Monday, April 29, 2024

Was it all that Baby Proofing?

Watching the idiocy on college campuses this week and seeing all the explanations for protests in favor of murderous Hamas, two tweets seem particularly on point. There’s the great David Burge (Iowahawk), who calls these outbursts “Hamas slumber parties,” and says, “This is like staging a pro-Nazi lunch counter sit-in and getting mad that people won’t treat you like you’re a modern-day Rosa Parks.” He attributes protests for the Intifada and slogans reading “from the River to the Sea” by numbskulls who have admittedly no idea what they are protesting as the result of baby-proofing houses. “There is,” he says, “no better educational experience for a child than finding out what happens when you stick a butter knife into an electrical outlet.”

I think he’s right. Helicopter parents who shield kids from the consequences of their actions have raised a generation of reckless, entitled, ill-educated brats. (I’d add to his admonition the habit of so many parents to spend evenings “helping” their kids with their homework. My view is they either do it or don’t and, if they don’t, they can learn the consequences.)

Elon Musk, another of those whose sage observations I endorse, says:

“The axiomatic error undermining much of Western Civilization is “weak makes right”. If someone accepts, explicitly or implicitly, that the oppressed are always the good guys, then the natural conclusion is that the strong are the bad guys.”

So Hamas engaged in the most brutal attack on a much stronger neighbor, and even before Israel's perfectly predictable response in defense of its own people, Hamas became worthy of sympathy and protection. The Israeli counterattack is falsely described as “genocide,” self-rule in Gaza is misnamed “occupation;” indigenous Jews are labeled “colonialists” and “occupiers,” while Arabs are mischaracterized as native to Gaza. 

Add to the mix of explanations for what otherwise is inexplicable immoral conduct the mind-boggling ignorance of the protestors. Everywhere we see signs that "Gazan liberation is queer liberation." It’s a topsy-turvy world on American campuses. Homosexuality is illegal in Syria, Egypt, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Kuwait, and the West Bank. It’s not illegal in Israel, and homosexual Gazans have sought and received refuge there.


‘Queer are shamed and thrown out of the majority of Palestinian families. In a Palestinian state, they’d likely be thrown from the top of buildings. Even the most Westernized of Arab countries, Lebanon, saw its majority bash 10 lawmakers for presenting a legislation decriminalizing homosexuality (only decriminalizing, not even giving them any rights). U.S. college students have no idea what they’re talking about.”

Just as absurd are the feminists and transgenders for Hamas.

The protests and encampments have spread to a number of colleges, but the worst is Columbia University, and a close examination shows that it is a result of a horrible choice of president and a history of ignoring Jew hatred, of which the latest demonstration is a perfectly predictable outcome.

There’s no reason except the anti-merit DEI impetus for Nemat Shafik to have been named president of Columbia: Shafik “only has 1 well-cited publication in her life, in Oxford Econ Papers 1994. This paper is lifted almost entirely from a 1992 report coauthored with a consultant not credited in the publication. This is wholesale intellectual theft, not subtle plagiarism.”

Khymani Jones, one leader of the Columbia encampment who was extensively quoted as saying, “Zionists don’t deserve to live” and talked about killing Jews, was finally banned from campus, although it remains unclear whether he was expelled or suspended. But in a disciplinary hearing in January, the university was aware of these statements and did not act. Before he was shown the door, Ilhan Omar went to the Columbia campus and shook hands with him; her daughter hugged him. The only reason he was finally kicked out was because his threats became more widely publicized. When he was finally at least suspended, he claimed it was because he is black and queer. 

Don’t blame the police -- Columbia has prevented them from removing the encampment. The NYPD Chief of Patrol responded:

The pure hate, antisemitism, and overall vile language I have witnessed recently is simply disgusting. I could not begin to even know how this makes a person feel, a family or a friend. Hate has no place in our society from anyone! It should be condemned by all immediately. The NYPD is committed to protecting everyone from hate, especially our Jewish brothers and sisters. Trust me, if we could throw handcuffs on anyone who peddled in this -- we would do this all day every day. End of story! We understand the frustration, we stand with you and the NYPD is always ready. We demonstrated this last week when our Mayor and PC ordered swift action for the removal of school protesters. Unfortunately there are certain things we can’t control, thus it’s incumbent for the effected institutions to take a stand and enforce their rules! Actions have consequences! No more suspensions let’s try expulsion of these entitled hateful students. Pack your belongings and get out! Let’s remove faculty and staff who have replaced their educational licenses for a license of hate -- Your fired! Your frustration and despair should not be directed toward the City of New York. We did not shut down your identification and deny your entry. We don’t govern private property nor school rules while being bound by free speech. The Mayor, Police Commissioner and the NYPD will never relent in the pursuit of public safety and, here and now, protecting our Jewish community….

By contrast, in Washington D.C., George Washington University asked the local police to remove the protestors. They were prepared to do so, but Mayor Muriel Bowser, a huge fan of BLM and believer in the George Floyd fable, ordered the force to stand down.

Are these protests organic and spontaneous? Of course not -- they are being funded by George Soros and a variety of foundations and various NGOs which in a lawful world would have long ago lost their tax breaks.  The occupation of college campuses across the U.S. is a well-organized and funded operation led by Soros-backed groups, including Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR). The Soros-backed NGOs pay outside agitators $7800 and campus activists $3600 each, according to a report. Half of the violent protestors who have been arrested nationally are not students but NGO-affiliated agitators. Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group, and with the help of these NGOs, it is recruiting and radicalizing thousands of students across the country.  

The current students -- drawn from organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Within Our Lifetime (WOL), and others -- have been filmed calling for not only the killing of Israelis and Jews but also the dissolution of the US government and acts of terror on American soil.

These organizations have maintained both influential and radical friends, NGO Monitor explained in its new report released on Thursday, noting that JVP -- a fringe anti-Israel group that has often joined forces to coordinate events with SJP -- has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Other donors to JVP include the Open Society Policy Center and the Kaphan Foundation, among others.

As for SJP, one of its founders, Hatem Bazian, is also a co-founder of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), an advocacy group that, according to a landmark report last year by the National Association of Scholars (NAS), “retains ties to terrorist groups operating in the Palestinian Territories.” AMP is a growing power player in the US Democratic Party and has led several legislative initiatives aimed at eroding Democratic support for Israel.

NGO Monitor also named in its report Within Our Lifetime, a New York City-based group headed by a former City University of New York (CUNY) student who once threatened to set a Jewish student’s Israel Defense Forces (IDF) sweater on fire while he wore it. Since Oct. 7, WOL has openly cheered Hamas’ atrocities as the “right to resist zionist [sic] settle violence” and “Resistance in all its forms. By any means necessary” — an apparent endorsement of Hamas’ abductions and sexual violence against Israeli women…

Another group named in the new report, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), supports a network of allied groups, including AMP, JVP, and WESPAC. USCPR has received immense financial support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which has awarded it at least $355,000 since 2018…

According to NAS’s findings, JVP as of last year had received $480,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund… and the Tides Research Fund, a sponsor of Black Lives Matter, has given the group at least $75,000 since 2019... Additionally, Palestine Legal, a lawfare group founded in 2012 to support campus BDS groups like SJP, is the beneficiary of generous funding from Tides Foundation… 

There’s anecdotal evidence that, aside from the reputational costs to institutions that have abetted or tolerated this behavior, they are losing donors and applicants. (Not only are applications for new students down, but Brandeis and Yeshiva University have extended the deadline for transfer applications for students who wish to leave these cesspools.) Hedge Fund CEO Bill Ackmanpredicts substantial litigation and financial loss for schools that indulge in this behavior by faculties and students: 

Recent events at @Harvard@MIT@Columbia et al couldn’t provide more prima facie supporting evidence for the various Title VI and class action lawsuits against the universities. The complaints just need to be updated to include the new facts. The plaintiffs are going to have a field day in court. The universities’ unwillingness to follow their own stated rules has emboldened the protesters to amplify their anti-Israel, antisemitic, and anti-American messaging and actions. It’s remarkable that even the likely severe economic costs of the litigation doesn’t motivate the administrations and governing boards to address the situation. That’s likely because there are no shareholders and it is therefore other people’s money. Yet another failure of the non-profit model. I am surprised the state attorneys general have not gotten involved as they are supposed to be important ‘regulators’ of non-profits. While it doesn’t happen often, board members of nonprofits can be held personally liable for their failures as fiduciaries. I would not be surprised to see that happen here.

In a better world, the White House, Department of Justice, and FBI wouldn’t leave it to private litigants to redress actions targeting students and faculties for their religious beliefs and endorsing anti-American mayhem. In the interim, we can ridicule the hypocrisy of institutions that just recently punished students for misgendering others or for wearing sombreros to Halloween parties.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- April 29


Conservatives Need To Man up And Play By The New Rules

Good gosh, could the conservasissies be any conservasissier? That’s a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious. Yes. Yes, they can, and they do on a regular basis. Last week, we were treated to the glorious tableau of Texas cops of all the colors of the ethnic rainbow grabbing and manhandling scumbag Hamas-lovers off the lawn at the University of Texas. This should have been a time of celebration for us normal people. This should have been a time of joy. Instead, we got these conservative weenies upset that Greg Abbott was arresting people for exercising what they (wrongly) claim is their right to free speech.

Guys, if you want to know why we lose, there you go. This is how we lose. 

Let’s put aside the fact that Greg Abbott wasn’t sending these cops in to arrest those scumbags simply because they are anti-Semitic, though they are totally anti-Semitic. It wasn’t about their free speech. They were trespassing, harassing Jews, and camping out on the lawn like a bunch of Scat Francisco hobos. That’s not free speech. That’s a bunch of commies being jerks.

But what if the governor was stopping them from saying things we don’t like? What if Greg Abbott was abusing the right to free speech on a college campus, something which has never ever happened before in the history of ever, at least not since last week when the commissars sent in the local SWAT team because somebody misgendered a dude dressed like Lola Falana? If violating the right to free speech on a college campus in 2024 was against the rules, well, that’s news to me. 

We have to ask ourselves – what are the rules? What are the rules that apply in this situation? Well, it’s not free speech. I know what rules would apply if the situation involved one of the favored groups being threatened by a bunch of geebos chanting about ethnic cleansing them. But if you’re Jewish, it’s open season – at least in blue cities and blue states under blue college administrators. And the threats are A-OK if the target is a Christian, particularly a straight one who wields a penis. If it’s white rural ragers being stupid, bring in a National Guard battalion. But if you’re a bunch of motley degenerates with daddy issues and rings through their noses simping to save murderous communists in some foreign cesspool from righteous retribution, oh no. Send in the counselors.

Yeah, the barn door has kind of been left open on the whole “Hey, if we suppress their free speech on campus, they’ll suppress ours” formulation. Conservatives warning that if we are mean to them, they will be mean to us are hopeless. Let me draw your attention to the last 20 years of them suppressing our free speech on campus. The 2024 free speech rules are really simple. The commies get to do whatever they want, and it’s free speech. We attempt to exercise our free speech, and it’s a threat to Our Democracy. When a patriot like you exercises your rights, it’s violence, and your life gets ruined, and your job gets taken, and you get kicked out of school. Maybe you will even be prosecuted if you happen to be doing it in the People’s House because we normals are apparently no longer people anymore. For the commies, here’s a biscuit and a hug.

Well, unlike the Fredocons, folks like you and me don’t do two sets of rules. One set of rules, for everyone, applied good and hard. The new rules are in effect and may God have mercy on your souls.

Now, I am not saying that I like the new rules. I don’t – I think the new rules are bad. I’m just accepting that the rules have changed, stating what the new rules are, and strongly urging us to play by them. I want to be very clear, as I have been for nearly a decade,  because there are stupid people out there who can’t hear this often enough. I was against imposing the new rules. I argued against them. I warned people against these new rules time and time again. But you know what? I was overruled about the new rules. A lot of people, mostly leftists but some pseudo-conservatives, decided we would go with the new rules. Again, I told them it was a bad idea. I told them it would lead to outcomes that they would not be happy with, but they decided not to listen to me. No, they decided that they were smarter and wiser and blah blah blah blah blah and that suppressing the speech of bad people – like us – was a moral imperative.

Well, they got their new rules. Now they get to enjoy them, really hard and free of lubrication.

The new rules boil down to one thing – if you’ve got power, exercise it to promote your interests over the interests of your enemy. That’s it. That’s the basic rule in 2024. Suppressing the speech of your opponents is just one facet of it. Use the power you have ruthlessly to get what you want. This rule was generally in effect in the past until America changed it. Check out the Thucydides classic “The Peloponnesian War” and read The Melian Dialogue. TLDR: The strong do as they will, and the weak endure what they must. This should come as a hilarious surprise to the spoiled dirtbag students hanging out on the lawn because you know damn well none of them have ever read “The Peloponnesian War” in their gender studies seminars. Welcome to the red states, pinkos.

By the way, it’s kind of amusing how actively stupid these punks are. I mean, they’re just dumb. They think Thucydides is either a bespoke energy drink or a new STD that’s going around. These colleges are supposed to be prestigious institutions of higher education, but besides being unattractive, these people are just plain idiots. But I digress.

There are several important reasons why we must turn the new rules back upon our enemies. First, they deserve it. They are schmucks. They are bad people, and we should do everything we legally and morally can to cause them misery and to ensure that they are disconnected from any opportunity to govern, rule, or exercise any kind of authority whatsoever. I want them disenfranchised. I want them broken. I want them crushed and begging for mercy. Why am I so vindictive? I mean, besides that it’s fun? Self-preservation. I know what they will do to me given the chance because not only have they told me what they would do to me given the chance, when given the chance they did try to do it to me. Remember how they wanted to impoverish or put us in jail because we wouldn’t wear their stupid face masks or take their shots? The Red Guards are their role models, the Khmer Rouge are their ideal. 

There’s another good reason for ruthlessly inflicting the new rules upon them. They won’t ever learn otherwise. The one thing we cannot do is allow them to change the new rules and benefit from them while we unilaterally disarm and just accept it. There have to be painful consequences for their misdeeds, with an emphasis on the painful part. There was a time when conservatives actually believed in punishment. You know, someone violates another’s rights, and then we deprive him of his rights to both show him that he has misbehaved and to incentivize him not to misbehave in the future. Somehow, conservatives have lost the idea of punishment. The enemy is stripping us of our rights. It needs to suffer. Otherwise, there is zero chance the rules will ever change back.

But even if that doesn’t work to change back the rules, we need to viciously apply the new rules to them for a third reason. We can’t just roll over and sputter about our principles. If our leaders just sit there and take it without exacting vengeance, our people are going to leave. Human nature demands retribution. You do it to us, we’re going to do it back to you. That’s the essence of protecting your people. If you’re not willing to send the cops to clear these scumbags out of our campuses – and they are our campuses – then you’re not protecting your people. The people will find someone who will. So, protect our people like Greg Abbott did, or like Ron DeSantis will do if any of these human manure piles dare to try that crap in Florida.

Look, the conservasissies had had their chance and failed. Like Mr. and Mrs. Beatnik Flanders, they tried doing nothing, and now they’re all out of ideas. Well, I have an idea. Pain. Our enemies made new rules, and now the new rules need to become a field expedient colonoscopy.


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This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 


As this is not a political story- Offered for your consideration

On June 19, southern Mobile County, Ala., experienced torrential rain and severe flooding. Roads and some homes near the Fowl River were submerged.

John Corideo drove the solitary two-lane highways of southern Alabama, eyeing the roadside ditches. It had been raining off and on for days and Corideo, chief of the Fowl River Fire District, knew that if it continued, his department could be outmatched by floodwaters.

It kept raining. Water filled the ditches and climbed over roads, swallowing parts of a main highway. About 10 residents who needed to be rescued were brought back to the station in firetrucks. More remained stranded in floodwaters, out of the department’s reach. “That week … we just caught hell,” Corideo said.

What the residents and rescuers of the Fowl River region faced on that day was part of a dangerous phenomenon reshaping the southern United States: Rapidly rising seas are combining with storms to generate epic floods, threatening lives, property and livelihoods.

In the Fowl River’s case, unusually high tides slowed floodwaters as they went downstream to drain. This increased the water’s depth and flooded a wide expanse — even several miles upstream. The result was deluged roads, washed out cars and damaged houses from a flood that was larger, deeper and longer-lasting due to rising seas.

These supercharged floods are one of the most pernicious impacts of an unexpected surge in sea levels across the U.S. Gulf and southeast coasts — with the ocean rising an average of 6 inches since 2010, one of the fastest such changes in the world, according to a Washington Post examination of how sea level rise is affecting the region.

The Post’s analysis found that sea levels at a tide gauge near the Fowl River rose four times faster in 2010 to 2023 than over the previous four decades.

The rapid burst of sea level rise has struck a region spanning from Brownsville, Tex., to Cape Hatteras, N.C., where coastal counties are home to 28 million people. Outdated infrastructure built to manage water, some of it over a century old, cannot keep up. As a result, the seas are swallowing coastal land, damaging property, submerging septic tanks and making key roads increasingly impassable.

“Our canary in the coal mine for sea level rise is storm water flooding,” said Renee Collini, director of the Community Resilience Center at the Water Institute. “Each inch up of sea level rise reduces the effectiveness of our storm water to drain and the only place left for it to go is into our roads, yards, homes and businesses.”

To explore sea level rise in the region, The Post analyzed trends at federal tide gauges and drew on satellite data to compare the Gulf of Mexico with the rest of the globe. The Post also worked with Bret Webb, a coastal engineer at the University of South Alabama, to closely study the 2023 flood in the Fowl River region. A sophisticated river simulation Webb produced showed how higher seas would have turbocharged the flood, making it worse — with deeper waters covering a larger area for a longer time — than if the same event had occurred in an era of lower seas.

These analyses showed how much the ocean is rising and how it’s affecting flooding across this region, a preview of what other parts of the United States and the world that are affected by sea level rise will face in coming decades.

Key findings
  • The ocean off the U.S. Gulf and Southern Atlantic coasts has, since 2010, risen at about triple the rate experienced during the previous 30 years. In just the Gulf of Mexico, sea levels rose at twice the global rate over the past 14 years.
  • There are now more dangerous rain-driven and flash floods reported within 10 miles of the coast in the region. Their numbers increased by 42 percent from 2007 to 2022 — a total of 2,800 events, according to a Post analysis of National Weather Service data.
  • The Fowl River flood was caused by intense but not record-breaking thunderstorms that collided with high tides, according to Webb’s analysis. Working together, they caused the river to spill miles inland. The higher seas of today, compared with sea levels in 1967, would have increased the volume of the flood by nearly 10 percent of the river in its normal state, the analysis showed.


Human-caused climate change is driving an acceleration of sea level rise globally, largely because of the faster melting of the globe’s giant sheets of ice. Scientists do not know for certain why this region is experiencing a surge in sea levels beyond the global average, but one theory is that naturally occurring ocean currents are moving ever-warmer ocean water deep into the Gulf. This warm water expands and causes seas to rise. This comes on top of sinking land, which has long exacerbated sea level rise in the region.

“When I first moved here in 2007, the rule of thumb was a foot per century,” said Webb. “Well, looking back now in the last 20 years, we’ve gotten half of that in a fifth of the time.”

The Fowl River region is a quiet inland expanse of flat spaces and pine forests filled with large riverfront homes, more modest dwellings and a few mobile home parks. The wealthier inhabitants live along the wider stretches of the river and near the coast, and lower income residents generally populate rural areas upstream. The community is largely White, and the population swells in the summer, when people come to boat and fish in the river.



ANALYSIS: EV Projects Promise Thousands of Jobs, but Governments Are Spending Tens of Billions to Get Them

The Honda electric vehicle (EV) project announced on April 25 is the largest automotive investment in Canadian history, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Meanwhile, concerns have arisen over government subsidies for EV production totalling billions along with the involvement of foreign workers and a declining demand for EVs.
Since 2020, the federal government along with the provinces particularly Ontario and Quebec have provided tens of billions of dollars in subsidies for EV and EV battery manufacturing plants. Ottawa’s goal is to have all new light-duty vehicles sold in Canada, namely passenger cars, SUVs, and light trucks, be zero-emission by 2035.
So far, governments in Canada have worked with companies on four major projects to build EVs and EV parts, including large investments in battery technologies.

Government Aid

The first project involves the federal and Ontario governments in May 2022 initially giving Stellantis up to $529 million and $513 million respectively to modernize the automaker’s assembly plants in Windsor and Brampton, Ontario, and to step up EV production. The aid followed a March 2022 announcement by Stellantis and battery maker LG Energy Solution to jointly invest $5 billion to build a large-scale EV battery manufacturing facility in Windsor, adding that the plant will create an estimated 2,500 new jobs in the city and surrounding areas.
In comments to media about a year later, it was further clarified that the federal and Ontario government were providing $15 billion in tax incentives to the manufacturer.

The second project involves German automaker Volkswagen, which announced in March 2023 that its subsidiary PowerCo SE will establish an EV battery manufacturing plant in St. Thomas, Ontario—its first such plant overseas. The manufacturer says the plant will create up to 3,000 new jobs and tens of thousands more indirect jobs in the area.
The following month, the Ontario government said the province and Ottawa have approved between $8 billion and $13.2 billion in subsidies for the project, depending on production levels, noting that the project’s full economic impact is expected to match the government investment within five years. The province said it is also providing an additional $500 million in direct incentives to Volkswagen for the project.
Then in September 2023, the federal and Quebec governments promised Sweden-based Northvolt Batteries billions of dollars as part of welcoming the company’s decision to build a new EV battery manufacturing facility at a site in Saint-Basile-le-Grand and McMasterville, two towns just outside of Montreal. The first phase of the project, valued at $7 billion, will created up to 3,000 jobs in the region at full capacity, and “support tens of thousands of jobs across the country,” the Prime Minister’s Office said.

The funding included up to $4.6 billion in battery production incentives, with one-third paid by Quebec and the rest by the feds, along with up to around $2.7 billion in capital commitments toward the project, with just over half paid by Quebec and the rest by the feds.

The most recent EV project, announced on April 25, sees Honda building four new manufacturing plants in Ontario to boost the EV supply chain. These include an EV assembly plant, a battery manufacturing plant, and two plants focused on the production of cathode active material, a key raw material in battery production. The former two plants will create over 1,000 jobs, while the latter two will help to create thousands more direct and indirect jobs in Ontario and across Canada, the announcement said.

As part of the deal, the federal government has offered Honda an estimated $2.5 billion in support through the proposed EV Supply Chain investment tax credit and the proposed Clean Technology Manufacturing investment tax credit. In addition, Ontario will provide up to $2.5 billion through various direct and indirect incentives.

The true figures for all of the EV subsidies could be even higher, as a Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) report last November said the federal and provincial governments will be spending $5.8 billion more than expected on EV battery plants.
“We estimate the total cost of government support for EV battery manufacturing by Northvolt, Volkswagen, and Stellantis-LGES to be $43.6 billion over 2022-23 to 2032-33, which is $5.8 billion higher than the $37.7 billion in announced costs,” PBO Yves Giroux said in a November 2023 news release.

The Companies’ Contributions

The companies involved in the EV projects are investing billions of dollars of their own money in those projects. In their respective projects in Ontario, Honda says it is investing approximately $15 billion, while Volkswagen is committing $7 billion.
Northvolt will be putting around $4 billion into its $7 billion project in Quebec, while Stellantis and LG Energy Solution stated in 2022 that they would be spending over $5 billion on their Windsor project.
Conflicts between Stellantis and Ottawa led to the automaker briefly halting the construction of the Windsor EV battery plant in May 2023. The company, which makes Chrysler, Ram, and Fiat vehicles, among others, argued that the federal government was not keeping up its end of the deal regarding financial support.
Stellantis and South Korea-based LG Energy announced less than two months later that they had reached a deal with the federal and Ontario governments and resumed work on the project.
Ontario Economic Development Minister Vic Fedeli said at the time that Stellantis and LG expected to receive at least $15 billion in tax breaks in Canada over a period of around 10 years, which is equivalent to what the companies could receive if they had built their battery plant in the United States.

Foreign Workers and Government Funding

The construction of the Stellantis and LG Energy project also met with controversy after it was revealed that hundreds of the workers employed in building the plant were South Korean nationals on temporary work visas in Canada, rather than Canadian workers.

While Ottawa says the various projects will create thousands of new jobs and generate billions of dollars annually in revenues, none of them have yet been built, and the Stellantis project is not expected to be operational until at least 2025.

The issue of foreign temporary workers has been raised as a concern by Canada’s Building Trades Union (CBTU), which was critical of Canadian tax dollars being spent to subsidize foreign workers.

“Bringing approximately 900 South Korean workers to handle the installation of this equipment is not only an insult to Canadian taxpayers who funded this project with the understanding that jobs were going to Canadians, but it is a slap in the face to our workers and contractors, including those in Windsor, who are the most highly-skilled tradespeople in the world,” the CBTU said.

In an April 26 press release, following Ottawa’s announcement of the Honda deal, the Conservatives cited the CBTU’s concerns regarding foreign workers, saying they would introduce a motion on April 29 to force the federal government to reveal information on Canadian tax dollars being used to hire foreign workers instead of Canadians.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has also been critical of government funds going toward funding and subsidies for these companies.
“The feds need to draw the line somewhere because taxpayers can’t afford to bankroll everyone and their dog who wants to make batteries,” Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the CTF, said in a news release in July 2023.

Declining Interest

Another potential issue for the government and the companies investing billions in EV production could be promoting interest in the purchase of EVs.
Figures on new motor vehicle registrations from Statistics Canada show that between the third and fourth quarters of 2023, registrations of EVs, hybrid EVs, and plug-in hybrid EVs all declined in Canada.
In the United States, a Gallup poll published on April 8 said that while more Americans own EVs now than in 2023—7 percent, up from 4 percent—interest in purchasing an EV has declined among those who do not own one. Nearly half (48 percent) of those surveyed said they had no interest in purchasing an EV in the future, an increase of 7 percentage points from last year’s poll.

Ford announced last week that its losses from its EV and software division were at US$1.3 billion. Other major American manufacturers in the auto sector, including General Motors, also say they have yet to turn a profit from the manufacturing of EVs.

Reuters contributed to this report.