Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Epic Government Incompetence

If you just parachuted into the United States from another planet (unlike the millions of illegal aliens from this planet simply marching across the border at the encouragement of Democrats), upon first glimpse, you might think our government is efficient and excellent at managing our resources. You would, of course, be insane to think that, and coming from another planet, or maybe out from under a rock for a long time, is just about the only way in which anyone could. It turns out, judging by the insanity of what our government does on a regular basis and on a massive scale, a lot of people might be from another planet or living under rocks.

Tesla is the undisputed king of electric vehicles, it’s not even close. But they’d be worthless were owners not able to charge their batteries. As pretty as the cars are, there aren’t many people willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a pretty paperweight. 

With that in mind, Tesla built and installed tens of thousands of charging stations, not only across the country but around the world. Without them, their product wouldn’t be a luxury, it’d be a vanity project. 

The federal government is hoping to mandate that everyone buy electric vehicles in just a few years. Since the only way to make that appealing and practical would be to have charging stations as ubiquitous as gas stations, the Biden administration has earmarked billions in tax dollars to build them. 

So far, the administration has spent $7.5 billion and only produced a grand total of 7 stations. That level of inefficiency seems impossible to achieve by trying, but government gets there without breaking a sweat. 

This should surprise no one. In January, the Associated Press reported, “The Biden administration is awarding $623 million in grants to states, local governments and tribes to help build an electric vehicle charging network across the nation. Grants announced Thursday will fund 47 EV charging stations and related projects in 22 states and Puerto Rico.” That breaks down to $13,255,319.10 per station, if you ignore whatever constitutes “related projects” and assume all the money goes to the stations. 

That’s a lot of money for a few plugs. 

Needless to say, Tesla pays a lot less than that for their superchargers. Of course, it’s their money, whereas the government is spending ours – Tesla is accountable to shareholders, the government is accountable to no one.

The federal government, especially when led by Democrats, has to do something especially horrible or incompetent to fall under criticism of Jon Stewart.

Imagine if you bought a Tesla Cybertruck for $100,000 and it didn’t work, not because you did something wrong, but because the software they installed didn’t work. You’d expect them to fix it immediately or give you a refund, right? 

If you’re the federal government, paying for that Tesla with our money, you simply keep sending Tesla money and get nothing in return.

I don’t mean to pick on Tesla here, they didn’t do this, but our government did. 

The Pentagon has spent $2 trillion on a fighter jet called the F-35. I’m all for our military having state of the art fighter jets, but by “state of the art” I mean ones that actually fly. You wouldn’t think that would require clarification, but it does. Because the F-35 has been a complete failure so far, and there is no end in sight for the money pit.

Normal people would cut bait or at least fire their contractor if they kept throwing good money after bad on a project with absolutely no progress being made. But that’s not how government contracting works. 

The F-35 is grounded because the most advanced fighter jet ever constructed can’t work because the company building it can’t make the software that runs it work. Comedian Stewart, a dedicated liberal, had to laugh about this, saying on his podcast, “We had a child tax credit that cost $94 billion… that reduced child poverty by 30%. We couldn’t keep that going as a country and yet we have this $1.7 trillion boondoggle, and they can’t, what, get the sonos to work it?” he said. “Like, the software doesn’t work…that’s insanity!”

Lockheed Martin, the company making a fortune producing plane-shaped paperweights is promising to have new software ready to go…next year. It was supposed to be this year, around now, but meh. When there is zero chance of accountability and the Secretary of Defense has no interest in firing you, why worry? 

To find any of this acceptable, forget having lived under a rock, you would have had to have been hit in the head with one. Yet, this is how our government operates regularly. These examples are but two, and particularly egregious ones in recent history. Our government regularly does such corruption and incompetences on a much smaller scale, but it all adds up. For us, anyway, they always walk away unimpacted. It’s good to be a bureaucrat. 

WATCH: Stammering Trudeau Refuses To Say There Are No Disloyal MPs In Liberal Caucus

 Why was he so unprepared for the question?

Given the fact that potential treason within the Canadian Parliament is one of the biggest scandals in the country right now, you would think Justin Trudeau would be prepared for questions about it.


But that doesn’t appear to be the case.

Speaking on Power & Politics on CBC, Trudeau was asked if he could say the same thing NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has said – which is that he is confident there are no disloyal MPs in the NDP Caucus.

Trudeau appeared to be taken aback by the question, stammered, paused, and then finally implied that Jagmeet Singh should be wary of making such a claim.

Of course, that sounds an awful lot like an admission that Trudeau is aware of disloyal MPs in the NDP Caucus, and the Liberal Caucus, meaning he is refusing to level with Canadians despite knowing people within our own government have been co-opted by hostile foreign states.

As noted by John Thomson, Trudeau’s answer “just buried him”:

Trudeau looks absolutely horrible here.

As much as I don’t like Jagmeet Singh, both Singh and Poilievre are being far more open than Trudeau on this.

Poilievre has called for the names to be released, and says he will remove any disloyal MPs/Senators from the CPC Caucus.

Singh has said he would do the same, though now claims that isn’t necessary because – in his interpretation of the NSICOP report – no NDP MPs are implicated.

But Trudeau is opposed to releasing the names, and refuses to say there are no Liberal MPs implicated.

All of this will only further confirm the suspicions of many Canadians that the disloyalty goes right to the top.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- June 18


How Left-wing Conspiracies Work ~ VDH

When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.

Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern to left-wing conspiracies—beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas.

We now know that the conspiracy to cook up the Russian-collusion hoax—Donald Trump allegedly conniving with Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 vote—was perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Its funding was hidden by the Democratic National Committee, the law firm Perkins Coie, and Fusion GPS.

The Russian “disinformation” laptop hoax—the notion that the same Russians four years later created a fake Hunter Biden laptop to smear the Biden family on the eve of the first 2020 debate—was jumpstarted by the Biden campaign’s then-chief foreign policy advisor, current Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

There was never much evidence that a wayward bat or pangolin in a meat market birthed the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the efforts of China, Western and international health officials, and Dr. Fauci’s health bureaucrats to spread that lie.

The January 6th riot was certainly wrong and buffoonish. But the idea that it was an insurrection aiming to violently overthrow the U.S. government was also a left-wing myth fueled by the Democratic House leadership and the media.

All these schemes have their commonalities:

1) They are aimed at achieving political objectives.

False claims of Russian collusion likely drained millions of votes from the 2016 Trump candidacy.

A later conservative poll found that Russian disinformation may have swung enough voters to ensure a 2020 Trump loss. It certainly saved Joe Biden in the first debate when he faced the American people and flat-out lied about the laptop, quoting “experts” that his own team had rounded up to legitimize his obvious untruths.

The last thing the global health community wanted was to confront China about its culpability for killing millions worldwide. And what the Fauci health conglomerate most feared was the airing of the truth that U.S. “scientists” had helped fund and enhance quite-dangerous, understandably-outlawed, viral gain-of-function research at a Chinese lab soon to be run by the People’s Liberation Army. These functionaries’ clear hatred of President Trump was a subtext to their distortions and lies that only a complete shut-down of the U.S. economy could save America from millions of unnecessary deaths. In other words, for well over two years, anyone who dared suggest a laboratory origin for COVID was pilloried, while the accusers privately knew that it was likely true and that they were complicit.

The January 6th myth—that conservatives were violent insurrectionaries—led to the greatest militarization of Washington, DC, since the Civil War. Barbed wire and fencing around all the major tourist spots helped advance the myth of a besieged nation that Joe Biden, that old moderate, would heal from the existential threats birthed by the soon-to-be-impeached-twice Donald Trump.

2) These conspiracies involved the most powerful U.S. government agencies. 

James Comey’s FBI altered a FISA warrant. Comey himself misled the president of the United States, lying that the latter was not the target of an FBI investigation while leaking confidential, if not classified, documents. The FBI hired foreign national Christopher Steele to compile dirt on a presidential candidate. The FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, and James Baker were knee-deep in efforts to leak the dossier and other disinformation to ensure Trump was not elected. The CIA’s John Brennan and the Department of Justice’s Loretta Lynch were well aware of their own agencies’ involvement in fueling the slander.

Fifty-one former “intelligence authorities” brazenly lied in 2020 when they signed a letter claiming that the Biden laptop—then in the possession of the FBI, which knew of its authenticity—had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Grandee signatories like James Clapper, John Brennan, Michael Hayden, and Leon Panetta had no evidence that the laptop had anything to do with the Russians. Lots of contacts in the FBI confirmed that it did not. Yet they signed their names and, in doing so, ruined their former agencies’ credibility, all for the short-term agenda of getting Joe Biden elected.

From 2020 to 2023, at the height of the pandemic, the main players in the U.S. health apparat—the NIH, the CDC, and the NIAID—all created narratives that were obvious lies, or at least had no evidence to sustain them. There was never clear-cut evidence for the bat/pangolin theory of COVID genesis, for state-imposed mass masking and social distancing as scientifically-proven effective tools to control the pandemic, for the assurance that a national quarantine would do far less damage than the virus, and for the idea that experimental mRNA coronavirus vaccinations and their serial boosters in the long term would prevent the vaccinated from being either infected or infectious.

The reaction to the January 6th riot was likely politicized by the Speaker of the House, the Pentagon and the Capitol Police on the theory that the small number of violent rioters, if left to run amok and then severely punished after show trials in federal courts, would do lasting damage to the conservative cause and Donald Trump in particular.

3) The media conspired with government agencies to spread the hoaxes.

On the eve of the 2016 election and in its aftermath, Buzzfeed, CNN, the Washington Post and other news outlets all rushed to leak the most salacious made-up smears from the Steele dossier, fed to them by the FBI and other government officials. Their unsourced yellow journalism soon ensured the ill-fated Mueller investigation that was designed, quite successfully, to derail or slow the early Trump administration agenda.

In 2020, top members of the FBI partnered with social media companies, especially Twitter and Facebook, to censor news that contradicted the yarn that the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

While Anthony Fauci and his team, along with officials at the CDC and NIH, were furiously corresponding to tamp down any suggestion of a lab-leak origin for COVID or that their own policies were scientifically unproven, the media was fed their heroic stories and spread them as gospel.

As a result, the nation was assured that Fauci et al. stood for “science,” and their skeptics were little more than ultra-MAGA, Trumpist yahoos. The old time-tested, safe, and life-saving Ivermectin, well aside from the debate over its actual efficacy in treating COVID, was rendered a dangerous “horse dewormer,” while the mRNA vaccines were deemed perfectly safe for young, healthy men, despite being in little danger from COVID but susceptible to vaccination-caused myocarditis.

So effective were our bureaucrats in using the media in their propaganda that ancient canons of medical science—viruses can indeed provide valuable natural immunity; vaccines are of only temporary efficacy against the quickly-mutating coronaviruses; complete nationwide quarantines would lead to untenable social, economic, and political damage; viral pandemics are unlikely to be of direct animal origin if the virus has never been observed in an animal prior to human infections, etc.—were often mocked as self-interested pseudoscience.

The media ensured that reports of numerous FBI informants present on January 6 were suppressed. They also smothered evidence that the loaded January 6th congressional committee was manipulating evidence, suppressing testimonies, and deliberately not interviewing inconvenient witnesses.

Instead, the media ran with wild lies of violent and often-armed “insurrectionists” who had long planned a systematic takeover and who had succeeded in killing “five law enforcement officers” (only one, Brian Sicknick, died—a day later on January 7, from natural causes). The media smeared the name and reputation of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt, killed while going through a broken window into the Capitol, and then hid the name of the Capitol Police officer who had lethally shot her.

4) Few, if any, in the media or the government were ever punished for their conspiracies to create and spread such complete fabrications.

Few at CNN who spread the Russian collusion lie were ever permanently punished. No Pulitzer Prizes for such false coverage were revoked. James Comey (claiming amnesia 245 times while under congressional oath), James Clapper (previously lying under congressional oath), John Brennan (previously lying twice while under congressional oath), and Andrew McCabe (lying repeatedly to federal investigators) were never formally charged—unlike those who went to jail after falsely being indicted for collusion. All instead used their liberal notoriety to land lucrative network consultantships or book deals—and to persist in the Russian collusion hoax.

None of the 51 intelligence authorities who lied to the nation and thereby helped warp an election have ever retracted their statements, much less apologized. All knew then, and are currently without a doubt after the conviction of Hunter Biden, that his laptop and contents were not just authentic but proven to be so by the FBI. Barring apologies, the assumption remains that they believe their misinformation and disinformation led to the election of Joe Biden and, thus, that their noble ends were properly justified by any means necessary.

Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Fauci and his lieutenants, Peter Daszak and a string of others have never been formally disciplined for their efforts to spread misinformation that likely contributed to tens of thousands of deaths from the unwarranted national lockdowns. Even to this day, Dr. Fauci insists U.S. funding for Wuhan had nothing to do with gain-of-function research and still does not concede that it is almost certain that the virus originated in the lab.


From the above, we can assume that conspiracies successfully achieve left-wing goals. The hoaxes are used by bureaucracies against conservatives and Republican candidates. They are spread like wildfire by a corrupt media and, when exposed and refuted, rarely lead to legal culpability or disgrace rather than publicity-driven lucrative post-scandal employment.

One chief common trait is projection. By accusing others of high crimes and misdemeanors, the conspirators become exempt from criminal charges.

Hillary Clinton and her campaign were never charged with illegally hiring a foreign national to draw on Russian sources to smear their 2016 campaign opponent.

The Biden campaign was never held accountable for conspiring to organize so-called retired intelligence experts to formally lie to the American people to influence an election.

High officials of the U.S. government lied under oath with impunity about their role in funding gain-of-function research after conspiring to circumvent U.S. law prohibiting such research.

U.S. elected and bureaucratic officials deliberately suppressed the use of law enforcement on January 6 despite the ensuing lax security, warped a U.S. House committee investigation, and used the Washington D.C. court system to convict hundreds for dubious crimes in order to use their convictions and prison terms for political agendas.

No wonder, then, that we should expect some sort of similar hoax to arise before the 2024 election. Do not be surprised when told of a “secret” Trump plan uncovered to round up critics in 2025 and send them to “camps,” or lurid revelations about “evidence” that Trump is in worse physical and mental shape than is a debilitated Biden, or some fantastic MAGA plot to implement “voter suppression,” or allegations that the Trump campaign’s “dark money” involves “collusion,” “disinformation,” and “sinister foreign actors.”

When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.

Orbán Vows to 'Make Europe Great Again' as EU Leader

 Hungary's populist government announced Tuesday that its upcoming presidency of the European Union will be held under the motto "Make Europe Great Again," but played down any parallels with Donald Trump's MAGA movement in the United States.  

"This is a reference to an active presidency," Hungary's EU Affairs Minister János Bóka said as he outlined Budapest's program and ambitions for its six months at the helm of the world's biggest trading bloc, starting July 1. 

"It actually shows manifest the expectation that together we should be stronger than individually, but that we should be allowed to remain who we are when we come together," he told reporters. 

Asked about the similarities to the former president's Make America Great Again slogan, Bóka insisted it was focused on Europe, saying: "I don't know if Donald Trump ever wanted to make Europe great again."  

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who leads a staunchly nationalist government, is an ally of Trump and is considered to be closest to Russian President Vladimir Putin among the EU's 27 leaders. He has tried to portray himself as a peacemaker on the war in Ukraine. 

In February, Orbán said: "We can't get involved in another country's elections, but we would really like President Donald Trump to return to the presidency and make peace here in the eastern half of Europe." 

It was a reference to the U.S. election in November.

Even then, Orbán was borrowing from Trump's popular slogan to describe his plans for Hungary's EU presidency.

"Make Europe great again!" he said. "MAGA there, MEGA here."

In recent years, Hungary has become an outlier in the EU and NATO. The European Commission froze billions of euros in funds to Budapest over concerns about democratic backsliding by the government.  

Orbán has watered down EU sanctions against Russia and opted out of NATO plans to provide more support to Ukraine. Earlier this year, EU lawmakers even called for the presidency to be taken out of his government's hands. 

Hungary's prime minister took to social media on Monday to complain about the way that EU leaders from mainstream parties appeared to be securing the bloc's top jobs for themselves despite far-right gains in France and Germany in the EU parliament elections earlier this month.

"The will of the European people was ignored" Orbán posted on X. Centrist parties, which held onto their majorities in the parliament, "don't care about the results of the European elections, and they don't care about the will of the European people."

The EU presidency rotates among its member countries. The post holds little real power but it does allow countries to put national priorities high on Europe's agenda. Spain, for example, used its term last year to push for greater recognition of Catalan and other regional languages.  

Bóka said Hungary's presidency will focus on economic competitiveness and growth, boosting the defense industry, more efficient border controls, a "merit-based" EU enlargement policy and "farmer-oriented agricultural policy" among other issues.

"The Hungarian presidency does not promise a miracle. It promises the chance to progress in some areas, and that of change in others. Therefore, let us make Europe great again," he said.


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This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

America's National Intelligence Apparatus Distracted by 'Pride Month' Nonsense

An old friend of mine is fond of pointing out that when you think things couldn't possibly get any dumber, they do. This happens in a variety of areas, and when I first heard my friend talk about this it was concerning a corporate setting, but it happens in government as well - and boy howdy, it sure as heck also happens in government. Whenever you think things couldn't get any dumber or more outrageous, the next dummy or the next outrage comes along and blows you away.

My old friend calls this effect "Peak Derp." The principle point is that one never achieves Peak Derp because, sadly, there is always more derp.

The Biden administration seems not only to accept this rule but to embrace it; they are like the Energizer Bunny on crack, they just keep getting dumber, and dumber, and dumber. Their latest Peak Derp moment comes to us from an exclusive story from The Daily Wire's Spencer Lindquist, who has uncovered how our national intelligence services will be celebrating Pride Month.

Yes, really.

The top intelligence agency in the United States is celebrating Pride Month by inviting agents to have the transgender flag painted on their nails, participate in a “Pride Ally Challenge,” and learn from a “non-binary,” “Filipinx” activist who has taught children about her non-binary identity, a document exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire reveals.

The intelligence document outlines nine different Pride Month activities held by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), a cabinet-level agency overseeing the rest of the IC, including the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence components in each branch of the military. Over the course of the month, intelligence officers will have their nails painted with trans flags, or even learn to crochet their very own Pride flags.

OK, as should come as a surprise to no one, I have a few questions. Here's the first one:

Why? Why is this a priority? Do these people have nothing better to do while on the clock? At the same time, are they not being paid by the taxpayers to, oh, I don't know, safeguard our national security by detecting and evaluating potential threats to the American people, our country, and our way of life? That is what we are paying them for, after all. Not to mention that these events are also funded by the taxpayers, who by the way are also faced with nearly $35 trillion in national debt. This is pandering, pure and simple, to a tiny but loudly vocal segment of the population to shore up the Democrat's voting br.

Is it too much for we taxpaying citizens to expect these people to do their damn jobs? But no - these national intelligence agencies, under the Biden administration, have to keep reaching for Peak Derp.

Spencer Lindquist lays out all the documentation from the Director of National Intelligence at X; it's worth a read. 

The Director of National Intelligence, I hasten to note, oversees the intelligence apparatuses of the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and the several branches of the military. That's who is being served up this hot steaming mug of wasted time and money. This is where the Biden administration's priorities are - not in safeguarding the American people from potential threats, but in painting Pride flags on people's fingernails and listening to "Filipinx" activists.

Bear in mind that while all this is going on, the Biden administration continues to leave our southern border wide open; they have admitted millions of people, most of whom we have little or no idea who they are, why they are here, where they are going or what they intend to do when they get there. Is it too much to ask to have our national intelligence people pointed in the direction and ask them, "Hey, folks, maybe put down the nail polish and crochet hooks and look into this?"

And there's always that horrifying reminder: We probably haven't seen Peak Derp yet. Think about that and tremble!

The Military’s Biggest Problem Is Readiness, Not Recruiting

If Biden really believed that ‘we are the world power,’ our military infrastructure wouldn’t be steadily diminishing under his leadership.

The ongoing military recruiting crisis has dominated headlines, with the Army, Air Force, and Navy all falling short of their goals last year. Concerns over readiness and talent attraction are widespread, even being a core focus of this year’s Heritage Foundation index of military strength. However, attributing the recruiting crisis to “woke culture” or inadequate benefits misses a more intuitive root cause: Without a just war to ignite our patriotism, Americans are not in a rush to enlist. But recruiting soldiers isn’t the real issue; it’s the readiness of our military infrastructure that should alarm us.

Gen. Patton once said, “Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle.” The statement captures a timeless truth about the American spirit; people do not join the military because they want to file paperwork, clean offices, and do routine vehicle maintenance. When you see a recruiting commercial on television, you watch scenes of bravery unfold, and the warrior spirit persists. These scenes resonate deeply with those who feel the call to serve, the people who will raise their right hand to defend our freedom.

In 2024, America faces increasing and worrying threats from revisionist foreign entities like China, Iran, and North Korea, yet as a nation, the United States is technically at peace. Peace is something of a problem for a professional force that has recruiting quotas and readiness metrics to meet, but it doesn’t spell absolute disaster.

The surge of enlistments after Pearl Harbor and the massive volunteer response following 9/11 demonstrated that when America is threatened, the volunteers will come. Right now, for most Americans, there is no imminent challenge to our safety. It is precisely this sense of safety that discourages would-be recruits.

Our current focus should be on war variables that cannot volunteer at a moment’s notice: ships, technology, and weapons systems. These critical resources require long-term investment and production. Ships and weapons take years to build, advanced technology has a very long production timeline, and weapons systems must be continually updated to stay ahead of potential adversaries.

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the entire defense-industrial base lacks the capacity, ability, and surge capability to meet the U.S. military’s wartime needs. Also important, China is acquiring high-end weapons and equipment up to six times faster than the U.S.

hipbuilding, vital to challenging a rising China in the Pacific, is behind schedule across the board, with some ships already years behind schedule. Right now, the Navy lacks the ships it needs for peacetime operations, and with the current infrastructure, the U.S. can’t catch up to compensate for our current needs. In a major war with China, this will become a massive Achilles heel.

The problem is not just with ships, but also with the weapons they fire. If conflict with China were to break out in the Taiwan Strait, America could run out of critical long-range, precision-guided munitions in under a week. It can take years to produce critical weapons systems, like anti-ship missiles, which will be critical during a major conflict. 

Across the Department of Defense, critical weapons systems are being expended (or given away) faster than they’re being produced, from tomahawk cruise missiles to 155mm artillery shells. This is a dangerous gambit, as it leaves the U.S. with paltry wartime stockpiles while we lack the industrial base to produce enough for a major war of our own.

The answer isn’t as simple as increasing production when war breaks out. As we learned with Ukraine, increasing production to meet wartime demand is a slow process, even when motivated. Two years into the conflict, with artillery munition production woefully lacking, it is projected that production will reach 85,000 shells per month by fiscal year 2028. Ukraine will fire that many shells in a few days.

We need to reinvest in our military industrial base, and we needed to do so years ago. It is unacceptable that as the biggest threat to our national security is making huge investments in their production capacity and capabilities, we allow ours to wither. If Biden really believed that “we are the world power,” our military infrastructure wouldn’t be steadily diminishing under his leadership.

While the recruiting crisis may seem alarming, history shows that Americans have always risen to meet the enemy when it matters most. Our immediate focus should be on bolstering the technological and logistical foundation of our military. When the time comes, the volunteers will follow — but only if we have the tools ready for them to secure victory.

Did DOJ Destroy the Special Counsel Audio Interview With Biden?

Katie Pavlich reporting for Townhall 

Attorney General Merrick Garland was voted in contempt of Congress last week by the U.S. House of Representatives after repeatedly refusing to hand over the audio interview conducted by former Special Counsel Robert Hur with President Joe Biden. The interview was part of Hur's investigation into Biden's mishandling of classified information when he left the U.S. Senate and vice presidency. 


The transcript of Hur's interview with Biden was released shortly after the Special Counsel investigation was completed and found the president is "too old" with a "bad memory" to be charged with felonies he committed - which are documented in the final report. 

Since February DOJ has been adamant about hiding the audio version of the conversation from the American people. President Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio version, but not the printed transcript. 

Now there are questions about whether the audio has been destroyed.

"Are you comfortable, do you all feel the tapes still exist? Because they're going to great extremes to prevent the American people from hearing it," Rep. Ralph Norman asked during a House Rules Committee meeting last week. 

"It's my hope and it's my understanding that they still exist," House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer replied. 

Last week the Department of Justice determined it would not move forward with charges for Garland. 

Joe Biden's Attempt to Mock Reporters Turns Into Another 'Is He Okay?' Moment

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Discussions around Joe Biden's mental acuity are reaching a fever pitch, with even the White House feeling the need to respond. 

On Monday, Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that all the recent videos of the president appearing senile were "cheap fakes," which is an allegation that they are manipulated or outright created in some way. To be clear, there is no evidence that this video of Biden freezing up and needing to be led off stage by Barack Obama is altered in any way. 

There is also no evidence that the video below, showing the president speaking with all the precision of a permanent nursing home patient is "misinformation."

Biden Made Another Bizarre Remark at LA Fundraiser That Has Everyone Talking

It wasn't long after Jean-Pierre's gaslighting session that a new "cheap fake" dropped. During an Oval Office meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Biden had another "Is he okay?" moment. 

I'd transcribe what you just heard, but I have no idea what he said or was even trying to say. It appears he was attempting to mock the reporters who were shouting questions at him, but in doing so just came across as a bumbling, senile old man making unintelligible noises. That video is like watching a drunk homeless guy who hangs out in a park and shouts at birds.

What kind of president acts that way? For all the hand-wringing about Donald Trump and "decorum" over the years, Biden's tendency to expose his lack of mental acuity while also diminishing the office has become legendary. Far from bringing normalcy back, the president has shown he's an angry, disrespectful person. Couple that with his severe mental decline, and it's not a pretty sight. 

All of these videos only serve to hype the upcoming debate more. It may be the highest-rated political event in American history at this rate. Americans are going to be glued to their screens to find out if there are enough drugs in the world to help Biden deliver a halfway sentient performance.