Saturday, June 15, 2024

Donald Trump and the Resurgence of the West

The recent elections in Europe have revealed that the citizenry of many European nations will no longer tolerate irresolute leaders who are incapable of reversing the accelerating downward spiral of their countries and the rest of the Western world.  These voters are seeking not only economic and societal resurgence, but recognition of the rights and privileges of being citizens of their countries.

The West is currently populated with patronizing, oblivious, and callous leaders, more concerned with themselves and globalism than the people and the future of their respective nations.  In the debauched current state of Western civilization, any viable chance of reversing the decline and potential collapse is dependent on the leadership of the United States.  Therefore, it is essential that a proven, tenacious, and intrepid egalitarian leader is elected as president in 2024.  The sole experienced and successful current or past leader with these attributes is Donald Trump.

Early in his presidency, in a landmark speech in Poland on the 6th of July, 2017, President Trump delivered a Churchillian message about Western civilization — its accomplishments, but more importantly, its future.  That day, in a speech largely ignored by the entirety of the American and much of the European media, President Trump not only assumed the role of the leader of the Western world, but proved that he understood and was resolved to stop the decline.  He stated (emphasis added):

Today, the West is also confronted by the powers that seek to test our will, undermine our confidence, and challenge our interests. ... Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty. We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine those values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.

Trump instinctively recognized that after decades of indoctrination and the rewriting of history, far too many in the United States had lost confidence in America and thus Western civilization.  He chose to reconstitute Ronald Reagan’s slogan, “Let’s Make America Great Again,” shortened to “Make America Great Again.”  It is a mantra, with the appropriate country name inserted, that could be applied to virtually all of the nations in the Western world.

There are four overriding factors that must be addressed if Western civilization is to survive.  First, the degeneration and collapse of societies and subsequent acceptance of evolving autocratic police states.  Second, the unfettered legal and illegal immigration of those from nations whose population are indoctrinated through religion or ideology to overthrow the West.  Third, the destruction of economies precipitated by the inane determination to eliminate reliance on all fossil fuels.  Fourth, the near inevitable threat of Chinese global hegemony brought about by a potential alliance with Russia and Iran.

Throughout Western societies, Judaism and Christianity, the underlying foundation of Western civilization, are being replaced with secularism and fealty to the state.  Child abuse, pedophilia, and degeneracy are being normalized as the family structure, the fundamental building block of society, continues to falter.  Greed, apathy, narcissism, censorship, and repression are rapidly becoming the hallmarks of Western civilization. Cultural icons are being abandoned and destroyed as history is falsely rewritten.

Trump understood that the West is under siege from Marxist-inspired groups within the United States and the countries of Europe.  These groups, many allied with the ruling classes, seek to destroy traditional culture and moral values, as they believe that the State (dominated by them) is more important than the family, the individual, or the nation.

Other than Donald Trump no Western leader in the past twenty years has addressed or even acknowledged these civilization-ending developments that are devastating and weakening the nations of the West.  He did so in another powerful speech on the 4th of July, 2020, as well as in his pro-family, anti-censorship and religious freedom policies.

Decades of unfettered legal and illegal immigration, in particular from Islamic states, has created a fifth column within virtually all European countries.  Not only do these immigrants and aliens refuse to assimilate, but they are determined to transform their host countries into satellites of a new Islamic caliphate.  The advancement of this goal justifies any means, be it murder, terrorism, or societal mayhem.

Donald Trump understood and railed against the economic and societal pitfalls of unconstrained illegal immigration.  During his four years in office, he did more to stanch the flow of illegal immigration into the U. S. than any president since Dwight Eisenhower.

In an ongoing effort to transform the entirety of the Western world into a monolithic oligarchy, the Western ruling elites, and their various organizations, such as the World Economic Forum, have been promoting a “green agenda” that includes the elimination of fossil fuels.  They are well aware that these policies will ultimately create massive economic dislocation and vulnerability.  Yet these “elitists” claim to believe that a so-called healthy relationship with the Earth requires making energy scarce, regardless of economic or security implications, as seizing the reins of power is more important than the welfare of the people.

Donald Trump was the only Western leader in the past twenty-five years to vociferously point out the duplicity of the globalists and that Western reliance on unreliable renewables would greatly weaken economies, wipe out jobs, put money in the hands of totalitarian governments determined to destroy the West, and have no detectable influence on the world’s temperature or climate.  He understood that access to reliable, affordable energy is vital for national and regional stability and security.  Accordingly, Trump expanded fossil fuel production, lowered the cost of energy, and made the United States energy-independent and able to supply other nations in the West.

With the avoidable invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the subsequent refusals to accept any negotiated peace proposals, Western leaders have opened the door for an alliance among Russia, Communist China, and Iran.  This potential axis would dominate and effectively control all economic activity throughout the world in combination with a massive, well armed military and an overwhelming nuclear arsenal to enforce its hegemony — thus spelling the end of American and, thus, Western global dominance.

Donald Trump was the first and still only Western leader to stand up to and definitively state that Communist China is the foremost threat to world peace and to change America’s defense strategy to identify China, Russia, and Iran as the West’s major adversaries.

With the unprecedented success of the Abraham Accords among other international accomplishments, Donald Trump has become the most consequential and successful foreign affairs president since Ronald Regan, as he has shown he can negotiate once-thought-impossible peace agreements.  As such, he is uniquely qualified to shepherd the West through the morass created by the current leadership and make certain that China, Russia, and Iran do not evolve into the next “axis of evil.”

The accelerating downward spiral of the United States and the rest of the Western world combined with the specter of Chinese-Russia-Iran hegemony necessitates the re-election of Donald Trump in November of 2024 if there is to be a resurgence in the West.

X22 and Badlands Media- June 1


Are the Dark Ages Returning?

81% of Biden supporters say getting married and having children is not a high priority.  That’s horrendous, but not terribly surprising.  What left me aghast was that 41% of Trump supporters agreed with them.  Only 59% understand that the family is the most crucial foundation of any civilized society.  What do they think—that government is?

A nation in decline has never fully recovered its former glory.  Many disappear completely (Babylon, Assyria), and some remain but only as weak shells of their former splendor (Greece, Rome, Britain).  America will need a complete moral rejuvenation, a return to God and virtue, to rise again to true greatness, and that revival is nowhere in view at present. The entire world seems to be headed toward another “dark age” for humanity.

The “Dark Ages” followed the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.  “Barbarians” immigrated into, and took over Europe.  It is impossible to put exact dates on when these “dark ages” began and ended, but the deterioration lasted several centuries.  Because worldwide human interaction was very slow and limited at that time, those “dark ages” applied mainly to Europe and didn’t overly affect the rest of humanity.  If such a period struck again, it would almost surely influence the entire planet, given the current nature of global intercourse.

What caused the “Dark Ages” in Europe?  What happened to Rome?

That answer is multi-faceted, and thousands of books and articles have been written about it.   But there are certain principles and historical happenings that produced Rome’s “decline and fall” and the subsequent delinquency of Europe. 

A few important ones:

1.  Incredibly poor leadership.  After the “Five Good Emperors” of the 2nd century A.D., Rome had few quality leaders on the “national” level.  Indeed, the “barracks emperors”—a series of military rulers—took power, and most didn’t die in their beds.  Good, virtuous leadership is essential for the survival of any country/empire, and Rome no longer had it.  Rome thus only existed as long as it did because it still had some republican institutions, with power divided among the “national” and “local” levels.  It mattered not that most of the emperors were military men; the excellence of the individual, not his position in society, is what is critical in leadership.  

With very few exceptions, America has had incredibly poor quality in Washington, D.C., for the past few decades.  That’s what Rome suffered.  Power-hungry, self-aggrandizing politicians are always destructive.

2.  The “bread and circuses.”  Rome grew wealthy, and the people grew fat, lazy, and decadent.  Too much of the empire’s population was no longer willing to be productive; they were given to hedonistic pleasure.  This produced 2 curses:

A.  It led to excessive government spending to pay for all the “bread, circuses, gladiatorial games, and lions eating Christians” debauchery.  This spurred inflation and drained the wealth of Roman society.

B.  Thus, the middle class was squeezed and discouraged, and such drove Rome to near financial oblivion.

3.  The feebleness of Roman religion.  Paganism has rarely been a strong inducement to moral excellence.  Many pagan “gods” were more licentious than humans.  And such dominated Roman religion.  Christianity was rising, but by the 4th century, was still not strong enough, perhaps not even as strong as its current enfeebled condition in America today; quantifying such is impossible.  But regardless, weakened religion produces a less virtuous people.  And that always destroys the strength of character necessary to overcome obstacles when they arise.

4.  And such “obstacles” arose.  The barbarians came.  They had no morals, they wanted lands, homes, and conquest. Decadent Roman leadership couldn’t—wouldn’t—stop them.  Without virtue, there is no freedom or civilization, only darkness and savagery.  Western Civilization descended into hundreds of years of “dark ages” until the barbarians were finally civilized by Christianity, societal stability was produced, and trade and commerce returned and flourished.  But it took several centuries.

Do you see any parallels between Rome and America/the current world today?

Barbarianism increasingly dominates the world now.  What I mean by “barbarism” is that the moral virtues necessary to produce societal stabilization built upon family, religion, and respect for law and property rights are disappearing. Hedonism respects nothing but its own pleasure.  There is, of course, very little virtue left in America, and we are witnessing the results on our streets and college campuses, in our empty churches, in the rot vomited out by Hollywood in movies and television, and in the halls of Congress which has become America’s most degenerate institution.  

Other global locations are no better.  China is run by selfish mongrels who care absolutely nothing for their people; I lived there for ten years and was repeatedly victimized by it.  The Middle East, Israel excluded, overseen by a religion of violence, not love, that hasn’t yet lifted most of its countless adherents out of primitiveness and into an even semi-civilized condition. They’re still in the 7th century.  Europe eventually moved out of its “Dark Ages”; the Middle East never has. 

Which current “civilization” can prevent the world from descending into another serious period of darkness and brutality?  

The Left is destroying the foundations of Western Civilization and replacing it with selfish nihilism.  A civilized society cannot be built upon nothingness.  Western Civilization, established upon Greco-Roman political ideals and Judeo-Christian moral values, is almost gone.

China doesn’t believe in freedom.  They believe in force.  They might conquer the world, but if they do, it won’t be by virtue and persuasion, it won’t be by offering the world freedom and moral progress, it will be by death and oppression.  That’s darkness, that’s not light, that’s not civilization.  The Muslim world offers nothing better.  Europe, like America, is tossing its traditions and heritage into the dustbin of history.  Who’s left?  Africa?  Russia?  Who will be the shining light on the hill to keep the barbarians at bay or civilize them?  

From whence will light come? 

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An incredible plot twist in the Big Fani saga just unfolded in the GA Supreme Court…

Big Fani Willis thought she was on the brink of making a massive splash by taking on President Trump. However, she might not have anticipated how her actions would spark a series of epic misfires that destroyed her entire career.

This situation is probably one of the most glorious examples of poetic justice we’ve seen in quite some time. The last time we witnessed such a dramatic fall from grace was with Michael Avenatti. Remember him? His downfall was so complete that he’s now found himself in the unexpected position of supporting President Trump. Talk about coming full circle, right?

As you’ve likely heard, Big Fani Willis is tangled up in a scandal that reads like a daytime soap opera. She’s caught in a messy situation with a married man she appointed (and paid) as an attack dog to go after President Trump. From the looks of it, it seems the couple used taxpayer dollars to fund their steamy escapade. Now, this alone should slam the brakes on her case against Trump, not to mention kick her right out of her job. However, while that drama unfolds, another scandal is brewing, which is a helluva lot worse than her sleazy love affair fiasco. 

Here’s where it gets spicy: Big Fani and a judge are now under fire for allegedly intimidating witnesses in a case linked to rapper “Young Thug.” All of this surrounds the “Young Slime Life” trial, which started making headlines back in 2022. The case, involving Young Thug and 27 others, was charged with a slew of crimes tied to the notorious street gang “Young Slime Life.” Over six crazy months, the trial featured everything from explosive shouting matches between the judge and prosecutors to this latest jaw-dropping allegation of witness intimidation.

This all came to light after it was leaked that Big Fani Willis’ office and the judge had a secret meeting with a witness—without notifying the defense. Talk about a scandal, right? These people are so immoral and unjust.


Brian Steel, the attorney for Young Thug, said that Fulton County prosecutor Adriane Love and Judge Ural Glanville told the witness, Lil Woody, whose real name is Kenneth Copeland, that he could be held in jail for the remainder of the trial and that those conditions could be true for all 28 defendants in the case.

“If that’s true, what this is is coercion, witness intimidation, ex parte communications that we have a constitutional right to be present for,” Steel told the judge on Monday.

Steel revealed that the judge and DA’s office met with Copeland and Copeland’s counsel earlier in the day and that “none of the defense team, to my knowledge, was aware that this was going on.”

The revelation angered Glanville who said the meeting was ex parte, which allows the court to meet with one party without requiring all parties to be present.

Glanville demanded to know how Steel found out about the meeting, to which the defense lawyer replied, “I’m not going to answer your question.” The quip only further angered the judge, who said, “If you don’t tell me how you got this information, then you and I are going to have some problems.”

The judge continued: “It’s disturbing how you have somehow surreptitiously gotten information in regards to the court’s private ex parte conversation with a party.”

But Steel held firm, saying he would not disclose how he found out that the court, prosecutors and Copeland had met.

“I understand that you’re upset towards me, but I don’t know what I did,” the attorney told Glanville, adding, “What I want to know is why I wasn’t there.”

Glanville threatened to hold Steel in contempt if he didn’t reveal how he found out what was said in his chambers. The judge said he would only give the attorney only five minutes to give up his source before he stormed out of the courtroom. As Glanville walked out, Steel also revealed that Copeland allegedly admitted during that meeting with the judge and prosecutors that he killed Donovan Thomas Jr.

Now, the Georgia Supreme Court has stepped into this mess and has officially ruled against Big Fani and the corrupt judge.


BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled against Fani Willis and the corrupt judge in the Young Thug trial where Attorney Brian Steel discovered a plot by Willis and the judge to intimidate witnesses

Willis isn’t just corrupt with the Trump case, she’s corrupt all around

Steel was held in contempt of court by the judge after revealing he knew what they were planning and the GA Supreme Court just stepped in to stop him from going to jail

Now, thanks to this latest fiasco, Big Fani’s prospects of continuing her unjust and immoral crusade against President Trump are looking more like a long shot than ever. However, that hasn’t stopped her disgraced lover, Nathan Wade, from going on CNN and claiming they can still imprison President Trump, even if he wins the 2024 election, despite all the illegal and immoral stuff his hulking lover and he were involved in.


WATCH: Fani Willis’s lover Nathan Wade just told CNN that he thinks they can still put Trump on trial even if he wins the election and is in the White House

That’s cute, but how is Fani Willis going to do any of that when she herself will be in jail for illegal election interference? She also misused federal funds, a huge crime if you ask me

“I don’t believe it looks good to the rest of the world. But certainly I don’t think that there’s anything that would prevent that from happening.

Not long after, the interview was abruptly ended, and Nathan Wade was ushered off the set.

The New York Post:

A “media consultant” for Nathan Wade interrupted a taped TV interview Wednesday as the ousted former Trump prosecutor was being grilled on the timeline of his relationship with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

The bizarre moment unfolded after Wade revealed that he still “regularly speaks” with Willis and has told the embattled DA that the election interference case against former President Donald Trump “will live on” despite his removal.

“When did the romantic relationship between the two of you start?” CNN’s “The Source” host Kaitlan Collins asked Wade before the intrusion.

And while her boyfriend is slithering off low-rated TV sets, Big Fani is in full-blown panic mode.


BREAKING: Fani Willis has filed a motion to the Georgia Court of Appeals begging for them to dismiss the appeal of the disqualification motion brought forth in the Trump RICO case. The court has already docketed the appeal and set a date for arguments. She’s Clearly PANICKING

Not only are all proceedings in the case postponed, the appeals court will hear the appeal in October and have until March 2025 to make a ruling. No trial will happen before the election, this motion is a desperate attempt to rescue this garbage case

Here’s a closeup of the image:

What a mess these two are. Big Fani thought she’d be a progressive left-wing rockstar for going after President Trump, and instead, she’s been revealed to be nothing more than a common hoodlum, using her DEI power to help herself and her lovers. It’s disgusting, and she’s the one who should be prosecuted, not Trump.

In addition, there’s more encouraging news on President Trump’s sham “hush money” trial. He has three solid grounds to challenge his conviction on appeal in New York. The main point of contention is that the prosecutors failed to pin down an underlying felony for the resurrected misdemeanor bookkeeping charges that had already expired.

It seems the villains’ scheme to take down a good man—whose only “crime” has been to call out fraud and champion the American people—is unraveling fast.

Joe Scarborough's Laughable, Bootlicking Effort to Run Cover for Biden Has a Small Problem

 MSNBC's Joe Scarborough is such a Biden bootlicker. 

Democrats and their media acolytes are going into full overdrive to push back against stories about Biden's infirmities. 

But Scarborough's effort to try to fly cover for Joe Biden at the G7 on Friday was bad even for him, as our friends at our sister site Townhall observed. Listen as he talks about Joe Biden's "brutal schedule" and "in the middle of the personal struggles" (otherwise known as Hunter's conviction that they don't seem to want to mention). Now that's truly funny. 

Biden has spent almost 40 percent of his time on vacation or in Delaware. Even when he's in D.C., his schedule is generally very light. So it's just ridiculous to paint him as a guy who has a "brutal schedule." Biden even skipped out on a dinner with the other leaders. Why? Somehow other leaders were up to making it. But the only excuse given was it was a "jam-packed schedule." It was for other leaders as well, so bad excuse. 

"Even critics were saying that he did a strong job, very good job representing the United States," Scarborough claimed. What critics would those be, Joe? Somehow I missed that. You had media, including the European media raising concerns about Biden, reporting he was the "worst he'd ever been." I think that's what made some in the Biden camp particularly upset. 

Scarborough claimed there were "cheap fakes" from the RNC spreading vicious lies. Translation: how dare you believe the evidence of your own eyes when it comes to Biden? You're just supposed to accept the Democratic spin. For example, they seem to want to ignore that because he walked off to engage a skydiver for no apparent reason and had to be redirected back by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to what the group was doing (posing for official photographs). Bottom line, the RNC showed what happened. Democrats just don't like it. 


More Disturbing Reports From G7 About Biden 'Losing Focus'

The problem for them is that there are tons of examples of issues and videos that they cannot explain away. They can't simply ignore so many things that we have seen ourselves. Here are just a couple of others this past week alone. 

Did Morning Joe miss that weird head thing Biden did to the Pope at the G7?


Biden Meets With Pope Francis at G7, Has Bizarre Moment Everyone Is Talking About


But there's another small problem with Scarborough's argument: I find it funny that Scarborough talks about "cheap fakes" as he shows Biden meeting with Meloni in the background. Then that clip ends, and what he doesn't show is Biden weirdly saluting her, inappropriately saluting a foreign leader. Whoops. Why did you leave that part out, Joe? 

But it's a success to Scarborough because there's another "$50 billion going Ukraine's way." 

Let's just forget about those American issues: crushing Bidenflation, high interest rates, or the border crisis that Biden made worse by his own actions. You know, those things Biden is supposed to be addressing. 

The Feds Are Itching to J6 Us Again

After New York’s sham “justice” system procured a ridiculous felony conviction against President Trump, a lot of leftist commentators predicted that his supporters would erupt in violent mayhem.  When MAGA Americans failed to riot in the streets like Antifa goons and pro-Hamas jihadists, it was easy to sense Democrats’ disappointment.  Biden’s campaign has been desperate for an explosive J6 or Charlottesville incident to use to slander Trump’s voters as violent extremists.  MAGA did not take the bait.

This was a wise decision.  Although millions of Americans are deeply offended by the Democrats’ lawfare tactics and justifiably worried that prosecutors’ political targeting has irreparably damaged the rule of law, they must also avoid stepping into new traps that could jeopardize their freedom.  As the Gestapo FBI and the Democrat-led Deep State become more desperate to rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor, they will seek to create situations that enrage MAGA voters.  Not only does Chris Wray’s secret police force have a financial incentive to hunt down Trump-supporters as “domestic terrorists,” but also the Biden regime is eager for swing-state independents to forget about how Democrats’ anti-Semitic shock troops recently took over college campuses.  It is difficult to paint ordinary Trump voters as “dangerous” when ordinary Biden voters are threatening Jews, toppling statues, and burning down buildings.

Never let an enemy choose the time or place for confrontation.  

A lot of Americans learned that lesson the hard way on January 6, 2021.  Hundreds of thousands of patriotic, civically minded, and law-abiding citizens showed up in D.C. to protest 2020’s mail-in ballot fraud and demand free and fair elections.  What they did not know is that Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats, Mitch McConnell’s Decepticons, and the Gestapo FBI-DOJ were salivating at the opportunity to frame them as “domestic terrorists.”  

The whole breach of the U.S. Capitol — if one can even use “breach” to describe an event that included Capitol Police officers holding doors open for smiling tourists — was over in a few hours.  Still, as if reading from the same bad movie script, everybody from Congress’s Hamas Caucus to President George W. Bush immediately referred to the incident as an “insurrection.”  It was readily apparent to anyone with a brain that the Uniparty Club had engineered another Russia Collusion–type hoax intended to prevent President Trump from ever running for re-election.  By pushing the propaganda of an armed rebellion and a spurious interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, the permanent “ruling class” transformed a political protest into a premeditated opportunity to bar Trump from office and tar his supporters as violent extremists.  From a distance, the whole disgusting exercise in cognitive warfare resembled a cackle of vicious D.C. hyenas bleeding out unsuspecting MAGA prey.  

The U.S. federal government has done some awful things.  However, intentionally framing American protesters (including grandparents on pensions and self-sacrificing military veterans) as members of some kind of terrorist cell attempting to overthrow the government in order to distract attention from 2020 election fraud is nothing less than evil.  In the years since that staged operation, thousands of innocent Americans have been harassed or arrested for their political beliefs.  Hundreds have been intimidated into accepting plea deals that include multi-year prison sentences.  Families have been ripped apart and left in insurmountable debt.  Too many defendants have taken their own lives to avoid the financial and emotional toll of the government’s malicious persecution.  It is atrocious that the U.S. government has inflicted such ruin upon so many Americans engaging in constitutionally protected free speech.

Why is the corrupt “justice” system intent on destroying so many lives?  So that the Establishment Class can laughably pretend President Trump (while still in office, no less) engaged in a bloody war against the United States.  To this day, White House spokespeople, members of Congress, federal judges, and television news anchors describe January 6, 2021 as a “deadly insurrection.”  It does not matter to them that none of the J6 protesters was armed or that the only people killed were Trump-supporters.  It does not matter to them that the vast majority of J6 defendants were engaging in harmless acts of political advocacy.  It does not matter to them that there was never any nefarious plot to somehow topple the federal government.  Reprehensible prosecutors seeking outrageous sentences for questionable trespass crimes and unsympathetic, partisan judges who insist on haranguing defendants for engaging in imaginary sedition have railroaded scores of Americans for the “crime” of exercising their free speech.  

Propaganda, as with all forms of cognitive warfare, succeeds with the repetition of lies and the suppression of inconvenient truths.

The plan almost worked.  A lot of Trump voters became noticeably quiet right after January 6, 2021 — distancing themselves from the stench of “insurrection.”  When members of Trump’s Cabinet (including Mitch McConnell’s wife) quickly resigned or publicly condemned the president for J6 incidents he was nowhere near, it was clear that Uniparty members were taking turns rhetorically stabbing Trump in the back, just as the Roman Senate had joined together to slay Caesar.  There was a real risk that a second impeachment rushed through Congress at lightning speed might render an unjust conviction that would bar Trump from future office.  When that effort failed (mostly due to an unexpected surge of late public pushback against squishy Senate Republicans, who would have gladly hurt Trump if they could do so without losing their cushy sinecures), Democrat lawfare assassins immediately forged a path at the state level to disqualify Trump from 2024 ballots.  But for the Supreme Court’s limited intervention, we would be heading into a general election right now in which Democrat-controlled states were using false “insurrection” charges to disenfranchise Republican primary voters and hand Biden another fraudulent “victory.”

It’s important to stand back and appreciate the immense corruption and orchestrated evil that went into this destructive process.  Americans’ lives have been ruined.  Most of these Americans are patriotic, faithful citizens with no previous criminal records.  Many fought for our country in foreign wars.  Nonetheless, the Democrat Deep State has treated them as expendable pawns in its all-out war against President Trump.  Without any concern for the families they would harm, D.C.’s pit of vipers framed American protesters as “insurrectionists” because their conspiracy to rid the city of Trump, once and for all, required an “insurrection.”  Propaganda demanded it.  

I think a lot of Americans will remember January 6 as the day their faith in the federal government officially died.  Decades of war, open borders, rising debt, regulatory expansion, political scandal, and a collapsing middle class had already led many to suspect that the U.S. government could not be trusted to secure their best interest.  January 6, 2021, revealed, however, that the federal Leviathan has no interest in securing them at all.  Respect for free speech and deference for the Bill of Rights never weighed on the minds of those wholly obsessed with retaining political power at any cost.

For whom does the bell toll?  The American Republic and its glorious experiment in ordered liberty.

Perhaps...if enough Americans finally acknowledge the threat that the federal government has become to the Constitution, an American Rebirth can finally begin.  Until that time, however, all citizens must remain vigilant against a Gestapo FBI-DOJ that will gladly dispense with their rights and accuse them of preposterous crimes if doing so advances the Deep State’s interests.

Free speech does not exist in an America that treats political protest as unlawful rebellion.  Self-government does not exist when an unelected bureaucracy can overthrow a duly elected president.  Patriots are not safe when the federal government designates them “domestic enemies.”  Be fearless and undaunted, but act wisely and prudently.