Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I Can’t Stand These Democrats, Part 2

I ask this all the time, but only because Democrats are constantly creating new ways to make things up: If Democrats have the truth on their side, why do they lie so often? I phrase it differently sometimes: If Donald Trump is so horrible, why do Democrats have to lie about him so much? The point of each is the same – reality does Democrats no favors. Their philosophy is responsible for more than 100 million dead in the last century, and that’s not counting the people killed in the wars they started. Human life ranks up there with truth in the priorities of Democrats, which is a major component in why I can’t stand these people.

Unless you watch MSNBC all day long, you probably don’t know the name Aquilino Gonell. Nor should you. 

He’s a former Capitol Police officer who was on the job on January 6th, 2021. Naturally, the only reason anyone knows his name is he’s a hack leftist happy to be a willing tool for Democrats. As such, he’s now sending out fundraising emails for Joe Biden, because why not?

His email opens, “On January 6, 2021, I almost died defending the Capitol from insurrectionists inspired by Donald Trump's false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.”

I didn’t realize he “almost died” that day. Considering no officers died that day, one almost dying seems like it would’ve been news. I read on…

“After fighting with multiple rioters, I suffered career-ending (physical, mental, and moral) injuries and was trampled in a tunnel holding the police line and defending my colleagues and your elected leader regardless of their political views or party,” Gonell writes. 

My first thought was to question what the hell a “moral” injury was and how that could end a career, because it sounds pretty stupid. Then I looked up what his injuries were, at least insofar as they were reported in the press. 

MSNBC, likely to be one of the most sympathetic outlets reporting on the subject, described what he suffered this way, “Gonell was injured in his hands, his left shoulder, his left calf and his right foot in his efforts to protect the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.”

Any injury is serious, and no doubt painful, but “life-threatening”? 

Traumatic, sure. But I don’t see how that’s life-threatening at all. And the “trauma” never stopped him from being a human prop for Democrats, either on TV or in hearings. A willing tool is still a tool. 

“I fought for our democracy that day, and I am still fighting for it today,” Gonell writes. “That includes doing everything I can to make sure Donald Trump -- the man who calls the January 6 insurrectionists who nearly took my life ‘patriots’ and literally salutes them, is never elected president again. So today, I am asking you to do something important to make sure that never happens. Can you please use this link to make a contribution directly to Joe Biden's reelection campaign?”

So, he can’t do his job because he’s been “morally” injured, but he’s “still fighting” by whining about what he went through? So gross.

There are “useful idiots” and just idiots, I’ll let you decide which Gonell is. 

He closes his email with, “Donald Trump failed on January 6, but it wasn't for lack of trying. We can't let him return to the White House.” 

This guy sounds like a Rachel Maddow monologue. And weirdly, even though he “resigned” from his job as a Capitol Police Officer (my guess is he took early retirement or some kind of union disability deal for his moral trauma), he’s wearing his uniform in the picture they used of him, which appears to be from a Congressional hearing of some sort. Seems a little unethical, and I’d dare even say “immoral,” to use a photo of yourself in your uniform to raise funds for partisan political purposes. The military would catch hell for doing it, why should the Capitol Police be any different?

Of course, when dealing with Democrats the rules simply do not apply. Standards simply do not apply. And reality simply does not apply. It’s a big part of the reason I just can’t stand these people. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- May 28


Fear Trump—or Bust? ~ VDH

Trumpophobia (fright over Trump) is cresting with his polls.

As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Ironically, the left seems oblivious to the reality that one reason Trump leads Biden in the polls is precisely because voters can compare the four-year record of the prior Trump presidency to Biden’s last 40 months.

Recently, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned that Trump will conspire with oil executives to spike gasoline prices. But even after Biden drained the strategic petroleum reserve before the 2022 midterms and is now again doing the same as the 2024 election approaches, gas prices have averaged only one-third cheaper than under Trump.

Trump tried to top off the reserve but was blocked by Democrats in Congress. Nevertheless, he left Biden a nearly full reservoir of 638 million barrels (about 90 percent full), which Biden has now drained by some 270 million barrels to the present 51 percent full—and the levels are falling further as voting nears.

We are warned that 77-year-old Trump looks haggard after his long hours in court. He seems sleepy, we are told. He has aged terribly, the media tell us. But polls show that concern over Biden’s dementia greatly outweighs normal worry over septuagenarian candidate Trump.

Why would any sane pro-Biden handler bring up Trump’s supposed gait or occasional forgotten word when that only reminds the public of the contrast with Biden, whose speeches seem delivered in something other than English and whose transcripts must be heavily edited to airbrush away his incoherence?

We are told that Trump will increase racial tensions. Almost daily, blacks and Hispanics are warned that Trump is a racist—even as polls show that he may well receive the highest percentage of minority votes by any Republican in modern history and has some chance of winning outright the Hispanic vote. Oddly, the media is now attacking minorities on the Marxist principle of false consciousness, as if they are deluded into voting against themselves rather than being perceptive critics of the Biden disaster of high inflation, green mania, a deluge of illegal aliens, and loss of deterrence abroad.

It was not Trump, but Biden, who, during the last election cycles, called one African-American journalist a “junkie” and warned another podcaster, “You ain’t black,” if he voted for Trump. And during his presidency, on occasion, Biden has referred to black subordinates as “boy,” uses the ossified term “Negro,” and has a long history of racist drivel and smears, from “put y’all back in chains” to referencing Barack Obama as the first “clean” and “articulate” presidential candidate to proudly reminding us that his home state of Delaware was once a “slave state.”

As Trump’s polls climbed and the Fani Willis persecution was sidetracked by her own false testimonies, conflicts of interest, and the hiring of her unqualified clandestine paramour, hysterical cries mounted that a reelected Trump would use the powers of government to go after his enemies.

As Jack Smith’s federal indictment became calcified over issues of presidential immunity, his failed efforts to ram through the prosecution before the election, and his office lying over tampering with evidence seized at Mar-A-Lago, tired warnings of Trump’s weaponization to come of the bureaucracy mounted even more.

Now that the jury is out in the Alvin Bragg fiasco and his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted liar, has likely again perjured himself and admitted to stealing $60,000 from the Trump organization, Trumpophobia has further peaked.

In other words, the more evidence mounts that Trump’s enemies have manipulated the court system in the manner that they previously impeached him twice, tried him as a private citizen in the Senate, sought to remove him from state ballots, rounded up ex-intelligence officers to lie about the authentic Hunter Biden laptop on the eve of the 2020 presidential debate, and were exposed concocting the Russian collusion yarn by hiring a foreign national in the 2016 campaign, paradoxically, the more the left-wing media warns America that a President Trump would do exactly what they have been doing by emulating their weaponization of the courts, the bureaucracy, and the Congress.

It gets stranger still.

The left warns the country that Trump will deport some or many of the 10 million illegal aliens that Joe Biden and his impeached Homeland Security director Alejandro Mayorkas have deliberately welcomed in.

Consider the logic: the current president destroyed a once-secure border and, for political purposes, illegally rendered immigration law enforcement null and void. But we are still supposed to fear his successor, who would resecure the border, return millions of recently crossed illegal aliens to their countries of origin, and restore the sanctity of federal law. In Orwellian fashion, the Biden administration is now suing exasperated states that are doing their part to help enforce immigration laws that Biden has deliberately shredded.

The absurdity extends to foreign policy. Team Biden and the media are issuing warnings here and abroad that another Trump presidency would tear apart the global order.

Really? Vladimir Putin has invaded neighboring nations in three of the last four administrations, but did not only during the Trump 2017-2020 years. Why?

Before October 7, even Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan preened that his Middle East portfolio was “quieter than in two decades”—but only after Trump’s destroyed ISIS, took out the terrorist Iranian general Soleimani, ended the disastrous Iran deal, cut off aid to Hamas, designated the Houthi terrorists, crafted the Abraham Accords, pledged full support for Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East, and achieved U.S. oil independence.

In contrast, Putin invaded Ukraine and may well absorb much of its eastern half. The U.S. suffered its greatest military humiliation of the last half century in fleeing from Kabul and handing over billions of dollars in weapons to the terrorist Taliban, abandoning our NATO-allied forces, sympathetic Afghans, and American contractors.

Hamas killed more Jews in a single day than any since the Holocaust. A full-scale war rages in Gaza. Hezbollah has displaced thousands of Israelis with its daily attacks. And for the first time in history, Iran has attacked in force the Israeli homeland.

China, with impunity, sent a spy balloon across the continental US. Some 25,000 Chinese male illegal aliens mysteriously barged into the U.S. And China has helped kill 100,000 Americans a year through its fentanyl exports to the Mexican cartels.

Given all that, are we supposed to worry that “sharp as a knife” Biden’s disastrous foreign policy will be ruined by a return to the peaceful record of the earlier Trump presidency?

So, what is Trumpophobia? The syndrome displays a number of symptoms.

One, the left always projects its sins onto its opponents. It accuses Trump of doing precisely what it has done, as a way of avoiding blame for its self-inflicted disasters. And the left so vehemently projects because it knows what it would do if it were Trump and was treated as he has been by them.

Two, desperate Democrats are scrambling to find some bizarre way to depose both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, especially should Biden have a disastrous, historic preconvention June presidential debate. As a result, the 2024 campaign has never been about comparison of 2017-2020 to 2021-2024. But rather, it has already descended into the Democratic de facto smear that “Trump is even worse than Biden.” And that fixation instills fears of what Trump might do rather than what he actually has done.

Three, the left feels Biden may do more than just lose the Democrats the presidency, Senate, and its close margin in the House. His hyperinflation seriously damaged the middle class. He turns them off with his arrogance, screaming speeches, loud, obnoxious gibberish, compulsive lying, and generally impotent appearance.

His racial condescension and pandering fool no one. As a result, Biden may well redefine the two parties as race is replaced by shared class concerns. Wealthy blacks may vote for Biden because they are black and wealthy, but more and more middle-class blacks may vote for Trump because they feel his policies benefit the middle class like themselves.

The public increasingly agrees that the Democrat Party is the party of the very rich, the bicoastal privileged, and the subsidized poor, while the lower and middle classes feel far more confident and secure with Republicans.

Four, the left fears a more organized, savvier Trump second term might hit the ground running‚ and thus rapidly and professionally instill a conservative agenda to stop the current neo-socialist revolution.

Given all that, 2024 for the left is little more than “Fear Trump or Bust.”

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This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

Oregon Movement to Join 'Greater Idaho' Picks up Steam

Leah Barkoukis reporting for Townhall 

Crook County, Oregon, residents voted last week to pass a “Greater Idaho” measure that would support starting negotiations to secede from the liberal state. 

With 53 percent support, it is now the 13th county in the state to approve such a measure.  

“The voters of eastern Oregon have spoken loudly and clearly about their desire to see border talks move forward.  With this latest result in Crook County, there’s no excuse left for the Legislature and Governor to continue to ignore the people’s wishes,” Greater Idaho Executive Director Matt McCaw said in a statement.

“We call on the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President to sit down with us and discuss next steps towards changing governance for eastern Oregonians, as well as for the legislature to begin holding hearings on what a potential border change will look like,” McCaw added. 

The Greater Idaho movement seeks to move the border between Oregon and Idaho to include 14 full eastern Oregon counties and 3 partial ones. In addition to the 13 counties who have passed Greater Idaho measures, in 2023 the Idaho House passed a memorial inviting the Oregon Legislature to begin border talks.
Supporters of the movement believe that moving the border would benefit both sides of the state, and allow for better representation and governance for people moving forward. (Greater Idaho)Mike McCarter, president of the group, said it’s time for state leaders to listen.  

"For the last three years we've been going directly to voters and asking them what they want for their state government.  What they're telling us through these votes is that they want their leaders to move the border.  In our system, the people are the ones in charge, and it's time for the leaders representing them to follow through," he said.

According to the group's website, the border between Oregon and Idaho "was established 163 years ago and is now outdated. It makes no sense in its current location because it doesn’t match the location of the cultural divide in Oregon.”

Moving the border would require approval in Oregon and Idaho state legislatures as well as U.S. Congress.

Trudeau to give 5,000 visas to Palestinian refugees for resettlement in Canada

 41 people from Gaza have arrived in Canada thus far.

On Monday, the Trudeau Liberals revealed that they had decided to quintuple the number of visas they would be issuing to people in Gaza with family members in Canada. A total of 5,000 temporary resident visas will be granted to those fleeing the war-torn territory, far more than the original 1,000 announced in December.

"Many people are worried about their loved ones and have expressed significant interest in the temporary special measures we introduced for their extended family in Gaza," Immigration Minister Marc Miller wrote in a statement.

"That is why, as part of our humanitarian response, we have increased the number of temporary resident visa applications that will be accepted into processing as part of these measures from 1,000 to 5,000. Over the past few weeks, we have been issuing more web codes so that clients can apply for a temporary resident visa." He noted that, "while movement out of Gaza is not currently possible, the situation may change at any time," adding that, "our focus remains on keeping families together."

"Canada continues to put forward the names of those who have passed preliminary screening to local authorities to secure their exit from Gaza," Miller continued. "Israel and Egypt are both important partners in implementing these temporary, humanitarian measures and helping people reunite with their family in Canada. Canada is working—at every level—to facilitate the exit of extended family members and advocate for their safety."

Those selected undergo a multi-stage vetting process which begins with an initial screening while they are still in Gaza. They are then subject to biometric, security, and admissibility screenings in a third country. 

"Only applicants who pass full bioetric, security, and admissibility screening will be allowed to travel onward to Canada," immigration department spokesperson Matthew Krupovich told the National Post, noting that "only Government Canada officials" can make the final call.

A spokesperson for Miller's office told CTV News that as of Monday, 448 Gazans had been offered temporary resident visas, 254 of which were outside the special visa program. 41 people from Gaza have arrived in Canada thus far.

Over the weekend, Israel carried out an offensive on Rafah to rid the region of Hamas terrorists. The area is where the border crossing between Gaza and Israel is, which Egypt has kept closed to refugees. The US has been trying to negotiate with Egypt to open the crossing to allow humanitarian aid in. Arab neighbors in the region have been unwilling to take in large numbers of Palestinian refugees.

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said she was "horrified" by the airstrikes, namely that which sparked a fire in a camp. "This level of human suffering must come to an end," she said. "We demand an immediate ceasefire."


Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 1)

It’s still about five months until the election, but it’s pretty clear that Donald Trump has become – impossible as it might have seemed last year – the favorite to win. We must  plan the battles that lie ahead now. This first column talks about what happens immediately after we win. Part 2 talks about what Trump needs to do during his first days in office to set the stage for the total destruction of the Democrats’ dreams. We have to prepare for success. The great Townhall senior columnist Derek Hunter warns that you should not spike the football anywhere but the endzone, but this time, we need to be ready. 

A successful fight to restore our country – to make it great again, as some put it – will be like a military campaign. We have three battles ahead of us between now and next spring. The close fight is the battle to pull off the win against the collective rigging and cheating of the Democrats, the regime media, and their allies in the ruling class. The next fight, one terrain feature ahead, deals with the left’s unhinged response to his victory. And the third fight, the deep battle, is what Trump must do during the first couple of months upon taking office. In today’s column, we’ll talk about the second fight, and what the Democrats and their allies will do to disrupt the peaceful transition of government, something that will suddenly be not just okay but mandatory when Trump wins again. 

The election will be between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, or at least the dusty, empty husk that is all that remains of Joe Biden. They’re not going to trade him out. The Very Real Doctor Jill is not going to stop being First Lady simply because her husband is a senile, corrupt old pervert who is destroying our country – what’s important is her and her needs. And don’t underestimate the needs of the thousands of lackeys, minions and henchpeople within the administration who are personally invested in this charade going on for another four years. They’re not going anywhere. Unless the Grim Reaper grimly reaps this elderly cretin before November, he’s on the ticket with his borderline clinical moron running mate Kamala.

The panic will really set in in October if the polls don’t change. They will lash out. There will be unsurprising October surprises. We may see another dozen bogus criminal charges against Trump and his associates. We can be pretty sure that there will be chaos at the Democratic convention and maybe in the streets like in 2020, but that’s not for certain – have you noticed that, as it became clear that people are disgusted by these little Hamas-hugging mutants, that the coverage of the campus crusade for communism has diminished significantly? Look for the regime media to do everything it can to try to help its crusty candidate, but the usual propaganda is not going to help. Eight-dollar Big Macs and six-dollar-a-gallon gas are much more compelling to the average voter than the fulminations of the midwit likes of Caitlin Collins about Muh Insurrection and Trump’s alleged threat to Our Democracy.

We’ve already seen their furious frenzies of onanism over Trump being the next Mussolini x Hitler x Pol Pot x … wait, they like Pol Pot. They’re terrified that Trump will treat these communists like Pinochet did, which would be a real shame – I’m not sure why they want to get our hopes up. We’re going to see a lot of jaw-wagging about how the American people electing the leader of their choice is a terrible threat to Our Democracy if he’s not the elite’s choice. You’ll see a bunch of howling about how Trump is a felon and a threat to freedom and a big meanie and blah blah blah blah blah. As it becomes clear that Trump’s going to win, the panic is really going to set in. Don’t underestimate what they are capable of.

After all, they’ve mutually rubbed each other into a lotion lather, leading to an apocalypsorgasm of fear that the elite’s power will be permanently circumscribed. Will there be cheating? Oh hell yes, and it’ll be blatant and totally excused. You can already see that they’re preparing the battlefield for it. Whenever a Republican senator goes on the regime media, and a Republican senator should never go on the regime media, he always gets asked if he’s going to accept the outcome of the election. What they’re trying to do is set a standard where you can’t question their cheating. They know it. We know it. We just need to stop pretending that everything’s fine, everything’s all right, everything’s on the up and up, because everything’s not fine, everything’s all right and everything’s not on the up and up.

One of their most powerful weapons is normal people’s default to normalcy, the unsupported belief by the masses that the institutions are still functioning and that the law is still being obeyed and that the system still works. None of that’s true. It’s a lie and a scam, and we need to be based enough to understand it. We need to face the fact that things are broken and treat the system that way instead of putting our heads in the sand and hoping that by pretending everything is normal, everything actually will be normal. Everything won’t.

They’re going to cheat, whether it’s by filling ballot boxes or changing rules or having corrupt judges interfere with the ability to have our voices heard. They’re not going to make any bones about it, and you need to understand that the institutions and the regime media support this cheating. Even Senate doofus Sheldon Whitehouse, the flag-obsessive who won’t let black people into his beach club, doesn’t believe that black people are too stupid to get voter ID. He and the Democrats are against voter ID because voter ID prevents cheating.

They are actively pro-cheating. They want the millions of Third World peasants they have imported to vote. They think it is a good thing to steal the 2024 election and they will certainly try to do it. It’s up to us to stop them. Nobody’s going to come to our rescue. There’s no referee we can appeal to who will call the strike. We need to understand the nature of our opponents and act accordingly.

It looks like Trump may win outside the margin of fraud so that the race can’t be stolen with zillions of surprise votes mysteriously appearing in Atlanta and Detroit and Philadelphia. The second it becomes clear that Trump has won, the first thing that will happen is that Joe Biden, to the extent he remains conscious, will refuse to concede. He will deny the election. Yes, an election denier will become a hero (again, as it was back in 2000, 2004, and 2016) instead of the worst person you can ever be, except for someone who denies that a man can become a woman through the power of wanting to. It’s hypocrisy, but they are immune to shame.

The transition will be fraught because the Democrats just aren’t going to cooperate with a peaceful transition of government. They will do everything they can to disrupt and delay Trump’s people taking over. The shredders will melt from overuse as they destroy evidence of their own misconduct. What’s important for the Trump people to do is ensure that they make it clear that anybody destroying government documents or other materials to hide their contents will be prosecuted for obstruction of justice or other crimes. But the left will do it anyway, certain in the knowledge that a 97% communist jury pool in Washington, DC, will never convict any Democrat of anything.

Of course, there are going to be lawsuits. Those Hawaiian judges will be working overtime ruling that Donald Trump can’t be President even though he won the election because of reasons and the Spirit of Aloha. Look for them to challenge every win, and for Democrat judges to allow the scam to go forward. Now, it’ll all eventually get up to the Supreme Court, which consists of three communists and five insurrection flag-flying patriots plus John Roberts who will eventually rule for Trump. However, the goal will be to attack the legitimacy of the process, to make Trump an illegitimate president. Remember, only court rulings in favor of the Democrats are legitimate. Court rulings in favor of the Republicans are inherently illegitimate, and they need to pack the court. You know, because of Our Democracy.

We’re going to see alternative slates of electors, which will be absolutely fine now, even though Democrat functionaries are prosecuting people for doing it last time. We will see more Hollywood idiots demanding that Trump electors refuse to vote for him. Again, the left collectively wet itself about all this last time, but you need to understand that it is immune to hypocrisy. They don’t care if they’re doing the exact opposite of what they did five minutes ago. None of that matters to them, so none of that should matter to us. We need to understand that they are scum and that they must be crushed.

The only currency is power, and we need to spend it while we’re flush with cash.

The ultimate power is, of course, guys with guns. Is there a chance that Joe Biden will order the military to overturn the election results? A few years ago, that would’ve been an insane question, but we have never had an administration as evil as this one, representing an elite terrified of losing the power it inherited instead of earned. If you don’t think that Joe Biden would use the Army to retain power, you just haven’t been paying attention. They don’t believe we have any right to govern ourselves. They think that they were divinely selected, by whatever weird pagan divinity they are worshiping this week, to rule over us. The idea that they have some moral opposition to imposing an armed dictatorship upon us is simply wishful thinking. But would Pentagon leadership go along with it? I have no doubt that some of them absolutely would. Of course, the military under their leadership is so grossly incompetent that it can’t win a war overseas against a pack of mountain tribesmen. I’m not particularly worried about how well it would do 100 million armed Americans (those darn AR15s again!), many of us veterans of the military from back when it was a real military and not a camouflaged gender studies seminar.

Is this paranoid? Is this crazy? Would Media Matters be all over this column if the schmucks who worked for it hadn’t been so abruptly and hilariously fired? Well, if you haven’t been paying attention, you might think so. But you need to understand the incredible evil of our opponents. They’re not good people. They’re not nice people. They don’t believe that you have any rights. They don’t believe you have any legitimate interests. You are there to serve them and obey. They didn’t build this country, they don’t feed it or fuel it, and they certainly don’t defend it, but they somehow consider themselves our betters. They’re not. We just need to understand that they will do whatever they must to maintain their power. We need to be ready. It’s our country, and we’re taking it back – if we prepare for the fight.

Joe Biden Met With a Witness Testifying Against Hunter, Liberals Go Ballistic Over Reporting

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The appearance of corruption from Joe Biden involving his son's upcoming trial continues apace. On Thursday evening, Hunter Biden just happened to attend a state dinner at the White House. Who else was there? That would be AG Merrick Garland, the head of the DOJ who is prosecuting the younger Biden. 

Biden Dinner Has Hunter, Merrick Garland, Even Obama 

Nothing to see there, though. We've all been assured such encounters are fine. What else is fine? The president going and meeting with Hallie Biden, one of the witnesses set to testify against Hunter Biden. An NBC News reporter shared that development on Sunday, and it sent liberals into fits of rage. 

I'll get to why this is a problem, but first, let's sample some of the responses to Grumbach's post. 

I hate to have to be that guy. I didn't intend to wake up and explain to liberals what Memorial Day is, but here we are. Someone has to do it.

For those confused, Memorial Day is not Veterans Day, the latter of which occurs in November and centers on all veterans, including those who have died for any reason at any point in time. By contrast, Memorial Day is only for those who died while actively serving the country, typically in combat or as a result of enemy fire. Some would argue that an accident while deployed would also qualify.

Beau Biden, who developed and died of cancer years after leaving the service, is not who Memorial Day is for. That's not "ghoulish," and it's not a low blow. It's simply the truth, and it matters because stealing valor matters. 

Regardless, does anyone think it might be a story if Donald Trump went to meet with a witness testifying against his son in a criminal trial? Does anyone think cries of "Well, it's his family," as we see above, would matter one iota in that case? Of course, they wouldn't. It'd be treated as a massive scandal, and Trump would be accused of witness tampering. 

To be frank, even if Beau Biden did qualify for Memorial Day, it would still be highly suspect for Joe Biden to have contact with a witness testifying against his other son. The entire thing reeks of corruption and an attempt to massage the upcoming trial. I understand that Hallie Biden, whose affair with Hunter Biden makes her relevant to the case, is still considered family, but sometimes life isn't fair. No one made the president's son allegedly commit federal crimes. 

Even CNN Is Prepping Dems That 'Worst Case Scenario' May Be Coming With Trump Verdict

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The verdict in former President Donald Trump's "hush money" trial is very likely to come this week. Closing arguments are currently scheduled for Tuesday.

How would you know the case is not great for the prosecution, if you didn't already know it? 

CNN is trying to prepare people for the possibility that Trump may not be convicted. That's surprising coming from them. 

CNN political correspondent Sara Murray warned that it might not turn out like they're hoping, that it might be the "worst case scenario" for them.

"I think that it's very likely this is the only trial that we are going to get before Election Day. And this case is not a slam dunk, which means that Donald Trump may very well not be convicted. Acquitted is the worst-case scenario for Democrats," she said. 

She lets a little truth out there, it's as far from a slam dunk as you can get. As in they failed to make a case and they had a horrible main witness in this case in Michael Cohen. 

"Donald Trump gets to go out there and say, 'Joe Biden's prosecutors,' which, again, not true, 'came after me, his Department of Justice came after me, and they still didn't convict me. I'm still innocent,'" Murray continued. "I also think you could end up somewhere in this sort of muddy middle where you end up with a hung jury, a jury that cannot reach a verdict. And then this truly does just get kicked to the voters to decide."

Yes, then Trump is still not guilty, whether you want to admit it or not. Notice how she has no concern regarding Democratic involvement in the lawfare against Trump. 

But at least she admitted on some level that there's a problem with this case. So that was a little bit of truth. 

On MSNBC, they had George Conway living in fantasy land trying to suggest that it was a slam dunk case but saying the defense's "best shot" is one hold out. 

"I don’t think they can get an acquittal. I don’t think they’re going to get 12 votes unanimously to acquit him," Conway told MSNBC’s Katie Phang on Saturday. "I think their best shot, and that’s what they’re going to do, is hope that there’s just some person on the jury who refuses to convict."

All you need is one. Where's the evidence and what's the crime? 

Joe Biden is supposedly considering making a statement from the White House. It sounds like he thinks he knows what it is going to be. But he thinks that's not going to be political? He's kidding himself and he will likely only make things worse for himself, and perhaps help Trump. He'll just reenforce how the lawfare is about election interference if he further injects himself in this. He already has taunted Trump over the lawfare in a disgusting violation of norms. 

They're really going to be going into meltdowns if they can't convict him. If they decide on the evidence and they understand the lack of it, they should vote not to convict. But we'll have to see where the jury falls on this.

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time. 

Why Are Americans Paying For LGBTQ ‘Pride’ Events In Bulgaria, Czech Republic And Australia?

 To “enhance national security by informing and influencing foreign publics”

Federal grant records have revealed that the US State Department is funding random LGBTQ ‘Pride’ events in other countries. 



There is no explanation other than ‘diplomacy’.

The “diplomatic” grant summary of such events states they are being funded “To support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security by informing and influencing foreign publics and by expanding and strengthening the relationship between the people and government of the United States and citizens of the rest of the world.”

So apparently things such as reading “queer children’s literature” to young kids, a “picnic for queer youth” and an LGBT-affirming worship service, all in an obscure Czech city are in the national interest of the US.

The US is also funding an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ event in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia according to the records, with the State Department giving them $15,000 for the event next month.

US taxpayers are also seeing their money go to Deystvie, a pro-LGBT nongovernmental organisation hosting a film festival, also in Bulgaria, “to promote inclusion and acceptance of the LBGTIQ+ community,” according to the federal records.

Another record shows the State Department has also allocated more than $5,000 to Better Together, a “LGBTIQA+ community conference” in Australia.

Why on Earth are American taxpayer funds being spent on this when basic infrastructure in some states is crumbling?

All of this comes in the wake of the State Department issuing a worldwide caution alert concerning Pride events:

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as far as sending Americans’ money abroad.

As we have previously highlighted, the Biden State Department is completely ideologically captured.

The Department ‘celebrates’ some sort of obscure alphabet pride or pronoun day, that no one even knows exists, practically every week, has introduced ‘Gender X’ passports, and flies rainbow flags on the same pole as U.S. flags at embassies.