Monday, June 3, 2024

I Can’t Stand These Democrats, Part 3

Reading fundraising emails from Democrats is as close as most people will come suffering a serious closed head injury; they’re digital CTE. They have to be, it’s the only way they make sense. Actually, the brain damaged are the only people who could read them and think, “I’ve got to grab my wallet and max out my credit cards for these people!” As for me, I can’t stand them.

Remember when the Biden campaign dispatched Robert DeNiro to read a statement about Joe’s sham Trump trial? This decrepit old man trying to defend another decrepit old man came off as pathetic – barking out his script in a way that proves he can really only play one character and can only do that convincingly when told how to do it by Martin Scorsese.

When it was over, after De Niro and the “hero” cops from January 6th finished their pathetic proving they have the underpants content of a Ken doll and the brains to match, Bobby ended up swearing at normal New Yorkers there to support Trump. Nothing says “my side is competent” like a multi-millionaire telling people likely earning just enough to get by to go f-themselves. 

You’d think the Biden campaign would want to put that mess behind them as quickly as possible, but you’d be wrong. A normal campaign would like to keep the focus on their candidate, Democrats don’t want you to know Joe Biden exists. 

Weirdly, they viewed having a celebrity to sign off on a fundraising email, even one who’d made an ass out of himself, as a better option for them than having the President of the United States. I can’t blame them.

Three emails in 2 days from the fake tough guy. One with the subject line, “I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men.” 

It opens, “I still can’t believe Donald Trump got elected president. Four years of sucking up to tyrants, supporting racists, ending Roe v. Wade, lying about the election when he lost, and calling for insurrection to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Thank God Joe Biden defeated him and restored decency, compassion, and honest, intelligent leadership to the presidency.”

There’s a reason you don’t see Bobby interviewed or profiled by anyone serious, and why his team won’t subject him to anything beyond a tongue bath when it comes to his political beliefs: he’s stupid.

Can’t blame him, he’s been a famous actor his whole adult life, so he’s surrounded by people sucking up to him, probably paid to be there. You’d have to be about as intelligent someone who huffs glue, then eats it, to think the former Senator Staff-Raper is decent, compassionate, honest or intelligent. 

“Over the years, I’ve played my share of vicious, low-life characters,” Bobby continues. “I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men. I’ve examined their characteristics, their mannerisms, and the utter banality of their cruelty. Donald Trump is a wannabe tough guy with no morals or ethics who will do whatever he can to obtain power. As an actor, I could never play him. There’s not a shred of humanity to hang on to.”

Seems odd that an actor would admit they suck at their job, that they have no range, but I did mention he’s a moron, didn’t I? 

Hookers never really think about anything but the money, actors are the same way. 

De Niro concludes his email with, “The bottom line, Derek, is that President Biden is our guy. He represents what this country is supposed to be about, and we need to do everything we can to reelect him in November.  If you agree, please chip in $25 to the Biden-Harris reelection campaign today.” 

Honestly, Robert, I’d rather watch The Intern, with commercials, again. I would’ve said The Irishman, but I never got through the whole thing – watching an old man who’d risk a hip break with a hard fart “beat up” and kick a store own in a way faker than wrestling shows. I was embarrassed for you.

I’m not sure who these emails appeal to, I’d image they’re the type of people who sleep with a helmet on, just in case. 

Whoever they are, and whatever Robert De Niro wants, they need to be defeated, badly. Not just made to lose, they need to be destroyed, like Bobby’s marriages.

X22, And we Know, and more- June 3rd


The Foreign Policy of Trump’s Second Term – America First Means A Stable World

The second Trump administration will have to sound the ship and repair the damage that the Biden administration did to U.S. alliances and national security interests.

Recently, Foreign Affairs published Hal Brands’ “An “America First” World: What Trump’s Return Might Mean for Global Order.” In the essay, Prof. Brands hypothesizes that a Trump presidency, led by an “America First” foreign policy, would be based on the outlook that the United States has “no obligation to pursue anything larger than its own self-interest, narrowly construed,” and that this “would be an epic departure from 80 years of American strategy.” Brands also falsely asserts that an “America First” world could be fatal for Ukraine and other states vulnerable to autocratic aggression. It would release the disorder that U.S. hegemony has long contained.

To the contrary, the reality of what transpired during President Trump’s four years in office compared to what the Biden administration has brought about during the past three and a half years is vastly different from the partisan revisionism that Brands advances.

For instance, the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC), which is on the march, is dangerously escalating tensions over Taiwan. The preparations for an attack on Taiwan were made obvious this past week with its Joint Sword 2024A exercise, the third such exercise since August 2022. This exercise is significant because the pace of exercises is quickening, thus unmasking Beijing’s intentions and preparations for war. Likewise, in the South China Sea, the PRC’s pressure on the free and open Indo-Pacific, especially against our treaty allies, the Republic of the Philippines, at locations like Second Thomas Shoal and elsewhere, is unrelenting. These actions by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) are a daily reminder of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) hyper-aggression in global politics, especially under the weak foreign policy of this administration.

Bewilderingly, the Biden administration is allowing this to occur, which is causing great damage to the deterrent posture of the United States. Xi Jinping, the leader of the CCP, now sees that the time to act to conquer Taiwan is now, while America is at its weakest posture in the Pacific since before the Battle of Midway some 82 years ago. What is clear is that Xi is determined to realize the PRC’s goal of being able to conduct a “short, sharp war” against Taiwan.  That matters because if the PRC believes it can win a quick and decisive victory, then the ability of Taiwan and partners like the U.S. to deter such an attack is weakened. Additionally, the PRC has termed their specific training objectives/elements as “joint sea-air combat-readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive battlefield control, and joint precision strikes on key targets.” This adds credence to the thesis of the “short, sharp war” objective for the CCP. Directly stated, the U.S. is not ready to deter the PRC’s aggression against Taiwan.

The CCP’s aggression is continuing and will only get worse as precipitant aggression over Taiwan reaches its crescendo. That would be alarming enough if that were the only problem faced by the United States. Of course, it is not. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 is lurching towards a major theater war that runs the great risk of escalating both vertically, in terms of the intensity of the conflict from conventional to limited nuclear war or nuclear war, and horizontally, drawing the U.S. and other NATO allies into the conflict. Evidence for this assertion came this week with news that the Biden administration has “approved” Ukraine’s use of missile strikes into Russia. Add on reports from the New York Times that the U.S. is planning on deploying American troops to Ukraine and that the UK’s Prime Minister is considering conscription, and the risk of an expanded war in Europe grows by the day. Moreover, there are the horrific attacks by Hamas against Israel on October 7, 2023, and the subsequent unprecedented anti-ship ballistic missile attacks by the Houthis into the Red Sea and missile, rocket and drone attacks from Iran against Israel. All of that underscores the Middle East is also in flames.

In essence, if Trump and his “America First” foreign policy returned to the presidency, they would be under great stress to fix the disorder that has been released by the Biden regime. Ukraine and Taiwan are particularly deadly conflicts, as they run the risk of rapid escalation.

This compels the recognition of what President Trump’s America First foreign policy will have to do to correct these grave problems. Four elements are immediately important.

First, this shows how much worse the world is today than in 2020, how much time was lost, and how difficult it will be to address these problems in 2025 due to the disastrous Biden administration. The Biden administration’s foreign policy failures have been so colossal as to rank it the worst in U.S. history, as the benign and relatively stable world of the Trump years has been replaced by policies adverse to U.S. national security interests. In sum, Americans do not know how much worse the damage to U.S. national security interests will be by the time Trump returns to office.

Second, the Biden administration’s handover to Trump will entail immediate hard choices for the Trump administration. The situation in Taiwan might be very different in January 2025 than today, with a spectrum of bad outcomes ranging from the PRC’s successful conquest of Taiwan, an ongoing conflict, or a failed effort that leads to the destruction of computer chip firms and thus a global depression, to—at best—the continuation of the present status quowhere Beijing’s menacing actions are the prelude to invasion. Those are very different outcomes and will place the Trump administration in a challenging position. But the solution is at hand. With the Trump administration, the U.S. has the opportunity to move against the enemy’s center of gravity, the Chinese Communist Party, and its megalomaniacal leader, Xi.

Third, in Ukraine, the Biden administration will turn over a situation that compels unacceptable U.S./NATO escalation or the acceptance of an armistice. The Biden administration got the U.S. into this situation and it will require all of Trump’s negotiating skills to end the war on terms that are realistic given Russia’s battlefield successes.

Fourth, Trump will need to repair the U.S. military, the sinews of power, and U.S. alliances. There is much to accomplish here. U.S. conventional and nuclear forces have to be strengthened, the morale of U.S. warfighters restored, the defense industrial base rebuilt, and U.S. allies convinced once again of the credibility of U.S. commitments.

The second Trump administration, regardless of the groundless accusations of isolationism, will have to sound the ship and repair the damage that the Biden administration did to U.S. alliances and national security interests. The lost years of the Biden administration can never be regained and will have to be addressed immediately by the Trump administration’s focus on the strategic realities of the 21st Century. That reality is that the CCP is America’s existential foe and requires a unified and focused U.S. determination to defeat it.

Fauci Says Covid-Era Rules About Social Distancing, Masking Children Not Based on Science — ‘They Just Sort of Appeared’

 Dr. Fauci testified that the six-foot social distancing rule ‘sort of just appeared,’ adding he doesn’t know its origin.


There was a study in England (?) how far droplets flew. Anecdotal evidence!

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is testifying before Congress on Monday, says he essentially made up the six-foot social distancing rule in the early days of the Covid pandemic.

Just days before his appearance, Republicans put out a full transcript of a January interview with Dr. Fauci, who ran the federal response to the virus. Lawmakers are asking the doctor about the effectiveness of Covid restrictions he endorsed, which he noted did not significantly “slow the spread.”

Talking to counsel on behalf of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Dr. Fauci testified that the six-foot social distancing rule “sort of just appeared,” adding he doesn’t know its origin.

“You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared,” he said, the Daily Mail reports. He added that he “was not aware of studies” that supported social distancing.

Dr. Fauci also told the committee’s counsel that he did not remember reading any research that supported the theory that masking children would help prevent the spread Covid.

“Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?” Dr. Fauci was asked. “I might have,” he said, adding “but I don’t recall specifically that I did.”

The doctor also testified that he didn’t follow any of the numerous post-COVID studies examining the effects of forcing children to wear masks. “I still think that’s up in the air,” Dr. Fauci said.

In another surprising admission, Fauci revealed that he did not personally review the grants he approved, some of which involved substantial taxpayer funds.

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Trump 2.0 Must Achieve Total Media Domination

The next Trump administration – which is coming because America prefers the Fake Felon over the Skeevy Shower Daddy – must ruthlessly control the new media/information space, unlike last time. After my two previous columnstalking about what will likely happen immediately after the election and what must happen immediately after the inauguration, it became clear there was more to say about the vital issue of preparing Trump 2.0 for success. The administration needs a revolutionary communications strategy. Information is power—time to start exercising it.

The regime media’s erotic spasms over the NYC kangaroo kourt konviction – and the free media’s backlash against it – reaffirm the new information reality. Conservatives must understand that this is not the same media environment that most of us older Republicans grew up in. There aren’t just three networks. There aren’t just a couple basic cable news channels. There aren’t just the Washington Post and the New York Times. There’s a whole world of new and different information sources that scoff at the old-school zeitgeist gatekeepers. Normal people are fleeing the regime media because of its bias, incompetence, and bizarre obsession with pine tree flags and men who insist they menstruate. We don’t need to play their game anymore. We need to play our own game and, more importantly, write our own rules.

This is an opportunity, but it’s also a necessity. We can no longer passively sit by as they beat on us. We need to get inside the info OODA Loop and seize control of the message. The new Trump administration must dominate the information space in ways Republicans aren’t used to. Team 47 needs to do so by understanding the weaknesses of the regime media. Properly planned and executed, an aggressive media strategy that recognizes and accepts the new media battlespace will not merely defend itself against the kind of coordinated media attacks we’ve seen but aggressively push our agenda. 

Fortunately for us, the incoming administration has perhaps the greatest communication asset imaginable – Donald Trump himself. Say what you will about the President and his mean tweets, but this guy understands communication in 2024 like no one else does. Imagine being able to take being trapped in a kangaroo courtroom for six weeks during the middle of an election and not only thriving but actually increasing his support, all while under an unconstitutional gag order. Imagine raking in $50+ million the day after being labeled a felon on the front page of every paper in America except the NY Post. The guy knows how to connect with other Americans in a way no one else has since maybe Bill Clinton, before Bubba became an Epsteinian weirdo spending his golden years stewing in hot tubs with random cougars, but certainly since Ronald Reagan. He’s a decisive weapon in this fight, our heavy artillery. 

The infantry is, of course, the social media influencers and the conservative media outlets. The administration has to focus on getting its message out through both. In the past, the regime media got all the attention. Republicans, even Donald Trump, used to go on CBS or NBC regularly, or talk to the New York Times, and then collectively scratch their heads when they got their good faith rammed up where the sun don’t shine. But these are skin suit outlets, shells of the prestigious media icons of the past. These entities are now active enemies. They’re not just skeptical. They’re not just people who disagree with us. They’re certainly not objective, neutral truthtellers whose only goal is to enlighten the masses. They want to actively influence the masses, yet they want the respect that objective journalists might be due. 

The regime media must be shunned. Cut out, iced out, kicked out. They don’t get called on. They don’t get talked to. They get ignored. Starve them. Mt. President, lose Maggie Haberman’s number. If you want to call someone, call a real journalist, like Salena Zito. They need you. You do not need them – they hate you. Treat them accordingly. Punish the haters, reward the fair and honest.

When the regime media’s spirit is sufficiently broken from being ignored and abused (publicly disrespect them for their craven subservience to the Democrats at every opportunity), and when they have demonstrated that they will be fair and balanced by crucifying the Democrats who come on to the same extent that Republicans have been crucified, then and only then perhaps consider giving them an objectivity test run again. But, of course, that only happens when it’s to our specific advantage. The journalists will cry and whine that a free press is crucial to our democracy, but we will laugh in their faces. There is no leftist free press – we’ve seen what happens to journos who try to speak freely inside the New York Times, for instance. The mobs boot them out. The regime media is an enemy to be scorned but occasionally to be exploited for our benefit. It gets nothing from us except a raised middle finger.

Remember, the purpose of the regime media is not only to push nonsense stories like Russiagate or Flaggate or TrumpIsALiteralNazigate. Its purpose is also to hide or minimize leftist atrocities. You’re not going to get stories from them about girls whose chance to be champions was taken because some mediocre peniswielder decided to pretend he is a she. You’re not going to get team coverage of the military piers floating away while the Pentagon focuses on important operations like preparing for Pride Month. You’ll never see a citizen hero with a concealed weapon celebrated for cleaning the gene pool with his .45.

Trump 2.0 needs to seek out leftist atrocities and highlight conservative corrections of them. Leftist atrocities are gold for us. Remember, these commies always overreach. They always go too far. They can’t help it. The logic of leftism is a headlong dive to the bottom of the slippery slope. The regime media knows that and covers it up. That’s why when there’s a Palesimpian demonstration on CBS News, you’re never going to see them chanting about killing all the Jews. Instead, it’s going to be all about hopeful college students working together for a brighter tomorrow. 

Highlighting leftist atrocities and then doing something to correct them is key to winning the information battle. And to do it, the new Trump administration needs to form a special unit of savvy social media practitioners who will search and scour social media for the most outrageous leftist atrocities they can find. Then, the administration must loudly highlight the atrocity du jour utilizing conservative media channels and conservative media influencers. Next – this is the important part – the administration must publicly and decisively correct it. Highlight and fix, and do it every day.

Here’s an example, one that’s probably already happening somewhere. The leftist atrocity hunter team finds an Army mom’s desperate social media post about some genderfreak teacher at the Department of Defense elementary school at Ford Fungus, Oklahoma, who is running a school club where he/she/it tries to convince the children of our soldiers to embrace creepy gender pathologies. Of course, despite the families’ complaints, the commanding general does nothing about it. 

This is a perfect leftist atrocity to highlight. There’s no ambiguity. It’s very black-and-white. It’s very clear why this is a leftist atrocity. And it’s readily remedied by executive action.

First, administration highlights this as a leftist outrage through its favored media channels. Then the administration acts. The White House announces with great fanfare that Major General Romney is relieved of his command immediately and is ordered retired as a brigadier general because he failed to perform adequately at his terminal rank. Simultaneously, the President issues an executive order banning any gender weirdness in federal government schools, including celebrating any of the 6 million LGBTQ2S%$@! holidays, observances or months. He further requires that all teachers in Department of Defense schools dress and present according to their actual gender. You know, the one they were born with.

This leftist atrocity would scandalize normal people and then show them that the insanity has been squashed. The regime media will freak out and thereby draw even more attention to the atrocity and the conservative correction. The journalists won’t be able to help it. They can’t conceive that everybody doesn’t agree that some blue-haired, nose-pierced dude dressed like Carmen Miranda is the perfect teacher for a bunch of fourth graders. But normal people get it.

The administration wins by highlighting stuff that repels normal people and earns their trust by correcting the abuses. For too long, we normal people have had to suffer with this stuff. For too long, we’ve been told to shut up and take it. In just the last few weeks, we’ve seen the FAA trying to hire subpar air traffic controllers because of DEI and a park ranger supervisor who wants to ban the American flag because it will upset, well, people like her. There are countless more examples out there, all waiting to be publicly highlighted and fixed.

Imagine an administration where, every single day, it identifies a new problem, highlights it, and shows that it can be solved. Think of the morale boost for our side as the people playing us lose. No more cultural ratcheting where you can move left, but never right. And think of the deterrent effect on the government flunkies who now simply go along with the weirdos  – none of those aforementioned generals wants to lose a star, so you know they’ll come down like a ton of bricks the mutants in their command as long as they understand the commander-in-chief will back them up if they do and crush them if they don’t.

Think of the opportunities to tear down the Potemkin Village of leftist cultural constructions. How about highlighting a climate change wind farm scheme that’s killing whales and ordering that stopped? Imagine making the leftists come out as pro–whale killing! Forbidding 6’4 rapist males from being put in women’s prisons is a gimme. And don’t forget to prosecute the designated villains. Turning the feds on people conspiring across state lines to commit crimes like blocking roads and attacking artwork is another easy win. There are countless leftist atrocities, so there are countless opportunities for conservative corrections. All the administration needs to do is assign a half-dozen savvy social media mavens to scour the web for opportunities to highlight the difference between the Democrats who support the weirdos, losers, and mutations and the Republicans who support normal people just trying to live their lives without being badgered, impoverished, or molested. Then use executive power to fix it.

A powerful, offensive, conservative media strategy is not a luxury. It is a necessity. The regime media has been completely weaponized against us, and it must be not just neutralized but actively defeated. This is the Thunderdome folks, with them and us walking in and only one of us walking out. 

I propose the winner be us.

Do Not Underestimate – Icon Status – President Trump is now on TikTok

I said immediately following the guilty verdict from the biased and manipulated New York City jury, that District Attorney Alvin Bragg “just elevated President Trump to countercultural icon status.” [link]  The reason is simple, Americans inherently sense corruption, unfairness and can feel when something is profoundly wrong.

While many Americans may not fully understand the granular issues at the heart of the Lawfare cases, they know President Trump has not done anything wrong in comparative scale to the attacks and vitriol leveled against him.  This “sense” of bearing witness to gross injustice creates an outcome of support for the person being targeted.

Icons are created when the regime in power defines outlaws, while the injustice within the definition makes them heroes to the public.  President Trump went from being the greatest political influence in modern history to being a countercultural icon as soon as the jury reached their biased and manipulated decision.

It is with this context in mind we now watch the political evolution of Donald Trump continue.  Do not underestimate the scale of this move.

The theme of MAGA Trump now goes from diplomatically -albeit forcefully- directing public attention via a finger pointed toward the corruption, to angrily pointing his middle finger of “f**k you” specifically at the corrupt officials.

Yes, an unrestrained icon is born!  This is the moment when The Big Ugly potential has its greatest value.

At this juncture, the self-restraint, retained niceties and mannerisms of polite familiarity change.  The target accepts the polite plea for decency is futile and accepts, no, embraces their outlaw status.  Things change quickly.

The entire DC system is aligned against the social media platform TikTok; however, there is a cultural dynamic at play in the background within the user demographic.  Additionally, TikTok is arguably the only widely used social media platform that is not directly influenced by and controlled by the Dept of Homeland Security and USA intelligence apparatus.  That reality is likely why Washington DC hates it.

Embracing his position outside the cultural norms of the established political system, President Donald J Trump now joins TikTok.

Remember the context. The DC system and BIG SURVEILLANCE intel tech are in alignment against the platform that Donald J Trump just supported.

…..and the professional political class are going to go apoplectic!

The people within the system who have targeted President Trump for years, will now scream about the “felon” undermining U.S. national security policy regarding TikTok and China.  Oh, how they will clutch their pearls over the metadata of Americans being absorbed, controlled and used by those in Beijing who want to do nefarious misdeeds against Americans.

It’s okay for Google, META, Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, etc. to harvest the data of American citizens and for the U.S. intelligence apparatus to control data, store data, and search the private data of Americans while identifying subversive activity…..  However, it is not okay for an alternative platform to permit content that is out of reach of the Intelligence Community control mechanisms.  That’s exactly why the U.S. government hates TikTok.

Do not diminish the ramification that President Trump is triggering with this move.


This seemingly small and innocuous move puts Donald J Trump on the opposite side of an issue all of Washington DC seem to agree with, and that is exactly what creates all the elements for expanded support.  GREAT MOVE!

… The Crowd Goes Wild !!!

Charlamagne Tha God Sets CNN Straight on the Big Difference Between Biden and Trump

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

When then-former Vice President Joe Biden appeared on "The Breakfast Club," the radio show hosted by Charlamagne Tha God in May 2020, he could not have envisioned that what he had to say to the New York audience would still haunt him four years later during a reelection bid that's all but a sure thing.

I probably don't have to remind readers what Biden said that riled so many people, but here's a reminder for those in the back (plus, it's possible that people missed the director's cut version of the offensive interview clip).

Wow: The Longer 'in Context' Video Clip From Joe Biden's 'You Ain't Black' Interview Was Even Worse

Readers might also remember Charlamagne didn't mince words about DEI in April.

Charlamagne Tha God on 'Mostly Garbage' DEI 'Bulls**t'

Then a couple of days ago, as my colleague Nick Arama wrote, Charlamagne hit back at MSNBC for smearing him as a megaphone for "MAGA messaging" after a January interview, when he tried to tell the truth about how much the crisis on the Southern border is likely to affect the 2024 election.

Charlamagne on Claim He's Voicing 'MAGA Messaging'

Anyone who's been paying attention knows he's not a Trump sycophant by any stretch of the imagination. On his own radio show Friday, reacting to the guilty verdict on Thursday against former president, Donald Trump in the Manhattan trial, Charlamagne repeated the narrative being spread by the White House and Democrats, in fact:

Nobody is above the law, so I'm not mad that justice was served on that end. But like [co-host] Morgan said, this don't change nothing, because Trump can still run for president, and it's just going to galvanize his base to go out there and support him[.]

There was more like that, when he appeared Saturday on CNN's "Smerconish" program, but he also told host Michael Smerconish whether he thinks the trial's outcome will "change the outcome of the election."

Charlamagne briefly engaged directly with the question, before forging ahead to talk about what he's been seeing and hearing on the New York City streets about which candidate's base seemed to be the most energized:

So it's really which candidate can energize their base the most. In a situation like this, it does energize Trump's base. Just yesterday, in New York City, I was going down Fifth Avenue, they were in the streets protesting, waving "F---- Biden" flags, stopping traffic....I do see Trump's base more energized right now than I do Joe Biden's

I see Biden's base upset with him over a number of things. I do think a situation like this gives them something to fight for.

But this was the part I found the most fascinating. Smerconish appears to go into a state of shock, after the radio host drops what he sees as the big difference (video at the link) between the former president and Biden in how they reach an audience:

Yeah, I think that, you know, one thing that Donald Trump did that I believe is a good thing is that he killed the language of politics. Like, the language of politics is dead. So, if you had these politicians who actually sat down with everyday, working-class people, and had conversations with everyday, working-class people. 

I mean, that's what I get to do every morning on "The Breakfast Club," that's what I get to do when I'm out doing my, you know, community work, whether it's in South Carolina, whether it's in New Jersey, when you get to actually talk to people and see what's on people's minds.

When you get in front of those microphones, you'll always have that in your head.You'll always have, you know, in your mind, what people are actually saying.

Without spelling it out, he managed to nail the Democrat Party's problem. They are not the party of the middle class, as much as they like to portray themselves as that. The issues that draw voters' attention this cycle, like the flailing economy and the border, are not winners on the Left's bingo card. And for these kinds of messages to get broadcast on legacy media is especially damaging to Democrats depending on low-information voters who might have accidentally tuned in their TVs to CNN.

As far as the slogan about respecting the law goes, it's Democrats who ignore it at their peril in November:

Celebrities Abandon Biden Quickly As True Colors Shown