Saturday, June 1, 2024

Boss Move: Senate Republicans Vow to Block Democrat Agenda in Response to Trump Conviction

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Senate Republicans have signed on to a letter taking a stand against Democrats’ efforts to prosecute former President Donald Trump. In the aftermath of the verdict against the former president in the Manhattan trial, lawmakers vowed to hinder Democratic legislative initiatives as a rebuke to President Joe Biden and others involved in the weaponization of the state against their political opponent.

The letter, signed by Republican Sens. Mike Lee, JD Vance, Tommy Tuberville, Eric Schmitt, Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Roger Marshall, and Marco Rubio, accused the White House of making “a mockery of the rule of law,” and fundamentally altering “our politics in un-American ways.”

The lawmakers declared they are “unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart”:

To that end, we will not 1) allow any increase to non-security related funding for this administration, or any appropriations bill which funds partisan lawfare; 2) vote to confirm this administration’s political and judicial appointees; and 3) allow expedited consideration and passage of Democrat legislation or authorities that are not directly relevant to the safety of the American people.

In a post on X, Sen. Lee wrote that “[s]trongly worded statements are not enough” and that “those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable.”

It is not yet clear whether Republican lawmakers in the House will follow suit.

This is one of the latest developments coming from the conviction of the former president, who has already vowed to appeal the verdict. The jury on Thursday found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying documents to conceal payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, with whom he allegedly had a one-night stand in 2006.

The effort to use the justice system against Trump appears to have already backfired. Shortly after the verdict was announced, Trump campaign ad RNC donation websites crashed due to the number of outraged citizens wishing to donate to the former president:

Moments after the jury convicted former President Donald Trump for supposedly falsifying business records, both his campaign donation site and the Republican National Committee's donation page crashed. The verdict appears to have sparked a massive response from his supporters, who rushed to donate.

Several users on social media announced that the pages went down shortly after the verdict was handed down. Since that time, the sites have been online intermittently.

Even further, a poll released after the verdict revealed that Trump’s favorability rating has climbed:

But now, after the verdict, J.L. Partners has taken a poll of likely voters for the Daily Mail. Prepare for the Democrats to pull their hair out over this one. We warned them.

Of those who said the 34 guilty counts had changed their view of Donald Trump, 22 percent said they now had a more favorable rating compared with 16 percent who said they viewed him more negatively.

That six-point net positive result is another sign of the way the businessman-turned-politician seems able to ride out crises that would sink anyone else. [....]

In particular, the numbers show a four-point net positive impact among independent voters, the group that could decide who is the next president in November.

 If this letter, along with the backlash against Trump's conviction, is any indication, this is just the beginning of the fallout from the trial.

The Health Benefits of Jordan Peterson’s ‘Lion Diet’

 As researchers increasingly claim that animal meat is unhealthy, proponents of the carnivore diet swear by its health benefits.

We have always been advised to maintain a balanced diet. However, some people have adopted extreme diets, consuming only animal meats, eggs, fish, cheese, and offal while completely excluding carbohydrates and plant-based foods.

In recent years, more and more researchers have claimed that animal meat is unhealthy, as it is high in fat and calories and contains various inflammatory substances. However, some proponents of the carnivore diet, also known as the meat-only or Lion Diet (salt, meat, and water), believe that adopting this dietary approach has led to significant health improvements.

Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet

One of the most notable advocates for the carnivore diet is Jordan Peterson, a renowned clinical psychologist who has taught at the University of Toronto and Harvard University. Known for his candid and incisive style, Mr. Peterson has amassed a large, dedicated following. He adopted the carnivore diet in 2018 and has reported experiencing significant health benefits.
How did Mr. Peterson become interested in the carnivore diet? It all started with his daughter, Mikhaila Fuller. From a young age, she suffered from multiple illnesses, including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, bipolar disorder, insomnia, Lyme disease, psoriasis, eczema, and autoimmune disorders. Since adopting the carnivore diet, all of her symptoms have significantly improved.

His daughter’s transformation piqued Mr. Peterson’s interest, as he was grappling with numerous pressing health issues of his own. With a history of alcohol and benzodiazepine addiction, he contemplated suicide during withdrawals. Additionally, he battled severe depression and struggled with blood sugar issues.

After following the carnivore diet for two months, he lost weight and experienced improvements in appetite, blood sugar levels, and sleep. Additionally, symptoms of his gum disease, anxiety, and depression were significantly alleviated.

Benefits of the Carnivore Diet

How did Mr. Peterson derive so many health benefits from the carnivore diet? Here are some reasons:
  • I believe Mr. Peterson’s transformation is not solely due to meat consumption but rather the elimination of carbohydrates. Since the 1950s, the consumption of refined carbohydrates has increased, leading to a significant rise in gum and heart disease. The detrimental impact of refined carbohydrates on human health is indisputable.
  • Meat contains essential nutrients. Vitamin B12 in meat is crucial for the nervous system and the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, the body absorbs and utilizes the heme iron in meat more efficiently than the non-heme iron found in plants.
  • Meat is rich in protein and contains essential amino acids necessary for the human body.
  • Meat is rich in zinc, vitamin B6, and omega-3 fatty acids. Zinc is crucial for boosting the immune system and promoting cell growth, while vitamin B6 plays a vital role in amino acid metabolism. Omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish and animal meat are essential for overall health.
  • A diet consisting solely of meat can help one avoid ingesting certain potential toxins and anti-nutrients, as well as insoluble fiber found in plants. However, various methods are available to eliminate these substances. Therefore, this does not imply that plant-based foods should be avoided.

Research and Controversies

One study by Harvard University surveyed 2,029 individuals who adhered to a carnivore diet for an average of 14 months and compared the results with laboratory data. Study participants reported no adverse effects and noted numerous health benefits. Over 90 percent of individuals with obesity, hypertension, diabetes, gastrointestinal symptoms, and mental disorders reported improvements in their symptoms.
Some proponents argue that humans are carnivores and thus rely on animal nutrition. However, opponents counter that this diet lacks essential vitamins, trace elements, and fiber crucial for health, making it nutritionally incomplete. Additionally, some critics oppose high-protein diets, suggesting they may impact the kidneys. Excess protein could exacerbate kidney disease by increasing the strain on the kidneys, as they must work harder to eliminate the waste products from protein metabolism.
People wanting to adopt a carnivore diet must ensure an adequate intake of fatty meat. Fat is an energy source, reducing the body’s reliance on protein-derived calories. One study found that long-term consumption of a high-protein diet can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and even liver and kidney injuries. Therefore, daily protein intake should not exceed 35 percent of total calories.

Analysis of Mr. Peterson’s Case

Why is this carnivore diet beneficial for Mr. Peterson and his daughter? One possible explanation is the presence of undermethylation in both individuals. Undermethylation is an epigenetic issue that affects detoxification, the immune system, and the production of brain neurotransmitters. Addressing undermethylation often involves significant methionine supplementation, a nutrient abundant in meat. Therefore, I speculate that this is one of the reasons the carnivore diet benefits them and helps alleviate their mental symptoms.

Additionally, I suspect they—especially his daughter—may suffer from pyroluria. This condition causes a continuous loss of vitamin B6 and zinc in the urine, leading to mental, skin, and immune function issues. Adopting a carnivore diet supplements large amounts of zinc, vitamin B6, and methionine while avoiding the negative impact of sugar and carbohydrates on immune function. Therefore, the carnivore diet has significantly improved their overall health.

Undermethylation often manifests in childhood and is associated with specific personality traits. Individuals with undermethylation typically exhibit characteristics such as perfectionism, competitiveness, and high achievement. However, they may also display negative traits like stubbornness, depression, inattention, addiction, and even suicidal thoughts. When combined with pyroluria, these individuals often struggle to cope with the pressures of not achieving their goals. While they are determined to win, they lack the physical and mental stamina to reach their objectives, ultimately leading to frustration and various mental health issues.

And we Know, Red Pill news, and more- June 1st


The Countdown To What Democrats Will Do Next In Their War Against Democracy Starts Now

One show trial down, three more to go. You have every reason to spend the next five months anticipating anything and everything to keep voters from installing Donald Trump back in the White House through a process formerly known in America as a “free and fair election.”

Up to and including assassinating the candidate whom every indicator has winning in November.

For the first time in our country’s history a former president, who is running for reelection, was just convicted of a crime in what prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s hometown newspaper admitted is a “novel and untested” application of an obscure state law. The operation, like the other criminal charges, was orchestrated by Democrats and the news media, none of whom have been shy about their intentions. They invented crimes. They raided his home. They placed him under arrest. They booked him for a mugshot. Finally, they found the judges and jurors who were certain to deliver the predetermined outcomes.

It’s happening against the most surreal backdrop. While President Biden and his party have devoted every waking hour to calling Trump a “threat to democracy,” they’ve attempted to remove his name from the ballot, censored public information, and shoveled billions of taxpayer dollars into a corrupt Eastern European country that has canceled its elections.

They’ve taken us this far. What won’t they do? What can’t they justify? All signs point to nothing. Their capacity to escalate political tensions is literally boundless.

Immediately after the convictions were delivered Thursday afternoon, Trump’s campaign website crashed multiple times with its servers overwhelmed by visitors who searched “Donald Trump donation.” The Trump people said the result was a record $35 million in small-dollar gifts.

In short, Trump’s campaign isn’t dead. And he’s not either. Mission incomplete. So, what’s next? There is inevitably a “next.” Pandemic? It’s been done before. Race riots? Too obvious. No problem. Their imaginations are just getting warmed up. They have the media and the permanent Washington bureaucracy locked and loaded. All they need is the green light.

Who’s going to stop them? They’re in charge and they plan on keeping it that way. Trump now awaits his sentencing, which will take place more than a month from now in front of a Democrat judge who threatened to throw him behind bars in the middle of the trial. There’s no reason to expect him not to. These people aren’t playing games.

This is just the beginning. It’s going to get a lot uglier. It’s only a matter of time and there’s plenty between now and November.

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

CNN Analyst Predicts Trump's Conviction Will Be Overturned Due to 'Number of Significant Issues'

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

CNN legal analyst Mark O’Mara predicted that former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict will be appealed due to a “number of significant issues.” 

O’Mara said that the odds are in Trump’s favor after 12 jurors found the former president guilty in a sham case regarding 34 charges brought against him in the New York hush money trial.

He suggested that the trial was handled unprofessionally and therefore will grant Trump a successful appeal. O’Mara put aside the fact that the case involved Trump and claimed that Judge Juan Merchan did not deliver a fair and honest trial.

“We don’t talk about Donald Trump anymore. We talk about the defensibility case and whether or not the judge did everything the judge was supposed to do to ensure a fair trial, unaffected by the outside world,” O’Mara said. “And I’ve complained… that the idea that this jury wasn’t sequestered, not even during their deliberations, not to mention for that week before between trial and closings, I think that’s a massive mistake.”

The former attorney explained that the Trump team could argue against several things that may have influenced the jurors’ decision to convict the 45th president. 

"The defense is going to follow the trail of every one of these jurors when they find out who they are and how they are, where they drove, what they did, every billboard that they saw, all of that, and that’s going to be the fodder for appeals that this jury was infected by negativity that this judge didn’t protect their client from,” he continued. 

On Friday, Trump addressed a group of reporters in the Trump Tower lobby in Manhattan that he would be appealing the jury’s decision, labeling the sham trial as “rigged” and an attempt by Democrats to keep him out of the White House. 

However, he will have to wait until his July 11 sentencing to do so. 

“If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone,” Trump said. “We're going to be appealing this scam.” 

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) predicted Trump’s conviction would eventually be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. 

“I think they’ll set this straight, but it's going to take a while," Johnson told Fox News. 

American Airlines special flight carrying WWII veterans arrived in France for 80th anniversary of D-Day


More than 60 veterans of World War II took off from Dallas to France to take part in ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The group ranges from 96 to 107 years old, according to American Airlines, which is flying them first to Paris.

The flight is one of several that are taking veterans to France for the commemoration.

The Boeing 787-9, registration N832AA, departed Friday, May 31 2024 at 19:49 CDT to Paris where it landed after 9 hours of flight at CDG Airport   

We’re honored to play a part in helping this group of heroic veterans return to Normandy.

American Airlines COO David Seymour said in a statement.

The group will take part in a wreath-laying ceremony at Suresnes American Cemetery, visit the Eiffel Tower and join in a daily ceremony known as le Ravivage de la Flamme, which honors fallen French service members at the Arc de triomphe.

They then head to the Normandy region for events that include wreath-laying ceremonies on Omaha and Utah Beaches, two of the landing sites for the Allied forces.    

NATO Escalation – Biden Approves Ukraine to Use U.S Missiles and Weapons to Strike Inside Russia

According to Politico and the New York Times the Biden administration has given Ukraine approval to launch U.S provided missiles into Russia.  {LINK} This is a major escalation of NATO engagement, likely intended to provoke Russia to strike alternate targets.  The people inside Ukraine responsible for using these U.S. provided weapons are likely not Ukranian.

CTH is in an unusually serendipitous position to analyze how Russia is responding to this shift in USA position.  The morale inside Russia is very high amid the military age population.  The recruitment efforts of the Russian government appear to be numerous and very effective.

There are thousands of newly enlisted military personnel very visible in/around training facilities.  There is no apparent tension discernable. Overall Russia appears to take great pride in their military, and it is considered a matter of honor and pride to support them.

WASHINGTON – The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, two U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city.

“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” a U.S. official said, adding that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia “has not changed.”

[…] In effect, Ukraine can now use American-provided weapons, such as rockets and rocket launchers, to shoot down launched Russian missiles heading toward Kharkiv, at troops massing just over the Russian border near the city, or Russian bombers launching bombs toward Ukrainian territory. But the official said Ukraine cannot use those weapons to hit civilian infrastructure or launch long-range missiles, such as the Army Tactical Missile System, to hit military targets deep inside Russia.

It’s a stunning shift the administration initially said would escalate the war by more directly involving the U.S. in the fight. But worsening conditions for Ukraine on the battlefield –– namely Russia’s advances and improved position in Kharkiv –– led the president to change his mind. (read more)

You can tell from the general vibe amid the officials of government, Russia is not playing around with their military approach toward previous NATO encroachment or the provocations by the U.S.  The sense is that Russia is in this for the long haul and their structural changes in the aftermath of the sanction regime are not temporary.  Russians overall are hard and resilient to the reality of things as they are, not as they would wish them to be.

Russia appears to be entirely prepared financially, sociologically and economically to remain disconnected from the “West.”  Asia and India are filling the economic void created by Western sanctions.  Amid ordinary life, the general Russian sentiment seems to be one of acceptance to the geopolitical isolation.

In recent weeks the push toward further conflict with Russia seemed to be diminishing; however, this direct action by Biden and the State Dept puts the USA (NATO) in a more aggressive posture.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban opposes the escalation by NATO.

WASHINGTON – […] During a Friday interview on state radio, Orbán said that French President Emmanuel Macron’s stance that he wouldn’t rule out sending troops to Ukraine, as well as a NATO proposal that would allow Kyiv to strike military bases inside Russia with sophisticated long-range weapons provided by Western partners, risked escalating the war in Ukraine into a global conflict.

“War is a monster that is constantly hungry, it must be fed, and it must be fed with money. And I see that the Americans and the Democratic government of the United States, and the leaders of the European Union, are ready to feed it,” he said. (read more)

Biden Announces American Taxpayers Will Rebuild Terror Infested Gaza

Katie Pavlich reporting for Townhall 

Speaking to reporters at the White House Friday afternoon, President Joe Biden announced a new ceasefire proposal to keep Hamas in power and vowed the American taxpayer will pay to rebuild the Gaza Strip. Five Americans are still being held hostage by the Iranian backed terrorist organization. 

"In phase three a major reconstruction plan for Gaza would commence," Biden said. "The United States will work without partners to rebuild homes, schools and hospitals in Gaza -- to repair communities destroyed in the chaos of war." 

A reminder of who lived in the homes that were destroyed. 

And how Palestinians feel about the October 7 massacre:

Schools, hospitals and other infrastructure in the Gaza Strip has been destroyed by the Israeli Defense Forces after Hamas repeatedly used the sites to launch attacks. More specifically, United Nations Relief and Works Agency schools were used to store weapons and a number of UNWRA teachers are members of Hamas. 

Meanwhile, Biden's latest proposal is raising eyebrows and "makes no sense" according to former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. 

"I’m totally confused by what Biden claims Israel has proposed to end the Gaza war. The confusion is amplified because it is now the Sabbath in Israel so we won’t get a response today," Friedman post on X Friday. "He’s urging Hamas to “take the deal.” But he doesn’t explain what will become of Hamas if the deal is done. With an immediate cease-fire, Hamas will retain significant military assets and command and control. Does the deal include Hamas surrender? And who runs Gaza afterwards to ensure that Hamas never returns?"

"Biden refers to “details” that need to be worked out. These are not minor issues!" he continued. 

In the past seven months of war, Hamas has rejected or broken all ceasefire proposals. They also broke the ceasefire that was in place on October 6 and started the war with their October 7 onslaught.