Monday, June 24, 2024

These Three Ideas Will Win 2024

This week’s debate reveals—in many ways—the blueprint for the election of 2024. Every candidate for federal office will be viewed as an extension of the Presidential nominee representing them this week.

That makes this week’s debate more meaningful than others in the cycle's past.

The major reason this is the case is because both men have had the reigns of government, both have a record in office, and the people will choose on those records.

From a purely policy perspective that indicates the most lopsided loss in history should be expected for the incumbent. But with the malcontent in office, his corrupt influence with the media, and whatever gamesmanship they may have planned for shenanigans the Trump team has zero room to relax or take a breath.

By extension, it also means that the rest of the ticket must play it equally tough. It is not time for the U.S. Senate candidate for a state or a House candidate for a district to wander off message. Incumbent Democrats are chained to Biden’s failures and his attack on Americans

Yesterday in the Bronx at a rally for electeds Jamal Bowman and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, in a borough where Trump just weeks ago drew twelve times the turnout (on a weeknight,) the pair from “The Squad” went profane, angry and unhinged.

They did so because that’s all the top of their ticket has left them with.

Did I also mention that a poll this week has New York State within 1% between Trump vs Biden?

Speaking of deep blue strongholds President Trump held a rally in deeply blue Philadelphia, largely attended by Hispanics and African Americans, and not only packed out the Temple University venue, but like the Bronx rally even more people lined up outside and around the block.

The reason he is getting this seismic response may twist the brains of Jake Tapper and Rachel Maddow but it shouldn’t surprise just about anyone and everyone else. He’s talking about three things that every voter cares about.

Trump promises to protect the American people from the wanton dangers of crime and to keep them safe. Biden’s plan of flooding our nation with illegal aliens and the Democratic push to defund police have put every American in jeopardy. Trump’s message: close the border, deport the criminals, and back the blue. Simple. It resonates with Obama’s largest fundraiser from 2008, who announced she’s now Team Trump, and it will work for Senate and House nominees. It will work, that is if you make it your core policy point on the trail. If one gets distracted by other frivolous or even just less important talking points—then it takes the voter’s eye off the biggest  issue on the radar.

Trump is promising to protect the American people’s hard-earned money. It’s not the government’s money, it’s the people’s money. Through deregulation, you unleash the economy again. Through the extension of the Trump tax cuts before they expire—including the child tax credit—you create financial improvement for every poor and middle-class family and child in America. And by reversing Biden’s war on energy and letting Americans domestic energy flow we will reverse the regressive tax of 20% increase of costs on goods that Biden has gleefully overseen. Side benefit: Getting American energy-producing again also bankrupts Russia and Iran which will curtail their ability to make war. If Russia is poor they can’t invade their neighbors. If Iran is poor they can’t pay proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthies.

Lastly, Trump is promising to protect American children. Parents have a right to know what their schools are teaching. They have a right to determine the curriculum. They have the right to believe that boys and girls will be respected for their distinction. And they have the right to expect their girls will be kept safe by not having to allow men into their locker rooms, showers, and fields of play. Biden believes America’s children belong to the state. Americans believe they belong to their parents. This isn’t controversial. So say it over and over: “We are fighting to protect your children!”

If Republicans down the ticket want to win—parrot what Trump is promising. Protect Americans’ safety, money, and children.

Every American cares deeply—in their heart of hearts—about these three things. Biden has attacked them on all three fronts. And a united Republican ticket championing these simple three ideas will landslide the competition.

Now get to it!

To Protect Our Way Of Life, The West Must Stop Trying To Appease Terrorists & Anti-Semites


When dealing with rational individuals and groups, negotiation, compromise, and even concessions can be helpful. But that’s not what the Western world is dealing with right now.

One of the great strengths of the Western world is our emphasis on rationality.

Obviously, we are not fully rational – no human society ever will be – and our recent embrace of extreme climate policies and extreme social policies shows there is still significant irrationality to be found. Still, this is nothing compared to much of the rest of the world.

It can be easy to forget the degree to which much of the world is still motivated by an obsession with ‘saving face,’ views all economic and military success as a conspiracy against them, and allows ancient hatreds to guide their actions rather than embracing the future.

The Western world is uniquely future-focused, uniquely willing to comprise and listen to different points of view, and uniquely attentive to tangible results, rather than identity.

Again, this may sound odd given how rampant identity politics has taken over, but the fact that we are shocked by the rise of identity politics indicates that it is largely antithetical to baseline Western values. And of course, if we think identity politics are bad in the West, they are far worse everywhere else.

Strengths are weaknesses, weaknesses are strengths

Unfortunately, as we have drifted from our core values, the Western world is also now under assault from within.

Radical Islamists and anti-Semites have identified how the strengths of the West can be used against us.

They have turned our strengths into weaknesses.

And now, they are so emboldened that they feel ‘liberated’ to take over the streets and openly attack Jewish People:

“Los Angeles, 2024, not Berlin 1938. This is what happens when “Globalize the Intifada” is put into action.”

“Angry mob looking for Jews.
Germany 1938?
Nope, Los Angeles 2024″

These are modern day pogroms, and they are only going to intensify unless our leaders – and the general populace – wake up fast.

The key mistake we are making – and by ‘we’ I’m referring to well-intentioned people who support Western values – is to think that every civilization is the same.

We keep trying to deal with anti-Semites and radical Islamists as if they were rational groups/individuals. And so, we keep trying to be nice, we keep giving concessions, and we keep downplaying the spread of vile hatred as if it is just one meeting or consultation away from being brought to a halt.

This just makes things worse, because we are dealing with extremist groups who have a conquering mindset. They will gladly take all the concessions we give, and then get even more extreme and ask for more. Their goal isn’t to integrate or have their concerns heard, their goal is to take over, wipe out Western values, push Jewish People out of our country, and then impose their radical ideology.

Set boundaries & enforce them

The only realistic way to push back against the extremists is to set strong boundaries, and enforce them.

Arrest those inciting hate against Jewish People.

In instances where the anti-Semites and terror sympathizers aren’t Canadian/Western Citizens, deport them to their country of origin.

Ban groups like Samidoun – as many of our peer nations have already done.

And publicly assert the primacy and inviolability of Western values – making it clear that the West will always be a place where we prize individual freedoms, religious tolerance, women’s rights, and democracy.

If we want to preserve our way of life, assertion must replace appeasement.

Spencer Fernando

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- June 24


Kamala Harris Is January 6’s ‘Dog That Didn’t Bark’

Kamala Harris's silence about her presence near a pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6 and the subsequent media and official confusion, raises questions about possible complicity and misinformation.

In the Arthur Conan Doyle story “The Adventure of Silver Blaze,” master sleuth Sherlock Holmes deduces that the failure of a watchdog to bark while a horse was being stolen meant only one thing: the dog recognized the man who stole the horse.

On January 6, vice president-elect Kamala Harris was the dog that didn’t bark. Harris did not bark then. Nor has she barked in the three-plus years since. This is surprising. On the surface, at least, she would have had a lot to bark about. Harris’s failure to bark suggests her complicity in a plot that—thanks to the good work of Rep. Thomas Massie, Darren Beattie, Dan Bongino, and others—is gradually unraveling.

On January 6, 2021, at just about 1 p.m., an undercover police officer found a pipe bomb just feet from the exterior of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in DC. A bomb had been discovered minutes before near the RNC headquarters. Unknown to the bomber, Harris would be at the DNC when the bomb was found.

Politico was the first to report on Harris’s whereabouts at this critical moment. “Harris’ presence inside the building while a bomb was right outside raises sobering questions about her security that day,” reported Politico. “It also raises the chilling prospect that the riots could have been far more destructive than they already were, with the incoming vice president’s life directly endangered.”

Politico reported this story on January 6—January 6, 2022, that is. For a year, no one beyond a small circle of conspirators knew Harris was at the DNC that day. Everyone else assumed she was at the Capitol. That “everyone” included federal prosecutors who, in dozens of indictments, had informed J6 judges and juries that Harris was among those under threat from the mob at the Capitol.

Not until November 2021 did prosecutors amend their filings to undo this deception. Politico wrote at that time, It’s unclear why DOJ included the erroneous information in the first place and continued to do so for months.” The Politico article cited above was titled, “DOJ error highlights Jan. 6 mystery: Where was Kamala Harris during the attack?” It would take two more months before Politico learned the answer to this most basic of questions.

Politico, however, had no interest in unraveling the deeper mystery of why Harris remained silent. During a televised speech from the Capitol on January 6, 2022, the still-cryptic Harris acknowledged for the first time she was elsewhere while “extremists” roamed the halls of the Capitol, targeting the “lives of elected officials.”

What Harris did not say is where she was. Although she shamelessly compared January 6 to “December 7, 1941” and “September 11, 2001,” she refrained from saying she was within mere feet of being blown to smithereens. Biden, too, has resisted a seemingly great opportunity to blame the bombing on the white supremacists and neo-Nazis he imagines lurking everywhere.

On January 6, 2022, Politico was still reporting on the bomb plot as though it were real. Its reporters quoted the FBI as saying both the RNC and DNC bombs were “viable” and that they could have been detonated, resulting in serious injury or death.” A single suspect was alleged to have planted the bombs the night before. Politico linked to a detailed FBI press release complete with maps and still shots of the suspect, as well as the promise of a $100,000 reward for useful information.

The FBI has since raised the reward for relevant information to $500,000. Despite the reward, the DC pipe bomber has vanished into the ether as seamlessly as did John Doe #2, Timothy McVeigh’s accomplice in the April 1995 destruction of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

A week after the bombing, the FBI’s John Hersley testified to multiple eyewitness accounts of a yellow Mercury with McVeigh and another man inside speeding away from a parking lot near the federal building.” Several other witnesses had seen McVeigh’s accomplice in the hours leading up to the blast.

The FBI created a composite drawing of this man, described as full-faced and stocky, with dark hair and an olive complexion,” and labeled him John Doe #2.”Hundreds of investigators” joined in the nationwide manhunt for McVeigh’s elusive co-conspirator. They need not have wasted their time.

Sensing an opportunity, President Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris immediately sent the president a memo: Permanent possible gain: sets up Extremist Issue vs. Republicans.” The Clinton White House had in McVeigh a poster boy for Newt Gingrich’s Republican Revolution.” If John Doe #2 proved to be a Muslim co-conspirator or a confidential FBI source, he would have spoiled the picture.

Clinton followed Morris’s advice and saved his flailing presidency. With Clinton’s poll numbers rising, the White House and the media lost interest in finding John Doe #2. Inevitably, so did the FBI. To this day, despite his role in the murder of 168 people, John Doe #2 has never been identified.

What happened in the wake of Oklahoma City happened again after January 6: the media lost interest in finding the most wanted man in America. The pipe bomber—for continuity’s sake, John Doe #3—has all but faded from memory. Those pulling the strings likely sensed that finding the bomber would undo the story they had so successfully spun. Better to let him disappear into the night.

This was no rogue plot. Those in the know stood to gain by having the certification process shut down, and Trump blamed for the disruption. That group did not include President Donald Trump. He remained hopeful to the end. Even if Vice President Pence rejected the proposal to allow each state a ten-day election audit before certification, that day’s scheduled airing of fraud allegations would have revealed why so many people believed the election was stolen.

Despite her flirtation with death and her own penchant for self-dramatization, Kamala Harris has still not barked. Neither has Biden. As with the watchdog in the Sherlock Holmes story, their silence suggests a familiarity with the bomber. If they do not know his exact identity, they both strongly suspect he is a friend of the family.

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Here’s a place to share cartoons, jokes, music, art, nature, 
man-made wonders, and whatever else you can think of. 

No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

What the 'Fine People' Hoax Means for America

When I first read that Snopes has finally admitted that the “fine people” hoax was, indeed, a hoax, I was a bit surprised, considering that it typically pushes a leftist agenda. The notion that former President Donald Trump referred to neo-Nazis and white supremacists as “fine people” was a lie the left could not resist telling – even though the full clip of Trump’s comments clearly disproved their claim.

Snopes’ decision to correct the record is better late than never. However, the fact that some still believe the hoax highlights a harsh reality: Most media cannot be trusted. If we want the truth in 2024 and beyond, we must work a little harder to get it.

Back in August 2017, some fringe racist folks held a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a white nationalist killed a counterprotester by hitting her with his car. It was a highly controversial event, and Trump was expected to respond. He did so during a press conference in which he referenced those protesting and counterprotesting the removal of Confederate statues. These are the ones who he referred to as “fine people.”

In fact, during his remarks, he specifically said he was not speaking of white nationalists and neo-Nazis when he used the words “fine people.” He said the racists should be “condemned totally.” Yet, media outlets chose to cut off his comments about the white nationalists deliberately to make it appear as if he made complimentary comments about them. Now, it appears Snopes is coming clean.

Of course, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from leftists hoping to keep the lie alive. But while the “fine people” hoax has been repeatedly debunked as a major media lie, the fact that it was believed in the first place illustrates a terrible reality in American society.

The propagation of the false narrative is a masterclass on how easily falsehoods can be crafted and disseminated to the public. In knowledgeable hands, these narratives can be used to shape public opinion and promote political agendas. Indeed, President Joe Biden cited Trump’s supposed comments about Charlottesville as the reason he ran for office in the first place. Clearly, Team Biden has no problem basing its entire campaign on a lie. Other prominent Democrats have repeated the hoax as if it were fact.

The reality, however, is that we shouldn’t have needed so many prominent people to publicly expose and debunk the lie. It should not have taken such a concerted effort to address such an obvious ploy, one that people still believe today.

All we had to do was watch the entire clip. It was not hard to find online – and that could have easily told us whether we were being fed a bill of goods by an increasingly dishonest media.

But many didn’t, and there are countless numbers of Americans who fell for the lie.

What this tells us is that in 2024, it is up to we the people to ensure that we are getting the truth. We have to work a little bit harder to ensure we are not taken in by propaganda mills fronting as viable news outlets.

It means that when the media makes an incendiary claim about a political figure they do not like, we have to do our due diligence to make sure we are not being conned into believing a hoax. Ultimately, the truth is our responsibility, and the fact that much of America’s media is biased and willing to deceive their consumers means we have to go the extra step to weed out the lies.

Unfortunately, most people do not take the time to verify the information they are being presented with. Most don’t have time to pay close attention to what is happening on the airwaves and interwebs. Others are just intellectually lazy and prefer to have their viewpoints regurgitated to them.

Those seeking to divide and deceive us prey on the fact that most won’t do their own research. When the media propagated the “fine people” hoax, they knew most people would not seek out the full clip of Trump’s comments, so they could literally lie to our faces without having to worry about being discovered on a large scale.

If there is anything the “fine people” hoax — along with the multitude of other lies the media has told us — demonstrates, it is that we cannot afford to take any narrative at face value. Instead, we must train ourselves to look at different angles and sources for the information we receive to verify whether we are being given the truth or a convenient political narrative. Otherwise, there is no telling how many hoaxes we will be deceived by.

Pro-Hamas Protesters Assault Jews Outside L.A. Synagogue, Clash With LAPD

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Pro-Hamas protesters were at it again Sunday, and in today’s episode, they demonstrated outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles to harass worshippers and engage with pro-Israel supporters. Scuffles broke out, and the LAPD had to intervene in the “mostly peaceful” protest.

Videos show an egg being thrown in a woman’s face, lots of pushing and shoving, punches being thrown, and a substance—presumably pepper spray—being sprayed into the crowd.

There are multiple videos on social media depicting the mayhem:

Visibily Jewish men, wearing kippas, are seen attempting to pull away the pro-Palestian protestor surrounding an ultra-orthodox man.

Another man holding a Palestinian flag can be seen physically fighting with a visibly Jewish man at the end of the video. A woman in the background yells repeatedly, "Stop."

Additional X posts on the Today is America account show further violence of the protesters, including a post claiming that one of their journalists on the scene was sprayed directly in the eyes with bear spray.

Following the incident, people at the scene wearing Israeli flags can be seen in the footage providing him with assistance and water after the attack that hindered his vision. 

Further footage showed police on the scene clashing with pro-Palestinian protestors as they yelled out "Free Palestine."

The LAPD finally showed up to call it an unlawful assembly and to shut things down.

Journalist Cam Higby was pepper-sprayed at point-blank range as he tried to videotape the events. 

We’ve seen these protests again and again, and despite what the media will tell you, they often turn violent. We’ve also seen—again and again—that there seem to be no consequences for the rioters; they rarely are held to account by law enforcement.

The message comes from the top that violent protests are to be encouraged. Just look at who Joe Biden just promoted:

Cherry posted to social media Sunday to try to clean up his record. "Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period," he wrote. I support this Administration's agenda - and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies." Sure, we believe you.

When you hire people like this for your administration, you’re sending a loud and clear message to protesters: keep on doing what you’re doing. They have heard that message, and so the ugly antisemitic protests will likely continue unabated, and no matter how much violence and destruction they unleash, nobody will likely be punished.

President Trump Policy Interview With “All-In” Podcast

President Trump joins David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, and David Friedberg for an extensive panel interview on policy and current political events.

This interview and discussion comes approximately a week after President Trump was in California at the home of David Sacks talking to tech insiders, venture capitalists and young industrialists. WATCH:

(0:00) Bestie intros: Big house talk!
(1:37) Economy: Regulation, taxes, tariffs, de-dollarization
(12:02) Federal debt: growth, where to cut, role of energy, nuclear
(20:22) Foreign policy: Ukraine/Russia
(25:05) Foreign policy: Israel/Palestine
(28:13) Abortion: Stance on a national ban
(31:09) Foreign policy: China
(32:33) COVID: Origins, Fauci relationship, deep state, bad deals
(39:39) Border: Wall, immigration, H-1Bs, recruiting global talent
(46:07) JFK Files: Full release, importance of transparency
(48:06) Debate prediction
(50:15) Post-interview debrief

Trump Has Picked His VP

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Former President Donald Trump has picked his 2024 running mate. 

On Saturday, Trump announced that he has decided who will be his vice president, but hasn’t told anyone who he or she might be yet. 

“In my mind, yeah,” Trump told reporters at a Philadelphia rally when asked if he’s decided on his trusty sidekick. 

“No, nobody knows,” the former president said when asked if anyone knew. However, Trump confirmed they will be at the first 2024 televised debate between him and President Joe Biden. 

Last month, I reported that Trump’s VP shortlist had been narrowed down to just a handful of potential choices including  Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), Sen.Tim Scott (R-SC), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), and Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.). 

Potential choices received vetting materials from the Trump campaign in recent weeks as he prepares to make a final decision. 

A source close to the 2024 hopeful told the New York Post that Trump is looking for three things in regards to a running mate. 

“He’s looking for who can raise money, he’s looking for who is an effective surrogate on TV with adversarial media, and he’s looking at who will do the best job debating Kamala Harris,” the source said. 

As the country has anticipated the announcement of Trump’s VP pick for some time, the former president has downplayed the impact of a running mate on how the election will turn out. 

“It’s never really had that much of an effect on an election,” Trump said. 

Trump’s senior adviser Brian Hughes said the former president’s top concern when choosing a VP “is a strong leader who will make a great President for eight years after his next four-year term concludes.”

WWII 1st Lt. Nathan B. Baskind laid to rest at Normandy American Cemetery with full military honors

 Jewish-American U.S. Army 1st Lt. Nathan B. Baskind was laid to rest with full military honors at Normandy American Cemetery, France, today, 80 years after his death during World War II.  

In June 1944, Baskind was assigned to Company C, 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion, as a platoon commander of four M-10 tank destroyers. Baskind landed on Utah Beach on D-Day and lost his life in the Battle of Cherbourg 17 days later, on June 23, 1944.   

“Today is unique not just because we are burying and honoring an American soldier. Eighty years after 1st Lt. Baskind gave his last measure of devotion, here in Normandy... this ceremony is the statement of the very best American values, and human values.” said ABMC Secretary Charles K. Djou.  

Baskind was laid to rest with military honors with family, friends, and U.S. and local officials in attendance. U.S. Consulate for Western France Elizabeth Webster, ABMC Secretary Charles K. Djou, Volksbund Secretary General Dirk Backen, Deputy Commanding General for Interoperability Brig. Gen. Kareem Montague, Operation Benjamin President Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, and Operation Benjamin Chief Historian Shalom Lamm provided remarks to honor the memory and sacrifice of Baskind. The great-niece of Baskind, Dr. Samantha Baskind, offered family reflections before Jewish prayers were pronounced.   

“Nate's ambition was to be a successful businessman and his favorite remark was 'As I live and breathe,' shared Dr. Samantha Baskind, great-niece of Baskind. Today he will really be at rest in France. Today, a giant scar in my family will be at least partially healed.  

The ceremony concluded in the Garden of the Missing, where the name of Baskind has been memorialized since the aftermath of World War II to provide a place of mourning and remembrance to his family members. Eighty years after her great-uncle’s death, Dr. Samantha Baskind placed a bronze rosette next to his name to indicate that he is no longer missing.   

“It is our mission to care for those individuals who gave their lives in service to our nation, no matter how many years have passed since they made the ultimate sacrifice,” said Scott Desjardins, Normandy American Cemetery superintendent. “It will be our honor to take care of 1st Lt. Baskind's grave and our mission to share his story from now on.”

Thanks to the collaboration of Operation Benjamin, the Volksbund, and the support of U.S. Army Europe and Africa units, this burial ceremony was a solemn moment to commemorate the sacrifice of 1st Lt. Nathan B. Baskind and a reminder of Gen. John J. Pershing’s promise that “time will not dim the glory of their deeds.”

Baskind now rests plot A, row 14, grave 45, at Normandy American Cemetery, France.   

1st Lt. Nathan B. Baskind's headstone at Normandy American Cemetery, France    

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time.