Friday, June 21, 2024

The West’s War on Critical Thinking

Nobody enjoys being manipulated.  I have never met anyone who remarked, “I’m so glad people cleverer than I tricked me into doing what they wanted.”  Yet we are all bombarded each day with messages from people and institutions vying to shape our thoughts and control our behaviors.  

Television commercials push us to buy certain products.  Politicians describe domestic and foreign threats in such ways that only they can provide necessary solutions.  Religious leaders choose which doctrines of their faiths must be diligently observed and which ones can be casually overlooked.  More open societies might be marketplaces for competing ideas, but the most effective salespeople within any society are the ones who know how to magnify their own messages while silencing others.

Given that this is the case, a society interested in protecting its people from manipulation would be highly invested in educating citizens from a young age how to use reason, rationality, and logic to filter truth from falsehood.  Aside from a smattering of classical and religious schools that focus on how to assess information and judge its credibility, it is evident that Western educational systems have been designed with no such purpose in mind.  Students are taught what to think but not how to think.  They are handed bits of knowledge without first being provided the cognitive tools for acquiring knowledge on their own.  They have no appreciation for how misleading rhetoric and faulty logic are used to produce spurious arguments.  They have no background in philosophy sufficient to arm them with the mental acuity necessary to spot and reject propaganda.  They have no comprehension of the linguistic games that are used to program their minds.  They lack shrewd discernment.

What does it say about a civilization that generally requires young people to spend thirteen or more years in public school systems engineered to produce mediocre minds?  It should set off alarm bells!  When governments are in the business of dumbing down citizens, they are investing in future generations who will be obedient slaves.  Or, if an animal farm metaphor makes it easier for a millennial “influencer” to understand, Western governments prefer easily managed cattle that they can move from pen to pen before sending them to the slaughterhouse (think: Ukraine).  What they do not want is an independent-minded cow knocking over a fence and freeing the herd from certain death.  Schools, like penitentiaries, are institutions for corralling large numbers of humans together, so that a mixture of indoctrination and punishment can be efficiently administered until most learn to “behave.”  When Western education mimics Western incarceration, Western citizens should start to wonder just who the real prisoners are.

The U.S. Pentagon, the NATO military alliance, and Western espionage agencies spend a great deal of their resources influencing human minds.  “Great,” you might say.  “They should be actively shaping the opinions of civilians in adversarial nations.”  Except I’m not talking about “winning the hearts and minds” of foreigners living under dangerous dictatorships.  When I say that the military and Intelligence Community are currently fighting an undeclared war in what they call the “cognitive battlespace,” it is your mind that they are fighting to influence.  

At a time in history when people from opposite sides of the planet have never been better connected, national governments have lost their monopolies over domestically available information.  In the past, most information warfare was directed outwardly toward foreign regimes.  Spies and soldiers spread disinformation throughout an enemy’s population in order to sow discord, breed mistrust, and weaken morale.  Traditionally, information warfare directed inwardly at one’s homeland has been limited to war propaganda intended to do the opposite of foreign disinformation campaigns: namely, to forge national unity, foster civic trust, and heighten morale.  

As technology innovation and a global computer interface radically transformed the distribution of information during the last half-century, information warfare specialists have had a constantly evolving and expanding battlefield through which to influence foreign enemies.  However, as new forms of communication have given warfighters sophisticated means of conducting offensive operations from the relative comfort of office cubicles, these same technologies have enabled foreign enemies to conduct cyber-attacks, sabotage critical infrastructure, and engage in long-distance espionage rather cheaply. 

One of the cheapest ways for militarily inferior adversaries to harm the United States and its allies is to reciprocate the West’s information warfare with versions of their own.  Especially during times of social confusion and civil unrest (including race-related conflicts, mass shootings, and other politically volatile events), hostile adversaries flood online chat rooms, social media forums, and messaging platforms with false information meant to enrage Western citizens and turn them against each other.  Foreign operatives can accomplish a great deal of harm practically for free.  Weaker enemies continue to use such asymmetric warfare to great effect.

The U.S. government has responded to these novel threats poorly.  Instead of defending free speech in the strongest possible terms — regardless of the intrusion of malicious foreign actors into the public forum — D.C.’s permanent bureaucracy has chosen to classify and criminalize speech.  

We saw this un-American effort to censor communication go into overdrive after President Trump’s 2016 victory.  Obama falsely blamed Hillary’s loss on an upswing of “fake news” and demanded that Silicon Valley take more responsibility in determining what Americans can post and read.  To anybody who values free speech, this was an alarming turning point in American history.  Had Obama been a defender of the First Amendment, he would have acknowledged that the answer to speech he dislikes is more speech.  Instead of endorsing mass censorship, Obama should have embraced the town square as a quintessentially American refuge where competing points of view are freely debated and people democratically decide what they believe.  When he and the D.C. Blob instead chose to target and eliminate information that they deem harmful, the federal government effectively declared war on free speech.

Remarkably, this is the third major front in the U.S. government’s detestable war against the Bill of Rights in the first quarter of this century.  In the aftermath of 9/11, the passage of the Patriot Act, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and the formation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ushered in a new era of widespread domestic surveillance in direct conflict with the Fourth Amendment’s requirements for particularized warrants first establishing probable cause that a crime has been committed.  After every politically advantageous mass shooting, state and federal officials work to deprive Americans of their Second Amendment right to possess firearms.  And since President Trump’s 2016 victory, the Obama-Biden Deep State has worked to monitor Americans’ communications; classify unapproved speech as “mis-,” “mal-,” or “dis-information”; and censor speech it dislikes in flagrant violation of the First Amendment’s protections.

Time and again, the U.S. government tells Americans that the only way to protect them from foreign and domestic threats is to deprive them of their constitutionally guaranteed liberties.  Even after years of brainwashing from indoctrination camps posing as public schools, though, such rhetorical rubbish is backfiring.  Why?  Because Americans can sense that they are being manipulated!

The most effective deterrence to the threat of foreign propaganda is an informed and intellectually nimble citizenry.  But the only way to dupe citizens into accepting domestic propaganda is to repeat lies, censor dissent, and suppress the human mind’s capacity to think.  Consider this: if you viewed the American people’s combined consciousness as a “cognitive battlespace” that must be conquered, would you ever encourage citizens to debate ideas or question authority?  

Conversely, if you accept that the human mind is now the primary focus of global military planners, is it not true that revolutionary ideas will be the most important weapons in any war for human liberty?  Speak.  Resist.  Think.

X22, And we Know, and more- June 21


Wake up, Republicans, the Dark Is Rising

It has become increasingly clear that Biden will not be the Democrat nominee for president. The Republican Party needs to adjust its strategy now to prepare for a race against a different candidate.

How do you tell when you’re entering a Dark Age?

It has become increasingly clear that President Biden will not be the Democrat nominee for president. The Republican Party and Donald Trump need to adjust their strategy now to prepare for a race against a different Democrat candidate.

Republicans have for many months pointed, with glee, to the increasingly obvious debilities of Biden. He stumbles. He falls while climbing the stairs to Air Force One. He wanders off as if in a dream. He slurs his words. He mumbles. He whispers. He has (how to put this delicately?) plumbing accidents. He looks frail. He is frail. Age does that—not to everyone; some people die full of life. Joe Biden will not be one of them.

There is no shame in getting old. But there is shame in pretending not to be old when being old compromises ability and obligation.

Biden is a shameful figure. He lacks the ability to be president but clings to the position anyway. Maybe it’s about power. Maybe it’s about pride. Maybe he’s too far gone to know he’s too far gone. History will not be kind to him, nor to those who prop him up like a Raggedy Andy doll.

But neither will history be kind to the Republicans who ignore the painfully obvious warning signs of Biden’s imminent collapse into undeniable incompetence.

Doctors will tell you that people suffering from mental decline—and not just those with name-brand, diagnosed diseases—don’t fail ever-gradually to the end. The descent is not a straight line. The decline may be gradual in the beginning, but then it drops off precipitously. People fail the same way, per Ernest Hemingway, one goes broke: gradually and then suddenly.

Of that day and hour when Biden fails completely, no one knows. But come it will, and this column predicts it will certainly come before the election and probably before the Democrat convention, which means the Democrats will anoint another candidate.

But who will it be?

Whom will the Democrats pick to run against Donald Trump? That’s one question. Another is: will it matter? A generic Democrat can probably beat Trump. Gretchen Whitmer, the Democrat governor of Michigan—does it get any more generic than that?—can probably beat him. As can some faceless Democrat Senator.

Ah, you say, but what about Kamala (“Giggles”) Harris? Yes, it’s nice to have a black woman on the ticket—but it’s nicer still to have a winning ticket. If she won’t go quietly—and she will—the Dems can always sic Alvin Bragg on her. She spent years in local California politics, and her closets must be full of skeletons. And if they’re not, well—be creative, damn it! Invent a host of indiscretions, tie them together with a parking ticket, and voila! You’ll have 34 charges to bring against her. You don’t think she’ll go quietly? Please. She’ll go quietly—especially if they offer a plum first. She may be [insert your favorite pejorative adjective here], but she’s not stupid enough to cause trouble. She’ll go. Oh yes, she’ll go.

What are the chances the Republicans could nominate someone other than Trump? Zero. They are stuck with Trump. He ain’t goin’ nowhere.

But Trump’s no fool. And he has discipline. That discipline was on display last week when he went to Capitol Hill and met with Republicans. He was focused on mending whatever fences needed mending and doubly focused on the message Republicans have to deliver in the coming campaign. It was almost as if he had changed his spots. He talked about the future and never mentioned the past. That’s a good beginning.

Can he keep that up? Can he become the non-Trump candidate? If he cannot, he will lose.

But he will have to do more; he will have to do something he has not done: spend some of his own money. And he should pick Governor Doug Burgum (R-ND) to be his running mate. Burgum’s a billionaire too. Between the two of them, they could outspend the Democrats two to one. Maybe five to one.

Will money alone do the trick? Of course not. But money is the bread of politics. And whereas man cannot campaign with money alone, he cannot campaign without it.

A long time ago, Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) remarked, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.”

In 2020, the Trump and Biden campaigns and outside groups spent some real money—about $2.74 billion. The candidates’ campaigns alone spent about $1.7 billion; with Biden spending about $1.01 billion, Trump only $710 million. Biden spent about $1.50 for each $1.00 spent by Trump.

If Trump’s going to beat a Gretchen Whitmer, he’s going to have to spend a lot more than he did in 2020. Is he willing to do that? Who knows?

Trump’s negative campaign should focus on the Democrats’ programs and ideas, not on Biden.

His positive campaign should focus on building a New America: where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish—and they can only flourish when government is limited . . . and, probably, where faith in God is widespread. Explaining that to Americans, 8 percent of whom have limited English proficiency, will be a challenge.

If Trump loses, we’re in for a long, dark winter of discontent. And who can tell when—if ever—we’ll wake up to a new spring?

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Trump Maintains Lead in Battleground States, As We Draw Nearer to First Debate

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

It seems hard to believe, but we're just around the corner from the first presidential debate of the 2024 cycle, a week from today (June 27th). As my colleague Bob Hoge wrote earlier on Thursday, both the Biden and the Trump campaigns are preparing their candidates for showtime on the big stage in Atlanta. In recent days, CNN, which is hosting the debate, released the official rules both sides agreed to abide by. Whether President Joe Biden will manage to do that is still an open question, of course.

In a new snapshot of the state of the race, polling from Emerson College and The Hill suggests that former president, Donald Trump is keeping -- or widening -- his lead against Biden in six, key swing states:

Former President Donald Trump is running the table against President Biden in six battleground states, fresh polling shows.

The surveys from Emerson College and The Hill show the 45th president edging out Biden in Arizona (47%-43%), Georgia (45%-41%), Michigan (46%-45%), Nevada (46%-43%), Pennsylvania (47%-45%), and Wisconsin (47%-44%).

The report continues: "In all six states, Trump’s lead has either remained the same or grown from the outlet’s polls taken" in May, which was before the verdict dropped in the Manhattan business records fraud case.

But that isn't the only bad news for Biden here. The presumed Democrat nominee's support appears to be showing more cracks in blue states like Minnesota of all places, if the poll bears out on Election Day:

The poll also showed Trump and Biden dead even at 45% each in Minnesota, which has backed a Republican for president just three times since the onset of the Great Depression.

Emerson College Polling Executive Director Spencer Kimball said that both Biden and Trump lost support among independent voters since the last poll: 

“Independent voters break for Trump in all seven states – however, there has been some movement among these voters since April,” Kimball said. “In Arizona, Trump’s support among independents dropped five points, from 48% to 43%. In Michigan, Trump’s support dropped three, from 44% to 41%, and in Pennsylvania, Trump dropped eight points, from 49% to 41%. Biden lost support among independents in Georgia, by six points, 42% to 36% and Nevada, by five, 37% to 32%.”

Kimball cautions that like most polls this far out from November, the results should be taken with a grain of salt, saying that "[n]otably, results fall within the poll’s margin of error.”

You can read the full Emerson College/The Hill poll results here.

‘Pride’ Parades Are Nothing But Massive Humiliation Rituals

Hypersexualized ‘pride’ parades function as humiliation rituals and an excuse to push sexual deviancy in people’s faces.

Warning: This article contains sexual imagery.

It’s that time of year again. The time when, for 30 seemingly never-ending days, rainbow flags (or whichever new convoluted color-coded version they’ve conjured up this year) take over entertainment, corporate logos, and the streets of cities across the country. Not even ruby-red states can escape the influence of “Pride Month.”

The centerpiece of this debauched revelry is the “pride” parade. Now there are so many of these in the U.S. that some outlets feel the need to rank them, and even smaller locales feel the need to host festivities. With the growth of these processions as a nationwide phenomenon, the frequency of grown men showing up to them in full BDSM gear, stripper attire, or even just a diaper has also increased. These men also use the occasion to act in almost every sexually vulgar way possible, including twerking in front of small children. This is a deliberate choice. A feature, not a bug.

Here are a couple of examples just from this year’s parades (so far):

Reasonable people surely wonder why men feel the need to dress and act that provocatively at what is often advertised as “family-friendly” events. But “pride” parades and the LGBT movement as a whole increasingly exist almost solely to promote and flaunt sexual depravity to normal, everyday people.

These hypersexualized “pride” parades function as public humiliation rituals. It’s not really about celebrating love or diversity or whatever BS the left uses as a smokescreen. It’s about shoving sexual deviancy in people’s faces and daring them, “What are you going to do about it?” Left-wing radicals know full well that, if anything, they’ll be praised for doing it, so they gloat that they’ve successfully made LGBT-identifying people sacrosanct in our culture.

In their minds, they’ve already won. The very fact that no one seems to bat an eye at the objectively insane concept of throwing a parade celebrating people’s sexual proclivities shows that LGBT people have achieved a favored status in American society. And they want to rub your face in it by escalating with ever more lewd and grotesque displays.

Every leftist movement wishes to challenge and ultimately destroy the society they feel has “oppressed” them. The LGBT movement is no different. It wants to completely annihilate anything resembling traditional sexual or romantic norms, and “Pride Month” serves as the bridgehead for pushing the societal envelope even further, until eventually it breaks down altogether.

Above all, rainbow activists crave opportunities to push their sexual fetishes on normal Americans and innocent children and receive a “thank you” in return from a thoroughly browbeaten and brainwashed populace. Judging by those loud cheers in the videos above, they’ve convinced a large section of the population to applaud the annihilation of foundational cultural mores and revere the vanguard of this degenerate revolution.

Because of this hubris, LGBT activists have become a lot more open about their true intentions over the last few years. In 2021, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus achieved instant infamy when it released a song with the lyrics, “We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly. And you will barely notice it.

Last year, attendees at the NYC Drag March during “Pride Month” chanted “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.” One commentator at a “pride” parade in Los Angeles this year told KTLA that his “favorite part” of the event — which featured drag queens and scantily clad men — was “going out there and seeing all the kids.”

The most sinister pushers of radical LGBT ideology consistently hide behind some of the most innocent imagery, such as rainbows, unicorns, and more. But they seemingly can’t help themselves — whether out of sexual compulsion or arrogance borne from the notion they’re untouchable in modern America — from showing people their true colors. One must only have eyes to see.

So, That's Why WaPo Refused to Disclose This Key Detail About Israel's Hostage Rescue

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

It’s been a couple of weeks since Israeli forces launched a successful raid in Gaza that rescued four hostages taken by Hamas during the October 7 attacks last year. Normal people celebrated this operation, whereas the anti-Israel, antisemitic clowns were mourning the loss of the terrorists killed in the raid. 

That’s how you know the Left is messed up in the head on this matter: they were more upset over the dead captors and the rescue of those they held captive. The media coverage does play a part in that since newsrooms are staffed with woke left-wingers who hate Jewish people. That hateful pipeline can be traced back to the network of colleges that saw pro-Hamas shenanigans run amok last spring. 

Yet, The Washington Post’s June 8th article on the raid left out the crucial detail that the hostages were being detained in civilian housing, with so-called civilians holding them hostages. It’s why “civilians” isn’t the appropriate term for those who got wasted by the IDF. Still, the Washington Free Beacon found a possible reason why these facts were omitted: the publication is loaded with Al-Jazeera alums: 

Days after the Israel Defence Forces rescued four hostages from a Palestinian refugee camp, for example, a Post headline blared: "More than 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage raid in Gaza." The report, the work of 11 Post staffers, went on to describe "one of the bloodiest raids in the war" as a "brazen operation" that left "unimaginable devastation in its wake." 

"Residential blocks were destroyed, tanks menaced the streets and grievously wounded Palestinians, some without limbs, writhed in pain on the dusty roads of the camp’s central market, according to videos and images of the raid," the report stated. The first quote in the story comes from a Hamas spokesman who accused Israel of committing "a massacre." An Israeli official is quoted in the seventh paragraph. 

What the piece did not mention is that the hostages were held by prominent Gazan civilians in crowded apartment buildings and that Hamas fighters opened fire on the hostages and Israeli soldiers during the operation, making civilian casualties virtually inevitable. 

Hostility to Israel has been a thread throughout the paper’s reporting. But there’s another pattern among reporters on the Post’s foreign desk. At least six members of the Post’s foreign desk previously wrote for Al Jazeera, the Doha-based news outlet bankrolled in part by the government of Qatar, which is now sheltering Hamas’s top leaders, a Washington Free Beacon review found. 


The Al Jazeera-Washington Post pipeline raises ethical questions for an American newspaper that prides itself as a bulwark against threats to "democracy." Founded in 1996, Al Jazeera has been described by an Israeli court as an "intelligence and propaganda arm" for Hamas, and the outlet is banned from broadcasting in Israel, where officials alleged in February that Al Jazeera "journalist" Muhammed Wishah served as a commander in Hamas’s guided missile units. In the United States, the Justice Department ordered the network’s English language affiliate to register as a foreign agent of Qatar in 2020, though it has refused to do so. 

The Post did not respond to a request for comment. 

Well, there’s your reason, folks. We have terrorists peddling propaganda on the front pages of our newspapers, disseminating the same Hamas talking points and treating them as gospel—no shock—and being key figures in fanning the flames of the genocide narrative that is wholly manufactured by the media and left-wing activists.

Not that you would be shocked, but these folks have infested the media with anti-Israel drivel, which thankfully hasn't resonated beyond these unhinged circles. 

House Judiciary Committee Launches Investigation Into Biden’s Illegal Immigrant Operation ‘Welcome Corps’

The House Judiciary Committee launched an investigation Thursday into the Biden Administration’s “Welcome Corps” program, which acts as an avenue for illegal migrants to enter the country via sponsorship from current U.S. citizens.

The letter, obtained exclusively by The Federalist, explained that the committee is concerned about the “potential abuses of the Welcome Corps, which could undermine both national security and the integrity of the U.S. immigration system.”

“Despite allowing more than 7 million illegal aliens into the United States since January 2021, the Biden Administration continues to create avenues to fast track additional aliens into the country,” the letter reads.

The letter cited the Welcome Corps as one of those avenues and noted that “as of May 1, 2024, more than 15,000 private sponsorship applications had been submitted from all 50 states” through the program.

The Biden State Department “acknowledged in a previous briefing with the [Judiciary] Committee, such a massive resettlement program is vulnerable to fraud and exploitation.”

According to the Welcome Corps website, “Working in groups of at least five people, sponsors come together to help refugees transition to life in their new community, all along the way supported by tools and resources from the Welcome Corps as well as ongoing guidance from resettlement experts.”

Addressed to Assistant Secretary Julieta Valls Noyes of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, the committee asked the State Department for additional information regarding the program to hopefully discern the threat it potentially poses to American citizens and sovereignty.

Requests include “The total number of Welcome Corps sponsorship applications, disaggregated by the refugee’s country of nationality and the country in which the refugee resides,” as well as “the total number of fraud reports the Welcome Corps has received since the program was launched in 2023.”

The committee also asked for information regarding the bureau’s response to instances of admitted fraud within the Welcome Corps and how that fraud has been addressed since the program’s creation.

Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Tom McClintock, chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, authored the letter. The committee asked that all requested materials and additional information be provided by July 5.

The Welcome Corps not only integrates illegal migrants into American communities but also helps set them up with jobs and opportunities to pursue a college education.

“Through this program, the Welcome Corps matches qualified refugees with U.S employers, providing them with concrete job offers” as well as “a path to permanent legal status in the United States for refugee students.”

The Welcome Corps itself is also concerned about corruption.

“Welcome Corps has warned individuals to ‘[b]eware of scams and anyone who asks for or offers payment or services to complete an application,'” the letter said.

Professional Race-Hustler Al Sharpton Compares People Who Get News From 'Wrong Source' to Slaves

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

So we had an outstanding twofer treat on Wednesday morning when MSNBC's "Morning Joe" trotted out race-hustler extraordinaire Al Sharpton to perform his usual racist dog and pony show.

And of course, Trump-loathing co-host Joe Scarborough made the treat even more delicious. 

While discussing Juneteenth, which commemorates the freeing of Texas slaves who didn't learn of the Emancipation Proclamation until two-and-a-half years after Lincoln issued it, Sharpton ignorantly proclaimed that people who get their news from "the wrong source" (Fox News) are tantamount to those slaves.

Scarborough kicked off the festivities.

Good morning, and welcome to Morning Joe. It's a very — it's going to be very hot. Wednesday, June 19th, Juneteenth!

With us, let's bring in the host of Way Too Early, White House bureau chief for Politico, Jonathan Lemire, former director of communications for President Obama, Jen Palmieri, president of the National Action Network and host of MSNBC's Politics Nation, Reverend Al Sharpton, and professor at Princeton University, Eddie Glaude Jr.

Quite the "fair and balanced" panel, huh?

Fired-up Scarborough, loving every minute, first went to "Rev" for his thoughts. 

But Rev, let's talk about today and Juneteenth, and why it's so important.

Sharpton, of course, was all over it like a chicken on a June bug. 

It's very important. Juneteenth is really a celebration, but also a reminder that after Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, those in Texas were not even aware they had been freed until June 19, 1865. For two-and-a-half years, slaves continued to work as slaves in Texas until the Union army came in and made it clear they were free, and enforced it.

Scarborough was probably thinking at the time: "Yeah, Al, we know about the history — just get to the 'making outrageous comparisons with conservatives' part!"

Sharpton didn't disappoint (emphasis, mine). 

The reason I think [Juneteenth] is so important today is that the issues in this election for people like me is around states' rights, where you have states, I was in Florida last night, trying to ban books, trying to stop women's right to choose. 

It's an issue that's still alive, states' rights against the Union, the federal government protecting women, protecting blacks, and protecting history studies and other things ... the ability to communicate. When you get your news from the wrong source, you can be freed and don't even know it.

Translation: "People who don't mindlessly watch CNN, MSNBC, and the lunatic ladies on 'The View,' and intentionally subject themselves to left-wing indoctrination, can never be free, and they don't even know it!"

Clown world, personified. 

OK So It's 'Usual Disclaimer' Time

Invariably, when I write about hustlers like Al Sharpton, "The View," MSNBC's Joy Reid, and others, one or more comments in the comment section ask: "Who cares what such-and-such thinks"? Or, "Why are you giving such-and-such an audience?"

The reason is simple, which I learned from Rush Limbaugh.

Rush believed that the more we talk or write about frauds like Sharpton, Reid, Hostin, and others, and the more we let them talk, the more they tell us exactly who they are and what they want. Our purpose, Rush believed, is to expose their poisonous views to as many rational people as we can. Rush was right. 

Al Sharpton, Joy Reid, Sunny Hostin, and the rest of the lot are terribly wrong.

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time. 

School APOLOGISES For Teaching Children That ISIS Is A Terrorist Group After Muslims Complain

 A middle school in New Jersey has issued an apology for teaching children that the Islamic State (ISIS) is a designated terrorist organisation.

Students at Schuyler Colfax Middle School in Wayne, New Jersey, were asked to select one answer in a multiple choice test that fits with the description, “It is a terrorist organization that commits acts of violence, destroys cultural artifacts, and encourages loss of life in order to achieve its goal of global rule under strict Islamic Sharia law.”

The choice of answers was the Islamic State, Peru’s The Shining Path, al Qaeda, and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, with Islamic State being the ‘correct’ answer.

In response, a group known as ‘Teaching While Muslim’ (TWM), charged “We have seen anti Muslim & anti Palestinian sentiments, teachers, and content in our schools over and over again. But we must not allow it to continue.”

The social media post from the group continued “Call and email everyone that you can. This is NOT okay on a million levels. Go. And yes. This is real.” 

The post ended with the hashtags “anti-Muslim racism” and “Islamophobia.”

In a further statement, the group claimed that the test “wrongly implies that terrorism is a fundamental part of an ‘Islamic State,’ and has a ‘goal of achieving global rule under strict sharia law.'” 

The group further described that as “anti-Muslim hate” and “factually inaccurate,” asserting “This is a continuation of US and Zionist propaganda aimed at fear mongering against Muslims AND Palestinians.”

“Why is the PLO on that quiz?” The statement continued, despite it being the incorrect answer to the question. 

“This is indoctrinating children to hate Muslims and making Muslim students targets of bigotry and prejudice in a place where they should feel safe,” the statement concluded.

Following this, the school caved and issued an apology.

“The question was offensive and contrary to values of respect, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity that we foster at Schuyler,” a statement declared, adding “A priority is always to cultivate safe learning environments for all students regardless of background or belief.”

“We apologize for this incident and understand the impact and deep concern,” the school further proclaimed.

Sorry for teaching kids that Islamic extremists are terrorists.


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