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, morphing into a broader anti-American bent, he said.

"I think that I need to send this match message to my American friends. I think that this is the right message," asking people to open their eyes to the support for terrorism taking place on New York's streets.

And it's happening during a broader time of political uncertainty and upheaval in the United States. Akunis arrived in the midst of a critical election season. Asked who on the political battlefield he has found to partner with and who he is still trying to bring on board, Akunis said, "I'm trying to bring everybody to support Israel. I think that the American administration, American people, American leaders, must stand with Israel."

He was quick to note, though, that "the Israelis are not part of the election campaign. The American people will choose the president and their administration. And we, of course, respect any result we'll see here on Nov. 5. This is the main idea of democracy — the will of the people.

Perhaps getting in a delicate shot at those who have opined on Israel's domestic political affairs, including New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, who called for Netanyahu to stand down as premier, Akunis said he was "sure that you, the Americans, will respect the will of the people in Israel."

Regarding his early dealings with American Jews, Akunis stressed the unity he's seen in the community members that he's been dealing with on the street level. "This unity reflects strength, and not the opposite. We will not be victims anymore," he said, adding that "in the darkest days, you can see the light."

In turn, the Jewish community looked for unity from its supposed partners and allies in other American minority and religious communities in the aftermath of Oct. 7, but largely encountered "radio silence".

While American Jewish leaders have been quick to note their deep disappointment, worry and anger on that front, Akunis inferred to JNS that those concerns are overblown by the media, which he said tends to amplify the negative.

"I'm talking with them all the time," he said of those erstwhile partners. "Beyond the big headlines, I think that most Americans, including the communities that you just mentioned, support Israel. There's a lot of voices for Israel."

While Akunis said he has not received a straight answer on why those communities went silent during Israel's darkest hour, he is "asking them to reflect on their solidarity with Israel," and he expects attitudes will change soon.

Republished with permission from Jewish News Syndicate.